tonsky/FiraCode 9875 Monospaced font with programming ligatures LightTable/LightTable 9328 The Light Table IDE clojure/clojurescript 6568 Clojure to JS compiler omcljs/om 5782 ClojureScript interface to Facebook's React technomancy/leiningen 5127 Automate Clojure projects without setting your hair on fire. metabase/metabase 3823 The simplest, fastest way to get business intelligence and analytics to everyone in your company :yum: overtone/overtone 3443 Collaborative Programmable Music riemann/riemann 3081 A network event stream processing system, in Clojure. weavejester/compojure 3047 A concise routing library for Ring/Clojure frankiesardo/icepick 2732 Android Instance State made easy functional-koans/clojure-koans 2583 A set of exercises for learning Clojure alda-lang/alda 2510 A music programming language for musicians. :notes: swannodette/mori 2354 ClojureScript's persistent data structures and supporting API from the comfort of vanilla JavaScript tonsky/datascript 2338 Immutable database and Datalog query engine for Clojure, ClojureScript and JS reagent-project/reagent 2288 A minimalistic ClojureScript interface to React.js magomimmo/modern-cljs 2096 A series of tutorials on ClojureScript ring-clojure/ring 2071 Clojure HTTP server abstraction jepsen-io/jepsen 1971 A framework for distributed systems verification, with fault injection Day8/re-frame 1939 A Reagent Framework For Writing SPAs, in Clojurescript. bhauman/lein-figwheel 1856 Figwheel builds your ClojureScript code and hot loads it into the browser as you are coding! incanter/incanter 1814 Clojure-based, R-like statistical computing and graphics environment for the JVM quil/quil 1760 Main repo. Quil source code. ztellman/aleph 1704 asynchronous communication for clojure plumatic/schema 1670 Clojure(Script) library for declarative data description and validation clojure-cookbook/clojure-cookbook 1669 This is the home of O'Reilly's Clojure Cookbook - pedestal/pedestal 1658 The Pedestal web application framework Engelberg/instaparse 1633 weavejester/hiccup 1467 Fast library for rendering HTML in Clojure cognitect/transit-format 1429 A data interchange format. onyx-platform/onyx 1399 Distributed, masterless, high performance, fault tolerant data processing cgrand/enlive 1338 a selector-based (à la CSS) templating and transformation system for Clojure nathanmarz/cascalog 1292 Data processing on Hadoop without the hassle. stuartsierra/component 1282 Managed lifecycle of stateful objects in Clojure clojure/core.async 1272 Facilities for async programming and communication in Clojure nathanmarz/specter 1267 Clojure(Script)'s missing piece marick/Midje 1252 Midje provides a migration path from clojure.test to a more flexible, readable, abstract, and gracious style of testing plumatic/plumbing 1250 Prismatic's Clojure(Script) utility belt korma/Korma 1217 Tasty SQL for Clojure. frankiesardo/auto-parcel 1211 Android Parcelable models made easy Factual/drake 1155 Data workflow tool, like a "Make for data" ptaoussanis/sente 1122 Realtime web comms for Clojure/Script krisajenkins/yesql 1121 A Clojure library for using SQL. boot-clj/boot 1107 Build tooling for Clojure. wit-ai/duckling 1094 Probabilistic parser jonase/kibit 1093 There's a function for that! daveray/seesaw 1079 Seesaw turns the Horror of Swing into a friendly, well-documented, Clojure library cemerick/friend 1047 An extensible authentication and authorization library for Clojure Ring web applications and services. clojure-liberator/liberator 1031 Liberator is a Clojure library for building RESTful applications. shaunlebron/parinfer 1012 Let's simplify the way we write Lisp... oakes/Nightcode 1011 An IDE for Clojure bhauman/devcards 1007 Devcards aims to provide a visual REPL experience for ClojureScript plexus/chestnut 996 Application template for ClojureScript/Om with live reloading. dakrone/clj-http 987 An idiomatic clojure http client wrapping the apache client. Offically supported version. noprompt/frak 970 Transform collections of strings into regular expressions. clojure/core.logic 964 ptaoussanis/timbre 896 Pure Clojure/Script logging library clojure/core.typed 876 An optional type system for Clojure emezeske/lein-cljsbuild 874 Leiningen plugin to make ClojureScript development easy. dakrone/cheshire 861 Clojure JSON and JSON SMILE (binary json format) encoding/decoding venantius/ultra 846 A Leiningen plugin for a superior development environment oakes/play-clj 842 A Clojure game library dvcrn/markright 817 ➡ Electron powered markdown editor with live preview swannodette/lt-cljs-tutorial 813 A ClojureScript Programming Language Tutorial for Light Table Users schani/clojurec 811 A Clojure implementation on top of C noir-clojure/noir 779 A framework for writing web applications in clojure. swannodette/logic-tutorial 771 A Very Gentle Introduction to Relational Programming 4clojure/4clojure 768 An interactive problem website for learning Clojure FGRibreau/mailchecker 767 :mailbox: Cross-language temporary (disposable/throwaway) email detection library. Covers 2740 fake email providers. pallet/pallet 756 Automates controlling and provisioning cloud server instances. DevOps for the JVM. circleci/frontend 744 CircleCI's frontend hugoduncan/criterium 743 Benchmarking library for clojure datacrypt-project/hitchhiker-tree 737 Functional, persistent, off-heap, high performance data structure ztellman/lamina 734 not under active development - event-driven workflows for clojure noprompt/garden 722 Generate CSS with Clojure clojure/core.match 719 puniverse/pulsar 717 Fibers, Channels and Actors for Clojure plumatic/dommy 715 A tiny ClojureScript DOM manipulation and event library arcadia-unity/Arcadia 707 Clojure in Unity clojure/test.check 687 QuickCheck for Clojure hoplon/hoplon 681 Hoplon web development tools and libraries. ptaoussanis/carmine 676 Redis client and message queue for Clojure binaryage/cljs-devtools 606 A collection of Chrome DevTools enhancements for ClojureScript developers clojure-android/lein-droid 605 A Leiningen plugin for building Clojure/Android projects viebel/klipse 602 A simple client-side code evaluator pluggable on any web page: clojure, ruby, javascript, python, scheme juxt/bidi 595 Bidirectional URI routing dakrone/clojure-opennlp 593 Natural Language Processing in Clojure (opennlp) gf3/secretary 593 A client-side router for ClojureScript. metosin/compojure-api 590 Sweet web apis with Compojure & Swagger jonase/eastwood 589 Clojure lint tool weavejester/environ 586 Library for managing environment variables in Clojure aphyr/tesser 576 Clojure reducers, but for parallel execution: locally and on distributed systems. pkamenarsky/atea 572 A minimalistic menu bar time tracker for MacOS adamtornhill/code-maat 568 A command line tool to mine and analyze data from version-control systems levand/quiescent 562 A lightweight ClojureScript abstraction over ReactJS hoplon/javelin 556 Spreadsheet-like dataflow programming in ClojureScript. mcohen01/amazonica 554 A comprehensive Clojure client for the entire Amazon AWS api. puppetlabs/trapperkeeper 552 A services framework for Clojure / JVM applications. swannodette/enlive-tutorial 536 An Easy Introduction to Enlive clojure/tools.nrepl 532 A Clojure network REPL that provides a server and client, along with some common APIs of use to IDEs and other tools that may need to evaluate Clojure code in remote environments. oakes/Nightlight 532 An embedded editor for Clojure richhickey/clojure-contrib 525 NOTE - the contrib libraries have moved to individual repos under Clojure: takeoutweight/clojure-scheme 512 Clojure to Scheme to C to the bare metal. r0man/sablono 511 Lisp/Hiccup style templating for Facebook's React in ClojureScript. cerner/clara-rules 511 Forward-chaining rules in Clojure tolitius/mount 511 managing Clojure and ClojureScript app state since (reset) cemerick/austin 509 The ClojureScript browser-REPL rebuilt stronger, faster, easier. relevance/labrepl 504 nathanmarz/storm-deploy 501 One click deploy for Storm clusters on AWS stuarthalloway/programming-clojure 499 Sample code for the book jkk/honeysql 499 Turn Clojure data structures into SQL ptaoussanis/nippy 493 High-performance serialization library for Clojure asciinema/asciinema-player 493 Web player for terminal session recordings noir-clojure/lib-noir 484 A set of libraries for ring apps, including stateful sessions. oakes/Nightweb 484 An anonymous P2P social network in Clojure funcool/buddy 484 Security library for Clojure yogthos/Selmer 483 A fast, Django inspired template system in Clojure. aysylu/loom 479 Graph library for Clojure. Mailing list!forum/loom-clj zk/clojuredocs 478 web app yieldbot/flambo 478 A Clojure DSL for Apache Spark kovasb/session 473 repl into the clojurescript community mikera/core.matrix 473 core.matrix : Multi-dimensional array programming API for Clojure gigasquid/wonderland-clojure-katas 469 Clojure Katas inspired by Alice in Wonderland LuxLang/lux 467 The Lux Programming Language ctford/klangmeister 463 A musical scratchpad. plumatic/om-tools 460 Tools for building Om applications semperos/clj-webdriver 455 Clojure API for Selenium-WebDriver scgilardi/slingshot 449 Enhanced try and throw for Clojure leveraging Clojure's capabilities