Elixir Github Star Ranking at 2017/11/18

elixir-lang/elixir                         11509
Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications

phoenixframework/phoenix                   10690
Productive. Reliable. Fast.

h4cc/awesome-elixir                        7317
A curated list of amazingly awesome Elixir and Erlang libraries, resources and shiny things. Updates:

elixir-ecto/ecto                           3071
A database wrapper and language integrated query for Elixir

christopheradams/elixir_style_guide        2434
A community driven style guide for Elixir

rrrene/credo                               2193
A static code analysis tool for the Elixir language with a focus on code consistency and teaching.

seven1m/30-days-of-elixir                  2150
A walk through the Elixir language in 30 exercises.

sergiotapia/magnetissimo                   2018
Web application that indexes all popular torrent sites, and saves it to the local database.

ueberauth/guardian                         1909
Elixir Authentication

absinthe-graphql/absinthe                  1569
The GraphQL toolkit for Elixir

elixir-plug/plug                           1555
A specification and conveniences for composable modules between web applications

bitwalker/distillery                       1460
A pure Elixir implementation of release packaging functionality for the Erlang VM

edeliver/edeliver                          1392
Deployment for Elixir and Erlang

devinus/poison                             1261
An incredibly fast, pure Elixir JSON library

thechangelog/changelog.com                 1194
Hacker to the 💚

edgurgel/httpoison                         1157
Yet Another HTTP client for Elixir powered by hackney

dynamo/dynamo                              1087
Run, Dynamo, Run!

elixirscript/elixirscript                  1078
Converts Elixir to JavaScript

bitwalker/exrm                             930
Automatically generate a release for your Elixir project!

elixir-maru/maru                           889
Elixir RESTful Framework 

HashNuke/hound                             885
Elixir library for writing integration tests and browser automation

smpallen99/ex_admin                        853
ExAdmin is an auto administration package for Elixir and the Phoenix Framework

thoughtbot/ex_machina                      847
Create test data for Elixir applications

c-rack/quantum-elixir                      814
Cron-like job scheduler for Elixir

bitwalker/timex                            802
A complete date/time library for Elixir projects.

operable/cog                               793
Bringing the power of the command line to chat

elixirkoans/elixir-koans                   780
Elixir learning exercises

thoughtbot/bamboo                          769
Testable, composable, and adapter based Elixir email library for devs that love piping.

losvedir/ephemeral2                        758
Ephemeral P2P over websockets, Phoenix/Elixir.

graphql-elixir/graphql                     755
GraphQL Elixir

akira/exq                                  708
Job processing library for Elixir  - compatible with Resque / Sidekiq

philss/floki                               705
Floki is a simple HTML parser that enables search for nodes using CSS selectors.

riverrun/comeonin                          697
Password hashing library for the Elixir programming language

smpallen99/coherence                       684
Coherence is a full featured, configurable authentication system for Phoenix

stavro/arc                                 682
:paperclip: Flexible file upload and attachment library for Elixir

ueberauth/ueberauth                        647
An Elixir Authentication System for Plug-based Web Applications

mroth/phoenix-showdown                     641
:horse_racing: benchmark Sinatra-like web frameworks

edgurgel/poxa                              617
Pusher server implementation compatible with Pusher client libraries.

myfreeweb/httpotion                        606
The HTTP client for Elixir

jeremyjh/dialyxir                          605
Mix tasks to simplify use of Dialyzer in Elixir projects.

kittoframework/kitto                       604
Kitto is a framework for interactive dashboards written in Elixir

nerves-project/nerves                      603
Craft and deploy bulletproof embedded software in Elixir

trenpixster/addict                         596
User management lib for Phoenix Framework

pinterest/elixometer                       592
A light Elixir wrapper around exometer.

alco/porcelain                             557
Work with external processes like a boss

elixir-lang/gen_stage                      539
Producer and consumer pipelines with back-pressure for Elixir

keathley/wallaby                           537
Concurrent browser tests with elixir

ex-aws/ex_aws                              533
A flexible, easy to use set of clients AWS APIs for Elixir

shinyscorpion/wobserver                    525
Web based metrics, monitoring, and observer

meh/elixir-socket                          498
Socket wrapping for Elixir.

discordapp/manifold                        494
Fast batch message passing between nodes for Erlang/Elixir.

sasa1977/exactor                           493
Helpers for simpler implementation of GenServer based processes

vt-elixir/ja_serializer                    492
JSONAPI.org Serialization in Elixir.

elixir-lang/ex_doc                         491
ExDoc produces HTML and EPUB documentation for Elixir projects

elixir-ecto/postgrex                       486
PostgreSQL driver for Elixir

teamon/tesla                               482
The flexible HTTP client library for Elixir, with support for middleware and multiple adapters.

antonmi/espec                              471
Elixir Behaviour Driven Development

hamiltop/rethinkdb-elixir                  467
Rethinkdb client in pure elixir (JSON protocol)

wojtekmach/acme_bank                       443
An example ☂ project

robconery/moebius                          441
A functional query tool for Elixir

lpil/exfmt                                 441
🌸 An opinionated Elixir source code formatter.

lpil/dogma                                 440
👮  A code style linter for Elixir, powered by shame.

hashrocket/gatling                         432
Deployment tool for Phoenix apps

meh/amnesia                                430
Mnesia wrapper for Elixir.

oreillymedia/etudes-for-elixir             418
Companion exercises for Introducing Elixir

hexpm/hex                                  409
Package manager for the Erlang VM

bigardone/phoenix-battleship               407
The Good Old game, built with Elixir, Phoenix, React and Redux

slashmili/alchemist.vim                    407
Elixir Integration Into Vim

nccgroup/sobelow                           404
Security-focused static analysis for the Phoenix Framework

msaraiva/atom-elixir                       402
An Atom package for Elixir

edgurgel/verk                              389
  A job processing system that just verks!

scrogson/oauth2                            386
An Elixir OAuth 2.0 Client Library

hedwig-im/hedwig                           381
An Adapter-based Bot Framework for Elixir Applications

elixir-web/weber                           377
[WiP] Web framework for Elixir inspired by Rails [#WeberMVC at freenode]

hexpm/hexpm                                376
API server and website for Hex

fredwu/crawler                             375
A high performance web crawler in Elixir.

Zatvobor/tirexs                            375
An Elixir flavored HTTP client and DSL library for Elasticsearch

sasa1977/con_cache                         373
ets based key/value cache with row level isolated writes and ttl support

BlakeWilliams/Elixir-Slack                 369
Slack real time messaging and web API client in Elixir

grych/drab                                 367
Remote control of the User Interface directly from Phoenix

swoosh/swoosh                              363
Compose, deliver and test your emails easily in Elixir -

sasa1977/elixir-in-action                  359
Code samples for Elixir in Action book

FarmBot/farmbot_os                         356
The operating system and all related software that runs on FarmBot's Raspberry Pi.

whatyouhide/redix                          354
Fast, pipelined, resilient Redis driver for Elixir

lpil/mix-test.watch                        354
🎁   Because TDD is awesome.

bitwalker/libcluster                       349
Automatic cluster formation/healing for Elixir applications

drewolson/scrivener                        349
Pagination for the Elixir ecosystem

PSPDFKit-labs/bypass                       342
Bypass provides a quick way to create a custom plug that can be put in place instead of an actual HTTP server to return prebaked responses to client requests.

bitwalker/swarm                            342
Easy clustering, registration, and distribution of worker processes for Erlang/Elixir

bryanjos/joken                             338
Elixir JWT library

igas/faker                                 337
Faker is a pure Elixir library for generating fake data.

sugar-framework/sugar                      333
Modular web framework for Elixir

whitfin/cachex                             330
A powerful caching library for Elixir with support for transactions, fallbacks and expirations -

elixir-lang/flow                           330
Computational parallel flows on top of GenStage

pragdave/earmark                           329
Markdown parser for Elixir

commanded/commanded                        327
Use Commanded to build Elixir CQRS/ES applications

parroty/exvcr                              326
HTTP request/response recording library for elixir, inspired by VCR.

straightdave/programming_elixir            324

discordapp/fastglobal                      323
Fast no copy globals for Elixir & Erlang.

cpjk/canary                                316
Elixir authorization and resource-loading library for Plug applications.

jwhiteman/a-little-elixir-goes-a-long-way  316
The Little Schemer in Elixir.

parroty/excoveralls                        313
Coverage report tool for Elixir with coveralls.io integration.

thoughtbot/constable                       313
Better company announcements

bitwalker/conform                          309
Easy, powerful, and extendable configuration tooling for releases.

artemeff/exredis                           306
Redis client for Elixir

PragTob/benchee                            303
Easy and extensible benchmarking in Elixir providing you with lots of statistics!

evercam/evercam-server                     303
Cloud CCTV Server (Phoenix)

alco/benchfella                            303
Microbenchmarking tool for Elixir

bryanjos/geo                               295
A collection of GIS functions for Elixir

batate/elixir-pipes                        295
Macros for more flexible composition with the Elixir Pipe operator

kagux/ex_debug_toolbar                     293
A debug web toolbar for Phoenix projects to display all sorts of information about request

lau/calendar                               292
date-time and time zone handling in Elixir

bitwalker/exprotobuf                       292
Protocol Buffers in Elixir made easy!

