Kotlin Github Star Ranking at 2018/09/09

JetBrains/kotlin                           24106
The Kotlin Programming Language

tipsy/profile-summary-for-github           18261
Tool for visualizing GitHub profiles

shadowsocks/shadowsocks-android            17485
A shadowsocks client for Android

google/iosched                             17285
The Google I/O 2018 Android App

afollestad/material-dialogs                14176
[Version 2 in alpha now] A beautiful, fluid, and customizable dialogs API for Kotlin & Android.

google/flexbox-layout                      12320
Flexbox for Android 

Kotlin/anko                                12194
Pleasant Android application development

alibaba/p3c                                10980
Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines pmd implements and IDE plugin

googlesamples/android-UniversalMusicPlayer 10212
This sample shows how to implement an audio media app that works across multiple form factors and provide a consistent user experience on Android phones, tablets, Auto, Wear and Cast devices

googlesamples/android-architecture-components 9815
Samples for Android Architecture Components. 

android/android-ktx                        7316
A set of Kotlin extensions for Android app development.

KotlinBy/awesome-kotlin                    5556
A curated list of awesome Kotlin related stuff Inspired by awesome-java. 

square/okio                                5469
A modern I/O API for Java

googlesamples/android-topeka               4948
A fun to play quiz that showcases material design on Android

JetBrains/kotlin-native                    4719
Kotlin/Native infrastructure

ReactiveX/RxKotlin                         4706
RxJava bindings for Kotlin

Tapadoo/Alerter                            3921
An Android Alerting Library

romannurik/muzei                           3686
Muzei Live Wallpaper for Android

googlesamples/android-sunflower            3587
A gardening app illustrating Android development best practices with Android Jetpack.

ssseasonnn/RxDownload                      3304
A multi-threaded download tool written with RxJava and Kotlin

ktorio/ktor                                3232
Framework for quickly creating connected applications in Kotlin with minimal effort

Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines                  2891
Library support for Kotlin coroutines 

RedApparat/Fotoapparat                     2832
Making Camera for Android more friendly. 📸

enbandari/Kotlin-Tutorials                 2758
【Kotlin 视频教程】国内资料较少,我录制了一套视频作为抛砖引玉~

worker8/TourGuide                          2519
TourGuide is an Android library that aims to provide an easy way to add pointers with animations over a desired Android View

KeepSafe/dexcount-gradle-plugin            2473
A Gradle plugin to report the number of method references in your APK on every build.

bufferapp/android-clean-architecture-boilerplate 2425
An android boilerplate project using clean architecture

corda/corda                                2275
Corda is an open source blockchain project, designed for business from the start. Only Corda allows you to build interoperable blockchain networks that transact in strict privacy. Corda's smart contract technology allows businesses to transact directly, with value.

dbacinski/Design-Patterns-In-Kotlin        2259
Design Patterns implemented in Kotlin

Triple-T/gradle-play-publisher             2240
Gradle Plugin to upload your APK and metadata to the Google Play Store

TonicArtos/SuperSLiM                       2111
A layout manager for the RecyclerView with interchangeable linear, grid, and staggered displays of views, all with configurable section headers including the sticky variety as specified in the material design docs.

Kotlin/kotlin-koans                        2091
Kotlin workshop

kittinunf/Fuel                             2089
The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android

JakeWharton/kotterknife                    2074
View "injection" library for Android.

sourcerer-io/sourcerer-app                 1978
🤖 Sourcerer app makes a visual profile from your GitHub and git repositories.

intellij-rust/intellij-rust                1966
Rust plugin for the IntelliJ Platform: https://intellij-rust.github.io/

garretyoder/Colorful                       1932
Android runtime theme library

InsertKoinIO/koin                          1925
KOIN - a pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin

inorichi/tachiyomi                         1924
Free and open source manga reader for Android

JetBrains/kotlin-examples                  1919
Various examples for Kotlin

tipsy/javalin                              1881
A simple and modern Java and Kotlin web framework

gradle/kotlin-dsl                          1879
Kotlin language support for Gradle build scripts

antoniolg/Kotlin-for-Android-Developers    1846
Companion App for the book

arrow-kt/arrow                             1816
Functional companion to Kotlin's Standard Library

JetBrains/Exposed                          1794
Kotlin SQL Framework

edvin/tornadofx                            1782
Lightweight JavaFX Framework for Kotlin

square/sqldelight                          1749
Generates Java models from CREATE TABLE statements.

TwidereProject/Twidere-Android             1731

afollestad/aesthetic                       1724
[BETA] A fast and easy to use plug-and-play dynamic theme engine. Powered by Rx, for Android apps.

dev-labs-bg/transitioner                   1648
A library for dynamic view-to-view transitions

git-xuhao/KotlinMvp                        1639
:fire: 基于Kotlin+MVP+Retrofit+RxJava+Glide 等架构实现短视频类小项目,简约风格及详细注释,欢迎 star or fork!

JetBrains/kotlinconf-app                   1610
KotlinConf Schedule Application

antoniolg/Bandhook-Kotlin                  1603
A showcase music app for Android entirely written using Kotlin language

airbnb/MvRx                                1590
MvRx: Android on Autopilot

shyiko/ktlint                              1507
An anti-bikeshedding Kotlin linter with built-in formatter

chrisbanes/tivi                            1502
Tivi is a work-in-progress TV show tracking Android app, which connects to Trakt.tv. It is still in its early stages of development and currently only contains two pieces of UI. It is under heavy development.

nekocode/create-android-kotlin-app         1453
Create android kotlin app from template. 

JakeWharton/SdkSearch                      1431
An Android app and Chrome extension for searching the Android SDK documentation.

square/kotlinpoet                          1427
A Kotlin API for generating .kt source files.

izhangzhihao/intellij-rainbow-brackets     1414
Rainbow Brackets / Rainbow Parentheses for IntelliJ based IDEs

spekframework/spek                         1382
A specification framework for Kotlin

afollestad/drag-select-recyclerview        1382
Easy to implement Google Photos style multi-selection for RecyclerViews.

arturbosch/detekt                          1368
Static code analysis for Kotlin

klinker24/Android-TextView-LinkBuilder     1361
Insanely easy way to define clickable links within a TextView.

nhaarman/mockito-kotlin                    1342
Using Mockito with Kotlin

YiiGuxing/TranslationPlugin                1333
:electric_plug:Translation plugin for JetBrains IDE/Android Studio

ingbyr/VDM                                 1325
GUI for command-line video downloader (youtube-dl annie)

githubwing/GankClient-Kotlin               1322
gank.io kotlin实现的干货集中营Android客户端 Kotlin  Dagger Databinding Rxjava Retrofit Okhttp3

Yalantis/SearchFilter                      1314
Implementing Search Filter Animation in Kotlin for Quora Meets LinkedIn, Our App Design Concept

SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Calendar          1289
A simple calendar with events, customizable widget and no ads.

Yalantis/JellyToolbar                      1285

LRH1993/Eyepetizer-in-Kotlin               1276

Kodein-Framework/Kodein-DI                 1266
Painless Kotlin Dependency Injection

aritraroy/Flashbar                         1261
⚡️A highly customizable, powerful and easy-to-use alerting library for Android.

anthonycr/Lightning-Browser                1243
A lightweight Android browser with modern navigation

Yalantis/Multi-Selection                   1240
Multiselection Solution for Android in Kotlin

alibaba/transmittable-thread-local         1227
📌 The missing std Java™ lib(simple & 0-dependency) for framework/middleware, transmitting ThreadLocal value between threads even using thread pooling components.

DanielMartinus/Konfetti                    1131
Celebrate more with this lightweight confetti particle system 🎊

kotlintest/kotlintest                      1126
Powerful, elegant and flexible Kotlin test framework

Tinder/Scarlet                             1090
A Retrofit inspired WebSocket client for Kotlin, Java, and Android

ajermakovics/jvm-mon                       1064
Console-based JVM monitoring

loopeer/shadow                             1061
Deprecated because of the performance not fine. Android custom shadow view, can replace your CardView

TonnyL/PaperPlane                          1057
📚 PaperPlane - An Android reading app, including articles from Zhihu Daily, Guokr Handpick and Douban Moment. 

DroidKaigi/conference-app-2018             1029
The Official Conference App for DroidKaigi 2018 Tokyo

igalata/Bubble-Picker                      1017
An easy-to-use animation which can be used for content picking for Android

heimashi/kotlin_tips                       997

PaulWoitaschek/Voice                       977
Minimalistic audiobook player

nickbutcher/AdaptiveIconPlayground         972
An Android app for experimenting with Adaptive Icons.

JetradarMobile/android-snowfall            931
Fully customizable implementation of "Snowfall View" on Android.

Ramotion/fluid-slider-android              929
:octocat:💧 A slider widget with a popup bubble displaying the precise value selected. Android library made by @Ramotion

googlesamples/android-ConstraintLayoutExamples 927
Repository of examples that showcase the various features of ConstraintLayout

wuapnjie/PoiShuhui-Kotlin                  926

android10/Android-CleanArchitecture-Kotlin 908
This is a movies sample app in Kotlin, which is part of a serie of blog posts I have written about architecting android application using different approaches.

PaperAirplane-Dev-Team/BlackLight          904
A light Sina Weibo client for Android

mockk/mockk                                896
mocking library for Kotlin

Kotlin/kotlin-fullstack-sample             890
Kotlin Full-stack Application Example

hzsweers/CatchUp                           884
An app for catching up on things.

fossasia/susi_android                      884
SUSI.AI Android App https://play.google.com/apps/testing/ai.susi

rbro112/Android-Indefinite-Pager-Indicator 868
A lightweight, plug-and-play indefinite pager indicator for RecyclerViews & ViewPagers.

JakeWharton/retrofit2-kotlin-coroutines-adapter 865
A Retrofit 2 adapter for Kotlin coroutine's Deferred type.

cbeust/klaxon                              862
A JSON parser for Kotlin

Gh0u1L5/WechatMagician                     846
WechatMagician is a Xposed module written in Kotlin, that allows you to completely control your Wechat.

vektah/CodeGlance                          843
Intelij IDEA plugin for displaying a code mini-map similar to the one found in Sublime

afollestad/material-cab                    842
A simple library for Android, which replaces the stock contextual action bar to allow more customization.

airbnb/paris                               828
Define and apply styles to Android views programmatically

blackbbc/Tucao                             827
http://www.tucao.tv/ 吐槽第三方Android客户端

wuseal/JsonToKotlinClass                   824
Plugin for Android Studio And IntelliJ Idea to generate Kotlin data class code from JSON text ( Json to Kotlin )

bufferapp/clean-architecture-components-boilerplate 806
A fork of our clean architecture boilerplate, this time using the Android Architecture Components

kiruto/debug-bottle                        795
🍼Debug Bottle is an Android runtime debug / develop tools written using kotlin language.

armcha/Ribble                              783
Simple Dribbble Client using Dribbble API, fully written in Kotlin  😱 ❤️ 

loopeer/code-reader                        781
One Multi program language code reader

ncapdevi/FragNav                           769
An Android library for managing multiple stacks of fragments

pawegio/KAndroid                           765
Kotlin library for Android

MarioAriasC/funKTionale                    745
Functional constructs for Kotlin

shellljx/TagViewGroup                      741
Android 仿小红书图片标签Group

TradeMe/MapMe                              735
The Android maps adapter

Kotlin/dokka                               728
Documentation Engine for Kotlin

Kotlin/kotlinx.serialization               727
Kotlin cross-platform / multi-format serialization 

perwendel/spark-kotlin                     692
A Spark DSL in idiomatic kotlin // dependency: com.sparkjava:spark-kotlin:1.0.0-alpha

RedMadRobot/input-mask-android             687
User input masking library repo.

ingokegel/jclasslib                        673
jclasslib bytecode viewer is a tool that visualizes all aspects of compiled Java class files and the contained bytecode.

dlew/android-architecture-counter-sample   654
Sample app using Android architecture components

nitrico/LastAdapter                        642
Don't write a RecyclerView adapter again. Not even a ViewHolder!

juanchosaravia/KedditBySteps               623
Small Reddit Android client developed with Kotlin

8enet/Charles-Crack                        621
Charles 破解工具

permissions-dispatcher/permissions-dispatcher-plugin 613
IntelliJ plugin for supporting PermissionsDispatcher

holgerbrandl/kscript                       607
Scripting enhancements for Kotlin

TonnyL/Mango                               606
🏀 An Android app for dribbble.com

bufferapp/android-clean-architecture-mvi-boilerplate 604
A fork of our clean architecture boilerplate using the Model-View-Intent pattern

SchibstedSpain/Barista                     599
:coffee: The guy who serves a great Espresso

agoda-com/Kakao                            597
Nice and simple DSL for Espresso in Kotlin

jabbink/PokemonGoBot                       590
Bot that plays Pokemon Go

duanhong169/DrawableToolbox                586
🛠️ The missing drawable toolbox for Android. Create drawables programmatically and get rid of the boring and always repeated drawable.xml files.

kizitonwose/Time                           568
Type-safe time calculations in Kotlin, powered by generics.

