Rust Github Star Ranking at 2016/05/31

rust-lang/rust                             16894
A safe, concurrent, practical language.

google/xi-editor                           4641
A modern editor with a backend written in Rust.

redox-os/redox                             4216
Redox: A Rust Operating System

autumnai/leaf                              4131
Open Machine Intelligence Framework for Hackers. (GPU/CPU)

iron/iron                                  2949
An Extensible, Concurrent Web Framework for Rust

uutils/coreutils                           2850
Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils

kud1ing/awesome-rust                       2285
A curated list of Rust code and resources.

rust-lang/rust-by-example                  2106
Learn Rust with examples (Live code editor included)

hyperium/hyper                             1699
An HTTP library for Rust

rust-lang/cargo                            1656
The Rust package manager

phildawes/racer                            1568
Rust Code Completion utility

nickel-org/                       1508
An expressjs inspired web framework for Rust

cristicbz/rust-doom                        1441
A Doom Renderer written in Rust.

carllerche/mio                             1369
Metal IO library for Rust

Kintaro/wtftw                              1329
Window Tiling For The Win. A tiling window manager written in Rust

PistonDevelopers/piston                    1288
A modular game engine written in Rust

carols10cents/rustlings                    1191
Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code

seppo0010/rsedis                           954
Redis re-implemented in Rust.

rustbridge/neon                            926
A safe Rust abstraction layer for native Node.js modules.

tomaka/glium                               919
Safe OpenGL wrapper for the Rust language.

diesel-rs/diesel                           917
A safe, extensible ORM and Query Builder for Rust

das-labor/panopticon                       915
A libre cross-platform disassembler.

withoutboats/notty                         827
A new kind of terminal

gchp/iota                                  816
A terminal-based text editor written in Rust

Geal/nom                                   815
Rust parser combinator framework

tailhook/vagga                             810
Vagga is a containerization tool without daemons

Ogeon/rustful                              748
A light HTTP framework for Rust

rust-lang-nursery/rustfmt                  739
Format Rust code

PistonDevelopers/hematite                  731
A simple Minecraft written in Rust with the Piston game engine

ogham/exa                                  729
Replacement for 'ls' written in Rust.

rustbridge/helix                           700
Ruby and Rust, sitting in a tree

Manishearth/rust-clippy                    692
A bunch of lints to catch common mistakes and improve your Rust code

pingcap/tikv                               678
Distributed transactional key value database powered by Rust and Raft

hackndev/zinc                              676
The bare metal stack for rust

PistonDevelopers/conrod                    669
An easy-to-use, 2D GUI library written entirely in Rust.

oakes/SolidOak                             662
An IDE for Rust

BurntSushi/xsv                             652
A fast CSV toolkit written in Rust.

fengsp/pencil                              595
A web application microframework for Rust

gfx-rs/gfx                                 595
A high-performance, bindless graphics API for Rust.

murarth/rusti                              588
REPL for the Rust programming language

rustcc/RustPrimer                          580
The Rust primer for beginners. We need native English speaker to translate it into English.

sfackler/rust-postgres                     534
Native PostgreSQL driver for the Rust programming language

crabtw/rust-bindgen                        514
binding generator for rust language

pcwalton/sprocketnes                       488
NES emulator written in Rust

kbknapp/clap-rs                            474
A full featured, fast Command Line Argument Parser for Rust

teepee/teepee                              473
Teepee, the Rust HTTP toolkit

tomaka/glutin                              447
Pure Rust alternative to GLFW

mitsuhiko/redis-rs                         435
Redis library for rust

servo/webrender                            414
A very incomplete proof of concept GPU renderer for Servo

aturon/crossbeam                           411
Support for parallelism and low-level concurrency in Rust

chris-morgan/rust-http                     403
Rust HTTP library (server and client) [obsolete but still maintained until teepee/teepee is ready]

DaGenix/rust-crypto                        395
A (mostly) pure-Rust implementation of various cryptographic algorithms.

