Erlang Github Star Ranking at 2016/06/02

erlang/otp                                 4581

ninenines/cowboy                           3214
Small, fast, modular HTTP server written in Erlang.

processone/ejabberd                        2452
Robust, ubiquitous and massively scalable Jabber / XMPP Instant Messaging platform

rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server                   1725
Open source multi-protocol messaging broker

ChicagoBoss/ChicagoBoss                    1568
Erlang web MVC, now featuring Comet

mochi/mochiweb                             1372
MochiWeb is an Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers.

discoproject/disco                         1348
a Map/Reduce framework for distributed computing

rvirding/lfe                               1275
Lisp Flavoured Erlang (LFE)

webmachine/webmachine                      1242
A REST-based system for building web applications. 

basho/rebar                                1081
ATTENTION: Please find the canonical repository here: 

emqtt/emqttd                               1050
Erlang MQTT Broker

processone/tsung                           955
Tsung is a high-performance benchmark framework for various protocols including HTTP, XMPP, LDAP, etc.

synrc/n2o                                  934
WebSocket Application Server for Enterprises

klacke/yaws                                906
Yaws webserver

rebar/rebar                                880
Deprecated Erlang build tool that makes it easy to compile and test Erlang applications, port drivers and releases. We encourage you to move to

nitrogen/nitrogen                          791
Nitrogen Web Framework for Erlang (now with websockets!)

biokoda/actordb                            788
ActorDB distributed SQL database

basho/lager                                729
A logging framework for Erlang/OTP

tarcieri/reia                              726
Ruby-like hybrid OOP/functional programming language for BEAM, the Erlang VM

devinus/poolboy                            705
A hunky Erlang worker pool factory

heroku/logplex                             686
Heroku log router

basho/riak_core                            682
Distributed systems infrastructure used by Riak.

uwiger/gproc                               610
Extended process registry for Erlang

ostinelli/misultin                         590
Misultin (pronounced mee-sool-téen) is an Erlang library for building fast lightweight HTTP(S) servers, which also supports websockets.

knutin/elli                                588
Simple, robust and performant Erlang web server

erlio/vernemq                              588
A distributed MQTT message broker

ninenines/ranch                            575
Socket acceptor pool for TCP protocols.

ferd/recon                                 552
Collection of functions and scripts to debug Erlang in production.

rustyio/sync                               533
On-the-fly recompiling and reloading in Erlang. Code without friction.

davisp/jiffy                               523
JSON NIFs for Erlang

esl/MongooseIM                             519
Jabber / XMPP server with focus on performance and scalability, by Erlang Solutions

benoitc/hackney                            517
simple HTTP client in Erlang

boundary/folsom                            502
Expose Erlang Events and Metrics

dcos/minuteman                             501
A distributed Load Balancer

manopapad/proper                           472
PropEr: a QuickCheck-inspired property-based testing tool for Erlang

talentdeficit/jsx                          461
an erlang application for consuming, producing and manipulating json. inspired by yajl

eproxus/meck                               454
A mocking library for Erlang

couchbase/geocouch                         450
GeoCouch, a spatial index for CouchDB

zotonic/zotonic                            446
Zotonic - The Erlang Web Framework & CMS

rvirding/luerl                             436
Lua in Erlang

wooga/eredis                               434
Erlang Redis client

basho/riak_cs                              431
Riak CS is simple, available cloud storage built on Riak.

couchbaselabs/iOS-Couchbase                425
This repository fork is obsolete; the project's been restructured and development is going on in other repos. Please follow the link below, or read the current README.

mojombo/ernie                              419
Ernie is an Erlang/Ruby BERT-RPC Server.

cbd/edis                                   418
An Erlang implementation of Redis

cmullaparthi/ibrowse                       417
Erlang HTTP client

basho/bitcask                              405
because you need another a key/value storage engine

erlware/relx                               403
Sane, simple release creation for Erlang

erlydtl/erlydtl                            402
Django templates for Erlang

ericmoritz/wsdemo                          398
A Cowboy Websocket demo

erlcloud/erlcloud                          396
Cloud Computing library for erlang (Amazon EC2, S3, SQS, SimpleDB, Mechanical Turk, ELB)

boundary/flake                             368
A decentralized, k-ordered id generation service in Erlang

erlang/rebar3                              367
Erlang build tool that makes it easy to compile and test Erlang applications and releases.

xslogic/phoebus                            365
Phoebus is a distributed framework for large scale graph processing written in Erlang.

