TypeScript Github Star Ranking at 2016/11/06

TypeScript Github Star Ranking at 2018/09/09

driftyco/ionic                             26474
Build amazing native and progressive web apps with Angular and open web technologies. One app running on everything 🎉

Microsoft/vscode                           19274
Visual Studio Code

angular/angular                            17916

Microsoft/TypeScript                       16458
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

shockone/black-screen                      13776
A terminal emulator for the 21st century.

DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped            8841
The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.

NativeScript/NativeScript                  8562
NativeScript is an open source framework for building truly native mobile apps with JavaScript. Use web skills, like Angular, FlexBox and CSS, and get native UI and performance on iOS and Android.

sahat/satellizer                           7727
Token-based AngularJS Authentication

angular/material2                          5383
Material Design components for Angular 2

angular/angular-cli                        5062
CLI tool for Angular2

winjs/winjs                                3895
A UI toolkit for modern browsers

ReactiveX/rxjs                             3722
A reactive programming library for JavaScript

tensorflow/playground                      3716
Play with neural networks!

jquery/esprima                             3400
ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis

mozilla/shumway                            3330
Shumway is a Flash VM and runtime written in JavaScript

akveo/ng2-admin                            3067
Angular 2 admin dashboard framework

mgechev/angular-seed                       3058
Modular starter project for Angular 2 (and beyond) with statically typed build and AoT compilation

turbulenz/turbulenz_engine                 2665
Turbulenz is a modular 3D and 2D game framework for making HTML5 powered games for browsers, desktops and mobile devices.

esvit/ng-table                             2548
Simple table with sorting and filtering on AngularJS

searchkit/searchkit                        2366
React UI components / widgets. The easiest way to build a great search experience with Elasticsearch.

MicrosoftDX/Vorlonjs                       2235
A new, open source, extensible, platform-agnostic tool for remotely debugging and testing your JavaScript. Powered by node.js and socket.io

typings/typings                            2191
The TypeScript Definition Manager

ceolter/ag-grid                            2120
Advanced Data Grid / Data Table supporting Javascript / React / AngularJS / Web Components

calebmer/postgraphql                       2058
A GraphQL API created by reflection over a PostgreSQL schema.

Microsoft/vscode-go                        2029
An extension for VS Code which provides support for the Go language.

Urigo/angular-meteor                       1947
Angular and Meteor - The perfect stack

Microsoft/code-push                        1935
A cloud service that enables Cordova and React Native developers to deploy mobile app updates directly to their users’ devices.

palantir/plottable                         1881
A library of modular chart components built on D3

angular/zone.js                            1770
Implements Zones for JavaScript

valor-software/ng2-bootstrap               1764
Native Angular2 directives for Bootstrap

rstacruz/pnpm                              1701
Performant 'npm install'

electron-userland/electron-builder         1650
A complete solution to package and build a ready for distribution Electron app with “auto update” support out of the box

phodal/growth                              1619
Growth - App to help you Be Awesome Developer & Awesome Hacker

ngrx/store                                 1542
RxJS powered state management for Angular applications, inspired by Redux

angular/universal                          1507
Universal (isomorphic) javascript support for Angular2

Microsoft/TypeScriptSamples                1454
Samples for TypeScript

ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap                  1432
Angular 2 powered Bootstrap

rhysd/NyaoVim                              1375
Web-enhanced Extensible Neovim Frontend

Microsoft/TouchDevelop                     1298
TouchDevelop is a touch-friendly app creation environment for iPad, iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux. Our mobile-friendly editor makes coding fun, even on your phone or tablet!

jupyterlab/jupyterlab                      1282
JupyterLab computational environment. This is a very early preview, and is not suitable for general usage yet.

yortus/asyncawait                          1257
Callback heaven for Node.js with async/await

apollostack/apollo-client                  1226
:rocket: A fully-featured caching GraphQL client for any server or UI framework

n3-charts/line-chart                       1191
Awesome charts for AngularJS.

palantir/tslint                            1177
An extensible linter for the TypeScript language.

NathanWalker/angular-seed-advanced         1165
An advanced Angular2 seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ng2-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (*native* mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.

urbanairship/tessera                       1158
A dashboard front-end for graphite.  

superpowers/superpowers-core               1105
:octopus: Superpowers — Extensible HTML5 app for real-time collaborative projects

driftyco/ionic-conference-app              1084
A conference app built with Ionic 2 to demonstrate Ionic 2

alm-tools/alm                              1070
:rose: A :cloud: ready IDE just for TypeScript :heart:

DefinitelyTyped/tsd                        1069
TypeScript Definition manager for DefinitelyTyped

plasma-umass/doppio                        1012
An "OS for your browser" that breaks the browser language barrier (includes a plugin-free JVM).

driftyco/ionic-native                      990
Native features for mobile apps built with Cordova/PhoneGap and open web technologies. Complete with TypeScript support. The successor to ngCordova. Pairs exquisitely with a nice bottle of Ionic Framework.

angular/angularfire2                       989
The official Angular 2 library for Firebase.

rangle/augury                              925
Angular 2 development tools for Chrome

appbaseio/mirage                           923
🔎  GUI for Elasticsearch Queries

angular/universal-starter                  897
Angular 2 Universal starter kit by @AngularClass

VSCodeVim/Vim                              846
Vim for Visual Studio Code

basarat/typescript-book                    829
:books: The definitive guide to TypeScript and possibly the best TypeScript book :book:. Free and Open Source.

