Objective-C Github Star Ranking at 2016/05/24

Objective-C Github Star Ranking at 2016/10/24

AFNetworking/AFNetworking                  25286
A delightful networking framework for iOS, OS X, watchOS, and tvOS.

rs/SDWebImage                              14382
Asynchronous image downloader with cache support as a UIImageView category

ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa                13976
Streams of values over time

BradLarson/GPUImage                        12587
An open source iOS framework for GPU-based image and video processing

SnapKit/Masonry                            11765
Harness the power of AutoLayout NSLayoutConstraints with a simplified, chainable and expressive syntax. Supports iOS and OSX Auto Layout

jdg/MBProgressHUD                          11123
MBProgressHUD + Customizations

ccgus/fmdb                                 9781
A Cocoa / Objective-C wrapper around SQLite

RestKit/RestKit                            9537
RestKit is a framework for consuming and modeling RESTful web resources on iOS and OS X

Mantle/Mantle                              9403
Model framework for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch

magicalpanda/MagicalRecord                 9354
Super Awesome Easy Fetching for Core Data 1!!!11!!!!1!

alcatraz/Alcatraz                          8692
Package manager for Xcode

facebook/AsyncDisplayKit                   8199
Smooth asynchronous user interfaces for iOS apps.

jessesquires/JSQMessagesViewController     8172
An elegant messages UI library for iOS

SVProgressHUD/SVProgressHUD                7894
A clean and lightweight progress HUD for your iOS and tvOS app.

CoderMJLee/MJRefresh                       7683
An easy way to use pull-to-refresh.

facebookarchive/three20                    7588
Three20 is an Objective-C library for iPhone developers

nicklockwood/iCarousel                     7386
A simple, highly customisable, data-driven 3D carousel for iOS and Mac OS

onevcat/VVDocumenter-Xcode                 7317
Xcode plug-in which helps you write documentation comment easier, for both Objective-C and Swift.

CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack            7276
A fast & simple, yet powerful & flexible logging framework for Mac and iOS

ibireme/YYKit                              7002
A collection of iOS components.

Grouper/FlatUIKit                          6951
A collection of awesome flat UI components for iOS.

kevinzhow/PNChart                          6798
A simple and beautiful chart lib used in Piner and CoinsMan for iOS

path/FastImageCache                        6706
iOS library for quickly displaying images while scrolling

facebook/Shimmer                           6699
An easy way to add a simple, shimmering effect to any view in an iOS app.

robbiehanson/CocoaAsyncSocket              6422
Asynchronous socket networking library for Mac and iOS

matryer/bitbar                             6360
Put the output from any script or program in your Mac OS X Menu Bar

OpenEmu/OpenEmu                            6334
:video_game: Retro video game emulation for OS X

slackhq/SlackTextViewController            6234
A drop-in UIViewController subclass with a growing text input view and other useful messaging features

TTTAttributedLabel/TTTAttributedLabel      6139
A drop-in replacement for UILabel that supports attributes, data detectors, links, and more

Flipboard/FLEX                             6129
An in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS

romaonthego/RESideMenu                     6100
iOS 7/8 style side menu with parallax effect.

marcuswestin/WebViewJavascriptBridge       6085
An iOS/OSX bridge for sending messages between Obj-C and JavaScript in UIWebViews/WebViews

ViccAlexander/Chameleon                    6040
Flat Color Framework for iOS (Obj-C & Swift)

CEWendel/SWTableViewCell                   6000
An easy-to-use UITableViewCell subclass that implements a swippable content view which exposes utility buttons (similar to iOS 7 Mail Application)

jverkoey/nimbus                            5942
The iOS framework that grows only as fast as its documentation

mwaterfall/MWPhotoBrowser                  5808
A simple iOS photo and video browser with grid view, captions and selections.

jigish/slate                               5793
A window management application (replacement for Divvy/SizeUp/ShiftIt)

johnezang/JSONKit                          5765
Objective-C JSON

facebook/xctool                            5735
A replacement for Apple's xcodebuild that makes it easier to build and test iOS or OSX apps.

eczarny/spectacle                          5714
Spectacle allows you to organize your windows without using a mouse.

bang590/JSPatch                            5707
JSPatch bridge Objective-C and Javascript using the Objective-C runtime. You can call any Objective-C class and method in JavaScript by just including a small engine. JSPatch is generally use for hotfix iOS App.

pokeb/asi-http-request                     5705
Easy to use CFNetwork wrapper for HTTP requests, Objective-C,  Mac OS X and iPhone

Aufree/trip-to-iOS                         5672
A curated list of delightful iOS resources.

hackiftekhar/IQKeyboardManager             5591
Codeless drop-in universal library allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover UITextField/UITextView. Neither need to write any code nor any setup required and much more.

facebook/facebook-ios-sdk                  5444
Used to integrate iOS apps with Facebook Platform.

forkingdog/UITableView-FDTemplateLayoutCell 5419
Template auto layout cell for automatically UITableViewCell height calculating

tonymillion/Reachability                   5418
ARC and GCD Compatible Reachability Class for iOS and MacOS. Drop in replacement for Apple Reachability

IFTTT/JazzHands                            5405
A simple keyframe-based animation framework for UIKit. Perfect for scrolling app intros.

jverdi/JVFloatLabeledTextField             5385
UITextField subclass with floating labels - inspired by Matt D. Smith's design: http://dribbble.com/shots/1254439--GIF-Mobile-Form-Interaction?list=users

PureLayout/PureLayout                      5361
The ultimate API for iOS & OS X Auto Layout — impressively simple, immensely powerful. Objective-C and Swift compatible.

git-up/GitUp                               5330
The Git interface you've been missing all your life has finally arrived.

dzenbot/DZNEmptyDataSet                    5329
A drop-in UITableView/UICollectionView superclass category for showing empty datasets whenever the view has no content to display.

zwaldowski/BlocksKit                       5313
The Objective-C block utilities you always wish you had.

mutualmobile/MMDrawerController            5285
 A lightweight, easy to use, Side Drawer Navigation Controller

CoderMJLee/MJExtension                     5252
A fast, convenient and nonintrusive conversion between JSON and model. Your model class don't need to extend another base class. You don't need to modify any model file.

icanzilb/JSONModel                         5231
Magical Data Modelling Framework for JSON. Create rapidly powerful, atomic and smart data model classes

facebook/SocketRocket                      5169
A conforming Objective-C WebSocket client library.

square/PonyDebugger                        4934
Remote network and data debugging for your native iOS app using Chrome Developer Tools

ibireme/YYText                             4864
Powerful text framework for iOS to display and edit rich text.

levey/AwesomeMenu                          4774
Path 2.0 menu using CoreAnimation :)

CanvasPod/Canvas                           4749
Animate in Xcode without code

ViewDeck/ViewDeck                          4734
An implementation of the sliding functionality found in the Path 2.0 or Facebook iOS apps.

facebook/KVOController                     4661
Simple, modern, thread-safe key-value observing for iOS and OS X.

schneiderandre/popping                     4617
A collection of animation examples for iOS apps.

ResearchKit/ResearchKit                    4596
ResearchKit is an open source software framework that makes it easy to create apps for medical research or for other research projects.

BoltsFramework/Bolts-ObjC                  4586
Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier.

MacDownApp/macdown                         4468
Open source Markdown editor for OS X.

michaeltyson/TPKeyboardAvoiding            4451
A drop-in universal solution for moving text fields out of the way of the keyboard in iOS

MatthewYork/DateTools                      4430
Dates and times made easy in Objective-C

KrauseFx/TSMessages                        4410
Easy to use and customizable messages/notifications for iOS à la Tweetbot

robbiehanson/XMPPFramework                 4372
An XMPP Framework in Objective-C for Mac and iOS

facebook/Tweaks                            4288
An easy way to fine-tune, and adjust parameters for iOS apps in development.

Cocoanetics/DTCoreText                     4287
Methods to allow using HTML code with CoreText

nicklockwood/FXBlurView                    4278
UIView subclass that replicates the iOS 7 realtime background blur effect, but works on iOS 5 and above.

samuelclay/NewsBlur                        4271
NewsBlur is a personal news reader that brings people together to talk about the world. A new sound of an old instrument.

samvermette/SVPullToRefresh                4264
Give pull-to-refresh & infinite scrolling to any UIScrollView with 1 line of code. 

gnachman/iTerm2                            4244
iTerm2 is a terminal emulator for Mac OS X that does amazing things.

Flipboard/FLAnimatedImage                  4241
Performant animated GIF engine for iOS

ECSlidingViewController/ECSlidingViewController 4210
Customizable sliding view controller container.

kif-framework/KIF                          4194
Keep It Functional - An iOS Functional Testing Framework

XVimProject/XVim                           4128
Xcode plugin for Vim keybindings

nst/iOS-Runtime-Headers                    4123
iOS Objective-C headers as derived from runtime introspection

ksuther/KSImageNamed-Xcode                 4068
Xcode plug-in that provides autocomplete for imageNamed: calls

arashpayan/appirater                       4016
A utility that reminds your iPhone app's users to review the app.

cocos2d/cocos2d-objc                       3987
Cocos2d for iOS and OS X, built using Objective-C

devinross/tapkulibrary                     3973
tap + haiku = tapku, a well crafted open source iOS framework

ChenYilong/iOS9AdaptationTips              3915

jamztang/CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout          3831
UICollectionView replacement of UITableView. Do even more like Parallax Header, Sticky Section Header. Made for iOS 7.

mamaral/Onboard                            3807
An iOS framework to easily create a beautiful and engaging onboarding experience with only a few lines of code.

stig/json-framework                        3718
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a light-weight data interchange format that's easy to read and write for humans and computers alike. This framework implements a strict JSON parser and generator in Objective-C. 

mattt/FormatterKit                         3682
`stringWithFormat:` for the sophisticated hacker set

steipete/Aspects                           3674
Delightful, simple library for aspect oriented programming.

xmartlabs/XLForm                           3614
XLForm is the most flexible and powerful iOS library to create dynamic table-view forms. Fully compatible with Swift & Obj-C. 

MortimerGoro/MGSwipeTableCell              3593
An easy to use UITableViewCell subclass that allows to display swippable buttons with a variety of transitions.

tombenner/nui                              3524
Style iOS apps with a stylesheet, similar to CSS

soffes/SSKeychain                          3512
Simple Objective-C wrapper for the keychain that works on Mac and iOS

John-Lluch/SWRevealViewController          3512
A UIViewController subclass for presenting side view controllers inspired on the FaceBook and Wunderlist apps, done right !

nicklockwood/iRate                         3508
A handy class that prompts users of your iPhone or Mac App Store app to rate your application after using it for a while. Similar to Appirater, but with a simpler, cleaner interface and automatic support for iOS fast application switching. 

pkluz/PKRevealController                   3495
PKRevealController (ex. ZUUIRevealController) is a delightful view controller container for iOS, enabling you to present multiple controllers on top of one another.

johnno1962/injectionforxcode               3494
Runtime Code Injection for Objective-C & Swift

fpillet/NSLogger                           3475
A modern, flexible logging tool

robbiehanson/CocoaHTTPServer               3452
A small, lightweight, embeddable HTTP server for Mac OS X or iOS applications

ChenYilong/iOSInterviewQuestions           3416

ColinEberhardt/VCTransitionsLibrary        3391
A collection of iOS7 animation controllers and interaction controllers, providing flip, fold and all kinds of other transitions.

syedhali/EZAudio                           3365
An iOS and OSX audio visualization framework built upon Core Audio useful for anyone doing real-time, low-latency audio processing and visualizations.

FuzzyAutocomplete/FuzzyAutocompletePlugin  3331
A Xcode 5+ plugin that adds more flexible autocompletion rather than just prefix-matching.

tomaz/appledoc                             3309
Objective-c code Apple style documentation set generator.

enormego/EGOTableViewPullRefresh           3298
A similar control to the pull down to refresh control created by atebits in Tweetie 2.

coolbeet/CBStoreHouseRefreshControl        3291
Fully customizable pull-to-refresh control inspired by Storehouse iOS app

vfr/Reader                                 3277
PDF Reader Core for iOS

Jawbone/JBChartView                        3277
iOS-based charting library for both line and bar graphs.

julienXX/terminal-notifier                 3276
Send User Notifications on Mac OS X 10.8 from the command-line.

cruffenach/CRToast                         3274
A modern iOS toast view that can fit your notification needs

kiwi-bdd/Kiwi                              3227
Simple BDD for iOS

MacGapProject/MacGap1                      3226
Desktop WebKit wrapper for HTML/CSS/JS applications.

shu223/iOS8-Sampler                        3214
Code examples for the new features of iOS 8.

mogujie/TeamTalk                           3192
TeamTalk is a solution for enterprise IM

xhzengAIB/MessageDisplayKit                3189
An IM App like WeChat App has to send text, pictures, audio, video, location messaging, managing local address book, share a circle of friends, drifting friends, shake a fun and more interesting features.

facebook/origami                           3179
A Quartz Composer framework that enables interactive design prototyping without programming.

erichoracek/MSDynamicsDrawerViewController 3179
Container view controller that leverages UIKit Dynamics to provide a realistic drawer navigation paradigm.

escoz/QuickDialog                          3169
QuickDialog - Quick and easy dialog screens for iOS

gavinkwoe/BeeFramework                     3139
[Experimental] A semi-hybrid framework that allows you to create mobile apps using Objective-C and XML/CSS

Xcode-Snippets/Objective-C                 3111
A few code snippets from my Xcode arsenal

shadowsocks/shadowsocks-iOS                3104
Removed according to regulations.

nothingmagical/cheddar-ios                 3104
Cheddar for iOS

gotosleep/JASidePanels                     3086
Reveal side ViewControllers similar to Facebook/Path's menu

shu223/iOS7-Sampler                        3048
Code examples for the new features of iOS 7.

yuantiku/YTKNetwork                        2991
YTKNetwork is a high level request util based on AFNetworking.

boctor/idev-recipes                        2967
Open source code for the idevrecipes.com blog

gimenete/iOS-boilerplate                   2943
iOS-app template with lots of common tasks solved

MugunthKumar/MKNetworkKit                  2929
Modern NSURLSession based Networking Framework with built in authentication and HTTP 1.1 caching standards support for iOS 8+ devices

jspahrsummers/libextobjc                   2925
A Cocoa library to extend the Objective-C programming language.

ealeksandrov/EAIntroView                   2892
Highly customizable drop-in solution for introduction views.

layerhq/Atlas-iOS                          2888
Chat and Messaging UI components for iOS, built to work with Layer

ltebean/LTNavigationBar                    2884
UINavigationBar Category which allows you to change its appearance dynamically

tumblr/TMCache                             2865
Fast parallel object cache for iOS and OS X.

gsdios/SDAutoLayout                        2861
One line of code to implement automatic layout.  一行代码搞定自动布局!支持Cell和Tableview高度自适应,Label和ScrollView内容自适应,致力于做最简单易用的AutoLayout库。The most easy way for autoLayout. Based Runtime.Auto Layout .

