TypeScript Github Star Ranking at 2016/06/25

TypeScript Github Star Ranking at 2016/11/06

driftyco/ionic                             24468
Advanced HTML5 mobile development framework and SDK. Build incredible mobile apps with web technologies you already know and love. Best friends with AngularJS.

Microsoft/vscode                           15452
Visual Studio Code

angular/angular                            13206

Microsoft/TypeScript                       12540
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

shockone/black-screen                      12165
A terminal emulator for the 21st century.

angular-ui/ui-router                       11218
The de-facto solution to flexible routing with nested views in AngularJS

DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped            7446
The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.

NativeScript/NativeScript                  7222
Build truly native cross-platform iOS and Android apps with JavaScript

winjs/winjs                                3860
A UI toolkit for modern browsers

mozilla/shumway                            3304
Shumway is a Flash VM and runtime written in JavaScript

jquery/esprima                             3174
ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis

tensorflow/playground                      3121
Play with neural networks!

angular/material2                          2853
Material Design components for Angular 2

turbulenz/turbulenz_engine                 2603
Turbulenz is a modular 3D and 2D game framework for making HTML5 powered games for browsers, desktops and mobile devices.

ReactiveX/rxjs                             2462
A reactive programming library for JavaScript

MicrosoftDX/Vorlonjs                       2147
A new, open source, extensible, platform-agnostic tool for remotely debugging and testing your JavaScript. Powered by node.js and socket.io

searchkit/searchkit                        2137
React UI components / widgets. The easiest way to build a great search experience with Elasticsearch.

mgechev/angular2-seed                      1971
Modular seed project for Angular 2 apps with fast, statically typed build

Microsoft/vscode-go                        1786
An extension for VS Code which provides support for the Go language.

Microsoft/code-push                        1525
A cloud service that enables Cordova and React Native developers to deploy mobile app updates directly to their users’ devices.

akveo/ng2-admin                            1399
Angular 2 admin panel framework http://akveo.com/ng2-admin/

Microsoft/TouchDevelop                     1286
TouchDevelop is a touch-friendly app creation environment for iPad, iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux. Our mobile-friendly editor makes coding fun, even on your phone or tablet!

rhysd/NyaoVim                              1185
Web-enhanced Extensible Neovim Frontend

n3-charts/line-chart                       1155
Awesome charts for AngularJS.

urbanairship/tessera                       1133
A dashboard front-end for graphite.  

Microsoft/TypeScriptSamples                1107
Samples for TypeScript

palantir/plottable                         1048
A library of modular chart components, built on D3

superpowers/superpowers-core               1027
:octopus: Superpowers — Extensible HTML5 app for real-time collaborative projects

electron-userland/electron-builder         1020
Complete solution to package and deploy Electron apps

angular/universal                          996
Universal (isomorphic) javascript support for Angular2

valor-software/ng2-bootstrap               992
Native Angular2 directives for Bootstrap

DefinitelyTyped/tsd                        984
TypeScript Definition manager for DefinitelyTyped

plasma-umass/doppio                        959
An "OS for your browser" that breaks the browser language barrier (includes a plugin-free JVM).

ngrx/store                                 892
RxJS powered state management for Angular2 apps, inspired by Redux

palantir/tslint                            842
An extensible linter for the TypeScript language.

ng-book/angular2-rxjs-chat                 687
Example Chat Application using RxJS and Angular 2

rangle/augury                              675
Angular 2 development tools for Chrome

NathanWalker/angular2-seed-advanced        640
An advanced Angular2 seed project with support for ngrx/store, ng2-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (*native* mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.