Ccixyj/JBusDriver                          566

SalomonBrys/Kotson                         565
Kotlin bindings for JSON manipulation via Gson

spring-projects/spring-fu                  557
Spring Fu is an incubator for new Spring features about Kotlin and functional bean registration. It introduces Kofu configuration, Coroutines and GraalVM native images support.

MicroUtils/kotlin-logging                  553
Lightweight logging framework for Kotlin. A convenient and performant logging library wrapping slf4j with Kotlin extensions

http4k/http4k                              553
http4k is a "Server as a Function" HTTP toolkit written in Kotlin with a focus on simple, testable APIs

duckduckgo/Android                         553
DuckDuckGo Android App

xiprox/ErrorView                           541
A custom view that displays an image, a title, and a subtitle. Use it for errors, empty states, or just messages with images!

patloew/countries                          540
An example Android app using Retrofit, Realm, Parceler, Dagger and the MVVM pattern with the data binding lib.

burhanrashid52/YoutubeUX                   538
With MVVM Architecture pattern using Android Architecture Components This is a sample app demonstrating Youtube player animation using constraint layout 

acejump/AceJump                            537
A single character search, select, and jump.

SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Gallery           531
A gallery for viewing photos and videos without ads.

JakeWharton/dex-member-list                531
A utility which lists all method and/or field references in a dex file.

JesusM/FingerprintManager                  530
A small library to handle Android fingerprint API.

mplatvoet/kovenant                         529
Kovenant. Promises for Kotlin.

TonnyL/Spark                               527
🎨 An Android library to create gradient animation like Instagram&Spotify

damianpetla/kotlin-dagger-example          523
Example of Android project showing integration with Kotlin and Dagger 2

FredJul/Flym                               521
Flym News Reader is a light and modern Android feed reader

kbiakov/CodeView-android                   520
Display code with syntax highlighting :sparkles: in native way.

tommybuonomo/morph-bottom-navigation       520
This library represents a Bottom Navigation with an awesome morph effect on top of the selected item

hussien89aa/KotlinUdemy                    511
Learn how to make online games, and apps for Android O, like Pokémon , twitter,Tic Tac Toe, and notepad using Kotlin

GwonHyeok/StickySwitch                     503
⭐️ beautiful switch widget with sticky animation ⭐️

vanniktech/gradle-dependency-graph-generator-plugin 500
Gradle plugin that generates dependency graphs from your project.

gildor/kotlin-coroutines-retrofit          498
Kotlin Coroutines await() extension for Retrofit Call

wangzailfm/WanAndroidClient                495
Try to build a www.wanandroid.com client for kotlin.

RocketChat/Rocket.Chat.Android             493
Rocket.Chat client in Kotlin for Android

wasabifx/wasabi                            492
An HTTP Framework

Kotlin/kotlinx.html                        489
Kotlin DSL for HTML

2dust/v2rayNG                              489

mrsegev/MovieNight                         489
MovieNight is a sample Android application that uses the clean architecture approach and is written in Kotlin.

androidstarters/kotlin-android-starter     488
[Kotlin Android] Kotlin Android starter based MVP/Dagger2/RxJava2/Robolectric/Espresso/Mockito. It provides a generator to fast create a Kotlin Android project.

rarnu/root-tools                           484

ansman/kotshi                              482
An annotations processor that generates Moshi adapters from immutable Kotlin data classes.

Ramotion/android-ui-animation-components-and-libraries 481
Android UI libraries, components and animations by @ramotion

TinyMission/kara                           479
Kotlin Web Framework for the JVM

aweconf/awesome-conferences-database       478
📲 A collaborative list of Conferences

HabitRPG/habitica-android                  478
Native Android

TonnyL/Light                               477
🍭 The usual Snackbar, but elegant

qiuxiang/react-native-amap3d               473
react-native 高德地图组件,使用最新 3D SDK,支持 Android + iOS

FasterXML/jackson-module-kotlin            473
Module that adds support for serialization/deserialization of Kotlin (http://kotlinlang.org) classes and data classes.

intellij-solidity/intellij-solidity        465
Solidity plugin for IntelliJ

blokadaorg/blokada                         464
Free ad blocker for Android with the best open source community.

nekocode/Murmur                            456
📻 A third-party android client of DoubanFM.

JetBrains/kotlin-workshop                  455
JetBrains Kotlin Workshop Material

Kotlin/kotlin-frontend-plugin              451
Gradle Kotlin (http://kotlinlang.org) plugin for frontend development

Cuieney/RxPay                              450

qingmei2/RxImagePicker                     448
:rocket:Support for RxJava2. Flexible picture selector of Android, provides the support for theme of Zhihu and WeChat(支持RxJava2,灵活的Android图片选择器,提供了知乎和微信主题的支持).

JetBrains/kotlinconf-spinner               444

mcxiaoke/kotlin-koi                        443
Koi, a lightweight kotlin library for Android Development.

gojuno/composer                            442
Reactive Android Instrumentation Test Runner.

Gh0u1L5/WechatSpellbook                    441
Wechat Spellbook 是一个使用Kotlin编写的开源微信插件框架,底层需要 Xposed 或 VirtualXposed 等Hooking框架的支持,而顶层可以轻松对接Java、Kotlin、Scala等JVM系语言。让程序员能够在几分钟内编写出简单的微信插件,随意揉捏微信的内部逻辑。

skedgo/DateTimeRangePicker                 440
A date time range picker for android written in Kotlin

recruit-mp/LightCalendarView               436
A lightweight monthly calendar view for Android, fully written in Kotlin. Designed to meet the minimum demands for typical calendars.

grote/Transportr                           433
Free Public Transport Assistant without Ads or Tracking

Mobcase/McImage                            432
Android Gradle Plugin  -- Auto Check big image and compress image in building.

Ramotion/navigation-toolbar-android        431
:octocat: Navigation toolbar is a slide-modeled UI navigation controller made by @Ramotion

bassaer/ChatMessageView                    429
Chat UI library for Android :zap:

libktx/ktx                                 429
LibKTX: Kotlin extensions for LibGDX games and applications

yjfnypeu/EasyAndroid                       429

ruzhan123/awaker                           429
:tada::tada: An Android app article and video,Kotlin + LiveData + Room + RXJava2 + Retrofit + OKHttp + Material Design + Glide build :tada:

kotcity/kotcity                            423
KotCity, an open source city simulator

adisonhuang/awesome-kotlin-android         420
🔥📱收集利用 Kotlin 进行 Android 开发的开源库,扩展,工具,开源项目,资料等高质量资源

Werb/PickPhotoSample                       419
Photo Picker Of Android Library

pro100svitlo/FingerprintAuthHelper         417
A small library that allows You to easily manage fingererprint authentication inside your Activity or Fragment on devices with fingerprint scanner and Android M and higher. Min sdk 14

simonpercic/OkLog                          414
Network logging interceptor for OkHttp. Logs an URL link with encoded network call data for every OkHttp call.

550609334/Twobbble                         413

sdeleuze/spring-boot-kotlin-demo           412
Spring Boot Kotlin project with a REST Webservice and Spring Data

MarkusAmshove/Kluent                       411
Fluent Assertion-Library for Kotlin

ffgiraldez/rx-mvvm-android                 402
My way to MVVM using RxJava and Android databinding

dkandalov/kotlin-99                        402
Ninety-Nine Problems in Kotlin

konifar/material-cat                       401
Cat photos app for Material Design Animation sample.

brianegan/bansa                            401
A state container for Java & Kotlin, inspired by Redux & Elm

fossasia/open-event-android                400
Open Event Android General App https://github.com/fossasia/open-event-android/blob/apk/app-debug.apk

Yalantis/OfficialFoldingTabBar.Android     396

googlesamples/android-databinding          391

BennyWang/KBinding                         390
Android MVVM framework write in kotlin, develop Android has never been so fun.

TonnyL/Charles                             389
✨ Charles is a local multi-media selector for Android

mixitconf/mixit                            387
MiXiT website

ligi/PassAndroid                           386
Android App to view passes

QuickPermissions/QuickPermissions          384
The most easiest way to handle Android Runtime Permissions

thomasnield/kotlin-statistics              384
Idiomatic statistical operators for Kotlin

andretietz/retroauth                       382
A library build on top of retrofit, for simple handling of authenticated requests

metalabdesign/AsyncAwait                   379
async/await for Android built upon coroutines introduced in Kotlin 1.1

tommybuonomo/creative-viewpager            379
Creative View Pager easy to use in Android

vicpinm/Kotlin-Realm-Extensions            378
Kotlin extensions to simplify Realm API.

karntrehan/Posts                           378
A sample Android app using Kotlin, Dagger 2, RxJava, RxAndroid, Retrofit and Android Architecture Components with a modular setup & effective networking

romainguy/kotlin-math                      376
Set of Kotlin APIs to make graphics math easier to write

andremion/Theatre                          375
Pet project using Clean Architecture + MVVM + Reactive Extensions + Android Architecture Components. The data is fetched from LondonTheatreDirect API. 🎭

francoiscampbell/CircleLayout              374
An Android layout for arranging children along a circle

develar/settings-repository                372
Supports sharing settings between installations of IntelliJ Platform based products used by the same developer (or team) on different computers

DanielMartinus/Stepper-Touch               367
Stepper Touch for Android based on MaterialUp submission

moove-it/fakeit                            366
The Kotlin fake data generator library!

scana/ok-gradle                            365
IntelliJ/Android Studio plugin for searching artifacts ids of popular Java libraries.

amanjeetsingh150/kotlin-android-examples   365
:muscle: [Examples] Isolated applications purely on Kotlin, for all android devs out there 

florent37/KotlinPleaseAnimate              364
Kotlin, please, can you animate my views ?

Bakumon/MoneyKeeper                        364
💰「那样记账」—— 轻量级记账应用

SchibstedSpain/Leku                        361
:earth_africa: Map location picker component for Android. Based on Google Maps.

VladimirWrites/Lemniscate                  359
An easy way to make your progress view nice and sleek.

qhutch/BottomSheetLayout                   359
Simple bottom sheet view for Android

cbeust/kobalt                              358
A Kotlin-based build system for the JVM.

wajahatkarim3/MediumClap-Android           357
👏 The Medium's Clapping Effect developed in Android

ligi/SurvivalManual                        355
Libre Survival Manual for Android with offline in mind

gurleensethi/LiteUtilities                 354
Speed up your android development by removing boilerplate code

saulmm/From-design-to-Android-part2        351

lyft/domic                                 349
Reactive Virtual DOM for Android.

alexstyl/RadiusTransition                  347
Transition between a circle to a square.  ⚪️→ ⬜️

JakeWharton/Reagent                        343
Experiments for future reactive libraries.

LibreShift/red-moon                        340
An android screen filter app for night time phone use

Arasthel/SpannedGridLayoutManager          340
Android RecyclerView.LayoutManager that resizes and reorders views based on SpanSize

hypeapps/MaterialTimelineView              333
With MaterialTimelineView you can easily create a material looking timeline.

V2Ray-Android/Actinium                     328
A 3rd party V2Ray client for Android

iceCola7/WanAndroid                        327
项目采用 Kotlin 语言,基于 MVP + RxJava + Retrofit + Glide + EventBus 等架构设计,努力打造一款优秀的  http://www.wanandroid.com 客户端

Talentica/AndroidWithKotlin                327
:rocket: These are android sample projects which are written in Kotlin. It covers video streaming, mp3 player, sqlite, location services, custom camera, o-notifications, simple compass etc.

mozilla-mobile/android-components          324
A collection of Android libraries to build browsers or browser-like applications.

moshbit/Kotlift                            324
Kotlift is the first source-to-source language transpiler from Kotlin to Swift

MarcinMoskala/ActivityStarter              323
Simple Android Library, that provides easy way to start the Activities with arguments.