Vagabond/gen_smtp                          362
A generic Erlang SMTP server and client that can be extended via callback modules

2600hz/kazoo                               362

moonpolysoft/dynomite                      353
Open source dynamo clone written in Erlang.

massemanet/eper                            351
Erlang performance and debugging tools

hdima/erlport                              351
ErlPort - connect Erlang to other languages

lasp-lang/lasp                             348
Prototype implementation of Lasp in Erlang.

joxa/joxa                                  342
A Modern Lisp for the Erlang VM

wg/epgsql                                  321
Erlang PostgreSQL client

basho/riak_kv                              317
Riak Key/Value Store

basho/erlang_protobuffs                    317
An implementation of Google's Protocol Buffers for Erlang, based on ngerakines/erlang_protobuffs.

Feuerlabs/exometer                         312
Basic measurement objects and probe behavior

yrashk/                    298
Socket.IO server for Erlang

ferd/erlang-history                        291
Hacks to add shell history to Erlang's shell

erlware/Erlang-and-OTP-in-Action-Source    284
The official "Erlang and OTP in Action" source code - see the README below for more details

Asana/kraken                               280
Distributed Pubsub Server for Realtime Apps

KirinDave/fuzed                            277
A new revision of Fuzed, the Erlang-based frontend for web apps. Check out the mailing list at

tim/erlang-oauth                           276
An Erlang OAuth 1.0 implementation

matteoredaelli/ebot                        274
Ebot, an Opensource Web Crawler built on top of a nosql database (apache couchdb, riak), AMQP database (rabbitmq), webmachine and mochiweb. Ebot is written in Erlang and it is a very scalable, distribuited and highly configurable web cawler. See wiki pages for more details

heroku/vegur                               274
Vegur: HTTP Proxy Library

thusfresh/switchboard                      271
A framework for processing email using worker plugins.

tjarvstrand/edts                           267
Erlang Development Tool Suite

zhongwencool/observer_cli                  265
Visualize Erlang Nodes On The Command Line

basho/basho_bench                          258
A load-generation and testing tool for basically whatever you can write a returning Erlang function for.

ninenines/gun                              253
Erlang HTTP client with support for HTTP/1.1, SPDY and Websocket.

jlouis/etorrent                            249
Erlang Bittorrent Client

zkessin/testing-erlang-book                247
A public book on testing Erlang

seancribbs/neotoma                         245
Erlang library and packrat parser-generator for parsing expression grammars.

inaka/erlang_guidelines                    242
Inaka's Erlang Coding Guidelines

inaka/apns4erl                             241
Apple Push Notification Server for Erlang

beamspirit/bigwig                          240
like erlang's webtool, but trendy and new

auser/alice                                238
Monitoring and REST interface to rabbitmq

s1n4/leptus                                238
Erlang REST framework that runs on top of cowboy

krestenkrab/hanoidb                        237
Erlang LSM BTree Storage

rabbitmq/erlando                           235

basho/riak-erlang-client                   234
Erlang clients for Riak.

krestenkrab/triq                           234
Trifork QuickCheck

andrewjstone/rafter                        229
An Erlang library application which implements the Raft consensus protocol

mochi/statebox                             228
Erlang state "monad" with merge/conflict-resolution capabilities. Useful for Riak.

sockjs/sockjs-erlang                       228
WebSocket emulation - Erlang server 

tsujigiri/axiom                            227
a micro-framework for web applications in Erlang

basho/yokozuna                             224
Riak + Solr

joearms/crypto_tutorial                    223

NetComposer/nksip                          222
Erlang SIP application server

mazenharake/entop                          218
A top-like tool for monitoring an Erlang node

comtihon/mongodb-erlang                    218
MongoDB driver for Erlang

ErlyORM/boss_db                            215
BossDB: a sharded, caching, pooling, evented ORM for Erlang

dalmatinerdb/dalmatinerdb                  215
Fast distributed metrics database

CloudI/CloudI                              215
A Cloud at the lowest level!

mojombo/mustache.erl                       211
Mustache template engine for Erlang.

