Emacs Github Star Ranking at 2016/12/08

syl20bnr/spacemacs                         9980
A community-driven Emacs distribution - The best editor is neither Emacs nor Vim,  it's Emacs *and* Vim!

bbatsov/prelude                            3230
Prelude is an enhanced Emacs 24 distribution that should make your experience with Emacs both more pleasant and more powerful.

purcell/emacs.d                            3205
An Emacs configuration bundle with batteries included

emacs-tw/awesome-emacs                     2403
A community driven list of useful Emacs packages, libraries and others.

magit/magit                                2378
It's Magit! A Git Porcelain inside Emacs.

clojure-emacs/cider                        1958
The Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks for Emacs

bbatsov/projectile                         1705
Project Interaction Library for Emacs

emacs-helm/helm                            1687
Emacs incremental completion and selection narrowing framework

for-GET/know-your-http-well                1650
HTTP headers, media-types, methods, relations and status codes, all summarized and linking to their specification.

joaotavora/yasnippet                       1359
A template system for Emacs

jwiegley/use-package                       1296
A use-package declaration for simplifying your .emacs

garybernhardt/dotfiles                     1283
~grb. Things in here are often interdependent. A lot of stuff relies on scripts in bin/.

dimitri/el-get                             1283
Manage the external elisp bits and pieces upon which you depend!

auto-complete/auto-complete                1258
Emacs auto-complete package

flycheck/flycheck                          1197
On the fly syntax checking for GNU Emacs

overtone/emacs-live                        1189
M-x start-hacking

facebookarchive/phpsh                      1124
A read-eval-print-loop for php

melpa/melpa                                1107
Scripts for building Emacs packages from Version Control

magnars/multiple-cursors.el                1070
Multiple cursors for emacs.

sellout/emacs-color-theme-solarized        1011
Emacs highlighting using Ethan Schoonover’s Solarized color scheme

fxbois/web-mode                            1002
web template editing mode for emacs

mooz/js2-mode                              889
Improved JavaScript editing mode for GNU Emacs

emacs-mirror/emacs                         884
Mirror of GNU Emacs

company-mode/company-mode                  864
Modular in-buffer completion framework for Emacs

jorgenschaefer/elpy                        836
Emacs Python Development Environment

cask/cask                                  789
Project management tool for Emacs

haskell/haskell-mode                       780
Emacs mode for Haskell

Fuco1/smartparens                          761
Minor mode for Emacs that deals with parens pairs and tries to be smart about it.

gabrielelanaro/emacs-for-python            760
Collection of emacs extensions specifically collected for python development, with workflow guidelines!

pashky/restclient.el                       698
HTTP REST client tool for emacs

ch11ng/exwm                                696
Emacs X Window Manager

magnars/dash.el                            661
A modern list library for Emacs

tibbe/haskell-style-guide                  645
A style guide for Haskell code.

skeeto/skewer-mode                         643
Live web development in Emacs

xiaohanyu/oh-my-emacs                      643
[Stopped]Provide an awesome, out-of-box, literate dotemacs for both newbies and nerds.

magnars/expand-region.el                   629
Emacs extension to increase selected region by semantic units.

jaypei/emacs-neotree                       603
A emacs tree plugin like NerdTree for Vim.

tonini/alchemist.el                        595
Elixir Tooling Integration Into Emacs

clojure-emacs/clojure-mode                 583
Emacs support for the Clojure(Script) programming language

senny/emacs-eclim                          581
This project brings some of the great eclipse features to emacs developers. It is based on the eclim project, which provides eclipse features for vim.

defunkt/coffee-mode                        553
Emacs Major Mode for CoffeeScript

bbatsov/zenburn-emacs                      547
The Zenburn colour theme ported to Emacs

nonsequitur/smex                           543
A smart M-x enhancement for Emacs.

dominikh/go-mode.el                        537
Emacs mode for the Go programming language

kiwanami/emacs-calfw                       520
A calendar framework for Emacs

serras/emacs-haskell-tutorial              516
Tutorial on setting up Emacs to do Haskell programming

politza/pdf-tools                          508
Emacs support library for PDF files.

abo-abo/hydra                              506
make Emacs bindings that stick around

Sarcasm/irony-mode                         502
A C/C++ minor mode for Emacs powered by libclang

yjwen/org-reveal                           500
Exports Org-mode contents to Reveal.js HTML presentation.

vermiculus/sx.el                           499
Stack Exchange for Emacs

technomancy/better-defaults                479
A small number of better defaults for Emacs

syohex/emacs-git-gutter                    479
Emacs port of GitGutter which is Sublime Text Plugin

milkypostman/powerline                     475
emacs powerline

tkf/emacs-jedi                             475
Python auto-completion for Emacs

Malabarba/smart-mode-line                  472
A powerful and beautiful mode-line for Emacs.

clojure-emacs/clj-refactor.el              472
A collection of Clojure refactoring functions for Emacs

abo-abo/avy                                470
Jump to things in Emacs tree-style

purcell/exec-path-from-shell               465
Make Emacs use the $PATH set up by the user's shell

winterTTr/ace-jump-mode                    444
a quick cursor jump mode for emacs

kelvinh/org-page                           438
A static site generator based on Emacs and org mode.

abo-abo/swiper                             434
Ivy - a generic completion frontend for Emacs, Swiper - isearch with an overview, and more. Oh, man!

tkf/emacs-ipython-notebook                 433
IPython notebook client in Emacs

nicferrier/elnode                          425
evented io webserver right inside your emacs.

defunkt/gist.el                            424
Yet another Emacs paste mode, this one for Gist.

wyvernlang/wyvern                          421
The Wyvern programming language.

johanvts/emacs-fireplace                   404
A cozy fireplace for emacs.

chrisdone/structured-haskell-mode          395
Structured editing minor mode for Haskell in Emacs

magnars/s.el                               395
The long lost Emacs string manipulation library.