KnuffApp/Knuff                             2854
The debug application for Apple Push Notification Service (APNs).

omz/ColorSense-for-Xcode                   2844
Plugin for Xcode to make working with colors more visual

mutualmobile/MMWormhole                    2828
Message passing between iOS apps and extensions.

Marxon13/M13ProgressSuite                  2818
A suite containing many tools to display progress information on iOS.

alikaragoz/MCSwipeTableViewCell            2817
:point_up_2: Convenient UITableViewCell subclass that implements a swippable content to trigger actions (similar to the Mailbox app).

fikovnik/ShiftIt                           2796
Managing windows size and position in OSX

ninjinkun/NJKWebViewProgress               2788
UIWebView progress interface

nicklockwood/FXForms                       2786
 FXForms is an Objective-C library for easily creating table-based forms on iOS. It is ideal for settings pages, or user data entry tasks.

rentzsch/mogenerator                       2761
Core Data code generation

honcheng/PaperFold-for-iOS                 2741
Paper folding animation for iOS

romaonthego/REFrostedViewController        2723
iOS 7/8 style blurred view controller that appears on top of your view controller.

twitter/twui                               2712
A UI framework for Mac based on Core Animation

sparkle-project/Sparkle                    2701
A software update framework for OS X

google/EarlGrey                            2685
iOS UI Automation Test Framework

chiahsien/CHTCollectionViewWaterfallLayout 2631
The waterfall (i.e., Pinterest-like) layout for UICollectionView.

PostgresApp/PostgresApp                    2621
The easiest way to get started with PostgreSQL on the Mac

radiant-player/radiant-player-mac          2615
Turn Google Play Music into a separate, beautiful application that integrates with your Mac.

bennyguitar/Colours                        2607
A beautiful set of predefined colors and a set of color methods to make your iOS/OSX development life easier.

futuretap/InAppSettingsKit                 2600
This iOS framework allows settings to be in-app in addition to or instead of being in the Settings app.

0xced/iOS-Artwork-Extractor                2559
Extract iOS artwork and emoji symbols into png files, generate glossy buttons png files

forkingdog/FDFullscreenPopGesture          2554
A UINavigationController's category to enable fullscreen pop gesture with iOS7+ system style.

yapstudios/YapDatabase                     2546
YapDatabase is an extensible database for iOS & Mac.

jaydee3/JDStatusBarNotification            2511
[iOS] Easy, customizable notifications displayed on top of the statusbar.

rsms/kod                                   2470
Programmers' editor for OS X [DEAD PROJECT]

button/DeepLinkKit                         2459
A splendid route-matching, block-based way to handle your deep links.

telly/TLYShyNavBar                         2455
Unlike all those arrogant UINavigationBar, this one is shy and humble! Easily create auto-scrolling navigation bars!

Yalantis/FoldingTabBar.iOS                 2453
Folding Tab Bar and Tab Bar Controller

AlanQuatermain/AQGridView                  2452
A grid view for iPhone/iPad, designed to look similar to NSCollectionView.

m1entus/MZFormSheetController              2443
MZFormSheetController provides an alternative to the native iOS UIModalPresentationFormSheet, adding support for iPhone and additional opportunities to setup controller size and feel form sheet.

TheAmazingAudioEngine/TheAmazingAudioEngine 2421
Core Audio, Cordially: A sophisticated framework for iOS audio applications, built so you don't have to.

steipete/PSTCollectionView                 2419
Open Source, 100% API compatible replacement of UICollectionView for iOS4.3+

BigZaphod/Chameleon                        2409
Chameleon is a port of Apple's UIKit for iOS (and some minimal related frameworks) to Mac OS X.

bryankeller/BLKFlexibleHeightBar           2404
Create condensing header bars like those seen in the Facebook, Square Cash, and Safari iOS apps.

jhurray/JHChainableAnimations              2400
Easy to read and write chainable animations in Objective-C

victorBaro/VBFPopFlatButton                2381
Flat button with 9 different states using POP

Sumi-Interactive/SIAlertView               2376
An UIAlertView replacement with block syntax and fancy transition styles.

360Controller/360Controller                2353
TattieBogle Xbox 360 Driver (with improvements)

sprang/Inkpad                              2353
Vector illustration app for the iPad.

swisspol/GCDWebServer                      2352
Lightweight GCD based HTTP server for OS X & iOS (includes web based uploader & WebDAV server)

qfish/XAlign                               2350
An amazing Xcode plugin to align regular code. it can align Xnything in any way you want.

jimbojsb/launchrocket                      2344
A Mac PrefPane to manage all your Homebrew-installed services

gmoledina/GMGridView                       2336
A performant Grid-View for iOS (iPhone/iPad) that allows sorting of views with gestures (the user can move the items with his finger to sort them) and pinching/rotating/panning gestures allow the user to play with the view and toggle from the cellview to a fullsize display.

Nyx0uf/NYXImagesKit                        2333
A set of efficient categories for UIImage class. It allows filtering, resizing, masking, rotating, enhancing... and more.

chrismiles/CMPopTipView                    2318
Custom UIView for iOS that pops up an animated "bubble" pointing at a button or other view. Useful for popup tips.

joeldev/JLRoutes                           2298
URL routing library for iOS with a simple block-based API

mrackwitz/MRProgress                       2282
Collection of iOS drop-in components to visualize progress

AliSoftware/OHHTTPStubs                    2275
Stub your network requests easily! Test your apps with fake network data and custom response time, response code and headers!

TransitApp/SVWebViewController             2262
A drop-in inline browser for your iOS app.

pinterest/PINRemoteImage                   2243
A thread safe, performant, feature rich image fetcher

travisjeffery/ClangFormat-Xcode            2243
Xcode plug-in to to use clang-format from in Xcode and consistently format your code with Clang

HeshamMegid/HMSegmentedControl             2227
A drop-in replacement for UISegmentedControl mimicking the style of the segmented control used in Google Currents and various other Google products.

SVGKit/SVGKit                              2223
Display and interact with SVG Images on iOS / OS X, using native rendering (CoreAnimation)

kattrali/cocoapods-xcode-plugin            2210
Dependency management helper for your CocoaPods, right in Xcode

jverkoey/iOS-Framework                     2197
How to create, develop, and distribute iOS Static Frameworks quickly and efficiently

domesticcatsoftware/DCIntrospect           2186
Small library of visual debugging tools for iOS.

bitstadium/HockeyKit                       2178
A software update kit for iOS and Android. Provided as is. For more functionality and maintained work, check out @hockeyapp

omnigroup/OmniGroup                        2175
Source for many of The Omni Group's frameworks

zhxnlai/ZLSwipeableView                    2166
A simple view for building card like interface inspired by Tinder and Potluck.

mwaterfall/MWFeedParser                    2152
An Objective-C RSS / Atom Feed Parser for iOS

twitter/CocoaSPDY                          2149
SPDY for iOS and OS X

romaonthego/REMenu                         2147
Dropdown menu inspired by Vine.

Boris-Em/BEMSimpleLineGraph                2147
Elegant Line Graphs for iOS. (Charting library)

ShareKit/ShareKit                          2146
Drop in sharing features for all iPhone and iPad apps

tonsky/AnyBar                              2133
OS X menubar status indicator

rickytan/RTImageAssets                     2132
A Xcode plugin to automatically generate @2x, @1x image from @3x image for you, or upscale to @3x from @2x

phoboslab/Ejecta                           2126
A Fast, Open Source JavaScript, Canvas & Audio Implementation for iOS

mstarke/MacPass                            2124
A native OS X KeePass client 

fitztrev/shuttle                           2122
A simple SSH shortcut menu for OS X

nicklockwood/SwipeView                     2097
SwipeView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of horizontal, paged scrolling views on iOS. It is based on a UIScrollView, but adds convenient functionality such as a UITableView-style dataSource/delegate interface for loading views dynamically, and efficient view loading, unloading and recycling.

rnystrom/RNFrostedSidebar                  2094
A Control Center-esque control with blurred background and toggle animations.

brunophilipe/Cakebrew                      2094
Manage your Homebrew formulas with style using Cakebrew.

ibireme/YYWebImage                         2092
Asynchronous image loading framework.

supermarin/ObjectiveSugar                  2071
ObjectiveC additions for humans. Ruby style.

buzzfeed/Sketch-Toolbox                    2066
A plugin manager for Sketch.app

gsdios/SDCycleScrollView                   2056
Autoscroll Banner.   “iOS第一图片轮播器”     无限循环图片轮播器。

andreamazz/AMWaveTransition                2054
Custom transition between viewcontrollers holding tableviews

cwRichardKim/RKNotificationHub             2051
Make any UIView a full fledged notification center

dsxNiubility/SXNews                        2042
High imitation Neteasy News. (include list,detail,photoset,weather,feedback)

100apps/openshare                          2039

ChenYilong/CYLTabBarController             2036

ParsePlatform/Parse-SDK-iOS-OSX            2034
Parse SDK for iOS/OS X/watchOS/tvOS

steipete/PSStackedView                     2027
open source implementation of Twitter/iPad stacked ui - done right.

core-plot/core-plot                        2026
Core Plot source code and example applications

JagCesar/iOS-blur                          2025
Blur a UIView

ArtSabintsev/Harpy                         2025
Notify users when a new version of your iOS app is available, and prompt them with the App Store link.

AgileBits/onepassword-app-extension        2024
1Password Extension for iOS Apps

modocache/MDCSwipeToChoose                 2019
Swipe to "like" or "dislike" any view, just like Tinder.app. Build a flashcard app, a photo viewer, and more, in minutes, not hours!

qvacua/vimr                                2008
Project VimR — Refined Vim experience for OS X

krzysztofzablocki/KZPlayground             2004
Playgrounds for Objective-C (also Swift)

EvgenyKarkan/EKAlgorithms                  1991
EKAlgorithms contains some well known CS algorithms & data structures.

leah/PullToRefresh                         1985
A simple iPhone TableViewController for adding pull-to-refresh functionality.

myell0w/MTStatusBarOverlay                 1980
A custom iOS status bar overlay seen in Apps like Reeder, Evernote and Google Mobile App

quicksilver/Quicksilver                    1978
Quicksilver Mac OS X Project Source

relatedcode/EncryptedChat                  1957
This is a full native iPhone app to create realtime, text based group or private chat with Parse and Firebase.

kishikawakatsumi/UICKeyChainStore          1957
UICKeyChainStore is a simple wrapper for Keychain on iOS. Makes using Keychain APIs as easy as NSUserDefaults.

TheLevelUp/ZXingObjC                       1954
An Objective-C Port of ZXing

ioscreator/ioscreator                      1941
Tutorials from ioscreator.com

rsms/fb-mac-messenger                      1938
⚡️ Mac app wrapping Facebook's Messenger for desktop

ChatSecure/ChatSecure-iOS                  1937
ChatSecure is a free and open source encrypted chat client for iPhone and Android that supports OTR encryption over XMPP.

dogo/SCLAlertView                          1935
Beautiful animated Alert View. Written in Swift but ported to Objective-C

timburks/nu                                1933
Nu is an interpreted Lisp that builds on the Objective-C runtime and Foundation framework.

zoonooz/ZFDragableModalTransition          1931
Custom animation transition for present modal view controller

MugunthKumar/MKStoreKit                    1925
The "Goto" In App Purchases Framework for iOS 8+

jaredsinclair/JTSImageViewController       1924
An interactive iOS image viewer that does it all: double tap to zoom, flick to dismiss, et cetera.

romaonthego/RETableViewManager             1922
Powerful data driven content manager for UITableView.

omz/AppSales-Mobile                        1920
App Sales allows iPhone and Mac App Store developers to download and analyze their daily and weekly sales reports from iTunes Connect.

topfunky/hpple                             1913
An XML/HTML parser for Objective-C, inspired by Hpricot.

matt-curtis/Fluid-for-Sketch               1905
[Sketch Plugin] Sketch-flavored Auto Layout-like Constraints

leichunfeng/MVVMReactiveCocoa              1904
GitBucket iOS App

ChenYilong/ParseSourceCodeStudy            1903

gh-unit/gh-unit                            1903
Test Framework for Objective-C

overshare/overshare-kit                    1887
A soup-to-nuts sharing library for iOS.

