Haskell Github Star Ranking at 2016/05/20

begriffs/postgrest                         6836
REST API for any Postgres database

jgm/pandoc                                 6297
Universal markup converter

koalaman/shellcheck                        3888
ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts

elm-lang/elm-compiler                      2760
Compiler for the Elm programming language. Elm aims to make web development more pleasant. Elm is a type inferred, functional reactive language that compiles to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

purescript/purescript                      2500
A small strongly typed language that compiles to Javascript

facebook/Haxl                              2229
A Haskell library that simplifies access to remote data, such as databases or web-based services. 

commercialhaskell/stack                    1647
The Haskell Tool Stack

yesodweb/yesod                             1465
A RESTful Haskell web framework built on WAI.

jaspervdj/hakyll                           1246
A static website compiler library in Haskell

sdiehl/write-you-a-haskell                 1237
Building a modern functional compiler from first principles. (http://dev.stephendiehl.com/fun/)

ghcjs/ghcjs                                1231
Haskell to JavaScript compiler, based on GHC

idris-lang/Idris-dev                       1213
A Dependently Typed Functional Programming Language

joeyh/github-backup                        1183
backs up everything github knows about a repository, to the repository

gibiansky/IHaskell                         1152
A Haskell kernel for IPython.

ghc/ghc                                    1151
Mirror of ghc repository. DO NOT SUBMIT PULL REQUESTS HERE. Patches are best submitted to GHC's Phabricator (https://phabricator.haskell.org/), bugs and feature-requests are best filed to GHC's Trac (https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc), or sent to the mailing list (ghc-devs@haskell.org)

joeyh/git-annex                            1139
manage large files with git

jgm/gitit                                  1126
A wiki using HAppS, pandoc, and git

lamdu/lamdu                                1094
lamdu - towards the next generation IDE

faylang/fay                                1089
A proper subset of Haskell that compiles to JavaScript

valderman/haste-compiler                   1061
A GHC-based Haskell to JavaScript compiler.

mikeizbicki/HLearn                         950
Homomorphic machine learning

yi-editor/yi                               917
The Haskell-Scriptable Editor

scotty-web/scotty                          899
Haskell web framework inspired by Ruby's Sinatra, using WAI and Warp (Official Repository)

ekmett/lens                                837
Lenses, Folds, and Traversals - Join us on freenode #haskell-lens

olivierverdier/zsh-git-prompt              746
Informative git prompt for zsh

sdiehl/wiwinwlh                            685
What I Wish I Knew When Learning Haskell

GaloisInc/HaLVM                            673
The Haskell Lightweight Virtual Machine (HaLVM): GHC running on Xen

awgn/cgrep                                 622
Cgrep: a context-aware grep for source codes

oden-lang/oden                             613
The Oden Programming Language

haskell/cabal                              609
Official upstream development repository for Cabal and cabal-install

bos/stanford-cs240h                        568
Course materials for Stanford CS240h, "Functional Systems in Haskell"

huangz1990/real-world-haskell-cn           549
《Real World Haskell》中文翻译项目

tonymorris/course                          546
Functional Programming Course

leksah/leksah                              537
Haskell IDE

hzlmn/haskell-must-watch                   536
Huge list of  videos, talks , courses for Haskell programming language.

bos/aeson                                  510
A fast Haskell JSON library

haskell-servant/servant                    509
Main repository for the servant libraries. Web API combinators, with servers, clients and documentation

GaloisInc/cryptol                          507
Cryptol: The Language of Cryptography

aurapm/aura                                507
A secure, multilingual package manager for Arch Linux and the AUR - Join us on Freenode in #aurapm, or in our Gitter room at https://gitter.im/aurapm/aura

DanielG/ghc-mod                            489
Happy Haskell Hacking for editors

ajtulloch/dnngraph                         486
A DSL for deep neural networks, supporting Caffe and Torch

z0w0/helm                                  451
A functionally reactive game engine, with headgear to protect you from the headache of game development provided.

thoughtbot/carnival                        447
An unobtrusive, developer-friendly way to add comments

mattgreen/hython                           436
Haskell-powered Python 3 interpreter

colah/ImplicitCAD                          429
A math-inspired CAD program in haskell. CSG, bevels, and shells; 2D & 3D; gcode generation...

chrisdone/hell                             428
Haskell shell

sdiehl/kaleidoscope                        407
Haskell LLVM Kaleidoscope Tutorial

haskell-distributed/distributed-process    405
Cloud Haskell core library

lukasmartinelli/hadolint                   383
Dockerfile linter written in Haskell

google/codeworld                           377
Educational computer programming environment using Haskell

AccelerateHS/accelerate                    370
Embedded language for high-performance array computations

BinRoot/Haskell-Data-Analysis-Cookbook     362
Accompanying Source Code for the Haskell Data Analysis Cookbook

yesodweb/wai                               351
Haskell Web Application Interface

kirel/detexify-hs-backend                  344
Detexify Backend written in Haskell

silkapp/rest                               340
Packages for defining APIs, running them, generating client code and documentation.

ndmitchell/shake                           338
Shake build system

tidalcycles/Tidal                          338
Pattern language

egison/egison                              337
Egison is a purely functional programming language with non-linear pattern-matching against non-free data types. We can directly pattern-match against a wide range of data types such as lists, multisets, sets, trees and graphs with Egison.

jepst/CloudHaskell                         335
A distributed computing framework for Haskell

snapframework/snap                         325
Snap project starter executable plus some libraries for building web apps

fptudelft/FP101x-Content-2015              318
FP101x - Functional Programming MOOC 2015 Content Repository

Gabriel439/Haskell-Turtle-Library          304
Shell programming, Haskell style

ananthakumaran/webify                      303
webfont generator - converts ttf to woff, eot and svg

ndmitchell/hlint                           299
Haskell source code suggestions

davidbrewer/xmonad-ubuntu-conf             297
My xmonad config for Ubuntu 14.04 and 12.04, including package list, config files, and instructions.

snoyberg/conduit                           294
A streaming data library

hspec/hspec                                294
A Testing Framework for Haskell

agrafix/Spock                              289
Another Haskell web framework for rapid development

JakeWheat/intro_to_parsing                 289
Introduction to parsing with Haskell and Parsec

jaspervdj/stylish-haskell                  288
Haskell code prettifier

haskoin/haskoin                            279
Haskell implementation of the Bitcoin protocol

bjpop/berp                                 279
An implementation of Python 3

clash-lang/clash-compiler                  278
CAES Language for Synchronous Hardware

vincenthz/hs-tls                           278
TLS/SSL implementation in haskell

Gabriel439/Haskell-Pipes-Library           274
Compositional pipelines

HeinrichApfelmus/reactive-banana           273
Library for functional reactive programming in Haskell.

vicfryzel/xmonad-config                    273
My xmonad and xmobar configuration, plus necessary scripts to make things more usable.

jbarrow/LambdaNet                          272
Purely functional artificial neural network library implemented in Haskell.

MaiaVictor/caramel                         269
A modern syntax for the λ-calculus.

mbrubeck/compleat                          268
Generate command-line completions using a simple DSL.

reflex-frp/reflex                          265

pcapriotti/optparse-applicative            256
Applicative option parser

mwotton/Hubris                             256
Bridge from Ruby to Haskell

snapframework/snap-core                    253
Core type definitions (Snap monad, HTTP types, etc) and utilities for web handlers. 

jaor/xmobar                                253
A minimalistic text-based status bar

buckie/juno                                252
Smart Contracts Running on a BFT Hardened Raft

bitemyapp/bloodhound                       252
Haskell Elasticsearch client and query DSL

cdosborn/lit                               249
A modern tool for literate programming

kqr/gists                                  249
With way too messy gist.github pages this is an attempt to organise my snippets

MichaelXavier/Angel                        248
Process Monitoring/Management, Like Daemontools

bos/attoparsec                             246
A fast Haskell library for parsing ByteStrings

joelburget/react-haskell                   241
React bindings for Haskell

xmonad/xmonad                              239
The core of xmonad, a small but functional ICCCM-compliant tiling window manager

yesodweb/Shelly.hs                         234
Haskell shell scripting

bos/wreq                                   230

tweag/HaskellR                             228
The full power of R in Haskell.

simonmichael/hledger                       227
The hledger command-line and web-based accounting tool, a Haskell rewrite of ledger.

dmbarbour/Sirea                            225
Simply Reactive! Declarative orchestration in Haskell using RDP

mikeizbicki/subhask                        225
Type safe interface for working in subcategories of Hask

tkonolige/dbignore                         220
.gitignore for Dropbox

gelisam/frp-zoo                            220
Comparing many FRP implementations by reimplementing the same toy app in each.