mtgred/netrunner 447 hraberg/deuce 447 Deuce is (not yet) Emacs under Clojure Netflix/PigPen 447 Map-Reduce for Clojure MichaelDrogalis/dire 431 Erlang-style supervisor error handling for Clojure clojure/java.jdbc 430 JDBC from Clojure (formerly clojure.contrib.sql) danielsz/system 428 Reloaded components à la carte pyr/cyanite 427 cyanite stores your metrics arthuredelstein/clooj 425 clooj, a lightweight IDE for clojure reagent-project/reagent-cookbook 418 Examples of how to accomplish specific tasks in a Reagent webapp. magnars/prone 417 Better exception reporting middleware for Ring. ztellman/manifold 417 a compatibility layer for event-driven abstractions funcool/cats 415 Category Theory and Algebraic abstractions for Clojure and ClojureScript. ztellman/automat 414 better automata through combinators PrecursorApp/precursor 409 Create mockups with real-time collaboration duct-framework/duct 407 Web application template/framework lynaghk/cljx 406 Write a portable codebase targeting Clojure/ClojureScript omcljs/om-cookbook 404 Home of Om recipes jamesmacaulay/zelkova 400 Elm-style FRP for Clojure and ClojureScript levand/domina 398 A DOM manipulation library for ClojureScript xsc/lein-ancient 392 Check your Projects for outdated Dependencies ibdknox/jayq 390 A ClojureScript wrapper for jQuery Datomic/codeq 390 Creates Datomic dbs from git repos flosell/lambdacd 383 a library to define a continuous delivery pipeline in code Day8/re-com 377 A ClojureScript library of reusable components for Reagent liebke/avout 376 Avout: Distributed State in Clojure ckirkendall/kioo 375 Enlive/Enfocus style templating for Facebook's React and Om in ClojureScript. weavejester/codox 375 Clojure documentation tool JulianBirch/cljs-ajax 374 simple Ajax client for ClojureScript and Clojure weavejester/lein-ring 370 Ring plugin for Leiningen ztellman/gloss 370 speaks in bytes, so you don't have to Raynes/conch 368 A flexible library for shelling out in Clojure aaronc/freactive 368 High-performance, pure Clojurescript, declarative DOM library drewr/postal 366 Clojure email support rplevy/swiss-arrows 365 a collection of arrow macros Datomic/day-of-datomic 364 Sample Code for Day of Datomic presentation weavejester/cljfmt 361 A tool for formatting Clojure code gcv/appengine-magic 360 A library designed to make it easy to use Google App Engine from Clojure dgrnbrg/spyscope 359 Trace-oriented debugging tools for Clojure clojure/tools.namespace 356 dvcrn/proton 356 space-atom. spacemacs and sublimious style editing in atom immutant/immutant 354 A suite of libraries for Clojure apps someteam/acha 353 Git Achievements slagyr/speclj 351 pronounced "speckle": a TDD/BDD framework for Clojure. ckirkendall/enfocus 350 DOM manipulation and templating library for ClojureScript inspired by Enlive. clojure/tools.cli 348 Command-line processing ztellman/penumbra 346 not under active development - idiomatic opengl bindings for clojure technomancy/slamhound 345 Slamhound rips your namespace form apart and reconstructs it. jonromero/music-as-data 335 A Live Programming language for music aboekhoff/congomongo 334 Clojure wrapper for the mongo-db java api ztellman/rhizome 328 simple graph and tree visualization michaelklishin/monger 324 Monger is an idiomatic Clojure MongoDB driver for a more civilized age: with sane defaults, batteries included, well documented, very fast ztellman/potemkin 324 some ideas which are almost good joyofclojure/book-source 321 The source code for "The Joy of Clojure" weavejester/ragtime 321 Database-independent migration library adamwynne/twitter-api 320 Async io interface to all the twitter APIs AvisoNovate/pretty 318 Library for helping print things prettily, in Clojure - ANSI fonts, formatted exceptions jarohen/chord 318 A library designed to bridge the gap between the triad of CLJ/CLJS, web-sockets and core.async. clojure-expectations/expectations 316 A minimalist's unit testing framework imalooney/t3tr0s 316 30th anniversary tetris in ClojureScript Raynes/fs 315 File system utilities for Clojure. liquidz/misaki 315 Jekyll inspired static site generator in Clojure martinklepsch/tenzing 314 ⚡️ Clojurescript application template using Boot r0man/cljs-http 312 A ClojureScript HTTP library. maryrosecook/islaclj 312 A programming language for young children ptaoussanis/clojure-web-server-benchmarks 312 Clojure web server benchmarks mfikes/replete 305 ClojureScript REPL iOS app clojure/algo.monads 304 cemerick/piggieback 303 nREPL support for ClojureScript REPLs clojurewerkz/elastisch 301 A minimalistic Clojure client for ElasticSearch, supports both HTTP and native transports yogthos/markdown-clj 301 Markdown parser in Clojure clojars/clojars-web 301 A community repository for open-source Clojure libraries luminus-framework/luminus-template 300 a template project for the Luminus framework zcaudate/lucidity 298 tools for clarity elastic/stream2es 296 Stream data into ES (Wikipedia, Twitter, stdin, or other ESes) killme2008/defun 295 A macro to define clojure functions with parameter pattern matching just like erlang or elixir. clojurebook/ClojureProgramming 294 Example projects and sample code featured in Clojure Programming (1st ed.) from O'Reilly bodil/BODOL 294 The common BODil Oriented Language swannodette/mies 292 Minimal ClojureScript project template joshaber/clojurem 291 Clojure to Objective-C compiler technomancy/robert-hooke 290 Hooke your Clojure functions! whamtet/Excel-REPL 289 Clojure Development Environment for Excel Factual/skuld 287 Distributed task tracking system. leonardoborges/bouncer 287 A validation DSL for Clojure & Clojurescript applications tomjakubowski/weasel 287 ClojureScript browser REPL using WebSockets Raynes/tentacles 285 An Octocat is nothing without his tentacles awkay/om-tutorial 285 WORK IN PROGRESS reiddraper/simple-check 284 QuickCheck for Clojure magnars/optimus 284 A Ring middleware for frontend performance optimization. oakes/lein-fruit 281 A Leiningen plugin for building Clojure/iOS projects plumatic/hiphip 281 hiphip (array)! simple, performant array manipulation in Clojure Datomic/simulant 280 ctford/leipzig 279 A composition library for Clojure and Clojurescript. brandonbloom/fipp 278 Fast Idiomatic Pretty Printer for Clojure qiuxiafei/zk-web 278 A web UI for zookeeper racehub/om-bootstrap 278 Bootstrap 3 Components built with Om. macourtney/Conjure 277 A Rails like framework for Clojure. clojure/data.json 277 JSON in Clojure weavejester/medley 275 A lightweight library of useful Clojure functions thinktopic/cortex 274 Machine learning in Clojure clojure-emacs/cider-nrepl 274 nREPL middleware for CIDER gorillalabs/sparkling 273 A Clojure library for Apache Spark: fast, fully-features, and developer friendly zcaudate/purnam 272 language extensions for clojurescript andrewvc/engulf 272 Distributed HTTP load tester, written in Clojure and Javascript. TheClimateCorporation/claypoole 272 Claypoole: Threadpool tools for Clojure metosin/ring-swagger 266 Swagger Spec for Clojure Web Apps budu/lobos 265 A library to create and manipulate SQL database schemas with migrations support. amalloy/useful 265 Some Clojure functions we use all the time, and so can you. sjl/metrics-clojure 263 A thin façade around Coda Hale's metrics library. fhd/clostache 263 for Clojure LauJensen/clojureql 263 ClojureQL is superior SQL integration for Clojure elastic/es2unix 262 Command-line ES bevuta/pepa 260 A document management system cemerick/pomegranate 260 A sane Clojure API for Sonatype Aether + dynamic runtime modification of the classpath rkneufeld/lein-try 257 A Leiningen plugin for trying out new libraries davidsantiago/hickory 255 HTML as data damballa/parkour 255 Hadoop MapReduce in idiomatic Clojure. cgrand/moustache 253 a micro web framework/internal DSL to wire Ring handlers and middlewares aengelberg/loco 253 A Constraint Programming library for Clojure alexkehayias/chocolatier 252 WIP ClojureScript game/engine using Pixi.js for rendering. kawasima/jagrid 252 Japanese-styled grid framework. riemann/riemann-jvm-profiler 251 Sends stacktrace-level performance data from a JVM process to Riemann. pedestal/app-tutorial 249 Comprehensive tutorial for the pedestal-app library. Engelberg/ubergraph 247 An all-purpose Clojure graph data structure that implements Loom protocols and more. kovasb/gamma 246 glsl shaders made simple xeqi/kerodon 246 interaction and testing library for html based ring apps. karad/lein_template_descjop 245 A Leiningen template(Clojure/ClojureScript Project) for Web based desktop application with Electron (atom-shell). overtone/shadertone 242 A mix of and Overtone mjul/docjure 241 Read and write Office documents from Clojure ptaoussanis/tower 241 i18n & L10n library for Clojure/Script mpdairy/posh 238 A luxuriously simple and powerful way to make front-ends with DataScript and Reagent in Clojure. miner/herbert 238 Clojure library defining a schema for edn values juxt/joplin 237 Flexible datastore migration and seeding for Clojure projects clojure/core.cache 236 A caching library for Clojure implementing various cache strategies kumarshantanu/lein-exec 234 Leiningen plugin for executing Clojure scripts uncomplicate/neanderthal 234 Fast Clojure Matrix Library