tonyg/rabbithub                            210
Experimental RabbitMQ PubSubHubBub interface

erlyvideo/erlyvideo-old                    208

yueyoum/make-proxy                         208
Socks5/HTTP proxy written in Erlang

rabbitmq/rmq-0mq                           204
ZeroMQ support in RabbitMQ

seth/pooler                                203
An OTP Process Pool Application

benoitc/couchbeam                          201
Apache CouchDB client in Erlang

basho/erlang_js                            194
A linked-in driver for Erlang to Mozilla's Spidermonkey Javascript runtime.

joearms/elib1                              194
An Erlang library and collection of applications

rzezeski/try-try-try                       193
Ryan Zezeski's "working" blog

lfex/py                                    193
Distributed Python for the Erlang Ecosystem

inaka/elvis                                190
Erlang Style Reviewer

jtuple/riak_zab                            186

OtpChatBot/Ybot                            184
Ybot - is a helpful chat robot written with Erlang which supports different messaging protocols. [@0xAX]

processone/exmpp                           183
Erlang XMPP library

krestenkrab/erlubi                         182
Ubigraph Erlang Client (and Process Visualizer)

FlowForwarding/LINC-Switch                 180
OpenFlow Software Switch written in Erlang

agner/agner                                176
Erlang package manager (A Giant Nebula of Erlang Repositories)

jcomellas/getopt                           175
Erlang module to parse command line arguments using the GNU getopt syntax

aetrion/erl-dns                            174
DNS server, in erlang.

basho/riak_dt                              172
Convergent replicated datatypes in Erlang

jlouis/fuse                                171
A Circuit Breaker for Erlang

dizzyd/erlang-mysql-driver                 169
Erlang MySQL Driver (from

hibari/hibari                              168
Hibari is a production-ready, distributed, key-value, big data store. Hibari uses chain replication for strong consistency, high-availability, and durability. Hibari has excellent performance especially for read and large value operations.

rvirding/erlog                             167
Prolog interpreter in and for Erlang

virtan/eep                                 162
Erlang Easy Profiling (eep) application provides a way to analyze application performance and call hierarchy

kivra/oauth2                               162
Erlang Oauth2 implementation

ferd/dispcount                             162
Erlang task dispatcher based on ETS counters.

yariv/erlyweb                              161
The Erlang twist on web frameworks

patrickgombert/erlang-koans                160
Erlang Koans

ubf/ubf                                    159
Universal Binary Format 2.2

ricardobcl/Dotted-Version-Vectors          156
Logical Clocks for Eventually Consistent Systems

lostcolony/damocles                        154
An Erlang library for generating adversarial network conditions for QAing distributed applications/systems on a single Linux box.

seth/ej                                    152
Helper module for working with Erlang terms representing JSON

jlouis/safetyvalve                         152
A safety valve for your erlang node

epgsql/epgsql                              152
Erlang PostgreSQL client library.

msgpack/msgpack-erlang                     151
MessagePack (de)serializer implementation for Erlang /[Erlang]

duomark/epocxy                             150
Erlang Patterns of Concurrency

karlll/kjell                               150
Erlang Shell

fredrikt/yxa                               149
SIP software written in Erlang

joearms/ezwebframe                         147
websockets framework toghter with cowboy as described in book

choptastic/qdate                           145
Erlang date, time, and timezone management: formatting, conversion, and date arithmetic

aweber/rabbitmq-autocluster                145
Automatically manage node membership in RabbitMQ clusters

davebryson/beepbeep                        144
BeepBeep is a simple web application framework for Mochiweb inspired by Rails and Merb

ferd/pobox                                 144
External buffer processes to protect against mailbox overflow in Erlang

mysql-otp/mysql-otp                        143
MySQL/OTP – MySQL driver for Erlang/OTP

ostinelli/syn                              143
A global Process Registry and Process Group manager for Erlang.

klarna/jesse                               140
This repository is no longer actively maintained, please see

erlware/erlcron                            140
Erlang cronish system

willemdj/erlsom                            139
XML parser for Erlang

marianoguerra/efene                        138

hpyhacking/openpoker                       138
Genesis Texas hold'em Game Server

aggelgian/cuter                            138
A concolic testing tool for the Erlang functional programming language.

ahmednawras/log4erl                        135
A logger for erlang in the spirit of Log4J.

kevsmith/gen_nb_server                     135
OTP behavior for writing non-blocking servers

erlware/erlware_commons                    135
Erlware Commons is an Erlware project focused on all aspects of reusable Erlang components.