GaloisInc/haskell-tor                      218
A Haskell implementation of the Tor protocol.

ucsd-progsys/liquidhaskell                 218
Liquid Types For Haskell

HaskVan/HaskellKoans                       217
Haskell Koans for the Vancouver's Haskell UnMeetup

HeinrichApfelmus/threepenny-gui            217
GUI framework that uses the web browser as a display.

seliopou/typo                              215
A programming language that runs in Haskell's type system.

bos/pronk                                  213
A small command line application for load testing web servers.  Think of it as similar to httperf or ab, only more modern and simpler to deal with.

avh4/elm-format                            213
elm-format formats Elm source code according to a standard set of rules based on the official Elm Style Guide

michaelochurch/summer-2015-haskell-class   212
Summer 2015 Haskell Class

sebastiaanvisser/clay                      211
A CSS preprocessor as embedded Haskell.

BurntSushi/erd                             210
Translates a plain text description of a relational database schema to a graphical entity-relationship diagram.

osener/markup.rocks                        208
Pandoc based document editor and converter in your browser.

jgoerzen/twidge                            207
Command-line twitter/identica client [Haskell]

itchyny/sjsp                               207
Simple JavaScript Profiler

chris-taylor/aima-haskell                  206
Algorithms from AIMA in Haskell

sinelaw/infernu                            204
Type inference and checking for a safer JavaScript.

tomjaguarpaw/haskell-opaleye               203

jgm/yst                                    200
create static websites from YAML data and string templates

nick8325/quickcheck                        199
Automatic testing of Haskell programs.

anton-k/ru-haskell-book                    198
учебник по Haskell

albertoruiz/hmatrix                        198
Linear algebra and numerical computation

RaphaelJ/friday                            197
Fast image IO and transformations.

jlouis/combinatorrent                      197
A bittorrent client written in Haskell

evincarofautumn/kitten                     195
A statically typed concatenative programming language.

haskell/haskell-platform                   195

commercialhaskell/haskelldocumentation     192
Repository for collaborative Haskell documentation

ekmett/machines                            190
Networks of composable stream transducers

nh2/call-haskell-from-anything             190
Call Haskell functions from any programming language via serialization and dynamic libraries

ndmitchell/hoogle                          190
Haskell API search engine

knupfer/haskell-emacs                      189
Write Emacs extensions in Haskell

sweirich/pi-forall                         188
A demo implementation of a simple dependently-typed language

ehamberg/9m                                187
9m Unicode URL Shortener

GaloisInc/ivory                            186
The Ivory EDSL

chrisdone/z                                186
A strict, impure, curried, partially applied programming language with rather peculiar syntax. 

gelisam/hawk                               185
Haskell text processor for the command-line

bitc/hdevtools                             184
Persistent GHC-powered background server for FAST haskell development tools

HIPERFIT/futhark                           184
:boom::computer::boom: A data-parallel functional programming language

Gabriel439/Haskell-Morte-Library           184
A bare-bones calculus-of-constructions

lukexi/halive                              179
Live recompiler for Haskell

nominolo/scion                             178
IDE library for Haskell based on the GHC API.

jaspervdj/websockets                       178
A Haskell library for creating WebSocket-capable servers

helium/airship                             177
Helium + Webmachine = Airship. A toolkit for building declarative, RESTful web apps.

travitch/taffybar                          174
A slightly fancy status bar for xmonad

k0ral/hbro                                 174
A minimal web-browser written and configured in Haskell.

agocorona/transient                        173
A full stack reactive architecture for general purpose programming. High level, composable primitives for concurrency, parallelism, event handling, transactions, multithreading, Web, and distributed computing with complete de-inversion of control (No callbacks) and thus, fully composable.

ermine-language/ermine                     168
The Ermine Programming Language - Join us on irc.freenode.net #ermine

nikita-volkov/record                       167
Anonymous records

chrisdone/lpaste                           167
Paste service written in Haskell for functional programmers

byorgey/haskell-course                     163
Introductory Haskell course materials (originally CIS 194 @ UPenn)

facebookarchive/lex-pass                   163
manipulate a php codebase using haskell to transform the abstract-syntax-tree

ollef/Earley                               162
Parsing all context-free grammars using Earley's algorithm in Haskell.

haskell/hackage-server                     162
The new Hackage server aka "Hackage 2"

phadej/github                              162
The github API for Haskell

timbod7/haskell-chart                      161
A 2D charting library for haskell

bos/statistics                             161
A fast, high quality library for computing with statistics in Haskell.

fujimura/hi                                161
Generate scaffold for a Haskell project

simonmar/par-tutorial                      159
A tutorial on Parallel and Concurrent Haskell

aslatter/parsec                            158

ndmitchell/ghcid                           157
Very low feature GHCi based IDE

justinethier/husk-scheme                   157
A practical implementation of the Scheme programming language for the Haskell Platform.

aristidb/aws                               156
Amazon Web Services for Haskell

creswick/cabal-dev                         156
A wrapper program around cabal and cabal-install that maintains sandboxed build environments.

kazu-yamamoto/unit-test-example            155
Unit test example for Haskell

informatikr/hedis                          153
A Redis client library for Haskell.

sol/doctest                                152
An implementation of Python's doctest for Haskell

chrisdone/intero                           151
Complete interactive development program for Haskell

prowdsponsor/esqueleto                     150
Bare bones, type-safe EDSL for SQL queries on persistent backends.

commercialhaskell/jump                     150
Jump start your Haskell development

takeoutweight/shade                        149
Interactive, client-side web apps in Haskell

lambdacube3d/lambdacube-edsl               149
Previous version of LambdaCube 3D as Embedded Domain Specific Language in Haskell. Check the latest system:

rahulmutt/ghcvm                            148
A Haskell to JVM compiler that supports GHC Haskell.

brendanhay/amazonka                        148
A comprehensive Amazon Web Services SDK for Haskell.

twittner/zeromq-haskell                    148
This repository has been moved to https://gitlab.com/twittner/zeromq-haskell

hvr/multi-ghc-travis                       147
Scripts and instructions for using Travis-CI with multiple GHC configurations

feuerbach/tasty                            146
Modern and extensible testing framework for Haskell

kerkomen/rei                               146
Process lists easily

snapframework/snap-server                  145
A fast HTTP server library, which runs Snap web handlers. 

LeventErkok/sbv                            145
SMT Based Verification in Haskell. Express properties about Haskell programs  and automatically prove them using SMT solvers. 

agentm/project-m36                         145
Project: M36 Relational Algebra Engine

m4dc4p/cheatsheet                          144
A Haskell CheatSheet in PDF and literate source formats.

chrisdone/hindent                          144
Extensible Haskell pretty printer

tomahawkins/atom                           143
A DSL for embedded hard realtime applications.

agda/agda                                  143
Agda is a dependently typed programming language / interactive theorem prover.

passy/givegif                              143
GIFs on the command line

joeyh/propellor                            142
property-based host configuration management in haskell

passy/android-lint-summary                 141
Prettier display of Android Lint issues

bjpop/blip                                 140
A bytecode compiler for Python 3

visi-lang/visi                             140
The Visi Language and iPad IDE

haskell-game/sdl2                          139
Haskell bindings to the SDL2 library

joshcough/HaskellStarter                   139
A project that demonstrates getting up and running with Haskell.

chrisdone/lucid                            139
Clear to write, read and edit DSL for writing HTML

mikeizbicki/HerbiePlugin                   138
GHC plugin that improves Haskell code's numerical stability

ivanperez-keera/haskanoid                  138
A breakout game in Haskell using SDL and FRP, with Wiimote and Kinect support.

chrisdone/hulk                             138
Haskell IRC daemon.

snoyberg/keter                             136
Web app deployment manager

ajhc/ajhc                                  134
A fork of jhc. And also a Haskell compiler.

bos/critbit                                134
A Haskell implementation of crit-bit trees.

jaspervdj/blaze-html                       134
A blazingly fast HTML combinator library for Haskell.

ekmett/ad                                  134
Automatic Differentiation

mchakravarty/language-c-inline             133
Inline C & Objective-C in Haskell

frp-arduino/frp-arduino                    132
Arduino programming without the hassle of C.

egonSchiele/chips                          131
A clone of Chips Challenge in Haskell

mchakravarty/BigPixel                      131
Pixel art for games

VinylRecords/Vinyl                         130
Extensible Records for Haskell. Pull requests welcome! Come visit us on #vinyl on freenode.

ekmett/trifecta                            128
Parser combinators with highlighting, slicing, layout, literate comments, Clang-style diagnostics and the kitchen sink

LambdaHack/LambdaHack                      127
Haskell game engine library for roguelike dungeon crawlers

ekmett/quine                               127
haskell, opengl, toy project

k-bx/owlcloud                              124
OwnCloud for owls done via The Microservice Architecture

Paczesiowa/hsenv                           124
Virtual Haskell Environment builder

khibino/haskell-relational-record          122
This repository includes a joined query generator based on typefull relational algebra, and mapping tools between SQL values list and Haskell record type.