ShingoFukuyama/helm-swoop                  384
Efficiently hopping squeezed lines powered by Emacs helm interface

bbatsov/solarized-emacs                    379
The Solarized colour theme, ported to Emacs.

hayamiz/twittering-mode                    374
An Emacs major mode for Twitter

ejmr/php-mode                              372
A PHP mode for GNU Emacs

jacktasia/dumb-jump                        370
an Emacs "jump to definition" package

chrisdone/god-mode                         366
Global minor mode for entering Emacs commands without modifier keys

pidu/git-timemachine                       361
Step through historic versions of git controlled file using everyone's favourite editor

defunkt/textmate.el                        360
Basic emulation of awesome TextMate features for Emacs.

org-trello/org-trello                      359
Org minor mode - 2-way sync org & trello

kuanyui/moe-theme.el                       358
A customizable colorful eye-candy theme for Emacser. Moe, moe, kyun!

lewang/flx                                 350
Fuzzy matching for Emacs ... a la Sublime Text.

gregsexton/ob-ipython                      350
org-babel integration with Jupyter for evaluation of (Python by default) code blocks

Golevka/emacs-clang-complete-async         344
An emacs plugin to complete C and C++ code using libclang

Wilfred/ag.el                              340
An Emacs frontend to ag, ("the silver searcher" ack replacement)

m0smith/malabar-mode                       340
EMCS JVM Integration for Java and other JVM based languages

skeeto/elfeed                              339
An Emacs web feeds client

Malabarba/paradox                          331
Project for modernizing Emacs' Package Menu. With package ratings, usage statistics, customizability, and more.

jonathanchu/emacs-powerline                330
Powerline for Emacs

proofit404/anaconda-mode                   327
Code navigation, documentation lookup and completion for Python.

owainlewis/emacs-color-themes              326
A collection of custom themes for Emacs. All the themes are named after famous programmers.

fsharp/fsharpbinding                       319
Archive of F# Language Bindings for Open Editors

kai2nenobu/guide-key                       315
Guide following keys to an input key sequence automatically and dynamically in Emacs.

m2ym/popwin-el                             312
Popup Window Manager for Emacs

leoliu/ggtags                              307
Emacs frontend to GNU Global source code tagging system.

punchagan/org2blog                         306
blog from org-mode to wordpress

jwiegley/emacs-async                       306
Simple library for asynchronous processing in Emacs

TeMPOraL/nyan-mode                         304
Nyan Cat for Emacs! Nyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyan!

justbur/emacs-which-key                    304
Emacs package that displays available keybindings in popup

AndreaCrotti/yasnippet-snippets            298
a collection of yasnippet snippets for many languages

roman/golden-ratio.el                      293
Automatic resizing of Emacs windows to the golden ratio

davidswelt/aquamacs-emacs                  290
Aquamacs Emacs

Malabarba/aggressive-indent-mode           281
Emacs minor mode that keeps your code always indented. More reliable than electric-indent-mode.

yinwang0/ydiff                             281
a structural comparison tool for Lisp

abo-abo/lispy                              280
vi-like Paredit

nex3/perspective-el                        278
Perspectives for Emacs.

josteink/wsd-mode                          278
A major-mode for Emacs and websequencediagrams.com 

rmm5t/dotfiles                             276
●:page_facing_up: Ryan McGeary's configuration shiznit that makes him productive

repoforge/rpms                             272
RepoForge.Org package specifications. This is where you can modify RepoForge.Org packages!

atilaneves/cmake-ide                       271
Use Emacs as a C/C++ IDE

OmniSharp/omnisharp-emacs                  271
Troll coworkers - use Emacs at work for csharp!

howardabrams/dot-files                     270
My Emacs initialization code and standard scripts I use for client and servers alike.

jwiegley/dot-emacs                         269
My .emacs.el file and other personal Emacs goodies

editorconfig/editorconfig-emacs            266
EditorConfig plugin for emacs

fgallina/python.el                         262
Python's flying circus support for Emacs

areina/helm-dash                           262
Browse Dash docsets inside emacs

ensime/emacs-scala-mode                    260
The definitive scala-mode for emacs

vspinu/polymode                            260
Object oriented framework for multiple emacs modes based on indirect buffers

emacs-ess/ESS                              259
Emacs Speaks Statistics: ESS

auto-complete/popup-el                     255
Visual Popup Interface Library for Emacs

magnars/js2-refactor.el                    254
A JavaScript refactoring library for emacs

alexott/emacs-configs                      253
My personal Emacs configuration

realgud/realgud                            251
The Grand "Cathedral" Debugger rewrite

bodil/ohai-emacs                           251
The finest hand crafted artisanal emacs.d for your editing pleasure

stanaka/dash-at-point                      251
a emacs lisp for searching the word at point with Dash

rdallasgray/pallet                         249
A package management tool for Emacs, built on Cask.

Fuco1/litable                              249
On-the-fly evaluation/substitution of emacs lisp code

zilongshanren/spacemacs-private            248
My Spacemacs config

antonj/Highlight-Indentation-for-Emacs     247
Minor modes to highlight indentation guides in emacs.

massemanet/distel                          245
emacs - erlang IDE

flyingmachine/emacs-for-clojure            243

renard/o-blog                              242
Standalone orgmode blog exporter.

greghendershott/racket-mode                241
GNU Emacs major modes for Racket: Edit and REPL.

rejeep/prodigy.el                          241
Manage external services from within Emacs

yoshiki/yaml-mode                          238
The emacs major mode for editing files in the YAML data serialization format.

cpaulik/emacs-material-theme               237
Color Theme for emacs based on material design colors

jdee-emacs/jdee                            236
The JDEE is an add-on software package that turns Emacs into a comprehensive system for creating, editing, debugging, and documenting Java applications.

ensime/ensime-emacs                        235
ENhanced Scala Interaction Mode for Emacs

yuya373/emacs-slack                        235
slack client for emacs

abingham/emacs-ycmd                        233
Emacs client for ycmd, the code completion system.

jkitchin/org-ref                           233
org-mode modules for citations, cross-references, bibliographies in org-mode and useful bibtex tools to go with it.

syohex/emacs-helm-ag                       232
The silver searcher with helm interface

rejeep/f.el                                225
Modern API for working with files and directories in Emacs

elixir-lang/emacs-elixir                   225
Emacs major mode for Elixir 

sabof/project-explorer                     223
 A project explorer sidebar

abo-abo/ace-window                         221
Quickly switch windows in Emacs

swift-emacs/swift-mode                     219
Emacs support for Apple's Swift programming language.

dgutov/diff-hl                             215
Emacs package for highlighting uncommitted changes