fredwu/simple_bayes                        291
A Naive Bayes machine learning implementation in Elixir.

commanded/eventstore                       291
CQRS event store using PostgreSQL for persistence

code-corps/stripity_stripe                 288
An Elixir Library for Stripe

parroty/extwitter                          282
Twitter client library for elixir. 

hassox/phoenix_guardian                    280
A demo application showing usage of guardian and ueberauth

kbrw/reaxt                                 274
Use React template into your Elixir application for server rendering

Recruitee/mix_docker                       274
Put your Elixir app production release inside minimal docker image

urbint/cortex                              274
The intelligent coding assistant for Elixir

hahuang65/beaker                           272
Statistics and Metrics library for Elixir

chrismccord/elixir_express                 269

CargoSense/vex                             269
Data Validation for Elixir

pma/amqp                                   267
Idiomatic Elixir client for RabbitMQ

StephenGrider/ElixirCode                   266
Reference Repo for an Elixir course on Udemy.com

poteto/terraform                           266
A simple plug for incrementally transforming an API into Phoenix. Check out the blog post:

utkarshkukreti/ex_top                      266
ExTop is an interactive monitor for the Erlang VM written in Elixir.

jjh42/mock                                 266
Mocking library for Elixir language

BennyHallett/obelisk                       264
Static Site Generator written in Elixir.

rrrene/elixir-style-guide                  261
Style Guide for the Elixir language, implemented by Credo

pinterest/riffed                           255
Provides idiomatic Elixir bindings for Apache Thrift

DockYard/elixir-mail                       254
Build composable mail messages

xerions/phoenix_swagger                    254
Swagger integration to Phoenix framework

expede/witchcraft                          252
Monads and other dark magic for Elixir

joakimk/toniq                              249
Simple and reliable background job processing library for Elixir.

sheharyarn/que                             249
Simple Job Processing in Elixir with Mnesia :zap:

parroty/excheck                            248
Property-based testing library for Elixir (QuickCheck style).

benjamintanweihao/the-little-elixir-otp-guidebook-code 248
Code examples for The Little Elixir & OTP Guidebook

dojo-toulouse/elixir-koans                 246
Small exercises to discover elixir by testing

infinitered/thesis-phoenix                 243
A lightweight, bolt-on, intuitive content editing system for Elixir/Phoenix websites. Star this repo and follow along with our progress!

ankhers/mongodb_ecto                       241
MongoDB adapter for Ecto

vinsol/nectarcommerce                      239
Quest for customizable E-commerce - the Elixir way

hexedpackets/trot                          238
An Elixir web micro-framework.

beatrichartz/csv                           238
CSV Decoding and Encoding for Elixir

sasa1977/fsm                               237
Finite State Machine data structure

rob-brown/MonadEx                          235
Upgrade your pipelines with monads.

edgurgel/tentacat                          233
Simple Elixir wrapper for the GitHub API

discordapp/semaphore                       226
Fast semaphore using ETS.

jeregrine/jsonapi                          226
JSON:API Serializer and Query Handler for Elixir

labzero/bootleg                            226
Simple deployment and server automation for Elixir.

codedge-llc/pigeon                         225
iOS and Android push notifications for Elixir

ankhers/mongodb                            220
MongoDB driver for Elixir

patrickdavey/caster                        220
Videocasts browser

plataformatec/nimble_csv                   219
A simple and fast CSV parsing and dumping library for Elixir

BjRo/apex                                  216
Awesome printing for Elixir

kblake/functional-programming              215
Organize material to teach functional programming using Elixir

tony612/grpc-elixir                        213
The Elixir implementation of gRPC

route/mogrify                              212
Image processing in Elixir (ImageMagick command line wrapper)

whatyouhide/corsica                        212
Elixir library for dealing with CORS requests.

robinmonjo/coincoin                        212
Blockchain based cryptocurrency proof-of-concept in Elixir. Feedback welcome

gjaldon/ecto_enum                          211
Ecto extension to support enums in models

kafkaex/kafka_ex                           211
Kafka client library for Elixir

AntonFagerberg/rackla                      209
Open Source API Gateway in Elixir

undeadlabs/discovery                       207
An OTP application for auto-discovering services with Consul

riverrun/openmaize                         205
Authentication library for Plug-based applications in Elixir

josephwilk/amrita                          204
A polite, well mannered and thoroughly upstanding testing framework for Elixir

exercism/elixir                            202
Exercism exercises in Elixir.

JakeBecker/elixir-ls                       197
A frontend-independent IDE "smartness" server for Elixir. Implements the JSON-based "Language Server Protocol" standard and provides debugger support via VS Code's debugger protocol.

jw2013/elixir-china                        197
Elixir China.

jobfriender/PeerChat                       196
PeerChat is a small Project for Audio/Video Chat Using WebRTC

chrismccord/atlas                          195
Object Relational Mapper for Elixir

koudelka/honeydew                          195
Distributed Job Queue + Worker Pool for Elixir. 💪🏻🍈

xerions/mariaex                            188
Pure Elixir database driver for MariaDB / MySQL

henrik/progress_bar                        188
Command-line progress bars and spinners for Elixir.

CultivateHQ/seat_saver                     188
Phoenix and Elm combined!

geolessel/react-phoenix                    186
Make rendering React.js components in Phoenix easy

drewolson/scrivener_ecto                   186
Paginate your Ecto queries with Scrivener

cblage/elixir-json                         186
Native JSON library for Elixir

tony612/exchat                             181
A Slack-like app by Elixir, Phoenix & React(redux)

ueberauth/guardian_db                      181
Guardian DB integration for tracking tokens and ensuring logout cannot be replayed.

code-corps/code-corps-api                  180
Elixir/Phoenix API for Code Corps.

zyro/elixir-uuid                           179
UUID generator and utilities for Elixir

rrrene/elixirstatus-web                    177
Community site for Elixir project/blog post/version updates

antonmi/flowex                             177
Flow-Based Programming framework for Elixir

tonini/alchemist-server                    173
Editor/IDE independent background server to inform about Elixir mix projects

meh/elixir-datastructures                  173
Datastructures for Elixir.

plataformatec/mox                          173
Mocks and explicit contracts in Elixir

slime-lang/phoenix_slime                   173
Phoenix Template Engine for Slim

slime-lang/slime                           173
Minimalistic HTML templates for Elixir, inspired by Slim.

SenecaSystems/gutenex                      173
Native PDF generation for Elixir

pragdave/quixir                            172
Property-based testing for Elixir

kbrw/sweet_xml                             171

schrockwell/bodyguard                      170
Simple authorization conventions for Phoenix apps

bigardone/phoenix-toggl                    167
Toggl tribute done with Elixir, Phoenix Framework, React and Redux.

phoenixframework/phoenix_pubsub            166
Distributed PubSub and Presence platform for the Phoenix Framework

getsentry/sentry-elixir                    166
The official Elixir SDK for Sentry (sentry.io)

drewkerrigan/riak-elixir-client            166
A Riak client written in Elixir.

onkel-dirtus/logger_file_backend           164

stavro/arc_ecto                            164
An integration with Arc and Ecto.

tpoulsen/focus                             164
Lightweight, pure Elixir lenses

authentic-pixels/ex-shop                   164
Digital goods shop & blog created using Elixir (Phoenix framework)

jkakar/aws-elixir                          164
AWS clients for Elixir

nurugger07/calliope                        163
An elixir haml parser

manukall/phoenix_token_auth                161
Token authentication solution for Phoenix. Useful for APIs for e.g. single page apps.

danielberkompas/cloak                      160
Elixir encryption library designed for Ecto

IdahoEv/cowboy-elixir-example              159
Examples of using Cowboy with Elixir

mschae/cors_plug                           159
An Elixir Plug to add CORS.

bigardone/phoenix-and-elm                  159
Example application using Elixir, Phoenix and Elm

opendrops/passport                         158
Provides authentication for phoenix application

piotrklibert/pyscrapex                     157

fr1zle/vscode-elixir                       156
Elixir support for VSCode https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=mjmcloug.vscode-elixir

thestonefox/elixir_poolboy_example         156
An example and brief explanation on how to use Poolboy to manage and pool workers in Elixir

whatyouhide/stream_data                    156
Data generation and property testing for Elixir

asonge/loom                                155
A CRDT library with δ-CRDT support.

chrismccord/mailgun                        155
Elixir Mailgun Client

fishcakez/connection                       155
Connection behaviour for connection processes

cabol/nebulex                              153
A fast, flexible and powerful caching library for Elixir – not only local but also distributed!

elixir-lang/gettext                        153
gettext-based implementation for Elixir

droptheplot/awesome-phoenix                152
:fire: Collection of awesome open-source apps made with Phoenix Framework

mailman-elixir/mailman                     152
Mailman provides a clean way of defining mailers in your Elixir applications

alfert/reaxive                             151
Reactive Extensions for Elixir

elpassion/sprint-poker                     149
Online estimation tool for Agile teams.