Twinside/Juicy.Pixels                      121
Haskell library to load & save pictures

tweag/sparkle                              120
Haskell on Apache Spark.

haskelllive/haskelllive                    120
Source code of the Haskell Live episodes.

martine/c-repl                             120
a C read-eval-print loop (abandoned)

GaloisInc/saw-script                       119
The SAW scripting language.

Tarrasch/antigen-hs                        118
A fast zsh plugin manager

fpco/ide-backend                           118
ide-backend drives the GHC API to build, query, and run your code

music-suite/music-suite                    118
Meta-package to install the Music Suite

acowley/Frames                             118
Data frames for tabular data.

tommythorn/Reduceron                       117
FPGA Haskell machine with game changing performance. Reduceron is Matthew Naylor, Colin Runciman and Jason Reich's high performance FPGA softcore for running lazy functional programs, including hardware garbage collection.  Reduceron has been implemented on various FPGAs with clock frequency ranging from 60 to 150 MHz depending on the FPGA.  A high degree of parallelism allows Reduceron to implement graph evaluation very efficiently. This fork aims to continue development on this, with a view to practical applications. Comments, questions, etc are welcome.

mrkkrp/megaparsec                          116
Industrial-strength monadic parser combinator library

lpsmith/postgresql-simple                  116
Mid-level client library for accessing PostgreSQL from Haskell

nikita-volkov/hasql                        116
A very efficient PostgreSQL driver and a flexible mapping API

simonmar/async                             115
Run IO operations asynchronously and wait for their results

walpurgisriot/wisp                         115
small-but-featureful embeddable lisp interpreter written in haskell.

fpco/minghc                                114
Windows installer for GHC including msys

snkkid/LazyFooHaskell                      112
A port of LazyFoo's SDL tutorials to Haskell.  (http://lazyfoo.net/SDL_tutorials/index.php) 

haskell/network                            112
Low-level networking interface

snoyberg/haskellers                        111
haskellers.com site

honza/redish                               111
A multi-threaded, TCP, key-value store inspired by Redis implemented in Haskell.

jtdaugherty/brick                          110
brick is a declarative terminal UI programming library written in Haskell (releases at http://hackage.haskell.org/package/brick)

machine-intelligence/Botworld              110
A cellular automaton for studying self-modifying agents which are embedded in their environment

1HaskellADay/1HAD                          110
1 Haskell A Day exercises

Eelis/geordi                               110
IRC C++ eval bot (also, github is retarded)

entropia/tip-toi-reveng                    110
Trying to understand the file format of Tip Toi

w7cook/AoPL                                109
A book on programming languages, using Haskell

wyager/Neks                                107
A dead simple networked key/value store

leepike/Copilot                            106
A (Haskell DSL) stream language for generating hard real-time C code.

imeckler/mote                              106

hvr/cassava                                105
Easy CSV parsing

nomeata/incredible                         105
The Incredible Proof Machine

ekmett/hask                                103
Category theory for Haskell with a lens flavor (you need GHC 7.8.3, not 7.8.2 to build this!)

benl23x5/gloss                             103
Painless 2D vector graphics, animations and simulations.

corsis/PortFusion                          103
Haskell-powered cross-platform transport-layer distributed reverse / forward proxy & tunneling solution – currently available for all TCP protocols (RDP, VNC, HTTP(S), SSH, ...).

bos/llvm                                   102
Haskell bindings to the LLVM compiler infrastructure project.  

jaspervdj/digestive-functors               102
A general way to consume input using applicative functors

typed-wire/typed-wire                      102
Language independent type-safe communication

snoyberg/classy-prelude                    100
A typeclass-based Prelude.

tfausak/haskeleton                         100
:skull: A Haskell package skeleton.

simonmar/parconc-examples                  99
Sample code to accompany the book "Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell"

aloiscochard/codex                         99
A ctags file generator for cabal/stack project dependencies.

ianthehenry/basilica                       99
It's kinda like a forum.

mzero/haskell-amuse-bouche                 99
A short technical talk about some fun things in Haskell

lykahb/groundhog                           98
This library maps datatypes to a relational model, in a way similar to what ORM libraries do in OOP. See the tutorial http://www.fpcomplete.com/user/lykahb/groundhog for introduction

luqui/vatican                              98
A lazy specializing virtual machine for purely functional languages

haskell/HTTP                               98
Haskell HTTP package

bos/text                                   98
An efficient packed, immutable Unicode text type for Haskell, with a powerful loop fusion optimization framework. 

ruHaskell/ruhaskell                        97
Главный сайт сообщества

bscarlet/llvm-general                      97
Rich LLVM bindings for Haskell (with transfer of LLVM IR to and from C++, detailed compilation pass control, etc.)

fpco/inline-c                              97

haskell/c2hs                               96
c2hs is a pre-processor for Haskell FFI bindings to C libraries

egonSchiele/HandsomeSoup                   96
Easy HTML parsing for Haskell

bos/configurator                           96
A Haskell library supporting flexible, dynamic file-based configuration.

boothead/oHm                               96
Om with Haskell in it

reflex-frp/reflex-dom                      96

elm-lang/elm-repl                          95
A REPL for Elm

alsonkemp/turbinado                        95
MVC Web Framework for Haskell.  See http://github.com/turbinado/turbinado-website for example code

elm-lang/elm-package                       94
Command line tool to share Elm libraries

jspahrsummers/ObjectiveHaskell             93
Tools for making it easier to integrate Haskell and Objective-C.

larrytheliquid/Lemmachine                  93
REST'ful web framework in Agda

himura/twitter-conduit                     93
Twitter API package for Haskell, including enumerator interfaces and Streaming API supports.

simhu/cubical                              93
Implementation of Univalence in Cubical Sets

acid-state/acid-state                      93
Add ACID guarantees to any serializable Haskell data structure

ndmitchell/bake                            92
Continuous integration server

hinance/hinance                            92
Automated personal bookkeeping for hackers.

wellposed/numerical                        92
Numerical is the core library for Numerical Haskell

lierdakil/pandoc-crossref                  92
pandoc filter for cross-references

Gabriel439/Haskell-Typed-Spreadsheet-Library 91
Typed and composable spreadsheets

lymar/hastache                             91
Haskell implementation of Mustache template

mstksg/auto                                91
Haskell DSL and platform providing denotational, compositional api for discrete-step, locally stateful, interactive programs, games & automations.  http://hackage.haskell.org/package/auto

katychuang/getting-started-with-haskell    90
notes on where to find Haskell tutorials and tips to complete them

meiersi/blaze-react                        89
A blaze-html style ReactJS binding for Haskell using GHCJS

haskell-opengl/OpenGL                      89
Haskell bindings to OpenGL

egonSchiele/dominion                       88
A Dominion simulator in Haskell

kazu-yamamoto/mighttpd2                    88
File/CGI web server on warp

noelmarkham/learn-you-a-haskell-exercises  88

penberg/taylor                             87
Swift programming language compiler written in Haskell.

cobbpg/elerea                              87
A simple FRP library providing leak-free first-class streams.