serde-rs/serde                             393
Rust serialization

dpc/mioco                                  382
Scalable, coroutine-based, asynchronous IO handling library for Rust programming language. (aka MIO COroutines).

nikomatsakis/rayon                         377
Rayon: A data parallelism library for Rust

rust-lang-nursery/                372
The Rust toolchain installer

tomaka/vulkano                             368
Safe and rich Rust wrapper around the Vulkan API

AngryLawyer/rust-sdl2                      365
SDL2 bindings for Rust

jeaye/q3                                   365
A Quake 3 like game with voxelized destructible maps

rust-lang/                        364
Source code for

BurntSushi/quickcheck                      362
QuickCheck for Rust (with shrinking).

yingDev/Tickeys                            360
Instant audio feedback for typing. For MacOS X. (Rust) 

phil-opp/blog_os                           360
Writing an OS in Rust

yupferris/rustendo64                       359
Livecoding a Nintendo 64 emulator in Rust :D

docopt/                           357
Docopt for Rust (command line argument parser).

thiagopnts/groot                           357
:deciduous_tree: The Groot Programming Language

nathansizemore/hydrogen                    352
Multithreaded, non-blocking Linux server framework in Rust

ethcore/parity                             343
Fast, light, robust Ethereum implementation

NicolasLM/nucleon                          332
Dynamic load balancer written in Rust

mbrubeck/robinson                          331
A toy web rendering engine

maidsafe/crust                             328
Reliable p2p network connections in Rust with NAT traversal. One of the most needed libraries for any server-less / decentralised projects

frankmcsherry/timely-dataflow              318
A modular implementation of timely dataflow in Rust

nix-rust/nix                               313
Rust friendly bindings to *nix APIs

sebcrozet/nphysics                         312
2 and 3-dimensional rigid body physics engine for Rust.

dwrensha/capnproto-rust                    307
Cap'n Proto for Rust

mathall/rim                                306
Aspiring vim-like text editor

Hoverbear/rust-rosetta                     306
Implementing Rosetta Code problems in Rust.

sebcrozet/ncollide                         305
2 and 3-dimensional collision detection library in Rust

nrc/r4cppp                                 304
Rust for C++ programmers

PistonDevelopers/image                     303
Encoding and decoding images in Rust

servo/html5ever                            301
High-performance browser-grade HTML5 parser

libpnet/libpnet                            299
Cross-platform, low level networking using the Rust programming language.

killercup/trpl-ebook                       297
"The Rust Programming Language" as ebook

tailhook/rotor                             292
The mio-based framework for rust for doing I/O in simple and composable way

tsgates/rust.ko                            291
A minimal Linux kernel module written in rust.

gtk-rs/gtk                                 290
GTK+ 3.x bindings and wrappers for Rust

dpc/rdedup                                 284
Data deduplication with compression and public key encryption.

kevinmehall/rust-peg                       272
Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) parser generator for Rust

sebcrozet/nalgebra                         266
Linear algebra library for computer physics, computer graphics and general low-dimensional linear algebra for Rust.

autumnai/collenchyma                       256
Extendable HPC-Framework for CUDA, OpenCL and common CPU

rustless/rustless                          256
REST-like API micro-framework for Rust. Works with Iron.

amethyst/amethyst                          252
Data-oriented game engine written in Rust

stepancheg/rust-protobuf                   252
Rust implementation of Google protocol buffers

KISS-UI/kiss-ui                            251
A simple UI framework for Rust built on top of IUP (

cyndis/qmlrs                               250
QtQuick interface for Rust

tomaka/android-rs-glue                     250
Glue between Rust and Android

zonyitoo/coio-rs                           245
Coroutine I/O for Rust

simias/rustation                           244
Playstation emulator in the Rust programing language

plietar/librespot                          243
Open Source Spotify client library

jackm321/RustNN                            243
A neural network crate

nukep/llamadb                              243
A SQL database written in Rust

carllerche/eventual                        237
A future & stream abstraction for Rust

esphen/wsta                                237
A CLI development tool for WebSocket APIs

nikomatsakis/lalrpop                       235
LR(1) parser generator for Rust

mmstick/systemd-manager                    227
A systemd service manager written in Rust with the GTK-rs wrapper and direct integration with dbus

rustcc/coroutine-rs                        221
Coroutine Library in Rust

bjz/gl-rs                                  217
An OpenGL function pointer loader for Rust

hansihe/Rustler                            216
Safe Rust bridge for creating Erlang NIF functions