NicolasPetton/jade                         215
JavaScript Awesome Development Environment (in Emacs)

jhamrick/emacs                             213
Emacs configuration files

dengste/org-caldav                         213
Caldav sync for Emacs orgmode

ralesi/ranger.el                           209
Bringing the goodness of ranger to dired!

fniessen/emacs-leuven-theme                208
Awesome Emacs color theme for white backgrounds --- Added in Emacs 24.4

syohex/emacs-quickrun                      207
Run command quickly. This packages is inspired quickrun.vim

quelpa/quelpa                              206
Build and install your Emacs Lisp packages on-the-fly directly from source

rdallasgray/graphene                       206
A set of defaults for Emacs, for refugees from GUI text editors.

michaelklishin/cucumber.el                 204
Emacs mode for editing Cucumber plain text stories

zk-phi/sublimity                           204
[emacs] smooth-scrolling and minimap like sublime editor

wanderlust/wanderlust                      199
Wanderlust Development Repository

brianjcj/auto-complete-clang               197
auto complete source for clang. AC+Clang+Yasnippet!

senny/rvm.el                               196
use rvm to manage ruby versions within emacs

azer/emacs                                 196
Ready-to-use Emacs Setup for JavaScript and Go

timcharper/evil-surround                   194
you will be surrounded (surround.vim for evil, the extensible vi layer)

bnbeckwith/writegood-mode                  193
Minor mode for Emacs to improve English writing

sabof/org-bullets                          192
utf-8 bullets for org-mode

syohex/emacs-anzu                          192
Emacs Port of anzu.vim

jochu/clojure-mode                         191
A mode for emacs that handles clojure

kiwanami/emacs-deferred                    190
Simple asynchronous functions for emacs lisp

defunkt/emacs                              189
My Emacs config

tumashu/chinese-pyim                       189
一个 emacs 中文输入法,支持全拼,双拼和五笔,在线文档: 

clojure-emacs/clojure-cheatsheet           189
The Clojure Cheatsheet for Emacs

jaor/geiser                                188
emacs and scheme talk to each other

sigma/gh.el                                188
GitHub API library for Emacs

TheBB/spaceline                            186
Powerline theme from Spacemacs

kiwanami/emacs-edbi                        184
Database Interface for Emacs Lisp

pezra/rspec-mode                           184
An RSpec minor mode for Emacs

cofi/evil-leader                           183
&lt:leader&gt: key for evil

rust-lang/rust-mode                        182
Emacs configuration for Rust

tkf/emacs-request                          180
Request.el -- Easy HTTP request for Emacs Lisp

antonj/scss-mode                           180
Emacs mode for SCSS files (http://sass-lang.com)

oneKelvinSmith/monokai-emacs               180
Monokai for Emacs is a port of the popular TextMate theme Monokai by Wimer Hazenberg.

remvee/android-mode                        179
Emacs minor mode for Android application development

benma/visual-regexp.el                     178
A regexp/replace command for Emacs with interactive visual feedback

thomblake/js3-mode                         178
A chimeric fork of js2-mode and js-mode

spotify/dockerfile-mode                    177
An emacs mode for handling Dockerfiles

immerrr/lua-mode                           176
Emacs major mode for editing Lua

kiwanami/emacs-window-manager              176
Customizable window manager for emacs

tsgates/git-emacs                          176
Yet another git mode on emacs for newbies

ahyatt/emacs-websocket                     176
A websocket implementation in elisp, for emacs.

jcollard/elm-mode                          174
Elm mode for emacs

technomancy/find-file-in-project           174
Quick access to project files in Emacs

baohaojun/org-jira                         173
Bring Jira and OrgMode together

emacs-jp/replace-colorthemes               172
Replace color-theme with Emacs theme framework

zk-phi/indent-guide                        171
[emacs] show vertical lines to guide indentation

wakatime/wakatime-mode                     171
Emacs plugin for automatic time tracking and metrics generated from your programming activity.

magit/git-modes                            170
Emacs major modes for various Git configuration files

edwtjo/evil-org-mode                       169
Supplemental evil-mode keybindings to emacs org-mode

tlh/workgroups.el                          169
workgroups for windows -- sexy window management for emacs

Malabarba/emacs-google-this                168
A set of emacs functions and bindings to google under point.

sigma/magit-gh-pulls                       166
Magit plugin for dealing with GitHub pull requests

djcb/sauron                                166
emacs event log (WIP)

redguardtoo/evil-nerd-commenter            165
Comment/uncomment lines efficiently. Like Nerd Commenter in Vim

Malabarba/beacon                           164
A light that follows your cursor around so you don't lose it!

nathankot/company-sourcekit                164
Completion for Swift projects via SourceKit with the help of SourceKitten

fgallina/multi-web-mode                    163
Multi Web Mode is a minor mode wich makes web editing in Emacs much easier.

senny/cabbage                              163
get the maximum out of emacs

bbatsov/crux                               162
A Collection of Ridiculously Useful eXtensions for Emacs

bling/dotemacs                             162
emacs configuration for vim users

Malabarba/names                            161
A Namespace implementation for Emacs-Lisp

grizzl/fiplr                               160
An Emacs Fuzzy Find in Project Package

jrockway/eproject                          160
file grouping ("project") extension for emacs

m2ym/direx-el                              160
Directory Explorer for GNU Emacs

grizzl/grizzl                              159
Grizzl - A fuzzy search index & completing-read for Emacs

asok/projectile-rails                      159
Emacs Rails mode based on projectile

tumashu/chinese-fonts-setup                158

jorgenschaefer/circe                       158
Circe, a Client for IRC in Emacs

Fuco1/dired-hacks                          157
Collection of useful dired additions

lolownia/org-pomodoro                      157
pomodoro technique for org-mode

joaotavora/autopair                        157
Automagically pair braces and quotes in emacs like TextMate

brianc/jade-mode                           156
Emacs major mode for jade template highlighting

m00natic/vlfi                              153
View Large Files in Emacs

flymake/emacs-flymake                      153
Continuous syntax checking for Emacs. Fork to add max parallel invocations and other bug fixes.