TypeStrong/atom-typescript                 766
The only TypeScript package you will ever need

staltz/xstream                             734
An extremely intuitive, small, and fast functional reactive stream library for JavaScript

Microsoft/vscode-react-native              730
VSCode extension for react native - supports syntax highlighting, debugging and editor integration

angular/angular2-seed                      723

ant-design/ant-design-mobile               713
A configurable Mobile UI

pillarjs/path-to-regexp                    709
Express-style path to regexp

inversify/InversifyJS                      698
A powerful and lightweight inversion of control container  for JavaScript & Node.js apps powered by TypeScript.

mgechev/codelyzer                          678
Linting of Angular projects.

justindujardin/ng2-material                636
Components built on top of @angular/material and examples site

furnishup/blueprint3d                      630
Build interior spaces in 3D

ocombe/ng2-translate                       613
An implementation of angular translate for Angular 2

auth0/angular2-jwt                         595
Helper library for handling JWTs in Angular 2 apps

robertknight/webpack-bundle-size-analyzer  558
A tool for finding out what contributes to the size of Webpack bundles

blakeembrey/free-style                     539
Make CSS easier and more maintainable by using JavaScript

angular/react-native-renderer              537
Use Angular 2 and React Native to build applications for Android and iOS

DanWahlin/Angular2-JumpStart               527
Angular 2 and TypeScript JumpStart example

zaggino/brackets-git                       521
brackets-git — git extension for adobe/brackets

angular-redux/ng2-redux                    502
Angular 2 bindings for Redux

vega/vega-lite                             469
A high-level grammar for visual analysis, built on top of Vega.

BlokDust/BlokDust                          464
:musical_keyboard: A free to use web-based music making app. Make sounds, build instruments and share your creations.

AFASSoftware/maquette                      463
Pure and simple virtual DOM library

TypeStrong/ts-node                         462
TypeScript execution environment for node

uProxy/uproxy                              455
Internet without borders

NativeScript/nativescript-cli              454
Command-line interface for building NativeScript apps

johnpapa/angular2-tour-of-heroes           450
Angular 2 - Tour of Heroes - The Next Step after Getting Started

itchio/itch                                448
:video_game: The best way to play your itch.io games

Microsoft/vsts-tasks                       447
Build and Release Tasks for Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server

vladotesanovic/ngSemantic                  436
Angular 2 building blocks :package: based on Semantic UI

ngUpgraders/ng-forward                     427
The default solution for those that want to write Angular 2.x style code in Angular 1.x

DeborahK/Angular2-GettingStarted           423
Sample Angular 2 application

rhysd/Shiba                                421
Rich markdown live preview app with linter

kazuhikoarase/qrcode-generator             417
QR Code Generator implementation in ActionScript3, Java, JavaScript and more.

ipython/ipywidgets                         415
IPython widgets for the Jupyter Notebook

apollostack/graphql-server                 413
:earth_africa: GraphQL server for Express, Connect, Hapi and Koa

s-panferov/awesome-typescript-loader       390
Awesome TypeScript loader for webpack

Polymer/web-component-tester               380

apollostack/graphql-tools                  375
:wrench: Build and mock your GraphQL.js schema using the schema language

Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI-Angular           374
Semantic UI Angular Integrations

Asana/typed-react                          373
A binding layer between React and TypeScript

Microsoft/vscode-chrome-debug              371
Debug your JavaScript code running in Google Chrome from VS Code.

ahomu/Talkie                               370
Simple slide presentation library. Responsive scaling & markdown ready.

valor-software/ng2-charts                  356
Beautiful charts for Angular2 based on Chart.js

valor-software/ng2-file-upload             345
Easy to use Angular2 components for files upload

basarat/typescript-collections             336
A generically typed set of collections for use with TypeScript

rogerpadilla/angular2-minimalist-starter   336
Angular2 Minimalist Starter

node-influx/node-influx                    335
📈  The InfluxDB Client for Node.js and Browsers

jaysoo/todomvc-redux-react-typescript      325
TodoMVC example using Redux, React, and Typescript

angular/angular-electron                   322
Angular2 + Electron

torokmark/design_patterns_in_typescript    321
Design pattern implementations in TypeScript

SierraSoftworks/Iridium                    312
A high performance MongoDB ORM for Node.js

ngrx/example-app                           312
Example app showcasing the ngrx platform

tildeio/glimmer                            311

SebastianM/angular2-google-maps            309
Angular 2 components for Google Maps

timbertson/shellshape                      305
tiling window manager extension for gnome-shell

OmniSharp/omnisharp-atom                   300
Omnisharp support for the atom editor

michaelgrosner/tribeca                     299
A high frequency, market making cryptocurrency trading platform in node.js

OmniSharp/omnisharp-vscode                 291
Official C# support for Visual Studio Code (powered by OmniSharp)

saviorisdead/RustyCode                     286
Rust for Visual Studio Code

SAP/chevrotain                             284
JavaScript Parsing DSL

facebook/remodel                           283
Remodel is a tool that helps iOS and OS X developers avoid repetitive code by generating Objective-C models that support coding, value comparison, and immutability.

apollostack/react-apollo                   281
:recycle: React data container for the Apollo Client

r-park/todo-angular2-firebase              275
Todo app with Angular2 • AngularFire2 • Firebase • OAuth • Webpack2

ng-lightning/ng-lightning                  273
Native Angular 2 components & directives for Lightning Design System

GhostText/GhostText                        273
👻 Use your text editor to write in your browser. Everything you type in the editor will be instantly updated in the browser (and vice versa).

rangle/typescript-react-redux-example      269
Typescript, React, Redux, Webpack starter kit

johnpapa/angular2-go                       265
Angular 2 Go !

apollostack/graphql-anywhere               258
:icecream: Run a GraphQL query anywhere, against any data, with no schema.

urish/angular2-moment                      257
moment.js pipes for Angular2

swimlane/angular2-data-table               257
✨  A feature-rich yet lightweight data-table crafted for Angular2!