cabol/erlbus                               134
Simple, Distributed and Scalable PubSub Message Bus written in Erlang

processone/ejabberd-contrib                134
Growing and curated ejabberd contributions repository - PR or ask to join !

basho/riak_search                          132
Full-text search engine based on Riak

basho/cuttlefish                           130
 never lose your childlike sense of wonder baby cuttlefish, promise me?

extend/farwest                             129
@deprecated Modern web application development platform

uwiger/locks                               128
A scalable, deadlock-resolving resource locker

erlyvideo/rack                             128
Rack handler for erlang

vascokk/rivus_cep                          128
Complex event processing in Erlang

matehat/cqerl                              127
Native Erlang CQL client for Cassandra

auser/beehive                              127
Honeycombs of applications

basho/riak_pipe                            127
Riak Pipelines

ferd/erlpass                               125
A library to handle password hashing and changing in a safe manner, independent from any kind of storage whatsoever.

ParaPhrase/skel                            124
A Streaming Process-based Skeleton Library for Erlang

flashingpumpkin/spooky                     122
Minimum viable Erlang web framework

RefactoringTools/wrangler                  121
Import of the Wrangler svn repository.

oreillymedia/etudes-for-erlang             121
Companion exercises for O'Reilly Media's "Introducing Erlang"

ngerakines/erlang_protobuffs               121
A set of Protocol Buffers tools and modules for Erlang applications.

ericliang/ticktick                         121

joearms/erl2                               119
a new dialect of erlang

dreyk/zraft_lib                            119

jchris/hovercraft                          118
An easy direct Erlang CouchDB library.

beamjs/erlv8                               118
Erlang interface for V8

robbielynch/ierlang                        118
An Erlang language kernel for IPython.

msantos/epcap                              117
Erlang packet capture interface using pcap

ngerakines/erlang_twitter                  117
An Erlang twitter client

uwiger/unsplit                             117
Resolves conflicts in Mnesia after network splits

okeuday/uuid                               117
Erlang Native UUID Generation

GameAnalytics/gascheduler                  117
Erlang Distributed Scheduler

mariachris/Concuerror                      116

qingliangcn/mgee                           116

erlang-unicode/ux                          114
Unicode eXtention for Erlang (Strings, Collation)

wooga/locker                               113
Atomic distributed "check and set" for short-lived keys

mazenharake/cecho                          112
An ncurses library for Erlang

vinoski/erlsha2                            112
SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 implemented in Erlang NIFs.

rabbitmq/rabbitmq-erlang-client            111
Erlang client for RabbitMQ

extend/sheriff                             110
Parse transform for type based validation.

uwiger/parse_trans                         110
Parse transform utilities for Erlang

esl/lhttpc                                 110
lhttpc is a lightweight HTTP/1.1 client implemented in Erlang.

hurricane/hurricane                        110
A scalable, extensible, distributed messaging system.

RJ/erlang-spdy                             109
Library implementing the SPDY protocol

afiniate/seresye                           109
SERESYE means Swarm oriented ERlang Expert SYstem Engine. It is a library to write expert systems and rule processing engines using the Erlang programming language. It allows to create multiple engines, each one with its own facts and rules to be processed.

aweber/pgsql-listen-exchange               109
RabbitMQ Exchange that publishes messages received from PostgreSQL Notifications.

jeremyong/websocket_client                 108
Erlang websocket client (ws and wss supported)

huiqing/percept2                           106
Concurrent profiling tool for Erlang

ferd/vmstats                               106
tiny Erlang app that works in conjunction with statsderl in order to generate information on the Erlang VM for graphite logs.

jtendo/binpp                               106
Erlang Binary Pretty Printer

uwiger/jobs                                105
Job scheduler for load regulation

joewilliams/merle                          104
An Erlang Memcached Client.

synrc/kvs                                  104
Abstract Term Database for Transaction Logs

lenary/idris-erlang                        103
Erlang Backend for Idris Compiler

selectel/yawndb                            103
YAWNDB is an in-memory circular array database written in Erlang.

helium/plumtree                            103
Epidemic Broadcast Trees

tonyg/erlang-rfc4627                       102
Erlang RFC4627 (JSON) codec and JSON-RPC server implementation.

hypernumbers/LuvvieScript                  102
Luvvie Script. An Erlang dialect that compiles to Javascript for Actor-style DOM scripting

tuulos/ringo                               102
Distributed key-value storage a'la Amazon Dynamo

helpshift/ekaf                             102
A minimal, high-performance Kafka client in Erlang.