sunng87/slacker 233 Transparent, non-invasive RPC by clojure and for clojure clojure-numerics/expresso 233 Clojure library for symbolic computation nuroko/nurokit 233 Toolkit for machine learning in Clojure Gonzih/cljs-electron 232 ClojureScript + Electron + Figwheel + Reagent = ❤❤❤ fogus/trammel 232 Contracts programming with Clojure marick/structural-typing 231 Structural typing for Clojure, somewhat inspired by Elm. Tailored to "flow-style" programming, where complex structures flow through a series of functions, each of which makes a smallish change. Can also be used in testing tools and the like that need to describe how a nested structure differs from a description. liebke/cljr 231 cljr is a Clojure REPL and package management system. benzap/flyer.js 230 Broadcast Messaging Library that works between iFrames, Frames, and Windows alanning/meteor-load-test 230 Load testing tool for Meteor applications RyanMcG/lein-npm 230 Manage Node dependencies for CLJS projects cgrand/enliven 229 Enlive next: faster, better, broader mmcgrana/clj-stacktrace 228 More readable stacktraces for Clojure halgari/mjolnir 228 juxt/jig 227 Jig is an application harness providing a beautifully interactive development experience for Clojure projects. reagent-project/reagent-template 227 A Leiningen template for projects using Reagent. Factual/durable-queue 227 a disk-backed queue for clojure trptcolin/reply 226 REPL-y: A fitter, happier, more productive REPL for Clojure. cch1/http.async.client 226 Async Http Client - Clojure gigasquid/clj-drone 222 Clojure Copter - Control for the AR Parrot Drone jalehman/react-tutorial-om 222 The react tutorial rewritten in Om drcode/webfui 222 Client-Side Web Framework for ClojureScript mikera/clisk 222 The Clojure Image Synthesis Kit ReactiveX/RxClojure 221 RxJava bindings for Clojure sgrove/omchaya 220 ClojureScript + Om client for Kandan ( cloverage/cloverage 219 Clojure test coverage tool kachayev/muse 218 Clojure library that makes remote data access code elegant and efficient at the same time uncomplicate/fluokitten 217 Category theory concepts in Clojure - Functors, Applicatives, Monads, Monoids and more. frenchy64/typed-clojure 217 DEPRECATED SEE BELOW Gradual typing for Clojure mattrepl/clj-oauth 216 OAuth Consumer support for Clojure xsc/rewrite-clj 214 Rewrite Clojure Code and EDN! clojure/tools.logging 212 untangled-web/untangled 212 Central public-facing website/repository cfpb/qu 210 qu is a data platform created to serve public data sets. This is a public domain work of the US Government. zcaudate/hara 209 code patterns and utilities qerub/camel-snake-kebab 208 A Clojure[Script] library for word case conversions. ztellman/byte-streams 208 a rosetta stone for jvm byte representations plumatic/fnhouse 207 clojure/tools.trace 205 1.3 update of clojure.contrib.trace clojure-clutch/clutch 205 A Clojure library for Apache CouchDB. gtrak/no.disassemble 205 michaelklishin/langohr 204 A small, feature complete Clojure client for RabbitMQ that embraces AMQP 0.9.1 model jakemcc/lein-test-refresh 204 Refreshes and reruns clojure.tests in your project. weavejester/reagi 202 An FRP library for Clojure and ClojureScript ibdknox/crate 201 A ClojureScript implementation of Hiccup jamii/strucjure 201 A library for doing stuff to other stuff. ReadyForZero/babbage 200 Easily gather data and compute summary measures declaratively. ztellman/vertigo 200 heterogeneous structs for clojure magnars/stasis 199 Some Clojure functions for creating static websites. puppetlabs/puppetdb 199 Centralized Puppet Storage clojure/math.combinatorics 199 Chouser/clojure-jna 198 Dynamically load and use native C libs from Clojure using JNA yogthos/migratus 198 MIGRATE ALL THE THINGS! DomKM/silk 198 Routing for Clojure & ClojureScript exoscale/pithos 196 cassandra backed object store bensu/doo 195 doo is a library and lein plugin to run cljs.test on different js environments. frenchy64/Logic-Starter 194 Starter Project for Introduction to Logic Programming with Clojure ring-clojure/ring-defaults 194 A library to provide sensible Ring middleware defaults andrewmcveigh/cljs-time 194 A clj-time inspired date library for clojurescript. ibdknox/pinot 191 the ClojureScript client-side web framework layerware/hugsql 191 A Clojure library for embracing SQL brunoV/throttler 190 Control the throughput of function calls and core.async channels juxt/juxt-accounting 190 Double-entry accounting software written in Clojure with Datomic. swannodette/hello-cljsc 189 Hello ClojureScript Compiler cognitect/transit-cljs 189 Transit for ClojureScript LightTable/fetch 189 A ClojureScript library for Client/Server interaction brunchboy/afterglow 189 A live-coding lighting controller, building on the Open Lighting Architecture with Clojure and bits of Overtone. alwx/luno-react-native 187 Cross-platform React Native application written in ClojureScript weavejester/clj-aws-s3 187 S3 client library for Clojure shaunlebron/t3tr0s-slides 185 interactive guide to tetris in cljs shriphani/pegasus 185 :racehorse:✈️ Pegasus is a scalable, modular, polite web-crawler for Clojure LonoCloud/synthread 185 Syntax threading macros for Clojure cdorrat/reduce-fsm 184 A clojure finite state machine library ring-clojure/ring-json 183 Ring middleware for handling JSON zestdocs/zest 183 [UNMAINTAINED] Zest documentation browser clojurewerkz/meltdown 182 Clojure interface to Reactor, an event-driven programming and stream processing toolkit for the JVM cgrand/parsley 182 a DSL for creating total and truly incremental parsers in Clojure razum2um/clj-debugger 181 The missing tool lspector/Clojush 181 The Push programming language and the PushGP genetic programming system implemented in Clojure. owainlewis/falkor 181 Open Source web scraping API. Falkor turns web pages into queryable JSON overtone/at-at 181 Ahead-of-time function scheduler hraberg/mimir 181 Mímir is an experimental rule engine written in Clojure. jarohen/chime 180 A really lightweight Clojure scheduler richhickey/harmonikit 180 An additive synth for Clojure and overtone cognitect/transit-clj 179 pingles/clj-kafka 178 Wrapper to the Java API for interacting with Kafka ninjudd/clojure-protobuf 178 Google protocol buffers wrapper for Clojure. dpapathanasiou/tweet-secret 178 This is a text steganography application optimized for use on Twitter, written in Clojure. maitria/avi 177 a lively vi yieldbot/marceline 177 A Clojure DSL for Storm/Trident weavejester/clout 176 HTTP route-matching library for Clojure youngnh/parsatron 175 Clojure parser combinators kumarshantanu/lein-localrepo 175 Work with local Maven repository roryk/clojupyter 175 a Jupyter kernel for Clojure someben/skream 174 Skream is a high-performance time-series library with memory-footprint guarantees. davidsantiago/stencil 173 A Clojure implementation of Mustache cemerick/url 173 Makes working with URLs in Clojure and ClojureScript easy cemerick/clojurescript.test 173 A maximal port of `clojure.test` to ClojureScript. DEPRECATED franks42/clj-ns-browser 173 Smalltalk-like namespace/class/var/function browser for clojure docs and source-code based on seesaw duelinmarkers/clj-record 173 DEPRECATED: A pseudo-port of ActiveRecord to the Clojure programming language swannodette/om-sync 172 A reusable Om component for keeping local application state in sync with server application state Yuppiechef/cqrs-server 172 An opinionated Clojure CQRS/ES implementation using Onyx, Datomic, DynamoDB, Kafka and Zookeeper. ninjudd/cake 171 A tasty build tool for Clojure. pjstadig/humane-test-output 171 Humane test output for clojure.test. mmcgrana/fleetdb 170 A schema-free database implemented in Clojure pallet/alembic 169 A library for distilling (resolving and adding to the classpath) dependencies aphyr/timelike 169 A library for simulating parallel systems, in Clojure jarohen/nomad 169 A Clojure library designed to allow Clojure configuration to travel between hosts. twosigma/Cook 169 Fair job scheduler on Mesos for batch workloads and Spark heroku/pulse 168 DEPRECATED: Real-time Heroku operations dashboard tcr/mug 168 A self-hosted JavaScript compiler for the JVM. Written in CoffeeScript. stuartsierra/lazytest 168 (archived) New test framework for Clojure michaelklishin/validateur 167 Functional validations inspired by Ruby's ActiveModel taylorlapeyre/oj 166 :tropical_drink: A Clojure library for talking to your database. PrecursorApp/om-i 165 Instrumentation helpers for Om applications lazerwalker/clojurescript-koans 165 A ClojureScript adaptation of the Clojure koans that runs purely in-browser mikera/vectorz-clj 164 Fast matrix and vector maths library for Clojure - as a core.matrix implementation ptaoussanis/truss 164 Assertions API for Clojure/Script clojure/core.memoize 164 A manipulable, pluggable, memoization framework for Clojure timothypratley/reanimated 163 An animation library for Reagent (ClojureScript) stuartsierra/clojure-hadoop 163 Library to aid writing Hadoop jobs in Clojure. xsc/pandect 162 Fast and easy-to-use Message Digest, Checksum and HMAC library for Clojure krajj7/BotHack 162 BotHack – A Nethack Bot Framework hashobject/perun 162 Programmable static site generator built with Clojure and Boot bcambel/hackersome 162 Developers