Swift Github Star Ranking at 2017/06/10

Swift Github Star Ranking at 2018/09/09

Alamofire/Alamofire                        23840
Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift

vsouza/awesome-ios                         20196
A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects 

ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa                17366
Streams of values over time

danielgindi/Charts                         14643
Beautiful charts for iOS/tvOS/OSX! The Apple side of the crossplatform MPAndroidChart.

SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON                      14634
The better way to deal with JSON data in Swift

dkhamsing/open-source-ios-apps             13460
:iphone: Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps

raywenderlich/swift-algorithm-club         12822
Algorithms and data structures in Swift, with explanations!

matteocrippa/awesome-swift                 12232
A collaborative list of awesome swift resources. Feel free to contribute!

ipader/SwiftGuide                          11916

PerfectlySoft/Perfect                      11649
Server-side Swift. The Perfect core toolset and framework for Swift Developers. (For mobile back-end development, website and API development, and more…)

MengTo/Spring                              10799
A library to simplify iOS animations in Swift.

SnapKit/SnapKit                            9909
A Swift Autolayout DSL for iOS & OS X

vapor/vapor                                9896
A server-side Swift web framework.

Carthage/Carthage                          9560
A simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa

ReactiveX/RxSwift                          9513
Reactive Programming in Swift

lkzhao/Hero                                8987
Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS

allenwong/30DaysofSwift                    8926
A self-taught project to learn Swift.

JohnCoates/Aerial                          8755
Apple TV Aerial Screensaver for Mac

onevcat/Kingfisher                         8633
A lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web.

fullstackio/FlappySwift                    8389
swift implementation of flappy bird. More at fullstackedu.com

ochococo/Design-Patterns-In-Swift          8116
Design Patterns implemented in Swift

CosmicMind/Material                        7966
An animation and graphics framework for Material Design in Swift.

mxcl/PromiseKit                            7714
Promises for Swift & ObjC

Ramotion/animated-tab-bar                  7297
RAMAnimatedTabBarController is a Swift module for adding animation to tabbar items. 

mozilla-mobile/firefox-ios                 7158
Firefox for iOS

realm/SwiftLint                            6980
A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.

Quick/Quick                                6491
The Swift (and Objective-C) testing framework.

IBAnimatable/IBAnimatable                  6357
Design and prototype customized UI, interaction, navigation, transition and animation for App Store ready Apps in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable.

lhc70000/iina                              6234
The modern video player for macOS.

xmartlabs/Eureka                           6207
Elegant iOS form builder in Swift

Moya/Moya                                  5994
Network abstraction layer written in Swift.

Ramotion/folding-cell                      5832
FoldingCell is an expanding content cell inspired by folding paper material

IBM-Swift/Kitura                           5764
A Swift web framework and HTTP server.

Hearst-DD/ObjectMapper                     5740
Simple JSON Object mapping written in Swift

robb/Cartography                           5651
A declarative Auto Layout DSL for Swift :iphone::triangular_ruler:

lexrus/LTMorphingLabel                     5641
[EXPERIMENTAL] Graceful morphing effects for UILabel written in Swift.

insidegui/WWDC                             5572
The unofficial WWDC app for macOS

apple/swift-package-manager                5559
The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language

CatchChat/Yep                              5374
Meet Genius

ninjaprox/NVActivityIndicatorView          5173
Collection of awesome loading animations

kickstarter/ios-oss                        4764
Kickstarter for iOS. Bring new ideas to life, anywhere.

andreamazz/AMScrollingNavbar               4746
Scrollable UINavigationBar that follows the scrolling of a UIScrollView

Swift-AI/Swift-AI                          4728
The Swift machine learning library.

mortenjust/androidtool-mac                 4547
One-click screenshots, video recordings, app installation for iOS and Android

JakeLin/SwiftWeather                       4416
SwiftWeather is an iOS weather app developed in Swift 3. The app has been actively upgrading to adopt the latest features of iOS and Swift language.