PistonDevelopers/glfw-rs                   214
GLFW3 bindings and idiomatic wrapper for Rust.

sebcrozet/kiss3d                           211
Keep it simple, stupid 3d graphics engine for Rust.

pcwalton/                           210
A module for freestanding Rust programs

google/pulldown-cmark                      210

reem/stainless                             208
Organized, flexible testing framework for Rust

pcwalton/rust-media                        206
A free, comprehensive, and portable video/audio streaming library for Rust

clog-tool/clog-cli                         204
Generate beautiful changelogs from your Git commit history

zonyitoo/shadowsocks-rust                  201
A Rust port of shadowsocks

cyderize/rust-websocket                    200
A WebSocket (RFC6455) library written in Rust

jeremyletang/rust-sfml                     200
SFML bindings for Rust

rust-lang-nursery/regex                    200

alexcrichton/curl-rust                     200
Rust bindings to libcurl

pravic/winapi-kmd-rs                       200
Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers written in Rust

scialex/reenix                             200
A Rust version of the Weenix OS

brson/httptest                             194
An example of a Rust web service with Iron and Hyper

gchp/rustbox                               194
Rust implementation of the termbox library

dgrunwald/rust-cpython                     193
Rust <-> Python bindings

servo/cocoa-rs                             185
Cocoa/Objective-C bindings for the Rust programming language

d-unseductable/ruru                        185
Native Ruby extensions written in Rust

aepsil0n/carboxyl                          181
Functional Reactive Programming library for Rust

kinghajj/kirk                              180
A highly-flexible thread pool for Rust

azerupi/mdBook                             180
Create book from markdown files. Like Gitbook but implemented in Rust

rust-bio/rust-bio                          180
This library provides implementations of many algorithms and data structures that are useful for bioinformatics. All provided implementations are rigorously tested via continuous integration.

lrs-lang/lib                               179
An experimental standard library

sfackler/rust-openssl                      179
OpenSSL bindings for Rust

tagua-vm/tagua-vm                          178
Tagua VM is an experimental PHP Virtual Machine written with the Rust language and the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure.

BurntSushi/rust-csv                        176
A CSV parser with type based decoding for Rust.

medimatrix/rust-plus-golang                175
Rust + Go

jeaye/ncurses-rs                           175
A safe ncurses wrapper for Rust

erickt/rust-zmq                            175
Rust zeromq bindings.

frewsxcv/tiny-http                         174
Low level HTTP server library in Rust

eholk/Boot2Rust                            173
EFI applications in Rust

bjz/cgmath                                 172
A linear algebra and mathematics library for computer graphics.

Twinklebear/tray_rust                      170
A toy ray tracer in Rust

lifthrasiir/rust-chrono                    168
Date and time library for Rust

zeromq/                              168
A native implementation of ØMQ in Rust

Hoverbear/raft-rs                          167
[Incomplete] A Raft implementation in Rust

myfreeweb/freepass                         166
The free password manager for power users

retep998/winapi-rs                         166
Rust types and constants for WinAPI bindings

mlalic/solicit                             166
An HTTP/2 implementation in Rust

google/tarpc                               165
An RPC framework for Rust with a focus on ease of use.

gamazeps/RobotS                            165
Actor system for Rust

miselin/rustic                             163
Rustic Embedded Framework

swiboe/swiboe                              163
The text editor for the next 25 years.