jekor/redo                                 87
djb's redo implementation in Haskell (for Haskell from Scratch video series)

talw/crisp-compiler                        87
A compiler for Crisp (Lisp/Scheme-inspired language) in Haskell, with an LLVM backend

dpp/LispHaskellIPad                        86
An iPad app that's a Lisp interpretter... written in Haskell (heh heh heh)

Gabriel439/Haskell-Optparse-Generic-Library 86
Auto-generate a command-line parser for your datatype

janrain/riak-haskell-client                86
A fast Haskell client library for the Riak decentralized data store

UU-ComputerScience/uhc                     86

neurocyte/android-haskell-activity         85
An example of an Android Activity written in Haskell

GaloisInc/HaNS                             85
The haskell network stack

tibbe/unordered-containers                 85
Efficient hashing-based container types

ekmett/linear                              85
Low-dimensional linear algebra primitives for Haskell.

phaazon/luminance                          84
Type-safe, type-level and stateless Haskell graphics framework

vimus/vimus                                84
An MPD client with vim-like key bindings, written in Haskell 

bjpop/language-python                      84
A parser for Python 2.x and 3.x written in Haskell

albertoruiz/easyVision                     84
Haskell packages for computer vision, image processing, and pattern recognition

spell-music/csound-expression              84
Haskell Framework for Electronic Music

wh5a/Algorithm-W-Step-By-Step              83
Classic Algorithm W for type inference.

CIFASIS/QuickFuzz                          83
An experimental grammar fuzzer in Haskell using QuickCheck

psygnisfive/SimpleFP-v2                    83
A re-do of the SimpleFP repo using de Bruijn index ABTs instead of HOAS

analytics/analytics                        83
Much of this has moved to ekmett/succinct

opqdonut/haskell-exercises                 82
Haskell exercises with automatic tests

flannelhead/blackstar                      82
A black hole raytracer written in Haskell

yesodweb/shakespeare                       82
Haml-like template files that are compile-time checked

coreyoconnor/vty                           82
Primary repository for Haskell VTY library

jwiegley/gitlib                            82

neovimhaskell/nvim-hs                      82
Neovim API for Haskell plugins as well as the plugin provider

simonmar/monad-par                         82

ocharles/netwire-classics                  81
Classic games recreated in netwire

kallisti-dev/hs-webdriver                  81
A Haskell client for the Selenium WebDriver protocol.

conal/lambda-ccc                           81
Convert lambda expressions to CCC combinators

snapframework/heist                        81
An xhtml-based templating engine, allowing Haskell functions to be bound to XML tags. 

Soostone/hadron                            80
Construct and run Hadoop MapReduce programs in Haskell

mmirman/caledon                            80
higher order dependently typed logic programing

msgpack/msgpack-haskell                    80
Haskell implementation of MessagePack / msgpack.org[Haskell]

audreyt/regex-genex                        79
Given a list of regexes, generate all possible strings that matches all of them.

DanielWaterworth/siege                     79
[DEPRECATED] A DBMS written in Haskell

ocharles/engine.io                         79
A Haskell server implementation of the Engine.IO and Socket.IO (1.0) protocols

alpmestan/hnn                              79
haskell neural network library

batterseapower/test-framework              78
Framework for running and organising QuickCheck test properties and HUnit test cases

jtdaugherty/vty-ui                         78
A terminal user interface programming library similar to graphical interfaces such as GTK and QT. (DEPRECATED, see https://github.com/jtdaugherty/brick)

jcollard/unm-hip                           77
The University of New Mexico's Haskell Image Processing Library

NicolasT/kontiki                           77
An implementation of the Raft consensus protocol

aelve/microlens                            77
A lightweight (but compatible with ‘lens’) lenses library

Yuras/pdf-toolbox                          77
A collection of tools for processing PDF files in Haskell

ivanperez-keera/Yampa                      77
Domain-specific language embedded in Haskell for programming hybrid (mixed discrete-time and continuous-time) systems. Yampa is based on the concepts of Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) and is structured using arrow combinators.

lambdabot/lambdabot                        76
A friendly IRC bot and apprentice coder, written in Haskell.

aisamanra/rust-haskell-ffi                 76
Toy example of calling Rust from Haskell

gregorulm/h2048                            76
An implementation of the game 2048 in Haskell

gtk2hs/gtk2hs                              76
GUI library for Haskell based on GTK+

nfjinjing/miku                             75
A tiny web dev DSL

edwinb/idris-php                           75
Yes, really...

hopper-lang/hopper                         75
a sound modern language for computation and transactional resource logic

kazu-yamamoto/recursion-drill              75
Drill to study recursive programming in Haskell

ekmett/tables                              73
Deprecated because of

pdtournament/pdtournament                  72
Iterated prisoner's dilemma tournament with bots that can perfectly simulate each other.

UweSchmidt/hxt                             72
Haskell XML Toolbox

jgm/texmath                                72
A Haskell library for converting LaTeX math to MathML.

feuerbach/smallcheck                       72
smallcheck: test your Haskell code by exhaustively checking its properties

Paczesiowa/virthualenv                     72
Virtual Haskell Environment builder

haskell-suite/haskell-src-exts             71
Manipulating Haskell source: abstract syntax, lexer, parser, and pretty-printer

NixOS/cabal2nix                            71
Generate Nix build instructions from a Cabal file

chrisdone/shell-conduit                    71
Write shell scripts with Conduit

haskell/containers                         71
Assorted concrete container types

Daniel-Diaz/HaTeX                          71
The Haskell LaTeX library.

hreinhardt/amqp                            71
Haskell AMQP client library

dmbarbour/awelon                           70
Awelon project is a new UI model with a new language.

kwf/ComonadSheet                           70
A library for expressing "spreadsheet-like" computations with absolute and relative references, using fixed-points of n-dimensional comonads.

jhickner/hobbes                            70
A cross-platform file activity monitor

haskell-fswatch/hfsnotify                  70
Unified Haskell interface for basic file system notifications

parsonsmatt/servant-persistent             70
A brief example of Servant with Persistent

wavewave/hoodle                            69
hoodle : A pen notetaking program written in haskell

snapframework/io-streams                   69
Simple, composable, and easy-to-use stream I/O for Haskell

jfeltz/dash-haskell                        69
dash docset builder for Haskell packages and cabal project dependencies

nandor/hcraft                              69
Haskell clone of a certain game

bos/mysql-simple                           69
A mid-level client library for the MySQL database, intended to be fast and easy to use.  

docopt/docopt.hs                           68
A command-line interface description language and parser that will make you smile

fimad/scalpel                              68
A high level web scraping library for Haskell.

bitc/lushtags                              68
Create ctags compatible tags files for Haskell programs

hdbc/hdbc                                  68
Haskell Database Connectivity

ezyang/logitext                            68
Beautiful, interactive visualizations of logical inference

simonmar/alex                              68
A lexical analyser generator for Haskell

gwern/gwern.net                            68
Website: writings on statistics, psychology, self-experiments, black-markets, philosophy, etc

thkoch2001/gitit2                          67
A reimplementation of gitit in Yesod

jkff/timeplot                              67
Analyst's swiss army knife for visualizing data from ad-hoc log files

atzeus/FRPNow                              67

gregorycollins/hashtables                  67
Mutable hash tables for Haskell, in the ST monad

nominolo/lambdachine                       66
VM and tracing JIT for Haskell (work in progress)

texodus/forml                              66
A programming language

cpennington/h4sh                           66
Fork of Don Stewarts h4sh haskell shell scripts

dropbox/datagraph                          66

jgm/pandoc-citeproc                        66
Library and executable for using citeproc with pandoc

chrisdone/formatting                       65
Format strings type-safely with combinators

hailstorm-hs/hailstorm                     65
Haskell distributed stream processing with exactly-once semantics

Gabriel439/bench                           65
Command-line benchmark tool

elm-lang/elm-make                          65
A build tool for Elm projects

rubik/argon                                65
Monitor cyclomatic complexity in Haskell programs

np/ling                                    65
LINear LaNGuage: Type Theory and Process Calculi for Distributed and High-precision programming

mmirman/ImperativeHaskell                  64
Proof that Haskell can look and act like an imperative language.  

