Perl Github Star Ranking at 2016/05/23

sitaramc/gitolite                          6069
Hosting git repositories -- Gitolite allows you to setup git hosting on a central server, with very fine-grained access control and many (many!) more powerful features.

so-fancy/diff-so-fancy                     4618
Good-lookin' diffs with diff-highlight and more :tada:

Jack000/Expose                             3511
A simple static site generator for photoessays

major/MySQLTuner-perl                      2719
MySQLTuner is a script written in Perl that will assist you with your MySQL configuration and make recommendations for increased performance and stability.

sarabander/sicp-pdf                        1950
SICP PDF with Texinfo and LaTeX source

kraih/mojo                                 1684
:sparkles: Mojolicious - Perl real-time web framework

openresty/nginx-tutorials                  1328
Nginx Tutorials

nbs-system/naxsi                           1271
NAXSI is an open-source, high performance, low rules maintenance WAF for NGINX

alexrj/Slic3r                              1201
G-code generator for 3D printers (RepRap, Makerbot, Ultimaker etc.)

thoughtbot/rcm                             1170
rc file (dotfile) management

AlDanial/cloc                              1024
cloc counts blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in many programming languages.

petdance/ack2                              995
ack 2.0 is a greplike tool optimized for programmers searching large heterogeneous trees of source code.

duckduckgo/duckduckgo                      990
DuckDuckGo Instant Answer Infrastructure

theos/theos                                969
Unified cross-platform Makefile system.

k4rthik/git-cal                            925
github like contributions calendar on terminal

creaktive/rainbarf                         898
CPU/RAM/battery stats chart bar for tmux (and GNU screen)

theory/sqitch                              896
Sane database change management

munin-monitoring/contrib                   890
Contributed stuff for munin (plugins, tools, etc...)

prey/prey-bash-client                      885
Bash client for the Prey anti-theft software (Mac, Windows, Linux). The original.

sullo/nikto                                884
Nikto web server scanner

lulzlabs/AirChat                           883
Free Communications For Everyone.

petdance/ack                               861
This repository is for ack 1.x, which is **no longer being maintained**.  DO NOT SUBMIT ISSUES HERE.  ack 2.0 has a new GitHub project at

fletcher/MultiMarkdown                     823
Expanded perl version of John Gruber's original Markdown --- No longer under active development since MMD 3

munin-monitoring/munin                     801
Main repository for munin master / node / plugins

dalibo/pgbadger                            749
a fast PostgreSQL Log Analyzer

git-deploy/git-deploy                      718
Tool to manage using git as a deployment management tool

PerlDancer/Dancer                          717
The easiest way to write web applications with Perl (Perl web micro-framework)

docker-library/docs                        703
Documentation for Docker Official Images in docker-library

PenturaLabs/Linux_Exploit_Suggester        630
Linux Exploit Suggester; based on operating system release number 

jonreid/XcodeCoverage                      618
Code coverage for Xcode projects

webfrogs/xcode_shell                       603
shell script that used to auto-build xcode project

chromatic/modern_perl_book                 591
Modern Perl: the book

yuki-kimoto/gitprep                        587
Github clone. you can install Github system into your unix/linux machine.

nferraz/st                                 584
simple statistics from the command line

hokaccha/nodebrew                          537
Node.js version manager

imapsync/imapsync                          536

miyagawa/cpanminus                         526
cpanminus - get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN 

gugod/App-perlbrew                         522
Manage perl installations in your $HOME

agentzh/code2ebook                         510
Generate pretty ebooks in various formats from source trees in various programming languages

get-iplayer/get_iplayer                    510
A utility for downloading TV and radio from BBC iPlayer

RexOps/Rex                                 506
A framework for server orchestration and to simplify system administration

pasky/speedread                            503
A simple terminal-based open source Spritz-alike (per-word RSVP aligned on optimal reading points)

rsnapshot/rsnapshot                        494
a tool for backing up your data using rsync (if you want to get help, use

jlord/git-it-electron                      491
:computer: :mortar_board: A Git-it Desktop App

StefanSchroeder/Golang-Regex-Tutorial      485
Golang - Regular Expression Tutorial

openresty/nginx-systemtap-toolkit          485
Real-time analyzing and diagnosing tools for Nginx based on SystemTap

duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-goodies           481
DuckDuckGo Instant Answers based on Perl & JavaScript

sontek/dotfiles                            480
My configuration files (.screenrc, .vimrc, .weechat, .bashrc, .gitconfig, etc)

muennich/urxvt-perls                       475
Perl extensions for the rxvt-unicode terminal emulator

jfrazelle/dotfiles                         463
My dotfiles

webmin/webmin                              424
Webmin source code

plack/Plack                                420
PSGI toolkit and server adapters

joeyh/myrepos                              410
Multiple Repository management tool

jfhovinne/jFeed                            405
jQuery RSS/ATOM feed parser plugin

vsespb/mt-aws-glacier                      401
Perl Multithreaded Multipart sync to Amazon Glacier

linode/cli                                 392
Command-line interface to the Linode platform

perl-carton/carton                         379
Bundler or pip freeze for Perl

Nordaaker/convos                           378
Better group chat

huichen/mlf                                371

mikaku/Monitorix                           361
Monitorix is a free, open source, lightweight system monitoring tool.

ljunkie/plexWatch                          345
Notify and Log watched content on a Plex Media Server

skx/sysadmin-util                          343
Tools for Linux/Unix sysadmins.

PerlDancer/Dancer2                         339
Perl Dancer Next Generation (rewrite of Perl Dancer)

freebsdgirl/ggautoblocker                  336
Good Game Auto Blocker

alestic/ec2-consistent-snapshot            334
Initiate consistent EBS snapshots in Amazon EC2

timkay/aws                                 333
Easy command line access to Amazon EC2, S3, SQS, ELB, and SDB (new!)

philovivero/distribution                   332
Short, simple, direct scripts for creating ASCII graphical histograms in the terminal.

bestpractical/rt                           326
Request Tracker, an enterprise-grade issue tracking system

mattiasgeniar/varnish-3.0-configuration-templates 318
Configuration templates used for Varnish 3.0 implementations

weijianwen/SJTUThesis                      318
A XeLaTeX template for Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) thesis.