HansPinckaers/GrowingTextView              1887
An UITextView which grows/shrinks with the text and starts scrolling when the content reaches a certain number of lines. Similar to the one Apple uses in the SMS-app. See blog-post for a small screencast.

stonesam92/ChitChat                        1882
A native Mac app wrapper for WhatsApp Web

ideashower/ShareKit                        1879
Drop in sharing features for all iPhone and iPad apps

rFlex/SCRecorder                           1869
iOS camera engine with Vine-like tap to record, animatable filters, slow motion, segments editing

mpospese/MPFoldTransition                  1866
Easily add custom folding and page-flipping transitions to UIViews and UIViewControllers

PrideChung/FontAwesomeKit                  1866
Icon font library for iOS. Currently supports Font-Awesome, Foundation icons, Zocial, and ionicons.

mattt/GroundControl                        1866
Remote configuration for iOS

mattt/Ono                                  1864
A sensible way to deal with XML & HTML for iOS & OS X

oarrabi/OAStackView                        1860
Porting UIStackView to iOS 7+

sobri909/MGBoxKit                          1856
Simple, quick iOS tables, grids, and more

sequelpro/sequelpro                        1856
MySQL database management for Mac OS X

ideaismobile/IDMPhotoBrowser               1849
Photo Browser / Viewer inspired by Facebook's and Tweetbot's with ARC support, swipe-to-dismiss, image progress and more

alexbw/novocaine                           1846
Painless high-performance audio on iOS and Mac OS X

jonathantribouharet/JTCalendar             1844
A customizable calendar view for iOS.

facebook/ios-snapshot-test-case            1841
Snapshot view unit tests for iOS

shaojiankui/iOS-Categories                 1841
iOS Objective-C Category, a collection of useful Objective-C Categories extending iOS Frameworks such as Foundation,UIKit,CoreData,QuartzCore,CoreLocation,MapKit Etc.

Draveness/DKNightVersion                   1840
Manage Colors, Integrate Night/Multiple Themes

forkingdog/FDStackView                     1835
Use UIStackView directly in iOS6+

douban/DOUAudioStreamer                    1833
A Core Audio based streaming audio player for iOS/Mac

appsquickly/Typhoon                        1826
Poweful dependency injection for iOS & OSX (Objective-C & Swift)

Sephiroth87/ODRefreshControl               1824
A pull down to refresh control like the one in Apple's iOS6 Mail App

nicolaschengdev/WYPopoverController        1809
WYPopoverController is for the presentation of content in popover on iPhone / iPad devices. Very customizable.

Yalantis/Pull-to-Refresh.Rentals-iOS       1795
This project aims to provide a simple and customizable pull to refresh implementation. Made in Yalantis

SelfControlApp/selfcontrol                 1794
:skull: Mac app to block your own access to distracting websites etc for a predetermined period of time. It can not be undone by the app or by a restart – you must wait for the timer to run out.

XcodeGhostSource/XcodeGhost                1790
"XcodeGhost" Source

typcn/bilibili-mac-client                  1788
An unofficial bilibili client for mac

youknowone/UI7Kit                          1779
Backport flat-style UIKit from iOS7 to iOS5+

danielamitay/DACircularProgress            1774
DACircularProgress is a UIView subclass with circular UIProgressView properties.

tomknig/TOMSMorphingLabel                  1766
Configurable morphing transitions between text values of a label.

pkyeck/socket.IO-objc                      1759
socket.io v0.7.2 — 0.9.x for iOS and OS X

scalessec/Toast                            1749
An Objective-C category that adds toast notifications to the UIView object class.

robb/RBBAnimation                          1743
Block-based animations made easy, comes with easing functions and a CASpringAnimation replacement.

nnhubbard/ZSSRichTextEditor                1742
A beautiful rich text WYSIWYG editor for iOS with a syntax highlighted source view

mariohahn/MHVideoPhotoGallery              1738
A Photo and Video Gallery 

kolyvan/kxmovie                            1738
movie player for iOS using ffmpeg

shu223/AnimatedTransitionGallery           1734
A gallery app of custom animated transitions for iOS.

ChristianKienle/Core-Data-Editor           1721
Core Data Editor lets you easily view, edit and analyze applications‘ data. Core Data Editor is compatible with Mac and iOS applications and supports XML, SQLite and binary stores, visualizes all relationships and is able to edit the data and generate Objective-C code for the data model.

pieter/gitx                                1713
A gitk clone for OS X

nst/RuntimeBrowser                         1709
Objective-C Runtime Browser, for Mac OS X and iOS

Spaceman-Labs/SMPageControl                1703
A drop in replacement for UIPageControl with a slew of additional customization options.

specta/specta                              1699
A light-weight TDD / BDD framework for Objective-C & Cocoa

MengTo/DesignerNewsApp                     1695
Build a Swift App as a designer

0xced/XCDYouTubeKit                        1692
YouTube video player for iOS, tvOS and OS X

mattt/CargoBay                             1689
The Essential StoreKit Companion

nicklockwood/iVersion                      1669
Library for dynamically checking for updates to Mac/iPhone App Store apps from within the application and notifying users about the new release. Can also notify users about new features in the app the first time they launch after an upgrade.

panicinc/PunchClock                        1666
An in/out tracking app for iOS 7+ that uses iBeacon and Geofencing.

erichoracek/MSCollectionViewCalendarLayout 1659
UICollectionViewLayout for displaying cells chronologically. Similar to the iOS Calendar app.

Haneke/Haneke                              1652
A lightweight zero-config image cache for iOS, in Objective-C.

ibireme/YYModel                            1651
High performance model framework for iOS/OSX.

dustturtle/RealReachability                1650
We need to observe the REAL reachability of network. That's what RealReachability do.

kentnguyen/KNSemiModalViewController       1648

intentkit/IntentKit                        1639
An easier way to handle third-party URL schemes in iOS apps.

intuit/LocationManager                     1634
Easily get the device's current location on iOS.

krzysztofzablocki/KZBootstrap              1626
iOS project bootstrap aimed at high quality coding.

puls/objc-TimesSquare                      1625
TimesSquare is an Objective-C calendar view for your apps.

ylechelle/OpenUDID                         1620
[OpenUDID IS NOW DEPRECATED] Open source initiative for a universal and persistent UDID solution for iOS

facebook/FBMemoryProfiler                  1616
iOS tool that helps with profiling iOS Memory usage.

prasmussen/chrome-cli                      1610
Control Google Chrome from the command line

Simbul/baker                               1607
The HTML5 ebook framework to publish interactive books & magazines on iPad & iPhone using simply open web standards 

terryworona/TWMessageBarManager            1601
An iOS manager for presenting system-wide notifications via a dropdown message bar.

ZhongTaoTian/WNXHuntForCity                1599

mattgallagher/AudioStreamer                1595
A streaming audio player class (AudioStreamer) for Mac OS X and iPhone.

coteditor/CotEditor                        1594
Lightweight Plain-Text Editor for OS X

cwRichardKim/TinderSimpleSwipeCards        1586
the basics of a Tinder-like swipeable cards interface based off of http://guti.in/articles/creating-tinder-like-animations/

gobackspaces/DLCImagePickerController      1585
ImagePickerController with live filters, radial blur and more. Brought to you by Backspaces.

octokit/octokit.objc                       1579
GitHub API client for Objective-C

scrod/nv                                   1575
Notational Velocity: modeless, mouseless Mac OS X note-taking application

luisobo/Nocilla                            1573
Testing HTTP requests has never been easier. Nocilla: Stunning HTTP stubbing for iOS and Mac OS X.

danielamitay/DAKeyboardControl             1572
DAKeyboardControl adds keyboard awareness and scrolling dismissal (ala iMessages app) to any view with only 1 line of code.

bitstadium/QuincyKit                       1572
Live crash report management for iOS and Mac OS X. AppStore ready on iOS only!

square/Valet                               1571
Valet lets you securely store data in the iOS or OS X Keychain without knowing a thing about how the Keychain works. It’s easy. We promise.

nmattisson/DropdownMenu                    1565
DropdownMenu is an iOS navigation controller using a Container View, storyboards and segues.

alexdrone/ios-fontawesome                  1557

xyfeng/XYPieChart                          1555
A simple and animated Pie Chart for your iOS app.

YouXianMing/YoCelsius                      1555
A weather app that uses animation to give you an at-a-glance look at the weather.

marcoarment/FCModel                        1544
An alternative to Core Data for people who like having direct SQL access.

DeskConnect/SBShortcutMenuSimulator        1543
3D Touch shortcuts in the Simulator

mattgemmell/MGSplitViewController          1538
A flexible, advanced split-view controller for iPad developers.

JonasGessner/JGProgressHUD                 1537
Modern and extensive Apple-style progress HUD for iOS.

graphsketcher/GraphSketcher                1533
A fast, simple graph drawing and data plotting app for OS X and iPad.

fpt-software/Material-Controls-For-iOS     1530
Many Google Material Design Controls for iOS native application

singro/v2ex                                1529
An iOS client for v2ex.com

rentzsch/jrswizzle                         1522
one-stop-shop for all your method swizzling needs

ericjohnson/canabalt-ios                   1520
Open source release of Canabalt for iOS

cparnot/ASCIImage                          1509
Create UIImage / NSImage instances with NSString and ASCII art

JohnCoates/CSSketch                        1508
Plugin that adds CSS support to Sketch 3 for a faster design workflow.

NYTimes/NYTPhotoViewer                     1508
A modern photo viewing experience for iOS.

B-Sides/ELCImagePickerController           1507
A clone of the UIImagePickerController using the Assets Library Framework allowing for multiple asset selection

sprang/Brushes                             1507
Painting app for the iPhone and iPad.

chiunam/CTAssetsPickerController           1503
iOS control that allows picking multiple photos and videos from user's photo library.

AliSoftware/OHAttributedLabel              1500
UILabel that supports NSAttributedString

maciekish/iReSign                          1495
iReSign allows iDevice app bundles (.ipa) files to be signed or resigned with a digital certificate from Apple for distribution. This tool is aimed at enterprises users, for enterprise deployment, when the person signing the app is different than the person(s) developing it.

trawor/XToDo                               1495
Xcode plugin to collect and list the `TODO`,`FIXME`,`???`,`!!!!`

12207480/TYAttributedLabel                 1492
TYAttributedLabel 简单,强大的属性文本控件(无需了解CoreText),支持图文混排显示,支持添加链接,image和UIView控件,支持自定义排版显示

ashfurrow/C-41                             1485
C-41 is an application to help people develop film at home by providing a series of "recipes" for photographers to use.

robbdimitrov/RDVTabBarController           1480
Highly customizable tabBar and tabBarController for iOS

Coding/Coding-iOS                          1472
Coding iOS 客户端源代码 

noodlewerk/NWPusher                        1465
OS X and iOS application and framework to play with the Apple Push Notification service (APNs)

robb/Underscore.m                          1462
A DSL for Data Manipulation

smileyborg/UIView-AutoLayout               1459
Deprecated in favor of PureLayout, which includes OS X support:

shinydevelopment/SimulatorStatusMagic      1456
Clean up your status bar for taking screenshots on the iOS simulator.

IFTTT/FastttCamera                         1451
Fasttt and easy camera framework for iOS with customizable filters

coolnameismy/BabyBluetooth                 1450
:baby: The easiest way to use Bluetooth (BLE )in ios/os ,even bady can use . 一个非常容易使用的蓝牙库,适用于ios和os

rsms/peertalk                              1449
iOS and Mac Cocoa library for communicating over USB

ParsePlatform/Anypic                       1444
An open source mobile and web app that lets users share photos similar to Instagram

piemonte/PBJVision                         1441
iOS camera engine, features touch-to-record video, slow motion, and photo capture

gpambrozio/BlockAlertsAnd-ActionSheets     1440
Beautifully done UIAlertView and UIActionSheet replacements inspired by TweetBot

MatthewYork/MYBlurIntroductionView         1438
A super-charged version of MYIntroductionView for building custom app introductions and tutorials.

EddyBorja/EBPhotoPages                     1435
A photo gallery for iOS with a modern feature set. Similar features as the Facebook photo browser.

cezarywojcik/CWStatusBarNotification       1431
A library that allows you to easily create text-based notifications that appear on the status bar.

omz/Dash-Plugin-for-Xcode                  1430
Plugin for Xcode to integrate the Dash documentation viewer app

36Kr-Mobile/KRVideoPlayer                  1429

kconner/KMCGeigerCounter                   1428
A framerate meter that clicks like a Geiger counter when your animation drops a frame

floriankugler/FLKAutoLayout                1424
UIView category which makes it easy to create layout constraints in code

brow/leaves                                1422
A page-turning interface for iOS apps

renzifeng/ZFPlayer                         1418
Based on AVPlayer, support for the horizontal screen, vertical screen (full screen playback can also lock the screen direction), the upper and lower slide to adjust the volume, the screen brightness, or so slide to adjust the playback progress.基于AVPlayer,支持横屏、竖屏(全屏播放还可锁定屏幕方向),上下滑动调节音量、屏幕亮度,左右滑动调节播放进度。 

kevinlawler/NSDate-TimeAgo                 1417
A "time ago", "time since", "relative date", or "fuzzy date" category for NSDate and iOS, Objective-C, Cocoa Touch, iPhone, iPad

jamztang/JTGestureBasedTableViewDemo       1414
(demo) Recreating the buttonless interaction pattern found in Clear for iPhone app

lxcid/LXReorderableCollectionViewFlowLayout 1413
Extends `UICollectionViewFlowLayout` to support reordering of cells. Similar to long press and pan on books in iBook.

honcheng/iOSPlot                           1412
Chart library for iOS

dzenbot/DZNSegmentedControl                1410
A drop-in replacement for UISegmentedControl for showing counts, to be used typically on a user profile

facebook/FBRetainCycleDetector             1407
iOS library to help detecting retain cycles in runtime.