TypeStrong/atom-typescript                 616
The only TypeScript package you will ever need

driftyco/ionic-conference-app              601
A conference app built with Ionic 2 to demonstrate Ionic 2

alm-tools/alm                              589
:rose: A next generation IDE just for TypeScript :heart:

driftyco/ionic-native                      579
Native features for mobile apps built with Cordova/PhoneGap and open web technologies. Complete with TypeScript support. The successor to ngCordova. Pairs exquisitely with a nice bottle of Ionic Framework.

apollostack/apollo-client                  553
:rocket: A simple caching client for any GraphQL server and UI framework

Microsoft/vscode-react-native              552
vscode extension for react native

angular/universal-starter                  487
Angular 2 Universal starter kit by @AngularClass

justindujardin/ng2-material                485
Material Components and examples for Angular2

staltz/xstream                             480
An extremely intuitive, small, and fast functional reactive stream library for JavaScript

VSCodeVim/Vim                              476
Vim for Visual Studio Code

blakeembrey/free-style                     470
Make CSS easier and more maintainable by using JavaScript

pillarjs/path-to-regexp                    462
Express-style path to regexp

implydata/pivot                            454
An interactive data exploration UI for Druid

ng-bootstrap/core                          440
Angular 2 powered Bootstrap

angular/angularfire2                       437
The official Angular 2 library for Firebase.

ngUpgraders/ng-forward                     422
The default solution for those that want to write Angular 2.x style code in Angular 1.x

DanWahlin/Angular2-JumpStart               411
Angular 2 and TypeScript JumpStart example

angular/angular2-seed                      406

mgechev/codelyzer                          400

angular/react-native-renderer              395
Use Angular 2 and React Native to build applications for Android and iOS

NativeScript/nativescript-cli              393
Command-line interface for building NativeScript apps

uProxy/uproxy                              381
Internet without borders

vega/vega-lite                             374
A high-level grammar for visual analysis, built on top of Vega.

Asana/typed-react                          368
A binding layer between React and TypeScript

ahomu/Talkie                               360
Simple slide presentation library. Responsive scaling & markdown ready.

inversify/InversifyJS                      350
A powerful and lightweight inversion of control container  for JavaScript & Node.js apps powered by TypeScript.

zhongsp/TypeScript                         346
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.  http://www.typescriptlang.org

kazuhikoarase/qrcode-generator             337
QR Code Generator implementation in ActionScript3, Java, JavaScript and more.

Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI-Angular           334
Semantic UI Angular Integrations

johnpapa/angular2-tour-of-heroes           324
Angular 2 - Tour of Heroes - The Next Step after Getting Started

rogerpadilla/angular2-minimalist-starter   318
Angular2 Minimalist Starter

ocombe/ng2-translate                       301
An implementation of angular translate for Angular 2

rhysd/Shiba                                300
Rich markdown live preview app with linter

SierraSoftworks/Iridium                    294
A high performance MongoDB ORM for Node.js

auth0/angular2-jwt                         294
Helper library for handling JWTs in Angular 2 apps

OmniSharp/omnisharp-atom                   280
Omnisharp support for the atom editor

robertknight/webpack-bundle-size-analyzer  277
A tool for finding out what contributes to the size of Webpack bundles

timbertson/shellshape                      273
tiling window manager extension for gnome-shell

angular-redux/ng2-redux                    262
Angular 2 bindings for Redux

Urigo/angular2-meteor                      246
Angular 2.0 and Meteor - the perfect stack

MoonStorm/trNgGrid                         246
A feature rich Angular grid using standard HTML tables.

jaysoo/todomvc-redux-react-typescript      236
TodoMVC example using Redux, React, and Typescript

TypeStrong/ts-node                         235
TypeScript execution environment for node

valor-software/ng2-dragula                 233
Simple drag and drop with dragula

johnpapa/angular2-go                       229
Angular 2 Go !

wellflat/imageprocessing-labs              228
computer vision, image processing and machine learning on the web browser or node.

teijo/jquery-bracket                       224
jQuery Bracket library for organizing single and double elimination tournaments

alamgird/angular-next-starter-kit          221
Seed project for developing angular 1.x applications in preparation for migrating on to Angular 2.0

s-panferov/awesome-typescript-loader       215
Awesome TypeScript loader for webpack

GhostText/GhostText                        214
:ghost: Use your text editor to write in your browser. Everything you type in the editor will be instantly updated in the browser (and vice versa).

tildeio/glimmer                            214

ngOfficeUIFabric/ng-officeuifabric         207
Office UI Fabric (https://github.com/OfficeDev/office-ui-fabric) implementation for Angular