HariSekhon/nagios-plugins                  311
Hadoop, Redis, Elasticsearch, Solr, HBase, Cassandra & DataStax OpsCenter, MongoDB, MySQL, Kafka, Riak, Memcached, Couchbase, Mesos, Spark, Neo4j, Datameer, H2O, WanDisco, Yarn, HDFS, Impala, Apache Drill, ZooKeeper, Cloudera, Hortonworks, MapR, IBM BigInsights, Infrastructure - Linux, DNS, Whois, SSL Certs. Advanced Nagios Plugins, NoSQL APIs etc

dotphiles/dotphiles                        305
A community driven framework of dotfiles.

jimsalterjrs/sanoid                        296
Policy-driven snapshot management and replication tools.  Currently using ZFS for underlying next-gen storage, with explicit plans to support btrfs when btrfs becomes more reliable.  Primarily intended for Linux, but BSD use is supported and reasonably frequently tested.

swcarpentry/bc                             295
This repository is now frozen - please see the note below.

duncs/clusterssh                           292
Cluster SSH - Cluster Admin Via SSH

perl6/book                                 285
Using Perl 6 - an unfinished book about Perl 6

trapd00r/ls--                              285
ls on steroids

movabletype/movabletype                    282
Movable Type

jbittel/httpry                             274
HTTP logging and information retrieval tool

mattiasgeniar/varnish-4.0-configuration-templates 273
Configuration templates used for Varnish 4.0 implementations.

hachiojipm/awesome-perl                    270
A curated list of awesome Perl frameworks and libraries. Come on Pull Requests!

pintsized/lua-resty-http                   270
Lua HTTP client cosocket driver for OpenResty / ngx_lua.

kost/dvcs-ripper                           267
Rip web accessible (distributed) version control systems: SVN/GIT/HG...

xypiie/spread0r                            264
spread0r is a txt reader, which makes your reading twice as fast as usual

mysociety/fixmystreet                      260
This is mySociety's popular map-based reporting platform: easy to install in new countries and regions

linode/longview                            256
Linode Longview Agent

irssi/                    254
Script Repository for Irssi

iberianpig/xSwipe                          249
Multitouch gestures on X11, Linux

metabrainz/musicbrainz-server              248
The official musicbrainz-server codebase

miyagawa/Starman                           246
Starman is a high-performance preforking Perl PSGI web server

spencertipping/js-in-ten-minutes           243
JavaScript in Ten (arbitrarily long) Minutes

Logitech/slimserver                        243
Server for Logitech Squeezebox players. This server is also called Logitech Media Server

andrewning/sortphotos                      238
SortPhotos is a Python script that organizes photos and videos into folders using date/time information

Perl/perl5                                 238
The Perl 5 language interpreter (MIRROR ONLY)

leedo/noembed                              237
oEmbed gateway service with additional non-oEmbed sources

CPAN-API/metacpan-web                      231
Web interface for MetaCPAN

kazeburo/GrowthForecast                    228
Lightning Fast Graphing/Visualization

neldredge/mathgen                          225

fglock/Perlito                             224
Perl 5 and Perl 6 compilers

OTRS/otrs                                  222
The OTRS framework.

perl-catalyst/catalyst-runtime             219
The Elegant MVC Web Application Framework

bucardo/check_postgres                     217
Nagios check_postgres plugin for checking status of PostgreSQL databases

yaoweibin/ngx_http_substitutions_filter_module 217
a filter module which can do both regular expression and fixed string substitutions for nginx

VividCortex/johnny-deps                    216
Barebones dependency manager for Go.

yoshinorim/mha4mysql-manager               213
Development tree of Master High Availability Manager and tools for MySQL (MHA), Manager part

lamw/vghetto-scripts                       211
Various virtuallyGhetto scripts for VMware based solutions

worlduniting/bookshop                      209
bookShop is a publishing framework for html-to-pdf/(e)book toolchain happiness and sustainable productivity.

pshved/timeout                             208
A script to measure and limit CPU time and memory consumption of black-box processes in Linux

miyagawa/github-growler                    208
Growl github updates

pintsized/ledge                            208
A Lua application for OpenResty, providing scriptable HTTP cache functionality for Nginx.

varnishcache/varnish-devicedetect          207
VCL based device detection for Varnish Cache.

openresty/stapxx                           207
Simple macro language extentions to systemtap

proger/eflame                              205
Flame Graph profiler for Erlang

zentyal/zentyal                            205
The Exchange alternative on Linux

Flipkart/HostDB                            204
HostDB: a new tool to help manage data center inventory and write applications around it. 

monsieurvideo/get-flash-videos             202
Download or play videos from various Flash-based video hosting sites, without having to use the Flash player.

rakudo/star                                201
Rakudo Star Perl 6 distribution

inverse-inc/packetfence                    193
PacketFence is a fully supported, trusted, Free and Open Source network access control (NAC) solution. Boasting an impressive feature set including a captive-portal for registration and remediation, centralized wired and wireless management, powerful BYOD management options, 802.1X support, layer-2 isolation of problematic devices; PacketFence can be used to effectively secure networks small to very large heterogeneous networks.

c9s/Vimana                                 190
Vimana is an easy to use system for searching , installing, and downloading vim script.  Vimana provides a command-line interface such like aptitude programe on Debian linux, for you to search , download , install , upgrade scripts from (vimonline site).

pjf/exobrain                               189
Automate your life with Exobrain

benbernard/RecordStream                    188
commandline tools for slicing and dicing JSON records.