Fanael/rainbow-delimiters                  152
Emacs rainbow delimiters mode

CodeFalling/blog-admin                     152
Write blog in emacs with hexo/org-page/nikola

zk-phi/symon                               152
[Emacs] tiny graphical system monitor

myuhe/org-gcal.el                          150
Org sync with Google Calendar

nschum/highlight-symbol.el                 150
Emacs: automatic and manual symbol highlighting

jordonbiondo/ample-theme                   149
A theme for Emacs providing dark, light, and flat versions.

creichert/ido-vertical-mode.el             149
makes ido-mode display vertically

linuxdeepin/deepin-emacs                   148
Customized emacs for deepin.

ergoemacs/ergoemacs-mode                   146

EnigmaCurry/emacs                          145
My GNU Emacs configuration

pashinin/workgroups2                       144
Create your workspaces in Emacs

bastibe/org-journal                        143
A simple org-mode based journaling mode

syohex/emacs-helm-gtags                    142
GNU GLOBAL helm interface

jrblevin/markdown-mode                     140
Emacs Markdown Mode

howardabrams/demo-it                       140
An Emacs package for running demonstrations and presentations from within Emacs.

dimitri/emacs-kicker                       140
A minimal kick start init file for emacs

technomancy/dotfiles                       139
Phil Hagelberg's personal dotfiles collection: the product of years of accumulated obsessive minor tweaks.

overtone/live-coding-emacs                 139
Check out Emacs Live instead - http://github.com/overtone/emacs-live

DarwinAwardWinner/ido-ubiquitous           139
Fancy completion all over Emacs, not just for buffers and files.

syohex/emacs-emamux                        138
tmux manipulation from Emacs

Wilfred/emacs-refactor                     138
language-specific refactoring in Emacs

belak/base16-emacs                         137
Base16 themes for Emacs

alpaker/Fill-Column-Indicator              137
An Emacs minor mode that graphically indicates the fill column.

mhayashi1120/Emacs-wgrep                   135
Writable grep buffer and apply the changes to files

ankurdave/color-identifiers-mode           133
Emacs minor mode to highlight each source code identifier uniquely based on its name

jwiegley/alert                             133
A Growl-like alerts notifier for Emacs

joshwnj/json-mode                          132
Major mode for editing JSON files with emacs

yasuyk/web-beautify                        132
Format HTML, CSS and JavaScript/JSON by js-beautify

krisajenkins/helm-spotify                  132
A simple Spotify-for-Emacs interface.

hober/html5-el                             132
HTML5 and XHTML5 tools in Emacs Lisp

domtronn/all-the-icons.el                  132
A utility package to collect various Icon Fonts and propertize them within Emacs.

bodil/emacs.d                              131
Here is my .emacs.d for public perusal.

kazu-yamamoto/Mew                          131
Messaging in the Emacs World

tj64/outshine                              130
[Emacs] outline with outshine outshines outline 

Wilfred/suggest.el                         130
discover elisp functions that do what you want

nex3/haml-mode                             129
Emacs mode for Haml.

promethial/paxedit                         129
Structured, Context-Driven, LISP Editing and Refactoring

purcell/color-theme-sanityinc-tomorrow     129
A set of Emacs color themes based on Chris Kempson's 'tomorrow' themes

ocaml/tuareg                               128
Emacs OCaml mode

cpitclaudel/company-coq                    127
IDE extensions for Proof General's Coq mode

davidmiller/pony-mode                      126
Django mode for emacs

hlissner/emacs-doom-theme                  126
Emacs themes inspired by Atom One

marsmining/ox-twbs                         125
Export org-mode docs as HTML compatible with Twitter Bootstrap.

idris-hackers/idris-mode                   123
Idris syntax highlighting, compiler-supported editing, interactive REPL and more things for Emacs.

wasamasa/eyebrowse                         122
A simple-minded way of managing window configs in emacs

Fuco1/clippy.el                            122
Show tooltip with function documentation at point

nashamri/spacemacs-theme                   122
Light and dark theme for spacemacs that supports GUI and terminal

ecukes/ecukes                              122
Cucumber for Emacs

nonsequitur/inf-ruby                       122

clarete/hackernews.el                      121
Hackernews client for Emacs

jkitchin/jmax                              121
Johns customizations to maximize emacs

dmexe/emacs-rails-reloaded                 121
Minor mode for editing RubyOnRails code in Emacs

redguardtoo/cpputils-cmake                 121
Easy real time C++ syntax check and intellisense if you use CMake

NicolasPetton/seq.el                       120
Sequence manipulation library for Emacs. Included in Emacs 25

gregsexton/origami.el                      120
A folding minor mode for Emacs

hlissner/.emacs.d                          119
Emacs for the stubborn martian vimmer

juba/color-theme-tangotango                118
An emacs color theme based on the tango palette colors

n3mo/cyberpunk-theme.el                    118
Cyberpunk theme for emacs built-in color theme support

joostkremers/writeroom-mode                117
Writeroom-mode: distraction-free writing for Emacs.

Silex/docker.el                            117
Manage docker from Emacs.

redguardtoo/evil-matchit                   117
Vim matchit ported into Emacs

dimitri/switch-window                      117
Offer a *visual* way to choose a window to switch to

bmag/emacs-purpose                         116
Manage Windows and Buffers According to Purposes

aaronbieber/dotfiles                       116
The skeleton of my wonderful *NIX home folders and scripts.

clojure-emacs/squiggly-clojure             115
Flycheck checker for Clojure, using eastwood and core.typed.

vermiculus/magithub                        115
Magit interfaces for GitHub

porterjamesj/virtualenvwrapper.el          114
virtualenv tool for emacs

gongo/json-reformat                        112
Reformat tool for JSON

gabesoft/evil-mc                           112
Multiple cursors implementation for evil-mode

tuhdo/semantic-refactor                    112
Semantic Refactor is a refactoring tool based on Semantic parser framework

iquiw/company-ghc                          111
Company-mode completion back-end for haskell-mode via ghc-mod

mrkkrp/vimish-fold                         111
Vim-like text folding for Emacs

emacsfodder/emacs-theme-darktooth          111
Darktooth : From the darkness... it watches.

mopemope/meghanada-emacs                   111
A Better Java Development Environment for Emacs

dacap/keyfreq                              110
Track Emacs commands frequency

spastorino/my_emacs_for_rails              109
Emacs init file and plugins to enhance Ruby on Rails development experience

edvorg/req-package                         109
dependency management system on top of use-package

mickeynp/discover.el                       109
Discover more of emacs with context menus!

