Elixir Github Star Ranking at 2016/05/21

Elixir Github Star Ranking at 2017/11/18

elixir-lang/elixir                         7008
Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications

phoenixframework/phoenix                   6336
Productive. Reliable. Fast.

h4cc/awesome-elixir                        3807
A curated list of amazingly awesome Elixir and Erlang libraries, resources and shiny things. Updates:

elixir-lang/ecto                           1744
A database wrapper and language integrated query for Elixir

seven1m/30-days-of-elixir                  1217
A walk through the Elixir language in 30 exercises.

dynamo/dynamo                              1001
Run, Dynamo, Run!

elixir-lang/plug                           838
A specification and conveniences for composable modules between web applications

ueberauth/guardian                         737
Elixir Authentication

rrrene/credo                               722
A static code analysis tool for the Elixir language with a focus on code consistency and teaching.

bitwalker/exrm                             684
Automatically generate a release for your Elixir project!

devinus/poison                             555
An incredibly fast, pure Elixir JSON library

bryanjos/elixirscript                      514
Converts Elixir to JavaScript

edgurgel/httpoison                         495
Yet Another HTTP client for Elixir powered by hackney

edgurgel/poxa                              490
Pusher server implementation compatible with Pusher client libraries.

HashNuke/hound                             488
Elixir library for writing integration tests and browser automation

boldpoker/edeliver                         428
Deployment for Elixir and Erlang

myfreeweb/httpotion                        423
The HTTP client for Elixir

falood/maru                                398
Elixir RESTful Framework 

trenpixster/addict                         374
User management lib for Phoenix Framework

bitwalker/timex                            373
A complete date/time library for Elixir projects.

elixir-web/weber                           372
[WiP] Web framework for Elixir inspired by Rails [#WeberMVC at freenode]

operable/cog                               340
Bringing the power of the command line to chat

graphql-elixir/graphql                     334
GraphQL Elixir

oreillymedia/etudes-for-elixir             334
Companion exercises for Introducing Elixir

hamiltop/rethinkdb-elixir                  324
Rethinkdb client in pure elixir (JSON protocol)

meh/elixir-socket                          321
Socket wrapping for Elixir.

akira/exq                                  318
Job processing library for Elixir  - compatible with Resque / Sidekiq

sasa1977/exactor                           311
Helpers for simpler implementation of GenServer based processes

pinterest/elixometer                       304
A light Elixir wrapper around exometer.

philss/floki                               292
Floki is a simple HTML parser that enables search for nodes using CSS selectors.

thoughtbot/ex_machina                      288
Create test data for Elixir applications

elixircnx/comeonin                         281
Password hashing library (bcrypt, pbkdf2_sha512) for the Elixir programming language

ericmj/postgrex                            281
PostgreSQL driver for Elixir

robconery/moebius                          277
An functional query tool for Elixir

jwhiteman/a-little-elixir-goes-a-long-way  273
The Little Schemer in Elixir.

c-rack/quantum-elixir                      269
Cron-like job scheduler for Elixir

sugar-framework/sugar                      266
Modular web framework for Elixir

absinthe-graphql/absinthe                  259
GraphQL for Elixir

alco/porcelain                             252
Work with external processes like a boss

meh/amnesia                                252
Mnesia wrapper for Elixir.

hexpm/hex                                  248
Package manager for the Erlang VM

batate/elixir-pipes                        245
Macros for more flexible composition with the Elixir Pipe operator

artemeff/exredis                           239
Redis client for Elixir

Zatvobor/tirexs                            237
An Elixir flavored HTTP client and DSL library for Elasticsearch

utkarshkukreti/ex_top                      236
ExTop is an interactive monitor for the Erlang VM written in Elixir.

jeremyjh/dialyxir                          234
Mix tasks to simplify use of Dialyzer in Elixir projects.

chrismccord/elixir_express                 231

bigardone/phoenix-battleship               229
The Good Old game, built with Elixir, Phoenix, React and Redux

msaraiva/atom-elixir                       228
An Atom package for Elixir

elixir-lang/ex_doc                         226
ExDoc produces HTML and online documentation for Elixir projects

stavro/arc                                 225
:paperclip: Flexible file upload and attachment library for Elixir

lpil/dogma                                 221
A code style linter for Elixir, powered by shame.