yuvi/gas-preprocessor                      186
Perl script that implements a subset of the GNU as preprocessor that Apple's as doesn't

joeyh/ikiwiki                              186
a wiki compiler

cloudflare/lua-resty-logger-socket         183
Raw-socket-based Logger Library for Nginx (based on ngx_lua)

wbraswell/rperl                            182
RPerl Compiler

mongodb/mongo-perl-driver                  182
Perl driver for the MongoDB

yaoweibin/nginx_ajp_module                 180
support AJP protocol proxy with Nginx

devd/Academic-Writing-Check                179
check for passive words, weasel words, duplicate words, typographical errors and words strunk & white don't like

innotop/innotop                            177

petdance/bobby-tables                      176, the site for preventing SQL injections

bucardo/bucardo                            174
Bucardo multimaster and master/slave Postgres replication

justone/dotfiles                           174

rtomayko/shocco                            170
shocco is  a quick-and-dirty, literate-programming-style documentation generator for / in POSIX shell

dockerana/dockerana                        170
Docker Monitoring with support for Grafana and Graphite

jimeh/manservant                           169
Browse man pages in style with your personal manservant.

dkogan/feedgnuplot                         169
Tool to plot realtime and stored data from the commandline, using gnuplot. This is the repo for 'feedgnuplot' on CPAN

doujiang24/lua-resty-kafka                 168
Lua kafka client driver for the ngx_lua based on the cosocket API

tangledhelix/dotfiles                      167
My dotfiles

mrash/fwknop                               166
Single Packet Authorization > Port Knocking

broquaint/Gitalist                         166
A modern git web viewer

CPAN-API/cpan-api                          166
A free, open API for everything you want to know about CPAN

electro7/dotfiles                          164
Config files for linux (master)

openresty/programming-openresty            164
Programming OpenResty Book

holygeek/git-number                        161
Use numbers for dealing with files in git

ronilaukkarinen/weed                       161
Heavily Xchat inspired beautiful irssi theme.

jtaby/Waldo                                161
A generic port of TextMate's Find-In-Project, with associated MacVim plugin

miyagawa/plagger                           161
Pluggable RSS/Atom aggregator

rjbs/Dist-Zilla                            159
scary tools for building CPAN distributions

p0pr0ck5/lua-resty-waf                     158
High-performance WAF built on the OpenResty stack

majutsushi/urxvt-font-size                 158
Change the urxvt font size on the fly

GDSSecurity/PadBuster                      156
Automated script for performing Padding Oracle attacks

trizen/youtube-viewer                      155
A lightweight application for searching and streaming videos from YouTube.

oetiker/SmokePing                          155
The Active Monitoring System

bioperl/bioperl-live                       154
Core BioPerl 1.x code

nagios-plugins-rabbitmq/nagios-plugins-rabbitmq 153
A set of nagios checks for RabbitMQ using the management interface

woothee/woothee                            151
User-Agent parser/classifier for multi languages

jsierles/chef_cookbooks_deprecated         151
Opinionated chef recipes for Ubuntu/Debian. Manage nginx, unicorn, UNIX user accounts, postgresql, and more!

evalEmpire/perl5i                          149
A single module to fix as much of Perl 5 as possible in one go

zimbatm/ffmpeg-static                      149
Scripts to build ffmpeg with all the deps statically (webm + h264 included)

cschneid/irclogger                         148
Sinatra based

kjellm/munin-mysql                         147
Improved MySQL Graphs for Munin

rcarmo/textwrangler-bbedit-solarized       147
solarized color scheme for BBEdit and TextWrangler

naoya/md2inao                              145
Convert markdown to inao-format for WEB+DB PRESS

s-aska/dropbox-api-command                 145
Dropbox API wrapper command.

tokuhirom/Amon                             144
yet another web application framework

stevan/p5-mop-redux                        142
A(nother) MOP for Perl 5

sjdy521/Mojo-Webqq                         142

bluehost/wp-tools                          141
Tools to backup and upgrade WordPress installations

stevan/p5-mop-original                     140
A MOP for Perl 5

NixOS/hydra                                140
Hydra, the Nix-based continuous build system

WolverineFan/YNABLinuxInstall              138
Install script for YNAB 4 on Linux

HeitorG/nipe                               137
:camel: :metal: Script to redirect all traffic from the machine to the Tor network.

kazeburo/cloudforecast                     136
the server metrics gathering

tadzik/rakudobrew                          135
Perl 6 installation manager

zigdon/twirssi                             134
An irssi script allowing the use of Twitter from within the IRC client.

ganglia/gmetric                            134
Repository of user-contributed gmetric scripts

yaoweibin/nginx_syslog_patch               132
add the full syslog feature to Nginx

kud/jpegrescan                             130
JPEGrescan: losslessly shrink any JPEG file.

comotion/VSF                               129
Varnish Security Firewall

djfpaagman/font-awesome-balsamiq           128
Font Awesome icons as .png, ready for use with Balsamiq

joemiller/collectd-graphite                128
collectd plugin for sending data to graphite

yuri-gushin/Roboo                          127
Roboo - HTTP Robot Mitigator

hexchat/hexchat-addons                     127
Plugins and scripts made for HexChat

cucumber/gherkin                           127
Cross platform parser for the Gherkin language. Used by Cucumber to parse .feature files.

jjl/get_iplayer                            124
A utility for grabbing tv and radio from BBC iPlayer. Phil Lewis has stopped developed it so I've forked it.

omniti-labs/omnipitr                       123
Advanced WAL File Management Tools for PostgreSQL

andk/pause                                 123
Perl authors upload server

plack/psgi-specs                           123
PSGI (Perl WSGI) specifications

windytan/redsea                            123
Decoder for FM-RDS.

iafan/Hacksby                              122
Description and unofficial implementation of Furby's audio protocol

hollie/misterhouse                         122
Perl open source home automation program. It's fun, it's free, and it's entirely geeky.

qiaoxueshi/FLEXLoader                      122
A jailbreak iOS device tweak which can load FLEX dynamiclly

gregkh/bti                                 122
bash twitter ididocy

apenwarr/gitbuilder                        122
Auto-builds and tests all the branches of your git projects, showing pass/fail results on a web page/RSS feed.  Isolates failures to the first commit that caused the problem.

shabble/irssi-scripts                      121
Repo to store some personal irssi scripts

openresty/test-nginx                       121
Data-driven test scaffold for Nginx C module and OpenResty Lua library development

atomia/atomiadns                           120
Atomia DNS

apt-mirror/apt-mirror                      119
Official apt-mirror source.