SINTEF-9012/PruneCluster                   206
Fast and realtime marker clustering for Leaflet

facebook/remodel                           204
Remodel is a tool that helps iOS and OS X developers avoid repetitive code by generating Objective-C models that support coding, value comparison, and immutability.

noraesae/koko                              202
Yet another IRC client for me and you :koko:

angular/angular-electron                   199
Angular2 + Electron

saviorisdead/RustyCode                     199
Rust for Visual Studio Code

superpowers/superpowers-game               198
:video_game: Make 2D and 3D games in live collaboration with Superpowers

torokmark/design_patterns_in_typescript    192
Design pattern implementations in TypeScript

firebase/blaze_compiler                    187

Bobris/Bobril                              179
Component oriented framework inspired by Mithril and ReactJs (already usable)

ngrx/router                                179
Reactive Router for Angular 2

jordwest/news-feed-eradicator              177
News Feed Eradicator

seanhess/angularjs-typescript              177
AngularJS + Typescript presentation and example

jvilk/BrowserFS                            173
BrowserFS is an in-browser filesystem that emulates the Node JS filesystem API and supports storing and retrieving files from various backends.

laobubu/MarkdownIME                        171
A fresh way to write well-formatted text, by typing markdownized stuff on web.

egret-labs/Lark                            170
Lark is an interactive mobile application framework which developers can use it to create rich and interactive mobile apps with HTML5. 

valor-software/ng2-file-upload             169
Easy to use Angular2 components for files upload

ivogabe/Brackets-Icons                     167
File icons in Brackets' file tree

valor-software/ng2-charts                  165
Beautiful charts for Angular2 based on Chart.js

Microsoft/TACO                             165
Tools for Apache Cordova

redux-bootstrap/redux-bootstrap            163
A bootstrap() function for initializing Redux applications.

zekelevu/typeframework                     159
A TypeScript MVC Web Framework

OmniSharp/omnisharp-vscode                 158
Official C# support for Visual Studio Code (powered by OmniSharp)

michaelgrosner/tribeca                     157
A high frequency, market making cryptocurrency trading platform in node.js

PowerShell/vscode-powershell               157
Provides PowerShell language and debugging support for Visual Studio Code

frankwallis/plugin-typescript              153
TypeScript loader for SystemJS

r-park/todo-angular2-firebase              152
Todo app with Angular2 • AngularFire2 • Firebase • OAuth • Typescript • Webpack •

ng-lightning/ng-lightning                  151
Native Angular 2 components & directives for Lightning Design System

SebastianM/angular2-google-maps            149
Angular 2 components for Google Maps

Urigo/meteor-angular-socially              147
angular-meteor example and tutorial app

NeoGuo/html5-documents                     144
All about HTML5 frameworks

kutyel/linq.ts                             142
LinQ for TypeScript

Microsoft/cordova-plugin-code-push         142
Cordova plugin for CodePush

Mercateo/rust-for-node-developers          141
An introduction to the Rust programming language for Node developers.

firebase/bolt                              138
Bolt Compiler (Firebase Security and Modeling)

gmarty/DVD.js                              135
Playing DVD in JavaScript for the sake of interoperability

ShyykoSerhiy/skyweb                        135
Unofficial Skype API for nodejs via 'Skype (HTTP)' protocol.

raph-amiard/sublime-typescript             134
A sublime plugin for the typescript language - WIP

dojo/dojo2                                 131
The next-generation Dojo core library. Modular, robust tools for large-scale application development.

AFASSoftware/maquette                      131
Minimalistic Virtual DOM implementation with support for animated transitions.

nippur72/PolymerTS                         131
Write Polymer 1.0 elements as TypeScript @decorated classes

SAP/chevrotain                             131
Javascript parsing DSL

PolymerLabs/polyserve                      130
A simple web server for using components locally

yangmillstheory/chunkify                   129
:sparkles: A functional API to unblock your JavaScript

Microsoft/vso-agent                        125
Visual Studio Team Services and TFS agent for Mac OSX and Linux