kiwanami/emacs-ctable                      106
Table Component for elisp

jart/disaster                              106
Disassemble C/C++ code under cursor in Emacs

abo-abo/org-download                       106
Drag and drop images to Emacs org-mode

jlr/rainbow-delimiters                     105
Emacs rainbow delimiters mode

austin-----/weibo.emacs                    105
Sina weibo client in Emacs

tmalsburg/helm-bibtex                      104
Search and manage bibliographies in Emacs

expez/company-quickhelp                    104
Documentation popup for Company

leoliu/easy-kill                           104
Kill & Mark Things Easily in Emacs

purcell/less-css-mode                      104
Emacs mode for LESS CSS (lesscss.org), with support for compile-on-save

netguy204/imp.el                           104
Impatient html mode. See your changes in the browser as you type

akaihola/flymake-python                    103
Highlight Python syntax, style and unit test errors in Emacs

benma/visual-regexp-steroids.el            103
Extends visual-regexp to support other regexp engines

defunkt/markdown-mode                      103
Emacs Markdown mode

ananthakumaran/monky                       103
Magit for Hg

lunaryorn/.emacs.d                         102
Emacs configuration of a Haskell/Scala/Emacs Lisp developer

jwiegley/org-mode                          102
An organization and note-taking mode for Emacs, by Carsten Dominik

ScottyB/ac-js2                             101
Javascript auto-completion in Emacs using Js2-mode's parser and Skewer-mode.

syohex/emacs-git-gutter-fringe             101
Fringe version of git-gutter.el

kiwanami/emacs-epc                         101
A RPC stack for Emacs Lisp

magnars/mark-multiple.el                   101
An extension to emacs that sorta lets you mark several regions at once

racer-rust/emacs-racer                     101
Racer support for Emacs

dholm/tabbar                               100
Tabbar is an emacs minor mode that displays a tab bar at the top, similar to the idea of web browser’s tabs.

waymondo/apropospriate-theme               100
A colorful, low-contrast, light & dark theme set for Emacs with a fun name

hbin/molokai-theme                         100
Yet another molokai theme for Emacs 24.

purcell/ac-slime                           100
Emacs auto-complete plugin for Slime symbols

rlister/org-present                        100
Ultra-minimalist presentation minor-mode for Emacs org-mode.

ShingoFukuyama/ov.el                       99
Overlay library for Emacs Lisp.

rnkn/fountain-mode                         99
Emacs major mode for screenwriting in Fountain plaintext markup

bbatsov/emacs-dev-kit                      99
An advanced self-contained Emacs configuration suitable for many software developers (deprecated)

zk/emacs-dirtree                           97
Directory tree views in Emacs

commercialhaskell/stack-ide                97
Stack-based JSON interface to ide-backend

jschaf/esup                                97
ESUP - Emacs Start Up Profiler

larstvei/Focus                             97
Dim the font color of text in surrounding paragraphs

larstvei/dot-emacs                         97
My Emacs configurations written in Org mode

haxney/ezbl                                97
An Emacs interface for Uzbl.

Malabarba/elisp-bug-hunter                 96
Hunt down errors in elisp files.

jrblevin/deft                              96
Deft for Emacs

jscheid/kite                               95
Emacs front end for the WebKit Inspector

fniessen/orgmk                             95
Automate export (PDF, HTML, etc.) of Org documents

bitemyapp/dotfiles                         95
My .emacs, .screenrc, etc.

coldnew/linum-relative                     95
display relative line number in the left margin in emacs

fourier/ztree                              94
Directory tree comparison mode for Emacs

jrockway/cperl-mode                        94
cperl-mode with 5.10 fixes, mx-declare support, perl6 support, etc.

nibrahim/Hyde                              94
An Emacs mode to manage Jekyll blogs

knu/elscreen                               94
elscreen patched to work with recent Emacs

typester/emacs                             93
my emacs clone adding fullscreen support to CocoaEmacs

edpaget/parinfer-mode                      93
Emacs Mode for Parinfer

atykhonov/google-translate                 93
Emacs interface to Google Translate

eschulte/rhtml                             93
Minor Mode for editing rhtml file in Emacs (does not use MuMaMo)

cjohansen/.emacs.d                         93

rejeep/emacs                               93
My Emacs configuration files

crafterm/twilight-emacs                    93
Twilight Theme for Emacs

alphapapa/org-protocol-capture-html        92
Capture HTML from the browser selection into Emacs as org-mode content

larsbrinkhoff/emacs-cl                     92
Common Lisp implemented in Emacs Lisp.

tuhdo/emacs-c-ide-demo                     92
Emacs setup for C/C++ with Helm describe here: http://tuhdo.github.io/c-ide.html

Bad-ptr/persp-mode.el                      92
named perspectives(set of buffers/window configs) for emacs

eschulte/org-ehtml                         91
Export Org-mode files as editable web pages

purcell/elisp-slime-nav                    91
Slime-style navigation of Emacs Lisp source with M-. & M-,

nschum/window-numbering.el                 91
Emacs: Numbered window shortcuts

sjrmanning/noctilux-theme                  91
A dark colour theme for Emacs 24+ inspired by Light Table.

gregsexton/httprepl.el                     90
An HTTP REPL for Emacs

hrs/engine-mode                            90
Minor mode for defining and querying search engines through Emacs.

chrisdone/chrisdone-emacs                  90
My Emacs configuration

eschulte/yasnippets-rails                  89
A collection of yasnippets snippet definitions for use with Ruby on Rails

szermatt/emacs-bash-completion             89
Add programmable bash completion to Emac's shell-mode

oakmac/parinfer-elisp                      89
Parinfer in Emacs Lisp

nicferrier/elmarmalade                     88
emacs-lisp version of the marmalade package repository

Lokaltog/home                              88
Lokaltog's home repo. Contains emacs config files and various local config files (for git, fish, bspwm, etc.)

niku/markdown-preview-eww                  88
Realtime markdown preview by eww

dakrone/es-mode                            88
An Emacs major mode for editing Elasticsearch requests

aculich/virtualenv.el                      87
Minor mode that allows emacs to use virtualenv for python.