Koha-Community/Koha                        119
Koha is a free software integrated library system (ILS). Koha is distributed under the GNU GPL version 3 or later. Note: this is a synced mirror of the official Koha repo. Note: This project uses its own bug tracker, see to report a bug or submit a patch.

jollyjinx/ZFS-TimeMachine                  119
TimeMachine style backup for ZFS

gempesaw/Selenium-Remote-Driver            119
Perl Bindings to the Selenium Webdriver server

mojomojo/mojomojo                          118
A Catalyst & DBIx::Class powered Wiki. 

perl6/specs                                118
Perl 6 language design documents

reyjrar/es-utils                           116
ElasticSearch Utilities

zaf/asterisk-speech-recog                  116
Speech recognition script for Asterisk that uses google's speech engine.

JJ/hoborg                                  116
A dieselpunk novel with Spanish-created robot hobos in a balcanized America at the beginning of the XX century

teleshoes/tpacpi-bat                       116
ThinkPad ACPI Battery Util

tempire/MojoExample                        115
Mojolicious example with DBIx::Class schema load, deploy, fixtures, and tests.

ryancdotorg/ssh-chain                      115

kni/redis-sharding                         114
Redis Sharding is a multiplexed proxy-server, designed to work with the database divided to several servers.
It's a temporary substitution of Redis Cluster that is under development. 

davidbauer/Instacurate                     113
Turn your Twitter timeline into a personalised news site, in an instant. Fetches links from your timeline and displays them in a discovery friendly design.

DmitryKoterov/dklab_realsync               113
dkLab RealSync: replicate developer's files over SSH in realtime

simpl/ngx_mongo                            113
Non-blocking upstream module for Nginx to connect to MongoDB

nriley/Pester                              113
Simple, disposable alarms and timers for OS X.

bgcngm/mtk-tools                           113
Unpack / repack MT65xx/MT83xx boot.img, recovery.img or logo.bin

spencertipping/nfu                         112
Numeric Fu for the command line

jzawodn/mytop                              111
a "top" clone for MySQL

xchataqua/xchataqua                        111
An IRC client, OS X native front-end for XChat ( )

dbsrgits/dbix-class                        111
Official github remote for DBIx-Class.git

autodl-community/autodl-irssi              110
A community-driven fork of autodl-irssi

oetiker/znapzend                           110
zfs backup with remote capabilities and mbuffer integration.

darold/pgFormatter                         109
A PostgreSQL SQL syntax beautifier that can work as a console program or as a CGI. On-line demo site at

lvc/abi-compliance-checker                 109
A tool for checking backward API/ABI compatibility of a C/C++ library

23andMe/djdt-flamegraph                    108
Flamegraphs for Django Debug Toolbar

libwww-perl/libwww-perl                    108
The libwww-perl collection is a set of Perl modules which provides a simple and consistent application programming interface to the World-Wide Web. The main focus of the library is to provide classes and functions that allow you to write WWW clients. The library also contain modules that are of more general use and even classes that help you implement simple HTTP servers.

kazuho/jailing                             106
super-easy chroot jail builder/runner for Linux

chromatic/little_plack_book                106
Using Plack and PSGI in Modern Perl Web Applications

menavaur/Autobench                         106

xslate/p5-Text-Xslate                      106
Scalable template engine for Perl5

darold/ora2pg                              106
Ora2Pg is a free tool used to migrate an Oracle database to a PostgreSQL compatible schema. It connects your Oracle database, scan it automaticaly and extracts its structure or data, it then generates SQL scripts that you can load into PostgreSQL.

keydet89/RegRipper2.8                      105
RegRipper version 2.8

Ibmurai/Markdown.codaplugin                105
A Markdown plugin for Coda.

Test-More/test-more                        105
Test2, Test::More, Test::Simple and Test::Builder Perl modules for writing tests

chelseybaker/iOSMessageExport              105

SPORE/specifications                       104
SPORE specifications

xme/pastemon                               104 Content Monitoring Tool

zigdon/xkcd-Bucket                         102
Bucket is the channel bot for #xkcd

dabockster/Smackbook-Yosemite              102
Updated Smackbook script for OS X Yosemite

brendangregg/HeatMap                       102
Heat map generation tools

bricoleurs/bricolage                       102
Content management and publishing system

colorgcc/colorgcc                          102
colorgcc is a perl script to colorize gcc output. I'm collecting random patches and changes

pagespeed/cpanel                           102
mod_pagespeed module for CPanel WHM

csirtgadgets/massive-octo-spice            100
the fastest way to consume threat intelligence

hechtus/squeezebox-googlemusic             100
Squeezebox (Logitech Media Server) Plugin for Google Play Music

darold/pgcluu                              100
PostgreSQL Cluster performances monitoring and auditing tool

ytoolshed/pogo                             99
Pogo is an agent-based system for running interruptive commands safely on thousands of machines in parallel

jayjanssen/myq_gadgets                     99
myq_gadgets is deprecated by myq-tools!