gathering up google/clojure-turtle 161 A Clojure library that implements the Logo programming language in a Clojure context cognitect/async-webinar 160 Repository for the front end core.async webinar arohner/spectrum 160 amitrathore/swarmiji 160 A distributed computing system that helps writing and running Clojure code in parallel - across cores and processors apa512/clj-rethinkdb 160 jochu/swank-clojure 160 Swank/slime support for clojure xebia/VisualReview 160 VisualReview, a human-friendly tool for testing and reviewing visual regressions. Factual/geo 159 Clojure library for working with geohashes, polygons, and other world geometry shaunlebron/solar-system-of-js 159 Visualize the languages on the JS platform uswitch/lambada 159 A more passionate way to write AWS Lambda functions jkk/formative 159 Web forms for Clojure and ClojureScript - rendering, parsing, and validating nakkaya/static 158 Static Site Generator mikera/imagez 158 Image processing library for Clojure rosado/clj-processing 158 A wrapper for Processing in Clojure. clojure/tools.analyzer 157 An analyzer for Clojure code, written in Clojure and producing AST in EDN htm-community/clortex 156 (pre-alpha) Implementation of Jeff Hawkins' Hierarchical Temporal Memory & Cortical Learning Algorithm lynaghk/zmq-async 155 Threadsafe Clojure core.async interface to ZeroMQ yogthos/yuggoth 155 my blog engine Raynes/clojail 155 A control freak's best friend mpenet/jet 155 Jetty9 ring server adapter with WebSocket support via core.async and Jetty9 based HTTP & WebSocket clients (jvm based, no cljs) sbtourist/nimrod 154 Not Invasive MetRics, Oh Dear! danlentz/clj-uuid 154 RFC4122 Unique Identifiers (v1,v3,v4,v5, squuid) for Clojure Day8/re-frame-template 154 Leiningen template for reagent web app based on the re-frame pattern. Includes figwheel and optionally cider, doo, compjure, garden, less, re-com, and secretary. datodev/dato 154 Experiment in distilling apps to their essence technomancy/mire 154 Mire is a simple MUD written in Clojure nervous-systems/cljs-lambda 153 Utilities around deploying Clojurescript functions to AWS Lambda oakes/Nightmod 153 A tool for making live-moddable games in Clojure aria42/infer 153 inference and machine learning in clojure hugoduncan/clj-ssh 152 SSH commands via jsch cloojure/tupelo 152 Tupelo: Clojure With A Spoonful of Honey lynaghk/reflex 152 Automatic state propogation in ClojureScript missingfaktor/akar 151 First-class patterns for Clojure. Made with love, functions, and just the right amount of syntax. bodil/cljs-noderepl 151 A ClojureScript REPL running on Node.JS puppetlabs/puppetserver 151 Server automation framework and application krisc/events 150 EventsListing Android app written in Clojure jepsen-io/knossos 150 Verifies the linearizability of experimentally accessible histories. clojurewerkz/buffy 149 Buffy The ByteBuffer Slayer, Clojure library for working with binary data. michaelklishin/neocons 149 A feature rich idiomatic Clojure client for the Neo4J REST API Raynes/lazybot 149 An IRC bot written in Clojure. xavi/noir-auth-app 148 A complete authentication web app based on Clojure/ClojureScript, Compojure, lib-noir, Enlive and MongoDB. alexander-yakushev/compliment 148 Clojure completion library you deserve cgrand/seqexp 148 Regexp for sequences! walmartlabs/datascope 148 Visualization of Clojure data structures using Graphviz cjfrisz/clojure-tco 148 Expanding support for constant-space tail calls in the Clojure language. bilus/reforms 148 Beautiful Bootstrap 3 forms for Om, Reagent and Rum. runexec/chp 147 ClojureHomePage is a Compojure based web framework that allows you to write the backend and frontend with Clojure. bitemyapp/revise 146 RethinkDB client for Clojure rkneufeld/conformity 146 A Clojure/Datomic library for idempotently transacting norms into your database – be they schema, data, or otherwise replikativ/replikativ 146 A scalable distributive p2p system for confluent replicated data types. clojure-grimoire/grimoire 145 Community documentation of Clojure uncomplicate/bayadera 145 liebke/analemma 145 Analemma is a Clojure library for generating charts and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) ztellman/narrator 144 expressive, composable stream analysis stathissideris/dali 144 dali is a Clojure library for representing, exporting and manipulating the SVG graphics format. dakrone/itsy 144 A threaded web-spider written in Clojure tbatchelli/vmfest 144 manage your local VMs from the repl technomancy/syme 143 Instant collaboration on GitHub projects. otto-de/tesla-microservice 143 Common basis for some of's clojure microservices malcolmsparks/clj-logging-config 143 Easy logging configuration for Clojure. michaelklishin/quartzite 142 Quarzite is a thin idiomatic Clojure layer on top the Quartz Scheduler weavejester/clucy 142 Clojure interface to Lucene witch-house/ 142 Show people how to use pronouns! Flamefork/fleet 141 Templating System for Clojure clojure/test.generative 141 sonian/carica 140 Carica is a flexible configuration library. reiddraper/knockbox 140 relevance/org-html-slideshow 140 JavaScript presentation slides generated from Emacs org-mode dcolthorp/matchure 140 Powerful, idiomatic pattern matching for clojure r0man/inflections-clj 140 Rails-like inflection library for Clojure and ClojureScript clojure/data.finger-tree 139 Finger Tree data structure teropa/hiccups 139 A ClojureScript port of Hiccup - a fast library for rendering HTML in ClojureScript expez/superstring 139 Clojure and Clojurescript string library candera/causatum 138 A Clojure library for generating streams of events based on stochastic state machines. arohner/scriptjure 138 a Clojure library for generating javascript tendant/graphql-clj 138 A Clojure library that provides GraphQL implementation. tomekw/hikari-cp 138 A Clojure wrapper to HikariCP JDBC connection pool tonsky/datascript-chat 137 Sample SPA using DataScript and core.async swannodette/cljs-bootstrap 137 ClojureScript compiling ClojureScript cemerick/double-check 136 @reiddraper's test.check (née simple-check), made Clojure/ClojureScript-portable DEPRECATED weavejester/crypto-password 135 Library for securely hashing passwords GeorgeJahad/debug-repl 135 Clojure REPL that is aware of surrounding lexical scope ngrunwald/ring-middleware-format 135 Ring middleware for parsing parameters and emitting responses in JSON or other formats ibdknox/Noir-blog 135 A fully functioning blog written as an example of a noir project. gerritjvv/kafka-fast 135 fast kafka api for JVM languages implemented in clojure marick/fp-oo 134 Code samples and exercise solutions for /Functional Programming for the Object-Oriented Programmer/ Lambda-X/replumb 134 ClojureScript plumbing for your self-hosted REPLs. uncomplicate/clojurecl 134 ClojureCL is a Clojure library for parallel computations with OpenCL. edgecase/dieter 134 Asset pipeline ring middleware liebke/zookeeper-clj 134 A Clojure DSL for Apache ZooKeeper ericnormand/hindley-milner 134 An implementation of Hindley-Milner in Clojure. phillord/tawny-owl 134 Build OWL Ontologies in a Programmatic Environment sjl/caves 134 The code for my Caves of Clojure series of blog posts. davidsantiago/clojure-csv 134 A library for reading and writing CSV files from Clojure metasoarous/datsync 133 Datomic <:->: DataScript syncing/replication utilities alandipert/storage-atom 132 ClojureScript atoms backed by HTML5 web storage. markmandel/brute 132 A simple and lightweight Entity Component System library for writing games with Clojure and ClojureScript. jclaggett/seqex 131 Sequence Expressions JuliaIDE/Juno-LT 131 A Julia environment built on Light Table pallix/lacij 131 Lacij is a graph visualization library for Clojure with automatic layouts, edition and undo/redo support. facjure/mesh 131 a responsive grid & typography toolkit weavejester/lein-beanstalk 131 Leiningen plugin for Amazon's Elastic Beanstalk service Raynes/refheap 131 The Reference Heap. A Clojure pastebin powered by Compojure, MongoDB, and Pygments. adzerk-oss/boot-cljs 131 Boot task to compile ClojureScript programs. ninjudd/jiraph 130 A graph database with pluggable backends, written in Clojure. blancas/kern 130 A Parser Combinators Library for Clojure ertugrulcetin/ClojureNews 130 Clojure News Web Application - (Hacker News Clone) clojure/tools.reader 130 Clojure reader in Clojure jimpil/enclog 129 Clojure wrapper for Encog (v3) (Machine-Learning framework that specialises in neural-nets) sjl/clojure-lanterna 129 A Clojurey wrapper around the Lanterna terminal output library. nasser/clojurescript-npm 129 NPM module for the the ClojureScript programming language yokolet/clementine 128 Gem for ClojureScript on Rails Asset Pipeline ohpauleez/shoreleave 128 A smarter client-side for ClojureScript palletops/lein-uberimage 128 A Leiningen plugin to generate a docker image that runs a project's uberjar. clj-jgit/clj-jgit 128 Clojure wrapper around JGit spellhouse/clairvoyant 128 Flexible tracing for ClojureScript mattrepl/clojure-twitter 127 Clojure client for Twitter API DomKM/omelette 127 Isomorphic Clojure[Script] Example mpenet/alia 127 High performance Cassandra client for clojure twosigma/satellite 127 Satellite monitors, alerts on, and self-heals your