DockYard/elixir-mail                       218
Build composable mail messages

ueberauth/ueberauth                        214
An Elixir Authentication System for Plug-based Web Applications

thoughtbot/bamboo                          212
Testable, composable, and adapter based Elixir email library for devs that love piping.

edgurgel/verk                              207
  A job processing system that just verks!

drewolson/scrivener                        205
Pagination for the Elixir ecosystem

hahuang65/beaker                           201
Statistics and Metrics library for Elixir

scrogson/oauth2                            201
An Elixir OAuth 2.0 Client Library

AgilionApps/ja_serializer                  198
JSONAPI.org Serialization in Elixir.

awetzel/reaxt                              195
Use React template into your Elixir application for server rendering

dojo-toulouse/elixir-koans                 195
Small exercises to discover elixir by testing

chrismccord/atlas                          194
Object Relational Mapper for Elixir

elixirkoans/elixir-koans                   193
Elixir learning exercises

josephwilk/amrita                          191
A polite, well mannered and thoroughly upstanding testing framework for Elixir

straightdave/programming_elixir            187

antonmi/espec                              183
Elixir Behaviour Driven Development

BlakeWilliams/Elixir-Slack                 182
Slack real time messaging client in Elixir

lau/calendar                               178
date-time and time zone handling in Elixir

swoosh/swoosh                              178
Compose, deliver and test your emails easily in Elixir -

pragdave/earmark                           167
Markdown parser for Elixir

keathley/wallaby                           167
Concurrent browser tests with elixir

sasa1977/elixir-in-action                  167
Code samples for Elixir in Action book

parroty/extwitter                          167
Twitter client library for elixir. 

pinterest/riffed                           163
Provides idiomatic Elixir bindings for Apache Thrift

hexpm/hex_web                              160
API server and website for Hex

alco/benchfella                            159
Microbenchmarking tool for Elixir

bryanjos/joken                             158
Elixir JWT library

BennyHallett/obelisk                       156
Static Site Generator written in Elixir.

undeadlabs/discovery                       152
An OTP application for auto-discovering services with Consul

CultivateHQ/seat_saver                     152
Phoenix and Elm combined!

hedwig-im/hedwig                           147
An Adapter-based Bot Framework for Elixir Applications

lpil/mix-test.watch                        145
Because TDD is awesome.

manukall/phoenix_token_auth                143
Token authentication solution for Phoenix. Useful for APIs for e.g. single page apps.

parroty/exvcr                              142
HTTP request/response recording library for elixir, inspired by VCR.

rob-brown/MonadEx                          141
Upgrade your pipelines with monads.

igas/faker                                 141
Faker is a pure Elixir library for generating fake data.

jw2013/elixir-china                        138
Elixir China.

whatyouhide/redix                          133
Superfast, pipelined, resilient Redis driver for Elixir

meh/elixir-datastructures                  133
Datastructures for Elixir.

parroty/excheck                            130
Property-based testing library for Elixir (QuickCheck style).