talentdeficit/exjsx                        149
json for elixir

ericmj/decimal                             149
Arbitrary precision decimal arithmetic

batate/blacksmith                          148
Data generation framework for Elixir

CrowdHailer/OK                             148
Elegant error handling for elixir pipelines

jarednorman/canada                         147
Easy permission definitions in Elixir apps!

appcues/exconstructor                      145
An Elixir library for generating struct constructors that handle external data with ease.

ma2gedev/power_assert_ex                   145
Power Assert in Elixir. Shows evaluation results each expression.

costajob/app-servers                       145
App Servers benchmarked for: Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Dart, Elixir, Java, Clojure, Scala, C#, Swift, Crystal, D, GO, Nim, Rust

slogsdon/placid                            144
A REST toolkit for building highly-scalable and fault-tolerant HTTP APIs with Elixir

daryllxd/lifelong-learning                 144
studies, among other things

mustafaturan/shield                        143
Shield is an OAuth2 Provider hex package and also a standalone microservice build top of the Phoenix Framework and 'authable' package. (with Heroku Deploy Button) 

liuggio/money                              143
Elixir library for working with Money safer, easier, and fun... Is an interpretation of the Fowler's Money pattern in fun.prog.

grempe/ex_rated                            142
ExRated, the Elixir OTP GenServer with the naughty name that allows you to rate-limit calls to any service that requires it.

elixir-addicts/rollbax                     142
Exception tracking and logging from Elixir to Rollbar

elixirdrops/kerosene                       139
Pagination for Ecto and Pheonix.

robconery/peach                            139
An experimental ecommerce thing for Elixir

bors-ng/bors-ng                            138
👁 A merge bot for GitHub Pull Requests

alco/hashids-elixir                        138
Stringify your ids

zhyu/nadia                                 138
Telegram Bot API Wrapper written in Elixir

pcorey/elixir_poster                       137

api-hogs/bureaucrat                        137
Generate Phoenix API documentation from tests

izelnakri/paper_trail                      137
Track and record all the changes in your database with Ecto. Revert back to anytime in history.

lexmag/msgpax                              137
MessagePack implementation for Elixir / msgpack.org[Elixir]

pprzetacznik/IElixir                       136
Jupyter's kernel for Elixir programming language

lexmag/tty2048                             135
Terminal-based 2048 game written in Elixir

Dania02525/apartmentex                     135
SaaS support for Phoenix + Ecto

danielberkompas/ex_twilio                  135
Twilio API client for Elixir

nerves-project/nerves_examples             135
A couple small examples to demonstrate using Nerves

avdi/dotenv_elixir                         134
A port of dotenv to Elixir

mrluc/mex                                  133
Readable, side-by-side macro-expansion display for Elixir's interactive shell.

devonestes/fast-elixir                     133
:dash: Writing Fast Elixir :heart_eyes: -- Collect Common Elixir idioms.

joshnuss/commerce_billing                  133
A payment processing library for Elixir

inaka/Dayron                               131
A repository `similar` to Ecto.Repo that maps to an underlying http client, sending requests to an external rest api instead of a database

elixir-lang/registry                       131
A local, decentralized and scalable key-value process storage - merged into Elixir v1.4

expede/quark                               130
Common combinators for Elixir

phoenixframework/phoenix_ecto              129
Phoenix and Ecto integration with support for concurrent acceptance testing

lbighetti/elixir-phoenix-realworld         129
Elixir + Phoenix implementation of realworld backend api

chrismccord/phoenix_haml                   129
Phoenix Template Engine for Haml

batate/shouldi                             129
Elixir testing libraries with nested contexts, superior readability, and ease of use

wojtekmach/oop                             129
OOP in Elixir!

meadsteve/white-bread                      129
🍞 Story BDD tool for elixir using gherkin

sproutapp/pavlov                           127
A BDD framework for your Elixir projects

AgilionApps/relax                          126
Simple Elixir implementation of a jsonapi.org server.

chrismccord/linguist                       121
Elixir Internationalization library

graphql-elixir/plug_graphql                121
Plug (Phoenix) integration for GraphQL Elixir 

TheRealReal/new-relixir                    119
New Relic tracking for Phoenix applications.

mykewould/crutches                         119
Some Elixir support

bigardone/phoenix-react-redux-template     119
Application template for SPAs with Phoenix, React and Redux

joshnuss/design-patterns-in-elixir         119
Common design patterns in Elixir

fredwu/stemmer                             118
An English (Porter2) stemming implementation in Elixir.

DockYard/inquisitor                        118
Composable query builder for Ecto

fishcakez/dbg                              118
Tracing for Elixir

phoenixframework/phoenix_html              118
Phoenix.HTML functions for working with HTML strings and templates

lau/calecto                                118
Adapter for the Calendar library in Ecto

andreapavoni/nova                          117

bitwalker/timex_ecto                       116
An adapter for using Timex DateTimes with Ecto

rmies/monad                                115
Monads and do-syntax for Elixir

appcues/gen_retry                          114
Utilities for retrying Elixir functions, with configurable delay and backoff.

garyf/json_web_token_ex                    114
An Elixir implementation of the JSON Web Token (JWT) Standard, RFC 7519

ExHammer/hammer                            114
An Elixir rate-limiter with pluggable backends

werbitzky/elastix                          114
A simple Elasticsearch REST client written in Elixir.

nurugger07/inflex                          113
An Inflector library for Elixir

danielberkompas/immortal                   113
Helper modules for OTP applications

DockYard/ecto_fixtures                     112
Fixtures for Elixir apps

tleyden/neurlang                           112
Neural Network library in Elixir / Erlang 

cerclecrm/cercle                           110
Cercle is the ultimate CRM+Project Manager for your organization - Phoenix Framework & Vuejs

usecanvas/api-v2                           108

deadtrickster/prometheus.ex                108
Prometheus.io Elixir client

GesJeremie/faker-elixir                    107
:droplet: FakerElixir generates fake data for you. 

keepcosmos/readability                     106
Readability is Elixir library for extracting and curating articles.

shinyscorpion/task_bunny                   106
TaskBunny is a background processing application written in Elixir and uses RabbitMQ as a messaging backend

ueberauth/ueberauth_example                106
Example Phoenix application using Überauth for authentication

sasa1977/erlangelist                       106
Source code of The Erlangelist blog

scrogson/oauth2_example                    105
Authenticate with GitHub via OAuth2

stavro/remodel                             105
:necktie: An Elixir presenter package used to transform map structures.  "ActiveModel::Serializer for Elixir"

michalmuskala/plug_attack                  105
A plug building toolkit for blocking and throttling abusive requests

hashrocket/tilex                           103
Today I Learned in Elixir

msaraiva/exsamples                         102
Initializes lists of maps, structs or keyword lists using tabular data in Elixir

stride-nyc/remote_retro                    102
A real-time application for conducting Agile retrospectives 

checkiz/elixir-mongo                       101
MongoDB driver for Elixir

wojtekmach/github_ecto                     101
Ecto adapter for GitHub API

ShaneWilton/dissentr                       101

dwyl/learn-elasticsearch                   101
:mag: Learn how to use ElasticSearch to power a great search experience for your project/product/website.

almightycouch/rethinkdb_ecto               100
RethinkDB adapter for Ecto.

jonasschmidt/ex_json_schema                99
An Elixir JSON Schema validator

zhongwencool/maxwell                       98
Maxwell is an HTTP client which support for middleware and multiple adapters.

bitwalker/combine                          98
A parser combinator library for Elixir projects

antonmi/espec_phoenix                      98
ESpec for Phoenix web framework.

CrowdHailer/elixir-on-docker               97
Quickly get started developing clustered Elixir applications for cloud environments.

mrluc/peerage                              97
Easy Elixir clusters, pluggable discovery. DNS-based (Kubernetes, Weave), UDP multicast, others.

antipax/gen_state_machine                  97
An idiomatic Elixir wrapper for gen_statem in OTP 19 (and above).

gutschilla/elixir-pdf-generator            97
A simple wrapper for wkhtmltopdf (HTML to PDF) for use in Elixir projects.

ryanswapp/react-phoenix-starter-template   97
This is an example repo of using React with Phoenix

britton-jb/sentinel                        97
Phoenix Authentication library that wraps Guardian for extra functionality

discordapp/ex_hash_ring                    96
A fast consistent hash ring implementation in Elixir.

eeue56/elm-blogger                         95
A blogging platform written in Elm + Elixir

tuvistavie/ex_cli                          95
User friendly CLI apps for Elixir

h4cc/slugger                               95
A Slugger for elixir.

phoenixframework/phoenix_live_reload       95
Provides live-reload functionality for Phoenix

CrowdHailer/raxx                           95
Interface for HTTP webservers, frameworks and clients

bettyblocks/sql_dust                       95
Easy. Simple. Powerful. Generate (complex) SQL queries using magical Elixir SQL dust.

mneudert/instream                          95
InfluxDB driver for Elixir

bitwalker/exirc                            95
IRC client adapter for Elixir projects

devinus/sh                                 94
Run programs as functions in Elixir

riverrun/phauxth                           94
Authentication library for Phoenix, and other Plug-based, web applications

elixir-ecto/db_connection                  94
Database connection behaviour

Diamond/pxblog                             93
Phoenix Blog Engine from my tutorial

expede/exceptional                         93
Helpers for Elixir exceptions

safwank/ElixirRetry                        93
Simple Elixir macros for linear retry, exponential backoff and wait with composable delays

leighshepperson/stubr                      92
Stubr is a set of functions helping people to create stubs and spies in Elixir.

fredwu/opq                                 90
A simple, in-memory queue with worker pooling and rate limiting in Elixir.

graphql-elixir/hello_graphql_phoenix       90
Examples of GraphQL Elixir Plug endpoints mounted in Phoenix

lexmag/statix                              90
Fast and reliable Elixir client for StatsD-compatible servers

henrik/sipper                              89
Elixir Sips downloader written in Elixir.

bitgamma/boltun                            89
Transforms notifications from the Postgres LISTEN/NOTIFY mechanism into callback execution

absinthe-graphql/absinthe_plug             89
Plug support for Absinthe, the GraphQL toolkit for Elixir

Nebo15/confex                              89
Useful helper to read and use application configuration from environment variables.