Mesos cluster. guardian/riemann-config 127 Configuration for alerting and event processing in Riemann funcool/catacumba 127 Asynchronous web toolkit for clojure built on top of Ratpack / Netty annapawlicka/om-data-vis 126 Data visualisations using Om and JavaScript libraries Raynes/laser 126 HTML transformation/templating for people who do that sort of thing and stuff nathell/skyscraper 126 Structural scraping for the rest of us. tel/clatrix 126 A stupid name for a smart matrix library, because who doesn't love smart matrices? hraberg/shen.clj 125 神.clj | Shen for Clojure. Shen is a portable functional programming language by Mark Tarver. noprompt/ankha 125 A data inspection component for Om killme2008/clojure-control 125 Fabric in clojure Yomguithereal/clj-fuzzy 125 A handy collection of algorithms dealing with fuzzy strings and phonetics. weavejester/brutha 125 Simple ClojureScript interface to React nathell/clj-tagsoup 125 A HTML parser for Clojure. r0man/sqlingvo 124 A Clojure & ClojureScript DSL for SQL bellkev/dacom 124 A skeleton app built with Datomic, Compojure, and Om paraseba/cssgen 124 Generate CSS from clojure code with an embedded DSL wtetzner/exploding-fish 123 A URI library for Clojure arrdem/oxcart 123 [ABANDONED] An optimizing Clojure compiler raph-amiard/clojurescript-lua 123 Clojurescript running on lua ! In construction cfelde/cljs4excel 123 Run a ClojureScript REPL within Microsoft Excel brandonbloom/cljs-vdom 123 Yet another (but somewhat novel) virtual DOM library antoniogarrote/clj-ml 123 A machine learning library for Clojure built on top of Weka and friends ptaoussanis/tufte 123 Simple profiling and performance monitoring for Clojure/Script r4vi/block-the-eu-cookie-shit-list 123 Adblock / Adblock plus filter list for blocking cookie notifications gga/janus 123 Consumer-driven contracts, both ways mswift42/themecreator 123 create themes for intellij, textmate, atom, emacs and vim tiensonqin/lymchat 123 Lymchat - learn different cultures. swannodette/om-next-demo 122 TodoMVC with Om Next juxt/bolt 122 An integrated security system for applications built on component swannodette/delimc 121 Delimited continuations for Clojure gadfly361/reagent-figwheel 121 Leiningen template for Reagent applications in Clojurescript with Figwheel. Optionally includes secretary, cljs.test, garden, less, matchbox/firebase, cider, devcards, keechma, and petrol. martintrojer/frinj 121 Practical unit-of-measure calculator DSL for Clojure / ClojureScript jasonjckn/llvm-clojure-bindings 121 LLVM Clojure Bindings and Toy Language. weavejester/reloaded.repl 121 REPL functions to support the reloaded workflow sveri/closp 121 Leiningen template combining luminus, chestnut plus some goodies funcool/buddy-auth 120 Authentication and Authorization facilities for ring and ring based web applications. mtyaka/lein-oneoff 120 Dependency management for one-off, single-file clojure programs. bugdone/headshotbox 120 facundoolano/advenjure 119 Text adventure engine written in Clojure and ClojureScript krisajenkins/petrol 119 A simple event-handling framework for ClojureScript projects. metasoarous/semantic-csv 119 Higher level tools for working with CSV data and files venantius/yagni 118 A Leiningen plugin for finding dead code swannodette/mies-node-template 118 A minimal ClojureScript Node.js template elben/planjure 118 :checkered_flag:Path-planning algorithms (Dijkstra, A*, etc); a study in ClojureScript, Om and core.async. bagucode/clj-native 118 Clojure library wrapping JNA's direct call mapping clojure/core.contracts 117 Contracts programming clojure/data.xml 117 clojurewerkz/eep 117 Embedded Event Processing in Clojure stuarthalloway/practical-cl-clojure 117 Port of Practical Common Lisp samples to Clojure duelinmarkers/appengine-clj 116 Clojure library to make life on Google AppEngine clean and easy cdaddr/gaka 116 A CSS-generating library for Clojure dgrnbrg/spiral 116 Like Ring, but built for core.async pelle/clauth 116 Authentication library for Clojure and Ring based on OAuth2 josephwilk/circuit-breaker 115 Circuit breaker for Clojure cemerick/drawbridge 115 An HTTP/HTTPS nREPL transport, implemented as a Ring handler. tailrecursion/boot 113 A Clojure build tool ctford/functional-composition 112 A live-coding presentation on music theory and Bach's "Canone alla Quarta". Yuppiechef/datomic-schema 112 Makes it easier to see your Datomic schema without sacrificing any features. js-choi/fnparse 112 [deprecated] A library for creating functional parsers in Clojure. braveclojure/cftbat-code 112 metasoarous/datsys 112 (+ clj cljs datomic datascript re-frame-esque-frp) gaverhae/okku 111 Akka wrapper for the Clojure programming language. htm-community/comportex 111 Hierarchical Temporal Memory in Clojure bigmlcom/sketchy 111 Sketching Algorithms for Clojure (bloom filter, min-hash, hyper-loglog, count-min sketch) tomfaulhaber/excel-templates 111 Create Excel workbooks from Clojure code using templates and plain old data nakkaya/clodiuno 111 Clojure API for the firmata protocol. Factual/riffle 111 write-once key/value storage engine magomimmo/cljs-start 111 A lein template for creating ClojureScript lib with batteries included dakrone/lein-bikeshed 111 A Leiningen plugin designed to tell you your code is bad, and that you should feel bad fogus/bacwn 110 clojure + datalog = <:3 aphyr/interval-metrics 110 Clojure data structures for performance metrics over discrete time intervals. zcaudate/adi 110 data modelling for the ambitious magnars/parens-of-the-dead 110 A series of zombie-themed games written with Clojure and ClojureScript. Deraen/saapas 109 Example project for Cljs/Om using Boot instead of Lein. Inspired by Chestnut. antoniogarrote/jobim 109 Actors library for Clojure 8thlight/hyperion 108 Clojure API for generic persistence. Raynes/lein-bin 108 Standalone console executables for your project. ptaoussanis/touchstone 108 Split testing library for Clojure yeller/clojure-miniprofiler 108 a simple but effective profiler for clojure web applications meta-ex/ignite 108 Meta-eX Ignite - Performance Source michaelklishin/urly 108 A tiny Clojure library that parses and attempts to unify URIs, URLs and relative values found in real world HTML anchors mikera/ironclad 107 Ironclad: Steam Legions - A steampunk strategy game in Clojure danielsz/holygrail 107 Demo of a restartable back-end in the REPL + hot-reloadable front-end in the browser. zcaudate-archive/jai 107 moved ->: 'lucid.query' ztellman/primitive-math 107 for the discerning arithmetician brandonbloom/backtick 107 Clojure's syntax-quote reader macro as a normal macro gregsexton/SICP-Clojure 107 Solutions to the SICP exercises, in Clojure. drcode/vijual 107 Graph Layout Library For Clojure daveray/dorothy 107 Hiccup-style generation of Graphviz graphs in Clojure macourtney/drift 107 A migration library for clojure cgrand/xforms 107 Extra transducers and reducing fns for Clojure jolby/rincanter 106 Use embedded R from Clojure and Incanter stuartsierra/dependency 106 A data structure for representing dependency graphs in Clojure alaisi/postgres.async 106 Asynchronous PostgreSQL client for Clojure postspectacular/devart-codefactory 106 Create a piece of art using code ptaoussanis/faraday 106 DynamoDB client for Clojure ibdknox/cljs-watch 106 A clojurescript compilation watcher nathanmarz/kafka-deploy 105 Automated deploy for Kafka on AWS clojurewerkz/money 105 A Clojure library that deals with monetary values and currencies. Built on top of Joda Money. mythz/clojure-linq-examples 105 C#'s 101 LINQ Samples translated to Clojure ftrain/anxietybox 105 This is the code that creates macourtney/Dark-Exchange 105 Dark Exchange is a distributed p2p exchange for bitcoin. clojure/data.priority-map 105 tomfaulhaber/autodoc 104 The robot to automatically generate documentation for Clojure code. Used to generate the API docs for andrewvc/noir-async 104 Seamless, concise, async webservices for clojure. jstepien/flip 104 ╯°□°╯︵ʍoɹɥʇ crisptrutski/matchbox 104 Firebase client for Clojure(Script) mogenslund/liquid 104 Clojure Text Editor, for editing clojure code and markdown. Written entirely in Clojure with inspiration from Emacs and Vim. sattvik/neko 103 The Clojure/Android Toolkit oakes/play-clj-examples 103 Example projects using play-clj ragnard/redis-clojure 103 A Clojure client library for the key-value storage system Redis. No longer maintained, please see README. razum2um/aprint 103 Awesome print: like clojure.pprint, but awesome stylefruits/gniazdo 103 A WebSocket client for Clojure Datomic/mbrainz-sample 103 Example queries and rules for working with the Datomic mbrainz example database noprompt/shodan 103 A ClojureScript library providing wrappers for the JavaScript console API. metosin/kekkonen 102 A lightweight, remote (CQRS) API library for Clojure. tgk/propaganda 102 A propagator library for Clojure cgrand/sjacket 102 Structural code transformations for the masses. keechma/keechma 102 Micro frontend framework for ClojureScript and Reagent juxt/aero 102 A small library for explicit, intentful configuration. metametadata/carry 101 ClojureScript application framework. circleci/stefon 101 An asset pipeline for clojure matthiasn/systems-toolbox 101 Tools and building