Rebilly/ReDoc                              257
OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation

qdouble/angular-webpack2-starter           257
A complete Angular 2 and Webpack 2 starter seed with minimal and full featured branches. Full featured branch includes: Material Design 2 (Bootstrap 4 branch available as well), @ngrx, HMR, DLLs and optional use of Universal for server-side rendering - Supports AOT (offline) compilation, sync and lazy loading. Karma/Protractor for e2e/unit tests.

MoonStorm/trNgGrid                         253
A feature rich Angular grid using standard HTML tables.

inloop/apk-method-count                    252
Output per-package method counts in Android APK

teijo/jquery-bracket                       251
jQuery Bracket library for organizing single and double elimination tournaments

wellflat/imageprocessing-labs              247
computer vision, image processing and machine learning on the web browser or node.

JMPerez/spotify-web-api-js                 245
A client-side JS wrapper for the Spotify Web API

SINTEF-9012/PruneCluster                   240
Fast and realtime marker clustering for Leaflet

superpowers/superpowers-game               240
:video_game: Make 2D and 3D games in live collaboration with Superpowers

ngrx/router                                236
Reactive Router for Angular 2

gothinkster/angular2-realworld-example-app 231
Angular 2 codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc)

alamgird/angular-next-starter-kit          230
Seed project for developing angular 1.x applications in preparation for migrating on to Angular 2.0

ngOfficeUIFabric/ng-officeuifabric         229
Office UI Fabric (https://github.com/OfficeDev/office-ui-fabric) implementation for Angular

noraesae/koko                              228
Yet another IRC client for me and you :koko:

tlaverdure/laravel-echo-server             225
Socket.io server for Laravel Echo

wechaty/wechaty                            223
Wechat for Bot. Powered by WebDriver & Node.js

michaelbromley/ng2-pagination              216
Pagination for Angular2

firebase/bolt                              215
Bolt Compiler (Firebase Security and Modeling)

thomaschampagne/stravistix                 214
Chrome/Opera web extension for strava. Stravistix analyse deeper your activities and segments efforts ! And more...

PowerShell/vscode-powershell               212
Provides PowerShell language and debugging support for Visual Studio Code

valor-software/ng2-select                  211
Angular2 based replacement for select boxes

shardis/spring-angular2-starter            206

laravel/echo                               206

barbar/vortigern                           204
A universal boilerplate for building web applications w/ TypeScript, React, Redux, Server Side Rendering and more.

jordwest/news-feed-eradicator              204
News Feed Eradicator

typestyle/typestyle                        202
Making CSS Typesafe

AngularLovers/angular2                     201
官方教程配套源码(ng-book2)同步更新:ng-book2 source code (keywords:angular angular2 )

Bobris/Bobril                              201
Component oriented framework inspired by Mithril and ReactJs (already usable)

serkanyersen/sync                          199
syncs your local folder with remote folder using scp

redux-bootstrap/redux-bootstrap            192
A bootstrap() function for initializing Redux applications.

frankwallis/plugin-typescript              191
TypeScript loader for SystemJS

laobubu/MarkdownIME                        191
A fresh way to write well-formatted text, by typing markdownized stuff on web.

vladotesanovic/angular2-express-starter    190
Angular 2 and Express

orizens/echoes-ng2                         189
Echoes Player build with angular2 (ported from ng1 version - http://echotu.be )

rangle/angular2-redux-example              188
Angular 2 Redux Starter Repo

Polymer/polymer-cli                        188
A command-line tool for Polymer projects

itsFrank/vue-typescript                    187
Typescript decorators to make vue feel more typescripty

jahewson/elm-graphql                       185
GraphQL for Elm

firebase/blaze_compiler                    184

seanhess/angularjs-typescript              183
AngularJS + Typescript presentation and example

ajtowf/ng2_play                            183
Angular 2 Play with Material Design, code from live coding screencasts

ngParty/ng-metadata                        181
Angular 2 decorators and utils for Angular 1.x 

NativeScript/sample-Groceries              181
:green_apple: :pineapple: :strawberry: A NativeScript-built iOS and Android app for managing grocery lists

Microsoft/cordova-plugin-code-push         181
Cordova plugin for CodePush

TypeStrong/learn-typescript                180
The complete workshop for picking up TypeScript

AngularClass/angular2-seed                 180
:seedling: A simple Angular 2 seed featuring Angular 2 and Webpack 2 by @AngularClass

ivogabe/Brackets-Icons                     179
File icons in Brackets' file tree

rubyide/vscode-ruby                        176
Provides Ruby language and debugging support for Visual Studio Code

btroncone/learn-rxjs                       176
Clear examples, explanations, and resources for RxJS 5