Yalantis/Context-Menu.iOS                  1405
You can easily add awesome animated context menu to your app.

orta/ARAnalytics                           1393
Simplify your iOS/Mac analytics

yackle/CLImageEditor                       1391

objccn/articles                            1387
Articles for objccn.io. objc.io的完整、准确、优雅的中文翻译版本

alskipp/ASValueTrackingSlider              1386
A UISlider subclass that displays the slider value in a popup view

tapwork/HeapInspector-for-iOS              1385
Find memory issues & leaks in your iOS app without instruments

Augustyniak/RATreeView                     1382
RATreeView provides you a great support to display the tree structures on iOS.

kevin0571/STPopup                          1379
STPopup provides STPopupController, which works just like UINavigationController in form sheet/bottom sheet style, for both iPhone and iPad.

WenchaoD/FSCalendar                        1378
A superiorly awesome iOS7+ calendar control, compatible with both Objective-C and Swift2

liyong03/YLGIFImage                        1377
Async GIF image decoder and Image viewer supporting play GIF images. It just use very less memory.

impeterstone/PSCollectionView              1373
A simple open source implementation of a Pinterest Pinboard for iOS

ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveViewModel            1370
Model-View-ViewModel, using ReactiveCocoa

EnjoySR/ESJsonFormat-Xcode                 1369

johnil/VVeboTableViewDemo                  1366

jmascia/KLCPopup                           1365
A simple and flexible class for presenting custom views as a popup in iOS.

kolyvan/kxmenu                             1360
KxMenu is a vertical popup menu for using in iOS applications

overboming/ZCAnimatedLabel                 1359
UILabel replacement with fine-grain appear/disappear animation

Aufree/ESTMusicPlayer                      1355
An elegant and simple iOS music player.

panicinc/ColorArt                          1354
iTunes 11-style color matching code

hyperoslo/Form                             1353
The most flexible and powerful way to build a form on iOS

artsy/eigen                                1352
The Art World in Your Pocket or Your Trendy Tech Company's Tote, Artsy's iOS app.

KittenYang/KYGooeyMenu                     1350
A not bad gooey effects menu.

Raizlabs/RZTransitions                     1348
A library of custom iOS View Controller Animations and Interactions.

andreamazz/AMPopTip                        1344
An animated popover that pops out a given frame, great for subtle UI tips and onboarding.

zpz1237/NirZhihuDaily2.0                   1342

macoscope/CodePilot                        1342
Code Pilot is an Xcode plugin which lets you woosh through your code and save a lot (and we mean a *lot*) of your time.

danielamitay/iHasApp                       1339
The iHasApp iOS Framework allows you to detect installed apps on a user's device.

atomicobject/objection                     1338
A lightweight dependency injection framework for Objective-C

bendytree/Objective-C-RegEx-Categories     1326
NSRegularExpression extensions that make regular expressions easier in Objective-C, Swift, iOS, OSX

JVillella/JVFloatingDrawer                 1326
An easy to use floating drawer view controller.

Codeux-Software/Textual                    1325
Textual is an IRC client for OS X

lanayotech/vagrant-manager                 1324
Manage your vagrant machines in one place with Vagrant Manager for OS X

node-app/Interpreter                       1321
Node.js Interpreter for iOS 7

IFTTT/jot                                  1320
An iOS framework for easily adding drawings and text to images.

facebook/FBSimulatorControl                1316
A Mac OS X library for managing and manipulating iOS Simulators

fastred/MotionBlur                         1313
MotionBlur allows you to add motion blur effect to iOS animations.

mmattozzi/cocoa-rest-client                1312
A free, native Apple OS X app for testing HTTP/REST endpoints

klazuka/Kal                                1305
A calendar component for the iPhone (the UI is designed to match MobileCal)

cwRichardKim/RKSwipeBetweenViewControllers 1304
Swipe between ViewControllers like in the Spotify or Twitter app with an interactive Segmented Control in the Navigation Bar

njdehoog/NHBalancedFlowLayout              1302
UICollectionViewLayout subclass for displaying items of different sizes in a grid without wasting any visual space. Inspired by: http://www.crispymtn.com/stories/the-algorithm-for-a-perfectly-balanced-photo-gallery

shu223/PulsingHalo                         1299
iOS Component for creating a pulsing animation.

esilverberg/ios-image-filters              1298
photoshop-style filter interface for UIImage class on iOS to make instagram-style images

marcoarment/BugshotKit                     1295
iOS in-app bug reporting for developers and testers, with annotated screenshots and the console log.

uzysjung/UzysAnimatedGifPullToRefresh      1294
Add PullToRefresh using animated GIF to any scrollView with just simple code

shinobicontrols/iOS7-day-by-day            1293
Repo containing the sample projects associated with the iOS7 Day-by-Day blog series

vicpenap/PrettyKit                         1293
PrettyKit for iOS is a small set of new widgets and UIKit subclasses that gives you a deeper UIKit customization. You will be able to change their background color, add gradients, shadows, etc. 

samvermette/SVSegmentedControl             1291
A UISwitch-like segmented control for your iOS app.

viki-org/VKVideoPlayer                     1289
VKVideoPlayer is the same battle tested video player used in our Viki iOS App enjoyed by millions of users all around the world.

aryaxt/iOS-Slide-Menu                      1285
iOS Slide Menu with ability to add both left and right menu, and built in gesture recognizer. Similar to Path and Facebook

rnystrom/RNGridMenu                        1282
A grid menu with elastic layout, depth of field, and realistic animation.

jivesoftware/PDTSimpleCalendar             1280
A simple Calendar / Date Picker for iOS using UICollectionView

ZhipingYang/UUChatTableView                1277
Cocoa UI component for group or private chat bubbles with text, images and audio support

atebits/SimFinger                          1275
Screencasting for iPhone

marvelapp/FancyTabBar                      1270
An expandable and customisable tabbar for iOS

erica/uidevice-extension                   1267
Add functionality to UIDevice to distinguish between platforms like iPod touch 1G and 2G and iPhone

drewmccormack/ensembles                    1267
A synchronization framework for Core Data.

supermarin/ObjectiveRecord                 1265
ActiveRecord-like API for CoreData

thoughtbot/Tropos                          1265
Weather and Forecasts for Humans

capttaco/Briefs                            1264
Framework for iPhone wireframes

SamRothCA/Today-Scripts                    1261
A widget for running scripts in the Today View in OS X Yosemite's Notification Center

carsonperrotti/CNPPopupController          1260
CNPPopupController is a simple and versatile class for presenting a custom popup in a variety of fashions. It includes a many options for controlling how your popup appears and behaves.

jamztang/JTRevealSidebarDemo               1259
(demo) A carefully implemented iOS objective-c library to mimic the sidebar layout of the new Facebook app and Path 2.0 app.

card-io/card.io-iOS-SDK                    1259
card.io provides fast, easy credit card scanning in mobile apps

gekitz/UIDevice-with-UniqueIdentifier-for-iOS-5 1258
Brings back the unique identifier support under iOS 5, it uses the device's mac address in combination with the bundle identifier to generate a new hashed unique identifier.

route-me/route-me                          1252
Open source map library for iOS

mixi-inc/iOSTraining                       1246
Training course repository for iOS app development

whomwah/qlstephen                          1245
A QuickLook plugin that lets you view plain text files without a file extension

moredip/Frank                              1244
Automated acceptance tests for native iOS apps

choefele/CCHMapClusterController           1244
High-performance map clustering with MapKit for iOS and OS X. Integrate with 4 lines of code.

livereload/LiveReload                      1240
LiveReload.app for Mac and Windows. See “develop” branch for the latest Windows release and LiveReload 3 progress. (NOTE: renamed from LiveReload2.)

erikdoe/ocmock                             1237
Mock objects for Objective-C

quartermaster/DB5                          1228

werner77/WEPopover                         1227
Generic popover implementation for iOS with same API as the UIPopoverController for the iPad, but configurable with custom background and available for iPhone as well.

yuantiku/YTKKeyValueStore                  1227
A simple Key-Value storage tool, using Sqlite as backend.

honcheng/RTLabel                           1226
simple rich text display for iOS using html-like markups

zipme/RQShineLabel                         1225
Secret app like text animation

pdcgomes/XCActionBar                       1221
"Alfred for Xcode" plugin

LeoNatan/LNPopupController                 1220
LNPopupController is a framework for presenting view controllers as popups of other view controllers, much like the Apple Music and Podcasts apps.

sebastienwindal/FRDLivelyButton            1210

mikefrederick/MFSideMenu                   1206
Facebook-like side menu for iOS

rs/SDSegmentedControl                      1206
A drop-in remplacement for UISegmentedControl that mimic iOS 6 AppStore tab controls

CharlinFeng/CorePhotoBroswerVC             1205

mayuur/MJParallaxCollectionView            1202
This is a parallax for the cells inside UICollectionView. It gives us an effect just like scrolling the images in Whatsapp or scrolling through the Weather app for iOS

specta/expecta                             1202
A Matcher Framework for Objective-C/Cocoa

mdznr/What-s-New                           1201
Easily present the latest changes and features to your users on app updates.

mattgemmell/MGTwitterEngine                1200
Objective-C Twitter integration library for Mac OS X and iPhone. Official repository.

Ciechan/BCGenieEffect                      1198
An OSX style genie effect inside your iOS app.

lookingstars/meituan                       1196

wimagguc/ios-custom-alertview              1195
Custom UIAlertView. Continue adding images and UIViews to dialogs on iOS7 and iOS8 as well.

mtonio91/AMSmoothAlert                     1195
Cool AlertView

iziz/libPhoneNumber-iOS                    1191
iOS port from libphonenumber (Google's phone number handling library)

robertwijas/UISS                           1189
UIAppearance Stylesheets

MoZhouqi/KMNavigationBarTransition         1189
A drop-in universal library helps you to manage the navigation bar styles and makes transition animations smooth between different navigation bar styles while pushing or popping a view controller for all orientations. And you don't need to write any line of code for it, it all happens automatically.

Alterplay/APAddressBook                    1188
Easy access to iOS address book

callumboddy/CBZSplashView                  1177
Twitter style Splash Screen View. Grows to reveal the Initial view behind

fphilipe/PHFComposeBarView                 1176
Compose bar from iOS 7 Messages.app

newmarcel/KeepingYouAwake                  1173
A Caffeine clone for OS X Yosemite and El Capitan (including Dark Mode).

recruit-mp/RMPZoomTransitionAnimator       1173
A custom zooming transition animation for UIViewController

enormego/EGOCache                          1172
Fast Caching for Objective-C (iPhone & Mac Compatible)

terminatorover/RGCardViewLayout            1169
This is a layout that clones the interaction of going through city "cards" in the City Guide App. (this app is #3 for the top iOS app animations on the raywenderlich

AlexeyBelezeko/TBIconTransitionKit         1169
TBIconTransitionKit is an easy to use icon transition kit that allows to smoothly change from one shape to another.

cbpowell/MarqueeLabel                      1169
A drop-in replacement for UILabel, which automatically adds a scrolling marquee effect when the label's text will not fit inside the specified frame.

defagos/CoconutKit                         1168
CoconutKit is a productivity framework for iOS, crafted with love and focusing on ease of use

danielebogo/DBCamera                       1168
DBCamera is a simple custom camera with AVFoundation

comyarzaheri/Sol                           1167
:sunny: Sol° beautifully displays weather information so you can plan your day accordingly. Check the weather in your current location or any city around the world. Implemented in Objective-C.

benoitsan/BBUncrustifyPlugin-Xcode         1166
Xcode plugin to format source code using ClangFormat or Uncrustify

tmdvs/TDBadgedCell                         1165
TDBadgedCell is a UITableViewCell subclass that adds badges, to table view cells. It's highly customisable, allowing you to alter the badge colours, shape, and positioning.

kean/DFImageManager                        1163
Image loading, processing, caching and preheating

questbeat/QBImagePicker                    1162
A clone of UIImagePickerController with multiple selection support.

mikeash/MAObjCRuntime                      1158
ObjC wrapper for ObjC runtime API

Hammerspoon/hammerspoon                    1156
Staggeringly powerful OS X desktop automation with Lua

ra1028/RACollectionViewReorderableTripletLayout 1155
The custom collectionView layout that can perform reordering of cells by dragging it.