blocks for building Systems in Clojure and ClojureScript hoplon/castra 101 HTTP remote procedure call handler for Clojure. clojurewerkz/cassaforte 101 Modern, high-level Clojure driver (client) for Cassandra build around CQL 3 boxed/instar 100 Simpler and more powerful assoc/dissoc/update-in for both Clojure and ClojureScript cljsinfo/ 100 ClojureScript website xeqi/peridot 100 a basic api for interacting with ring apps bendyworks/lean-map 100 Lean Hash Array Mapped Trie implementation in ClojureScript tobyhede/lein-git-deps 100 git dependencies for leiningen zcaudate-archive/cronj 100 moved ->: '' clojure/core.rrb-vector 99 RRB-Trees in Clojure slagyr/joodo 99 Clojure Web Framework clojurewerkz/titanium 99 Clojure graph library built on top of Titan kibu-australia/pushy 99 Clojurescript library for quick and easy HTML5 pushState josephwilk/musical-creativity 98 Models of Musical Creativity (in Clojure) levand/immuconf 98 A small library for managing config files in Clojure projects clojurewerkz/balagan 98 Clojure data structure manipulation and querying library seancorfield/boot-new 98 Generate new projects based on Boot Templates and/or Leiningen Templates! yogthos/instant-pdf 98 A reporting service which generates PDFs from JSON encoded text clojurewerkz/route-one 98 Tiny Clojure library that generates HTTP resource routes (as in Ruby on Rails, Jersey, Django, Sinatra, Flask and similar) RJMetrics/sweet-liberty 98 A library for building database-backed RESTful services using Clojure Swirrl/grafter 98 Linked Data & RDF Manufacturing Tools in Clojure maxcountryman/flake 97 Decentralized, k-ordered unique IDs in Clojure clojure/data.csv 97 thheller/shadow-build 97 ClojureScript compile&build library ckirkendall/fresnel 97 A library for composing lenses and working with complex state objects swannodette/async-tests 97 Having fun with core.async juxt/edge 96 The (b)leading edge venantius/accountant 96 ClojureScript navigation for single-page applications, made simple. jonase/learndatalogtoday 96 Interactive Datalog Tutorial clojure/math.numeric-tower 96 lynaghk/jetty7-websockets-async 96 Clojure core.async interface to Jetty7's websockets. adzerk-oss/boot-cljs-example 96 Example application using boot, boot-cljs, boot-cljs-repl, and boot-reload. escherize/tracks 96 Shape based destructuring gigasquid/babar 96 A little language for machines with speech acts greglook/puget 95 Canonical Colorizing Clojure Printer cmiles74/bishop 95 A Webmachine-like library for Clojure staples-sparx/clj-schema 95 Schemas for Clojure data. With validation and example data for tests. repl-electric/cassiopeia 95 Live programming music with stars - Performance Source stuartsierra/class-diagram 94 Generate & display class hierarchy diagrams for Java classes madvas/fractalify 94 Repo for DerekCuevas/interview-cake-clj 93 Interview Cake Clojure solutions. whamtet/dogfort 93 An experimental web server framework for ClojureScript on Node.js arohner/lein-daemon 93 A leiningen plugin for daemonizing a clojure process clojusc/friend-oauth2 93 OAuth2 Workflow for Friend ( martinklepsch/electron-and-clojurescript 93 💡 Make an electron app with nothing but ClojureScript! ztellman/riddley 93 code-walking without caveats ibdknox/waltz 92 A ClojureScript library for keeping your state in step clojure-expectations/lein-autoexpect 92 Run expecations when source or test files change tonsky/net.async 92 Network commucations with clojure.core.async interface greglook/whidbey 91 nREPL middleware to pretty-print colored values aredington/monotony 91 A scheduling library for humans. tonsky/tongue 91 Do-it-yourself i18n library for Clojure/Script farrellm/scad-clj 91 OpenSCAD DSL in Clojure kyleburton/clj-xpath 90 Simplified XPath Library for Clojure gfredericks/test.chuck 90 A utility library for test.check brandonbloom/factjor 90 A Factor-inspired, concatenative DSL for Clojure fmw/vix 90 Website-management software (CMS) written in Clojure. texodus/saturnine 89 Asynchronous server application framework for Clojure, based on JBoss Netty clojurewerkz/mailer 89 An ActionMailer-inspired mailer library. Combines Postal, Clostache, some conventions and support for multiple delivery modes clojure-emacs/refactor-nrepl 89 nREPL middleware to support refactorings in an editor agnostic way GuillaumeBadi/Verbal-Exprejon 89 Verbal-Exprejon is a Clojure library that helps you build complex regexes without any regex mikera/clojure-utils 89 A library of various small but handy clojure utility functions finagle/finagle-clojure 89 A thin Clojure wrapper around Finagle ymilky/franzy 89 Clojure Kafka client with support for Kafka producer, consumer, rebalancing, administration, and validation. devth/yetibot 88 :electric_plug: Extreme chatops, where chat ∈ {irc,slack} davidsantiago/perforate 88 Painless benchmarking with Leiningen 2 alandipert/enduro 88 Durable Atoms in Clojure ztellman/proteus 88 local. mutable. variables. lynaghk/cljs-d3 88 A ClojureScript façade for the D3 JavaScript DOM-manipulation library algoriffic/lsa4solr 88 Document clustering based on Latent Semantic Analysis w01fe/sniper 88 emacs assistant for sniping dead code. whostolebenfrog/mr-clojure 88 mr-clojure or MixRadio-Clojure, A clojure template for REST web services in the style of MixRadio mozilla/datomish 88 A persistent, relational store inspired by Datomic and DataScript. runexec/Static-Prime 88 A static website editor and server written in Clojure and ClojureScript. mmcgrana/clj-json 88 Fast JSON encoding and decoding for Clojure via the Jackson library weavejester/ring-mock 88 Library to create mock ring requests for unit tests uswitch/blueshift 88 Automate copying data from S3 into Amazon Redshift ordnungswidrig/liberator 87 Please update your Bookmarks! Liberator has moved to pallet/stevedore 87 A shell script embedding in clojure technomancy/clojure-http-client 87 An HTTP client for Clojure (DEPRECATED) ctford/goldberg 87 The Goldberg Variations in Overtone michaelklishin/welle 87 An expressive Clojure client for Riak with batteries included cgrand/megaref 87 STM ref types that allow for more concurrency on associative values. kriyative/clojurejs 87 A naive Clojure to javascript translator ztellman/calx 86 not under active development - idiomatic opencl bindings for clojure hozumi/hiccup-bridge 86 Hiccup to html, html to hiccup. gcv/cupboard 86 Cupboard — an embedded database for Clojure iloveponies/training-day 86 braidchat/braid 86 A new approach to group chat, designed around conversations and tags instead of rooms. Open-source. Built with Clojure(script). cgrand/spreadmap 86 Evil project to turn excel spreadsheets in persistent reactive structures. brentonashworth/clj-diff 86 Diff for Clojure Sequences nickewing/netz 86 Clojure Neural Network Library jarohen/yoyo 86 Yo-yo is a protocol-less, function composition-based alternative to Component owainlewis/clojure-mail 86 A Clojure library for parsing, downloading and reading email from IMAP servers. zcaudate-archive/ribol 85 moved ->: 'hara.event' camsaul/lein-instant-cheatsheet 85 Leiningen plugin that generates a searchable cheatsheet for your Clojure project and dependencies :yum: kunstmusik/pink 85 A library for music systems development, written in Clojure. annapawlicka/pumpkin 85 Clojure/conj 2014 demo clojure/data.fressian 85 Read and write Fressian data from Clojure ctford/traversy 85 Multilenses for Clojure jmgimeno/okasaki-clojure 85 Clojure implementation of some data structures described in Okasaki's book konrad-garus/cljs-kickoff 84 Minimal Leiningen template for ClojureScript with lein-cljsbuild josephwilk/image-resizer 84 Resize/Crop/Rotate/Pad images in Clojure without any native install. Oh and do it Fast. remvee/clj-android 84 Clojure development library for Android devices r0man/ring-cors 84 Ring middleware for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. binaryage/chromex 84 Write Chrome Extensions with ClojureScript stuarthalloway/lancet 84 Building the Clojure Way palletops/leaven 83 A component composition library for clojure and clojurescript halgari/naiad 83 A library for building declarative data flow graphs via a fluent api and core.async GeorgeJahad/cdt 83 Clojure Debugging Toolkit jeluard/lucuma 83 Web Components library for ClojureScript TheClimateCorporation/mandoline 83 A distributed, versioned, multi-dimensional array database asakeron/cljs-webgl 83 WebGL binding to ClojureScript tolitius/cprop 83 likes properties, environments, configs, profiles.. Bronsa/CinC 83 [MOVED] Clojure compiler in Clojure clojure/core.unify 83 Unification library stuartsierra/cljque 83 (archived) experiments with event streams in Clojure jkk/loom 83 Graph library for Clojure lancepantz/clj-yaml 83 YAML encoding and decoding for Clojure via SnakeYAML zeromq/cljzmq 82 Clojure bindings for ØMQ liquidz/clj-jwt 82 Clojure library for JSON Web Token(JWT) LightTable/Clojure 82 Light Table Clojure language plugin walmartlabs/active-status 82 Present status of mulitple 'jobs' in a command line tool, using terminal capability codes gasc/Clojuratica 82 An interface between Clojure and Mathematica shaunlebron/How-To-Debug-CLJS 82 Tutorial and example for debugging ClojureScript sunng87/diehard 82 Clojure wrapper over