OfficeDev/office-ui-fabric-react           175
React components for building experiences for Office and Office 365.

zekelevu/typeframework                     174
A TypeScript MVC Web Framework

bvaughn/js-search                          174
JS Search is an efficient, client-side search library for JavaScript and JSON objects

lathonez/clicker                           170
Ionic 2 Demo / Seed Project : Angular2 + Typescript + Karma + Protractor + Travis 

mgechev/switching-to-angular2              169

egret-labs/Lark                            169
Lark is an interactive mobile application framework which developers can use it to create rich and interactive mobile apps with HTML5. 

jkuri/ng2-uploader                         168
Angular2 File Uploader

ngrx/effects                               168
Side effect model for @ngrx/store

kutyel/linq.ts                             167
LinQ for TypeScript

marcj/angular2-localstorage                165
Angular2 decorator to save and restore variables/class properties to HTML5 LocalStorage automatically.

Paldom/angular2-rest                       164
Angular2 HTTP client to consume RESTful services. Built with TypeScript. 

BTMorton/angular2-grid                     163
A drag/drop/resize grid-based plugin directive for angular2

Urigo/meteor-angular-socially              161
angular-meteor example and tutorial app

InfomediaLtd/angular2-materialize          160

falsandtru/pjax-api                        158
The second generation PJAX for advanced web framework.

FarmBot/farmbot-web-frontend               158
The frontend (HTML, CSS, JS App)

nippur72/PolymerTS                         158
Write Polymer 1.0 elements as TypeScript @decorated classes

aioutecism/amVim-for-VSCode                156
The Vim mode for Visual Studio Code(vscode) that works as expected.

phosphorjs/phosphor                        155
The PhosphorJS Library

brechtbilliet/angular-typescript-webpack   154
My angular typescript webpack architecture

NeoGuo/html5-documents                     153
All about HTML5 frameworks

dougludlow/ng2-bs3-modal                   153
Angular2 Bootstrap3 Modal Component

valor-software/ng2-table                   152
Simple table extension with sorting, filtering, paging... for Angular2 apps

jameskleeh/angular-confirm                 151
Confirmation modal dialog for AngularJS

ShyykoSerhiy/skyweb                        146
Unofficial Skype API for nodejs via 'Skype (HTTP)' protocol.

vvakame/typescript-formatter               146
Formatter of TypeScript code

angulartics/angulartics2                   146
Angulartics for Angular 2

mulesoft/api-workbench                     146
The API Workbench for RAML

btroncone/ngrx-examples                    145
@ngrx examples and resources

flauc/angular2-notifications               143
A light and easy to use notifications library for Angular 2. It features both regular page notifications (toasts) and push notifications.

gmarty/DVD.js                              142
Playing DVD in JavaScript for the sake of interoperability

kara/puppy-love                            142

blacksonic/angular2-aot-webpack            142
Angular 2 AOT (Ahead Of Time) offline compilation example with Webpack

PolymerLabs/polyserve                      140
A simple web server for using components locally

angular/tsickle                            140
Tsickle — TypeScript to Closure Annotator

andrerpena/chatjs                          138
Platform-independent jQuery plugin for chatting

Everlaw/nbts                               136
NetBeans TypeScript editor plugin

ngrx/store-devtools                        135
Developer Tools for @ngrx/store

dojo/dojo2                                 134
DEPRECATED - See dojo/meta for the latest on Dojo 2

yangmillstheory/chunkify                   134
:sparkles: A functional API to unblock your JavaScript

b091/ts-skeleton                           134
Typescript Angular Skeleton Application

raph-amiard/sublime-typescript             133
A sublime plugin for the typescript language - WIP

rhysd/Trendy                               132
Menubar app to keep you in the loop of GitHub trends :octocat:

Microsoft/vso-agent                        131
Visual Studio Team Services and TFS agent for Mac OSX and Linux

vuejs/vue-class-component                  130
ES / TypeScript decorator for class-style Vue components.

DavideViolante/Angular2-Full-Stack         130
Angular 2 Full Stack project built using Angular 2, Express, Mongoose and Node.

worr/node-imdb-api                         127
A non-scraping, functional node.js interface to imdb

blakeembrey/popsicle                       126
Simple HTTP requests for node and the browser

74th/vscode-vim                            126
vim emulator for Visual Studio Code

sbrink/vscode-elm                          125
Elm Language Support for Visual Studio Code

Microsoft/tfs-cli                          125
Cross-platform CLI for Microsoft Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio Team Services

akserg/ng2-dnd                             123
Angular 2 Drag-and-Drop without dependencies

mean-expert-official/loopback-sdk-builder  123
Tool for auto-generating Software Development Kits (SDKs) for LoopBack

egret-labs/egret-examples                  123

NativeScript/nativescript-marketplace-demo 123
NativeScript kitchen sink demo. All of NativeScript’s functionality in one app.

phiresky/nmap-log-parse                    121
Logs which devices are in your local network and draws graphs

rangle/ngCourse2                           120
An AngularJS Course from Rangle.io

mseemann/angular2-mdl                      119
Angular 2 components, directives and styles based on material design lite🎉 

gangachris/angular2-validators             118
Angular 2 Form Validators based on ValidatorJS

vaadin/angular2-polymer                    118
Angular 2 support for Polymer elements

jupyter/nbdime                             118
Tools for diffing and merging of Jupyter notebooks.

manekinekko/angular2-dependencies-graph    116
View the dependencies tree of you Angular2 application 🐼🎉🐓✨

krispo/ng2-nvd3                            116
Angular2 component for nvd3

mgechev/angular2-hot-loader                115
Angular 2 hot loader

NativeScript/sample-ng-todomvc             115
Angular2 + NativeScript TodoMVC example

PolymerLabs/polylint                       114
Lint polymer!

typeorm/typeorm                            113
Data-Mapper ORM for TypeScript, ES7, ES6, ES5. Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle databases. Currently in active development.