YouXianMing/Animations                     1155
The Animation Collection.

groue/GRMustache                           1155
Flexible and production-ready Mustache templates for MacOS Cocoa and iOS

tumtumtum/StreamingKit                     1150
A fast and extensible gapless AudioPlayer/AudioStreamer for OSX and iOS (iPhone, iPad)

ridiculousfish/HexFiend                    1150
A fast and clever hex editor for Mac OS X

Shopify/superdb                            1149
The Super Debugger, a realtime wireless debugger for iOS

gsdios/GSD_WeiXin                          1148

kharrison/CodeExamples                     1147
Code Examples

nfarina/calloutview                        1146
A lightweight callout view class for iOS mimicking UICalloutView.

github/Rebel                               1144
Cocoa framework for improving AppKit

ldandersen/scifihifi-iphone                1143
Open source iPhone code

ruslanskorb/RSKImageCropper                1139
An image cropper / photo cropper for iOS like in the Contacts app with support for landscape orientation.

Boris-Em/BEMCheckBox                       1139
Tasteful Checkbox for iOS. (Check box)

keycastr/keycastr                          1134
KeyCastr, an open-source keystroke visualizer

tdginternet/TGCameraViewController         1130
Custom camera with AVFoundation. Beautiful, light and easy to integrate with iOS projects.

hebertialmeida/HAPaperViewController       1130
UICollectionView with layout transitions inspired by Facebook Paper App

clayallsopp/routable-ios                   1129
Routable, an in-app native URL router, for iOS

dzenbot/DZNPhotoPickerController           1127
A photo search/picker for iOS using popular image providers like 500px, Flickr, Instagram, Giphy, Google & Bing Images

gontovnik/DGActivityIndicatorView          1125
DGActivityIndicatorView is a great way to make loading spinners in your application look nicer. It contains 32 different indicator view styles.

agens-no/AGGeometryKit-POP                 1123
Bridging AGGeometryKit with POP for amazing dynamics and animations.

kstenerud/KSCrash                          1122
The Ultimate iOS Crash Reporter

SocialObjects-Software/AMSlideMenu         1121
Sliding Menu for iOS (Left and Right menus).  Multiple storyboards and XIBs support.

applidium/ADTransitionController           1120
UINavigationController with custom transitions

vpdn/MMAppSwitcher                         1119
Replace iOS7 app switcher view with your own customized card view.

bububa/MongoHub-Mac                        1119
MongoHub mac native version.

carekit-apple/CareKit                      1117
CareKit is an open source software framework for creating apps that help people better understand and manage their health.

felixhageloh/uebersicht                    1116

questbeat/Lin                              1116
 Xcode plugin that provides auto-completion for NSLocalizedString.

lwansbrough/react-native-camera            1110
A Camera component for React Native. Also supports barcode scanning!

coderyi/Monkey                             1105
Monkey is a GitHub third party client for iOS,to show the rank of coders and repositories.

a1anyip/AYVibrantButton                    1104
A stylish button with iOS 8 vibrancy effect

davedelong/CHCSVParser                     1102
A proper CSV parser for Objective-C

Xuzz/newsyc                                1102
An iPhone Hacker News client.

Yalantis/PullToMakeSoup                    1096
Custom animated pull-to-refresh that can be easily added to UIScrollView

fastred/AHKActionSheet                     1096
An alternative to the UIActionSheet inspired by the Spotify app.

psychs/limechat                            1095
IRC Client for Mac

cwRichardKim/RKDropdownAlert               1095
iOS / Objective C: an extremely simple UIAlertView alternative

nygard/class-dump                          1091
Generate Objective-C headers from Mach-O files.

100grams/HGPageScrollView                  1088
UIScrollView for iPhone with horizontal paging like mobile Safari tabs

TransitApp/SVPulsingAnnotationView         1085
A customizable MKUserLocationView replica for your iOS app.

clusterinc/ClusterPrePermissions           1081
Cluster's reusable pre-permissions utility that lets developers ask the users on their own dialog for photos or contacts access, before making the system-based request. This is based on the Medium post by Cluster describing the different ways to ask for iOS permissions (https://medium.com/p/96fa4eb54f2c).

cyndibaby905/TwitterCover                  1076
TwitterCover is a parallax top view with real time blur effect to any UIScrollView, inspired by Twitter for iOS.

adad184/MMPopupView                        1070
Pop-up based view(e.g. alert sheet), can easily customize.

EddyVerbruggen/SocialSharing-PhoneGap-Plugin 1068
:couplekiss: Cordova plugin to share text, a file (image/PDF/..), or a URL (or all three) via the native sharing widget

AFNetworking/AFOAuth2Manager               1062
AFNetworking Extension for OAuth 2 Authentication

krzysztofzablocki/KZPropertyMapper         1060
Property mapping for iOS apps.

kolinkrewinkel/Polychromatic               1056
Semantic highlighting for Xcode.

Ciechan/BCMeshTransformView                1055
Mesh transforms for UIView

calebd/SimpleAuth                          1053
Simple social authentication for iOS.

AssistoLab/KVNProgress                     1049
KVNProgress is a fully customizable progress HUD that can be full screen or not.

lukabernardi/LBBlurredImage                1048
LBBlurredImage is an UIImageView category that permit to set an image and make this blurred

gaosboy/iOSSF                              1046

mobfarm/FastPdfKit                         1044
A Static Library to be embedded on iOS applications to display pdf documents derived from Fast PDF

wordpress-mobile/WordPress-iOS             1041
WordPress for iOS - Official repository

hoteltonight/HTAutocompleteTextField       1040

couchbase/couchbase-lite-ios               1037
Lightweight, embedded, syncable NoSQL database engine for iOS (and Mac!) apps.

mindbrix/UIImage-PDF                       1032
Simple UIImage PDF renderer category for iOS scalable assets

gleue/TGLStackedViewController             1032
A stacked view layout with gesture-based reordering using a UICollectionView -- inspired by Passbook and Reminders apps.

erica/NSDate-Extensions                    1032
Practical real-world dates

chockenberry/Provisioning                  1030
A Quick Look plug-in for .mobileprovision files

antiguab/BAFluidView                       1029
UIView that simulates a 2D view of a fluid in motion

Overcoat/Overcoat                          1027
The perfect accessory for Mantle and AFNetworking.

jeffhodnett/Unused                         1024
A Mac app for checking Xcode projects for unused resources

TimOliver/TOWebViewController              1019
A view controller class for iOS that allows users to view web pages directly within an app.

questbeat/Lin-Xcode5                       1014
A Localization Manager for Xcode 5

akosma/nib2objc                            1004
Set of tools and utilities (command line, GUI, Mac Service) to transform NIB files for the iPhone into Objective-C code files

2ndalpha/gasmask                           1003
Hosts file manager for OS X

Huohua/HHRouter                            1001
Yet another URL Router for iOS.

indragiek/INAppStoreWindow                 999
Extreme Makeover: NSWindow Edition

acoomans/SimulatorRemoteNotifications      998
Library to send mock remote notifications to the iOS simulator

beardedspice/beardedspice                  998
Mac Media Keys for the Masses

sebyddd/SDVersion                          997
:iphone: Objective-C library for detecting  the running device's model and screen size.

pinterest/PINCache                         996
Fast, non-deadlocking parallel object cache for iOS and OS X

stefanceriu/SCXcodeMiniMap                 995
Sublime Text like Minimap for Xcode

runway20/PopoverView                       995
A simple UIView popover control for iPhone/iPad written in CoreGraphics.

youngsoft/MyLinearLayout                   995
A powerful iOS view layout library, suitable for all kinds of screen size. Don't need to learn AutoLayout and SizeClass. You can use MyLinearLayout, MyRelativeLayout,MyFrameLayout,MyTableLayout,MyFlowLayout,MyFloatLayout,MyLayoutSizeClass  to build your UI Layout

questbeat/QBPopupMenu                      994
Customizable popup menu for iOS.

alexdrone/ios-realtimeblur                 993
Multipurpose real-time blur view for iOS6+ (deprecated)

Vinodh-G/ParallaxTableViewHeader           991
Parallax scrolling effect on UITableView header view when a tableView is scrolled

StefanLage/SLPagingView                    990
Navigation bar system allowing to do a Tinder like or Twitter like

CooperRS/RMStepsController                 990
This is an iOS control for guiding users through a process step-by-step

vpdn/MMLayershots                          989
Layershots converts your iOS screenshot into a layered photoshop (PSD) file.

blakewatters/TransitionKit                 988
An Objective-C library for elegantly implementing state machines. 

jefferyleo/f.lux                           985
flux for iOS

iwasrobbed/RPFloatingPlaceholders          984
UITextField and UITextView subclasses with placeholders that change into floating labels when the fields are populated with text.

corymsmith/react-native-icons              984
Quick and easy icons in React Native

spotify/SPTPersistentCache                 983
Everyone tries to implement a cache at some point in their iOS app’s lifecycle, and this is ours.

steipete/AFDownloadRequestOperation        983
A progressive download operation for AFNetworking.

ArtFeel/AFViewShaker                       982

xhacker/TEAChart                           981
Simple and intuitive iOS chart library. Contribution graph, clock chart, and bar chart.

GabrielAlva/Cool-iOS-Camera                979
A fully customisable and modern camera implementation for iOS made with AVFoundation.

NghiaTranUIT/FeSpinner                     978
Rocket Loader Collection for iOS app

Julioacarrettoni/UIImageView_FaceAwareFill 977
This category applies Aspect Fill content mode to an image and if faces are detected it centers them instead of centering the image just by its geometrical center.

KieranLafferty/KLNoteViewController        977
A view controller that organizes multiple navigation controllers in a stack inspired by Evernote 5.0 app 

zootreeves/Objective-C-HMTL-Parser         977
An objective c wrapper around libxml for parsing HTML

agens-no/AGGeometryKit                     976
Quadrilaterals on CALayer, CGGeometry-functions, UIView/CALayer properties and other invaluable tools.

alskipp/ASProgressPopUpView                975
A progress view showing percentage complete in a popup view 

mineschan/MZTimerLabel                     969
A handy class for iOS to use UILabel as a countdown timer or stopwatch just like in Apple Clock App.

shpakovski/Popup                           967
Cocoa project with Popup window appearing from the status bar

nst/STTwitter                              966
A stable, mature and comprehensive Objective-C library for Twitter REST API 1.1

zhengwenming/WMPlayer                      965

u10int/URBMediaFocusViewController         964
An easy-to-use view controller that animates thumbnail previews of your media to their full size versions with physics similar to Tweetbot 3.

pixelglow/ZipZap                           964
zip file I/O library for Mac OS X and iOS

muhku/FreeStreamer                         960
A low-memory footprint streaming audio player for iOS and OS X

michalkonturek/GraphKit                    959
A lightweight library of animated graphs for iOS.

erica/iphone-3.0-cookbook-                 958
Sample Code

apache/cordova-ios                         958
Mirror of Apache Cordova iOS

DyCI/dyci-main                             958
Dynamic Code Injection Tool for Objective-C

Dillion/iOS-Flip-Transform                 957
Core Animation framework for navigating data by flipping

AugustRush/ARSegmentPager                  957
segment tab controller with parallax Header

erica/iOS-5-Cookbook                       955

PavelKatunin/DownloadButton                949
Customizable App Store style download button

cocos2d/CocosBuilder                       949
CocosBuilder, the visual editor for cocos2d

dsxNiubility/SXWaveAnimate                 941
Achieve beautiful wavewater animate.

Shmoopi/iOS-System-Services                937
iOS System Services is a class to gather all available information about a device.

petewarden/iPhoneTracker                   934

mattgemmell/MGTileMenu                     930
Tile-based contextual menu for iPad and iPhone developers.

overtake/telegram                          930
Source code of Telegram for OSX

banchichen/TZImagePickerController         930
一个支持多选、选原图和视频的图片选择器,同时有预览功能,适配了iOS6789系统。  A clone of UIImagePickerController, support picking multiple photos、original photo、video, also allow preview photo and video, fitting iOS6789 system. 

elbryan/FFCircularProgressView             929
FFCircularProgressView - An iOS 7-inspired blue circular progress view

problame/CSNotificationView                928
Drop-in, semi-translucent and blurring notification view.

UrbanApps/UAModalPanel                     928
An animated modal panel alternative for iOS

TeehanLax/Upcoming                         928

alvises/FPPopover                          925
FPPopover provides an alternative to the native iOS UIPopoverController, adding support for iPhone and additional opportunities to customize the look and feel of the popovers.

kishikawakatsumi/SECoreTextView            923
SECoreTextView is multi style text view.

mattt/AnimatedGIFImageSerialization        923
Complete Animated GIF Support for iOS, with Functions, NSJSONSerialization-style Class, and (Optional) UIImage Swizzling

iltercengiz/ICViewPager                    921
A tab view that mimics ActionBarSherlock's FragmentsTabsPager and Google Play app's tab management.

eseedo/kidscoding                          918

KittenYang/KYAnimatedPageControl           917
A custom UIPageControl with multiple animations 

ZhongTaoTian/LoveFreshBeen                 917
爱鲜蜂By Swift2.0

intuit/AnimationEngine                     916
Easily build advanced custom animations on iOS.

Draveness/iOS-Source-Code-Analyze          915
深入解析 iOS 开源项目

nealyoung/NYSegmentedControl               913
Animated, customizable replacement for UISegmentedControl

martinjuhasz/MJPopupViewController         911
A UIViewController Category to display a ViewController as a popup with different transition effects.

jwilling/JNWSpringAnimation                911
Spring physics for Core Animation.

adad184/MMTweenAnimation                   908
A extension of POP(from facebook) custom animation. Inspired by tweaner(https://code.google.com/p/tweaner), MMTweanerAnimation provide 10 types of custom animation while using POP.