DogLooksGood/parinfer-mode                 87
Parinfer for Emacs :)

joodland/bm                                87
bm.el -- Visual Bookmarks for GNU Emacs

joddie/macrostep                           87
interactive macro-expander for Emacs

aki2o/emacs-tss                            86
Provide a interface for auto-complete.el/flymake.el on typescript-mode.

VincentToups/emacs-utils                   86
Some of my emacs-utilities

joddie/pcre2el                             86
convert between PCRE, Emacs and rx regexp syntax

wasamasa/gotham-theme                      86
 Code never sleeps in Gotham City.

sanel/monroe                               86
Clojure nREPL client for Emacs

syohex/emacs-go-eldoc                      86
eldoc for go language

walter/aquamacs-emacs-starter-kit          86
An Aquamacs specific starter kit that is inspired by emacs-starter-kit, but not a direct fork. Structure differs to suit Aquamacs conventions.

nonsequitur/git-gutter-plus                86

noctuid/general.el                         86
More convenient key definitions in emacs

ProofGeneral/PG                            86
This repo is the new home of Proof General

samisalkosuo/elite-for-emacs               86
Interpretation of the game Elite using Emacs.

redguardtoo/elpa-mirror                    85
Create local emacs package repository. 15 seconds to install 115 packages.

syohex/emacs-git-messenger                 85
Emacs Port of git-messenger.vim

lewang/ws-butler                           85
Unobtrusively trim extraneous white-space *ONLY* in lines edited.

chrisbarrett/spacemacs-layers              85

mickeynp/smart-scan                        84
Jumps between other symbols found at point in Emacs

mhayashi1120/Emacs-langtool                84
LanguageTool for Emacs

rejeep/drag-stuff.el                       84
Drag stuff around in Emacs

myfreeweb/django-mode                      84
[NEED A MAINTAINER] Django mode and snippets for Emacs

purcell/ibuffer-vc                         84
Let Emacs' ibuffer-mode group files by git project etc., and show file state

abicky/nodejs-repl.el                      84
Run Node.js REPL and communicate the process

joostkremers/pandoc-mode                   83
An Emacs minor mode for interacting with Pandoc.

justbur/emacs-vdiff                        83
Like vimdiff for Emacs

vibhavp/emacs-xkcd                         83
Read xkcd from Emacs

ensime/emacs-sbt-mode                      82
An emacs mode for interacting with scala sbt and projects

emacs-helm/helm-ls-git                     82
Yet another helm to list git file.

jorgenschaefer/pyvenv                      82
Python virtual environment interface for Emacs

rnkn/olivetti                              82
Emacs minor mode for a nice writing environment

nightire/dotfiles                          82
A story about how a developer build his environment step by step, day by day...watch this.

TheBB/spacemacs-layers                     81
Miscellaneous layers for Spacemacs

jorgenschaefer/emacs-buttercup             81
Behavior-Driven Emacs Lisp Testing

the-kenny/weechat.el                       80
Chat via weechat's relay protocol in Emacs

tsgates/pylookup                           80
Emacs mode for searching python documents with convenience

Wilfred/ht.el                              80
The missing hash table library for Emacs

takaxp/org-tree-slide                      80
A presentation tool for org-mode based on the visibility of outline trees

segv/jss                                   80
jsSlime - An emacs toolkit for developing and debugging in-browser javascript code

aborn/popkit-elpa                          79
elpa popkit mirror in china.国内emacs包安装源

zweifisch/ob-http                          79
make http request within org-mode babel

nex3/sass-mode                             78
Emacs mode for Sass

dbrock/bongo                               78
Play music with GNU Emacs

proofit404/company-tern                    77
Tern backend for company-mode.

hick/emacs-chinese                         77

glasserc/ethan-wspace                      77
the definitive emacs customizations for people who are OCD about whitespace

avendael/emacs-geeknote                    77
Use Evernote in Emacs through geeknote

phillord/lentic                            76
Create views of the same content in two Emacs buffers

justbur/evil-magit                         76
Black magic or evil keys for magit

clojure-emacs/ac-nrepl                     76
[Deprecated] Emacs auto-complete backend for nrepl completions

alloy-d/color-theme-molokai                76
An Emacs port of the Vim port of the Monokai color scheme for TextMate.

emacsmirror/emacswiki.org                  76
The official Emacswiki repository

ocodo/.emacs.d                             76
A reusable .emacs.d with many features for modern editor users. - The config used in twitter/@emacs_gifs

jinzhu/zeal-at-point                       76
Search the word at point with Zeal (Emacs)

11111000000/tao-theme-emacs                75
Tao Theme for Emacs

paldepind/composable.el                    75
Composable text editing for Emacs.

jxa/pivotal-tracker                        75
Emacs client for Pivotal Tracker

abo-abo/function-args                      74
C++ completion for GNU Emacs

zklhp/emacs-w64                            74
64-bit GNU Emacs for MS Windows with optimization.

Malabarba/fancy-narrow                     74
Emacs package to immitate narrow-to-region with more eye-candy

syl20bnr/evil-escape                       74
Customizable key sequence to escape from insert state and everything else in Emacs.

shime/emacs-livedown                       74
Emacs plugin for Livedown.

ghoseb/dotemacs                            74
BG's custom Emacs setup

hagleitn/speed-type                        74
Practice touch/speed typing in emacs

claviclaws/org-mac-protocol                73
A suite of AppleScripts and elisp to allow annotation of Emacs org-mode files from other OS X applications

rolandwalker/unicode-fonts                 73
Configure Unicode fonts for Emacs

marktran/color-theme-ujelly                73
Ujelly theme for Emacs

kaushalmodi/.emacs.d                       73
My emacs configuration

cefstat/simplenote.el                      72
Helper functions for simple-note.appspot.com

wenbinye/emacs-eim                         72
Emacs Input Method

emacs-helm/helm-descbinds                  72
A helm frontend for describe-bindings.

jonathanchu/atom-one-dark-theme            72
Atom One Dark - An Emacs port of the Atom One Dark theme from Atom.io.

technomancy/atreus-firmware                72
Firmware for the Atreus keyboard

bookest/arduino-mode                       72
Emacs major mode for editing Arduino sketches.

kawabata/ox-pandoc                         72
Another org-mode exporter via pandoc.