thehydroimpulse/                 163
Nanomsg library for Rust

PistonDevelopers/dyon                      162
A rusty dynamically typed scripting language

dylanede/rusttype                          161
A pure Rust alternative to libraries like FreeType.

thepowersgang/rust_os                      161
An OS kernel written in rust. Non POSIX

alexcrichton/toml-rs                       161
A TOML encoding/decoding library for Rust

brson/rust-sdl                             160
SDL bindings for Rust

twitter/rpc-perf                           157
A tool for benchmarking RPC services

dnaq/sodiumoxide                           156
Sodium Oxide: Fast cryptographic library for Rust (bindings to libsodium)

deuterium-orm/deuterium                    155
Fully typed SQL query builder for Rust

sfackler/rust-phf                          155
Compile time static maps for Rust

AtheMathmo/rusty-machine                   153
Machine Learning library for Rust

hopey-dishwasher/termpix                   150
Display images in an ANSI terminal

maciejkula/rustlearn                       149
Machine learning crate for Rust

ticki/termion                              146
Library for manipulating terminals.

bluss/rust-itertools                       145
Extra iterator adaptors, functions and macros.

servo/rust-url                             145
URL parser for Rust

servo/gaol                                 145
Cross-platform application sandboxing for Rust

Marwes/combine                             143
A parser combinator library for Rust

passcod/rsnotify                           143
Cross-platform filesystem notification library for Rust

flosse/rust-web-framework-comparison       142
A comparison of some web frameworks and libs written in Rust

housleyjk/ws-rs                            142
Lightweight, event-driven WebSockets for Rust.

PistonDevelopers/Piston-Tutorials          141
Tutorials for Piston

lilydjwg/swapview                          141
Print swap usage per process. Implemented in various programming languages

google/hat-backup                          140
Backend-agnostic snapshotting backup system

rust-lang-nursery/           139
A small macro for defining lazy evaluated static variables in Rust.

zargony/rust-fuse                          137
Rust library for filesystems in userspace (FUSE)

anima-engine/mrusty                        132
mruby safe bindings for Rust

mystor/rust-cpp                            132
Embed C++ directly inside your rust code!

alexcrichton/git2-rs                       132
libgit2 bindings for Rust

BurntSushi/fst                             132
Represents large sets and maps compactly with finite state transducers.

nrc/rustw                                  132
A web frontend for the Rust compiler

rustache/rustache                          130
A flexible template engine for Rust

npryce/rusty-pi                            129

PistonDevelopers/graphics                  127
A library for 2D graphics, written in Rust, that works with multiple back-ends

ivanceras/rustorm                          127
An ORM for rust

wycats/rust-activesupport                  127
Small demos that illustrate Rust's expressiveness

jeremyletang/rgtk                          126
GTK+ bindings and wrappers for Rust (DEPRECATED SEE )

bluss/rust-ndarray                         124
ndarray: an N-dimensional array with array views, multidimensional slicing, and efficient operations

nbaksalyar/rust-chat                       123
Simple chat service written in Rust, from scratch

aatxe/irc                                  123
An IRC library for Rust.

HeroesGrave/ecs-rs                         123
An Entity Component System (ECS) framework written in Rust.

klutzy/suruga                              122
TLS 1.2 implementation in Rust

TyOverby/bincode                           119
A binary encoder / decoder implementation in Rust.

Gankro/too-many-lists                      119
Learn Rust by writing Entirely Too Many linked lists

brson/stdx                                 118
Rust is a blank canvas.

jauhien/iron-kaleidoscope                  117
LLVM tutorial in Rust language

rust-lang-nursery/rustc-serialize          117
Serialization/deserialization for Rust

BurntSushi/chan                            117
Multi-producer, multi-consumer concurrent channel for Rust.

passcod/cargo-watch                        115
Watches over your Cargo project's source

ruma/ruma                                  114
A Matrix client-server API written in Rust.

goffrie/plex                               113
a parser and lexer generator as a Rust syntax extension

rusoto/rusoto                              113
AWS SDK for Rust

mitchmindtree/elmesque                     113
An attempt at porting Elm's incredibly useful, purely functional std graphics modules.