Aufree/phphub-ios                          908
PHPHub for iOS is the universal iPhone and iPad application for PHPHub

DavdRoman/Bohr                             907
Settings screen composing framework

twotoasters/TWTSideMenuViewController      904
Side Menus for iOS 7

workshirt/WSCoachMarksView                 902
iOS drop-in class for interactive coach marks with cutouts to spotlight the app's existing UI.

krzysztofzablocki/KZLineDrawer             901
Beatiful and fast smooth line drawing algorithm for iOS - as seen in Foldify.

ParsePlatform/ParseUI-iOS                  896
A collection of a handy user interface components to be used with the Parse iOS SDK.

mysterioustrousers/MTMigration             896
Manages blocks of code that only need to run once on version updates in iOS apps.

ninjinkun/NJKScrollFullScreen              895
Scroll to full screen like Facebook app

chroman/CRGradientNavigationBar            892
Custom UINavigationBar subclass which allows gradient coloured navigation bar on iOS 7.

AlexBarinov/UIBubbleTableView              890
Cocoa UI component for chat bubbles with avatars and images support

brutella/chatheads                         889
An implementation of Facebook's ChatHeads on iOS.

quartermaster/QSKit                        889
Q Branch’s collection of Cocoa categories and utilities.

EddyBorja/MLPAutoCompleteTextField         889
UITextfield subclass with autocomplete menu. For iOS.

soffes/sspulltorefresh                     887
Simple and highly customizable pull to refresh view

MartinRGB/Replace-iOS                      884
Simply Implement Zee Young's animation

lelandrichardson/react-native-maps         883
React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android

venmo/VENTouchLock                         882
A Touch ID and Passcode framework used in the Venmo app.

SocialObjects-Software/SOMessaging         881
Messaging library for iOS 7.x

AaronRandall/Screentendo                   881
Turn your screen into a playable level of Mario

thermogl/TISwipeableTableView              879
Allows you to swipe a UITableViewCell and reveal a back view, functions like cells in the "Twitter" app.

kishikawakatsumi/PEPhotoCropEditor         878
Image cropping library for iOS.

khanlou/SKBounceAnimation                  876
A CAKeyframeAnimation subclass that lets you quickly and easily set a number of bounces, and start and end values, and creates an animation for you.

KJCracks/Clutch                            876
Fast iOS executable dumper

nicklockwood/XMLDictionary                 875
A simple way to parse and generate XML on iOS and Mac OS. Converts an XML file to an NSDictionary which can then be easily traversed using the standard Cocoa keyPath mechanism. Can also output the contents of any dictionary as XML.

mdiep/MMMarkdown                           873
An Objective-C framework for converting Markdown to HTML.

Citrrus/BlurryModalSegue                   870
A custom modal segue for providing a blurred overlay effect.

kolinkrewinkel/KKGridView                  870
Deprecated: Grid view library for iOS.

dustinrue/ControlPlane                     870
ControlPlane - context-sensitive computing for OS X

SocialObjects-Software/SOMotionDetector    869
Simple library to detect motion type (walking, running, automotive) and count users steps. This library will makes motion detection much more easily.

piotrbernad/FlatUI                         867
Easy to use User Interface elements which are really similar to design in iOS 7.

jivadevoe/UIAlertView-Blocks               867
A category for UIAlertView which allows you to use blocks to handle the pressed button events rather than implementing a delegate.

Pixate/pixate-freestyle-ios                867
Pixate Freestyle for iOS

TomThorpe/UIScrollSlidingPages             865
Allows you to add multiple view controllers and have them scroll horizontally, with a header scroller that stays in sync with the content and shows next, current and previous items. A zoom out effect appears as you scroll between pages. Similar in style to the Groupon app.

forkingdog/UIView-FDCollapsibleConstraints 865
Builds to collapse a view and its relevant layout constraints, simulating a "Flow Layout" mode

atljeremy/JFMinimalNotifications           863
An iOS UIView for presenting a minimalistic notification that doesn't block the UI and is highly configurable.

nicklockwood/AsyncImageView                862
AsyncImageView is a simple extension of UIImageView for loading and displaying images asynchronously on iOS so that they do not lock up the UI.

onemightyroar/YRDropdownView               861
iOS view library for displaying stylish alerts, warnings, & errors

matthewcheok/POP-MCAnimate                 858
Concise syntax for the Pop animation framework.

nothirst/TICoreDataSync                    858
Automatic synchronization for Core Data apps, between any combination of Mac OS X and iOS: Mac to iPhone to iPad to iPod touch and back again.

JaviSoto/JSBadgeView                       857
Customizable UIKit badge view like the one on applications in the iOS springboard.

tciuro/NoticeView                          857
A TweetBot-like notice component for iOS.

rnystrom/RNBlurModalView                   855
Add depth to your alerts.

mattgemmell/MGImageUtilities               855
Useful UIImage categories for iPhone/iPad developers.

warrenm/AHEasing                           855
A library of easing functions for C, C++ and Objective-C

jasonmorrissey/JMTabView                   855
Stylish and animated tab view for iOS rendered entirely using core graphics.

matteogobbi/MGSpotyViewController          855
Beautiful viewController with a tableView and amazing effects like a viewController in the Spotify app.

eliotfowler/EFCircularSlider               854
An extensible circular slider for iOS applications

boztalay/BOZPongRefreshControl             853
A pull-down-to-refresh control for iOS that plays pong, originally created for the MHacks III iOS app

RobotsAndPencils/RPSlidingMenu             852
A collection view menu in the style of UltraVisual.

niltsh/MPlayerX                            852
media player on Mac OS X

ChenYilong/CollectionViewClassifyMenu      852

neror/ftutils                              851
iPhone utilities mostly for Core Animation

mttrb/BeaconOSX                            851
Use a Bluetooth 4 enabled Mac running Mavericks (not Yosemite) as an iBeacon

steipete/PSPDFTextView                     849
A subclass of UITextView that fixes the most glaring problems from iOS 7 and 7.1.

mapsplugin/cordova-plugin-googlemaps       849
Google Maps plugin for Cordova

TimOliver/TOCropViewController             847
A view controller that allows users to crop UIImage objects.

relatedcode/RealtimeChat                   847
This is a full native iPhone app to create realtime, text based group or private chat with Parse and Firebase.

iRareMedia/iCloudDocumentSync              847
Integrate iCloud into iOS document projects with one-line code methods. Sync, upload, manage, and remove documents from iCloud quickly and easily. Helps to make iCloud "just work" for developers too.

thefaj/OpenFlow                            846
CoverFlow API replacement for the iPhone

matbeich/StickyCollectionView              846
UICollectionView layout for presenting of the overlapping cells.

facebookarchive/IGInterfaceDataTable       845
A category on WKInterfaceTable that makes configuring tables with multi-dimensional data easier.

ricobeck/KFCocoaPodsPlugin                 843
XcodePlugin for CocoaPods with pod commands/console output, user notifications & code completion.

rob-brown/RBStoryboardLink                 843
Makes transitioning between storyboards possible. 

autresphere/ASMediaFocusManager            843
iOS library to animate your image and video thumbnails to fullscreen.

mdinacci/MDRadialProgress                  840
A custom UIView useful to represent progress in discrete steps.

scopegate/octave                           839
Octave: A free library of UI sounds, handmade for iOS

contentful-labs/Concorde                   836
Download and decode progressive JPEGs on iOS.

rime/squirrel                              836
【鼠鬚管】Rime Input Method Engine for Mac

hanton/HTY360Player                        836
Open Source iOS 360 Degree Panorama Video Player.

libgit2/objective-git                      836
Objective-C bindings to libgit2

quemb/QMBParallaxScrollViewController      835
Add a parallax top view to any UIScrollView (incl. UITableViews) - #Parallax #ScrollView #TableView #Header

TanguyAladenise/BBBadgeBarButtonItem       834
A BarButtonItem with a badge on top.

wangmchn/WMPageController                  834
An easy solution to page controllers like NetEase News

ipup/PPRevealSideViewController            833
A new container controller to easily push views on side like Path or Facebook

Naituw/WBWebViewConsole                    831
In-App debug console for your UIWebView & WKWebView

Split82/HMGLTransitions                    830
HMGLTransitions is set of classes which can animate transition between two UIViews, or presentation / dismissing of UIViewControllers.

specialunderwear/Hosts.prefpane            830
a Cocoa GUI for /etc/hosts

Tricertops/KeepLayout                      828
Making Auto Layout easier to code.

enormego/EGOImageLoading                   826
What if images on the iPhone were as easy as HTML?

haqu/tiny-wings                            826
Remake of the popular iPhone game.

mobitar/MBAlertView                        826
[DEPRECATED] A fast block-based alert and HUD library with a simple API.

ugol/pomodoro                              825
Time management for your Mac

omergul123/LLSimpleCamera                  824
A simple, customizable camera control - video recorder for iOS.

pyro2927/ParallaxBlur                      823
Easy to subclass parallax UITableController w/ blurring image header, floating header, and UIScrollView for content

nicklockwood/AutoCoding                    823
AutoCoding is a category on NSObject that provides automatic support for NSCoding and NSCopying to every object.

sonoramac/Sonora                           823
A minimal, beautifully designed music player for OS X.

michaelhenry/FlipBoardNavigationController 823
This is a new navigation controller inspired by Flipboard.

bengottlieb/Twitter-OAuth-iPhone           823
An easy way to get Twitter authenticating with OAuth on iPhone

phonegap/phonegap-plugin-push              821
Register and receive push notifications

onevcat/VVBlurPresentation                 820
A simple way to present a view controller with keeping the blurred previous one.

weng1250/WZLBadge                          820
//An one-line tool to show  styles of badge for UIView

icepat/ICETutorial                         819
A nice tutorial like the one introduced in the Path 3.X App

bestwnh/IGLDropDownMenu                    819
An iOS drop down menu with pretty animation and easy to customize.

kstenerud/ObjectAL-for-iPhone              818
Mac and iOS Audio development, minus the headache. ObjectAL is the easy Objective-C interface to OpenAL, AVAudioPlayer, and audio session management.

kgn/KGNoise                                815
Cocoa noise drawing code plus a ready to go noise view!

MacGapProject/MacGap2                      815
MacGap 2 Beta

modocache/MDCParallaxView                  814
Create a parallax effect using a custom container view, much like the top view of Path's timeline.

TimCinel/ActionSheetPicker                 814
Quickly reproduce the dropdown UIPickerView / ActionSheet functionality from Safari on iPhone/ iOS / CocoaTouch.

TouchCode/TouchJSON                        813
A humane JSON Objective-C un-framework. (TouchJSON has been deprecated - see README)

nst/STHTTPRequest                          809
Obj-C / Cocoa HTTP requests for humans

adad184/MMPlaceHolder                      809
A drop in solution to show UIView's size. Only one line code to use it.

nikolaypavlov/MLPNeuralNet                 808
Fast multilayer perceptron neural network library for iOS and Mac OS X

MatthewYork/iPhone-IntroductionTutorial    808
A "drop-in" solution for building stylish app introductions and tutorials.

Guikunzhi/BeautifyFaceDemo                 807

enormego/cocoa-helpers                     806
A collection of helpers (categories) we've written for iOS and OS X, full with convenience methods to make them easier and more useful. [tags:cocoa,objective-c,ios,mac]

zac/iphonearkit                            803
An Objective-C augmented reality kit for iPhone.

kimsungwhee/KSHObjcUML                     803
KSHObjcUML can show oriented graph of dependencies between Objective-C and Swift classes in your project

itouch2/PhotoTweaks                        803
Drag, Rotate, Scale and Crop

fortinmike/XcodeBoost                      802
An Xcode plugin that aims to make altering and inspecting code quick and easy.

erica/iOS-7-Cookbook                       801

mattt/Navajo                               801
Password Validator & Strength Evaluator

aaronn/ANBlurredImageView                  798
Animated blur-in and blur-out on UIImageView.

ZaBlanc/RaptureXML                         798
A simple, sensible, block-based XML API for iOS and Mac development.

couchbaselabs/TouchDB-iOS                  798
CouchDB-compatible mobile database; Objective-C version

aerofs/react-native-auto-updater           798
A library to manage dynamic updates to React Native apps. Available as an NPM Package for iOS and Android.

neonichu/FixCode                           796
Fixing the "Fix Issues" button

conopsys/COSTouchVisualizer                796
Visualize touches, gestures and long presses on your iPhone or iPad

UrbanApps/UAProgressView                   795
UAProgressView is a simple and lightweight, yet powerful animated circular progress view

brocoo/BRFlabbyTable                       795
Bouncy and distorded table view cells

ibireme/YYCache                            794
High performance cache framework for iOS.

nxtbgthng/OAuth2Client                     794
Client library for OAuth2 (currently built against draft 10 of the OAuth2 spec)

JazysYu/JZNavigationExtension              791
JZNavigationExtension integrates some convenient features for UINavigationController and easy to use.

MxABC/LBXScan                              791
A barcode and qr code scanner (二维码、扫码、扫一扫、ZXing和ios系统自带扫码封装,扫码界面效果封装)

HackPlan/quark-shell-mac                   790
Quark Shell for Mac helps web developers to create native-like Mac menubar app using HTML and JavaScript without writing any native code.

kevingibbon/KGStatusBar                    790
A minimal status bar for iOS. 