TypeStrong/learn-typescript                124
The complete workshop for picking up TypeScript

rubyide/vscode-ruby                        123
Provides Ruby language and debugging support for Visual Studio Code

ngrx/example-app                           122
Example app showcasing the ngrx platform

aioutecism/amVim-for-VSCode                120
The Vim mode for Visual Studio Code(vscode) that works as expected.

andrerpena/chatjs                          120
Platform-independent jQuery plugin for chatting

rhysd/Trendy                               120
Menubar app to keep you in the loop of GitHub trends :octocat:

mulesoft/api-workbench                     119
The API Workbench for RAML

vladotesanovic/ngSemantic                  119
Angular 2 building blocks based on Semantic UI

phiresky/nmap-log-parse                    118
Logs which devices are in your local network and draws graphs

b091/ts-skeleton                           118
Typescript Angular Skeleton Application

urish/angular2-moment                      117
moment.js pipes for Angular2

rangle/angular2-redux-starter              115
Angular 2 Redux Starter Repo

egret-labs/egret-examples                  112

74th/vscode-vim                            111
vim emulator for Visual Studio Code

Paldom/angular2-rest                       110
Angular2 HTTP client to consume RESTful services. Built with TypeScript. 

valor-software/ng2-select                  109
Angular2 based replacement for select boxes

michaelbromley/ng2-pagination              107
Pagination for Angular2

Microsoft/tfs-cli                          105
TFS Cross Platform Command Line

blakeembrey/popsicle                       105
Simple HTTP requests for node and the browser

apollostack/react-apollo                   105
:recycle: React data container for the Apollo Client

NativeScript/sample-ng-todomvc             102
Angular2 + NativeScript TodoMVC example

ajtowf/ng2_play                            102
Angular 2 Play with Material Design, code from live coding screencasts

kara/puppy-love                            102

BTMorton/angular2-grid                     101
A drag/drop/resize grid-based plugin directive for angular2

mgechev/angular2-hot-loader                100
Angular 2 hot loader

hawkular/hawkular-dist-old                 99
ARCHIVED - The Hawkular integration project

Everlaw/nbts                               98
NetBeans TypeScript editor plugin

charto/cwait                               97
Limit number of promises running in parallel

mattlewis92/angular2-tv-tracker            96
A simple TV app for learning angular2

jhades/angular2-redux-store                94
A minimalistic Redux store for Angular 2

barbar/vortigern                           93
A universal boilerplate for building web applications w/ TypeScript, React, Redux, Server Side Rendering and more.

NativeScript/sample-Groceries              93
:green_apple: :pineapple: :strawberry: A NativeScript-built iOS and Android app for managing grocery lists

Justin-Credible/Ionic-TypeScript-Starter   93
:iphone: Platform and IDE agnostic starter project for building mobile apps with Ionic and TypeScript.

shprink/angular2-nobullshit-boilerplate    90
Just what's necessary to build Angular2 apps with TS and Webpack nothing else!

vvakame/typescript-formatter               90
Formatter of TypeScript code

Urigo/meteor-angular2.0-socially           89

marcj/angular2-localstorage                89
Angular2 decorator to save and restore variables/class properties to HTML5 LocalStorage automatically.

sararob/angular2base                       89
Demo app from my Angular Connect talk

rangle/typescript-react-redux-starter      89
Typescript, React, Redux, Webpack starter kit

ngParty/ng-metadata                        87
Angular 2 decorators and utils for Angular 1.x 

Polymer/polymer-cli                        87
A command-line tool for Polymer projects

angular/tactical                           86
Data access library for Angular

electricessence/TypeScript.NET             86
A JavaScript-Friendly .NET Based TypeScript Library

simpulton/ngrx-rest-app                    84
A reactive Angular 2 application built with ngrx store

Arnavion/libjass                           84
Renders ASS subs in the browser.

blakeembrey/react-free-style               84
Make React components easier and more maintainable by using inline style objects

SitePen/dts-generator                      83
Generates a single .d.ts bundle containing external module declarations exported from TypeScript module files.

mapillary/mapillary-js                     83
WebGL JavaScript library for displaying street level imagery from mapillary.com

projectkudu/ARMExplorer                    82
Azure Resource Explorer

NativeScript/nativescript-marketplace-demo 82
NativeScript kitchen sink demo. All of NativeScript’s functionality in one app.

