OCaml Github Star Ranking at 2016/05/19

facebook/flow                              7343
Adds static typing to JavaScript to improve developer productivity and code quality.

facebook/infer                             5191
A static analyzer for Java, C and Objective-C

facebook/pfff                              1668
Tools for code analysis, visualizations, or style-preserving source transformation.

BYVoid/Batsh                               1634
A language that compiles to Bash and Windows Batch

MLstate/opalang                            1038
The Opa Language for Web Application Development

tomprimozic/type-systems                   925
Implementations of various type systems in OCaml.

facebook/reason                            868
A meta language toolchain to build systems rapidly

astrada/google-drive-ocamlfuse             823
FUSE filesystem over Google Drive

ocaml/ocaml                                774
The core OCaml system: compilers, runtime system, base libraries

bloomberg/bucklescript                     672
A backend for the OCaml compiler which emits JavaScript.

mirage/mirage                              660
MirageOS is a library operating system that constructs unikernels

FStarLang/FStar                            553
An ML-like language with a type system for program verification

artagnon/rhine-ml                          552
an OCaml compiler for an untyped lisp

mirage/irmin                               551
Irmin is a distributed database that follows the same design principles as Git

ocaml/opam                                 411
OPAM is a source-based package manager for OCaml. It supports multiple simultaneous compiler installations, flexible package constraints, and a Git-friendly development workflow.

the-lambda-church/merlin                   410
Context sensitive completion for OCaml in Vim and Emacs

coq/coq                                    402
Coq is a formal proof management system. It provides a formal language to write mathematical definitions, executable algorithms and theorems together with an environment for semi-interactive development of machine-checked proofs. 

janestreet/core                            368
Jane Street Capital's standard library overlay

mahsu/MariOCaml                            320
HTML 5 canvas implementation of Mario written in Ocaml

WebAssembly/spec                           311
Staging ground for artifacts related to an MVP spec

TrustInSoft/tis-interpreter                268
An interpreter for finding subtle bugs in programs written in standard C

Microsoft/SLAyer                           262
SLAyer is an automatic formal verification tool that uses separation logic to verify memory safety of C programs.

matijapretnar/eff                          256
A functional programming language based on algebraic effects and their handlers.

diml/utop                                  249
Universal toplevel for OCaml

ocsigen/js_of_ocaml                        245
Compiler from OCaml to Javascript.

ocaml-batteries-team/batteries-included    240
Batteries Included project

pikatchu/LinearML                          230
Functional language for parallel programming

mirage/jitsu                               226
A DNS server that automatically starts unikernels on demand

BinaryAnalysisPlatform/bap                 216
BAP Core Library

xapi-project/xen-api                       213
The Xapi Project's XenAPI Server

savonet/liquidsoap                         212
Audio and video streaming language

felix-lang/felix                           211
The Felix Programming Language

ANSSI-FR/caradoc                           179
A PDF parser and validator

prakhar1989/type-inference                 174
The Hindley Milner Type Inference Algorithm

alavrik/piqi                               172
Piqi – universal schema language: JSON, XML, Protocol Buffers data validation and conversion

technomancy/grenchman                      168
Sorry about the name

rgrinberg/opium                            167
Sinatra like web toolkit for OCaml

janestreet/incremental                     163
A library for incremental computations

g2p/git-fs                                 162
A filesystem interface to git repositories

docker/datakit                             160
Connect processes into powerful data pipelines with a simple git-like filesystem interface

eatonphil/owebl                            159
OCaml, Meet Web.

realworldocaml/examples                    157
All the examples in Real World OCaml

mirage/ocaml-cohttp                        157
Very lightweight HTTP server using Lwt or Async

mirleft/ocaml-tls                          149
TLS in pure OCaml

hannesm/jackline                           148
terminal-based XMPP client purely in OCaml

ocaml/opam-repository                      147
Main public package repository for OPAM, the source package manager of OCaml.

rxse/lyrica                                140
A safe, comprehensible and efficient PID 1/init replacement written in OCaml.

ocaml/ocaml.org                            128
Implementation of the ocaml.org website.

coccinelle/coccinelle                      126
Source code of the Coccinelle project

jsigbiz/spec                               126
JavaScript signature notation

ocamllabs/ocaml-ctypes                     125
Library for binding to C libraries using pure OCaml

montyly/gueb                               122

0install/0install                          122
the core 0install package

cil-project/cil                            115
C Intermediate Language

jaked/ocamljs                              114
Javascript back-end for OCamlc

Andromedans/andromeda                      111
A minimalist implementation of type theory, suitable for experimentation

bitblaze-fuzzball/fuzzball                 110
FuzzBALL: Vine-based Binary Symbolic Execution

esumii/min-caml                            108
moved from https://sourceforge.net/p/min-caml/code/

mfp/extprot                                105
extprot: extensible binary protocols for cross-language communication and long-term serialization

docker/vpnkit                              96
A toolkit for embedding VPN capabilities in your application

bobzhang/ocaml-book                        92
a book about ocaml

xclerc/ocamljava                           91

c-cube/ocaml-containers                    90
A lightweight, modular standard library extension, string library, and interfaces to various libraries (bigarrays, unix, etc.) BSD license.