semiocast/pgsql                            101
Erlang PostgreSQL driver

sky-big/RabbitMQ                           101

seancribbs/riak_id                         101
A clone of Twitter's Snowflake, built on riak_core

rabbitmq/rabbitmq-delayed-message-exchange 101
Delayed Messaging for RabbitMQ

gar1t/e2                                   101
Project that aims to simplify Erlang/OTP development and improve developer productivity

archaelus/enet                             100
Pure Erlang network stack

mashion/chloe                              99
A realtime web server that doesn't suck

cloudant/mango                             97
MongoDB API layer for CouchDB

essen/egs                                  97
Erlang Game Server

inaka/sumo_db                              97
Erlang Persistency Framework

yakaz/yamerl                               97
YAML 1.2 parser in pure Erlang

bet365/soap                                97
Make it easy to use SOAP from Erlang

basho/riak_ensemble                        96
Multi-Paxos framework in Erlang

knutin/statman                             96
Efficiently collect massive volumes of metrics inside the Erlang VM

the-concurrent-schemer/scm                 96
The Concurrent Schemer

tomas-abrahamsson/gpb                      96
A Google Protobuf implementation for Erlang

chef/erchef                                95
Erlang based Chef Server top-level OTP release project 

membase/cucumberl                          94
pure erlang implementation of Cucumber parser & driver

etrepum/kvc                                94
KVC - Key Value Coding for Erlang data structures

mojombo/egitd                              93
The Erlang git-daemon

synrc/mad                                  92
Erlang Containers

ChicagoBoss/tinymq                         92
TinyMQ - a diminutive, in-memory message queue

twilio/chessms                             91
Play Chess over SMS!

ngerakines/erlang_couchdb                  90
This is another erlang CouchDB client. It is a little simpler than most and does what I want.

erlware-deprecated/sinan                   90
Erlang/OTP oriented build system

gebi/jungerl                               89
The Jungle of Erlang code

nitrogen/simple_bridge                     89
A simple, standardized interface library to Erlang HTTP Servers.

rabbitmq/rabbitmq-management               89
RabbitMQ Management UI and HTTP API

gar1t/lambdapad                            89
Static site generator using Erlang. Yes, Erlang.

klarna/ponos                               89
ponos is a simple yet powerful load generator written in erlang

basho/machi                                89
Machi file store

basho/luwak                                88
Large-object storage interface for Riak

RJ/estatsd                                 88
Erlang stats aggregation app that periodically flushes data to graphite

5HT/pie                                    88
The Erlang-Scriptable Editor

basho/clique                               88
CLI Framework for Erlang

duomark/erlangsp                           88
Erlang Services Platform

ninenines/cowlib                           88
Support library for manipulating Web protocols.

processone/grapherl                        87
ejabberd monitoring server

ocastalabs/CouchDB-XO_Auth                 87
Authorisation module for CouchDB against external OAuth providers (e.g. Twitter, Facebook)

jbrisbin/riak-exchange                     87
Custom RabbitMQ exchange type for sticking messages in Riak

bjorng/wings                               87
Wings3D is an advanced sub-division 3D modeller.

chef/chef-server                           87
The Chef Server 

ngerakines/etap                            86
etap is a simple erlang testing library that provides TAP compliant output.

mochi/egeoip                               86
Erlang IP Geolocation module, currently supporting the MaxMind GeoLite City Database.

jkvor/emongo                               85
the most Emo of mongo drivers

tsloughter/erlastic_search                 85
An Erlang app for communicating with Elastic Search's rest interface.

inaka/shotgun                              83
For the times you need more than just a gun.

astro/prittorrent                          83
BitTorrent Content Distribution for Podcasts

davebryson/erlang_websocket                82
WebSocket Server and Client implementation in Erlang/Mochiweb

jadahl/mod_restful                         82
RESTful interface to ejabberd

jlouis/dht                                 82
DHT implementation in Erlang

yariv/twoorl                               82
The source code repository for

machinezone/mzbench                        81
MZ Benchmarking

avtobiff/erlang-uuid                       81
Erlang UUID

jbrisbin/rabbitmq-webhooks                 80
RabbitMQ Webhooks Plugin

couchbase/couchdb                          80

cabol/shards                               80
Transparent and out-of-box Sharding support for Erlang/Elixir ETS tables!