Failsafe, retry and circuit breaker gigasquid/k9 82 Small library for using neural networks and core.matrix TheClimateCorporation/lemur 81 Lemur is a tool to launch hadoop jobs locally or on EMR, based on a configuration file, referred to as a jobdef. The jobdef file describes your EMR cluster, local environment, pre- and post-actions and zero or more "steps". juliangamble/clojure-ants-simulation 81 Clojure GUI Demo of Ant Colony - Simulation (by Rich Hickey) pleasetrythisathome/bardo 81 A clojure(script) library to assist with transitions between dimensions jsofra/data-scope 81 A Clojure library inspired by Spyscope to provide tools for interactively visualizing data. clojurewerkz/scrypt 80 A Clojure library for the scrypt key derivation function. Use it to encrypt passwords and other sensitive data. Jannis/om-next-kanban-demo 80 A Kanban demo application written using Om Next mmcgrana/clj-redis 80 Clojure Redis client library philoskim/debux 80 A simple debugging library for Clojure and ClojureScript. bwo/monads 80 yet another monad lib for clojure jonase/reagent-tutorial 80 myfreeweb/octohipster 80 [NEEDS A MAINTAINER] A hypermedia REST HTTP API library for Clojure VitalLabs/derive 80 Wrapper library to simplify deriving data from client-side database state and rendering context. Supports Datascript and React/Om but it is intended to be a more general design pattern. mylesmegyesi/metis 79 A validation library for Clojure. damballa/abracad 79 A Clojure library for de/serializing Clojure data structures with Avro. ptaoussanis/encore 79 Core utils library for Clojure/Script blancas/morph 79 A Library of Morphisms: Monoids, Functors, and Monads vollmerm/fungp 79 A genetic programming library for Clojure adereth/ergodox-tent 79 A tent for the Ergodox acrylic case designed by Litster micmarsh/clojure-pure-io 79 An Experiment in Purely Functional IO for Clojure funcool/clojure.jdbc 79 JDBC library for Clojure arachne-framework/arachne-core 79 The core module for the Arachne web framework brandonbloom/eclj 78 Extensible Clojure noir-clojure/cljs-template 78 a lein-newnew template for clojurescript projects juxt/iota 78 Infix operators for test assertions weavejester/ring-anti-forgery 78 Ring middleware to prevent CSRF attacks ninjudd/classlojure 78 Advanced classloading for clojure. sunng87/ring-jetty9-adapter 77 Ring adapter for jetty9, which supports websocket and http2 uswitch/bifrost 77 Safely archive data from Apache Kafka to S3 with no Hadoop dependencies :) madvas/cljs-react-material-ui 77 Clojurescript library for using clojurewerkz/ogre 77 Clojure library for querying TinkerPop graphs clojure-vim/nvim-parinfer.js 77 neovim plugin for parinfer yogthos/json-html 76 Provide JSON and get a DOM node with a human representation of that JSON. smartrevolution/clj-gae-datastore 76 A Clojure mini-language for the Google App Engine Datastore scsibug/feedparser-clj 76 Atom/RSS Feed Parsing for Clojure vert-x/mod-lang-clojure 76 Vert.x 2.x is deprecated - use instead yieldbot/vizard 76 magic visualization clojure/core.incubator 76 Proving ground for proposed new core fns namin/logically 76 explorations in core.logic ztellman/virgil 76 your own personal JVM psychopomp hiredman/clojurebot 75 An IRC bot written in Clojure frenchy64/analyze 75 Interface to Clojure's Analyzer frenchy64/dynalint 75 Lint your Clojure programs as they run mhjort/clj-gatling 75 Load testing library for Clojure zcaudate-archive/lein-midje-doc 75 moved ->: 'lucid.publish' stuartsierra/flow 75 (archived) Function definitions derived from graph declarations. threatgrid/pldb 75 (DEPRECATED) persistent logic database for clojure core.logic fogus/minderbinder 74 converting one thing into another thing via Clojure. aphyr/less-awful-ssl 74 Sssh no tears, only TLS now. For Clojure. stuarthalloway/circumspec 74 Help! Dan North has kidnapped me and is making me create a BDD framework in Clojure Raynes/irclj 74 A simple and small IRC library/bot framework written in Clojure. abengoa/clj-stripe 74 Clojure binding for Stripe API aaronc/fx-clj 74 A Clojure library for JavaFX pyr/recordbus 74 recordbus: mysql binlog to apache kafka danlarkin/clabango 74 it's a templating language for clojure I guess? Zetawar/zetawar 74 Zetawar is a turn based tactical strategy game implemented in 100% ClojureScript. clojure/data.avl 74 Persistent sorted maps and sets with log-time rank queries multunus/dashboard-clj 74 A Clojure mini-framework for building realtime dashboards SparkFund/spec-tacular 74 Make the border between Clojure and Datomic a more convenient and safe place to live. AvisoNovate/rook 73 Smart namespace-driven routing for Pedestal amalloy/ordered 73 Ordered sets and maps, implemented in pure clojure abedra/clojure-web 73 A collection of clojure web recipes jduey/conduit 73 A library for stream processing in Clojure outpace/remote 73 A Clojure(Script) library and DSL for building client to remote service APIs ckuttruff/clj-sql-up 73 A simple leiningen plugin for managing SQL database migrations with clojure / jdbc halgari/com.tbaldridge.hermod 72 A mailbox based distributed computing library marshallshen/clojure-katas 72 Experience the joy of Clojure by solving problems. myfreeweb/ringfinger 72 [DEPRECATED] Fun, fast, secure web development on top of Clojure/Ring Factual/s3-journal 72 stable, high-throughput journalling to S3 AdamClements/schejulure 72 A simple, cron and future inspired scheduling library for clojure codecation/maize 72 Random maze generator and solver japonophile/synaptic 72 Neural Networks in Clojure ams-clj/clansi 72 ANSI color and style codes for Clojure. ftomassetti/civs 72 Civ simulator ztellman/sleight 72 whole-program transformations in clojure matthiasn/inspect 72 Inspect data structures flowing through your application, from a web client. guns/vim-clojure-highlight 72 Extend builtin syntax highlighting to referred and aliased vars in Clojure buffers jeluard/hipo 72 A ClojureScript DOM templating library based on hiccup syntax sbelak/huri 72 Tools for the lazy data scientist compassus/compassus 72 A routing library for Om Next. clojure/tools.macro 71 Utilities for macro writers jarohen/phoenix 71 A plugin for configuring, co-ordinating and reloading Components johnwalker/lein-plz 71 Add leiningen dependencies quickly artemyarulin/ktoa 71 Set of useful helpers and wrappers around React Native for ClojureScript development cgrand/regex 71 a regex DSL for those who prefer verbose composable regexes to terse ones dgrnbrg/libdistsys 71 gcv/dgraph 71 dgraph — a dependency graph library for Clojure mkremins/flense 70 Edit trees, not text Engelberg/better-cond 70 A version of cond that supports :let clauses, and a number of other conveniences. swannodette/ 70 DerGuteMoritz/clj-oauth2 70 OAuth 2.0 implementation for Clojure narkisr/couch-fuse 70 A couchdb fuse filesystem bugsbio/lein-tern 70 Migrations as Clojure data mbonaci/clojure 70 (Now former) Java developer sneaks up on Clojure nathell/lithium 69 Clojure-based x86 assembler and toy Lisp compiler dparis/phzr 69 A ClojureScript wrapper for the Phaser HTML5 game framework grammarly/omniconf 69 Fancy configuration library for your Clojure programs r0man/oauth-clj 69 Clojure OAuth library capitalone/cqrs-manager-for-distributed-reactive-services 69 Experimental CQRS and Event Sourcing service binaryage/cljs-devtools-sample 69 An example integration of cljs-devtools technomancy/serializable-fn 68 Serializable functions in Clojure zalando/friboo 68 Utility library for writing microservices in Clojure, with support for Swagger and OAuth friemen/aggregate 68 Persisting complex datastructures to SQL tables. jafingerhut/thalia 68 A collection of documentation for Clojure symbols pallix/tikkba 68 Tikkba is a Clojure library for the creation and the dynamic modification of SVG documents. cjlarose/de-jong 68 ClojureScript de Jong Attractor bguthrie/shrubbery 68 Mocks, stubs, and spies for Clojure protocols. chlorinejs/lein-bower 68 Leiningen plugin for managing Bower dependencies in Clojure projects davidsantiago/clojure-hbase 67 A simple library for accessing HBase conveniently from Clojure. noprompt/lein-garden 67 Leiningen plugin for compiling Garden stylesheets. clojure/tools.analyzer.jvm 67 additional jvm-specific passes for tools.analyzer venantius/glow 67 Syntax highlighting for Clojure source code. jalehman/omtut-starter 67 A guided tutorial of the React tutorial in Om. cemerick/bandalore 67 A Clojure client library for Amazon's Simple Queue Service (SQS) yogthos/memory-hole 67 Memory Hole is a support issue organizer application jakepearson/quickie 67 Lein plugin for auto testing clojure/java.jmx 67 oakes/play-cljs 67 A ClojureScript game library arosequist/om-autocomplete 66 An autocomplete component for Om rill-event-sourcing/rill 66 Clojure Event Sourcing toolkit yeller/bolth 66 bolth rinuboney/clatern 66 Machine Learning in Clojure candera/dynne 66 A Clojure library for working with audio. tlipski/ganelon 66 Ganelon microframework brings rapid development of dynamic web applications to Clojure, by introducing thin JavaScript layer for AJAX-based server-side management of page's content. bigmlcom/sampling 66 Random Sampling in Clojure noir-clojure/noir-cljs 66 A noir utility to add