Tinder/StateMachine                        320
A Kotlin DSL for finite state machine

fabianonline/telegram_backup               318
Java app to download all your telegram data.

sangcomz/StickyTimeLine                    317
StickyTimeLine is timeline view for android.

stfalcon-studio/MultiImageView             317
Android library to display a few images in one ImageView like avatar of group chat

android/android-studio-poet                317
A library to generate large Android Studio projects

MindorksOpenSource/android-kotlin-mvp-architecture 316
This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVP architecture in Kotlin using Dagger2, Room, RxJava2, FastAndroidNetworking and PlaceholderView

JorgeCastilloPrz/ArrowAndroidSamples       316
Functional Programing Android architecture using http://arrow-kt.io/

ssseasonnn/Yaksa                           316
 A lightweight RecyclerView tool that lets you render items like Javascript.

MarcinMoskala/ArcSeekBar                   315
Good looking curved Android SeekBar

JorgeCastilloPrz/hiroaki                   314
Write idiomatic API integration tests using Kotlin (Unit and Instrumentation)

chibatching/Kotpref                        313
Kotpref - Android SharedPreferences delegation library for Kotlin

zsmb13/MaterialDrawerKt                    310
A Kotlin DSL wrapper around the mikepenz/MaterialDrawer library.

mpcjanssen/simpletask-android              309

Microsoft/thrifty                          308
Thrift for Android that saves you methods

stepstone-tech/android-material-app-rating 307
This library allows to use customized Rating Dialog inside applications.

kittinunf/Result                           306
The modelling for success/failure of operations in Kotlin

Jire/Charlatano                            303
Proves JVM cheats are viable on native games, and demonstrates the longevity against anti-cheat signature detection systems

dbacinski/Android-Testing-With-Kotlin      299
Android Testing With Kotlin

square/AssistedInject                      299
Assisted injection for JSR 330.

mistamek/Android-drawable-preview-plugin   298
Android studio plugin for preview drawables

okdroid/checkable-chip-view                297
Android Chipview Widget

thevpaliy/MoviesApp                        296

quiph/RecyclerView-FastScroller            293
A fully customizable Fast Scroller for the RecyclerView in Android, written in Kotlin and 100% compatible with Java only projects

xenomachina/kotlin-argparser               292
Easy to use and concise yet powerful and robust command line argument parsing for Kotlin

LiushuiXiaoxia/AndroidModular              292

po10cio/TimeLineView                       291
A simple Timeline View that demonstrates the power of ConstraintLayout and RecyclerView. No drawing, just plug in and play.

tingyik90/snackprogressbar                 290
Enhanced Snackbar with ProgressBar for Android.

SeunAdelekan/Kanary                        290
A minimalist web framework for building REST APIs in Kotlin/Java.

lsxiao/Apollo                              289
🚀 Awesome  EventBus by RxJava.

minecraft-dev/MinecraftDev                 289
Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA that gives special support for Minecraft modding projects.

freeletics/RxRedux                         289
Redux implementation based on RxJava

TonnyL/WhatsNew                            288
🎉 WhatsNew automatically displays a short description of the new features when users update your app

Yalantis/kotlin-mvp-example                287
A small client server app on Kotlin that is using MVP architecture

elpassion/crweather                        284
Android demo app with kotlin coroutines and architecture components library

Commit451/ModalBottomSheetDialogFragment   283
Modal bottom sheet dialog based on the Material Guidelines

graphql-java/graphql-java-tools            282
A schema-first tool for graphql-java inspired by graphql-tools for JS (https://github.com/apollographql/graphql-tools)

thoughtbot/stencil                         281
Android library, written exclusively in kotlin, for animating the path created from text

blackbbc/Evil-Hide                         279
An android app that can hide other apps' icon in the launcher without root permission. 一个用于隐藏应用的app(不需要Root权限)

walleth/walleth                            279
Android Ethereum wallet

fython/PackageTracker                      278
The New ExpressHelper for Android.

klinker24/Android-FloatingTutorialActivity 277
A light-weight, easy-to-implement, and easy-to-look-at way to do a tutorial pager or dialog on Android

zawadz88/MaterialPopupMenu                 274
Shows Material popup menus grouped in sections & more

vanniktech/RxRiddles                       274
Riddling your way to master RxJava

msesma/Karchitec                           273
Kotlin RSS reader using Google android architecture components libraries

santalu/mask-edittext                      271
A simple edittext with mask

fython/MaterialStatusBarCompat             271
Easy to make status bar translucent/tint on both Kitkat and Lollipop (完美地使 Kitkat 与 Lollipop 上的状态栏同时透明/变色)

cretz/asmble                               270
Compile WebAssembly to JVM and other WASM tools

RubyLichtenstein/RxTest                    269
Kotlin DSL for easier RxJava testing.

jonnyzzz/TeamCity.Node                     269
Node.js, NPM and Phantom.JS runners for TeamCity

KucherenkoIhor/Android-Architecture-Components 268
The template project that uses Android Architecture Components with Repository pattern. The simple app that uses awesome Fuel library instead of Retrofit for perfoming HTTP request. The app also persists data using the Room library and display data in RecyclerView.

CleverPumpkin/CrunchyCalendar              266
A beautiful material calendar with endless scroll, range selection and a lot more!

andyb129/31DaysOfKotlin                    265
A summary of all the Kotlin tips from Google's Android Developer #31DaysofKotlin on Twitter

AkshayChordiya/android-arch-news-sample    264
News app built using new Android Architecture Guidelines and Kotlin

pakoito/FunctionalAndroidReference         264
Showcase project of Functional Reactive Programming on Android, using RxJava.

djuarez/Kotlin-CleanArchitecture           262
This is a sample app that is part of a blog post I have written about how to architect android application using the Uncle Bob's clean architecture and Fernando Cejas Android-CleanArchitecture in Kotlin.  Post in Spanish: http://katade.com/clean-architecture-kotlin/

revely-inc/co.revely.gradient              261
An Android library for easy gradient management

general-mobile/kotlin-android-mvp-starter  260
Create/Generate your kotlin MVP projects easily

bernaferrari/EmojiSlider                   259
🤯 A slider widget rich in emoji and highly customisable.

ssseasonnn/RxRouter                        259
A lightweight, simple, smart and powerful Android routing library.

kaikaixue/Eyepetizer                       257
kotlin仿开眼app 学习kotlin mvp retrofit rxjava

jaredsburrows/android-gif-example          256
Gif RecyclerView in MVP using Dagger 2 + Retrofit 2 + Moshi + RxJava 2 + Glide 4 with JUnit and Espresso tests written in Kotlin + Kotlin DSL!

satorufujiwara/kotlin-architecture-components 254
This is a sample app that uses Android Architecture Components with Kotlin and Dagger 2.

Karn/notify                                253
Simplified notification delivery for Android.

mattbdean/JRAW                             252
The Java Reddit API Wrapper

erikcaffrey/Android-Architecture-Components-Kotlin 251
Sample used to practice Kotlin and Android Architecture Components.

mazurio/bodyweight-fitness-android         250
Bodyweight Fitness (Android)

Plastix/Kotlin-Android-Boilerplate         249
Kotlin Android boilerplate project with MVVM architecture using RxJava, Dagger 2, and more!

sekwiatkowski/komputation                  248
Komputation is a neural network framework for the Java Virtual Machine written in Kotlin and CUDA C.

Kotlin/anko-example                        248
A small application built with Anko DSL

Kotlin-lang-CN/Kotlin-CN                   248
尝试使用Kotlin编写构建的 Kotlin China 论坛,采用etcd+自定义tcp协议rpc做服务调度的分布式架构。我们致力于提供最好的Kotlin中文教程,共建最潮流的Kotlin中文社区

googlesamples/android-text                 247
Samples showing how to work with text on Android

irontec/android-kotlin-samples             247
Some basic samples of Kotlin for Android

qhutch/ElevationImageView                  245
Imageview with elevation shadow

ravidsrk/kotlinextensions.com              245
A handy collection of most commonly used Kotlin extensions to boost your productivity.

santalu/diagonal-imageview                 240
A simple imageview which allows you to create diagonal cut views easily

Mygod/VPNHotspot                           240
Share your VPN connection over hotspot or repeater! (root required)

husaynhakeem/android-face-detector         240
A real-time face detection Android library

hotchemi/khronos                           239
An intuitive Date extensions in Kotlin.

mannodermaus/android-junit5                239
Testing with JUnit 5 for Android.

mpv-android/mpv-android                    239
#mpv-android @ freenode

cortinico/slidetoact                       238
A simple 'Slide to Unlock' Material widget for Android, written in Kotlin 📱🎨🦄

nordprojects/lantern                       238
Transform any surface into mixed-reality using Raspberry Pi, a laser projector, and Android Things.

ScaleChain/scalechain                      237
A customizable blockchain for altcoins. 

SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Camera            237
A camera with flash, zoom and no ads.

icela/FriceEngine                          237
:video_game: JVM game engine based on Swing/JavaFX.

JetBrains/kotlin-wrappers                  236
Kotlin wrappers for popular JavaScript libraries

gojuno/koptional                           236
Minimalistic Optional type for Kotlin that tries to fit its null-safe type system as smooth as possible.

bernaferrari/ChangeDetection               236
Automatically track websites changes on Android in background.

arturbosch/sonar-kotlin                    235
SonarQube plugin for Kotlin

jkcclemens/khttp                           234
Kotlin HTTP requests library. Similar to Python requests.

SimpleMobileTools/Simple-File-Manager      232
A simple file manager for browsing and editing files and directories.

Kotlin/ts2kt                               231
Converter of TypeScript definition files to Kotlin external declarations

ollide/intellij-java2smali                 229
A plugin for IntelliJ IDEA & Android Studio to easily compile Java & Kotlin files to smali.

squanchy-dev/squanchy-android              229
Open source Android app for your conferences

sanogueralorenzo/Android-Kotlin-Clean-Architecture 228
Android Sample Clean Architecture App written in Kotlin

zalando/zally                              227
A minimalistic, simple-to-use API linter

michaelxs/Android-CommonShapeButton        225
To remove all shape files from the project, provide a generic shape style button.

neo4j-graphql/neo4j-graphql                224
GraphQL bindings for Neo4j, generates and runs Cypher

imablanco/Parallax                         224
Easy parallax View for Android simulating Apple TV App Icons

wuapnjie/LayoutMaster                      224
An Android Studio Plugin for ui debugging. 

pardom-zz/redux-kotlin                     223
Predictable state container for Kotlin apps

iammert/AnimatedTabLayout                  223
Yet another android tab layout

satorufujiwara/kotlin-android-flux         223
Example of Android app with Flux and Kotlin and Dagger2 and famous libraries.

patrickyin/clean-architecture-android-kotlin 222
Using Uncle Bob's clean architecture with Kotlin language and the latest Android technologies(Rx, Dagger2 etc.).

armcha/PlayTabLayout                       222
PlayTabLayout is a tab layout very similar to Google Play tab layout. The main feature is that ripple shows in a particular place where user taps.

reddit/IndicatorFastScroll                 221

gazolla/Kotlin-Algorithm                   221
Algorithms and data structures in kotlin

kennycason/bayesian_sentiment_analysis     220
Pragmatic & Practical Bayesian Sentiment Classifier 

Shopify/livedata-ktx                       219
Kotlin extension for LiveData, chaining like RxJava

AiYinZiLeGong/PUBG-Radar                   218

iPoli/iPoli-android                        218
Fun & Motivational Todo List with Calendar for Android written in Kotlin. Using Redux, coroutines, Firebase and Clean Architecture.

npryce/hamkrest                            218
Hamcrest for Kotlin

Commit451/LabCoat                          217
GitLab client for Android. Mirror of project on GitLab

paphonb/AndroidP-ify                       216
[Xposed] Use features introduced in Android P on your O+ Device!

uber/stylist                               216
A stylist creates cool styles. Stylist is a Gradle plugin that codegens a base set of Android XML themes.

dvoiss/literallytoast                      216
🍞 The missing toast library for Android.

jahirfiquitiva/Frames                      215
Free, feature-rich, easily customizable Android dashboard for wallpapers apps

YvesCheung/RollingText                     215
Android TextView with rolling animation

CesarValiente/KUnidirectional              214
The goal of this sample app is to show how we can implement unidirectional data flow architecture based on Flux and Redux on Android... using Kotlin :wink:

kohesive/injekt                            212
Dependency Injection for Kotlin

AllenCoder/BRVAH_kotlin                    212
This is kotlin BRVAH Demo

SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Music-Player      212
A clean music player with a customizable widget.

armcha/ColoredShadowImageView              211
ColoredShadowImageView allows you to create a beautiful shadow around the image based on corresponding area colors.

rubygarage/emotion-rating-view             210
A library for animated rating view in Android apps.

iglaweb/Ferris-Wheel                       207
Simple android library to present an animated ferris wheel

awslabs/serverless-photo-recognition       207
A collection of 3 lambda functions that are invoked by Amazon S3 or Amazon API Gateway to analyze uploaded images with Amazon Rekognition and save picture labels to ElasticSearch (written in Kotlin)

nsk-mironov/smuggler                       207
The easiest way to make your data classes Parcelable

discordapp/SimpleAST                       205
Extensible Android library for both parsing text into Abstract Syntax Trees and rendering those trees as rich text.