IdleHandsApps/IHKeyboardAvoiding           789
IHKeyboardAvoiding is an elegant solution for keeping any UIView visible when the keyboard is being shown - no UIScrollView required!

dtorres/OLImageView                        788
Animated GIFs implemented the right way

inkling/Subliminal                         788
An understated approach to iOS integration testing.

danqing/2048                               788
The iOS version of 2048, made using SpriteKit

dzenbot/DZNWebViewController               787
A simple web browser for iPhone & iPad with similar features than Safari's

JonasGessner/JGActionSheet                 787
Feature-rich action sheet for iOS. This ActionSheet is a replacement for UIActionSheet, with iPad support!

nicklockwood/FXLabel                       786
FXLabel improves upon the standard UILabel by providing a subclass that supports soft shadows, inner shadow and gradient fill, and which can easily be used in place of any standard UILabel.

Akkyie/AKPickerView                        785
A simple yet customizable horizontal picker view.

inspace-io/INSPullToRefresh                784
A simple to use very generic pull-to-refresh and infinite scrolling functionalities as a UIScrollView category.

granoff/Lockbox                            782
Objective-C utility class for storing data securely in the key chain.

bryceredd/RFQuiltLayout                    781
A UICollectionViewLayout subclass to put items in a quilting pattern

andrewroycarter/TimeScroller               781
A UI Element that hovers beside the scroll bar of a UITableView (Mimicking the Path app).

domesticcatsoftware/DCRoundSwitch          780
A 'modern' replica of UISwitch.

jezdez-archive/textmate-missingdrawer      780
[UNMAINTAINED] A better sidebar for Textmate.

AlanQuatermain/aqtoolkit                   779
A toolkit consisting of a bunch of generally useful routines and extensions I wrote when putting together other projects.

CooperRS/RMDateSelectionViewController     779
This is an iOS control for selecting a date using UIDatePicker in a UIActionSheet like fashion

sgryschuk/SGNavigationProgress             778
A category for showing a Messages like progress view on a UINavigationBar

ole/OBShapedButton                         778
A UIButton subclass that works with for non-rectangular button shapes.

codykrieger/gfxCardStatus                  776
gfxCardStatus is an open-source menu bar application that keeps track of which graphics card your unibody, dual-GPU MacBook Pro is using at any given time, and allows you to switch between them on demand.

blizzard-op/VideoPlayerKit                 775

michaelhenry/MHFacebookImageViewer         774
New Image Viewer/Browser inspired by Facebook for IOS

rs/SDURLCache                              774
URLCache subclass with on-disk cache support on iPhone/iPad

Zepo/MLeaksFinder                          773
Find memory leaks in your iOS app at develop time.

rounak/RJImageLoader                       771
A recreation of the image loader animation created by Michael Villar for iOS

shyambhat/InstagramKit                     771
Instagram iOS SDK

applidium/ADLivelyTableView                770
Lively UITableView

chrisdevereux/Slash                        769
A better way to create attributed strings

Ridiculous-Innovations/FTCoreText          769
An open source Objective-C interface component that makes use of the CoreText framework to render static text content using a highly customisable markup syntax.

KMindeguia/movies                          768

KittenYang/A-GUIDE-TO-iOS-ANIMATION        768
The source code of my new eBook —— A GUIDE TO IOS ANIMATION. Just click the next link to buy it

linkedin/LIExposeController                767
Expose style navigation for iOS apps

johnno1962/GitDiff                         766
Highlights deltas against git repo in Xcode

lgaches/BeaconEmitter                      766
Turn your Mac as an iBeacon

rentzsch/clicktoflash                      765
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content

cwRichardKim/RKCardView                    763
Beautiful Twitter / Facebook style cards

MailCore/MailCore                          763
MailCore 1.0 is a Mac/iOS framework for working with the e-mail protocols IMAP and SMTP. 

tomersh/Objective-C-Generics               763
Objective C Generics

neror/CA360                                763
Core Animation iOS example code. Lots of it.

MartinRGB/MTMaterialDelete                 760
a simple implement of my workmate's animation

wikimedia/wikipedia-ios                    759
The official Wikipedia iOS app.

MartianZ/fakeThunder                       757
fakeThunder is an unofficial Thunder(aka Xunlei) client for OS X.

nicklockwood/iConsole                      756
In-app console for viewing logs and typing debug commands in iPhone apps

norio-nomura/EasySIMBL                     756
EasySIMBL is modified "SIMBL" for OS X 10.7, 10.8, 10.9 or 10.10 supporting sandbox, resume. No installer.

protocool/AckMate                          755
TextMate plugin (Cocoa) shell for running 'ack'

Adrian2112/UIImage-BlurredFrame            754
UIImage category that blurs an specified frame of a UIImage

indragiek/CocoaMarkdown                    753
Markdown parsing and rendering for iOS and OS X

relatedcode/ProgressHUD                    751
ProgressHUD is a lightweight and easy-to-use HUD for iOS 8. (Objective-C)

jharwig/PPSSignatureView                   751
iOS Signature Capture Demo

UrbanApps/UAAppReviewManager               745
UAAppReviewManager is a simple and lightweight App review prompting tool for iOS and Mac App Store apps. It's Appirater all grown up, ready for primetime.

chroman/CRMotionView                       745
A custom photo viewer that implements device motion scrolling, inspired by Facebook Paper.

mentionapp/mntpulltoreact                  744
One gesture, many actions. An evolution of Pull to Refresh.

jspahrsummers/GroceryList                  744
iPhone grocery list app, synchronized using GitHub :banana:

k06a/ABCalendarPicker                      743
Fully configurable iOS calendar UI component with multiple layouts and smooth animations.

steipete/PSTAlertController                743
API similar to UIAlertController, backwards compatible to iOS 7. Will use the new shiny API when you run iOS 8.

lmcd/LMAlertView                           740
Open Source, customisable clone of UIAlertView for iOS 7

Quotation/WhoCall                          739
谁CALL我 - iOS来电信息语音提醒

arielelkin/PocketSVG                       738
Easily convert your SVG files into CGPaths, CAShapeLayers, and UIBezierPaths 

12207480/DOPDropDownMenu-Enhanced          738
DOPDropDownMenu 添加双列表 优化版 新增图片支持(double tableView, The optimization version ,new add image,detailText)

NewAmsterdamLabs/ZOZolaZoomTransition      737
Zoom transition that animates the entire view heirarchy. Used extensively in the Zola iOS application.

qfish/XActivatePowerMode                   736
An Xcode plug-in makes POWER MODE happen in your Xcode.

marcshilling/react-native-image-picker     735
A React Native module that allows you to use native UI to select media from the device library or directly from the camera

AlvaroFranco/AFSoundManager                734
iOS audio playing (both local and streaming) and recording made easy

herinkc/HTPressableButton                  734
Flat design pressable button for iOS developers.

wikimedia/WikipediaMobile                  734
Wikipedia on Mobile (PhoneGap) (DEPRECATED)

KittenYang/KYCuteView                      734
Drag like a gooey bubble.

Roxasora/RxWebViewController               733
实现类似微信的 webView 导航效果,包括进度条,左滑返回上个网页或者直接关闭,就像 UINavigationController

lyimin/beautifulApp                        732
this is a beautiful app 0.0

zhuchaowe/EasyIOS                          731
A new generation of development framework based on Model-View-ViewModel

Ideon/SmudgeKit                            728
A drop in replacement for UIWindow to draw touch points for app previews and promotional videos.

jonreid/OCMockito                          728
Mockito for Objective-C: creation, verification and stubbing of mock objects

DenHeadless/Shapes                         726
Framework for drawing and animating shaped views on iOS

mattt/TransformerKit                       726
A block-based API for NSValueTransformer, with a growing collection of useful examples.

thibaultCha/TCBlobDownload                 724
Concurrent large files downloads for iOS

yannickl/YLProgressBar                     724
UIProgressView replacement with an highly and fully customizable animated progress bar in pure Core Graphics

lukhnos/objectiveflickr                    722
ObjectiveFlickr, a Flickr API framework for Objective-C

Raizlabs/BonMot                            721
Beautiful, easy attributed strings for iOS

Yalantis/Preloader.Ophiuchus               719
Custom Label to apply animations on whole text or letters.

Kjuly/KYCircleMenu                         719
An iOS UI control that allows you to build a circular menu by laying out buttons in a circle pattern adjusting from the number of buttons (1~6).

kluivers/qc-mobile                         717
A Quartz Composer implementation for iOS.

GnosisHub/GHWalkThrough                    717
A UICollectionView backed drop-in component for introduction views 

martijnwalraven/meteor-ios                 717
Meteor iOS integrates native iOS apps with the Meteor platform (http://www.meteor.com) through DDP

mutualmobile/MMRecord                      713
Seamless Web Service Integration and Core Data Model Population

ClassyKit/Classy                           712
Expressive, flexible, and powerful stylesheets for UIView and friends.

venmo/VENCalculatorInputView               711
Calculator keyboard used in the Venmo iOS app

JJSaccolo/UIActivityIndicator-for-SDWebImage 710
The easiest way to add a UIActivityView to your SDWebImage view

coderyi/NetworkEye                         709
a iOS network debug library ,It can monitor HTTP requests within the App and displays information related to the request.

lobianco/ALAlertBanner                     704
A clean and simple alert banner for iPhone and iPad - https://twitter.com/_antlo

poolqf/PQFCustomLoaders                    703
Collection of highly customizable loaders for your iOS projects

enormego/EGOTextView                       702
EGOTextView is a complete drop in replacement for UITextView created by enormego, that adds support for Rich Text Editing. [tags:ios,objective-c,uitextview]

aryaxt/iOS-Rich-Text-Editor                702
A Rich Text Editor for iOS

matmartinez/MMNumberKeyboard               700
A simple keyboard to use with numbers and, optionally, a decimal point.

bfeher/BFPaperButton                       700
iOS Buttons inspired by Google's Paper Material Design.

spritebuilder/SpriteBuilder                699
Objective-C Game Development Suite

GeekZooStudio/ECMobile_iOS                 699

jonathantribouharet/JTMaterialTransition   698
An iOS transition for controllers based on material design.

romaonthego/REComposeViewController        697
[DEPRECATED] Sharing composers for the rest of us.

uzysjung/UzysAssetsPickerController        697
Alternative UIImagePickerController , You can take a picture with camera and pick multiple photos and videos

enormego/PhotoViewer                       695
Quick PhotoViewer for the iPhone. Built upon our other reliable libraries: EGOImageLoading and EGOCache.

mtigas/iOS-OnionBrowser                    695
An open-source, privacy-enhancing web browser for iOS, utilizing the Tor anonymity network

subdigital/nsscreencast                    694
Sample code shown in NSScreencast episodes.

ryanolsonk/LLDB-QuickLook                  694
Debugger commands to open images, views, and more using Quick Look.

meiwin/NgKeyboardTracker                   693
Objective-C library for tracking keyboard in iOS apps.

lobianco/ALMoviePlayerController           690
A drop-in replacement for MPMoviePlayerController that exposes the UI elements and allows for maximum customization - https://twitter.com/lobi4nco

gangverk/GVUserDefaults                    690
NSUserDefaults access via properties.

zhiyu/chartee                              690
a charting library for mobile platforms

mayoff/uiimage-from-animated-gif           688
A UIImage category that loads animated GIFs

jwilling/JWFolders                         688
Implementation of iOS 6's folders.

neonichu/BBUDebuggerTuckAway               688
Xcode plugin for auto-hiding the debugger once you start typing in the source code editor.

zrxq/UIView-EasingFunctions                687
A category on UIView that allows to use custom easing functions with block-based animations.

Squirrel/Squirrel.Mac                      687
:shipit: Cocoa framework for updating OS X apps :shipit:

DrummerB/BFNavigationBarDrawer             685
A UIToolbar subclass that can easily be displayed below a UINavigationBar, similarly to the playlist view in the Music app.

yannickl/YLMoment                          685
Parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates easily in Objective-C (API inspired by moment.js)

raymondjavaxx/SpinKit-ObjC                 684
UIKit port of SpinKit

claaslange/iOS7Colors                      684
The standard iOS 7 Colors as a handy category on UIColor

mamaral/Facade                             683
Programmatic view layout for the rest of us.

dfmuir/KINWebBrowser                       683
A web browser module for your iOS apps.

arauchfuss/Simple-Comic                    682
OS X comic viewer

500px/greedo-layout-for-ios                682
Full aspect ratio grid layout for iOS

mattt/Orbiter                              681
Push Notification Registration for iOS

vtourraine/VTAcknowledgementsViewController 681
Ready to use “Acknowledgements”/“Licenses” view controller for CocoaPods.

eaigner/DataKit                            681
DataKit makes it easy to add web backends to your apps!

casatwy/HandyAutoLayout                    678
handy categories for generate NSLayoutConstraint programmatically, and Frame

tristanhimmelman/THSpringyCollectionView   677
A memory and CPU efficient implementation of a collection view with cells that bounce around like they do in the iOS 7 messages app 

gsdios/GSD_ZHIFUBAO                        677

eklipse2k8/FilterKit                       676
iOS Framework for easily adding Camera with Filters

Friend-LGA/LGSideMenuController            676
iOS side menu view controller shows left and right views on top of everything by pressing button or gesture

cocos2d/cocos2d-iphone-extensions          675
3rd party extensions for cocos2d-iphone

lazerwalker/Theseus                        674
An open-source iOS personal analytics tool

yixiangboy/IOSAnimationDemo                674

CharlinFeng/CoreModel                      673
Replace CoreData

heardrwt/RHAddressBook                     673
A Cocoa / Objective-C library for interfacing with the iOS AddressBook.

jaykz52/CKCalendar                         673
A sleek, easily customized calendar control for iOS.

mutualmobile/MMProgressHUD                 672
An easy-to-use HUD interface with personality.