perusio/nginx-munin                        98
A set of plugins for monitoring nginx with Munin

untoldwind/alfred2-layout                  98
Alfred 2 Layout workflow

tudorconstantin/Mojolicious-Boilerplate    97
The Web in an **Awesome** Box

exflickr/GodAuth                           97
Authentication layer for web app tools

rezasp/vbscan                              97
OWASP VBScan is a Black Box vBulletin Vulnerability Scanner

wimpunk/ddclient                           96
Fork of the original ddclient code

oetiker/smokeping-3.x                      96
reengineered SmokePing, using Extopus as its frontend

tjstein/php5-fpm-munin-plugins             96
A set of Munin plugins for PHP5-FPM

moose/Moose                                96
Official repository for Moose

mdom/dategrep                              96
print lines matching a date range

mschilli/log4perl                          95
Log4j Implementation For Perl

grayhemp/pgtoolkit                         94
Tools for PostgreSQL maintenance

trinityrnaseq/trinityrnaseq                94
Trinity RNA-Seq de novo transcriptome assembly

openSUSE/kiwi                              94
KIWI OS Image builder

mndrix/merge-this                          94
Revision control stress tests

smtpd/qpsmtpd                              92
qpsmtpd is a flexible smtpd daemon written in Perl

yoshinorim/mha4mysql-node                  92
Development tree of Master High Availability Manager and tools for MySQL (MHA), Node (MySQL Server) part

squentin/gmusicbrowser                     92
jukebox for large collections of music

oysttyer/oysttyer                          92
An interactive console text-based command-line Twitter client written in Perl

nodiscc/awesome-linuxaudio                 91
A list of software and resources for professional audio/video/live events production on Linux.

sjdy521/Mojo-Weixin                        91

fayland/perl-net-github                    91
Perl interface to GitHub

ology/Chess-Inspector                      91
Visualize move, protection and threat status

wireghoul/dotdotpwn                        91
Copy of DotDotPwn

FastVPSEestiOu/Antidoto                    91
Linux antimalware and antirootkit tool

combinatorylogic/clike                     90
A simple C-like language compiler with an extensible syntax and typed macros support

revmischa/rtsp-server                      90
Lightweight RTSP/RTP streaming media server

crucially/riakfuse                         90
Filesystem backed by riak

miyagawa/Carmel                            90
CPAN Artifact Repository Manager

erlang/eep                                 89
Erlang Enhancement Proposals

mogui/MDWamp                               89
MDWamp is a client side objective-C implementation of the WebSocket subprotocol WAMP.

PerlRedis/perl-redis                       89
Perl binding for Redis database

zaf/asterisk-googletts                     89
Asterisk AGI script that uses Google's translate text to speech service.

HikariKnight/rsu-client                    88
A git repository for the RuneScape Linux/Unix Client Project

brucemiller/LaTeXML                        88
LaTeXML is a TeX and LaTeX to XML translator.

noxxi/p5-ssl-tools                         88
various standalone perl scripts

stf-storage/stf                            88
STF - Distributed Object Storage (Perl/MySQL/(Q4M|TheSchwartz|Resque|Redis)/Memcached)

fwaeytens/dnsenum                          88
dnsenum is a perl script that enumerates DNS information

faiproject/fai                             87
non-interactive system to install, customize and manage Linux systems

gshank/html-formhandler                    87
a Perl Moose HTML form handler

LibreCat/Catmandu                          87

shabble/irssi-docs                         86
In-depth documentation of the Irssi IRC Client

daniel-nichter/               86
Deprecated tools from

osklil/hls-fetch                           86
Download and decrypt videos served by the HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) protocol.

kentaro/cinnamon                           85
a simple deploy tool

michaeljamesfitzgerald/Introducing-Regular-Expressions 85
Example code and target text files for the O'Reilly book Introducing Regular Expressions

fastmail/towncrier                         84
A status dashboard

agentzh/sshbatch                           84
SSH::Batch for cluster operations

vti/bootylicious                           84
LIghtweight blog engine on Mojo steroids!

yoshiki/markdown2impress                   83
markdown2impress is script to convert markdown into presentation using impress.js.

sorin-ionescu/dotfiles                     83
My command line life.

oxnz/design-patterns                       83
design patterns impelemented in serveral programming languages

cloudflare/lua-resty-cookie                83
Lua library for HTTP cookie manipulations for OpenResty/ngx_lua

alestic/ec2-expire-snapshots               83
Delete expired EBS snapshots in Amazon EC2.  Install on Ubuntu with: sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:alestic && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y ec2-expire-snapshots

tokuhirom/Furl                             83
pretty fast http client library for perl5

ericfischer/housing-inventory              83

gusmaskowitz/                83
Not written by me, no longer maintained by me :

quran/                     82
images using fonts from King Fahed Complex /

moznion/Perl-Lint                          82
Yet Another Perl Source Code Linter

abw/Template2                              82
Perl Template Toolkit v2

jeffreykegler/Marpa--R2                    82
Parse any language you can describe in BNF -- Release 2

liblime/LibLime-Koha                       82
LibLime Koha is the most mature of the open source ILS applications. Based on the ground-breaking 3.0 platform (derived from the original Koha offering of 1999), LibLime Koha is a completely web-based open source ILS, with library staff, systems librarians, and library users all accessing LibLime Koha through a web browser. Relying on the MySQL relational database, all LibLime Koha data is readily accessible.

deryckoe/Wordpress-Syntax-Mode-for-Coda-2  81
Wordpress Syntax Mode working on Coda 2.0.2

AndriiGrytsenko/openssh-ldap-publickey     81
Wrapper for OpenSSH to store public keys inside the OpenLDAP entry.

berekuk/Ubic                               81
Polymorphic service manager.

iamcal/Flickr-StatsD                       81
Mirror of Flickr-StatsD

TooTallNate/node-cgi                       81
An http/stack/connect layer to invoke and serve CGI executables.

fletcher/MultiMarkdown-CMS                 81
Package to assist with publishing a web site using MMD and a few perl scripts

kentaro/serf-hosts                         81

justone/dfm                                81
dotfiles manager

openresty/resty-cli                        80
Fancy command-line utilities for OpenResty

lifeforms/irssi-smartfilter                80
Irssi JOIN/QUIT smart filter for busy channels

lvc/japi-compliance-checker                80
A tool for checking backward API/ABI compatibility of a Java library

AgileBits/onepassword-utilities            80
Utilities for 1Password

dotse/dnscheck                             80
DNSCheck code, DNS delegation quality checker.