Thinkofname/steven                         113
Rust Minecraft Client

cobalt-org/                       113
Static site generator written in Rust

aochagavia/rocket                          112
A toy game in Rust, using Piston

frankmcsherry/differential-dataflow        112
An implementation of differential dataflow using timely dataflow on Rust.

Amanieu/parking_lot                        111
Compact and efficient synchronization primitives for Rust. Also provides an API for creating custom synchronization primitives.

luqmana/rust-opencl                        111
OpenCL bindings for Rust.

thestinger/rust-core                       111
a lightweight standard library for rust with freestanding support (deprecated in favour of libcore upstream)

rust-num/num                               110
A collection of numeric types and traits for Rust.

sunng87/handlebars-rust                    110
Rust templating with Handlebars

jedisct1/flowgger                          108
A fast data collector in Rust

rust-lang-nursery/log                      107
Logging implementation for Rust

ticki/dybuk                                106
Prettify the ugly rustc messages (inspired by Elm)

lfairy/maud                                106
:pencil: Compile-time HTML templates for Rust

slide-rs/specs                             106
Specs - Parallel ECS

Manishearth/rust-gc                        105
Simple tracing (mark and sweep) garbage collector for Rust

tedsta/deeplearn-rs                        105
Deep neural networks in Rust

spicavigo/kafka-rust                       104
Rust client for Apache Kafka

kmcallister/glassful                       104
Rust-like syntax for OpenGL Shading Language

kmcallister/                     104
Raw system calls for Rust

wireapp/proteus                            104
Axolotl Protocol Implementation

dwrensha/gj                                104
event loop and promises in Rust

killercup/cargo-edit                       103
A utility for managing cargo dependencies from the command line.

ReactiveX/RxRust                           103
The Reactive Extensions for the Rust Programming Language

llogiq/metacollect                         103
A lint to collect some crate metadata

mongodb-labs/mongo-rust-driver-prototype   103

netvl/xml-rs                               102
An XML library in Rust

ticki/eudex                                101
A blazingly fast phonetic reduction/hashing algorithm.

m4rw3r/chomp                               101
A fast monadic-style parser combinator designed to work on stable Rust.

bluejekyll/trust-dns                       101
A Rust based DNS server 

BurntSushi/byteorder                       100
Rust library for reading/writing numbers in big-endian and little-endian.

servo/ipc-channel                          100
A multiprocess drop-in replacement for Rust channels

blackbeam/rust-mysql-simple                98
Mysql client library implemented in rust.

TyOverby/flame                             98
A flamegraph profiling tool for rust.

raymontag/rust-keepass                     98
Crate to use KeePass databases in Rust

lifthrasiir/rust-encoding                  97
Character encoding support for Rust

sfackler/rust-postgres-macros              97
Support macros for Rust-Postgres

Sean1708/rusty-cheddar                     97
A Rust crate for automatically generating C header files from Rust source file.

libOctavo/octavo                           97
Highly modular & configurable hash & crypto library

carllerche/syncbox                         96
Concurrency utilities for Rust

mneumann/rust-msgpack                      96 implementation for Rust language /[Rust] 

mcarton/rust-herbie-lint                   95
A rustc plugin to check for numerical instability

Keats/tera                                 95
A template engine for Rust

rolandshoemaker/theca                      94
a simple, fully featured command line note taking tool written in Rust

murarth/ketos                              94
Lisp dialect scripting and extension language for Rust programs

thepowersgang/rust-barebones-kernel        93
A barebones framework for a rust kernel.

Gekkio/mooneye-gb                          92
A Game Boy research project and emulator written in Rust

reem/rust-event                            91
A global event loop

TomBebbington/                        91
An experimental Javascript parser and just-in-time compiler written in Rust

sappworks/sapper                           91
A lightweight web framework built on async hyper, implemented in Rust language.