SitePen/dts-generator                      112
Generates a single .d.ts bundle containing external module declarations exported from TypeScript module files.

mapillary/mapillary-js                     112
WebGL JavaScript library for displaying street level imagery from mapillary.com

buzinas/tslint-eslint-rules                111
Improve your TSLint with the missing ESLint rules

electricessence/TypeScript.NET             111
A JavaScript-Friendly .NET Based TypeScript Library

AngularClass/angular2-examples             111
Angular 2 examples by @AngularClass

felixfbecker/vscode-php-debug              111
PHP Debug Adapter for Visual Studio Code 🐞⛔

IgniteUI/igniteui-angular2                 110
Ignite UI directives for Angular 2

jhades/angular2-redux-store                109
A minimalistic Redux store for Angular 2

routerkeygen/routerkeygenPC                109
Qt Port for Linux, Mac OSX and Windows

akveo/ng2-smart-table                      109
Angular 2 Smart Data Table component

DanWahlin/Angular2-BareBones               109
Angular 2 and TypeScript Bare Bones Project

wps-community/wps_i18n                     108
KSO/WPS internationalization support.

Justin-Credible/Ionic-TypeScript-Starter   107
:iphone: Platform and IDE agnostic starter project for building mobile apps with Ionic and TypeScript.

HvyIndustries/crane                        107
PHP Intellisense/code-completion for VS Code

jdubray/sam-samples                        107

mattlewis92/angular2-tv-tracker            107
A simple TV app for learning angular 2

driftyco/ionic-app-scripts                 106
App Build Scripts for Ionic Projects

Komet/MediaElch                            106
Media Manager for Kodi

gevgeny/angular2-highcharts                105
:bar_chart: :chart_with_upwards_trend: Highcharts for your Angular2 project

ratneshsinghparihar/Node-Data              104
Node-Data is a Node.js javascript framework where all back end concerns are wrapped in annotations.

shprink/angular2-nobullshit-boilerplate    103
Just what's necessary to build Angular2 apps with TS and Webpack nothing else!

aurelia/validation                         103
A validation plugin for Aurelia.

charto/cwait                               102
Limit number of promises running in parallel

apollostack/angular2-apollo                101
Angular 2 integration for the Apollo Client

orizens/angular2-infinite-scroll           100
Infinite Scroll Directive for angular 2

Polymer/polymer-analyzer                   99
A static analysis framework for web applications.

mrf28/a2gtm                                98
Generic task manager made with angular2

mgechev/aspect.js                          98
Aspect-oriented programming library for the future generations...

hawkular/hawkular-dist-old                 97
ARCHIVED - The Hawkular integration project

jiaweihli/monapt                           97
Options, Trys, and Futures for JavaScript / TypeScript

valor-software/ng2-handsontable            97
Angular 2 directive for Handsontable

blakeembrey/react-free-style               96
Make React components easier and more maintainable by using inline style objects

Arnavion/libjass                           96
Renders ASS subs in the browser.

ui-router/react                            96
UI-Router for React

r-park/soundcloud-ngrx                     96
SoundCloud API client with Angular2 • RxJS • ngrx/store • ngrx/effects

excaliburjs/Excalibur                      96
A simple HTML5 Canvas game engine written in TypeScript

Microsoft/tslint-microsoft-contrib         95
A set of TSLint rules used on some Microsoft projects.

Microsoft/dts-gen                          94
dts-gen creates starter TypeScript definition files for any module or library.

AngularClass/angular2-hmr                  94
:fire: Angular 2 Hot Module Replacement via @AngularClass

sararob/angular2base                       94
Demo app from my Angular Connect talk

pleerock/class-validator                   93
Validation made easy using Typescript decorators

aurelia/ux                                 92
A user experience framework with higher-level capabilities, designed to bring simplicity and elegance to building cross-device, rich experiences.

Microsoft/vscode-ios-web-debug             92
Debug your JavaScript code running in Safari on iOS devices from VS Code.

DragonBones/DragonBonesJS                  91
DragonBones JavaScript / TypeScript Runtime

SharePoint/PnP-JS-Core                     91
Repository for the PnP JavaScript Core component development together with community members

formly-js/ng2-formly                       91
JavaScript powered FORMS for ANGULAR 2

mbalex99/newfamily-example                 90
Express 4, Angular 2, Gulp 3, TypeScript simple setup

localvoid/kivi                             90
Javascript (TypeScript) library for building web user interfaces

aaronksaunders/ionic2-angularfire-sample   90
Integrating Firebase with AngularFire2 into AngularJS & Ionic2

Stabzs/Angular2-Toaster                    90
Angular2-toaster is an asynchronous, non-blocking Angular2 Toaster Notification library

fknop/angular-pipes                        89
Angular 2 pipes library

keokilee/react-typescript-boilerplate      89
Boilerplate project for setting up Typescript and React with Babel and Webpack.