CargoSense/ex_aws                          130
A flexible, easy to use set of clients AWS APIs for Elixir

talentdeficit/exjsx                        126
json for elixir

cblage/elixir-json                         126
Native JSON library for Elixir

nurugger07/calliope                        125
An elixir haml parser

michalmuskala/mongodb_ecto                 124
MongoDB adapter for Ecto

bryanjos/geo                               122
A collection of GIS functions for Elixir

pma/amqp                                   122
Idiomatic Elixir client for RabbitMQ

PSPDFKit-labs/bypass                       119
Bypass provides a quick way to create a custom plug that can be put in place instead of an actual HTTP server to return prebaked responses to client requests.

cpjk/canary                                118
Elixir authorization and resource-loading library for Plug applications.

bitwalker/exprotobuf                       118
Protocol Buffers in Elixir made easy!

jjh42/mock                                 118
Mocking library for Elixir language

bitwalker/conform                          118
Easy release configuration for Elixir apps!

batate/blacksmith                          118
Data generation framework for Elixir

edgurgel/tentacat                          117
Simple Elixir wrapper for the GitHub API

xerions/mariaex                            114
Pure elixir database driver for Mariadb / Mysql

batate/shouldi                             113
Elixir testing libraries with nested contexts, superior readability, and ease of use

AgilionApps/relax                          111
Simple Elixir implementation of a jsonapi.org server.

kamilc/mailman                             111
Mailman provides a clean way of defining mailers in your Elixir applications

sasa1977/fsm                               110
Finite State Machine data structure

hexedpackets/trot                          110
An Elixir web micro-framework.

joakimk/toniq                              109
Simple and reliable background job processing library for Elixir.

parroty/excoveralls                        109
Coverage report tool for Elixir with coveralls.io integration.

jeregrine/jsonapi                          108
JSON:API Serializer and Query Handler for Elixir

mrluc/mex                                  108
Readable, side-by-side macro-expansion display for Elixir's interactive shell.

chrismccord/mailgun                        107
Elixir Mailgun Client

sasa1977/con_cache                         106
ets based key/value cache with row level isolated writes and ttl support

lexmag/tty2048                             106
Terminal-based 2048 game written in Elixir

apeacox/nova                               106

AntonFagerberg/rackla                      104
Open Source API Gateway in Elixir

sproutapp/pavlov                           104
A BDD framework for your Elixir projects

CargoSense/vex                             103
Data Validation for Elixir

slogsdon/placid                            103
A REST toolkit for building highly-scalable and fault-tolerant HTTP APIs with Elixir

ShaneWilton/dissentr                       103

msaraiva/exsamples                         103
Initializes lists of maps, structs or keyword lists using tabular data in Elixir

elpassion/sprint-poker                     103
Online estimation tool for Agile teams.

hassox/phoenix_guardian                    103
A demo application showing usage of guardian and ueberauth

exercism/xelixir                           102
Exercism Exercises in Elixir

rrrene/elixirstatus-web                    101
Community site for Elixir project/blog post/version updates

drewkerrigan/riak-elixir-client            99
A Riak client written in Elixir.

chrismccord/linguist                       98
Elixir Internationalization library

henrik/progress_bar                        98
Command-line progress bars and spinners for Elixir.

route/mogrify                              97

mykewould/crutches                         96
Some Elixir support

slashmili/alchemist.vim                    96
Elixir Integration Into Vim

asonge/loom                                93
A CRDT library with δ-CRDT support.

rrrene/elixir-style-guide                  92
Style Guide for the Elixir language, implemented by Credo

BjRo/apex                                  92
Awesome printing for Elixir

opendrops/passport                         92
Provides authentication for phoenix application

beatrichartz/csv                           91
CSV Decoding and Encoding for Elixir

avdi/dotenv_elixir                         91
A port of dotenv to Elixir

robconery/stripity-stripe                  90
An Elixir Library for Stripe

asonge/graphql                             89
Elixir graphql library

bigardone/phoenix-toggl                    88
Toggl tribute done with Elixir, Phoenix Framework, React and Redux.