mojombo/bert.erl                           80
Erlang BERT encoder/decoder

CorticalComputer/DXNN2                     80
Topology and Parameter Evolving Universal Learning Network platform DXNN MK2

lambder/jsonerl                            80
yet another but slightly different erlang <-> json encoder/decoder

altenwald/ephp                             79
PHP Interpreter in pure Erlang

hntrmrrs/ewgi                              79
Erlang web gateway interface: a standard interface between Erlang web servers and applications

okeuday/trie                               79
Erlang Trie Implementation

basho/riak_function_contrib                79
Riak Function Contrib

joedevivo/chatterbox                       79
HTTP/2 Server for Erlang. Boy, that guy was a real chatterbox waddn't he?  I didn't think he was ever going to stop with the story.

doubleyou/dps                              78
Distributed pub-sub

rvirding/leex                              78
Lexical analyzer generator for Erlang

tonyg/rabbiter                             77
Microblogging using RabbitMQ and ejabberd

engineyard/natter                          77
Erlang XMPP Client

daleharvey/erldocs                         76
Alternative to the erlang documentation

qiniu/qetag                                76

rabbitmq/rabbitmq-mqtt                     76
RabbitMQ MQTT gateway

benoitc-attic/barrel_tcp                   76
barrel_tcp  is a generic TCP acceptor pool with low latency in Erlang.

SergejJurecko/erlmongo                     76
Record based Erlang driver for MongoDB with gridfs support

dcos/lashup                                75
A distributed CRDT store with multicast and failure detector capabilities

dLuna/chaos_monkey                         74

tatsuhiro-t/lucid                          74
HTTP/2 server written in Erlang

erlware/resource_discovery                 74
An application used to dynamically discover resources present in an Erlang node cluster.

EchoTeam/mcd                               73
Fast memcached protocol client in pure Erlang

johnlinvc/erruby                           73
ruby on erlang

priestjim/gen_rpc                          72
A scalable RPC library for Erlang-VM based languages

gdamjan/erlang-irc-bot                     72
A simple extendable irc bot in Erlang

maxlapshin/stockdb                         72
Database for storing Stock Exchange quotes in erlang

msantos/evum                               72
["Linux VM", ["Erlang Process", ["Erlang VM"]]].

tolbrino/hotwheels                         72
Erlang messaging server optimized to send 1 message to 40k subscribers to a topic in < 1s

basho/mochiweb                             71
a branch of Mochi Media's excellent HTTP library -- their canonical source can be found at

jbrisbin/amqp_client                       71
Rebar-friendly fork of rabbitmq-erlang-client

alavrik/erlson                             71
Erlang Simple Object Notation - dynamic name-value dictionary data type and syntax for Erlang

jlouis/enacl                               71
Erlang bindings for NaCl / libsodium

jkvor/epm                                  70
Erlang Package Manager

ocastalabs/CouchDB-Facebook-Authentication 70
A CouchDB Authentication Module that uses Facebook API to authenticate users

esl/escalus                                70
An XMPP client library in Erlang for conveniently testing XMPP servers

mfoemmel/erlang-otp                        69
All of the public Erlang/OTP source releases (since R6B-0 in 1999) in convenient git form

okeuday/pqueue                             69
Erlang Priority Queues

pdincau/gcm-erlang                         69
An Erlang application for Google Cloud Messaging

esl/elarm                                  68

wooga/etest                                68
A lightweight, convention over configuration test framework for Erlang

schacon/erlangit                           68
Erlang Git Implementation

aliter/aliter                              68
Ragnarok Online server software written in Erlang.

archaelus/esmtp                            68
Erlang SMTP library

spawngrid/mimetypes                        67
Erlang MIME types library

AF83/ucengine                              67
U.C.Engine is a pubsub server with persistence. You can build realtime applications or integrate realtime features to existing applications.