Ljzn/ElixrGettingStartedChinese            88
Elixir官网的入门教程中文翻译 Elixir Getting Started Chinese Version

asonge/graphql                             88
Elixir graphql library

vt-elixir/ja_resource                      87
A behaviour to reduce boilerplate code in your JSON-API compliant Phoenix controllers without sacrificing flexibility.

BlakeWilliams/rails                        87
An Elixir plug to make your application performance more in line with Rails.

suvash/hulaaki                             86
An Elixir library (driver) for clients communicating with MQTT brokers(via the MQTT 3.1.1 protocol).

Dalgona/neodgm                             86
TrueType port of a good-old Korean bitmap font, with enhancements.

meh/reagent                                86
You need more reagents to conjure this server.

vic/params                                 86
Easy parameters validation/casting with Ecto.Schema, akin to Rails' strong parameters.

CargoSense/ex_statsd                       86
StatsD Client for Elixir

SenecaSystems/relisa                       85
Easy OTP release management and deployment for Elixir

stuart/elixir-webdriver                    85
WebDriver client for Elixir.

dwyl/learn-phoenix-framework               85
:fire: Phoenix is the web framework without compromise on speed, reliability or maintainability! Don't settle for less. :rocket:

kblake/neural_network_elixir               85
Neural network written in Elixir

meyercm/shorter_maps                       85
Elixir ~M sigil for map shorthand. `~M{id name} ~>gt; %{id: id, name: name}`

bigmachine-io/taking-off                   84

rubencaro/sshex                            84
Simple SSH helpers for Elixir. SSH is useful, but we all love SSHEx !

zeromq/exzmq                               84
ZeroMQ for Elixir

absinthe-graphql/absinthe_phoenix          83

cabol/kvx                                  83
Simple in-memory Key/Value Store written in Elixir using `cabol/ex_shards`

lexhide/xandra                             83
Fast, simple, and robust Cassandra driver for Elixir.

mweibel/facebook.ex                        82
Facebook Graph API Wrapper written in Elixir

nurugger07/chronos                         82
An elixir date/time library

zambal/eml                                 82
Library for writing and manipulating (html) markup in Elixir.

SenecaSystems/imagineer                    82
Image processing in Elixir

Aircloak/phoenix_gen_socket_client         81
Socket client behaviour for phoenix channels

slashdotdash/eventsourced                  81
Functional domain models with event sourcing in Elixir

belaustegui/trans                          81
Embedded translations for Elixir

slogsdon/elixir-reverse-proxy              81
A Plug based, reverse proxy server written in Elixir.

HashNuke/rotor                             81
Super-simple build system for Elixir

Nebo15/ecto_mnesia                         81
Ecto adapter for Mnesia Erlang term database. Work on this adapter is in progress.

rrrene/html_sanitize_ex                    81
HTML sanitizer for Elixir

BennyHallett/anubis                        81
Command Line application framework for Elixir

absinthe-graphql/absinthe_ecto             80

fishcakez/dialyze                          80
Mix dialyzer task

parkerl/ecto_query_library                 80

AgilionApps/remix                          80
Automatic recompilation of mix code on file change.

simonstl/introducing-elixir                79
Example code from Introducing Elixir.

iNeedThis/phoenix-starter                  79
A kickstarter for the Phoenix Framework.

drewolson/ex_spec                          79
BDD-like syntax for ExUnit

danielberkompas/number                     78
ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper for Elixir

jakub-zawislak/formex                      78
A better form library for Phoenix

parroty/exprof                             78
A simple code profiler for Elixir using eprof.

AlloyCI/alloy_ci                           78
Continuous Integration, Deployment, and Delivery coordinator, written in Elixir.

onetapbeyond/gen_metrics                   78
Elixir GenServer and GenStage runtime metrics.

meh/urna                                   77
REST in peace.

Qqwy/tensor                                77
The Tensor library adds support for Vectors, Matrixes and higher-dimension Tensors to Elixir.

mattvonrocketstein/elixir-microservice-architecture 77
A sketch of a microservice architecture in Elixir, using clustered VMs, docker-compose, Redis, HAProxy

CultivateHQ/basic_auth                     77
Elixir Plug to easily add HTTP basic authentication to an app

VoiceLayer/dispatch                        77
A distributed service registry built on top of phoenix_pubsub.

rrrene/inch_ex                             77
Provides a Mix task that gives you hints where to improve your inline docs.

ryal/ryal                                  76
:rosette: An e-commerce library for elixir; just to save you some pain, we're still in construction, so star us instead or donate!

chadbrading/phoenix-webrtc                 76
Enable video chat in a Phoenix application

boydm/policy_wonk                          76
Elixir authorization and resource loading in Plug form for Phoenix

jhartwell/Plsm                             76
Generates Ecto models from already existing tables

viatsko/lyn                                76
Lyn: The Elixir CMS

navinpeiris/logster                        74
Easily parsable single line, plain text and JSON logger for Plug and Phoenix applications

devinus/execjs                             74
Run JavaScript code from Elixir

opendoor-labs/paladin                      74
Service to service protector

fazibear/defql                             74
Create elixir functions with SQL as a body.

koudelka/slacker                           74
An Elixir Slack bot! (work in progress)

timberio/timber-elixir                     74
🌲 Great Elixir logging made easy.

johnhamelink/exrm_deb                      73
Create a deb for your elixir release with ease

fabrik42/writing_an_interpreter_in_elixir  73
Elixir implementation of an interpreter for the Monkey programming language

florinpatrascu/bolt_sips                   72
Neo4j driver for Elixir, wrapped around the Bolt protocol.

straightdave/advanced_elixir               72

expede/algae                               72
Bootstrapped algebraic data types for Elixir

falood/file_system                         71
Filesystem monitor for elixir

danielberkompas/destructure                71
Javascript-style destructuring for Elixir

mkrogemann/couchdb_connector               70
A couchdb connector for Phoenix

tyrchen/chinese_translation                70
An elixir module to translate simplified Chinese to traditional Chinese, and vice versa, based on wikipedia data

tompave/fun_with_flags                     70
Feature Flags/Toggles for Elixir

coryodaniel/arbor                          70
Ecto adjacency list and tree traversal

BlakeWilliams/doorman                      70
Tools to make Plug, and Phoenix authentication simple and flexible.

meh/cauldron                               70
I wonder what kind of Elixir is boiling in there.

pragdave/jeeves                            69

pragdave/mix_generator                     69
Project generator for mix (an alternative to mix new)

Quviq/eqc_ex                               69
QuickCheck for Elixir

fazibear/export                            68
Erlport wrapper for Elixir

blackode/elixir_cli_spinners               68
Spinnig Animations for Command Line Applications 

elixir-geolix/geolix                       68
MaxMind GeoIP2 database reader/decoder

mustafaturan/event_bus                     68
Event bus implementation for Elixir with Event Store and Event Watcher based on ETS

Azolo/websockex                            68
An Elixir Websocket Client

benjamintanweihao/blitzy                   68
A simple HTTP load tester in Elixir

sheharyarn/ecto_rut                        68
Ecto Model shortcuts to make your life easier! :tada:

patricksrobertson/secure_random.ex         67
Convenience library for random base64 strings modeled after my love for Ruby's SecureRandom

florinpatrascu/neo4j_sips                  67
Elixir driver for the Neo4j graph database server

CrowdHailer/Ace                            67
HTTP web server and client, supports http1 and http2

arjan/decorator                            67
Function decorators for Elixir

phoenixframework/phoenix_pubsub_redis      67
The Redis PubSub adapter for the Phoenix framework

djm/table_rex                              67
An Elixir app which generates text-based tables for display

peburrows/river                            66
An HTTP/2 (HTTP2) client for Elixir (a work in progress!)

nickgartmann/ashes                         66
A code generation tool for the Phoenix web framework

codedge-llc/scribe                         66
Pretty print tables of Elixir structs and maps

akeating/peap                              66
PEAP - Phoenix Elixir Angular Postgres

bleacherreport/plug_logger_json            65
Elixir Plug that formats http request logs as json

exponentially/extreme                      65
Elixir Adapter for EventStore

liveforeverx/exrun                         65
Runtime and debugging tools for elixir

jazzyb/sqlite_ecto                         65
SQLite3 adapter for Ecto

aditya7iyengar/rummage_ecto                65
Search, Sort and Pagination for ecto queries

cconstantin/plug_rails_cookie_session_store 65
Rails compatible Plug session store

carbonfive/razor                           65
Phoenix application generator that builds applications with the common C5 customization stuff already done.