emacs-jp/init-loader                       71
Original is http://coderepos.org/share/browser/lang/elisp/init-loader/init-loader.el

etu/0blayout-mode                          71
Small global-minor-mode to Emacs to handle several layouts

bbatsov/helm-projectile                    71
Helm UI for Projectile

Malabarba/rich-minority                    71
Emacs package for hiding and/or highlighting the list of minor-modes in the mode-line.

jcsalomon/smarttabs                        70
Emacs smart tabs - indent with tabs, align with spaces!

alexhenning/ORGMODE-Markdown               70
An elisp module that allows you to export orgmode files to markdown.

lewang/command-log-mode                    70
log commands to buffer

skuro/plantuml-mode                        70
A major mode for editing PlantUML sources in Emacs

vspinu/zotelo                              69
Manage zotero collections  from emacsemacs.

dougm/vagrant-tramp                        69
Vagrant method for Emacs' tramp

bbatsov/rubocop-emacs                      69
An Emacs interface for RuboCop

wasamasa/dotemacs                          69
Literate Emacs configuration

technomancy/durendal                       68
A bucket of Emacs tricks for Clojure

dkogan/xcscope.el                          68
cscope interface for (X)Emacs

clojure-emacs/ac-cider                     68
Emacs auto-complete backend for CIDER

Fanael/rainbow-identifiers                 68
Rainbow identifier highlighting for Emacs

greduan/emacs-theme-gruvbox                68
Gruvbox is a retro groove color scheme for Emacs. Port of the Vim version.

mbriggs/old-emacs.d                        68
Old emacs configuration. New one is living at http://github.com/mbriggs/.emacs.d

kiwanami/emacs-skype                       67
Skype UI for emacs users

escherdragon/sunrise-commander             67
Twin-pane file manager for Emacs based on Dired and inspired by MC.

IvanMalison/org-projectile                 67
Manage org-mode TODOs for your projectile projects

technomancy/rinari                         67
Rinari Is Not A Rails IDE (no longer updated; see eschulte's fork)

abo-abo/oremacs                            67
My Emacs config. http://oremacs.com/

clojure-emacs/inf-clojure                  67
Basic interaction with a Clojure subprocess

yuutayamada/mykie-el                       66

Sarcasm/company-irony                      66
company-mode completion back-end for irony-mode

dougm/goflymake                            66
Emacs flymake-mode for golang

bastibe/annotate.el                        66

tomtt/emacs-rails                          65
Tomtt's version of the minor mode for editing RubyOnRails code in Emacs

eschulte/emacs-web-server                  65
web server running Emacs Lisp handlers.

deech/shen-elisp                           65

tam17aki/ace-isearch                       65
A seamless bridge between isearch, ace-jump-mode, avy, and helm-swoop.

sjrmanning/darkokai                        65
:new_moon: Dark colour theme inspired by monokai with an uninspired name.

wasamasa/shackle                           64
Enforce rules for popup windows

steckerhalter/discover-my-major            64
Discover key bindings and their meaning for the current Emacs major mode

chrismccord/dot_emacs                      64

ShingoFukuyama/emacs-swoop                 64
Peculiar buffer navigation for Emacs

zhengyuli/DoubanMusic                      64
douban fm client for emacs

osener/emacs-afternoon-theme               63
Dark color theme with a deep blue background

jinzhu/configure                           63
My dot files for Emacs, Openbox, XMonad, VIM, Zsh/Bash, tmux, URXVT, ArchLinux, Git, Ruby/Rails, Xbindkey, Vrome...

CestDiego/sweetgreen.el                    63
Get your salad from https://order.sweetgreen.com directly from Emacs

ppareit/graphviz-dot-mode                  63
Emacs mode for the DOT language, used by graphviz.

mola-T/timp                                63
Timp - The first multithread library

skeeto/.emacs.d                            63
My personal .emacs.d

senny/rbenv.el                             63
use rbenv to manage your Ruby versions within Emacs

hylang/hy-mode                             62
Hy mode for Emacs

myuhe/smartrep.el                          62
Support sequential operation which omit prefix key

luxbock/evil-cleverparens                  62
Evil normal-state minor-mode for editing lisp-like languages. Work in progress.

nschum/full-ack                            62
An Emacs front-end for ack

zk-phi/togetherly                          62
[Emacs] allow multiple clients to edit a single file on-line

iqbalansari/mu4e-alert                     62
Desktop notifications and modeline display for mu4e

alphapapa/helm-org-rifle                   62
Rifle through your Org buffers and acquire your target

zk-phi/magic-latex-buffer                  62
[Emacs] magical syntax highlighting for LaTeX-mode buffers

burakbayramli/kod                          62
My personal code

yoshinari-nomura/org-octopress             62
org-mode in octopress

redraiment/wechat.el                       62
用Emacs Lisp开发的微信小游戏; Wechat game in Email Lisp

gongo/org-redmine                          61
Redmine tools using Emacs OrgMode

abo-abo/ace-link                           61
Quickly follow links in Emacs

abo-abo/auto-yasnippet                     61
quickly create disposable yasnippets

nicferrier/emacs-web                       61
a useful HTTP client in EmacsLisp

xyguo/emacs.d                              60
My emacs config file with support for C/C++, Matlab, Haskell, LaTeX etc.

emacs-pe/docker-tramp.el                   60
TRAMP integration for docker containers

bbatsov/guru-mode                          60
Learn to use Emacs the way it was meant to be used (the Emacs guru way)

ryuslash/mode-icons                        60
Show icons instead of mode names

jimweirich/emacs-setup                     60
Emacs Setup and Customization

joostkremers/ebib                          60
A BibTeX database manager for Emacs.

jsx/jsx-mode.el                            60
Emacs major mode for JSX codes

travisbhartwell/nix-emacs                  59
A set of useful Emacs modes and functions for users of Nix and Nix OS.

ajc/nginx-mode                             59
Emacs editing mode for Nginx config files

AnthonyDiGirolamo/airline-themes           59
vim-airline themes for emacs powerline

kyagi/shell-pop-el                         59
shell-pop.el helps you to use shell easily on Emacs. Only one key action to work.