Prajithp/letsencrypt-cpanel                80
 cPanel/WHM plugin for Let's Encrypt client  by

cloudflare/CloudFlare-Tools                79
Tools which enable you to get the full benefit of using the CloudFlare service.

SethRobertson/git-what-branch              79
Discover what branch a commit is on, or how it got to a named branch

gknops/adHocGenerate                       79
Wireless ad hoc distribution of iOS applications

percona/percona-toolkit                    79
Percona Toolkit

cfengine/design-center                     79
CFEngine community-contributed content

yepher/RaZBerry                            78
Notes About ZWave and RazBerry

jigish/dotfiles                            78
My configs

liyanage/xcode-text-macros                 78
Some XCode text macros plus a macro overview HTML page generator

Netflix-Skunkworks/jenkins-cli             78
Simple Jenkins Command Line Interface

rgeissert/http-redirector                  78
Debian mirrors HTTP redirector

kazuho/kaztools                            78
shellscripts and utilities for myself

laravel-dojo/wagon                         77
免安裝可攜的 Laravel 開發環境

ingydotnet/...                             77
Dot Dot Dot

semifor/Net-Twitter                        77
A Perl interface to the Twitter APIs

aspiers/mysqldiff                          77
tool and CPAN suite backend for comparing MySQL database schemas

bbusschots/hsxkpasswd                      77
A Perl module and terminal command for generating secure memorable passwords inspired by the fabulous XKCD web comic and Steve Gibson's Password Hay Stacks. This is the library that powers

nothingmuch/kiokudb                        77
KiokuDB Core

guo-yu/docor                               77
a smart and tiny README maker using default manifest package.json

ingydotnet/vroom-pm                        76
Vim Based Slideshow Presentations

kappa/yadisk-sync                          76
Linux syncronizer for Yandex.Disk

abh/ntppool                                76
NTP Pool Project

OWASP/O-Saft                               76
O-Saft  - OWASP SSL audit for testers

glensc/nagios-plugin-check_raid            76
Nagios/Icinga plugin to check current server's RAID status

miyagawa/web-scraper                       76
Perl web scraping toolkit

punchdrunker/iOSEmoji                      75
information about unicode6 emoji used in iOS5

typester/ark-perl                          75

katzgrau/chip                              75
A log file multiplexer and monitor. Tail multiple remote or local log files, set actions, and more. A friend to every developer and system admin. Alpha.

bestpractical/sd                           75
A distributed issue tracker; upstream is now

dalibo/sqlserver2pgsql                     75
Migration tool to convert a Microsoft SQL Server Database into a PostgreSQL database, as automatically as possible

kraih/mango                                74
:see_no_evil: Pure-Perl non-blocking I/O MongoDB driver

willixix/naglio-plugins                    74
Monitoring Plugins by William Leibzon

pgbackrest/pgbackrest                      74
Reliable PostgreSQL Backup & Restore

fink/fink                                  74
The fink package manager

djabberd/DJabberd                          74
The main DJabberd source

masak/proto                                74
A a hyper-lightweight dependency tracking and project installation system

deepakdaswani/whatsapp_discover            74
"Whatsapp Discover" is a tool for getting phone numbers of devices using Whatsapp by real time sniffing from an interface (disabled in this first version) or from a list of pcap files, which can be processed in batch

lxctl/lxctl                                73
vzctl like utilities for lxc

mindreframer/nginx-lua-stuff               73
some libs for NginX-Lua integration

sveinbjornt/Data-URL-Toolkit               73
Various tools for working with Data URLs, incl. web application (, Mac OS X GUI app, command line tool, Perl modules and Apache module.

Perl-Critic/Perl-Critic                    73
The leading static analyzer for Perl.  Configurable, extensible, powerful.

rcaputo/poe                                72
POE is a portable perl multitasking and networking framework for any event loop.

book/Act                                   72
A Conference Toolkit (Git conversion of the Subversion repository)

CityGenerator/CityGenerator                72
CityGenerator is a tool for generating a setting for Fantasy Roleplaying games.

xme/hoover                                 72
Wireless Probe Requests Sniffer

nekokak/p5-Teng                            71
simple DBI wrapper/ORMapper

mdxp/cookbooks                             71
My custom Cookbooks for Chef

garu/Data-Printer                          70
colored pretty-print of Perl data structures and objects

jodrell/unbound-block-hosts                70
a script to convert Dan Pollock's ad blocking hosts file into Unbound local-data.

rovo89/XposedTools                         70
These tools can be used to compile and package the Xposed framework.

ernstsson/Arqua                            70
Architectural quality analysis tool for GCC project

knmnyn/ParsCit                             70
An open-source CRF Reference String Parsing Package

stealth/troubleshooter                     70
setroubleshootd xSports

AlisamTechnology/ATSCAN                    70
Search / Site / Dork Scanner -  فاحص المواقع و الخوادم 

garethflowers/postgresql-portable          69
Portable version of the PostgreSQL Database Server, for Windows

theiostream/theos-ref                      69
Theos Docs! (because there never was a chapter 2)

tagomoris/fluent-agent-lite                69
Lightweight log delivery agent works w/ fluentd

dolmen/github-keygen                       68
Easy creation of secure SSH configuration for your Github account(s)

coryarcangel/Pizza-Party-0.1.b             68
Order pizza over the commandline (circa 2004)

dotse/zonemaster                           68
The Zonemaster Project

chilts/cil                                 68
DVCS backed issue tracking system

djanowski/ack-tutorial                     68

mojombo/gollum-demo                        68
Gollum test repo

kirei/catt                                 68
Certification Authority Trust Tracker

book/perlsecret                            67
The perl secret operators

PerlGameDev/SDL                            67
Rehashing the old perl SDL binding on

onodera-punpun/dotfiles                    67
My dotfiles and themes.