MyMedsAndMe/marco_polo                     65
Marco Polo is a binary OrientDB driver for Elixir.

mgwidmann/scrivener_html                   64
HTML view helpers for Scrivener

gabiz/tracer                               64
Elixir Tracing Framework

facto/plasm                                64
Ecto's composable query multitool (.count, .random, .earliest, .latest, .find, .at, .on, etc.)

xou/elixlsx                                64
An Elixir XLSX writer

chvanikoff/apns4ex                         63
APNS for Elixir

cometaworks/fast_fuzzy_search_in_phoenix_and_ecto 63
A tutorial on introducing a very fast fuzzy text search in Postgresql using Phoenix and Ecto

joshnuss/xml_builder                       63
Elixir library for generating XML

keichan34/exfile                           63
File upload persistence and processing for Phoenix / Plug

upyun/cafex                                63
Cafex is a pure Elixir implementation of Kafka client

cwbriones/scientist                        62
An elixir library for refactoring code, a port of GitHub's scientist

infinitered/phoenix_base                   62
Template project for Phoenix

GT8Online/weave                            62
A JIT Configuration Loader for Elixir

absinthe-graphql/absinthe_relay            62
Absinthe support for the Relay framework

PSPDFKit-labs/sidetask                     62
:awesome = Elixir's Task ++ Basho's sidejob library

meh/jazz                                   62
Yet another library to handle JSON in Elixir.

msaraiva/elixir_sense                      62
Provides context-aware information for code completion, documentation, go/jump to definition, signature info and more

Kraigie/nostrum                            62
Elixir Discord Library

pinterest/elixir-thrift                    62
Thrift Utilities for Elixir

jsonkenl/xlsxir                            61
Xlsx parser for the Elixir language.

odiumediae/webpacker                       61
An Elixir Phoenix 1.3.0 project template implementing Webpack 3, Stylus and React with Hot Module Replacement

tacticiankerala/elixir-weather             61
A command line weather app built using elixir

SebastianSzturo/kaisuu                     61
Japan's Kanji Usage on Twitter in Realtime

chvanikoff/reph                            60
React/Redux + Phoenix (Elixir)

qhool/quaff                                60
Erlang/Elixir helpers

zampino/exnn                               60
An Elixir Evolutive Neural Network framework à la G.Sher

sashaafm/exads                             60
Algorithms and Data Structures collection in Elixir

talonframework/talon                       60
An app builder framework for Phoenix, formerly called ExAdmin.

cromwellryan/sweetelixir                   60
A Gentle Introduction to Erlang's Cute Little Brother

boydm/phoenix_integration                  60
Lightweight server side integration test tools for Phoenix

bitwalker/libring                          60
A fast consistent hash ring implementation in Elixir

phoenix-china/phoenix_china_umbrella       60
Elixir 语言 Phoenix web 框架中文社区 (Chinese forum of Phoenix and Elixir)

qcam/nabo                                  59
Nabo (納博) - dead simple blog engine

hexlet-codebattle/codebattle               59
Codebattle game 

sorentwo/braintree-elixir                  59
:credit_card: Native elixir client for Braintree

StevenJL/parex                             59
An elixir module for parallel execution of functions/processes

sasa1977/workex                            59
Load control in BEAM processes.

peburrows/goth                             59
Elixir package for Oauth authentication via Google Cloud APIs

khia/exlager                               59
Elixir binding for lager

safwank/Numerix                            59
A collection of useful mathematical functions in Elixir with a slant towards statistics, linear algebra and machine learning

elixirscript/elixir-estree                 59
The ESTree Nodes and JavaScript AST to JavaScript Code Generator in Elixir

Luminarys/Kaguya                           58
A small, powerful, and modular IRC bot

rrrene/bunt                                58
256 color ANSI coloring in Elixir CLIs

elixir-search/searchex                     58
Search Engine written in pure Elixir

joekain/bmark                              58
A benchmarking tool for Elixir

sotojuan/exchalk                           57
Easier terminal styling

omnibs/elixir-linq-examples                57
C#'s 101 LINQ Samples translated to Elixir (not ecto)

ericmj/gaze                                57

oslampa/seagull                            57
Simple GUI library for Elixir language based on wxErlang

securingsincity/molasses                   57
Feature toggle library for elixir

mischov/meeseeks                           57
An Elixir library for parsing and extracting data from HTML and XML with CSS or XPath selectors.

honeybadger-io/honeybadger-elixir          57
Elixir client for Honeybadger.

yrashk/relex                               57
Erlang/Elixir Release Assembler

MyMedsAndMe/spell                          57
Spell is a Web Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP) client implementation in Elixir. WAMP is an open standard WebSocket subprotocol that provides two application messaging patterns in one unified protocol: Remote Procedure Calls + Publish & Subscribe: http://wamp.ws/

ekosz/bitcoin_arbitrage                    57
Find arbitrage opportunities in the MtGox bitcoin market

stuart/tuco_tuco                           57
Yet another South American rodent...a Capybara like web app testing tool for Elixir.

navinpeiris/ex_unit_notifier               57
Desktop notifications for ExUnit

aditya7iyengar/rummage_phoenix             57
Full Phoenix Support for Rummage. It can be used for searching, sorting and paginating collections in phoenix.

schurig/elixir-remote-monitor              57
⎋ A Mix task that helps you to observe your remote elixir nodes from your local machine.

bitgamma/plug_auth                         57
A collection of authentication-related plugs

lau/tzdata                                 57
tzdata for Elixir. Born from the Calendar library.

kbrw/neovim-elixir                         56
Neovim host plugin for Elixir (use  https://github.com/awetzel/elixir.nvim for a packaged version)

gausby/gen_mqtt                            56
An Elixir behaviour that makes it possible to communicate with a MQTT server

lexmag/fluxter                             56
An InfluxDB writer for Elixir

meadsteve/chaos-spawn                      56
☄️ Chaotic spawning for elixir

luc-tielen/Cure                            56
Small library that interfaces C-code with Erlang/Elixir using Ports.

parroty/exfirebase                         56
An elixir library for accessing the Firebase REST API.

Dalgona/Serum                              56
A simple static website generator written in Elixir

josevalim/xgen                             55
Integrating Elixir, Mix and OTP

danielgrieve/stranger                      55
Chat anonymously with a randomly chosen stranger

whatyouhide/short_maps                     55
~m sigil for Elixir

matehat/cqex                               55
Idiomatic Cassandra client for Elixir

parroty/oauth2ex                           55
An OAuth 2.0 client library for elixir.

Zensavona/elixtagram                       55
:camera: Instagram API client for the Elixir language (elixir-lang)

mustafaturan/authable                      55
OAuth2 Provider implementation modules and helpers using plug, ecto and postgress for any elixir application.

mroth/exmoji                               54
:sunglasses: Emoji encoding swiss army knife for Elixir/Erlang

acutario/ravenx                            54
Notification dispatch library for Elixir applications

rcdilorenzo/filtrex                        54
A library for performing and validating complex filters from a client (e.g. smart filters)

appsignal/appsignal-elixir                 54
AppSignal for Elixir package

msharp/elixir-statistics                   54
Statistical functions and distributions for Elixir

SweetIQ/expostal                           54
Elixir binding for Libpostal - a library for parsing/normalizing street addresses around the world. Powered by statistical NLP and open geo data.

rstacruz/expug                             54
Pug templates for Elixir

vic/ok_jose                                54
Pipe elixir functions that match ok/error tuples or custom patterns.

gogogarrett/phoenix_crud                   54
A simple CRUD application using Elixir and the Phoenix framework

matthewlehner/phoenix-webpack-example      54
Phoenix Framework with Webpack for asset compilation.

tuvistavie/pushex                          54
Push notifications for Elixir

srid/slownews                              54
🐢 Bringing slow news for the nervous among us

bcardarella/elixirdaze-api-demo            54

dwyl/chat                                  54
:speech_balloon: Probably the fastest, most reliable/scalable chat system on the internet. 

antipax/repg2                              54
A translation of the original Erlang pg2 implementation to Elixir for educational purposes.

vic/spec                                   53
Data specification conformance and generation for Elixir

tokafish/elixir_poker                      53
Texas Holdem, with Elixir

sashaafm/gcloudex                          53
Friendly set of wrappers for Google Cloud Platform services' API's in Elixir.