Haneke/HanekeSwift                         4327
A lightweight generic cache for iOS written in Swift with extra love for images.

stephencelis/SQLite.swift                  4270
A type-safe, Swift-language layer over SQLite3.

nickoneill/PermissionScope                 4197
Intelligent iOS permissions UI and unified API

PageMenu/PageMenu                          4008
A paging menu controller built from other view controllers placed inside a scroll view (like Spotify, Windows Phone, Instagram)

duemunk/Async                              4006
Syntactic sugar in Swift for asynchronous dispatches in Grand Central Dispatch

ianyh/Amethyst                             3994
Automatic tiling window manager for macOS à la xmonad.

xmartlabs/XLPagerTabStrip                  3985
Android PagerTabStrip for iOS.

raulriera/TextFieldEffects                 3961
Custom UITextFields effects inspired by Codrops, built using Swift

mamaral/Neon                               3955
A powerful Swift programmatic UI layout framework.

storehouse/Advance                         3946
A powerful animation framework for iOS, tvOS, and OS X.

krzyzanowskim/CryptoSwift                  3820
CryptoSwift is a growing collection of standard and secure cryptographic algorithms implemented in Swift

ashleymills/Reachability.swift             3813
Replacement for Apple's Reachability re-written in Swift with closures

mac-cain13/R.swift                         3799
Get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects

vikmeup/SCLAlertView-Swift                 3786
Beautiful animated Alert View. Written in Swift

philackm/Scrollable-GraphView              3776
An adaptive scrollable graph view for iOS to visualise simple discrete datasets. Written in Swift.

kanaka/mal                                 3771
mal - Make a Lisp

ReSwift/ReSwift                            3739
Unidirectional Data Flow in Swift - Inspired by Redux

shadowsocks/ShadowsocksX-NG                3712
Next Generation of ShadowsocksX

mattt/Surge                                3657
A Swift library that uses the Accelerate framework to provide high-performance functions for matrix math, digital signal processing, and image manipulation.

ankurp/Dollar                              3649
A functional tool-belt for Swift Language similar to Lo-Dash or Underscore.js in Javascript

SwiftGen/SwiftGen                          3611
The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!

shu223/iOS-9-Sampler                       3585
Code examples for the new features of iOS 9.

audiokit/AudioKit                          3563
Swift audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform for iOS, macOS and tvOS

Ramotion/expanding-collection              3522
ExpandingCollection is a card peek/pop controller

PostgresApp/PostgresApp                    3492
The easiest way to get started with PostgreSQL on the Mac

SwifterSwift/SwifterSwift                  3459
A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift 3 extensions to boost your productivity.

carlosengr/Swift                           3376
Learning Swift. Reusable apps code.

pNre/ExSwift                               3225
A set of Swift extensions for standard types and classes.

Yalantis/Koloda                            3160
KolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS. 

mas-cli/mas                                3153
:package: Mac App Store command line interface

BradLarson/GPUImage2                       3141
GPUImage 2 is a BSD-licensed Swift framework for GPU-accelerated video and image processing.

ReactiveKit/Bond                           3139
A Swift binding framework

mortenjust/cleartext-mac                   3107
A text editor that only allows the top 1,000 most common words in English

shu223/iOS-10-Sampler                      3087
Code examples for new APIs of iOS 10.

thoughtbot/Argo                            3084
Functional JSON parsing library for Swift

lexrus/VPNOn                               3075
Turn On your VPN like a hero.

patchthecode/JTAppleCalendar               3032
The Unofficial Swift Apple Calendar Library. View. Control. for iOS & tvOS

malcommac/SwiftDate                        2993
The best way to manage Dates and Timezones in Swift

yoavlt/LiquidFloatingActionButton          2978
Material Design Floating Action Button in liquid state

kishikawakatsumi/KeychainAccess            2940
Simple Swift wrapper for Keychain that works on iOS, watchOS, tvOS and macOS.

typelift/Swiftz                            2934
Functional programming in Swift

hyperoslo/ImagePicker                      2860
:camera: Reinventing the way ImagePicker works.