SenecaSystems/gutenex                      88
Native PDF generation for Elixir

whatyouhide/corsica                        85
Elixir library for dealing with CORS requests.

elixir-lang/gen_broker                     84

thestonefox/elixir_poolboy_example         83
An example and brief explanation on how to use Poolboy to manage and pool workers in Elixir

checkiz/elixir-mongo                       82
MongoDB driver for Elixir

elixircnx/openmaize                        81
Authentication library for Elixir

chrismccord/phoenix_haml                   81
Phoenix Template Engine for Haml

joshnuss/commerce_billing                  81
A payment processing library for Elixir

alfert/reaxive                             80
Reactive Extensions for Elixir

ericmj/decimal                             79
Arbitrary precision decimal arithmetic for Elixir

wojtekmach/github_ecto                     79
Ecto adapter for GitHub API

zyro/elixir-uuid                           79
UUID generator and utilities for Elixir

kafkaex/kafka_ex                           78
Kafka client library for Elixir

meh/reagent                                77
You need more reagents to conjure this server.

fishcakez/dbg                              77
Tracing for Elixir

nurugger07/chronos                         76
An elixir date/time library

HashNuke/rotor                             75
Super-simple build system for Elixir

fishcakez/connection                       75
Connection behaviour for connection processes

lau/calecto                                74
Adapter for the Calendar library in Ecto

zeromq/exzmq                               73
ZeroMQ for Elixir

elixir-lang/gettext                        73
gettext-based implementation for Elixir

graphql-elixir/plug_graphql                73
Phoenix Plug integration for GraphQL Elixir 

benjamintanweihao/the-little-elixir-otp-guidebook-code 72
Code examples for The Little Elixir & OTP Guidebook

phoenixframework/phoenix_pubsub            71
Distributed PubSub and Presence platform for the Phoenix Framework

ryanswapp/react-phoenix-starter-template   71
This is an example repo of using React with Phoenix

phoenixframework/phoenix_ecto              71
Phoenix and Ecto integration with support for concurrent acceptance testing

ma2gedev/power_assert_ex                   69
Power Assert in Elixir. Shows evaluation results each expression.

SenecaSystems/relisa                       69
Easy OTP release management and deployment for Elixir

henrik/sipper                              68
Elixir Sips downloader written in Elixir.

slime-lang/slime                           68
An Elixir library for rendering Slim-like templates.

fishcakez/dialyze                          68
Mix dialyzer task

bettyblocks/sql_dust                       67
Easy. Simple. Powerful. Generate (complex) SQL queries using magical Elixir SQL dust.

slime-lang/phoenix_slime                   67
Phoenix Template Engine for Slim

rmies/monad                                67
Monads and do-syntax for Elixir

bigardone/phoenix-react-redux-template     67
Application template for SPAs with Phoenix, React and Redux

jkakar/aws-elixir                          65
AWS clients for Elixir

kblake/functional-programming              65
Organize material to teach functional programming using Elixir

vinsol/nectarcommerce                      65
Quest for customizable E-commerce - the Elixir way

bitwalker/exirc                            63
IRC client adapter for Elixir projects

api-hogs/bureaucrat                        63
Generate Phoenix API documentation from tests

nurugger07/inflex                          63
An Inflector library for Elixir

meh/urna                                   63
REST in peace.

meh/cauldron                               62
I wonder what kind of Elixir is boiling in there.

tonini/alchemist-server                    61
Editor/IDE independent background server to inform about Elixir mix projects

yrashk/relex                               61
Erlang/Elixir Release Assembler

meh/jazz                                   61
Yet another library to handle JSON in Elixir.

BennyHallett/anubis                        60
Command Line application framework for Elixir

drewolson/ex_spec                          60
BDD-like syntax for ExUnit

nickgartmann/ashes                         59
A code generation tool for the Phoenix web framework

phoenixframework/phoenix_html              59
Phoenix.HTML functions for working with HTML strings and templates

devinus/sh                                 59
Run programs as functions in Elixir

scrogson/oauth2_example                    59
Authenticate with GitHub via OAuth2

garyf/json_web_token_ex                    59
An Elixir implementation of the JSON Web Token (JWT) Standards Track (RFC 7519)

zambal/eml                                 59
Library for writing and manipulating (html) markup in Elixir.

hassox/guardian_db                         57
Guardian DB integration for tracking tokens and ensuring logout cannot be replayed.