badosu/coil                                53
Coil is a minimalistic static content engine written in elixir

infinitered/firebird                       53
Template for Phoenix 1.3 projects

tony612/protobuf-elixir                    53
Pure Elixir implementation of Google Protobuf

mururu/mongoex                             53
Elixir ODM-like module for MongoDB

ktec/phoenixphaserdemo                     52
Building games with Phoenix and Phaser demo

tony612/qiniu                              52
Qiniu sdk for Elixir

mobileoverlord/phoenix_channel_client      52
Elixir Phoenix Channel Client

talklittle/ffmpex                          52
Elixir wrapper for FFmpeg command line interface

endeepak/stub_on_web                       52
Create stub urls to test external API integration

alco/ws-elixir                             52
A WebSocket server written in Elixir, based on cowboy

meh/exquisite                              52
LINQ-like match_spec generation for Elixir.

kwrooijen/exrm_docker                      52
DEPRECATED: Exrm plugin to dockerize your Elixir release

ericmj/true_story                          52
Make your tests tell a story

Perhap/perhap                              51
Perhap is an purely functional event store and service framework inspired by domain driven design and reactive architectures.

slashmili/ex_guard                         51
ExGuard is a mix command to handle events on file system modifications

pcmarks/ElixirFBP                          51
An Elixir implementation of Flow-based Programming

mururu/msgpack-elixir                      51
MessagePack Implementation for Elixir / msgpack.org[Elixir]

cit/MlDHT                                  51
MLDHT is an elixir package that provides a mainline DHT implementation according to BEP 05.

elixirlabs/imgout                          51
On the fly thumbnail generator microservice using Elixir/OTP. (with Heroku Deploy Button)

pragdave/diet                              51
Simple reducer-based state machine

asiniy/ecto_state_machine                  50
State machine pattern for Ecto

joshnuss/phoenix-billing-demo              50
A demo of using commerce_billing with phoenix

lyons/ExKanren                             50
Relational programming in Elixir

bryanjos/aws_auth                          50
AWS Signature Version 4 Signing Library for Elixir

bakeware/bake                              50
Configure, compile and share systems, toolchains and linux firmware.

phoenixframework/firenest                  50

google/strabo                              50

maxcnunes/elixir-phoenix-rest-api          50
A simple example of a rest API with elixir and phoenix

jeregrine/phoenix_webrtc                   50

lehoff/acquirex                            49
Elixir implementation of the logic for the board game Acquire. Presented at NDC Oslo 2015 - see video:

fcevado/phone                              49
Elixir phone number parser for numbers in international standard.

le0pard/elixir_v8                          49
V8 engine for Elixir with pools

exchain/exchain                            49
A blockchain + smart contract implementation in Elixir

sashaafm/nomad                             49
Elixir/Phoenix Cloud SDK and Deployment Tool

slogsdon/mandrill-elixir                   49
a Mandrill wrapper for Elixir

vic/expat                                  49
Reusable, composable patterns across Elixir libraries

ikeikeikeike/sitemap                       49
Sitemap is the easiest way to generate Sitemaps in Elixir.

pragdave/otp_dsl                           49
A simple Elixir DSL for creating GenServers

livehelpnow/tds_ecto                       49
TDS Adapter for Ecto

nietaki/crawlie                            49
A simple Elixir library for writing decently-performing crawlers with minimum effort.

uesteibar/neuron                           48
A GraphQL client for Elixir

swoosh/phoenix_swoosh                      48
Swoosh <lt;3 Phoenix

nsomar/facebook_messenger                  48
ExFacebookMessenger is a library that helps you create facebook messenger bots easily.

pmartinezalvarez/glayu                     48
A static site generator for mid-sized sites.

SebastianSzturo/countries                  48
Collection of Country Information for Elixir.

rizafahmi/elixirdose-cli                   48
Tutorial Create Command Line Tools With Elixir

slogsdon/plug-web-socket                   48
An exploration into a stand-alone library for Plug applications to easily adopt WebSockets.

peburrows/diplomat                         48
Elixir library for interacting with Google's Cloud Datastore

d0rc/exrabbit                              47
Simple rabbitmq bindings for elixir

stueccles/analytics-elixir                 47
Segment.com library for Elixir

edgurgel/httparrot                         47
HTTP Request & Response Server. An incomplete clone of http://httpbin.org

samueljseay/recaptcha                      47
A simple reCaptcha 2 library for Elixir applications.

skirino/croma                              47
Elixir macro utilities to make type-based programming easier

zv/Artifact                                47
An in-memory distributed database

fewlinesco/bamboo_smtp                     47
An SMTP adapter for Bamboo.

a115/exmatrix                              47
Elixir library implementing a parallel matrix multiplication algorithm and other utilities for working with matrices. Used for benchmarking computationally intensive concurrent code. 

akitaonrails/ex_manga_downloadr            47
Port of the Ruby version of Manga Downloadr to fetch mangas from MangaReader.net

girishramnani/elixir-ksuid                 47
K-Sortable Globally Unique IDs for elixir

romul/newrelic.ex                          47
NewRelic agent for Elixir

beatrichartz/parallel_stream               47
A parallelized stream implementation for Elixir

philcallister/ticker-elixir                46
Elixir OTP Stock Quotes App (IEX Trading)

whatyouhide/saul                           46
Data validation and conformation library for Elixir.

epsanchezma/elixir-contracts               46
Desing by Contracts for Elixir

mmmries/sqlitex                            46
An Elixir wrapper around esqlite. Allows access to sqlite3 databases.

tryelixir/tryelixir                        46
Try Elixir web page.

expede/type_class                          46
(Semi-)principled type classes for Elixir

ueberauth/ueberauth_identity               46
A username/password Strategy for Überauth

josevalim/proxy                            46
A HTTP proxy skeleton written in Elixir

wistia/elixir_nsq                          46
An NSQ client for Elixir and Erlang, written in Elixir.

pma/wabbit                                 46
GenStage based interface for RabbitMQ

jsncmgs1/spotify_ex                        46
Elixir wrapper for the Spotify Web API

smpallen99/whatwasit                       46
Track changes to your Ecto models

r-icarus/detergentex                       45
Elixir binding to Detergent erlang library used to call WSDL/SOAP Services

jtmoulia/neotomex                          45
A PEG parser/transformer with a pleasant Elixir DSL.

ricn/rapport                               45
Rapport aims to provide a robust set of modules to generate HTML reports that both looks good in the browser and when being printed.

McEx/McEx                                  45
Minecraft server written in Elixir

dwyl/tudo                                  45
:white_check_mark: Want to see where you could help on an open dwyl issue? 

shankardevy/mango                          45
Ecommerce site that you will build while learning Mastering Phoenix Framework

wkhere/webassembly                         44
Web DSL for Elixir

jeffweiss/plug_statsd                      44
Send connection response time and count to statsd

DockYard/reefpoints                        44
DockYard Blog

TheQuengineer/deepnet                      44
A Deep Learning Neural Network Example written in Elixir

brianstorti/jan                            44
A multi-player rock-paper-scissors game written in Elixir and Elm

elixir-lang/elixir_make                    44
A Make compiler for Mix

ericmj/ex2ms                               44
:ets.fun2ms for Elixir, translate functions to match specifications

azukiapp/elixir-rethinkdb                  43
A Elixir client driver for RethinkDB.

X4lldux/disc_union                         43
Discriminated unions for Elixir

eeue56/elmxir                              43
Interop tools for working with Elm in Elixir

DavidAntaramian/httpipe                    43
HTTPipe is an adapter-driven HTTP library for Elixir that provides a way to build composable HTTP requests

yrashk/genx                                43
Elixir-style library for most important OTP functionality

jarednorman/plugsnag                       43
A Bugsnag notifier for Elixir's plug

knrz/geocoder                              43
An elixir Geocoder/Reverse Geocoder

crertel/graphmath                          43
An Elixir library for performing 2D and 3D mathematics.

adlawson/search-algorithms                 43
Search algorithms implemented in different languages

MainShayne233/ultimate-phoenix-boilerplate 43
Boilerplate for Phoenix and various frontend setups

ChrisYammine/ex_trello                     43
An Elixir library for interfacing with the Trello API

ssuprunenko/phoenix-vue-2-example          43
Elixir Phoenix, Brunch, Vue.js 2.0

scrogson/romeo                             43
An XMPP Client for Elixir

maximk/lingex                              43
A Elixir mix task for building images using Erlang on Xen build service

janjiss/elixir-stream-phoenix              43
ElixirStream codebase

beno/xarango                               42
Elixir driver for ArangoDB

AltTracker/alttracker                      42
Alt Tracker is a beautiful, simple, cryptocurrency portfolio management tool

sobolevn/ecto_autoslug_field               42
Automatically create slugs for Ecto schemas.

nickmeharry/elixir-monad                   42
A monadic system for the Elixir language

riverrun/argon2_elixir                     42
Elixir wrapper for the Argon2 password hashing algorithm

abitdodgy/gibran                           42
Gibran is an Elixir natural language processor, and a port of WordsCounted.

GoogleCloudPlatform/elixir-google-api      42
Elixir client libraries for accessing Google APIs.

dazuma/erl2ex                              42
An Erlang to Elixir transpiler

pragdave/mix_templates                     42
Basis of an open templating system for mix. Also see mix_gen

epsanchezma/exrm-heroku                    42
Publish your Elixir releases to Heroku with ease.

ntrepid8/ex_crypto                         42
Wrapper around the Erlang crypto module for Elixir.