TonnyL/FanfouHandpick                      205
📖 A Fanfou Handpick Client Developed by Kotlin

styled-components/webstorm-styled-components 204
styled-components highlighting support in IntelliJ editors

NewsCatchr/NewsCatchr                      204
FOSS Android News Reader App

jeffreystoke/openct-android                204
open class table for android

atsky/haskell-idea-plugin                  203
IntelliJ IDEA plugin for Haskell

jnizet/gradle-kotlin-dsl-migration-guide   201
The missing migration guide to the Gradle Kotlin DSL

ztc1997/Fingerprint2Sleep                  199
Perform quick actions via tap fingerprint sensor.

blockchain/My-Wallet-V3-Android            198
Blockchain Android Wallet

kirtan403/K4Kotlin                         198
A sweet, small set of Kotlin functions to reduce your android boilerplate code

XiaoQiWen/KRefreshLayout                   197

foolchen/AndroidTracker                    195

substratum/template                        193
The official Substratum Theme Template actively updated by the team!

tslamic/AndroidDeviceNames                 192
A tiny Android library that transforms the device model name into something users can understand.

Hexworks/zircon                            192
Zircon is an extensible text GUI library which targets multiple platforms and designed specifically for game developers.

Ruin0x11/intellij-lsp-server               191
Exposes IntelliJ IDEA features through the Language Server Protocol.

alxrm/animated-clock-icon                  188
Easy-to-use animated clock icon for Android

alxrm/audiowave-progressbar                188
Lightweight audiowave progressbar for Android

zhoujunjiang/DoubanMovie                   187

cheptsov/kotlin-nosql                      187
NoSQL database query and access library for Kotlin

ianhanniballake/LocalStorage               187
Local Storage provides access to your local storage via the Android 4.4 Storage Access Framework

ligi/IPFSDroid                             187
Android App for the InterPlanetary File System(IPFS)

Kerr1Gan/Flesh                             186

joaquim-verges/Helium                      186
Lightweight MVP Framework for Android

netguru/videochatguru-android              185
Open source library to create fast and beautiful video chats over WebRTC

MixinNetwork/android-app                   185
Android messenger, wallet and light node to the Mixin Network

Turbo87/intellij-emberjs                   185
Ember.js support for JetBrains IDEs (IntelliJ, WebStorm, ...)

iielse/behavior-learn                      181
CoordinatorLayout 自定义Behavior 高仿美团商家详情界面 实现页面内容复杂联动效果

rock3r/deep-clean                          181
A Kotlin script that nukes all build caches from Gradle/Android projects. Useful when Gradle or the IDE let you down 💔

alexstyl/Memento-Calendar                  181
The sweetest calendar for Android

bmaslakov/kotlin-algorithm-club            180
Algorithms and data structures in Kotlin.

mopsalarm/Pr0                              179
Offizielle pr0gramm app für Android. Download auf https://app.pr0gramm.com

limuyang2/LDialog                          178
👏基于DialogFragment封装的库,丰富的属性,帮助你化繁为简(Based on the DialogFragment packaged library, rich properties to help you simplify)

LouisCAD/Splitties                         178
A family of small Kotlin libraries for delightful Android development

StephaneBg/SimpleNumberPicker              178
A customisable decimal and hexadecimal material picker view for Android.

mvarnagiris/expensius                      178

ahmedrizwan/RxRecyclerAdapter              177
Rx based RecyclerView Adapter. 

StevenDXC/DxLoadingButton                  177
Android button with loading animation

sellmair/kompass                           177
A powerful router for Android, written in Kotlin

kizitonwose/android-disposebag             177
Automatically dispose RxJava 2 streams on Android using Lifecycle events.

isuPatches/WiseFy                          177
Wrapper around WifiManager and ConnectivityManager for Android

gothinkster/kotlin-spring-realworld-example-app 177

StylingAndroid/Prefekt                     176

Daio-io/dresscode                          175
👔 Tiny lightweight Kotlin Android library to change theme at runtime.

CodeXiaoMai/AndroidGeek                    175
"Android Geek(Android极客)"一个专门为Android程序猿打造的极客应用。主要包括: 干货笔记、GitHub Trending、密码管理 .......

xurxodev/Movies-Kotlin-Kata                174
Katas for practice Kotlin( Coroutines, dataclasses, delegate properties...)  Clean Architecture and best practices in Android(DI, Dagger, MVP, Espresso) implemented by Jorge Sánchez (Xurxodev) 

googlecodelabs/android-navigation          174

MindorksOpenSource/EditDrawableText        174
EditDrawableText - An EditText which makes your Drawable Clickable

angryziber/kotlin-puzzlers                 173
A collection of Kotlin Puzzlers

andrewoma/kwery                            173
Kwery is an SQL library for Kotlin

esoxjem/MovieGuide-Kotlin                  172
Movie discovery app showcasing Kotlin, RxJava, Dagger2, MVP using Clean Architecture

saket/Flick                                172
Flick dismiss all the things

borisf/classyshark-bytecode-viewer         172
A tool to browse your Java/Kotlin compiled code

temyco/security-workshop-sample            171
This repository has been desired to show different Android Security Approach implementations using a simple sample project.

rakshakhegde/LastPagerAdapter              171
Don't write a ViewPager Adapter! Hook up your ViewPager to your data model using Android Data Binding Framework. With Kotlin support!

Archinamon/android-gradle-aspectj          169
gradle plug-in adding supports of AspectJ into Android project

dev-labs-bg/fast-list                      168
Create fast, dynamic recycler views. No adapter, no view holders

bufferapp/CounterView                      168
A simple Android counter view for showing edittext character counts

yoavst/androidKotlin                       168
DEPRECATED - Kotlin extenstion method for better Android development

sdeleuze/geospatial-messenger              167
Geospatial messenger application written with Spring Boot + Kotlin + PostgreSQL

maannajjar/lattekit                        167
Android framework for building UI quickly in Kotlin, inspired by React.js

florent37/Shrine-MaterialDesign2           166
implementation of Material Design 2 Shrine project

biezhihua/DYTT                             166

nsk-mironov/kotlin-jetpack                 165
A collection of useful extension methods for Android

MrBIMC/SELinuxModeChanger                  164
Simple android app that sets SELinux into desired mode on each boot. 

I opensourced it because google banned such apps from Google Play. 
Licence is GPLv3. 


JcMinarro/Philology                        162
An easy way to dynamically replace Strings of your Android App or provide new languages Over-the-air without needed to publish a new release on Google Play.

uber/artist                                161
An artist creates views. Artist is a Gradle plugin that codegens a base set of Android Views.

zhudyos/duic                               160

JoaquimLey/transport-eta                   160
Twitch streamed playground repo for Android, README speaks to you.

Werb/MoreType                              159
new method to build data in RecyclerView with Kotlin!

dkrivoruchko/ScreenStream                  159
Screen Stream over HTTP mobile app

hzsweers/palettehelper                     158
Utility Android app for generating color palettes of images using the Palette library. Written in Kotlin.

0xFireball/Enlightened                     158
An elegant, minimalist highlighting code editor for Android

rarnu/wechat_no_revoke                     158

pgutkowski/KGraphQL                        158
Pure Kotlin GraphQL implementation

sdeleuze/spring-kotlin-functional          157
Spring Framework 5 Kotlin APIs, the functional way

ligi/gobandroid                            157
A Goban for Android

Kotlin/kotlinx.collections.immutable       156
Immutable collection prototypes for Kotlin

skateboard1991/NumberRain                  156

ftomassetti/LangSandbox                    156
Project to illustrate how to build a programming language

afollestad/assent                          155
Android permission requests made easy and compact.

kyonifer/koma                              155
A scientific computing library for Kotlin. https://kyonifer.github.io/koma

gojuno/swarmer                             155
Reactive tool to create and start multiple Android Emulators in parallel.

marlonlom/timeago                          155
Simple java library for displaying dates as relative time ago language.

Kotlin/kotlin-in-action                    154
Code samples from the "Kotlin in Action" book

r21nomi/GLRippleView                       154
Custom GLSurfaceView for Android to show image with ripple effect using OpenGL.

JakeWharton/retrofit2-kotlinx-serialization-converter 152
A Retrofit 2 Converter.Factory for Kotlin serialization.

Will-Ls/WeiYueKotlin                       152
一款 kotlin 新闻客户端, MVP + RxJava + Retrofit + Dagger2

wheat7/NationalGeographic                  152
NationalGeographic with Android Architecture Components(Lifecycle)  & Kotlin

hhariri/oreilly-kotlin-course              152
Source Code for O'Reilly Course

inorichi/tachiyomi-extensions              152

denofevil/import-cost                      152
Displays the import size of the package you are importing inside the IJ platform products

divyanshub024/AndroidDraw                  151
 A drawing view for your android application.

ahmedrizwan/SeekBarCompat                  151
A simple material-based support library to bring consistent SeekBars on Android 14 and above. 

volodymyrprokopyuk/kotlin-sdp              151
Software Design Patterns in Kotlin

BijoySingh/Scarlet-Notes                   150
Simple yet powerful rich note taking android application, with a lot of flexibilty of usage

DanluTeam/ColdStart                        148
Android App 冷启动优化方案

cmelchior/realmfieldnameshelper            148
Realm extension library used to create more type-safe queries.

dodyg/Kotlin101                            148
101 examples for Kotlin Programming language.

konrad-kaminski/spring-kotlin-coroutine    147
Kotlin coroutine support for Spring.

mrmike/DiffUtil-sample                     147
Android sample app in Kotlin showing usage of DiffUtil class.

CoinbaseWallet/toshi-android-client        147
Android client for Toshi

Fondesa/RecyclerViewDivider                147
A library that can configure a divider for a RecyclerView.

fabioCollini/ArchitectureComponentsDemo    146
Kotlin demo project that uses some Android Architecture Components (ViewModel and LiveData) with Dagger 2 and Coroutines

yole/jitwatch-intellij                     145
JITWatch plugin for IntelliJ IDEA

jaychang0917/SimpleApiClient               145
A configurable api client based on Retrofit2 and RxJava2 for android

juanchosaravia/Keddit                      145
Keddit: A Reddit Android client using Kotlin (Retrofit, RxJava, RxAndroid...)

ditclear/PaoNet                            145

JakeWharton/PxJava                         144
An experiment which interprets RxJava as an entirely pull-based system written in Kotlin.