expez/evil-smartparens                     59
Evil integration for Smartparens

fsharp/emacs-fsharp-mode                   59
F# Emacs mode

chneukirchen/gitsum                        59
basic darcsum feelalike for Git

cofi/evil-numbers                          59
Increment and decrement numbers in Emacs

bruceravel/gnuplot-mode                    58
A major mode for Emacs for interacting with Gnuplot

bbatsov/super-save                         58
Save Emacs buffers when they lose focus

magnars/tagedit                            58
A collection of paredit-like functions for editing in html-mode.

kensanata/ggg                              58
Gmail, Gnus and GPG

RenWenshan/emacs-moz-controller            58
Control Firefox from Emacs

flycheck/flycheck-pos-tip                  58
Flycheck errors display in tooltip

rmuslimov/browse-at-remote                 58
Browse target page on github/bitbucket from emacs buffers

al3x/emacs                                 57
My Emacs configuration.

josteink/csharp-mode                       57
A major-mode for editing C# in emacs

ch11ng/xelb                                57
X protocol Emacs Lisp Binding

Malabarba/camcorder.el                     57
Tool for capturing screencasts directly from Emacs.

ananthakumaran/jquery-doc.el               56
jQuery api documentation interface for emacs

josemotanet/dotfiles                       56
All my dark side in one place.

zenozeng/yafolding.el                      56
Yet another folding extension for Emacs

juanre/org-jekyll                          56
Export jekyll posts from org-mode

xuchunyang/youdao-dictionary.el            56
Youdao Dictionary(有道词典) interface for Emacs

purcell/color-theme-sanityinc-solarized    55
A pair of Emacs color themes based on Ethan Schoonover's 'solarized' theme

arthurnn/howdoi-emacs                      55
Search code from StackOverflow and paste it in emacs.

Wilfred/refine                             55
interactive value editing in emacs lisp

tvraman/emacspeak                          55
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/emacspeak

clojure-emacs/clomacs                      55
Simplifies Emacs Lisp interaction with Clojure.

sshaw/git-link                             55
Emacs package to get the GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab/... URL for a buffer location

rakanalh/emacs-dashboard                   55
A shameless extraction of Spacemac's startup screen

fgallina/python-django.el                  54
An Emacs package for managing Django projects.

yasuyk/helm-git-grep                       54
helm for git grep

burtonsamograd/emacs-jit                   54
Emacs with an Emacs Lisp JIT compiler using libjit.

k-talo/volatile-highlights.el              54
Minor mode for visual feedback on some operations in Emacs. STATUS: *STABLE*

konr/tomatinho                             54
Pomodoro technique timer with a lean and usable interface.

skk-dev/ddskk                              54
Simple Kana to Kanji conversion program

hlissner/evil-snipe                        54
2-char searching ala vim-sneak & vim-seek, for evil-mode

rudolfochrist/interleave                   54
Emacs minor mode to interleave notes and text books

NicolasPetton/zerodark-theme               54
A dark, medium-contrast theme for Emacs

jacott/Enhanced-Ruby-Mode                  53
An enhanced ruby-mode for Emacs that uses Ripper in ruby 1.9.2 to highlight and indent the source code

emacs-java/auto-java-complete              53
Auto Java Complete ,a plugin for editing Java on emacs  

death/reddit-mode                          53
Reddit mode for Emacs

ocodo/ocodo-svg-modelines                  53
a collection of beautiful, modern SVG modelines for Emacs

jscheid/dtrt-indent                        53
A minor mode that guesses the indentation offset originally used for creating source code files and transparently adjusts the corresponding settings in Emacs, making it more convenient to edit foreign files.

iqbalansari/emacs-emojify                  53
Display emojis in Emacs

nivekuil/corral                            53
Quickly surround text with delimiters in emacs

omouse/emacs-sos                           53
StackOverflow Search (SOS) mode for Emacs.

larsmagne/meme                             53
An Emacs meme generator

purcell/page-break-lines                   53
Emacs: display ugly ^L page breaks as tidy horizontal lines

shanecelis/hideshow-org                    52
Provides org-mode like hide and show for hideshow.el

rafl/git-commit-mode                       52

scottjad/ido-hacks                         52
ido-hacks improvements for e24

agpchil/mu4e-maildirs-extension            52
Show mu4e maildirs summary in mu4e-main-view

danielmai/.emacs.d                         52
Mai emacs configuration

tkf/emacs-jedi-direx                       52
Tree style source code viewer for Python buffer

DamienCassou/textlint                      52
[DEPRECATED] Allows to integrate TextLint (http://scg.unibe.ch/research/textlint) within various text editors

aspiers/smooth-scrolling                   52
Emacs smooth scrolling package

joodie/emacs-literal-config                52
My emacs configuration as literal code using org-mode's org-babel

monsanto/readline-complete.el              52
autocomplete in shell mode buffers

sigma/org-s5                               51
S5 presentations from org-mode files

lut4rp/almost-monokai                      51
A beautiful, fruity and calm Emacs color theme

ianxm/emacs-scrum                          51
dynamic scrum report generation for org-mode buffers

magnars/string-edit.el                     51
Avoid escape nightmares by editing strings in a separate buffer

chrisbarrett/skeletor.el                   51
Powerful project skeletons for Emacs

bling/evil-jumper                          51
jump like vimmers do!

pdee/pdee                                  51
Python Development Emacs Environment

kinjo/org-impress-js.el                    51
impress.js Back-End for Org Export Engine.

NicolasPetton/xref-js2                     51
Jump to references/definitions using ag & js2-mode's AST in Emacs

syl20bnr/evil-lisp-state                   51
An evil state to navigate Lisp code and modify it with smartparens

zk-phi/phi-search                          51
[emacs] another incremental search command, compatible with “multiple-cursors”

cute-jumper/emacs-firefox-controller       50
An improved Firefox controller for Emacs

pft/mingus                                 50
GNU Emacs control of Music Player Daemon (MPD)

abo-abo/tiny                               50
Quickly generate linear ranges in Emacs

abo-abo/worf                               50
vi-like bindings for org-mode

vspinu/imenu-anywhere                      50
ido/ivy/helm imenu tag selection across buffers with the same mode/project etc 

davidmiller/dizzee                         50
Emacs Library for managing subprocesses

tromey/el-compilador                       50
An SSA-based compiler for Emacs Lisp

dholm/benchmark-init-el                    50
Benchmark your Emacs initialization

jacott/emacs-pry                           50
Pry support within Emacs