LeoTestard/rustlex                         90
Lexical analysers generator for Rust, written in Rust

johnmq/john                                90
High-performance, persistent, reliable and dumb-simple messaging queue in Rust

iron/router                                90
Router middleware for the Iron web framework.

jgallagher/rusqlite                        90
Ergonomic bindings to SQLite for Rust

gifnksm/power-assert-rs                    90
Power Assert in Rust. Provides better assertion message.

nrc/libhoare                               90
Design by contract style assertions for Rust

chyh1990/yaml-rust                         87
A pure rust YAML implementation.

tailhook/rotor-http                        86
The mio/rotor based http server library for rust

kballard/rust-lua                          86
Safe Rust bindings to Lua 5.1

tailhook/quick-error                       86
A rust-macro which makes errors easy to write

trevp/screech                              85
Rust implementation of Noise

rust-lang/libc                             85
Raw bindings to platform APIs for Rust

google/tensorflow-rust                     85
Rust language bindings for TensorFlow

jroweboy/oxidize                           84
A very basic web framework for Rust

csherratt/snowmew                          82

maidsafe/routing                           82
Routing - specialised storage DHT

PistonDevelopers/piston-examples           82
A collection of examples using the Piston game engine

steveklabnik/rustbook                      82
A simplified version of gitbook, atop rustdoc

sfackler/r2d2                              82
A generic connection pool for Rust

Gekkio/imgui-rs                            82
Rust bindings for ImGui

cmr/lets-build-a-compiler                  81

ckkashyap/rustix                           81
Unix kernel in rust

bfops/playform                             81
Voxel sandbox project in Rust

klutzy/nadeko                              81
const-time Rust experiment

drbawb/rust-story                          81
An implementation of[reconstructing cavestory in the rust programming language.

polyfractal/Turbine                        81
A low-latency, high-throughput inter-task communication library

Marthog/rust-stm                           81
Software transactional memory

RustAudio/rust-portaudio                   80
PortAudio bindings and wrappers for Rust.

blitzcode/rust-exp                         80
Software rasterization, N-Body simulation and Game of Life in Rust + Haskell

tomjakubowski/json_macros                  79
Construct JSON objects in Rust from JSON-like literals.

fitzgen/oxischeme                          79
A Scheme implementation, in Rust.

lettre/lettre                              79
A mailer library for Rust

linuxfood/rustsqlite                       78
SQLite3 Bindings for Rust.

ptal/oak                                   78
A typed parser generator embedded in Rust code for Parsing Expression Grammar

michaelwoerister/rs-persistent-datastructures 78
A Persistent Map Implementation based on Hash Array Mapped Tries

Aaronepower/tokei                          77
A blazingly fast CLOC(Count Lines Of Code) program.

tailhook/rust-argparse                     77
The command-line argument parser library for rust

ruuda/robigo-luculenta                     77
Proof of concept spectral path tracer in Rust

Aatch/ramp                                 77
RAMP - Rust Arithmetic in Multiple Precision

frankmcsherry/COST                         76
Single-threaded graph computation in Rust

dan-t/rusty-tags                           76
Create ctags/etags for a cargo project and all of its dependencies

3Hren/msgpack-rust                         75
MessagePack implementation for Rust /[Rust]

Bren2010/ecc                               75
Elliptic curve arithmetic and cryptography library in pure Rust.

arrayfire/arrayfire-rust                   75
Rust wrapper for ArrayFire

serde-rs/syntex                            74

apoelstra/rust-bitcoin                     74
Rust Bitcoin library

farcaller/shiny                            74
a shiny test framework for rust

conduit-rust/conduit                       74
Web Application Interface for Rust

BurntSushi/walkdir                         74
Rust library for walking directories recursively.

coeuvre/rust-2048                          74
A 2048 clone with Piston game engine