Beepiz/BleGattCoroutines                   144
Make Gatt Great Again! This library allows easy and safer usage of BluetoothGatt in Android

PicnicSupermarket/FingerPaintView          144
Android library to paint over bitmaps

yhaolpz/Smile                              144
一款纯 Kotlin 编写的安卓应用, 含 Kotlin 知识点归纳笔记及学习方法, 适合 Kotlin 入门参考 

willowtreeapps/assertk                     144
assertions for kotlin inspired by assertj

Vuksa/RuntimePermissionsExtended           144
Kotlin extension functions for easier and more concise Android permission handling.

wordpress-mobile/AztecEditor-Android       143
A reusable native Android rich text editor component.

ragunathjawahar/kaffeine                   143
Kaffeine is a Kotlin-flavored Android library for accelerating development.

coder-pig/CPWechatXposed                   142

mochixuan/AirPurgeView                     142

SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Notes             142
A simple textfield for adding quick notes without ads.

jshvarts/ConductorMVP                      142
Multi-project Clean Architecture MVP app in Kotlin using Conductor, Room, RxJava 2, Dagger 2 with custom scopes

nex3z/NotificationBadge                    142
A notification badge with animation.

marukami/RxKotlin-Android-Samples          141
Learning RxKotlin for Android by example ( A Kotlin re-write of https://github.com/kaushikgopal/RxJava-Android-Samples )

standardnotes/android-classic              140
Android app - (Deprecated) - New version: https://github.com/standardnotes/mobile

XhstormR/GetBilibili                       140
Download Bilibili Ultra-Definition Video

mythz/kotlin-linq-examples                 140
C#'s 101 LINQ Samples translated to Kotlin

vanniktech/gradle-maven-publish-plugin     140
Gradle plugin that configures an uploadArchives task to automatically upload all of your Java, Kotlin or Android libraries to any Maven instance.

mozilla-mobile/fenix                       140
Fenix is not your parent's Android browser.

hugocastelani/waterfall-toolbar            139

ehsunshine/colored-time-selector           139
A smart colored time selector. Users can select just free time with a handy colorful range selector.

LRH1993/SuiYue                             139

Bridouille/android-beacon-scanner          138
A simple android iBeacon, AltBeacon, Eddystone and RuuviTag beacon scanner

Waboodoo/HTTP-Shortcuts                    138
Android app to create home screen shortcuts that trigger arbitrary HTTP requests

bendikv/simple-range-view                  138
SimpleRangeView is custom view component for Android, that provides for the selection of a range

traversals/kapsule                         137
Minimalist dependency injection library for Kotlin.

fractalwrench/json-2-kotlin                137
Convert JSON to Kotlin Data Classes

bravoborja/SimpleRatingBar                 137
SimpleRatingBar allows us to create a RatingBar with margin between items

Takhion/android-extras-delegates           136
Kotlin property delegates to manage Android Intent and Bundle extras

MehdiK/Humanizer.jvm                       136

nitrico/FontBinder                         136
Easy font usage in your Android XML layouts

Commit451/Easel                            135
Tint and color Android views with ease

JLLeitschuh/ktlint-gradle                  135
A ktlint gradle plugin

phauer/blog-related                        134
Playground to test things before posting them on my blog

sirlantis/rubocop-for-rubymine             134
DEPRECATED: RubyMine supports RuboCop now

pixiteapps/billingx                        134
Extension to the Billing Support library to support debug builds.

npryce/konfig                              134
Simple config properties API for Kotlin

skydoves/GithubFollows                     133
:octocat: A demo project based on MVVM architecture and material design & animations.

githubhaohao/DoubanBook                    133
一个基于 Clean 架构以及 Retrofit , RxKotlin , Dagger 框架实现的 Kotlin for Android App 。

winterbe/expekt                            133
BDD assertion library for Kotlin

premnirmal/StockTicker                     133
A resizable widget that shows your financial portfolio on your android home screen, written in Kotlin

JetBrains/kotlin-eclipse                   133
Kotlin Plugin for Eclipse

zhangzhao4444/Maxim                        132
高速uiautomator控件解析算法的Android Monkey, 每秒10-15个Action Event。实现快速DFS算法的Android Monkey , 每秒 5个Action Event。

eddywm/KTFLITE                             132
Computer Vision on Android with Kotlin and Tensorflow Lite

omar753sahl/Flopsy                         132
A cute little bunny animation that responds to text field interactions.

gregsh/Clojure-Kit                         131
Clojure/ClojureScript plugin for IntelliJ-based IDEs

steelkiwi/SlidingSquareLoaderView          130
Marvelous sliding square loader view

galex/name-that-color-intellij-plugin      130
This plugin lets you insert a name for a color you copy-paste or type in an android resource file.

Zeyad-37/RxRedux                           130
A library that manages state using RxJava 2.

openrndr/openrndr                          130
The OPENRNDR library

steelkiwi/Getting-started-with-Kotlin      129
:rocket: How to use Kotlin with popular Android libraries

anupcowkur/statelin                        129
A finite state machine for Kotlin and Android

x2bool/kuery                               128
Strongly typed SQL in Kotlin

360Conferences/chicago-roboto              128
Web and Android app for Chicago Roboto conference

thomasnield/RxKotlinFX                     128
Kotlin extensions to the RxJavaFX framework

holgerbrandl/krangl                        127
krangl is a {K}otlin DSL for data w{rangl}ing

ImangazalievM/Notelin                      127
Note-taking app  for Android written in Kotlin

lisawray/physics-playground                127
A playground demonstrating Android's physics-based animations.

googlesamples/android-media-controller     127

burakeregar/KotlinMvpArchitecture          127
Clean MVP Architecture with Dagger2 + Retrofit2 + Mockito + Fresco + EasiestGenericRecyclerAdapter using Kotlin. Added Unit Tests(Kotlin Tests)!

skydoves/ElasticViews                      127
:dizzy: A library that let you implement elastic touch animation.

ibhavikmakwana/Constraint-Layout-Animations 126

savvyapps/ToggleButtonLayout               126
Easy creation and management of toggle buttons on Android from the Material Design spec.

binaryroot/AndroidArchitecture             126
Android Architecture using Google guides

ligee/kotlin-jupyter                       126
Kotlin kernel for Jupyter/iPython

mannodermaus/RxBonjour                     126
Reactive spice added to Android's network service discovery API.

moyheen/face-detector                      125
This application contains all the code from my article on the FaceDetector API.

ttymsd/coordinator-behaviors               125
Android Library. Behaviors for CoordinatorLayout.

ajalt/timberkt                             124
Easy Android logging with Kotlin and Timber

wangzailfm/GenerateFindViewById            124
【暂停更新-20171212】Android Studio Plugin, Can input, can be selected to auto generator findViewById code in Activity or etc, support ButterKnife(version 8.4.0), support ViewHolder.

sannies/isoviewer                          124
GUI application to have closer look ISO 14496-12 and other MP4 files.

consoleau/kotlin-jpa-specification-dsl     124
This library provides a fluent DSL for querying spring data JPA repositories using spring data Specifications (i.e. the JPA Criteria API), without boilerplate code or a generated metamodel.

riggaroo/ConstraintLayoutDemo              124
Demo showing the possibilities of ConstraintLayout for the Mastering Android Layouts Workshop

gurleensethi/kotlin-weather                123
Simple android weather app developed in kotlin, demonstrating the use of RxJava, Retrofit and implementing MVP.

orangy/squash                              123
SQL access DSL for Kotlin

touchlab/DroidconKotlin                    122

adisonhuang/buildJar                       122
通用的打包jar gradle插件

Hamadakram/AlertView                       122
A library to create simple alerts easily with some customization. Written in Kotlin, works for both Kotlin and Java

thoughtbot/tropos-android                  122
Weather and Forecasts for Humans

massivedisaster/ArcToolbarView             122
An Arc view for the android Toolbar.

goyourfly/MultiSelectAdapter               121

VolodymyrLykhonis/kotlinAndroidLib         121
Kotlin "sugar" for Android

LeeeYou/RsKotlin                           121
Using Dagger2, Retrofit2, RxJava combined with Kotlin to display the message

infotech-group/android-drawable-dsl        121
DSL for constructing the drawables in Kotlin instead of in XML

Fondesa/KPermissions                       121
A Kotlin library that helps to request runtime permissions in Android.

abhinav272/NewsApp                         121
A Sample News App written in Kotlin using Android Architecture Components, MVVM

StephenVinouze/AdvancedRecyclerView        121
An easy, empowering Kotlin library for RecyclerView

jahirfiquitiva/Blueprint                   121
Free, feature-rich, easily customizable Android dashboard for icon packs

kotlin-graphics/imgui                      120
Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for JVM with minimal dependencies

YvesCheung/TouchEventBus                   120

bogerchan/Nier-Visualizer                  120
A lightweight and efficient Android visual library.

Litote/kmongo                              119
KMongo - a Kotlin toolkit for Mongo

thesurix/gesture-recycler                  119
This library provides swipe & drag and drop support for RecyclerView.

SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Calculator        119
A calculator with the basic functions and a customizable widget.

charbgr/AuthManager                        118
Google Sign-In and SmartLock Manager

measuresforjustice/textricator             118
Textricator is a tool to extract text from documents and generate structured data.

Kotlin/kotlinx-io                          116
Kotlin multiplatform I/O library

Kotlin/kotlinx.atomicfu                    116
The idiomatic way to use atomic operations in Kotlin

yongjhih/kotlin-extensions                 116

tazjin/kubernetes-letsencrypt              116
A Kubernetes controller to retrieve Let's Encrypt certificates based on service annotations (unmaintained)

googlesamples/android-dynamic-features     116

DSteve595/Put.io                           116
Put.io for Android!

MarcinMoskala/PreferenceHolder             115
SharedPreference usage made fun in Kotlin

marcoRS/nested-fragments                   115
Simple implementation of nested fragments

LPirro/ConstraintLayoutAnimations          115
A quick example that shows-off how to create awesome animations with ConstraintLayout and ConstraintSet

PSPDFKit-labs/QuickDemo                    115
Android QuickDemo

longforus/MvpAutoCodePlus                  115
🔌An IDEA/Android Studio plug-in that automatically generates an MVP template code

mladenrakonjac/ModernAndroidApp            115
Code for Medium article

pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePlugin           114

TheKhaeng/material-design-guideline        114
A library for Android developers who want to create layout which follows Google material design principle.

Mr-XiaoLiang/RecyclerViewBanner            114

yodle/android-kotlin-demo                  114
A demo of an Android app using Kotlin

AsynkronIT/protoactor-kotlin               113
Ultra-fast distributed cross-platform actor framework

shalupov/idea-cloudformation               112
AWS CloudFormation plugin for IntelliJ-based IDEs (IntelliJ IDEA, RubyMine, WebStorm, PhpStorm, PyCharm, AppCode, Android Studio, DataGrip, CLion)

the-dagger/Pokidex                         112
Android app that identifies and detects Pokemon in the provided Image using Tensorflow and Firebase MLKit

Streetwalrus/android_usb_msd               112
Better and open source replacement for DriveDroid

vanita5/twittnuker                         112
Android 4.0+ Twitter Client

yole/kxdate                                112
Kotlin extensions for Java 8 java.time API

data2viz/data2viz                          112
A multi platform datavisualization library with comprehensive DSL

transferwise/sequence-layout               111
A vertical sequence UI component for Android

kunny/RxFirebase                           111
RxJava binding APIs for Firebase.

kohesive/kovert                            111
The invisible REST and web framework

clwater/BezierCurve                        110
An Android Bezier Curve drawing tool to help your Bezier curve design and development 一个Android端的贝塞尔曲线绘制工具,帮助你的贝塞尔曲线设计与开发

SpazeDog/rootfw                            110
An Android Root Shell Framework

springboot-angular2-tutorial/boot-app      110
This repository is an example application for Spring Boot and Angular2 tutorial.

fwcd/KotlinLanguageServer                  110
Smart code completion, diagnostics and more for Kotlin using the Language Server Protocol

geminiwen/tudounotepad                     110
A simple Notepad Application developed on Kotlin

Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA                     110
LaTeX support for the IntelliJ platform by JetBrains.

Nimrodda/dagger-androidinjector            109
This sample is part of a tutorial on how to use the new dagger-android module, which was released in Dagger 2.10.

shiweibsw/EasyHttp                         109

dmytrodanylyk/coroutine-recipes            109
Android Coroutine Recipes

feelfreelinux/WykopMobilny                 108
Unofficial wykop.pl client for Android

kohesive/klutter                           108
A mix of random small libraries for Kotlin, the smallest reside here until big enough for their own repository.