DDCSF/ddc                                  64
The Disciplined Disciple Compiler

mxswd/swift-gen                            64
Generate Swift structs / enums with protocol implementations!

erikd/language-javascript                  64
Parser for JavaScript, in Haskell

alphaHeavy/protobuf                        64
An implementation of Google's Protocol Buffers in Haskell.

bendyworks/api-server                      63
A JSON API server written in Haskell

ekmett/free                                63
free monads

rrnewton/haskell-lockfree                  63
A collection of different packages for CAS based data structures.

hakaru-dev/hakaru                          63
A probabilistic programming language

geekrelief/as3tohaxe                       63
An Actionscript 3 to haXe source converter written in Haskell

DanBurton/tardis                           63

chrisdone/ircbrowse                        62
An IRC analysis server.

suhailshergill/extensible-effects          62
Extensible Effects: An Alternative to Monad Transformers

elisehuard/game-in-haskell                 62

zoomhub/zoomhub                            62
Share and view high-resolution images effortlessly

sebastiaanvisser/fclabels                  61
First class composable record labels for Haskell.

sdiehl/tinyjit                             61
Haskell JIT

willdonnelly/dyre                          61
A Dynamic Reconfiguration Library for Haskell Programs

jekor/vocabulink                           61
web application for learning foreign vocabulary

palf/haskell-sdl2-examples                 61
SDL2 tutorial code in Haskell

tanakh/Peggy                               61
The Parser Generator for Haskell

haskell/vector                             61
An efficient implementation of Int-indexed arrays (both mutable and immutable), with a powerful loop optimisation framework .

bos/pool                                   60
A high-performance striped resource pooling implementation for Haskell

alephnullplex/cradle                       60
Let's Build a Compiler (in Haskell)

jaspervdj/jaspervdj                        59
Source code of my personal home page.

pyr/apotiki                                59
a faster debian repository

mortberg/cubicaltt                         59

AtnNn/haskell-rethinkdb                    59
RethinkDB client library for Haskell

agocorona/transient-universe               59
A Cloud monad for the creation of  Web and distributed applications that are fully composable

xmonad/xmonad-contrib                      59
Contributed modules for xmonad

ekmett/succinct                            59
playground for working with succinct data structures

fokot/howerpoint                           58

reiddraper/ordeal                          58

kRITZCREEK/psc-ide                         58
 DEPRECATED - Editor Support for the PureScript programming language

well-typed/binary-serialise-cbor           58
Binary serialisation in the CBOR format

eevee/project-euler                        58
interesting solutions to project euler problems

mthom/shentong                             58
A Haskell implementation of the Shen programming language.

wavewave/fficxx                            57
Haskell-C++ Foreign Function Interface Generator

tel/serv                                   57
Kind-safe framework for type-safe APIs

snoyberg/http-client                       57
An HTTP client engine, intended as a base layer for more user-friendly packages.

acowley/roshask                            57
Haskell client library for the ROS robotics framework.

prasmussen/glot-www                        57
glot.io website

brendanhay/gogol                           57
A comprehensive Google Services SDK for Haskell.

ocharles/hadoom                            57
A little Doom-like 2.5 game engine

danchoi/herbalizer                         57
Convert HAML to ERB

chrisdone/haskellnews                      56
An aggregation of all online content related to Haskell.

cyga/real-world-haskell                    56
parser for code samples from the book "real world haskell" (http://book.realworldhaskell.org/read/)

sweirich/dth                               56
Examples of Dependently-typed programs in Haskell

ekmett/discrimination                      56
Fast linear time sorting and discrimination for a large class of data types

5outh/Bang                                 56
A Drum Machine DSL for Haskell

ndmitchell/build-shootout                  56
Comparison of build program expressive power

moonmaster9000/bird                        55
A sinatra-ish framework written in haskell, riding on top of Hack

ryantrinkle/memoise                        55

Russell91/pyfi                             55
PYthon Function Interface for haskell

boundedvariation/quantfin                  54
quant finance in pure haskell

jozefg/pcf                                 54
A small compiler for PCF

crufter/haquery                            54
jQuery for Haskell

commercialhaskell/stack-templates          54
Project templates for stack new

m4dc4p/haskelldb                           54
A library for building re-usable and composable SQL queries.

snowdriftcoop/snowdrift                    54
Infrastructure for Snowdrift.coop

tlaitinen/yesod-dsl                        54
A domain specific language and a code generator desined to create RESTful services for managing an RDBMS with Yesod web framework and Persistent.

snoyberg/http-conduit                      53
Superseded by: https://github.com/snoyberg/http-client

fumieval/free-game                         53
The free game engine

dmbarbour/haskell-vcache                   53
large, persistent, memcached values and structure sharing for Haskell

feuerbach/monad-classes                    53
A more flexible mtl

ekmett/bound                               53
Combinators for manipulating locally-nameless generalized de Bruijn terms

philopon/apiary                            53
Simple and type safe web framework that can be automatically generate API documentation. 

DDCSF/repa                                 53
 High performance, regular, shape polymorphic parallel arrays.

ndmitchell/tagsoup                         53
Haskell library for parsing and extracting information from (possibly malformed) HTML/XML documents

adscib/monad-bayes                         53
A library for probabilistic programming in Haskell.

Lemmih/hsSDL2                              53

chris-taylor/Classical-Mechanics           53
Haskell toolbox for research and teaching in classical mechanics. Includes modules for symbolic algebra and automatic differentiation.

gwern/mueval                               52
A secure sandboxed Haskell interpreter for pure function evaluation

iu-parfunc/lvars                           52
The LVish Haskell library 

ghcjs/ghcjs-examples                       52

IFCA/opencl                                51
Haskell high-level wrapper for OpenCL 

ku-fpg/sunroof-compiler                    51
Monadic Javascript Compiler

sol/hpack                                  51
hpack: An alternative format for Haskell packages

tibbe/hyena                                51
A Haskell web application server.

jtdaugherty/HaskellNet                     51
Haskell library which provides client support for POP3, SMTP, and IMAP protocols.

alpmestan/servant                          51
Moved to http://github.com/haskell-servant

dan-t/cabal-bounds                         51
Manage the bounds/versions of the dependencies in a cabal file.

AccelerateHS/accelerate-llvm               50
LLVM backend for Accelerate

mchakravarty/lets-program                  50
Let's program! Get into programming writing a simple game.

bazqux/bazqux-urweb                        50
Ur/Web part of BazQux Reader sources

FranklinChen/clojure-transducers-in-haskell 50
Clojure transducers in a typed setting, in Haskell

RefactoringTools/HaRe                      50
The Haskell Refactoring Tool

nwf/dyna                                   50
Dyna2 compiler and REPL

fortytools/holumbus                        49
A Haskell library which provides the basic building blocks for creating powerful indexing and search applications.

seanhess/robotquest                        49
RobotQuest is a MMO, programming game. Instead of playing RobotQuest directly, you write a program that plays it for you. Your program communicates with the game server API over HTTP by sending and receiving JSON messages. Written in HTML, Haskell, with MongoDB

tomlokhorst/AwesomePrelude                 49
Yet another alternative Haskell Prelude, but this one is awesome!

jgoerzen/missingh                          49
Utility library [Haskell]

CGenie/haskell-snake                       49
Snake game implemetation in Haskell using SDL

goldfirere/units                           49
The home of the units Haskell package

tobbebex/GPipe                             49
A functional graphics API for programmable GPUs

nikita-volkov/graph-db                     49
An experimental native Haskell graph database

ToJans/learninghaskell                     49
Learning Haskell

liqd/thentos                               49
A tool for privacy-preserving identity management (PPIM)

tibbe/hashable                             49
A class for types that can be converted to a hash value

ajhc/demo-android-ndk                      49
Demo Ajhc application on Android NDK

ekmett/gl                                  49
Complete raw OpenGL bindings for Haskell

LeventErkok/hArduino                       48
Control your Arduino board from Haskell, using the Firmata protocol

snowleopard/hadrian                        48
Hadrian: a new build system for the Glasgow Haskell Compiler

bos/strange-loop-2011                      48
Slides and examples from my Haskell workshop at Strange Loop.