Yalantis/StarWars.iOS                      2849
This component implements transition animation to crumble view-controller into tiny pieces.

daltoniam/Starscream                       2820
Websockets in swift for iOS and OSX

hyperoslo/Whisper                          2810
:mega: Whisper is a component that will make the task of display messages and in-app notifications simple. It has three different views inside

SwiftyBeaver/SwiftyBeaver                  2790
Convenient logging during development & release in Swift 2 & 3

okmr-d/DOFavoriteButton                    2782
Cute Animated Button written in Swift.

gontovnik/DGElasticPullToRefresh           2763
Elastic pull to refresh for iOS developed in Swift

badoo/Chatto                               2757
A lightweight framework to build chat applications, made in Swift

exyte/Macaw                                2743
Powerful and easy-to-use vector graphics Swift library with SVG support

ephread/Instructions                       2741
Create walkthroughs and guided tours (coach marks) in a simple way, with Swift.

louisdh/panelkit                           2728
A UI framework that enables panels on iOS.

qvacua/vimr                                2718
Project VimR — Refined Neovim experience for macOS

IFTTT/RazzleDazzle                         2711
A simple keyframe-based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift. Perfect for scrolling app intros.

shinobicontrols/iOS8-day-by-day            2679
Selection of projects accompanying the iOS8-Day-by-Day blog series http://www.shinobicontrols.com/iOS8DayByDay

Yalantis/Persei                            2665
Animated top menu for UITableView / UICollectionView / UIScrollView written in Swift

Ahmed-Ali/JSONExport                       2620
JSONExport is a desktop application for Mac OS X which enables you to export JSON objects as model classes with their associated constructors, utility methods, setters and getters in your favorite language.

JadenGeller/Helium                         2585
A floating browser window for OS X

CVCalendar/CVCalendar                      2568
A custom visual calendar for iOS 8+ written in Swift (3.0).

RNCryptor/RNCryptor                        2546
CCCryptor (AES encryption) wrappers for iOS and Mac in Swift. -- For ObjC, see RNCryptor/RNCryptor-objc

austinzheng/swift-2048                     2522
2048 for Swift

dekatotoro/SlideMenuControllerSwift        2503
iOS Slide Menu View based on Google+, iQON, Feedly, Ameba iOS app.  It is written in pure swift.

radex/SwiftyUserDefaults                   2491
Modern Swift API for NSUserDefaults

zixun/GodEye                               2488
Automaticly display Log,Crash,Network,ANR,Leak,CPU,RAM,FPS,NetFlow,Folder and etc with one line of code based on Swift. Just like God opened his eyes

nghialv/MaterialKit                        2487
Material design components for iOS written in Swift

kahopoon/Pokemon-Go-Controller             2478
play pokemon go safely or at unavailable area

Alamofire/AlamofireImage                   2475
AlamofireImage is an image component library for Alamofire

KelvinJin/AnimatedCollectionViewLayout     2467
A UICollectionViewLayout subclass that adds custom transitions/animations to the UICollectionView without effecting your existing code.

garnele007/SwiftOCR                        2465
Fast and simple OCR library written in Swift

Yalantis/GuillotineMenu                    2452
Our Guillotine Menu Transitioning Animation implemented in Swift reminds a bit of a notorious killing machine.