Zellius/RxLocationManager                  108
RxJava wrap around standard Android LocationManager without Google Play Services

jeancsanchez/JcPlayer                      108
:musical_note: A simple audio player for Android applications.

kymjs/KotlinPrimer                         107

zzhoujay/WallpaperStore                    107

sreich/ore-infinium                        106
Ore Infinium, Open Source multiplayer Terraria-inspired Sci-fi game, focused on technology, devices and researching. Written in Kotlin (JVM), LibGDX. Cross platform. reddit: http://reddit.com/r/ore-infinium

dmitry-zhuravlev/hotswap-agent-intellij-plugin 106
This plugin intends to simplify the usage of http://hotswapagent.org. Agent provides real hotswap functionality together with https://dcevm.github.io which extends JVM class redefinition functionality.

JetBrains/kotlin-web-demo                  106
Online mini-IDE for Kotlin

artem-zinnatullin/droidcon-nyc-2017-puzzlers 106
RxJava and Kotlin Puzzlers! Follow our Engineering Blog for article with explanation 

ohmerhe/Kolley                             105
用 Kotlin 基于 Volley 为网络请求定制的 DSL

yinjinyj/SuperCalendar                     105

VerbalExpressions/KotlinVerbalExpressions  105
Kotlin regular expressions made easy.

markormesher/android-fab                   105
Floating action button (FAB) for Android with speed-dial menu functionality

huzenan/EasyPullLayout                     105
A light Pull to Refresh Layout that support both VERTICAL and HORIZONTAL.

omjoonkim/SkeletonLoadingView              104
SkeletonLoadingView(Shimmer) with Kotlin in Android💀💀

sembozdemir/PermissionsKt                  104
Handle Android Runtime Permissions in Kotlin way

ivnvrmn/CryptoMoon                         104
Crypto-currencies prices app on Kotlin + MVP + Dagger2 + RxJava2 + Retrofit + Room

ajalt/clikt                                104
Intuitive command line interface parsing for Kotlin

VladRassokhin/intellij-hcl                 103
HCL language support for IntelliJ platform based IDEs

kittinunf/Fuse                             103
The simple generic LRU memory/disk cache for Android written in Kotlin

cdimascio/kotlin-swagger-spring-functional-template 103
Kotlin Spring 5 Webflux functional application with api request validation and interactive api doc

Yubico/yubioath-android                    103
Yubico Authenticator for Android

s4kibs4mi/PultusORM                        102
PultusORM is a sqlite ORM library for kotlin / Java / Android.

Ticketmaster/actions-on-google-kotlin      102
Unofficial Actions on Google SDK for Kotlin and Java

MarcinMoskala/KotlinAndroidViewBindings    102
Bindings for properties with simple Kotlin types (Boolean, String) to layout traits (visibility, text).

square/misk                                102

VerachadW/kraph                            102
GraphQL request string builder written in Kotlin

yiyuanliu/Currency                         102
A beautiful currency conversion app written in Kotlin and using Anko. Supports multi-theme with dynamic switching effect.

minibugdev/DrawableBadge                   101
Drawable Badge is a android library for adding badges to drawables.

googlesamples/android-RuntimePermissionsBasic 101

edvin/tornadofx-samples                    101
Samples and best practices for TornadoFX

DuckDeck/AndroidDemo                       101

arawn/kotlin-spring-example                101
코틀린(Kotlin)과 스프링(Spring Boot, Spring Web, Spring Data JPA)을 사용한 Restful API 웹 애플리케이션 예제

general-mobile/kotlin-architecture-components-notes-demo 100
Example of Android Architecture Components which implements MVVM Pattern and written in Kotlin

SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Draw              100
A canvas you can draw on with different colors.

Camerash/ToggleEditTextView                100
Easily switch between EditText and TextView seamlessly.

yuvraj24/LiveSmashBar                      100
An elegant looking and easy to use informative library with LiveData integration for Android.

codestation/henkaku-android                99
Henkaku server made for Android

MojRoid/memes                              99
MVVM example app. Quick blog post detailing the layers: https://medium.com/@mojroid/clean-architecture-on-android-using-feature-modules-mvvm-view-slices-and-kotlin-e9ed18e64d83

bazelbuild/rules_kotlin                    99
Bazel rules for Kotlin

Commit451/YouTubeExtractor                 99
A helper to extract the metadata, including streaming video Urls from a YouTube video

hitherejoe/GithubTrending                  99
An Android project for the Caster.io course on clean architecture

konform-kt/konform                         99
Portable validations for Kotlin

czyzby/gdx-setup                           98
:octocat: Alternative gdx-setup application - create your LibGDX projects with ease!

nhaarman/AsyncAwait-Android                98
Utilizing async-await in Android

whalemare/sheetmenu                        98
Library for speedy implementation menu with BottomSheet

dpreussler/kotlin-testrunner               98
JUnit4Testrunner that removes final from classes and methods, especially needed in kotlin projects 

WeRockStar/Dagger2                         98
Kotlin Dagger2 example project

vickychijwani/kotlin-koans-android         97
:books: Learn Kotlin programming right on your phone 📱 through a series of 40+ short coding challenges.

ashdavies/data-binding                     97
Droidcon Berlin 2018: Leveraging Android Databinding with Kotlin

leon2017/GankJetpack                       97

kotlinsg/modular                           97
Example of multi module android app.

spring-petclinic/spring-petclinic-kotlin   97
Kotlin version of Spring Petclinic

abdularis/ParallaxImageView                97
Create parallax and any other transformation effects on scrolling android ImageView

OpenConference/OpenConference-android      97
An Android App for your Conference

yoyiyi/bilisoleil-kotlin                   96
An unofficial bilibili client for android --kotlin+rxjava2+mvp+okhttp3+retrofit2+dagger2

ovy9086/android-mvvm-rx                    96
Simple MVVM architecture for Android using RX

QuickPermissions/QuickPermissions-Kotlin   96
The most easiest way to handle Android Runtime Permissions in Kotlin

hexagonkt/hexagon                          95
Hexagon is a microservices library written in Kotlin. Its purpose is to ease the building of services (Web applications, APIs or queue consumers) that run inside a cloud platform

AxeChen/WanAndroid                         95

vicboma1/Kotlin-Koans                      94
kotlin koans examples

JetBrains/ruby-type-inference              94
Dynamic definitions and types provider for ruby static analysis

Blankeer/WechatBotXposed                   94

yshrsmz/monotweety                         94
Simple Twitter Client just for tweeting, written in Kotlin with reactive MVVM-like approach

pwittchen/RxBiometric                      93
RxJava and RxKotlin bindings for Biometric Prompt (Fingerprint Scanner) on Android

yole/jkid                                  93
JSON serialization/deserialization library for Kotlin data classes

sagar-viradiya/AndroidPhysicsAnimation     93
Sample app demonstrating android physics based animation

YeungKC/Gank.io-for-Kotlin-Android         93
一个 Kotlin 开发的 Gank.io 客户端

Kyash/rx-keyboard-detector                 93
Light-weight Android library that helps detecting keyboard opened/closed status by using RxJava2 & Kotlin

hakobast/DropdownTextView                  92
Simple drop-down(expandable) TextView for Android

sriharshaarangi/BatteryChargeLimit         92

JcMinarro/RoundKornerLayouts               92
Round Korner Layouts is an Android library create to build a layout with the round corners

lice-lang/lice                             92
A multi-paradigm programming language running on JVM

bjzhou/Coolapk-kotlin                      92

pavelpoley/AdvancedRecycleView             92
RecycleView with multiple view types, inner horizontal RecycleView and layout animation

vert-x3/vertx-lang-kotlin                  92
Vert.x for Kotlin

SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Contacts          91
A contacts app for managing your contacts without ads.

sdeleuze/spring-kotlin-fullstack           91
Spring WebFlux Kotlin fullstack example with Kotlin2js for frontend instead of JavaScript or TypeScript

LateNightProductions/CardKeeper            91
Android app for scanning and retaining barcodes and QR codes

Yalantis/Koloda-Android                    90

dmdevgo/RxPM                               90
Reactive implementation of Presentation Model pattern in Android

coder-pig/WechatHelper                     90
利用Android AccessibilityService 实现自动加好友,拉人进群聊

hummatli/AndroidAppUpdater                 90
:sunny::package::racehorse: Android library for checking new version(update) of your applications on PlayStore. Free, open source, third party.

Petrulak/android-kotlin-mvp-clean-architecture 90
Clean architecture blueprint using Kotlin and MVP pattern.

youxin11544/NumberPicker                   89
kotlin 数字选择器

fccaikai/Gan_Kotlin                        89
use kotlin build a gank app

hidroh/tldroid                             89
man pages on the go, written in Kotlin!

general-mobile/kotlin-android-mvvm-starter 89
Android Kotlin Starter is a starter project which implements MVVM Pattern.

Zhuinden/espresso-helper                   89
[ACTIVE] Collection of Kotlin helpers for Espresso.

WindSekirun/RichUtilsKt                    88
Advancement Utils for Android Developer written in Kotlin

fede87/StatusBarAlert                      88
Telegram X inspired android status bar alert view

Kotlin/kotlinx.cli                         88
Pure Kotlin implementation of a generic CLI parser.

githubwing/DroidSword                      88
[xposed module]Android apk快速定位,灰色按钮克星,各种利刃功能

JesperQv/Listn                             88

kropp/intellij-makefile                    87
Makefile support for IntelliJ-based IDEs

kohesive/solr-undertow                     87
Solr / SolrCloud running in high performance server - tiny, fast startup, simple to configure, easy deployment without an application server.

MichaelJokAr/ZhihuDaily                    87
a simple client for ZhiHuDaily with use MVP+Kotlin+anko+dagger2(v2.11+)+rx

denisidoro/krouter                         87
A lightweight Android activity router

bufferapp/ReactivePlayBilling              87
An RxJava wrapper for the Google Play Billing Library

Yalantis/ColorMatchTabsAndroid             87

exercism/kotlin                            86
Exercism exercises in Kotlin.

hypeapps/episodie                          86
Episodie is a TV show time tracker app with unusual design written in kotlin and clean architecture approach. Get to know how much time you spent watching tv shows.

pandulapeter/campfire-android              86
The Android client app of Campfire.

wuseal/Kotlin-Reflect-Tools-For-Android    85
Kotlin reflect tools for Android

7449/BannerLayout                          85
Support unlimited picture rotation BannerLayout, the minimum implementation of the code banner

q876625596/GenjiDialogV2                   85

SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Flashlight        85
I'm flashlight. Simple flashlight. With a customizable widget. Without ads.

dvoiss/android-geocities-theme             84
Bringing the best of the web to Android!