2600hz-archive/whistle                     67
Scalable, distributed, cloud-based telephony platform

benoitc/cowboy_revproxy                    67
simple TCP routing proxy (layer 7) in erlang

proger/erldocker                           67
Docker Remote API client for Erlang

groupoid/om                                67
Intermediate Lambda Assembler

videlalvaro/gen_microservice               66
Microservices for Erlang

jkvor/redo                                 65
pipelined erlang redis client

Vagabond/erlang-syslog                     65
Erlang port driver for interacting with syslog via syslog(3)

rabbitmq/rabbitmq-sharding                 65

parapluu/Concuerror                        65
Concuerror is a systematic testing tool for concurrent Erlang programs

paulj/trapeze                              64
Dynamic HTTP Routing and Load Balancing via AMQP

KirinDave/gen_leader_revival               64
A project to unify various implementations of the Erlang library gen_leader into a modern, robust single implementation

jkvor/redgrid                              64
automatic Erlang node discovery via redis

NetComposer/nkbase                         64
NkBASE distributed database

jordillonch/eggs                           64
Erlang Generic Game Server

jiangmiao/proxy                            64
支持SOCKS 5协议的高速加密通信的代理服务器脚本

ngerakines/erlang_facebook                 64
A simple Facebook Platform API interface in Erlang.

richcarl/merl                              64
Metaprogramming in Erlang

selectel/tempo                             64
NIF-based date and time parsing and formatting for Erlang.

boundary/gen_lb                            64
A generic library to load balance communication between Erlang nodes

basho/merge_index                          63
MergeIndex is an Erlang library for storing ordered sets on disk. It is very similar to an SSTable (in Google's Bigtable) or an HFile (in Hadoop).  

uwiger/plain_fsm                           63
A behaviour/support library for writing plain Erlang FSMs.

spawngrid/seqbind                          63
Sequential Binding Parse Transformation for Erlang

basho/sidejob                              63
Parallel worker and capacity limiting library for Erlang

cstar/erldis                               63
redis erlang client library (imported from bitbucket)

pavlobaron/riak_mongo                      63
riak_mongo is a collection of things necessary to make Riak act like MongoDB to the clients

mbbx6spp/rebar-templates                   62
Rebar Erlang, OTP and other project templates. Use rebar3 for rebar3 templates and updates.

klarna/brod                                62
Client for Apache Kafka in Erlang

skruger/Surrogate                          62
Proxy server written in erlang.  Supports reverse proxy load balancing and forward proxy with http (including CONNECT), socks4, socks5, and transparent proxy modes.

skeltoac/php_app                           62
A PHP eval server for Erlang/OTP.

msantos/pkt                                62
Erlang network protocol library

lpgauth/statsderl                          61
High Performance Erlang StatsD Client

mojombo/rebar                              61
Ruby to Erlang Bridge And Runner

jlouis/erl-lenses                          61
Lens implementation in Erlang

kivra/giallo                               61
Small and flexible web framework on top of Cowboy

basho/enm                                  60
Erlang driver for nanomsg

cannedprimates/stdlib2                     60
Erlang stdlib extensions.

extend/elevators                           60
Elevator control system demonstrating Erlang/OTP upgrades.

CorticalComputer/Book_NeuroevolutionThroughErlang 60
The resulting source code produced at the end of each chapter in Handbook of Neuroevolution Through Erlang.

travis/erlang-uuid                         60
Erlang UUID Module

benoitc/econfig                            60
simple Erlang config handler using INI files

rabbitmq/rabbitmq-recent-history-exchange  60
RabbitMQ Recent History Exchange

chitika/cberl                              60
NIF based Erlang bindings for Couchbase

rabbitmq/rabbitmq-web-stomp                60

inaka/gold_fever                           59
A Treasure Hunt for Erlangers

hyperthunk/hamcrest-erlang                 59
Erlang port of Hamcrest

iriscouch/browserid_couchdb                59
Mozilla BrowserID support plugin for CouchDB

boundary/bear                              59
 a set of statistics functions for erlang

guedes/exjson                              59
JSON parser and genarator in Elixir.

basho/riak_test                            59
I'm in your cluster, testing your riaks

Random-Liu/Erlang-In-Docker                59
Enable connection between Erlang VMs from different docker containers on different hosts by reimplementing the distributed connection protocol used by net_kernel.

ferd/backoff                               59
Simple exponential backoffs in Erlang

kevinlynx/dhtcrawler                       59
dhtcrawler is a DHT crawler written in erlang. It can join a DHT network and crawl many P2P torrents.

membase/ns_server                          59
The Membase Server Superdupervisor.

NetComposer/nkcluster                      58
A framework to manage jobs at huge Erlang clusters

schlagert/bootstrap                        58
A simple, yet powerful Erlang cluster bootstrapping application.

ddosia/mekao                               58
Erlang SQL constructor

leandrosilva/cameron                       58
Cameron is an asynchronous, parallel, and REST-like workflow engine

klarna/tulib                               58
Standard Erlang library.