mirage/mirage-www                          90
Website infrastructure for mirage.io

frenetic-lang/frenetic                     89
The Frenetic Programming Language and Runtime System

talex5/cuekeeper                           88

janestreet/core_kernel                     85
Jane Street's standard library overlay (kernel)

whitequark/ppx_deriving                    84
Type-driven code generation for OCaml >=4.02

szktty/bran                                83
A strongly-typed language with type inference running on Erlang VM, influenced by OCaml.

ocsigen/lwt                                81
Cooperative threading for OCaml.

mirage/mirage-platform                     79
Core platform libraries for Mirage (UNIX and Xen). This provides the `OS` library which handles timers, device setup and the main loop, as well as the runtime for the Xen unikernel.

ocsigen/eliom                              77
Framework for programming web and mobile applications in OCaml.

mfp/ocsiblog                               76
Stand-alone, minimalistic blogging engine powered by the Ocsigen web server + framework for OCaml.

mirage/mirage-tcpip                        75
TCP/IP networking stack in pure OCaml, using the Mirage platform libraries.  Includes Ethernet, DHCP, ARP and TCP/IPv4 support.

mfp/ocamlmq                                72
Small footprint, easy to use STOMP message broker designed for task queues and IPC

aantron/lambda-soup                        72
Functional HTML scraping and rewriting with CSS in OCaml.

hammerlab/oml                              72
OCaml Math Library

brownplt/LambdaS5                          69
Semantics for ES5

OCamlPro/ocp-indent                        68
Indentation tool for OCaml, to be used from editors like Emacs and Vim.

libguestfs/supermin                        68
tool for creating supermin appliances (formerly called febootstrap).  PLEASE DO NOT USE GITHUB FOR ISSUES OR PULL REQUESTS. See the website for how to file a bug or contact us.  http://libguestfs.org

mirage/mirage-skeleton                     66
Build skeleton and examples of simple Mirage apps

plum-umd/redexer                           66
The Redexer binary instrumentation framework for Dalvik bytecode

sgreben/ok                                 66
OCaml implementation of the K 2.0 array programming language

iskandr/ocaml_llvm                         64
Toy compiler for OCaml Meetup

Incubaid/arakoon                           64
A consistent distributed key-value store

ocaml/ocaml-re                             63
Pure OCaml regular expressions, with support for Perl and POSIX-style strings

johnelse/spotify-cli                       62
CLI program for controlling the spotify desktop client

ejgallego/jscoq                            62
A port of Coq to Javascript -- Run Coq in your Browser

ujamjar/hardcaml                           62
Register Transfer Level Hardware Design in OCaml

s3team/uroboros                            60

biocaml/biocaml                            60
OCaml Bioinformatics Library

wickedchicken/ocaml_skeleton               60
A basic OCaml project with unit tests

EchoTeam/ocaml-erlang-port                 58
Support library for OCaml programs running as Erlang ports

ocaml/oasis                                58
Cabal like system for OCaml

kerneis/cpc                                57
Continuation Passing C

zkat/maybe-hugs                            57
Polyglot implementations of conditional hugging

OCamlPro/ollvm                             57
An higher-level LLVM binding for OCaml

bcpierce00/unison                          56
Unison file synchronizer

mjambon/yojson                             56
JSON parsing and pretty-printing library for OCaml

vectorlang/vector                          56
A high-level programming language for GPUs

aantron/bisect_ppx                         56
Code coverage for OCaml.

ravichugh/djs                              55
Dependent JavaScript: A Typed Dialect

mirage/ocaml-cow                           55
Caml on the Web (COW) is a set of parsers and syntax extensions to let you manipulate HTML, CSS, XML, JSON and Markdown directly from OCaml code.

fxfactorial/ocaml-nodejs                   55
 :cool: Write OCaml, run on node.

yoshihiro503/ocamltter                     54
ocamltter is a Twitter client in OCaml. This client run on the OCaml toplevel interpreter. Then each operation on the client is just a OCaml function and you can develop a twitter program interactively.

bobzhang/fan                               54
Compile-time metaprogramming for OCaml

0day1day/bap                               54
Binary Analysis Platform

sgimenez/laby                              54
Learn programming, playing with ants and spider webs ;-)

samoht/assemblage                          53
A collection of tools to manage the configuration of OCaml projects

dbuenzli/react                             53
Declarative events and signals for OCaml

tianyicui/golio                            53
Go! Lisp in OCaml

travisbrady/word2phrase                    53
Python port of Mikolov's word2phrase.c from the word2vec toolkit

Kakadu/lablqt                              53
My thoughts about which Qt bindings for OCaml should be

modlfo/vult                                53
Vult is a transcompiler well suited to write high-performance DSP code

mathiasbourgoin/SPOC                       52
Stream Processing with OCaml

andrejbauer/plzoo                          52
Programming Languages Zoo

inhabitedtype/ocaml-webmachine             51
A REST toolkit for OCaml

alainfrisch/ppx_tools                      51
Tools for authors of ppx rewriters

Incubaid/baardskeerder                     51
A persistent B-ish-tree

zoggy/stog                                 50
XML documents and web site compiler.

aantron/markup.ml                          50
Error-recovering streaming HTML5 and XML parsers.