jberryman/unagi-chan                       48
A haskell library implementing fast and scalable concurrent queues for x86, with a Chan-like API

bsl/GLFW-b                                 48
Haskell bindings to GLFW

creswick/ihaskell-notebook                 48

mvdan/hint                                 48
Runtime Haskell interpreter (GHC API wrapper)

serras/lambdaconf-2015-web                 48
Projects for LambdaConf 2015 Haskell web workshop

atzeus/reflectionwithoutremorse            48
Code accompanying the paper Reflection without Remorse:Revealing a hidden sequence to speed up monadic reflection

jdnavarro/graphql-haskell                  48
Haskell GraphQL implementation

nick8325/quickspec                         48
Equational laws for free

idris-hackers/idris-java                   48
Java Code Generator for Idris

Gabriel439/Haskell-MVC-Library             47

Chase-C/Flocking-Simulation                47
A 3D Boids-like flocking simulation coded in Haskell.

jaredloomis/andromeda                      47
A GLSL code generating DSL embedded in Haskell

prowdsponsor/fb                            47
Bindings for Facebook's API.

feuerbach/regex-applicative                47
Regex-based parsing with applicative interface

goldfirere/singletons                      47
The repo for the singletons Haskell library

simonmar/happy                             47
The Happy parser generator for Haskell

raimohanska/reactive-bacon                 46
FRP (functional reactive programming) framework inspired by RX and Iteratee

nushio3/learn-haskell                      46

sinelaw/xml-to-json                        46
Fast & easy command line tool for converting XML files to JSON

cosbynator/haskakafka                      46
Kafka bindings for Haskell

diagrams/diagrams-lib                      46
Diagrams standard library

bamboo/idris-cil                           46
A Common Intermediate Language backend for Idris.

davean/waldo                               46
A small Haskell server for generating visual stories based on some ascertainable data about the requester.

Gabriel439/Haskell-Lens-Tutorial-Library   46
The missing tutorial module for the lens library

waldheinz/ads                              46
A Freenet clone written in Haskell

ifesdjeen/haskell-ffi-tutorial             46
A (missing) Haskell FFI tutorial: how to work with nested Structs and do bi-directional C<->Haskell interop

clckwrks/clckwrks                          46
A Haskell CMS platform

diagrams/diagrams                          46
Embedded domain-specific language for declarative vector graphics (wrapper package)

colah/HaskSymb                             46
An Experiment in Haskell Symbolic Algebra

anchor/vaultaire                           46
Data vault for metrics

bgamari/b-tree                             46
Haskell on-disk B* tree implementation

exercism/xhaskell                          46
Exercism Exercises in Haskell

ekmett/mtl                                 46
The Monad Transformer Library

skogsbaer/hscurses                         46
ncurses binding for Haskell

urv/fixhs                                  46
FIX (co)parser in haskell

lukasmartinelli/hwk                        46
A Haskell based awk and sed alternative

jvranish/MiniKanrenT                       45
An implementation of miniKanren in Haskell

fpco/rdr2tls                               45
Haskell web service that redirects all traffic from HTTP to HTTPS

AccelerateHS/accelerate-cuda               45
Accelerate backend for NVIDIA GPUs

keera-studios/keera-hails                  45
Keera Hails: Haskell on Rails - Reactive Programming Framework for Interactive Haskell applications

kolmodin/binary                            45
Efficient, pure binary serialisation using ByteStrings in Haskell.

haskell-distributed/distributed-process-platform 45
DEPRECATED (Cloud Haskell Platform) in favor of distributed-process-extras, distributed-process-async, distributed-process-client-server, distributed-process-registry, distributed-process-supervisor, distributed-process-task and distributed-process-execution

freizl/hoauth2                             45
haskell oauth2 binding

jgoerzen/hslogger                          44
Logging infrastructure [Haskell]

pontarius/pontarius-xmpp                   44
An XMPP client library for Haskell.

tobbebex/GPipe-Core                        44
Core library of new GPipe, encapsulating OpenGl and providing a type safe minimal library

faylang/fay-jquery                         44
jQuery bindings for Fay (experimental)

kim/leveldb-haskell                        44
Haskell bindings to LevelDB (http://leveldb.googlecode.com)

slyrz/hase                                 44
Haskell bindings for the Senna NLP toolkit

dsorokin/aivika                            44
A multi-paradigm simulation library

haskell/bytestring                         44
An efficient compact, immutable byte string type (both strict and lazy) suitable for binary or 8-bit character data.

bjornbm/dimensional                        44
Dimensional library variant built on Data Kinds, Closed Type Families, TypeNats (GHC 7.8+).

nponeccop/HNC                              44
HN Compiler

silky/awesome-open-science                 44
some links to projects/tools related to "open science".

bmillwood/stepeval                         43
A program for evaluating a Haskell expression step-by-step

mainland/language-c-quote                  43

ekmett/parsers                             43
Generic parser combinators

softmechanics/warp                         43
A fast, light-weight web server for WAI applications.

bendmorris/scotch                          43
The Scotch programming language

mvoidex/hsdev                              43
Haskell development tool

kosmikus/SSGEP                             43

schell/steeloverseer                       42
A file watcher and development tool.

aleator/CV                                 42
Haskell wrappers and utilities for OpenCV machine vision library

bitemyapp/open-haskell                     42
Community edited and directed course based on Spring '13 cis194.

mzero/barley                               42
Get going with Haskell ASAP

afcowie/http-streams                       42
Haskell HTTP client library for use with io-streams

guillaume-nargeot/hpc-coveralls            42
coveralls.io support for haskell code coverage with hpc

ekmett/structures                          42
A playground for working on advanced data structures in Haskell

roseperrone/phil                           42
An extension of my brain

yamadapc/haskell-ascii-progress            42
A simple Haskell progress bar for the console. Heavily borrows from TJ Holowaychuk's Node.JS project 

anchor/git-vogue                           42
Make your Haskell git repositories fashionable.

stepcut/hyperdrive                         42
A fast, low-level HTTP server you can trust

kazu-yamamoto/logger                       42
A fast logging system for Haskell

keera-studios/haskell-game-programming     42
A central repository of Haskell Game Programming resources, put together by Keera Studios

qrilka/xlsx                                42
Simple and incomplete Excel file parser/writer

pietervdvn/Haskell                         42
Introduction to haskell

djv/VisualProf                             42

jkff/splot                                 42
Visualizing the activity of many concurrent processes

donya/Kulitta                              42
Algorithmic and automated composition modules

divarvel/jDbT                              41
jinx Database Tools

paulrzcz/hquantlib                         41
HQuantLib, financial math in Haskell

Zenius2016/BoardAlfa                       41
Temporary Official repo for board announcement ZenXLeague

mhwombat/grid                              41
Tools for working with regular grids/graphs/lattices.

sol/reserve                                41
Universal and robust reloading for Haskell web applications

dpiponi/Moodler                            41
Modular softsynth

bkirwi/ethereum-haskell                    41
An independent reimplementation of Ethereum in Haskell

jgm/pandoc-types                           41
types for representing structured documents

HeinrichApfelmus/operational               40
Implement monads by specifying instructions and their desired operational semantics.

phischu/fragnix                            40
Fragment-based code distribution!

mgajda/json-autotype                       40
Automatic Haskell type inference from JSON input

purescript/pursuit                         40
Search engine for PureScript functions

well-typed/generics-sop                    40
Generic Programming using True Sums of Products

ocharles/blog                              40
The contents of ocharles.org.uk/blog

bartavelle/language-puppet                 40
A library to work with Puppet manifests, test them and eventually replace everything ruby.

Lemmih/lhc                                 40
The LLVM LHC Haskell Optimization System

jamshidh/ethereum-client-haskell           40

bjpop/haskell-mpi                          39
MPI bindings for Haskell

jhartikainen/hs-language-php               39
Experimental Haskell PHP parser / evaluator / code generator

lettier/gifcurry                           39
Create animated GIFs, overlaid with optional text, from video files.

Zankoku-Okuno/octopus                      39
A highly-dynamic language inspired by Kernel, Javascript, Clojure, Arc and science.

JPMoresmau/BuildWrapper                    39
Utility to manage haskell projects for an IDE

mikeizbicki/typeparams                     39
Lens-like interface for type level parameters; allows unboxed unboxed vectors and supercompilation

kosmikus/lhs2tex                           39
Preprocessor for typesetting Haskell sources with LaTeX 

diagrams/diagrams-core                     39
Core types and utilities

ku-fpg/hermit                              39
Haskell Equational Reasoning Model-to-Implementation Tunnel

danr/hipspec                               39
A hip inductive theorem prover!

jtdaugherty/dbmigrations                   39
A library and program for the creation, management, and installation of schema updates (called migrations) for a relational database.

thlorenz/WebToInk                          39
Downloads and converts a properly set up Html book or a blog into mobi format 

tfausak/blunt                              39
:pencil2: Convert between pointfree and pointful Haskell expressions.

itchyny/miv                                39
Vim plugin manager written in Haskell

dmjio/stripe                               39
:moneybag: Stripe API for Haskell

msakai/toysolver                           39
My sandbox for experimenting solver algorithms.