Loveice/PFAD                               58
Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design

maxlapshin/fix                             58  implementation.

rabbitmq/rabbit-socks                      57
Websocket and Socket.IO support for RabbitMQ (deprecated -- see instead)

etnt/gettext                               57
Erlang internationalization library.

seth/rebar_lock_deps_plugin                57
Helper scripts to use with rebar

seancribbs/eunit_formatters                57
Because eunit's output sucks. Let's make it better.

tim/erlang-oauth-examples                  57
Example client/server code for erlang-oauth

dustin/elock                               57
A simple, fault-tolerant distributed lock server in erlang.

msantos/gen_icmp                           56
Erlang interface to ICMP sockets

videlalvaro/rmq_patterns                   56
Implementation of several messaging patterns with RabbitMQ and AMQP

julianduque/erlang-color                   56
ANSI colors for your Erlang

GameAnalytics/hyper                        56
Erlang implementation of HyperLogLog

cnwzhjs/python.erl                         56
Python interpreter written in pure Erlang.

jj1bdx/sfmt-erlang                         56
sfmt-erlang: SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (SFMT) for Erlang

chef/mixer                                 56
Mix in functions from other modules

Feuerlabs/exometer_core                    56
Core components of exometer

dweldon/edate                              56
date manipulation library for erlang

mujaheed/erlang-amf                        56
Erlang Action Message Format Library

benoitc/couchdbproxy                       56
Simple multinode couchdb proxy

chef/concrete                              56
Concrete enhances your rebar based Erlang project by providing a common Makefile wrapper, a dialyzer make target that caches PLT analysis of your project's dependencies, and a mechanism to specify development only dependencies.

scalaris-team/scalaris                     56
Scalaris, a distributed, transactional key-value store

potatosalad/erlang-jose                    55
JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) for Erlang and Elixir

basho/cluster_info                         55
Fork of Hibari's nifty cluster_info OTP app

flussonic/epm                              55
Erlang package maker

knutin/bisect                              55
Ordered fixed-size binary dictionary in Erlang

p2k/ecoinpool                              55
A pool mining software written in Erlang for cryptographic currencies

jtendo/confetti                            54
Erlang configuration provider / application:get_env/2 on steroids

fogfish/cache                              54
Erlang in-memory cache

websterclay/rebar_riak_core                54
rebar create template=riak_core appid=myapp

aggelgian/erlang-algorithms                54
Implementations of popular data structures and algorithms

gotthardp/rabbitmq-email                   54
SMTP Gateway Plugin for RabbitMQ

okeuday/cpg                                53
CloudI Process Groups

isacssouza/erlgrind                        53
Convert fprof to callgring output

travelping/flower                          53
FlowER - a Erlang OpenFlow development platform

bwegh/erwa                                 53
A router written in Erlang.

kaos/ecapnp                                53
Cap'n Proto library for Erlang

slfritchie/msgdropsim                      52
Simulator for message passing protocols, supporting (really) unfair process scheduling and dropped messages

basho/riak_pb                              52
Riak Protocol Buffers Messages

etnt/eopenid                               52
Erlang consumer library for OpenID

basho/riaknostic                           52
A diagnostic tool for Riak installations, to find common errors asap

sgrimm/lurkers-guide                       52
The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5

dustin/ememcached                          52
A framework for building erlang memcached servers.

altenwald/myproto                          52
MySQL Server Protocol in Erlang

joearms/music_experiments                  52

hyperthunk/annotations                     52
Simple code instrumentation utilities

RoadRunnr/ezmq                             51
zMQ implemented in Erlang

basho/riak_sysmon                          51
Simple OTP app for managing Erlang VM system_monitor event messages

kevsmith/herml                             51
Erlang port of Haml

wooga/newrelic-erlang                      51
Erlang library for sending metrics to New Relic

cstar/riak_redis_backend                   51
Redis storage backend for Riak

basho-labs/wriaki                          51
A Riak-based Wiki-like application.

shortishly/erlang-in-docker-from-scratch   50
An Erlang application release in a Docker container from scratch

maximk/teeterl                             50
A lean portable Erlang, no BEAM

spawnproc/bpe                              50
Business Application Server for Enterprises

kivra/restclient                           50
Erlang Rest Client