AngularShowcase/angular2-sample-app        88
Sample application built with Angular 2

damienbod/Angular2WebpackVisualStudio      88
ASP.NET Core, Angular2 with Webpack and Visual Studio

angular/tactical                           87
Data access library for Angular

shanalikhan/code-settings-sync             87
Synchronize your Visual Studio Code Settings Across Multiple Machines using Github GIST

Microsoft/vsts-extension-samples           86
Sample extensions for Visual Studio Team Services

jedmao/eclint                              86
Validate or fix code that doesn't adhere to EditorConfig settings or infer settings from existing code.

gsingh93/regex-search                      86
A Chrome extension that allows you to search the page using regex

projectkudu/ARMExplorer                    86
Azure Resource Explorer

Mercateo/dwatch                            86
Manage your docker containers, images and networks in a nice and clean way.

shprink/wp-api-angular                     86
Angular2 services for WordPress WP-API(v2)

react-component/dialog                     85
React Dialog (web & react-native)

dojo/core                                  85
:rocket: TypeScript and JavaScript core utilities for Dojo 2.

mohsen1/json-formatter-js                  85
 Render JSON objects in beautiful HTML (pure JavaScript)

cbowdon/TsMonad                            84
Little monad library designed for TypeScript

akserg/ng2-toasty                          84
Angular2 Toasty component shows growl-style alerts and messages for your app.

hyperandroid/Automata                      83
A Finite State Machine framework.

Elecash/angular2-testing                   83
Angular 2 testing tutorial with Karma and Jasmine

TylorS/reginn                              83
Composable Command Line Applications

mosh-hamedani/angular2-course              81

angular/issue-zero                         81

iSpring/WebGlobe                           81
基于HTML5原生WebGL实现的轻量级Google Earth三维地图引擎,支持诺基亚地图、微软Bing地图、腾讯地图、天地图、OpenStreetMap等。

vvakame/dtsm                               79
The .d.ts manager

mobxjs/mobx-utils                          79
Utility functions and common patterns for MobX

michaelkourlas/node-js2xmlparser           79
A Node.js module that parses JavaScript objects into XML.

afrad/angular2-websocket                   78
Websocket wrapper for angular2 based on angular-websocket 

DanWahlin/AngularTypeScript                78
An Angular and TypeScript demo app that integrates with Azure AD and Office 365 cloud services.

superpowers/superpowers-love2d             78
:heart_decoration: Make LÖVE 2D games in live collaboration with Superpowers

retaxJS/retax                              77
Universal React Redux Framework

develar/onshape-desktop-shell              77
Onshape desktop app (web application shell). Unofficial.

apollostack/graphql-subscriptions          77
:newspaper: A small module that implements GraphQL subscriptions for Node.js

rhysd/neovim-component                     77
&lt:neovim-editor&gt: WebComponent to embed Neovim to your app with great ease

pleerock/routing-controllers               77
Allows to create class-based controllers for express.js app using Typescript

HerringtonDarkholme/typescript-repl        77
An upgraded TypeScript REPL

ronzeidman/ng2-ui-auth                     76
an angular2 repository for authentication based on angular1's satellizer

angular/vladivostok                        76

Microsoft/ApplicationInsights-node.js      76
Microsoft Application Insights SDK for node.js

jeffbcross/aim                             76

NathanWalker/ng2-image-lazy-load           76
Angular2 image lazy loader library.

IgniteUI/igniteui-js-blocks                76
Mobile-first Angular native components

simpulton/angular2-website-routes          75
A simple Angular 2 website example using routes

DeviantJS/angular2-seed-material2          75
Angular2-Material Integration Fork of the angular2-seed :

autocompletejs/autocomplete.js             75
autocomplete.js is JavaScript library, lite, fast, stable, using the JavaScript Strict Mode and validated by JSHint.

Microsoft/ApplicationInsights-JS           75
Microsoft Application Insights SDK for JavaScript

kolorobot/angular2-typescript-gulp         75
A basic Angular2 application with Gulp as build system.

localvoid/perf-monitor                     74
Performance monitor. Simple UI component that helps you measure performance.

projectkudu/AzureFunctionsPortal           74
Azure Functions UX

donnut/typescript-ramda                    74
TypeScript's type definitions for Ramda

Microsoft/vscode-node-debug                74
A VS Code debug adapter for node

ColinEberhardt/angular2-todo               74
A todo list implemented using Angular 2

teambition/teambition-sdk                  74
Isomorphic JavaScript SDK for Teambition APIs

Microsoft/vscode-cordova                   73
A Visual Studio Code extension providing intellisense, debug, and build support for Cordova projects.

mattlewis92/angular-calendar               73
A flexible calendar component for angular 2.0+ that can display events on a month, week or day view.

rhysd/YourFukurou                          73
Hackable YoruFukurou alternative Twitter client

stevepapa/angular2-autosize                73
angular2-autosize is an Angular2 directive that automatically adjusts textarea height to fit content.

mobxjs/mobx-state-tree                     73
WIP - Opinionated, transactional, MobX powered state container

virtacoin/VirtaCoinProject                 73

driftyco/ionic2-starter-tutorial           73
This tutorial goes along with the example on Ionic v2 documentation

mperdeck/jsnlog.js                         73
Tiny JavaScript logging library, simple and well documented. Lots of options to filter logging data.

springboot-angular2-tutorial/angular2-app  72
This repository is an example application for angular2 tutorial

Microsoft/vscode-eslint                    72
VSCode extension to integrate eslint into VSCode

whxaxes/slither                            72
slither.io imitation

hsbalar/Preserver                          71
Preserver is desktop notes organiser built on electron, angular2, pouchDB

hackwaly/vscode-ocaml                      71
An extension for VS Code which provides support for the OCaml language.