DanielKeep/cargo-script                    73
Cargo script subcommand

ujh/iomrascalai                            73
Iomrascálaí is an AI for the game of Go/Weiqi/Baduk written in Rust

frewsxcv/rust-threadpool                   73
A very simple thread pool for parallel task execution

benashford/rs-es                           73
A Rust client for the ElasticSearch REST API

Antti/rust-amqp                            72
AMQ Protocol implementation in pure rust. Corresponds to rabbitmq spec.

servo/rust-cssparser                       72
Rust implementation of CSS Syntax Level 3

reem/rust-lazy                             72
Lazy Evaluation for Rust.

huonw/simple_parallel                      72
Straight-forward functions and types for basic data parallel operations.

autumnai/leaf-examples                     71
Examples for the Hacker's Machine Learning Framework Leaf

japaric/                       71
Statistics-driven micro-benchmarking library

dragostis/pest                             71
Smart PEGs in Rust

cgag/hostblock                             70
rust cli app for managing sites blocked via the hosts file

sunng87/handlebars-iron                    70
Handlebars middleware for Iron web framework

TeXitoi/rust-mdo                           70
Monadic do notation for rust using macro and duck typing

SSheldon/rust-objc                         70
Objective-C Runtime bindings and wrapper for Rust.

zsiciarz/24daysofrust                      69
Code examples accompanying my "24 days of Rust" article series.

SimonSapin/kuchiki                         69
(朽木) HTML/XML tree manipulation library for Rust

schaars/simple-web-server                  69
A simple web-server, to play with the Rust programming language

erickt/rust-mustache                       69
mustache template library for rust

servo/euclid                               69
Geometry primitives (basic linear algebra) for Rust

m4b/dryad                                  69
An almost-parallel, semi-functioning, dynamic linker experiment, written in Rust

wit-ai/witd                                68
witd, a daemon to easily communicate with Wit

brianquinlan/learn-rust                    68
Projects to help me learn the Rust programming language

rust-lang-deprecated/time                  68
Simple time handling in Rust

bluss/petgraph                             67
Graph data structure library.

kenz-gelsoft/wxRust                        67
A Rust binding of the wxWidgets cross platform toolkit.

cpjreynolds/rustty                         67
A terminal UI library

thehydroimpulse/      67
Postgres extensions written in Rust

jwilm/racerd                               67
Rust semantic analysis

servo/rust-mozjs                           66
Rust bindings to SpiderMonkey

jedisct1/rust-bloom-filter                 66
A fast Bloom filter implementation in Rust

lifthrasiir/angolmois-rust                 66
Angolmois BMS player, Rust edition

solson/miri                                66
An experimental interpreter for Rust MIR

kvark/ron                                  65
Rusty Object Notation

rphmeier/jobsteal                          64
A work-stealing fork-join threadpool written in Rust.

spacejam/rust-rocksdb                      64
rust wrapper for rocksdb

erickt/mre                                 64
MRE: A web framework written in Rust

Byron/google-apis-rs                       64
A binding and CLI generator for all google APIs

InQuicker/kaws                             63
Create and manage Kubernetes clusters on AWS using Terraform.

exercism/xrust                             63
Exercism Exercises in Rust

tomaka/cpal                                63
Audio player in pure Rust

luqmana/rust-psp-hello                     63
Simple Hello World in Rust to run on a PSP.

RustAudio/dsp-chain                        63
A library for chaining together multiple audio dsp processors/generators, written in Rust!

rsolomo/cargo-check                        62

SimonPersson/ease                          62
A library for writing REST API clients

alexcrichton/gcc-rs                        61
Rust library for build scripts to compile C/C++ code into a Rust library

Gankro/collect-rs                          61
Miscellaneous Collections

DanielKeep/tlborm                          61
The Little Book of Rust Macros

rsaarelm/phage                             60
7 day roguelike game for 2015

deuterium-orm/deuterium-orm                60
Very basic ORM for Rust (supports only PostgreSQL right now) based on Deuterium 

pyfisch/kinglet                            60
A modern asynchronous HTTP server for Rust.