HaskellZhangSong/Introduction_to_Haskell   38
This is source code of my book.

mietek/idris-bash                          38
GNU bash backend for Idris

dataflowbook/Dataflow-and-Reactive-Programming-Systems 38
Dataflow and Reactive Programming Systems Book

ziman/idris-py                             38
Python backend for Idris (generates Python source, not bytecode).

tuxmark5/ApexCtl                           38
An utility to enable extra macro keys on Steelseries Apex keyboards

slindley/effect-handlers                   38

bos/bloomfilter                            38
A fast Haskell Bloom filter library.

kazu-yamamoto/cab                          38
A maintenance command of Haskell cabal packages

puffnfresh/haskell-buildpack-demo          38
Demo of the Heroku Haskell Buildpack

michaelschade/hs-stripe                    38
A Haskell implementation of the Stripe API.

jekor/hesh                                 38
Haskell Extensible Shell

MrElendig/dotfiles-alice                   38
dotfiles from the 'Alice' box

dag/all-about-monads                       37
Attempt to port All About Monads to HaskellWiki

jamesdabbs/pi-base.hs                      37
A Haskell rewrite of the topology database

helium/postgresql-transactional            37
Transactional monadic actions on top of PostgreSQL.

exclipy/pdata                              37
Purely functional, persistent and efficient vector and hash-map data structures for Haskell

Gabriel439/Haskell-Errors-Library          37
Type-safe error handling

Gabriel439/Haskell-Annah-Library           37
Distributed programming language that desugars to Morte

aeyakovenko/rbm                            37
restricted boltzmann machine

sdiehl/protolude                           37
A sensible starting Prelude template.

NorfairKing/super-user-spark               37
A safe way to never worry about your beautifully configured system again

hkuplg/fcore                               37
Research middleware compiler from System F-based languages to Java with the Imperative Functional Object encoding

beckyconning/haskell-snake                 37
Simple and short implementation of a Snake game. Any pull requests which make it shorter or cleaner would be greatly appreciated : ).

well-typed/ghc-events-analyze              37

keera-studios/keera-posture                37
Alleviate your back pain using Haskell and a webcam

hausdorff/pyli                             37
A Python 3 compiler that anyone can understand.

YoEight/eventstore                         37
EventStore Haskell TCP Client

kolmodin/herl                              37
Erlang BEAM emulator in Haskell

markhibberd/riak-haskell-client            37
A fast Haskell client library for the Riak decentralized data store

VerbalExpressions/HaskellVerbalExpressions 37

danoctavian/bit-smuggler                   37
tunnel traffic through a genuine bittorrent connection

augustss/djinn                             37
Generate Haskell code from a type

music-suite/music-score                    36
Musical time structure

michaelt/streaming                         36
An optimized general monad transformer for streaming applications, with a simple prelude of functions

ekmett/semigroups                          36
Haskell 98 semigroups

soenkehahn/getopt-generics                 36
Create command line interfaces with ease

chetant/LibClang                           36
Haskell FFI to libclang

ekmett/reflection                          36
Reifies arbitrary Haskell terms into types that can be reflected back into terms

ajtulloch/deeplearning-hs                  36

jgoerzen/hsh                               36
Shell Integration Library [Haskell]

neurocyte/foreign-jni                      36
Haskell bindings to the Java Native Interface

ShabbyX/libpandoc                          36
C bindings to Pandoc, a markup converter library written in Haskell. 

goldfirere/glambda                         36
The home of the Glamorous Glambda interpreter

co-dan/interactive-diagrams                36

JakeWheat/hssqlppp                         36
sql parser and type checker in haskell

Twinside/Rasterific                        36
A drawing engine in Haskell

byorgey/thesis                             36
Brent's PhD thesis.

karun012/arion                             36

yesodweb/cabal-meta                        35
avoid cabal dependency hell by installing all your cabal dependencies at the same time

haskell-suite/haskell-names                35
Haskell suite library for name resolution

howistart/howistart.org                    35
How I Start website code

arjunguha/haskell-couchdb                  35
Haskell bindings for CouchDB

tibbe/event                                35
A Haskell event notification library

Hrothen/Hubert                             35
Toy web rendering engine in haskell

ekmett/propagators                         35
The Art of the Propagator. See also:

cdupont/Nomyx                              35
The Nomyx game

jaspervdj/planet-wars-haskell              35
Unofficial Haskell starter package for the Planet Wars AI contest

paulgb/haskell_hadoop                      35
Haskell module for streaming hadoop MapReduce jobs

hauxir/haskell-tetris                      35
Tetris game written in Haskell using ncurses

swift-nav/plover                           35
Plover is a language for matrix algebra on embedded systems.

ekmett/algebra                             35
constructive abstract algebra

haskell/win32                              35
Haskell support for the Win32 API

klappvisor/haskell-telegram-api            35
Telegram Bot API for Haskell

Noeda/dfterm3                              35
Remote Dwarf Fortress playing

mlite/hLLVM                                35
A Haskell library for analysing and transforming LLVM code

mokehehe/monao                             35
Super monao bros. in Haskell

agrafix/funblog                            35
A simple blog software written in Haskell

mithrandi/ssh-key-generator                35
A utility for deterministically generating ssh keypairs

Yuras/scanner                              35
Fast non-backtracking incremental combinator parsing for bytestrings

mightybyte/snaplet-postgresql-simple       35

jimenezrick/termplot                       35
▁▂▃▅▂▇ Plot time series in your terminal in real-time

iand675/hs-mesos                           35
Mesos bindings for Haskell

msakai/cpl                                 35
An interpreter of Hagino's Categorical Programming Language (CPL).

judah/haskeline                            35
A Haskell library for line input in command-line programs.  http://trac.haskell.org/haskeline

derekmcloughlin/pearls                     35
Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design by Richard Bird - Haskell Code

Soostone/katip                             35
A structured logging framework for Haskell

ghulette/haskell-parser-examples           34
Examples of a simple parser written in both Parsec and Happy/Alex

ghc/packages-base                          34
Mirror of packages-base repository. DO NOT SUBMIT PULL REQUESTS HERE

tsurucapital/euphoria                      34
Dynamic network FRP with events and continuous values

Mokosha/Lambency                           34
A Real-Time Rendering framework written in Haskell

ekmett/ersatz                              34
A monad for interfacing with external SAT solvers

bmillwood/pointfree                        34
Maintenance of the pointfree Hackage package.

bramgg/99haskell                           34
Live Haskell coding problems

zalora/sproxy                              34
secure proxy - HTTP proxy for authenticating users via Google OAuth2

glguy/irc-core                             34
Haskell IRC client library and text client - Join us on Freenode #haskell-irc

acfoltzer/Molog                            34
A typed logic programming language embedded in Haskell

MedeaMelana/Magic                          34
Haskell implementation of Magic: The Gathering

jonsterling/Foam                           34

libscott/hawk                              34
Awk for Hoodlums

vincenthz/hit                              34
library to manipulate git repositories in haskell (no bindings)

sanjoy/DietLISP                            34
Toy lisp interpreter / PLT playground

Gabriel439/Haskell-Foldl-Library           34
Composable, streaming, and efficient left folds

chris-taylor/SICP-in-Haskell               34

haskell/fgl                                34
A Functional Graph Library for Haskell

RaminHAL9001/Dao                           34
The Dao System, a Haskell package providing a domain-specific scripting language and knowledge base designed for artificial intelligence, specifically for understanding natural language.

chrisdone/descriptive                      34
Self-describing consumers/parsers

snoyberg/xml                               34
Various XML utility packages for Haskell

travitch/datalog                           34
A pure Haskell implementation of Datalog

kazu-yamamoto/mighttpd                     33
A simple but practical HTTP server in Haskell. 'mighttpd' should be called 'mighty'.