awetzel/sweet_xml                          57

appcues/exconstructor                      57
An Elixir library for generating struct constructors that handle external data with ease.

mschae/cors_plug                           57

tuvistavie/ex_cli                          57
User friendly CLI apps for Elixir

alco/hashids-elixir                        56
Stringify your ids

IdahoEv/cowboy-elixir-example              56
Examples of using Cowboy with Elixir

ekosz/bitcoin_arbitrage                    56
Find arbitrage opportunities in the MtGox bitcoin market

stavro/arc_ecto                            55
An integration with Arc and Ecto.

onkel-dirtus/logger_file_backend           55

StevenJL/parex                             55
An elixir module for parallel execution of functions/processes

zackehh/cachex                             55
A powerful caching library for Elixir with support for transactions, fallbacks and expirations -

josevalim/xgen                             54
Integrating Elixir, Mix and OTP

meadsteve/white-bread                      54
Story BDD tool for elixir using gherkin

ericmj/gaze                                54

DockYard/ecto_fixtures                     54
Fixtures for Elixir apps

tacticiankerala/elixir-weather             53
A command line weather app built using elixir

teamon/tesla                               53
HTTP client library, with support for middleware and multiple adapters.

stuart/elixir-webdriver                    53
WebDriver client for Elixir.

mururu/mongoex                             52
Elixir ODM-like module for MongoDB

cromwellryan/sweetelixir                   52
A Gentle Introduction to Erlang's Cute Little Brother

ericmj/mongodb                             52
MongoDB driver for Elixir

simonstl/introducing-elixir                52
Example code from Introducing Elixir.

endeepak/stub_on_web                       51
Create stub urls to test external API integration

elixir-addicts/rollbax                     51
Exception tracking and logging from Elixir to Rollbar

lexmag/msgpax                              51
MessagePack implementation for Elixir / msgpack.org[Elixir]

stuart/tuco_tuco                           50
Yet another South American rodent...a Capybara like web app testing tool for Elixir.

jarednorman/canada                         50
Easy permission definitions in Elixir apps!

awetzel/neovim-elixir                      50
Neovim host plugin for Elixir (use  https://github.com/awetzel/elixir.nvim for a packaged version)

tyrchen/chinese_translation                49
An elixir module to translate simplified Chinese to traditional Chinese, and vice versa, based on wikipedia data

phoenixframework/phoenix_live_reload       49
Provides live-reload functionality for Phoenix

bitgamma/plug_auth                         48
A collection of authentication-related plugs

stavro/remodel                             48
:necktie: An Elixir presenter package used to transform map structures.  "ActiveModel::Serializer for Elixir"

parroty/exprof                             48
A simple code profiler for Elixir using eprof.

koudelka/slacker                           47
An Elixir Slack bot! (work in progress)

google/strabo                              47

parroty/oauth2ex                           47
An OAuth 2.0 client library for elixir.

meadsteve/chaos-spawn                      46
Chaotic spawning for elixir

yrashk/genx                                46
Elixir-style library for most important OTP functionality

alco/ws-elixir                             46
A WebSocket server written in Elixir, based on cowboy

tleyden/neurlang                           46
Neural Network library in Elixir / Erlang 

antonmi/espec_phoenix                      45
ESpec for Phoenix web framework.

liveforeverx/exrun                         45
Runtime and debugging tools for elixir

benjamintanweihao/blitzy                   45
A simple HTTP load tester in Elixir

azukiapp/elixir-rethinkdb                  44
A Elixir client driver for RethinkDB.