Microsoft/PowerBI-JavaScript               70
JavaScript library for embedding Power BI into your apps. Check out the docs website and wiki for more information.

Eric-Carlton/PokemonGoReader               70
Requests information about Pokemon currently in inventory from Niantic and displays stats for each Pokemon in a card or table format.

inakianduaga/redux-state-history           70
Redux store enhancers for tracking and visualizing state changes

felixrieseberg/vsc-ember-cli               70
:zap: Turn Visual Studio Code into an Ember Cli IDE

pleerock/class-transformer                 69
Proper decorator-based transformation / serialization / deserialization of plain javascript objects to class constructors

planetoftheweb/angular2                    69
This is the repository for my upcoming course, Learn AngularJS2: The Basics. 

andrewtelnov/surveyjs                      69
JavaScript Survey Engine

KarlPurk/redux-decorators                  68
A ridiculously good syntax for working with Redux using decorators in ES7 / TypeScript.  Currently limited to Angular 2 but could potentially be used elsewhere.

react-component/m-date-picker              68
React Mobile DatePicker(web & react-native)

Alberplz/angular2-color-picker             68
Angular 2 Color Picker Directive, no dependences required. 

tomastrajan/react-typescript-webpack       68
Seed for building React app using Typescript and Webpack build using FLUXless architecture

kekeh/mydatepicker                         68
Angular2 date picker

globocom/hlsclient                         67
Python HLS Client

markfinger/unfort                          67
Development-oriented build tool for the web

robertknight/passcards                     67
A 1Password-compatible command-line and web-based password manager

ulfryk/angular-typescript                  66
TypeScript 1.7 annotations (decorators) for AngularJS 1.x 

meteor-typescript/meteor-typescript-libs   66
The most common Typescript definition files for meteor, including meteor.d.ts

apollostack/subscriptions-transport-ws     66
:arrows_clockwise: A WebSocket client + server for GraphQL subscriptions

ar-nelson/lcon                             66
Ludicrously Compact Object Notation

superpowers/superpowers-app                66
:rocket: Superpowers desktop app

ludohenin/ng2-wp-blog                      65
Angular2 frontend app using Wordpress API backend

videogular/videogular2                     65
The HTML5 video player for Angular 2

pleerock/gulpclass                         65
Make a beautiful class-based gulpfiles with Typescript and Gulpclass

akserg/ng2-slim-loading-bar                64
Angular 2 component shows slim loading bar at the top of the page.

johnlindquist/intro-to-angular2            63

vsavkin/RuntimeTypeChecks                  63
Runtime type checks for JavaScript and TypeScript

schempy/angular2-typescript-webpack        63
Angular2 starter kit with Typescript and Webpack

rjmacarthy/express-typescript-starter      62
An Express.js project implemented using Typescript with strongly typed objects:

javascript-obfuscator/javascript-obfuscator 62
JavaScript obfuscator for Node.js

kara/puppy-love-io                         62

CodeSequence/store-saga                    62
An Rx implementation of redux-saga for @ngrx/store

shprink/ionic-cross-platform-boilerplate   62
Ionic boilerplate to create cross platform apps (ios, android, mobile, web and desktop). Written in TypeScript and Powered by Webpack!

robwormald/ng2-application-shell           62
Angular2 Application Shell Architecture

InfomediaLtd/angular2-redux-example        61
Example project for using pure Redux with Angular 2 and TypeScript

redhat-developer/vscode-java               61
Java Language Support for Visual Studio Code

indus/Zodiac                               61
rewrite of jnicol/particleground

thomasboyt/manygolf                        61
massively multiplayer golfing

Chinachu/Mirakurun                         61
A Modern DTV Tuner Server Service.

czechboy0-deprecated/Express-4x-Typescript-Sample 61
Starter-Kit Node.js Express 4.x app written in TypeScript

gautamsi/ews-javascript-api                61
EWS API for TypeScript/JavaScript - ported from OfficeDev/ews-managed-api - node, cordova, browser

jice-nospam/yendor.ts                      60
A roguelike library inspired by libtcod written in TypeScript

Microsoft/types-publisher                  60

spacejack/poaceae                          60
WebGL grass using a vertex shader

unseen1980/Angular2-News-Media             59
News from numerous media sources. Built as a proof of concept in Angular 2 :thumbsup:

WuTheFWasThat/vimflowy                     59
A productivity tool drawing inspiration from workflowy and vim

NathanWalker/nativescript-angular-web-components 59
Experimental: Render NativeScript views on the web.

rdlauer/nativescript-ionic                 59
An Ionic-inspired theme for NativeScript

AngularShowcase/angular2-seed-ng2-highcharts 58
An example showing an integration with Highcharts. http://www.highcharts.com/

dapriett/nativescript-google-maps-sdk      58
Cross Platform Google Maps SDK for Nativescript

brycepj/flexbox                            58
an interactive tour of all the major features of the new CSS property: flexbox.