KanColleTool/KanColleTool                  42
Makes KanColle better.

Rob-bie/retrieval                          42
Trie implementation in Elixir

tallakt/codepagex                          42
Elixir string encoding conversion - like iconv but pure Elixir

alfert/mqttex                              41
MQTT implementation in Elixir

goofansu/wechat-elixir                     41
Wechat「微信公众号」  API wrapper in Elixir.

madeinussr/exop                            41
A small library that provides a few macros which allow to you encapsulate business logic and validate incoming params over predefined contract.

zabirauf/elixir_wit                        41
Elixir client for the Wit API. Wit is the natural language engine for creating Bots.

nats-io/elixir-nats                        41
Elixir NATS client

antipax/nifsy                              41
A nifty NIF for the FS, providing faster filesystem operations for Elixir

mgwidmann/elixir-pattern_tap               41
Macro for tapping into a pattern match while using the pipe operator

techgaun/ex_mustang                        41
:sparkles: A simple, clueless bot

bitwalker/libgraph                         41
A graph data structure library for Elixir projects

scouten/sqlite_ecto2                       41
Sqlite3 adapter for Ecto 2.2.x

rmcafee/discord_ex                         41
Discord Elixir Library

knrz/towel                                 41
A simple Maybe monad for Elixir. 

BlakeWilliams/pact                         41
Better dependency injection in Elixir

manukall/feeder_ex                         41
Wrapper for feeder. Elixir RSS parser

plamb/deploying-elixir                     41
Distilling Elixir applications using Docker.

KamilLelonek/yaml-elixir                   41
Yaml parser for Elixir based on native Erlang implementation

kbrw/gitex                                 40
Elixir implementation of the Git object storage, but with the goal to implement the same semantic with other storage and topics

ateliware/triplex                          40
Database multitenancy for Elixir applications!

lubien/elixir-telegram-bot-boilerplate     40
A boilerplate for making telegram bots with Elixir and Nadia

elixir-maru/maru_swagger                   40
Add swagger compliant documentation to your maru API

danmcclain/voorhees                        40

rabbitmq/rabbitmq-cli                      40
Command line tools for RabbitMQ

mtwilliams/bourne                          40
:speedboat: Better streaming for Ecto.

jarednorman/bugsnag-elixir                 40
An Elixir interface to the Bugsnag API

antp/mailer                                40

undeadlabs/consul-ex                       40
Consul HTTP API client for Elixir

marcelog/logger_logstash_backend           39
Logstash backend for the Elixir Logger

DockYard/valid_field                       39

PragTob/deep_merge                         39
Deep (recursive) merge for maps, keywords and others in Elixir

kbrw/exos                                  39
Exos is a simple Port Wrapper : a GenServer which forwards cast and call to a linked Port.

lycus/flect                                39
A pragmatic, functional systems programming language.

jespr/vue-phoenix-chat                     39
Chat built with Vue.js 2.0 and the Phoenix Framework (Elixir)

falood/exsync                              39
Yet another elixir reloader.

sikanhe/algolia-elixir                     39
Elixir implementation of Algolia search API

rkotze/eye_drops                           39
Configurable Elixir mix task to watch file changes and run the corresponding command.

ueberauth/ueberauth_google                 39
Google OAuth2 Strategy for Überauth.

openpantry/open_pantry                     39
A management system for pantry programs to help people eat healthy meals with dignity

riverrun/openmaize-phoenix-example         39
Example phoenix app with openmaize authentication

ueberauth/ueberauth_facebook               39
Facebook OAuth2 Strategy for Überauth.

minibikini/paasaa                          38
Natural language detection for Elixir

veelenga/dress                             38
:dress: Dress up your stdout

marcelog/ex_abnf                           38
Parser for ABNF Grammars

ricn/pdf2htmlex                            38
Convert PDF docs to beautiful HTML files without losing text or format.

stevedomin/slack_to_html                   38
Export your Slack archive to a HTML website

visualitypl/todox-phoenix                  38
Phoenix workshop that covers typical aspects of web development in this amazing Elixir-based framework.

CrowdHailer/Tokumei                        38
Tiny but Mighty webframework for elixir

uohzxela/ex_format                         38
ExFormat formats Elixir source code according to a standard set of rules

whitfin/stash                              38
A small and user-friendly ETS wrapper for caching in Elixir

lexmag/oauther                             38
An OAuth 1.0 for Elixir

koudelka/elixir-riemann                    38
A Riemann client for Elixir, surprise!

peburrows/kane                             38
Google Pub/Sub client for Elixir

ylankgz/shlack                             38
Slack clone, groupchat app

doomspork/hydra                            38
Open source API gateway with integrated cache and data transformations.

andersju/webbkoll                          37
An online tool that checks how a website is doing with regards to privacy.

exthereum/ethereumex                       37
Elixir JSON-RPC client for the Ethereum blockchain

slashdotdash/conduit                       37
RealWorld example backend implementing the CQRS/ES pattern in Elixir and Phoenix

yltsrc/geocalc                             37

joshnuss/elixir-ffi                        37
Foreign Function Interface (FFI) for Elixir

sinetris/factory_girl_elixir               37
Minimal implementation of Ruby's factory_girl in Elixir.

elixirschool/extracurricular               37
An initiative to increase the visibility of open source opportunities within the Elixir community.

tsurupin/job_search                        37
An app to search startup jobs scraped from websites written in Elixir, Phoenix, React and styled-components. 

BeyondScheme/elixir-game_of_life           37
Game of Life in Elixir. Distributed Game of Life with Board Server API. Run it on multiple nodes.

rwdaigle/metrix                            37
Elixir library to log custom application metrics, in a well-structured, human and machine readable format, for use by downstream log processing systems (Librato, Reimann, etc...)

dgmcguire/texas                            37
You don't really need all that javascript to make dynamic web apps.  Keep your code in elixir and on the backend where it belongs!

yeo/betterdev.link                         37
Links to improve programing skill

cloud8421/dragonfly-server                 37
Elixir app to serve Dragonfly images

thbar/demo-elixir-reloading-music          37
Demonstrating Elixir code reloading ability (with music events generation)

wkhere/reprise                             37
Simplified module reloader for Elixir

ddamko/elixir_cqrs_es                      37
A port of Bryan Hunter's CQRS with Erlang.

uesteibar/veritaserum                      37
Sentiment analysis based on afinn-165, emojis and some enhancements.

ajvondrak/remote_ip                        37
A plug to overwrite the Conn's remote_ip based on headers such as X-Forwarded-For.

pragdave/mdef                              37
Easily define multiple function heads in elixir

Agosto/gcp-iot-adapter                     37
MQTT to Google Cloud Pub/Sub adapter

DevL/good_times                            36
Expressive and easy to use datetime functions in Elixir.

kenta-aktsk/media_sample                   36
Sample project featuring many basic and general topics of Phoenix and Ecto 2.0.

ueberauth/ueberauth_github                 36
GitHub OAuth2 Strategy for Überauth

JEG2/simulations                           36
Some simulations using Elixir processes.

victorolinasc/junit-formatter              36
A JUnit xml report exporter for Elixir's ExUnit

folz/bento                                 36
:bento: An incredibly fast, correct, pure-Elixir Bencode library 

adri/estimator                             36
Elixir side-project

Nebo15/annon.api                           36
Configurable API gateway that acts as a reverse proxy with a plugin system.

KamilLelonek/exnumerator                   36
Enumerable type in Elixir

gmcabrita/bloomex                          36
🌼 A pure Elixir implementation of Scalable Bloom Filters.

doomspork/artifact                         36
File upload and on-the-fly processing for Elixir

craigp/elixir-gmail                        36
A Gmail API client for Elixir

justinlynn/bitcoin-ex                      36
A Bitcoin Protocol Parser in Elixir/OTP

folz/math                                  36
The missing Math module for Elixir.

schnittchen/carafe                         36
Deployment for Elixir applications, using capistrano

milmazz/bupe                               36
BUPE is a Elixir ePub generator and parser (supports EPUB v3)

esl/MongoosePush                           36
MongoosePush is an simple Elixir REST service allowing to send push notification via FCM and/or APNS.

smpallen99/exrm-rpm                        35
Create a rpm for your elixir release with ease

KallDrexx/elixir-media-libs                35
Collection of libraries and applications written in Elixir for use in working with different types of media

smpallen99/elixir_survey_tutorial          35

assert-value/assert_value_elixir           35
ExUnit's assert on steroids that writes and updates tests for you

carnivalmobile/gcm                         35
Elixir library to send pushes through GCM/Firebase (HTTP only)

CargoSense/briefly                         35
Simple, robust temporary file support for Elixir.

christopheradams/plug_rest                 35
REST behaviour and Plug router for hypermedia web applications in Elixir

emancu/spirit                              35
A microframework for web development on Elixir

renderedtext/ex-tackle                     35
💯 percent reliable microservice communication

arthurcolle/elixir-snake                   35
Calling Python from Elixir

derniercri/slap                            35
Slap - Load testing for developers

eproxus/tap                                34
Recon wrapper for Elixir

almightycouch/twittex                      34
Twitter client library for Elixir.

obrok/lens                                 34
A utility for working with nested data structures.