domm/App-TimeTracker                       67
distributed timetracking from the commandline

digint/btrbk                               67
Tool for creating snapshots and remote backups of btrfs subvolumes

xaicron/mysqlenv                           67
mysql binary manager

pagekite/Colormake                         67
A simple wrapper around make to colorize the output.

pjcj/Devel--Cover                          66
Code coverage metrics for Perl

openresty/nginx-devel-utils                66
Utilities for nginx module development

rdvn/zabbix-templates                      66
Various Zabbix templates

moritz/ilbot                               66
IRC logging bot and web frontend

rpetrich/objc_api_visibility               66
Private API checker for iOS. Requires class-dump-z to be in the PATH

mrhooray/torch                             66
Generate CPU FlameGraphs based on DWARF Debug Info

msparks/irssiscripts                       66
Scripts for the Irssi IRC client

JeremyJones/Apachetop                      66
apachetop is a console-based tool for monitoring the threads and overall performance of a set of Apache web servers.

gjreda/pydata2014nyc                       66
Materials for my pandas tutorial at PyData 2014, NYC

matschaffer/profile                        65
My Bash profile

pbrisbin/downgrade                         65
Downgrade packages in Arch Linux

perl6/ecosystem                            65
Perl 6 ecosystem -- modules and more

Bitmoe/PortableHexo                        65
A portable version of Hexo

castaway/dbix-class-book                   65
DBIx::Class book

miyagawa/cpanfile                          65
Yet another way to declare CPAN dependencies 

DoddyHackman/ParanoicScan                  65
Vulnerability Scanner

madscientist/msjnc                         65
MadScientist Juniper Network Connect Session Manager

rjbs/Soviet-Minecraft                      65
a gross hack for chatty control of Minecraft

SSLMate/sslmate                            65
The SSLMate Client - Buy and Manage SSL Certs from the Command Line

c9s/github-taiwan                          65
Taiwan Developers on Github

hackman/linux-sysadmin-course              65
Linux System Administration 101

tseemann/prokka                            64
:zap: :aquarius: Rapid prokaryotic genome annotation

OpenDDRdotORG/OpenDDR-Resources            64
OpenDDR resources

briandfoy/PerlPowerTools                   64
Perl Power Tools

elliotchance/mbzdb                         64
Port of the MusicBrainz database to run on other RDBMSs with replication (previously named MB_MySQL.)

pvande/Template-Mustache                   64
Drawing Mustaches on Perl, for fun and profit

ssinyagin/gerty                            64
A universal framework for device management automation. Eventually a replacement for RANCID... and much more

tokuhirom/Minilla                          64
Authorizing tool for CPAN modules

justingit/dada-mail                        64
Self-Hosted, Full Featured, Email Mailing List Manager. Announcement + Discussion Lists, Web-based Installer, Installs with minimal dependencies, sendmail/SMTP/Amazon SES supported

csirtgadgets/cif-v1                        63
the fastest way to consume threat intelligence.

sukria/WebKeePass                          63
Web interface over a KeePass database

jdavis/dotfiles                            63
Config files for various things

ftilmann/latexdiff                         63
Compares two latex files and marks up significant differences between them. Releases on and mirrors

meso-cacase/difff                          63
Webベースのテキスト比較ツール difff《デュフフ》

SkyLothar/lua-resty-jwt                    63
JWT For The Great Openresty

isucon/isucon3                             63

agentzh/old-openresty                      63
Obsolete 1st generation of OpenResty written mostly in Perl. Please check out the new OpenResty based on Nginx and Lua instead.

apache/spamassassin                        63
Read-only mirror of Apache SpamAssassin. Submit patches to Do not send pull requests

cardinal/cardinal                          62
Cardinal - Ruby compiler for Parrot

depesz/                  62
Webpage for showing easier to read version of PostgreSQL explains

centreon/centreon-plugins                  62
Collection of plugins for softwares compatible with Nagios plugins

calio/form-input-nginx-module              62
This is a nginx module that reads HTTP POST and PUT request body encoded     in "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", and parse the arguments in     request body into nginx variables.

robinbowes/flac2mp3                        62
flac2mp3 is a tool to convert audio files from flac to mp3 format including the copying of tags.

dreamwidth/dw-free                         62
Dreamwidth's open source repository

lvc/abi-tracker                            62
A tool to visualize ABI changes timeline of a C/C++ software library

bigplum/nginx-tcp-lua-module               62
A TCP server with lua supporting based on nginx

kraih/minion                               62
:octopus: Perl job queue

ValiValpas/taskopen                        62
Script for taking notes and open urls with taskwarrior

gphat/chart-clicker                        62
Extensible, Beautiful Charts for Perl

hirose31/redis-traffic-stats               62
Redis query analyzer for counting, traffic stats by command

shirkdog/pulledpork                        62
Pulled Pork for Snort rule management (from Google code)

sashahilton00/spotify-connect-resources    62
A repository to hold any data/stuff related to reversing the Spotify Connect protocol. Mostly just data dumps at the moment, but if you have something to add to it, be it an implementation, information or just another data dump, make a PR and I will add it asap.

darold/squidanalyzer                       61
Squid Analyzer parses Squid proxy access log and reports general statistics about hits, bytes, users, networks, top URLs, and top second level domains. Statistic reports are oriented toward user and bandwidth control.

justintime/nagios-plugins                  61
Collection of some handy Nagios plugins

andk/cpanpm                                61

kbh3rd/shptosvg                            61
Shapefile to SVG renderer in Perl

mharsch/arcstat                            60
uses Perl to extract, format, and display kstats from the ZFS ARC

evalEmpire/gitpan                          60
Git repositories for all of CPAN

futuretap/iTunesFeaturedCheck              60
Scrapes the App Store and finds out whether an app is featured on either the App Store homepage or in a specific category

GUI/lua-resty-auto-ssl                     60
On the fly (and free) SSL registration and renewal inside OpenResty/nginx with Let's Encrypt.