ClojureScript compilation through middleware mfikes/bocko 66 Simple Clojure imperative graphics ohpauleez/cljs-terra 66 A Terra-backed ClojureScript compiler reagent-project/historian 65 UNDOs for your clojurescript projects. maxweber/clj-facebook-graph 65 A client for the Facebook Graph API based on clj-http and Ring tebeka/clj-digest 65 Digest algorithms for Clojure trhura/clojure-humanize 65 Produce human readable strings in clojure hoplon/demos 65 Example ClojureScript applications using hoplon Odinodin/data-frisk-reagent 65 tailrecursion/cljson 65 Clojure/ClojureScript library for accelerated browser data deserialization pyr/unilog 65 easy logging setup in clojure pjstadig/nio 65 Clojure support for java.nio. josephwilk/strangeloop2014 65 Come with us now on a journey ♪ walmartlabs/system-viz 65 Graphviz visualization of a component system bitemyapp/brambling 64 Datomic schema and data migration library/toolkit clojure/algo.generic 64 Ejhfast/Gajure 64 A framework for implementing genetic algorithms in Clojure. roomkey/annotate 64 aaronc/c-in-clj 64 A Clojure framework for efficiently writing C code stathissideris/clarity 64 A wrapper for Swing aiming to provide more concise syntax and extra functionality. Still in heavy development, syntax may change radically. relevance/mycroft 64 It's your data, look at it anywhere rauhs/klang 64 Clojurescript logging library adzerk-oss/boot-reload 64 Boot task providing live-reload of browser css, images, etc. marick/lein-midje 64 Leiningen plugin for Midje LonoCloud/lein-voom 63 Tool for generating artifacts versioned on the most recent git commit sha and commit time. ibdknox/monet 63 A ClojureScript visual library martinklepsch/s3-beam 63 🚀 direct-to-S3 uploading using ClojureScript tailrecursion/lein-simpleton 63 A Leiningen plugin to serve files out of a local directory -- very similar to Python's SimpleHTTPServer sneerteam/sneer 63 A Platform for Sovereign Computing Apps. julienXX/clj-slack 63 Use Slack REST API from Clojure typedclojure/lein-typed 63 Leiningen plugin for Typed Clojure myfreeweb/clj-http-fake 63 Helper for faking clj-http requests. pyr/mesomatic 62 mesos interaction in idiomatic clojure logaan/vlad 62 Vlad provides convenient and simple validations. It is purely functional and makes no assumptions about your data. It can be used for validating html form data just as well as it can be used to validate your csv about cats. dgrnbrg/piplin 62 Compile Clojure to FPGAs CmdrDats/igoki 62 Clojure Go Kifu recorder and OGS player cddr/integrity 62 tools for operating on schemas zcaudate-archive/lein-repack 62 moved ->: 'lucid.distribute' edvorg/yet-another-craft 62 Multiplayer Starcraft game clone in clojure with reagent. alandipert/intension 62 Query nested maps/vectors with Datalog swannodette/chambered 62 Port of Notch's Minecraft JavaScript demo to ClojureScript jmmk/javascript-externs-generator 62 Generate externs for use with Google Closure Compiler whilo/boltzmann 62 Boltzmann energy-based deep learning techniques. clojure/tools.emitter.jvm 62 A JVM bytecode generator for ASTs compatible with tools.analyzer(.jvm) amitrathore/conjure 62 a mocking library for clojure ztellman/byte-transforms 61 methods for hashing, compressing, and encoding bytes olauzon/capacitor 61 A Clojure client for InfluxDB circleci/schema-typer 61 jcrossley3/lein-modules 61 An alternative to Maven multi-module projects in Leiningen danlarkin/subrosa 61 IRC server written in clojure ghadishayban/pex 61 LPEG for Clojure nodename/async-plgd 61 Hoare's CSP examples implemented with Clojure core.async Phaetec/pogo-cruncher 61 Crunch them all sattvik/lein-tarsier 61 A more fully-featured VimClojure plug-in for Leiningen. halgari/fn-fx 60 A Functional API around Java FX clumsyjedi/lein-chrome-extension 60 A leiningen template for generating lein-chromebuild projects protoflex/parse-ez 60 Parser library for Clojure programmers nervous-systems/eulalie 60 Asynchronous AWS client for Clojure & Clojurescript/Node AlexBaranosky/print-foo 60 A Clojure library of print debugging macros. yeller/laboratory 60 This isn't SCIENCE this is PRODUCTION wri/forma-clj 60 The Forest Monitoring for Action (FORMA) project provides forest clearing alerts derived from MODIS satellite imagery every 16 days beginning in December 2005. FORMA is a project of World Resources Institute and was developed by the Center for Global Development. leonardoborges/purely-functional-data-structures 60 Clojure versions of the code and solutions from the book Purely Functional Data Structures bhauman/figwheel-template 60 A Leinigen template for figwheel oliyh/martian 60 Build routes on your client to a Swagger API jduey/protocol-monads 59 A protocol based monad implementation for clojure tanders/clojure2minizinc 59 A Clojure library designed to solve constraint satisfaction problems by using MiniZinc in the background grammarly/perseverance 59 Flexible retries library for Clojure Factual/clj-leveldb 59 Clojure bindings for LevelDB clarle/ai-class 59 Code collection for the Stanford Online Introduction to Artificial Intelligence class johnwayner/lein-datomic 59 Simple Leinengen plugin to help with creating, populating and connecting to Datomic instances. tcrayford/clojure-refactoring 59 Basic refactoring functionality for clojure/emacs dragonmark/dragonmark 59 The main repository for the Dragonmark project mhaemmerle/excel-to-json 59 Opinionated Excel to JSON converter where nested structures can be defined on different worksheets HouzuoGuo/Aurinko 59 Aurinko - a document database engine implementation in Clojure reagent-project/reagent-utils 59 a collection of helper functions for use with Reagent adinapoli/clj3D 58 Visual prototyping for the masses. ericnormand/squarepeg 58 A peg parser in Clojure inspired by OMeta semperos/webdriver-logic 58 Logic programming API for testing web applications using clj-webdriver tailrecursion/ring-edn 58 EDN handler for Ring gigasquid/chemical-computing 58 Explorations in chemical computing with Clojure sgrove/om-draggable 58 A generic draggable-component for Om dunaj-project/dunaj 58 An alternative core API for Clojure funcool/suricatta 58 High level sql toolkit for clojure (backed by jooq library) cldwalker/table 58 Display ascii tables for almost any data structure with ease. revelytix/carbonite 58 Clojure library for serializing Clojure data using Kryo levand/qttt 58 Quantum Tic Tac Toe sgrove/gamma-playground 58 Examples of how to use ClojureScript's Gamma & Gamma-Driver WebGL libraries celestial-ops/supernal 57 A remote multi server automation tool (like Capistrano/Fabric) in Clojure. ztellman/collection-check 57 fuzz testing for alternate clojure data structures akhudek/fast-zip 57 fast-zip jkk/verily 57 Map validation library for Clojure aengelberg/instagenerate 57 Reversing instaparse with core.logic thi-ng/babel 57 A Leiningen project template for literate Clojure projects w/ org-mode metosin/ring-http-response 57 Handling HTTP Statuses with Clojure(Script) TheClimateCorporation/clj-spark 57 A Clojure api for the the Spark project (a fast, open source cluster computing system). tailrecursion/javastar 57 Write Java inside Clojure mathias/hum 56 ClojureScript wrappers around the Web Audio API mefesto/wabbitmq 56 WabbitMQ is a simple Clojure wrapper for RabbitMQ's Java client library (v2.8.1) mikera/alchemy 56 A 7 day roguelike in Clojure samaaron/serial-port 56 Serial port comms for Clojure marick/peano 56 Using logic programming (Clojure's core.logic) for test data manipulation and generation aphyr/prism 56 Automatically re-run clojure tests sritchie/core.logic-koans 56 Learn core.logic with koans! pleasetrythisathome/tao 56 Tao enables two-way data binding for browser history gadfly361/reagent-seed 56 Clojurescript template for making Reagent applications with Org-mode (includes figwheel, cider, devcards, doo garden, secretary) turbopape/scheje 56 A little scheme implementation on top of Clojure myguidingstar/fence 56 Effortless way to avoid manual extern files when doing javascript interop from Clojurescript. AvisoNovate/config 56 Configure a system using EDN files and clojure.spec pjlegato/ring.middleware.logger 56 Ring middleware to log each request yeller/shoutout 56 sane feature flags for clojure. shoutout to yoga experts kawasima/back-channeling 56 A thread floating typed chat system. rm-hull/big-bang 55 ClojureScript event loop abstraction, loosely based on Racket's big-bang and implemented on top of core.async unclebob/clojureOrbit 55 Orbital simulator in Clojure brentonashworth/lein-difftest 55 Leiningen plugin for running tests with better error reporting gadfly361/soda-ash 55 Soda-ash is an interface between clojurescript's reagent and Semantic UI. weavejester/eftest 55 Fast and pretty Clojure test runner kumarshantanu/lein-sub 55 Leiningen plugin for executing tasks on sub-projects remvee/clojurehelloandroid 55 Hello World in Clojure for Android oakes/paren-soup 55 A browser-based editor for ClojureScript xsc/thrift-clj 55 Thrift and Clojure! turbopape/milestones 55 The Automagic Project Planner s312569/clj-biosequence 55 A Clojure library designed to make the manipulation of biological sequence data easier. mmcgrana/clj-garden 55 Where I grow Clojure codes