CargoSense/ex_csv                          34
CSV for Elixir

antipax/tqdm_elixir                        34
Add a progress bar to your enumerables in a second

jeffweiss/ohaibot                          34
An IRC bot written in Elixir

joshuaclayton/phoenix_elm_webpack_heroku_example_app 34
Phoenix and Elm, compiled by Webpack, running on Heroku

doomspork/scrivener_headers                34
Scrivener pagination with headers and web linking

navinpeiris/phoenix-diff                   34
Find out what needs to be changed when upgrading a Phoenix application

whitfin/tiny                               34
A small, fast and fully compliant JSON parser in Elixir

theocodes/monetized                        34
A lightweight solution for handling and storing money.

asaaki/flasked                             34
Injecting ENV vars into application configuration at runtime (12factor app for Elixir)

cafebazaar/ecto-cassandra                  34
Cassandra Ecto Adapter

gutschilla/phoenix-skeleton                34
Skeleton WebApp based on Elixir/Phoenix that comes with sessions, authentications, userroles and a role-based navigation tree.

kipcole9/money                             34
Elixir implementation of Money with Currency 

ronanyeah/elm-phoenix-example              34
minimum elm + phoenix setup, with webpack

HashNuke/mail-to-json                      34
A MailGun.com clone in under 300 lines of Elixir

joekain/BlockingQueue                      34
A blocking queue written in Elixir.

ryanswapp/phoenix-graphql-absinthe-tutorial 34
This repo contains the code for a tutorial I wrote on building API's with Phoenix and GraphQL

pgr0ss/elixir_experience                   34
Interactive website for learning elixir. Formerly http://elixirexperience.com

elixir-plug/mime                           34
A MIME type module for Elixir

lexmag/simetric                            34
String similarity metrics for Elixir

yosriady/merkle_tree                       34
:evergreen_tree: Merkle Tree implementation in pure Elixir

seaneshbaugh/rosetta-euler                 34
Solutions to Project Euler problems in many different languages.

whitfin/eternal                            34
Keep your ETS tables running forever using bouncing GenServers

jeffcole/loops_with_friends                34
Loops... with friends!

luizbafilho/hydra                          33
Hydra is a distributed benchmark tool written in Elixir

Nagasaki45/krihelinator                    33
"Trendiness of open source software should be assessed by contribution rate, not by stars" - Meir Kriheli

jfrolich/authorize                         33
Rule based authorization for Elixir

thoughtbot/formulator                      33
A form library for Phoenix

col/alexa                                  33
Provides support for implementing an Amazon Alexa Skill.

nsweeting/authex                           33
Authex is an opinionated JWT authentication and authorization library for Elixir.

alexgaribay/sendgrid_elixir                33
Create and send composable emails with Elixir and SendGrid.

bitwalker/distillery-umbrella-test         33
An example Elixir application for working with umbella apps and Distillery.

khusnetdinov/loki                          33
:pencil: Loki is library that includes helpers for building powerful interactive command line applications, tasks, modules.

xiamx/lemma                                33
A Morphological Parser (Analyser) / Lemmatizer writen in Elixir.

knewter/complex                            33

zhangsoledad/alchemic_avatar               33
Creating letter avatar from a name

bryanjos/plug_jwt                          33
Plug for JWT authentication

clarkware/jolt                             33
A full REST JSON API with zero coding, powered by Elixir.

pavlos/gen_fsm                             33
Elixir wrapper around OTP's gen_fsm

graphql-elixir/graphql_relay               33
Relay helpers for GraphQL Elixir

smashedtoatoms/the_fuzz                    33
String metrics and phonetic algorithms for Elixir (e.g. Dice/Sorensen, Hamming, Jaccard, Jaro, Jaro-Winkler, Levenshtein, Metaphone, N-Gram, NYSIIS, Overlap, Ratcliff/Obershelp, Refined NYSIIS, Refined Soundex, Soundex, Weighted Levenshtein)

rubencaro/cipher                           33
Elixir crypto library to encrypt/decrypt arbitrary binaries

drewkerrigan/elixiak                       33
An OO-dispatch style active-record-like wrapper for riak-elixir-client

nerves-project/nerves_system_rpi3          33
Base Nerves system configuration for the Raspberry Pi 3

cabbage-ex/cabbage                         32
Story BDD tool for executing elixir in ExUnit

cibernox/storyteller                       32
Storyteller application built with Exilir and Dynamo. Is a concurrent storyteller.

edubkendo/datomex                          32
Elixir driver for the Datomic REST API

sunboshan/qrcode                           32
进击的二维码 QR Code in Elixir.

aerosol/Tabula                             32
 :u7533: Pretty printer for maps/structs collections (Elixir)

khusnetdinov/phoenix_gon                   32
:fire: Phoenix variables in your JavaScript without headache.

pma/phoenix_pubsub_rabbitmq                32
RabbitMQ adapter for Phoenix's PubSub layer

josevalim/portal                           32
A shooting fault-tolerant doors for distributed portal data-transfer application in Elixir

Yawolf/yocingo                             32

odarriba/elixir_jobs                       32
A job board to publish and find Elixir offers.

findmypast-oss/mssql_ecto                  32
Ecto adapter for Mssqlex

tuvistavie/elixir-browser                  32
Browser detection for Elixir

chatgris/funnel                            32
Streaming Elixir API built upon ElasticSearch's percolation.

charleshan/programming-phoenix             32
Step-by-step source code for Programming Phoenix book written by Chris McCord, Bruce Tate, and José Valim

fredwu/toy-robot-elixir                    32
The infamous Toy Robot code test done in Elixir.

gitpitch/kitchen-sink                      31
In-depth demonstration of GitPitch slideshow presentation features.

edenlabllc/ehealth.api                     31
Index page and integration layer for projects that related to Ukrainian Health Services government institution.

jisaacstone/ex_rfn                         31
recursive anonymous functions in elixir

alco/chatty                                31
Basic IRC client for writing bots

esl/MongooseICE                            31
STUN/TURN server written in Elixir

jeffweiss/forcex                           31
Elixir library for the Force.com / Salesforce / SFDC REST API

elixytics/ua_inspector                     31
User agent parser library

rozap/exquery                              31
elixir html parser

ruby2elixir/plumber_girl                   31
PlumberGirl takes care of your Elixir piping issues!

Qqwy/elixir_fun_land                       31
Algebraic Data Types for Elixir: Both functional and fun.

chrismccord/sketchpad                      31

jsqu99/emporium                            31
An e-commerce framework using Elixir/Phoenix/Ecto

HackerExperience/Helix                     31

livehelpnow/tds                            31
TDS Driver for Elixir

mbuhot/ex_module_params                    31
Parameterized Modules for Elixir

whatyouhide/redix_pubsub                   31
Elixir library for using Redis Pub/Sub features (built on top of Redix)

zmoshansky/aeacus                          31
A simple, secure, and highly configurable Elixir identity [username | email | id | etc.]/password authentication module to use with Ecto.

SebastianSzturo/bolt                       31
Simple and fast http proxy living in the Erlang VM

linjunpop/wechat_pay                       31
💰 WechatPay「微信支付」in Elixir

gjaldon/ectophile                          31
Ectophile is an extension for Ecto models to instantly support file uploads.

dnsimple/dnsimple-elixir                   31
The DNSimple API client for Elixir.

henrik/toolbox                             31
A site to list Hex packages by category.

GBH/loaded.bike                            31
Phoenix/Elixir web app for exploring and sharing bicycle touring routes

redrabbit/audiopia                         31
Audiopia Music Server with UPnP-AV & Yamaha MusicCast™ support.

jkakar/aws-codegen                         31
Code generator for AWS clients in Elixir.

pragdave/work_queue                        31
Simple implementation of the hungry-consumer model in Elixir

healthlocker/healthlocker                  30
Inspire and motivate people to stay well.

heroku/plexy                               30
A toolkit for building excellent APIs with Elixir

sikanhe/stripe-elixir                      30
Stripe API client for Elixir

fishcakez/core                             30
Library for selective receive OTP processes

fertapric/async_with                       30
A modifier for Elixir's "with" to execute all its clauses in parallel.

yosriady/ecs                               30
:rabbit: Entity Component System

GrandCru/GoogleSheets                      30
Elixir library for fetching Google Spreadsheet data in CSV format

OleMchls/elixir-hpack                      30
A Elixir implementation of the HPack protocol for HTTP/2 header compression

hedwig-im/hedwig_slack                     30
Slack Adapter for Hedwig

SparkPost/elixir-sparkpost                 30
SparkPost client library for Elixir https://developers.sparkpost.com

nhu313/Quinn                               30
XML parser for Elixir

mroth/benchwarmer                          30
:hourglass: Elixir micro-benchmarking library

skovsgaard/exleveldb                       30
Elixir wrapper around Basho's eleveldb module for LevelDB.

nicbet/essence                             30
Essence is a library for Natural Language Processing and Text Summarization in Elixir.

alexrp/ex_parsec                           30
A parser combinator library inspired by Parsec.