DockYard/inquisitor                        44
Composable query builder for Ecto

slogsdon/mandrill-elixir                   44
a Mandrill wrapper for Elixir

gogogarrett/phoenix_crud                   44
A simple CRUD application using Elixir and the Phoenix framework

sasa1977/workex                            43
Load control in BEAM processes.

d0rc/exrabbit                              43
Simple rabbitmq bindings for elixir

omnibs/elixir-linq-examples                43
C#'s 101 LINQ Samples translated to Elixir (not ecto)

tryelixir/tryelixir                        43
Try Elixir web page.

cazrin/stranger                            43
Chat anonymously with a randomly chosen stranger

fishcakez/db_connection                    43
Database connection behaviour

PSPDFKit-labs/sidetask                     42
:awesome = Elixir's Task ++ Basho's sidejob library

badosu/coil                                42
Coil is a minimalistic static content engine written in elixir

nickmeharry/elixir-monad                   42
A monadic system for the Elixir language

mneudert/instream                          42
InfluxDB driver for Elixir

joshnuss/phoenix-billing-demo              41
A demo of using commerce_billing with phoenix

MyMedsAndMe/marco_polo                     41
Marco Polo is a binary OrientDB driver for Elixir.

Luminarys/Kaguya                           41
A small, powerful, and modular IRC bot

bitwalker/timex_ecto                       41
An adapter for using Timex DateTimes with Ecto

devinus/execjs                             41
Run JavaScript code from Elixir

lehoff/acquirex                            41
Elixir implementation of the logic for the board game Acquire. Presented at NDC Oslo 2015 - see video:

bakeware/bake                              40
Configure, compile and share systems, toolchains and linux firmware.

mweibel/facebook.ex                        40
Facebook Graph API Wrapper written in Elixir

KanColleTool/KanColleTool                  40
Makes KanColle better.

antp/mailer                                40

oslampa/seagull                            39
Simple GUI library for Elixir language based on wxErlang

atomic-fads/plasm                          39
Ecto's composable query multitool (.count, .random, .first_inserted, .last_inserted, .find, .inserted_before, .inserted_after, etc.)

pragdave/otp_dsl                           39
A simple Elixir DSL for creating GenServers

khia/exlager                               39
Elixir binding for lager

phoenixframework/phoenix_pubsub_redis      39
The Redis PubSub adapter for the Phoenix framework

danielberkompas/ex_twilio                  38
Twilio API client for Elixir

srid/slownews                              38
Bringing slow news for the nervous among us

Diamond/pxblog                             38
Phoenix Blog Engine from my tutorial

jonasschmidt/ex_json_schema                38
An Elixir JSON Schema validator

janjiss/elixir-stream-phoenix              38
ElixirStream codebase

MyMedsAndMe/spell                          38
Spell is a Web Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP) client implementation in Elixir. WAMP is an open standard WebSocket subprotocol that provides two application messaging patterns in one unified protocol: Remote Procedure Calls + Publish & Subscribe: http://wamp.ws/

maximk/lingex                              37
A Elixir mix task for building images using Erlang on Xen build service

bitgamma/boltun                            37
Transforms notifications from the Postgres LISTEN/NOTIFY mechanism into callback execution

cometaworks/fast_fuzzy_search_in_phoenix_and_ecto 37
A tutorial on introducing a very fast fuzzy text search in Postgresql using Phoenix and Ecto

bitwalker/combine                          37
A parser combinator library for Elixir projects

ride/exrm-heroku                           37
Publish your Elixir releases to Heroku with ease.

jazzyb/sqlite_ecto                         37
SQLite3 adapter for Ecto

navinpeiris/ex_unit_notifier               37
Desktop notifications for ExUnit

johnhamelink/exrm_deb                      37
Create a deb for your elixir release with ease

joekain/bmark                              37
A benchmarking tool for Elixir

lycus/flect                                37
A pragmatic, functional systems programming language.

bryanjos/elixir-estree                     37
The ESTree Nodes and JavaScript AST to JavaScript Code Generator in Elixir

danielberkompas/cloak                      37
Elixir encryption library designed for Ecto

gjaldon/ecto_enum                          37
Ecto extension to support enums in models