AllanWang/KAU                              84
An extensive collection of Kotlin Android Utils

pardom-zz/CleanNews                        84
Hacker News client written with Clean Architecture and Redux

line/clay                                  84
Clay is an Android library project that provides image trimming which is originally an UI component of LINE Creators Studio

jkwiecien/Switcher                         84

viniciussoares/ribot-android-boilerplate-kotlin 83
Kotlin version of android boilerplate app that showcases architecture and libraries used at ribot http://ribot.co.uk

pablisco/ramBuild                          83
A plugin to make builds in gradle run on ram instead of the hard drive

mukeshsolanki/liquidrefreshlayout          83
Liquid Refresh Layout is a simple SwipeToRefresh library that helps you easily integrate SwipeToRefresh and performs simple clean liquid animation

westoncb/HNDesktop                         83
A Kotlin/Swing desktop application front-end for Hacker News

stepango/Archetype                         83
Badass MVVM architecture

MrBIMC/RunInBackgroundPermissionSetter     83
App to set android's hidden RUN_IN_BACKGROUND permission. Requires root.

cdimascio/java-dotenv                      83
Dotenv is a module that loads environment variables from a .env file

elpassion/mainframer-intellij-plugin       83
An intellij idea plugin for mainframer project

edsilfer/sticky-index                      83
A library that provides the sticky-index and fast-scroller capabilities to your Android App

michaelkourlas/voipms-sms-client           83
Android messaging app for VoIP.ms

rock3r/uplift                              83
A playground for elevation on Android

spring-guides/tut-spring-boot-kotlin       83
Building web applications with Spring Boot and Kotlin :: Learn how to easily build and test web applications with Spring, Kotlin, Junit 5 and JPA

hendraanggrian/socialview                  82
Android TextView and EditText with hashtag, mention, and hyperlink support

momentslz/Eyepetizer                       82

RobotPajamas/Blueteeth                     82
A simple, lightweight library intended to take away some of the cruft and tediousness of using the Android BLE.

heimashi/debug_view_kotlin                 81

dkandalov/pomodoro-tm                      81
Pomodoro timer for IntelliJ

bkase/cyklic                               81
A Cycle.js inspired Native Single-Atom-State Purely Functional Reactive Composable UI Component library for Android

BenoitDuffez/AndroidCupsPrint              81
Port of cups4j to Android

MenosGrante/Rekado                         81
Payload and Lakka launcher written in Kotlin and C++ for Nintendo Switch

Sefford/kor                                81
A clean architecture implementation

youxin11544/KPermissions-kotlin            81
kotlin 之权限管理

Dimezis/RxBus                              80
Simple Rx Event Bus implementation using Kotlin for Android and RxKotlin (RxJava)

porokoro/paperboy                          80
A changelog library for Android

hotpodata/redchain                         80
An Android app written in Kotlin to help keep you motivated towards your daily goal(s)

EzraLopez/nearbychat                       80
[BETA] Android app to chat with anyone around you

pszklarska/LiveDataBinding                 80
Kotlin example with LiveData and Data Binding usage

MarcinMoskala/KotlinDiscreteMathToolkit    80
Set of extensions for Kotlin that provides Discrete math functionalities

googlesamples/android-VideoPlayer          80

kotomisak/security-showcase-android        80
Sample application pointing some security related practices on Android device.

cloudoptlab/cloudopt-next                  80
A next-generation Java web lightweight framework based on vertx and kotlin.

gildor/kotlin-coroutines-okhttp            80
Kotlin Coroutines await() extension for OkHttp Call

adibfara/Lives                             80
Lives - Android LiveData Extensions for Kotlin and Java

ZakTaccardi/deck-of-cards                  80

ItsPriyesh/chroma                          79
Material color picker view for Android in Kotlin.

CypherpunkArmory/UserLAnd                  79
Main UserLAnd Repository

ch4vi/FlowLayout                           78
An Android Layout Manager to create a gridview with cells of different sizes inspired by Flow Layout for iOS.

sockeqwe/Model-View-Intent-Android         78
A demo that shows how to apply Model-View-Intent on Android

chuross/flinglayout                        78
This Layout provide fling dismiss effect like Twitter ImageView.

siosio/GradleDependenciesHelperPlugin      78

TouK/bubble                                78
Screen orientation detector for android

MichaelRocks/lightsaber                    78
Compile time dependency injection framework for JVM languages. Especially for Kotlin.

h0tk3y/kotlin-monads                       78
Monads for Kotlin

seratch/kotliquery                         77
A handy Database access library in Kotlin

pdvrieze/android-coroutines                77
Additional coroutine support for Android

jitsi/jibri                                77
Jitsi BRoadcasting Infrastructure

spacecowboy/Feeder                         77
Mirror of Gitlab repo

JuniperPhoton/FlipperLayout                77
Android version of FlipperControl for UWP (https://github.com/JuniperPhoton/FlipperControl)

shiraji/databinding-support                77
Intellij plugin for supporting Android Data Binding Library

funkyg/funkytunes                          77
A streaming music player for Android, using torrents.

Commit451/ResourcesPoet                    77
Kotlin API for generating Android XML Resources

klazuka/intellij-elm                       77
Elm language support for IntelliJ, WebStorm, PhpStorm and PyCharm (JetBrains)

JetBrains/ideolog                          76
Interactive viewer for '.log' files.

burakeregar/KotlinRxMvpArchitecture        76
Clean MVP Architecture with RxJava + Dagger2 + Retrofit2 + Mockito + Fresco + EasiestGenericRecyclerAdapter using Kotlin. Includes Unit Tests(Kotlin Tests)!

MarioAriasC/KotlinPrimavera                76
Spring support libraries for Kotlin

dyguests/FlameBarChart                     76

creageek/un-material-tab                   76
(deprecated) Custom tab layout which can be used as a material TabLayout alternative and contains basic functionality which Google's TabLayout has.

trent-dev/Kamera                           75
Sample Android app for showcasing custom implementation of OpenGL camera preview display, written in Kotlin.

kittinunf/ReactiveAndroid                  75
Reactive events and properties with RxJava for Android 

nomisRev/FasterLayoutsWithAnko             75

StephenVinouze/KontinuousSpeechRecognizer  75
A Kotlin Speech Recognizer that runs continuously and is triggered with an activation keyword

tomoima525/debot                           75
A simple Android library to create Debugging menu

ftomassetti/kanvas                         74
A truly hackable editor: simple, lightweight, understandable

zzhoujay/DailyGank                         74

nosix/vue-kotlin                           74
Libraries and tools supporting the use of Vue.js in Kotlin.

iOSDevLog/JumpJump                         74
微信小游戏 跳一跳 kotlin PC破解

mvysny/vaadin-on-kotlin                    73
Writing full-stack statically-typed web apps on JVM can't get any simpler

lizixian18/NicePhoto                       73
基于 Kotlin 开发的 一款超简单的图片浏览+设置壁纸+图片下载的App。

VictorChow/kotlin-android-lib              73
Kotlin extensions for android. 😏

mapzen/eraser-map                          73
Privacy-focused mapping application for Android

Madrapps/Pikolo                            73
An android color picker library

kwebio/core                                73
The core of Kweb, responsible for HTTP server and browser interaction

GavinPacini/daysuntil                      73
Android app demonstrating Kotlin, RxJava, Realm and More

rs146/NewAndroidArchitecture               72
New Android Architecture showing how to use Dagger Android libs with MVVM

imaNNeoFighT/ArcChartView                  72
Arc Chart View (Draw Creative Statistic Arc Charts)

shigebeyond/jkmvc                          72
Jkmvc is an elegant, powerful and lightweight MVC framework built using kotlin. It aims to be swift, secure, and small. It will turn java's heavy development into kotlin's simple pleasure.

ahmedrizwan/AndroidKotlinComponents        72
Boilerplates for Android Components Architecture with Rx, Dagger & Realm written in Kotlin 

dkandalov/scratch                          72
Scratch is IntelliJ IDEs plugin to quickly open temporary text editor

arslancharyev31/Anko-ExpandableTextView    72
An expandable Android TextView written in Kotlin

zekapp/Android-ProgressViews               72
Fancy Progress View Tool with animation

StylingAndroid/WeatherStation              71

sys1yagi/mastodon4j                        71
mastodon client for java, kotlin https://github.com/tootsuite/documentation/blob/master/Using-the-API/API.md

developer--/before_after_slider            71
before after slider

retrograde/retrograde-android              71
Play retro video games on your Android TV!

Lesincs/SimpleRead                         71

zsmb13/VillageDSL                          71
Examples of Kotlin DSL design

russhwolf/multiplatform-settings           71
A Kotlin Multiplatform library for mobile apps to save settings as key-value pairs

MindorksOpenSource/Kotlin-Networking       70
Kotlin Networking - An elegant networking library written in Kotlin

humazed/RoomAsset                          70
A helper library to help using Room with existing pre-populated database.

ice1000/julia-intellij                     70
:computer: Julia Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA ┗:smiley:┛ ┏:smiley:┓ ┗:smiley:┛

florent37/KotlinAnim                       70
Create fluent animations in a kotlin way

mplacona/BurnerPhones                      70
A burner phone application using the Twilio API and Kotlin at the backend

masterwok/simple-vlc-player                70
An Android media player library powered by LibVLC and Open Subtitles.

antonicg/cryptodata                        70

Kotlin/kotlinx.reflect.lite                70
Lightweight library allowing to introspect basic stuff about Kotlin symbols

JetBrains/teamcity-dotnet-plugin           69
TeamCity plugin for .NET Core projects

imaNNeoFighT/StepBarView                   69
Step Bar View (make your own customized StepBar)

brianwernick/PlaylistCore                  69
Media Playlist Service With Notification and Remote View Support

wuseal/Kotlin-Reflect-Tools-For-JVM        69
Kotlin reflect tools for JVM

whalemare/RxValidator2                     69
The simplest way to add reactive validation to your app

agilie/VolumeControlView                   69
Visual regulator can be connected to a player or other smart house’s device making the process of controlling the level of a particular characteristic much easier. 

code-helix/slatekit                        69
A mobile-backend and server framework in Kotlin

gahfy/MVVMPosts                            69
Sample application with MVVM architecture

MarcinMoskala/VideoPlayView                68
Custom Android view with video player, loader and placeholder image

arturogutierrez/Openticator                68
Another authenticator implementation

project-ubin/ubin-corda                    68

jaredsburrows/android-gradle-kotlin-app-template 68
Gradle + Android Studio + Robolectric + Espresso + JaCoCo

panpanini/MokuMokuNotes_Android            68
Quest based learning tool for writing a basic Android app. iOS version: https://github.com/takasek/MokuMokuNotes_iOS

miquelbeltran/kotlin-node.js               68
Simple REST API with Node and Kotlin

walleth/kethereum                          68
Kotlin library for Ethereum

ajalt/mordant                              68
Full-featured text styling for Kotlin command-line applications

jiangkang/KTools                           67

AllanWang/Frost-for-Facebook               67
An extensive and functional third party app for Facebook

goyourfly/MultiPictureView                 67
MultiPictureView 是一个将多张图片组合显示并支持添加和删除的控件

kroegerama/retrofit-kaiteki                67
A collection of Retrofit convenience classes

sorra/sage-system                          67
SNS Community built with Kotlin + Spring Boot + JavaScript (Demo site is shut down)

DavidEdwards/GDPRConsent                   67

sockeqwe/CoordinatorsAndroid               66
Sample that shows how to apply the Coordinator Pattern on Android

itsxtt/pattern-lock                        66
Awesome pattern lock view for android written in kotlin.

MaiJiantian/blockchain-kotlin              66

ajalt/flexadapter                          66
The easiest way to use a RecyclerView on Android

npryce/snodge                              66
Randomly mutate JSON, XML, HTML forms, text and binary data for fuzz testing

googlesamples/android-SliceViewer          66

fython/Kotlinyan                           66
[Deprecated] Make Kotlin Android app development easier and more elegant

fkorotkov/k8s-kotlin-dsl                   66
Kotlin DSL for Kubernetes configs

florent37/Kanvas                           66
Make canvas easier to use in Kotlin 😊

TheJuki/KFormMaster                        66
Generic form builder in Kotlin

cpjit/swagger                              66

burntcookie90/KotMeh                       66

MichaelRocks/paranoid                      65
String obfuscator for Android applications.

SimpleMobileTools/Simple-App-Launcher      65
A simple holder for your favourite app launchers.

brianmadden/krawler                        65
A web crawling framework written in Kotlin

pakoito/Komprehensions                     65
Do comprehensions for Kotlin and 3rd party libraries

SupLuo/HaloPermission                      65
An Android permission library developed by Kotlin language with higher extensibility and compatibility.

SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Clock             64
A combination of a clock, alarm, stopwatch and timer.

emreeran/LocationLiveData                  64
A simple LiveData implementation of Android Location API

hanjoongcho/aaf-easydiary                  64
:blue_book: A diary application optimized to user experience.

uber/crumb                                 64
An annotation processor for breadcrumbing metadata across compilation boundaries.

2dxgujun/Kpan                              64
:four_leaf_clover:Kotlin wrapper around SpannableStringBuilder to bring modern API

binaryfoo/emv-bertlv                       63
Deciphering EMV data encoded in the not so basic "basic encoding rules".

Jire/Abendigo                              63
A free as in both freedom and free beer game modding platform using Kotlin on the JVM.

HelmMobile/KotlinCleanArchitecture         63
Approach to Clean Architecture in Kotlin

hazuki0x0/YuzuBrowser                      63
Customizable browser for android

life2015/RecyclerViewDSL                   63
RecyclerViewDSL is a DSL Library for Android RecyclerView

concretesolutions/kappuccino               63
A kotlin library to simplify how to do espresso tests on Android.

huan-nguyen/SpringAnimation                63
A demo that shows how to implement chained spring animation on Android

michaldrabik/KotlinMVP                     63
Simple Android app created using Kotlin and MVP pattern. Tested with JUnit, Robolectric and Mockito.