CharlinFeng/CoreLock                       672

mrcrow/MRoundedButton                      672
UIControl subclass like iOS 7 Phone app button

lmmenge/WatchSpringboard-Prototype         670
Prototype code for a view that shows icons in an Apple Watch-like homescreen layout. Video on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UggYGThmFEo&list=UU7C761Fn9aih_W6kMvkm24w

ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoaLayout          670
Reactive layout framework built on top of ReactiveCocoa

runmad/RMSwipeTableViewCell                670
RMSwipeTableViewCell is a drop-in UITableViewCell subclass that supports pan gestures as seen in apps such as Clear, Mailbox, Sparrow and many more.

lmirosevic/GBDeviceInfo                    670
Detects the hardware, software and display of the current iOS or Mac OS X device at runtime.

xissburg/XBPageCurl                        670
A decent page curl transition for iOS.

kronik/DKLiveBlur                          670

bestswifter/MySampleCode                   670

peter-iakovlev/Telegram                    669
Telegram Messenger for iOS

jaydee3/JDFlipNumberView                   669
[iOS] Representing analog flip numbers like airport/trainstation displays

brentvatne/react-native-video              669
A <Video /> component for react-native

vicoapp/vico                               667
Mac Programmers Text Editor

ming1016/RSSRead                           667
“已阅”(iOS上开源RSS新闻阅读器),有兴趣?那就Pull Requests吧

markohlebar/Peckham                        666
Add #import-s from anywhere in the code. 

SebastienThiebaud/STTweetLabel             663
Deprecated - A UILabel with #hashtag @handle and links tappable

betzerra/MosaicUI                          662
A tiled UI for iOS and iPhone

mamaral/Organic                            662
The intuitive UITableViewController.

RuiAAPeres/UIViewController-Swizzled       662
Used to print the structure of your application as you use it

NZN/NZAlertView                            659
Simple and intuitive alert view. Similar to push notification effect.

michaelhenry/MHNatGeoViewControllerTransition 658
A new 3D Effect ViewController transition inspired by NatGeo (City Guides by National Geographic)

Tangdixi/DCPathButton                      658
A menu button like Path for iOS

hholtmann/smcFanControl                    658
Control the fans of every Intel Mac to make it run cooler

TaimurAyaz/TAOverlay                       658
TAOverlay is a minimalistic and simple overlay meant to display useful information to the user.

steipete/PSPushPopPressView                657
Zoom, Rotate, Drag – everything at the same time. A view-container for direct manipulation, inspired by Our Choice from Push Pop Press.

Glow-Inc/GLCalendarView                    656
A fully customizable calendar view acting as a date range picker

robovm/apple-ios-samples                   656

Cocoanetics/DTFoundation                   656
Standard toolset classes and categories

Wondermall/Doppelganger                    656
Array diffs as collection view wants it

AlvaroFranco/AFDropdownNotification        656
Dropdown notification view for iOS

venmo/VENTokenField                        653
Easy-to-use token field that is used in the Venmo app.

beamly/BMYScrollableNavigationBar          653

poboke/ActivatePowerMode                   652
ActivatePowerMode is a plugin for Xcode. This plugin will make your code powerful.

keefo/CATweaker                            652
A helper tool and an Xcode plugin for creating beautiful CAMediaTimingFunction curve

erichoracek/Motif                          650
Lightweight and customizable stylesheets for iOS

WhiteHouse/wh-app-ios                      649

michaeljbishop/NGAParallaxMotion           649
A tiny category on UIView that allows you to set one property: "parallaxIntensity" to achieve a parallax effect with UIMotionEffect

TonnyTao/DoubanAlbum                       648
Slowslab iOS应用 豆瓣相册 精选集 开源项目,仅供学习参考

ltebean/LTInfiniteScrollView               647
Paged scrollview allowing easily applying animation

SergioChan/SCTrelloNavigation              647
:clipboard: An iOS native implementation of a Trello Animated Navagation. See more at https://dribbble.com/shots/2114816-Trello-Navigation. iOS上类似trello的导航动效控件实现。

ocrickard/OCCalendar                       645
CoreGraphics date-range picking calendar

croath/UIImageView-BetterFace              645
a UIImageView category to let the picture-cutting with faces showing better

paypal/PayPal-iOS-SDK                      644
Accept credit cards and PayPal in your iOS app

FabrizioBrancati/BFKit                     644
BFKit is a collection of useful classes to develop Apps faster

LeoNatan/LNNotificationsUI                 643
A framework for displaying notifications similar to Apple's iOS 8 and iOS 9 notifications.

mattt/SkyLab                               643
Multivariate & A/B Testing for iOS and Mac

ZhongTaoTian/SmallDay                      642
小日子 - By Swift 2.0

shpakovski/MASShortcut                     642
Modern framework for managing global keyboard shortcuts compatible with Mac App Store. More details:

chrismiles/CMUnistrokeGestureRecognizer    642
A port of the $1 Unistroke Recognizer (aka Dollar Gesture Recognizer) to iOS as a UIGestureRecognizer.

marcuswestin/WebViewProxy                  639
A standalone iOS & OSX class for intercepting and proxying HTTP requests (e.g. from a Web View)

victorBaro/VBFJellyView                    637
VBFJellyView is a custom view made out using UIKit Dynamics and with a very funny effect when adding behaviours to it.

applidium/ADClusterMapView                 636
MKMapView with clustering

datwelk/RDRStickyKeyboardView              635
Please see https://github.com/datwelk/RDRGrowingTextView instead.

jdberry/tag                                633
A command line tool to manipulate tags on Mac OS X files, and to query for files with those tags.

itruf/crackify                             631
Protection for iOS apps from cracking

ArthurGuibert/FSLineChart                  629
A line chart library for iOS

m1entus/WCAlertView                        628
WCAlertView is deliverd from UIAlertView. It's support customization and blocks.

fabiocaccamo/FCFileManager                 628
iOS File Manager on top of NSFileManager for simplifying files management.

stefanceriu/SCXcodeSwitchExpander          627
Xcode plugin that enables switch cases autocompletion

lyokato/FBDigitalFont                      627
This library includes some kind of digital fonts (not TTF or something, just CoreGraphics drawing)

m1entus/MZDayPicker                        627
An iOS day picker to allow users to select date

TeehanLax/UITableViewCell-Swipe-for-Options 623
A reproduction of the iOS 7 Mail app's swipe-to-reveal options

nevyn/CoreDragon                           623
[iOS] Stop using context menus. Drag and drop instead, even between apps!

th-in-gs/THObserversAndBinders             622
Easy, lightweight, object-based key-value observing (KVO) and key-value binding (KVB) for iOS and Mac OS X

gresrun/GHSidebarNav                       621
A clone of the new Facebook iOS UI paradigm

hsousa/HCSStarRatingView                   621
Simple star rating view for iOS written in Objective-C

MakeZL/ZLPhotoLib                          621
This is a photo album multiple-choice / photo browser example

OmidH/Filtrr                               620
iOS Image filter library

square/spacecommander                      620
Commit fully-formatted Objective-C as a team without even trying.

mikebuss/MTBBarcodeScanner                 619
A lightweight, easy-to-use barcode scanning library for iOS 8+

infinum/FBAnnotationClustering             618

ustwo/US2FormValidator                     616
Form validation framework for iOS.

jhabdas/react-native-webpack-starter-kit   616
:herb: Grow your React Native app with Webpack and Babel.

tristanhimmelman/THContactPicker           616
An iOS view used for selecting contacts. This view is inspired by the contact selection in the iOS Mail and Messages apps

briancollins/BCTabBarController            614
a Tweetie-style tab bar for the iPhone

mmackh/Hacker-News-for-iOS                 614
Hacker News client for iPad and iPhone [DEPRECATED]

heardrwt/RHObjectiveBeagle                 614
Beagle is an Objective C debugging tool that can sniff out class instances on the heap.

kirbyt/KTPhotoBrowser                      612
KTPhotoBrowser is a lightweight photo browser library for the iPhone and iPod touch that looks and behaves like the iPhone Photos app.

kelp404/CocoaSecurity                      612
Encrypt/Decrypt: AES. Hash: MD5, SHA(SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512). Encode/Decode: Base64, Hex.

michaelhenry/MHYahooParallaxView           611
Parallax implementation inspired by Yahoo Weather and News Digest :)

NZN/UIImage-Helpers                        611
Create a blurred images, take a screenshot, make a image with color...

levinunnink/Smooth-Line-View               610
Smooth & fast line drawing from touch inputs for UIViews using Quartz

thoughtbot/TBAnnotationClustering          609
Example App: How To Efficiently Display Large Amounts of Data on iOS Maps

robbiehanson/KissXML                       608
A replacement for Cocoa's NSXML cluster of classes. Based on libxml. Works on iOS.

salomvary/soundcleod                       607
SoundCloud for Mac  

tokaido/tokaidoapp                         607
The home of the Tokaido app

Ink/ThatPhoto                              606
ThatPhoto is an app that lets you view and edit your photos

nihalahmed/GameCenterManager               605
iOS Game Center helper singleton

ArtemGordinsky/Spotifree                   605
An OS X app that automatically mutes ads on Spotify.

kentnguyen/KNPathTableViewController       605
UITableViewController with customizable overlay panel while scrolling, inspired by Path

andreamazz/UITextField-Shake               605
UITextField category that adds shake animation

alexanderjarvis/PXAlertView                604
A drop-in replacement for UIAlertView that is more customisable and skinnable

stefanoa/SASlideMenu                       603
Library to create iOS sliding menu compatible with storyboards

OliverLetterer/SLExpandableTableView       603
SLExpandableTableView is a UITableView subclass that gives you easy access to expandable and collapsable sections by just implementing a few more delegate and dataSource protocols. (iPhone, iPad, iOS)

stefanceriu/SCSiriWaveformView             602
UIView subclass that reproduces the waveform effect seen in Siri on iOS 7.

ViennaRSS/vienna-rss                       601
Vienna is a freeware, open source RSS/Atom newsreader for the Mac OS X operating system. 

justinmfischer/core-background             601
An Objective-C API inspired by iOS 7 and the Yahoo Weather App. Location-based Flickr photos in background UIImageView are Gaussian blurred by a UIScrollView while scrolling over foreground iPhone content.

overcommitted/ParcelKit                    601
ParcelKit integrates Core Data with Dropbox using the Dropbox Datastore API

appsquickly/XcodeEditor                    600
An API for manipulating Xcode project files.

gdavis/FGallery-iPhone                     598
Objective-C based gallery for iPhones

saturngod/IAPHelper                        598
in app purchases helper for iOS

potionfactory/LetsMove                     597
A sample that shows how to move a running Mac application to the /Applications directory

carlbrown/PDKeychainBindingsController     596
Mac OSX and iOS Keychain Access patterned after NSUserDefaults.

nicklockwood/FXImageView                   596
FXImageView is a class designed to simplify the application of common visual effects such as reflections and drop-shadows to images, and also to help the performance of image loading by handling it on a background thread. 

stripe/stripe-ios                          596
Stripe bindings for iOS and OS X

xhzengAIB/XHRefreshControl                 595
XHRefreshControl 是一款高扩展性、低耦合度的下拉刷新、上提加载更多的组件。

CocoaPods/CocoaPods-app                    594
A full-featured and standalone installation of CocoaPods.

luisespinoza/LEColorPicker                 594
A Cocoa-Touch system for iOS to get a color scheme in function of an image, like iTunes 11 does.

icanzilb/UIEffectDesignerView              593
A native Particle Systems effect view for iOS and OSX powered by QuartzCore

ashfurrow/FunctionalReactivePixels         592
A demonstration of how to use FRP with ReactiveCocoa in an iOS context using the 500px API. 

andreyvit/SoloComponents-iOS               591
Self-contained, two-file (.h/.m) iPhone/iPad components that are dead-easy to drop into your projects

mmackh/IPDFCameraViewController            590
UIView subclass with camera preview, live border detection, perspective correction and an easy to use API

steipete/PSFoundation                      589
Categories and helper classes for iOS projects.

leichunfeng/WXTabBarController             588
在系统 UITabBarController 的基础上实现安卓版微信 TabBar 的滑动切换功能

leverdeterre/CalendarIOS7                  588
Calendar component for iOS apps

fabiocaccamo/FCUUID                        588
iOS UUID / Universally Unique Identifiers library as alternative to UDID and identifierForVendor.

don/BluetoothSerial                        587
Cordova (PhoneGap) Plugin for Serial Communication over Bluetooth

andrealufino/ALSystemUtilities             587
THIS REPO IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED! This library provides a list of 80 methods to get every kind of system information!

casatwy/RTNetworking                       586

donobono/DoImagePickerController           585
An image picker controller with single selection and multiple selection. Support to select lots photos with panning gesture.

mxcl/YOLOKit                               585
Getting square objects down round holes

12207480/TYAlertController                 585
Powerful, Easy to use alert view or popup view on controller and window, support blur effects,custom view and animation,for objective-c,support iphone, ipad

xissburg/XBImageFilters                    584
OpenGL ES 2-based image and real-time camera filters for iOS

dataxpress/UICountingLabel                 584
Adds animated counting support to UILabel.