EladRK/angular-starter                     58

udos86/ng2-dynamic-forms                   58
ng2 Dynamic Forms - Rapid form development library for Angular 2

implydata/plyql                            58
MySQL-like queries for Druid built on top of Plywood

lawrence0819/neptune-front                 58
Neptune - Docker Web UI

teropa/windchimes                          57

kara/leashed-in                            57

GrimoireGL/GrimoireJS                      57
A service-oriented WebGL framework.

shprink/ionic2-webpack-boilerplate         57
Conference app written in TypeScript and Ran by Webpack

FullScreenShenanigans/FullScreenPokemon    57
A free HTML5 remake of the original Pokemon, expanded for modern browsing. It will include the original maps, a random map generator, a level editor, and over a dozen custom mods.

MartinSGill/TodoTxtJs                      56
A Javascript web app implementation of TodoTxt

PillowPillow/ng2-webstorage                56
Localstorage and sessionstorage manager - angular2 service

ngrx/db                                    56
RxJS powered IndexedDB for Angular2 apps

monterey-framework/monterey                56
Monterey is an extensible application that provides a graphical user interface for a collection of tools to simplify the creation, configuration and maintenance of Aurelia applications.

born2net/studioDashboard                   56
:fire: Digital Signage Enterprise Dashboard for http://www.digitalsignage.com

weichx/cerialize                           56
Easy serialization through ES7/Typescript annotations

Max-Coin/maxcoin                           56
The main source tree for the Max Coin cryptocurrency

YousefED/typescript-json-schema            56
Generate json-schema from your Typescript sources

neroniaky/angular2-token                   55
:key: Token based authentication service for Angular2 (ng2) with multi-user support. Works best with the devise token auth gem for Rails. Demo:

moizKachwala/Angular2-express-mongoose-gulp-node-typescript 55
AngularJS 2 (Updated to 2.1.0) Mean Stack application which uses Angular2, Gulp, Express, Node, MongoDB (Mongoose) with Repository Pattern Business Layer

jackhutu/jackblog-angular2                 55
Jackblog Angular 2.0 版, 个人博客系统, 使用Angular2, Typescript, Rxjs, Ng2-bootstrap等.

mariuszfoltak/angular2-datatable           55
DataTable - Simple table component with sorting and pagination for Angular2

matt-h/rdio-enhancer                       55
Adds some enhancements to rdio.

angular/ts2dart                            55
ts2dart TypeScript to Dart transpiler

start-angular/ani-angular-2                55

coderoad/atom-coderoad                     54
Interactive tutorial plugin for Atom

samchon/framework                          54
Samchon, OON (Object-Oriented Network) framework for TypeScript & C++

ssuperczynski/ng2-easy-table               54
The easiest Angular2 table

telerik/nativescript-ui-samples            54
This repository contains the source code of the NativeScript UI samples application.

devyumao/angular2-busy                     54
Show busy/loading indicators on any promise, or on any Observable's subscription.

Microsoft/vscode-spell-check               53
An extension to VSCode for spell and grammar checking.

jasonish/evebox                            53
Web Based Event Viewer (GUI) for Suricata EVE Events in Elastic Search

chsakell/angular2-features                 53
Angular CRUD ops, Modals, Animations, Pagination, DateTimePicker, Directives and much more..

Microsoft/vsts-task-lib                    53
Libraries for writing VSTS and TFS build tasks

graphcool/console                          53
🚀 Official source of console.graph.cool written in Typescript 2 and based on React & Relay

SharePoint/sp-dev-fx-webparts              53
Code samples and developer content targeted towards SharePoint Framework client-side web parts.

bloomberg/blpapi-http                      52
HTTP wrapper for Bloomberg Open API

lukephills/Theremin                        52
:mega: Browser based Theremin emulator using web audio, react and typescript

oferh/ng2-completer                        52
Angular 2 autocomplete component

ui-router/visualizer                       52
UI-Router state visualizer and transition visualizer

Microsoft/vscode-tslint                    52
A tslint integration for vscode

bsalex/angular-loading-overlay             52

robisim74/angular2localization             52
An Angular 2 library to translate messages, dates and numbers

urish/angular2-iot                         52
Internet of Things directives for Angular 2 (Led, Button, etc.)

Microsoft/vsts-team-calendar               51
Team Calendar Extension for Visual Studio Team Services

kamranayub/UnderscoreKO                    51
A tiny library that adds all of the Underscore.js collection/array methods to Knockout observable arrays

Microsoft/vscode-extension-samples         51
Sample code illustrating the VS Code extension API.

AngularShowcase/angular2-seed-example-mashup 51

superpowers-extra/discover-superpowers-game 50
3D Superpowers Game platforming demo using Cannon.js

masonicboom/react-cardboard                50
Proof-of-concept hooking up React with Google Cardboard

jteplitz602/ng2_web_worker_starter_pack    50

yicaoyimuys/EgretGameEngine                50
A game client engine in Egret

piotrwitek/react-redux-typescript-starter-kit 50
Futuristic, bundle-free development environment for building Component-Driven SPA with React, Redux and TypeScript - powered by JSPM (SystemJS & Rollup with tree-shaking)

teambition/learning-rxjs                   50
Learning RxJS step by step

rmallols/ng-book2                          50