tLewisII/CoreData-hs                       33
Core Data fetch requests, created for you.

dmjio/google-translate                     33
:secret: Google Translate bindings for Haskell

scotty-web/scotty-starter                  33
A starter-kit for the Scotty web framework

HIPERFIT/accelerate-opencl                 33

facebookarchive/futil                      33
utility library for haskell projects

yogsototh/learn_haskell                    33
An attemps to make a document to help learn Haskell

liamoc/patches-vector                      33
A library for patches (diffs) on vectors: composable, mergeable and invertible

alanz/machines-play                        33
Playing with https://github.com/ekmett/machines

I3ck/HGE2D                                 33
2D game engine written in Haskell

rnons/shadowsocks-haskell                  33
shadowsocks in haskell

intolerable/reddit                         33
reddit api for haskell

HackerFoo/peg                              33
A lazy non-deterministic concatenative programming language

vincenthz/hs-certificate                   33
Certificate and Key Reader/Writer in haskell

snoyberg/yesod-js                          33
Higher-level interaction between Yesod and Javascript

nomeata/gipeda                             33
Git Performance Dashboard

ekmett/comonad                             33
Haskell 98 comonads

basvandijk/monad-control                   33
Lift control operations, like exception catching, through monad transformers

mikeizbicki/ifcxt                          33
constraint level if statements

GaloisInc/cereal                           33

denisshevchenko/ohaskell.guide             33
Ваша первая книга о языке Haskell

drbunsen/describe                          33
describe: A Descriptive Statistics Utility

pseudonom/phantheck                        33
Integrates QuickChecked properties into the type system with phantom types

tomahawkins/improve                        33
An imperative programming language in Haskell for high assurance embedded applications.  ImProve programs are verified with model checking.  ImProve compiles to C and Simulink.

magthe/cblrepo                             33
Tool to simplify managing a consistent set of Haskell packages for distributions.

jgoerzen/hpodder                           33
Podcatcher to download podcasts [Haskell] (unmaintained)

lgastako/polyeuler                         33
My attempt to finish Project Euler in as many programming languages as possible.

sebfisch/primes                            33
Prime Numbers for Haskell

patperry/hs-monte-carlo                    33
A Monte Carlo monad and transformer for Haskell.

chrisdone/ghci-reload-demo                 33
A demo of using GHCi as a persistent development environment

TomSmeets/FractalArt                       33
Generate colorful wallpapers!

vecio/.linux                               32
Some configs for my Arch Linux on a 15" rMBP

ocharles/BookBrainz                        32
MusicBrainz for books? Why not!

snoyberg/basic-prelude                     32
An enhanced core prelude, meant for building up more complete preludes on top of.

tel/saltine                                32
Cryptography that's easy to digest (NaCl/libsodium bindings)

jaspervdj/dcpu16-hs                        32
Haskell implementation of Notch's dcpu-16 specification (assembler, emulator)

jaspervdj/lorem-markdownum                 32
A lorem ipsum generator for markdown

mkawalec/imap                              32
A performant IMAP client

kazu-yamamoto/dns                          32
DNS libary in Haskell

skogsbaer/HTF                              32
Haskell Test Framework

NICTA/cplusplus-th                         32
C++ Foreign Import Generation

scslab/hails                               32
The security-centric web platform framework

dropbox/image-search                       32
A hypothetical Dropbox API app that makes it possible to do image searches from Dropbox.

bergey/haskell-OpenGL-examples             32

haskell-opengl/GLUT                        32
Haskell bindings to GLUT

bgamari/bayes-stack                        32
Framework for Gibbs sampling of probabilistic models

bos/mwc-random                             32
A very fast Haskell library for generating high quality pseudo-random numbers.

rnons/HadouRex                             32
douban.fm CLI client in Haskell. You might be interested in https://github.com/rnons/lord

alexander-b/coreutilhs                     32
Self-contained implementations of common CLI-utils.

tathougies/beam                            32
A type-safe, non-TH Haskell SQL library and ORM

ocharles/plhaskell                         32
Write PostgreSQL functions in Haskell

jhickner/smtp-mail                         32
Making it easy to send SMTP email from Haskell

nbartlomiej/tfoo                           31
Five-in-a-Row online with Haskell and Server-sent Events

madjestic/Haskell-OpenGL-Tutorial          31
an attempt to create a concise modern Haskell OpenGL boilerplate with basic IO

adamwalker/sdr                             31
Software defined radio library in Haskell

ku-fpg/blank-canvas                        31
A Haskell API into HTML5 Canvas

TikhonJelvis/Cow                           31
Project moved to gitlab:

haskell-lisp/liskell                       31
Haskell Semantics with Lisp Syntax

leventov/yarr                              31
Yer another array library

rnons/lord                                 31
A unified interface to online radios using mpd/mplayer as backend

wdanilo/haskell-logger                     31
Fast & extensible logging framework for Haskell!

myfreeweb/pcre-heavy                       31
A Haskell regular expressions library that doesn't suck

haskell-servant/servant-swagger            31
Swagger for Servant

dmjio/envy                                 31
:angry: Environmentally friendly environment variables for Haskell

ghcjs/ghcjs-dom                            31
Make Document Object Model (DOM) apps that run in any browser and natively using WebKitGtk

soundcloud/haskell-kubernetes              31
Haskell bindings to the v1 Kubernetes api, generated via swagger-codegen

propella/prolog                            31
a prolog

conscell/hugs-android                      31
Port of HUGS Haskell interpreter to Android

frontrowed/stratosphere                    31
Haskell EDSL and type-checker for AWS CloudFormation templates

hunt-framework/hunt                        31
A flexible, lightweight search platform

intoverflow/Potential                      31
x86-64 assembly as a Haskell EDSL

gree/haskell-jobqueue                      31

sdiehl/llvm-tutorial-standalone            31
Minimal Example of LLVM Haskell JIT

ilya-klyuchnikov/lambdapi                  31
Dependently Typed Lambda Calculus in Haskell

snoyberg/packdeps                          31
Web app to track lagging package dependencies.

Soostone/cassy                             31
High level Cassandra bindings for Haskell

ahushh/Monaba                              31
Imageboard engine written in Haskell and powered by Yesod

andrewdougherty/svm                        31
A support vector machine implemented in Haskell.

crooney/cinder                             30
Markup (HTML and SVG) and DOM manipulation DSL for the Fay subset of Haskell.

tfausak/hairy                              30
:haircut: A JSON REST API built in Haskell.

agrafix/users                              30
A library simplifying user management for Haskell web applications

yesodweb/yesod-scaffold                    30
The Yesod scaffolding, with branches for different versions.

pushcx/hpffp-resources                     30
Haskell Programming From First Principles - Follow-up Resources

nh2/haskell-from-python                    30
Example how to call Haskell from Python easily (using ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary)

vincenthz/language-java                    30
Java parser and printer for haskell

imalsogreg/reffit                          30
Community mini-reviews for scientific papers

yesodweb/yesodweb.com                      30
The http://www.yesodweb.com/ site

fumieval/objective                         30
Purely functional objects

snoyberg/mono-traversable                  30
Type classes for mapping, folding, and traversing monomorphic containers

chrisdone/chrisdone-xmonad                 30
My xmonad configuration.

snoyberg/markdown                          30
Convert Markdown to HTML, with XSS protection

ElastiLotem/buildsome                      30
Buildsome: The awesome build system

AllureOfTheStars/Allure                    30
Allure of the Stars is a near-future Sci-Fi roguelike and tactical squad game written in Haskell

tylerholien/milena                         30
the (very humble) beginnings of a kafka client for haskell

snoyberg/yesoddocs                         30
Yesod Web Framework documentation site

kazu-yamamoto/llrbtree                     30
Left-leaning red-black trees

egonSchiele/actionkid                      30
A video game framework for haskell

tmcdonell/cuda                             30
Haskell FFI bindings to CUDA

puffnfresh/free-graphs                     30
Generate GraphViz graphs by interpretting free monads.

yav/graphmod                               30
A utility for displaying the module dependecies of Haskell programs.

haskell-opengl/OpenGLRaw                   30
Haskell bindings to OpenGL (direct C bindings)

alevy/postgresql-orm                       30
An Haskell ORM (Object Relational Mapping) and migrations DSL for PostgreSQL.