Yumenokanata/FragmentManager               63

kevalpatel2106/green-build                 63
An android app for managing your CI builds.

AndreaCioccarelli/CryptoPrefs              63
Android lightweight secure SharedPreferences wrapper

ivanisidrowu/palumu                        63
A floating view helper lib to let you create floating view above other views!

florent37/EnhancedNavigationView           63
A different BottomNavigationView that you could find in all android apps

JetBrains/kotlin-netbeans                  62
Kotlin Plugin for NetBeans https://kotlinlang.org

h0tk3y/better-parse                        62
A nice parser combinator library for Kotlin

ErikHellman/KotlinAsyncWithCoroutines      62
Sample project showing asynchronous loading with coroutines and LifecycleObserver

skydoves/Multi-ColorPicker                 62
This is the most standard and powerful multi colorpicker library.

slamdon/kotlin-playground                  62
Kotlin practise

kotlin-graphics/kotlin-unsigned            62
unsigned support for Kotlin via boxed types and unsigned operators

zacharee/SystemUITunerRedesign             62
Replacement/extension for the stock Android System UI Tuner.

imuhao/KedditBySteps                       62
The Kotlin blog series demo

ahmedrizwan/RxRealmRetroKotlin             61
Example code demonstrating usage of Realm + Retrofit + Rx in Kotlin

jasonwyatt/AsyncListUtil-Example           61
Example implementation of AsyncListUtil for moving SQLite access off the UI thread with a RecyclerView.

passsy/Konduit                             61
Kotlin view binding library for android inspired by flutter

550609334/DSLAnimator                      61

dcampogiani/UnderlinePageIndicator         61
Paging indicator widget compatible with the ViewPager

hendraanggrian/reveallayout                61
Circular reveal animation for even lazier programmers

wasabeef/kotlin-mvvm                       60
Sample for MVVM using Kotlin

Khang-NT/Android-Media-Converter           60
Android open source media converter build on top of FFmpeg

KotlinNLP/SimpleDNN                        60
SimpleDNN is a machine learning lightweight open-source library written in Kotlin designed to support relevant neural network architectures in natural language processing tasks

eugenebrusov/android-cards                 60
CardView with Material Design using ConstraintLayout

valich/intellij-markdown                   60
Markdown parser written in kotlin

SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Commons           60
Some helper functions and shared resources to be used only by my simple apps.

AndroidDevFr/AndroidForm                   60
Generates a form for Android

savepopulation/price-tracker               60
Price Tracking Application - An experimental Kotlin Android project with complex android app requirements.

Puharesource/TitleManager                  60
Adds hovering titles, actionbar titles and tabmenu titles to your Minecraft 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12 & 1.13 server.

jeremymailen/kotlinter-gradle              60
Kotlin lint gradle plugin using ktlint

tevjef/uct-android                         60
Android client for University Course Trackr. An application to view university courses and subscribe to their openings. 

kodando/kodando                            60
Kotlin bindings for JS libraries.

jrenner/kotlin-voxel                       60
A voxel engine (like Minecraft) written in Kotlin

griffio/dagger2-kotlin                     60
dagger2,querydsl kotlin 1.2 annotation processor

jstuyts/kotlin-multiplatform-recipes       60
Recipes for building multi-platform Kotlin modules.

naman14/Spider                             59
Monitor and modify network requests 

ziggy42/Blum                               59
A simple android Twitter client written in Kotlin

ryan652/EasyCrypt                          59
Android cryptography library with SecureRandom patches.

ktorio/ktor-samples                        59
Sample projects for Ktor

linkedin/dex-test-parser                   59
Find all test methods in an Android instrumentation APK

DeKoServidoni/OMFM                         59
Another floating action button menu with expand/collapse behavior, in kotlin

gahfy/Feed-Me                              59
Sample of MVP Architecture with Kotlin, Dagger2, Retrofit and Rx

JetBrains/kotlin-benchmarks                59
This is the project to verify and investigate performance issues in Kotlin and standard library.

androidessence/RichTextView                59
A library that enhances the TextView and allows the user to format various spans of the string.

Tunous/SwipeActionView                     59
Android swipe-able view, which allows users to perform actions with swipe gestures.

Cognifide/gradle-aem-plugin                58
Build rapidly AEM applications using Gradle Build System

chrislo27/RhythmHeavenRemixEditor          58
Rhythm Heaven Remix Editor 3 - An audio remix editor for the Rhythm Heaven series

zyyoona7/KExtensions                       58
A collection of Android Kotlin extensions. 收集 Android 中常用的 Kotlin 扩展函数,代替 Java 工具类和部分基类代码。

glung/elm-architecture-android             58
An example of the ELM architecture on Android using Kotlin with Anko

fengzhizi715/SAF-Kotlin-log                58

abalta/swappy-image-view                   58
image change library for editing profile, image slider, product slider etc.

ngsw-taro/knit                             58
JUnit API set for Kotlin

fengzhizi715/SAF-Kotlin-Utils              58

agilie/CircularPicker                      57
CircularPicker is helpful for creating a controller aimed to manage any calculated parameter.

ex3ndr/telegram-tl                         57
TL Compiler for Telegram project

Hamadakram/Mural                           57
A lightweight image loading library in Kotlin

BlueBoxWare/LibGDXPlugin                   57
An IntelliJ plugin for use with LibGDX

erikcaffrey/LiveData-DataBinding-Kotlin    57
Android Sample to show how works LiveData + DataBinding

yole/idiomatic-kotlin                      57
Examples for "Idiomatic Kotlin" talk

timrijckaert/FloatingMusicActionButton     57
A simple FloatingActionButton with vector animations between different media states.

Cleveroad/DroidArt                         57

HassanUsman/ToDo                           56
To-Do application written on Kotlin with RxJava and Dagger 2.

xmartlabs/fountain                         56
Android Kotlin paged endpoints made easy

miaoMiaoDaShi/YangYanNew                   56
[ADD] 添加kotlin+MVPArms版本

mplatvoet/kovenant-android-demo            56
Kovenant Android Demo (Kotlin, Anko) 

pot8os/Kotlin-Espresso-sample              56
Very simple Android App using Kotlin and Espresso

queencodemonkey/presentation-cool-constraintlayout 56
Example code from Huyen's talk "Cool ConstraintLayout".

the-dagger/MLKitAndroid                    56
A collection of real life apps using Firebase MLKit

xdrop/night-owl-jetbrains                  56
Night owl theme / colour scheme for IntelliJ and Webstorm (or other Jetbrains IDEs)

marcoRS/volley-examples                    56
Examples of Volley's image loader and http request mechanisms. OkHttp is used as the Http Client

darshanparajuli/LogcatReader               56
A simple app to view logs on an android device.

takahirom/debug-alter                      56
Alter Android app behavior without rebuild when debugging.

wuhenzhizao/kotlin-adapter                 56
🔥  RecyclerView,AbsListView适配器, 支持多种视图样式, 支持吸顶、侧滑删除、拖拽效果

jonninja/node.kt                           56
A web framework built in Kotlin that is inspired by Node.js

frendyxzc/Charts                           56
Android Kotlin Charts base on ECharts

GeoThings/ReKotlin                         56
Unidirectional Data Flow in Kotlin - Port of https://github.com/ReSwift/ReSwift to Kotlin

KonradSzewczuk/WeatherApp                  56
App for showing basic weather forecast for chosen city using MVVM pattern.

Bilibili/xpref                             55
A SharedPreferences' wrapper that truly supported sharing data across multi-process

99Taxis/RxPlaces                           55
A Google Maps Webservice API made simple.

AndyJennifer/SimpleEyes                    55
🔥🔥基于kotlin 仿开眼app

fnberta/PopularMovies                      55
Pulls information from TheMovieDB and displays it in a pretty poster image grid. 

ViktorDegtyarev/CallRecLib                 55
Call Recorder fix for Android 7 and Android 6

ethereum-lists/tokens                      55
Ethereum token definitions

wojta/serverless-webrtc-android            55
A demo of using WebRTC with no signaling server. But in Kotlin (Java) for Android.

Ecwid/maleorang                            55
MailChimp API 3.0 wrapper for Java

pacien/tincapp                             55
Android binding and user interface for the tinc mesh VPN daemon.

wakim/kotlin-mvp-starter                   55
MVP Starter with  RxJava, Dagger 2 in Kotlin

ZhangQinglian/LollyDemo                    55
A new way to observe android app log in real time.

StephenVinouze/ShapeTextDrawable           55
A Kotlin lightweight library to easily draw shapes that may contain text within them

olegcherr/Aza-Kotlin-CSS                   55
Kotlin DSL for CSS

AAkira/ExoPlayerManager                    55
An android library that wraps the ExoPlayer and the IMA Android SDK which plays a video advertisement. This is written in Kotlin.

AnirudhLoya/Kotlin-Android-Permissions-DeviceInfo 55
The easiest Kotlin Library for Android Runtime Permissions & Device Info.

evanchooly/javabot                         54
factoid bot for irc channels

cn-ljb/mvp-kotlin                          54
kotlin for android mvp program and sample

andreabresolin/KotlinCoroutinesExamples    54
Kotlin Coroutines Examples

kingsollyu/AppEnv-Kotlin                   54
a xposed model -> AppEnv

cy6erGn0m/vertx3-lang-kotlin               54
Vert.x 3 Kotlin bindings

ganadist/AndroidPlatformBuilder            54
Idea plugin for android platform developer

androidstarters/generator-kotlin-android   54
[Yeoman Generator] Generate Kotlin MVP Architecture for Android App using https://git.io/vQsAC

touchlab/knarch.db                         54
K(otlin)N(ative)A(rchitecture) Database

Takhion/kotlin-metadata                    54

MatrixDev/Roomigrant                       54
Automated Android Room ORM migrations generator with compile-time code generation

carlosmuvi/SegmentedProgressBar            54
Instagram like segmented progress bar for Android, written in Kotlin!

travisspencer/kotlin-spark-demo            53
Kotlin / Spark Sample

satorufujiwara/android-flux-architecture   53
A showcase of Flux architecture patterns for Android apps.

ankitsharma6466/AndroidKotlinBoilerplate   53

chahine/pageindicator                      53
An Instagram like page indicator compatible with RecyclerView and ViewPager.

debop/koda-time                            53
Joda Time and Java 8 Time Extensions for Kotlin

mreram/TicketView                          53
:ticket: A custom view for showing tickets

androhi/AndroidDrawableViewer              53
This plugin provide the function that see drawable resources of the android project.

Karumi/KataScreenshotKotlin                53
Screenshot Kata for Android Developers with Kotlin. The main goal is to practice UI Screenshot Testing.

dlew/aoc-2017                              53
Advent of Code 2017

vihuela/Kotlin-mvpro                       53
Kotlin databinding mvp rx

devzld/ExpandableTextView                  53

ericmaxwell2003/MvvmTipCalculator          53
Tip Calculator demo app to show the concepts of MVVM

kitek/android-rv-swipe-delete              53
RecyclerView swipe to delete example.

Gnar-Team/Gnar-bot                         53
Discord bot written in Java and Kotlin using JDA.

angryziber/picasa-gallery                  52
Good looking public gallery for Google Photos (former Picasa web) that can be hosted for free on Google App Engine. In case you want you public gallery back after transition to Google Photos.

divyanshub024/ColorSeekBar                 52
A color picker seekbar for android.

Ray-Eldath/Avalon                          52
:robot: A scalable multi-function group robot for QQ and Discord. 多功能、可扩展的群机器人,支持QQ和Discord。

CodingDoug/firebase-jetpack                52
Sample app that shows Firebase works well with Android Jetpack architecture components

PokeAPI/pokekotlin                         52
Java (or Kotlin, Scala, etc) client for PokeApi

vjames19/kotlin-futures                    52
A collections of extension functions to make the JVM Future, CompletableFuture, ListenableFuture API more functional and Kotlin like.

webianks/BlueChat                          52
☉‿⊙ Bluetooth chat app written in Kotlin.

kelsos/mbrc                                52
MusicBee Remote for Android

mustafaberkaymutlu/uv-index                52
This is a work-in-progress (🔧️) ultraviolet index viewer app for demonstrating Instant Apps + Kotlin + Dagger + MVP