hyperandroid/Automata                      81
A Finite State Machine framework.

btroncone/ngrx-examples                    81
@ngrx examples and resources

jiaweihli/monapt                           81
Options, Trys, and Futures for JavaScript / TypeScript

brechtbilliet/angular-typescript-webpack   81
My angular typescript webpack architecture

ngrx/devtools                              80
Developer Tools for ngrx

manekinekko/angular2-dependencies-graph    79
A simple tool to draw a component dependencies graph of an Angular2 application.

rangle/ngCourse2                           79
An AngularJS Course from Rangle.io

AngularClass/angular2-examples             77
Angular 2 examples by @AngularClass

angular/vladivostok                        77

vvakame/dtsm                               76
The .d.ts manager

virtacoin/VirtaCoinProject                 75

valor-software/ng2-table                   75
Simple table extension with sorting, filtering, paging... for Angular2 apps

dojo/core                                  75
Dojo 2 package containing TypeScript and JavaScript core utilities

lathonez/clicker                           74
Ionic 2 Demo / Seed Project : Angular2 + Typescript + Karma + Protractor + Travis 

felixfbecker/vscode-php-debug              74
PHP Debug Adapter for Visual Studio Code

DanWahlin/AngularTypeScript                73
An Angular and TypeScript demo app that integrates with Azure AD and Office 365 cloud services.

dougludlow/ng2-bs3-modal                   73
Angular2 Bootstrap3 Modal Component

gsingh93/regex-search                      72
A Chrome extension that allows you to search the page using regex

qq83387856/angular2                        72
ng-book2 source code  without pdf (keywords:angular angular2 angularjs2.x angular2.x controller ng-app $rootScope, $state, $stateParams views directive $http $scope $timeout factory service module ui-router ngRouter templateUrl ng-model ng-controller ng-include link compile  restrict ng-grid ng-animate ng-pagination rxjs system.js  protractor zone.js core.js node nodejs npm packacge.json cnpm server express fs html html5 h5 dhtml css2 css3 层叠样式表 布局 postcss styus less sass bootstrap foundation gulp grunt webpack chai mocha karma jasmine http-server fis3 descript it should toBe equal loader json phantomjs koa uglifyify jest mocks source-map-loader  js javascript ecmscript5 es6 babel typescript coffeescript atscript tsconfig jshint jslint csslint  前端学习使用资料笔记摘要源代码note learn 练习 study 入门basic 指导Reference 项目project framework 心得 例子 案例 example samle demo code phonecat test startkit starter promise )

sbrink/vscode-elm                          72
Elm Language Support for Visual Studio Code

keokilee/react-typescript-boilerplate      70
Boilerplate project for setting up Typescript and React with Babel and Webpack.

jedmao/eclint                              69
Validate or fix code that doesn't adhere to EditorConfig settings or infer settings from existing code.

angulartics/angulartics2                   68
Angulartics for Angular 2

DanWahlin/Angular2-BareBones               68
Angular 2 and TypeScript Bare Bones Project

superpowers/superpowers-love2d             67
:heart_decoration: Make LÖVE 2D games in live collaboration with Superpowers

jkuri/ng2-uploader                         67
Angular2 File Uploader

retaxJS/retax                              67
Universal React Redux Framework

mbalex99/newfamily-example                 67
Express 4, Angular 2, Gulp 3, TypeScript simple setup

mperdeck/jsnlog.js                         66
Tiny JavaScript logging library, simple and well documented. Lots of options to filter logging data.