thaljef/Pinto                              59
Curate your own repository of Perl modules

oetiker/rrdtool-2.x                        59
RRDtool 2.x - The Time Series Database

pplu/aws-sdk-perl                          59
Attempt to build a complete AWS SDK in Perl

stepb/urxvt-tabbedex                       59
Tabbed plugin for rxvt-unicode with many enhancements

maxmind/MaxMind-DB                         59
Spec and test data for the MaxMind DB file format

sitaramc/gitpod                            59
local caching server for git when the actual server is on the other side of a (possibly slow) WAN link

mcholste/elsa                              59
Enterprise Log Search and Archive

trapd00r/vidir                             58
edit directory in $EDITOR (better than vim . with netrw)

grantm/bcvi                                58
Back-channel vi

plainblack/webgui                          58
A free open source content management system and web application framework. The most widely deployed mod_perl application on the planet. 

linux-test-project/lcov                    58

jmcnamara/excel-writer-xlsx                58
Perl module to create Excel XLSX files. 

kazuho/Starlet                             57
a Plack Server, formerly known as Plack::Server::Standalone::Prefork::Server::Starter

cmatsuoka/figlet-fonts                     57
A collection of fonts for FIGlet

rcaputo/reflex                             57
Reflex is a class library for writing reactive Perl programs.  It provides base classes for reactive objects, and specific subclasses for various tasks.

samm-git/jvpn                              56
Perl script to connect to the Juniper VPN with Host Checker enabled

garu/tweetylicious                         56
a Twitter-like microblogging app in just one file

blogs-perl-org/              56
Templates and stuff for the web site

crowbar/barclamp-nagios                    56
[UNMAINTAINED] Crowbar Nagios: System Monitoring

bloonix/awesant                            56
Awesant is a log shipper for logstash.

kazeburo/Monoceros                         56
PSGI/Plack server with event driven connection manager, preforking workers

baohaojun/ajoke                            56
Abducting Java Onto Emacs, K is silent.

nhmood/watson-perl                         55

xdata-skylark/libskylark                   55
Sketching-based Distributed Matrix Computations for Machine Learning

bugzilla/bugzilla                          55
Read-only mirror of Bugzilla source from Tests at –

BaldMansMojo/check_vmware_esx              55
chech_vmware_esx  Fork of

kazeburo/Kurado                            54
monitor metrics

jmapio/jmap-perl                           54
JMAP Proxy implemented in Perl

memowe/contenticious                       54
A simple file based "CMS" on Mojo steroids!

alfiedotwtf/MySQL--Replication             54
Peer-to-peer based, multi-master replication for MySQL

mblsha/yandex-music-mac-player             54

pobox/Moonpig                              54
the moonpig billing system

fletcher/SimplenoteSync                    54
perl routine to sync folder of text files with your notes on Simplenote

mskcc/vcf2maf                              54
Convert a VCF into a MAF, where each variant is annotated to only one of all possible gene isoforms

bradfitz/shipit                            53
Software Release Tool

OpenKore/openkore                          53
A free/open source client and automation tool for Ragnarok Online

anestisb/WeBaCoo                           53
Web Backdoor Cookie Script-Kit

agordon/dancer_bootstrap_fontawesome_template 53
A template for quick-starting applications using Perl's Dancer, Twitter's Bootstrap and Font-Awesome.

billkarwin/bk-tools                        53
Scripts I wrote to help using MySQL and Percona products.

kirei/fpdns                                53

nikyoudale/symbolicatecrash-mac            52
A version of the symbolicatecrash script that works for Mac app crash logs

c9s/App-gh                                 52
GitHub Command-line Utility.

willixix/WL-NagiosPlugins                  52
Clone of naglio-plugins repository for those using old name

masterzen/mysql-snmp                       52
Net-SNMP perl agent for monitoring MySQL servers

rafl/moosex-declare                        52
Declarative syntax for Moose

ciprian-chelba/1-billion-word-language-modeling-benchmark 52
Formerly known as

MailScanner/v4                             52

schweikert/postgrey                        52
Postfix Greylisting Policy-Daemon

liske/needrestart                          52
Restart daemons after library updates.

tokuhirom/tora                             52
Tora! Tora! Tora!

naturalist/kelp                            52
A web framework light, yet rich in nutrients.

Webconverger/webc                          52
Webconverger's curated chroot from which updates originate

openxpki/openxpki                          52
OpenXPKI Code

mhwest13/Memcached-Munin-Plugin            51
Memcached Munin Plugins

mjdominus/git-util                         51
Miscellaneous git scripts and utilities

Comcast/traffic_control                    51
Traffic Control CDN

duritong/puppet-nagios                     51
a nagios module for puppet

rizen/Facebook-Graph                       51
A perl module to help navigate the intricacies of the Facebook Graph API.

kre/Kinetic-Rules-Engine                   51
Source code for KRE

evernote/serge                             51
Free, open-source solution for continuous localization

rayman813/coda2-mode-wordpress             51
Wordpress Syntax Mode/Highlight/Autocomplete for Coda 2 

justinabrahms/jlilly-bashy-dotfiles        50
This is a collection of my dotfiles not related to either vim or emacs. Mostly just bashy stuff.

fusioninventory/fusioninventory-agent      50
FusionInventory Agent

ingydotnet/jemplate                        50
Industrial strength JavaScript template framework

kazeburo/HRForecast                        50

elastic/elasticsearch-perl                 50
New Perl low-level client

drdrang/tp-planner                         50
A set of scripts for printing TaskPaper documents compactly for inserting into a "Junior" sized planner.

hatena/Ridge                               50

sebthebert/Octopussy                       50
Octopussy - Open Source Log Management Solution

ironcamel/Graph-Easy                       50
Convert or render graphs (as ASCII, HTML, SVG or via Graphviz)

franckcuny/jitterbug                       50
Cross Language Continuous Integration for Git

freenode/gms                               50
Group Management System