SenecaSystems/imagineer                    36
Image processing in Elixir

Primordus/Cure                             36
Small library that interfaces C-code with Erlang/Elixir using Ports.

suvash/hulaaki                             36
An MQTT 3.1.1 client library written in Elixir

lyons/ExKanren                             36
Relational programming in Elixir

nerves-project/nerves-examples             36
A couple small examples to demonstrate using Nerves

SebastianSzturo/kaisuu                     36
Japan's Kanji Usage on Twitter in Realtime

pgr0ss/elixir_experience                   36
Interactive website for learning elixir. Formerly http://elixirexperience.com

herenowcoder/reprise                       36
Simplified module reloader for Elixir

lpil/elixre                                35
An Elixir regular expression editor & tester.

chvanikoff/apns4ex                         35
APNS for Elixir

zv/Artifact                                35
A new kind of database

a115/exmatrix                              35
Elixir library implementing a parallel matrix multiplication algorithm and other utilities for working with matrices. Used for benchmarking computationally intensive concurrent code. 

mroth/exmoji                               35
:sunglasses: Emoji encoding swiss army knife for Elixir/Erlang

chadbrading/phoenix-webrtc                 35
Enable video chat in a Phoenix application

ueberauth/ueberauth_example                34
Example Phoenix application using Überauth for authentication

smpallen99/exrm-rpm                        34
Create a rpm for your elixir release with ease

qhool/quaff                                34
Erlang/Elixir helpers

alfert/mqttex                              34
MQTT implementation in Elixir

jeffweiss/plug_statsd                      34
Send connection response time and count to statsd

sasa1977/erlangelist                       33
Source code of The Erlangelist blog

koudelka/honeydew                          33
Job queue + worker pool for Elixir. 

chvanikoff/reph                            33
React/Redux + Phoenix (Elixir)

CargoSense/ex_statsd                       33
StatsD Client for Elixir

straightdave/advanced_elixir               33

adlawson/search-algorithms                 33
Search algorithms implemented in different languages

meh/exquisite                              33
LINQ-like match_spec generation for Elixir.

epsanchezma/elixir-contracts               33
Desing by Contracts for Elixir

zhyu/nadia                                 33
Telegram Bot API Wrapper written in Elixir

pcmarks/ElixirFBP                          32
An Elixir implementation of Flow-based Programming

lexmag/statix                              32
Expose app metrics in the StatsD protocol

cibernox/storyteller                       32
Storyteller application built with Exilir and Dynamo. Is a concurrent storyteller.

clarkware/jolt                             32
A full REST JSON API with zero coding, powered by Elixir.

sinetris/factory_girl_elixir               32
Minimal implementation of Ruby's factory_girl in Elixir.

rubencaro/sshex                            31
Simple SSH helpers for Elixir. SSH is useful, but we all love SSHEx !

vishnevskiy/raven-elixir                   31
Raven is an Elixir client for Sentry (getsentry.com)

bcardarella/elixirdaze-api-demo            31

wojtekmach/oop                             31
OOP in Elixir!

Quviq/eqc_ex                               30
QuickCheck for Elixir

mururu/msgpack-elixir                      30
MessagePack Implementation for Elixir / msgpack.org[Elixir]

lexmag/simetric                            30
String similarity metrics for Elixir

djm/table_rex                              30
An Elixir app which generates text-based tables for display

grempe/ex_rated                            30
ExRated, the Elixir OTP GenServer with the naughty name that allows you to rate-limit calls to any service that requires it.

cit/MLDHT                                  30
MLDHT is an elixir package that provides a mainline DHT implementation according to BEP 05.

navinpeiris/logster                        30
Easility parsable single line logger for Elixir Plugs and Phoenix apps. Heavily inspired by roidrage/lograge

Aircloak/phoenix_gen_socket_client         30
Socket client behaviour for phoenix channels

luizbafilho/hydra                          30
Hydra is a distributed benchmark tool written in Elixir

joshnuss/xml_builder                       30
Elixir library for generating xml