Microsoft/ApplicationInsights-node.js      66
Microsoft Application Insights SDK for node.js

AngularShowcase/angular2-sample-app        66
Sample application built with Angular 2

Microsoft/ApplicationInsights-JS           66
Microsoft Application Insights SDK for JavaScript

meteor-typescript/meteor-typescript-libs   66
The most common Typescript definition files for meteor, including meteor.d.ts

DragonBones/DragonBonesJS                  66
DragonBone Library JavaScript Version

inakianduaga/redux-state-history           65
Redux store enhancers for tracking and visualizing state changes

InfomediaLtd/angular2-materialize          65

ar-nelson/lcon                             65
Ludicrously Compact Object Notation

angular/issue-zero                         65

globocom/hlsclient                         65
Python HLS Client

Mercateo/dwatch                            64
Manage your docker containers, images and networks in a nice and clean way.

fknop/angular-pipes                        64
Angular 2 pipes library

autocompletejs/autocomplete.js             63
autocomplete.js is JavaScript library, lite, fast, stable, using the JavaScript Strict Mode and validated by JSHint.

jeffbcross/aim                             62

felixrieseberg/vsc-ember-cli               62
:zap: Turn Visual Studio Code into an Ember Cli IDE

cbowdon/TsMonad                            61
Little monad library designed for TypeScript

csegames/cu-ui-legacy                      61
User Interface for Camelot Unchained - Legacy, new UI Repository replaces this

KarlPurk/redux-decorators                  61
A ridiculously good syntax for working with Redux using decorators in ES7 / TypeScript.  Currently limited to Angular 2 but could potentially be used elsewhere.

Elecash/angular2-testing                   61
Angular 2 testing tutorial with Karma and Jasmine

valor-software/ng2-handsontable            61
Angular 2 directive for Handsontable

facetjs/facetjs                            61
A library to explore faceting in visualization

czechboy0/Express-4x-Typescript-Sample     60
Starter-Kit Node.js Express 4.x app written in TypeScript

ngrx/effects                               59
Side effect model for @ngrx/store

CodeSequence/store-saga                    59
An Rx implementation of redux-saga for @ngrx/store

stevepapa/angular2-autosize                59
angular2-autosize is an Angular2 directive that automatically adjusts textarea height to fit content.

Microsoft/vscode-node-debug                59
A VS Code debug adapter for node

Max-Coin/maxcoin                           59
The main source tree for the Max Coin cryptocurrency

mgechev/aspect.js                          58
Aspect-oriented programming library for the future generations...

rhysd/neovim-component                     57
 WebComponent to embed Neovim to your app with great ease

rhysd/YourFukurou                          57
Hackable YoruFukurou alternative Twitter client

lawrence0819/neptune-front                 57
Neptune - Docker Web UI

kucharzyk/spring-angular2-starter          56
Spring Boot Angular 2 starter

matt-h/rdio-enhancer                       56
Adds some enhancements to rdio.

donnut/typescript-ramda                    56
TypeScript's type definitions for Ramda

johnlindquist/intro-to-angular2            56

robertknight/passcards                     55
A 1Password-compatible command-line and web-based password manager

buzinas/tslint-eslint-rules                54
Improve your TSLint with the missing ESLint rules

spacejack/poaceae                          54
WebGL grass using a vertex shader

tomastrajan/react-typescript-webpack       54
Seed for building React app using Typescript and Webpack build using FLUXless architecture

jahewson/elm-graphql                       54
GraphQL for Elm

HerringtonDarkholme/typescript-repl        54
An upgraded TypeScript REPL

Microsoft/tslint-microsoft-contrib         54
A set of TSLint rules used on some Microsoft projects.

krispo/ng2-nvd3                            54
Angular2 component for nvd3

teropa/windchimes                          53

ColinEberhardt/angular2-todo               53
A todo list implemented using Angular 2

MartinSGill/TodoTxtJs                      53
A Javascript web app implementation of TodoTxt

EladRK/angular-starter                     52

pixijs/pixi-typescript                     51
Typescript definitions for Pixi.js

mrf28/a2gtm                                51
Generic task manager made with angular2

kamranayub/UnderscoreKO                    51
A tiny library that adds all of the Underscore.js collection/array methods to Knockout observable arrays

flauc/angular2-notifications               51
An easy to use notifications library for Angular 2

bloomberg/blpapi-http                      50
HTTP wrapper for Bloomberg Open API

raml-org/raml-js-parser-2                  50

shprink/ionic-cross-platform-boilerplate   50
Ionic boilerplate to create cross platform apps (ios, android, mobile, web and desktop). Written in TypeScript and Powered by Webpack!