mahkoh/comm                                60
Communication primitives

indigits/scirust                           60
Scientific Computing Library in Rust

superlogical/rustwebapp                    59
Rust web app demo with Iron and Postgres

daboross/rust-throw                        59
Rust error handling with stack traces!

reem/rust-n-queens                         58
A fast, parallel backtracking algorithm for n-queens implemented in rust.

andelf/weather-rs                          57
Weather app for the terminal. Rust version :)

slide-rs/pulse                             57
A composable wait system.

codahale/sketchy                           57
A small set of useful probabilistic data structures.

swatteau/sokoban-rs                        57
An implementation of Sokoban in Rust

maidsafe/safe_core                         57
Client for SAFE networks (main entry point) RESTful API access, posix API access and more

ticki/cake                                 57
A Delicious Build Tool.

gsingh93/trace                             56
A Rust syntax extension for tracing function execution

anima-engine/anima-engine                  56
The quirky game engine

gifnksm/ProjectEulerRust                   56
Solving Project Euler with Rust

Wilfred/bfc                                56
An industrial-grade brainfuck compiler

lukemetz/rustpy                            56
Rust + Python = ????

alexcrichton/rust-compress                 55
Various compression algorithms written in rust.

danburkert/memmap-rs                       55
cross-platform Rust API for memory-mapped IO

RealScout/avr-emulator                     55
Atmel 8-bit AVR Emulator in React and Rust

GGist/bip-rs                               55
BitTorrent Infrastructure Project In Rust

serde-rs/json                              55
JSON Serialization for Rust

arcnmx/cargo-clippy                        55
cargo clippy

pegasos1/cargo-profiler                    54
cargo subcommand to profile binaries 

Stebalien/term                             54
A Rust library for terminfo parsing and terminal colors.

kondrak/rust64                             54
Commodore 64 emulator written in Rust

imjacobclark/Herd                          54
An experimental HTTP load testing application written in Rust.

freedomofpress/RustySecrets                54
Implementation of threshold Shamir secret sharing in the Rust programming language.

sfackler/log4rs                            54
A highly configurable logging framework for Rust

redox-os/ion                               53
The Ion Shell. Compatible with Redox and Linux.

Ogeon/palette                              53
A Rust library for linear color calculations and conversion

dhardy/pippin                              53
a distributed-merge capable database for many small objects

huonw/brainfuck_macros                     53
A brainfuck procedural macro for Rust

Florob/RustyXML                            53
A XML parser written in Rust

RustAudio/sound_stream                     52
A Rust audio IO stream in the style of an "Event Iterator" driven by PortAudio.

radare/radeco-lib                          52
radare2-based decompiler

eliovir/rust-examples                      52
Examples from tutorial and other documentations of Rust.

reem/rust-typemap                          52
A typesafe store keyed by types and containing different types of values.

numerodix/emcache                          52
memcached in rust

bjz/noise-rs                               52
Procedural noise generation library for Rust.

ozkriff/zoc                                51
[FROZEN] Zone of Control - hex TBS in Rust.

chef/delivery-cli                          51
The command line tool for Chef Delivery

BurntSushi/aho-corasick                    51
A fast implementation of Aho-Corasick in Rust.

semantic-rs/semantic-rs                    51
:rocket: Automatic crate publishing done right

agrover/froyo                              51
A flexible and redundant long-term storage system for Linux, using DM and XFS

thiagopnts/rustico                         51
Yet another tiny x86/ARM kernel

teozkr/klocka                              51
Smart Doorbell? Pi-Powered "Smart" Doorbell!

huonw/simd                                 50

alexcrichton/ssh2-rs                       50
Rust bindings for libssh2

alexcrichton/green-rs                      50
Green Tasks for Rust

erszcz/erlang-rust-nif                     50
An example Erlang NIF implemented in Rust

jethrogb/sgx-utils                         50
Various utilities for Intel SGX hardware

dylanede/cassowary-rs                      50
A Rust implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving algorithm