DaveWoodCom/XCGLogger                      2431
A debug log framework for use in Swift projects. Allows you to log details to the console (and optionally a file), just like you would have with NSLog or println, but with additional information, such as the date, function name, filename and line number.

andreamazz/BubbleTransition                2426
A custom modal transition that presents and dismiss a controller with an expanding bubble effect.

ariok/BWWalkthrough                        2397
BWWalkthrough is a class to build custom walkthroughs for your iOS App

icanzilb/EasyAnimation                     2388
A Swift library to take the power of UIView.animateWithDuration(_:, animations:...) to a whole new level - layers, springs, chain-able animations and mixing view and layer animations together!

socketio/socket.io-client-swift            2351

roberthein/BouncyLayout                    2349
Make. It. Bounce.

ioscreator/ioscreator                      2342
Tutorials from ioscreator.com

soapyigu/Swift30Projects                   2325
30 mini Swift Apps for self-study

AugustRush/Stellar                         2324
A fantastic Physical animation library for swift

larrynatalicio/15DaysofAnimationsinSwift   2302
A project to learn animations.

Yalantis/Side-Menu.iOS                     2275
Animated side menu with customizable UI

pkluz/PKHUD                                2254
A Swift based reimplementation of the Apple HUD (Volume, Ringer, Rotation,…) for iOS 8.

hilen/TSWeChat                             2229
A WeChat alternative. Written in Swift 3.

matthewpalmer/Locksmith                    2216
A powerful, protocol-oriented library for working with the keychain in Swift.

Ramotion/paper-switch                      2195
RAMPaperSwitch is a Swift module which paints over the parent view when the switch is turned on.

kean/Nuke                                  2195
A powerful image loading and caching framework

Ramotion/circle-menu                       2183
CircleMenu is a simple, elegant menu with a circular layout.

krzysztofzablocki/Sourcery                 2162
Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code.

robb/hamburger-button                      2159
A hamburger button transition

inFullMobile/WobbleView                    2157

Quick/Nimble                               2154
A Matcher Framework for Swift and Objective-C

delba/Permission                           2140
A unified API to ask for permissions on iOS

SwiftKickMobile/SwiftMessages              2131
A very flexible message bar for iOS written in Swift.

hyperoslo/Presentation                     2130
:bookmark_tabs: Presentation helps you to make tutorials, release notes and animated pages.

mobileplayer/mobileplayer-ios              2106
:iphone: :movie_camera: A powerful and completely customizable media player for iOS

dasdom/BreakOutToRefresh                   2093
Play BreakOut while loading - A playable pull to refresh view using SpriteKit

avatsaev/touchbar_nyancat                  2081
Stupid nyancat animation on your +$2k MacBook Pro's Touchbar

goktugyil/EZSwiftExtensions                2080
:smirk: How Swift standard types and classes were supposed to work.

SwipeCellKit/SwipeCellKit                  2065
Swipeable UITableViewCell based on the stock Mail.app, implemented in Swift.

linkedin/LayoutKit                         2062
LayoutKit is a fast view layout library for iOS, macOS, and tvOS.

naoty/Timepiece                            2060
Intuitive date handling in Swift

necolt/Swifton                             2055
A Ruby on Rails inspired Web Framework for Swift that runs on Linux and OS X

freshOS/Stevia                             2038
:leaves: Elegant Autolayout DSL for iOS

hyperoslo/Hue                              2025
:art: Hue is the all-in-one coloring utility that you'll ever need.

httpswift/swifter                          2021
Tiny http server engine written in Swift programming language.

bizz84/SwiftyStoreKit                      2020
Lightweight In App Purchases Swift framework for iOS 8.0+, tvOS 9.0+ and macOS 10.10+

mortenjust/droptogif                       2003
Zero-click animated Gifs

PhamBaTho/BTNavigationDropdownMenu         1989
The elegant dropdown menu, written in Swift, appears underneath navigation bar to display a list of related items when a user click on the navigation title.

willowtreeapps/spruce-ios                  1986
Swift library for choreographing animations on the screen.

xmartlabs/XLActionController               1964
Fully customizable and extensible action sheet controller written in Swift 3

cruisediary/Pastel                         1961
🎨 Gradient animation effect like Instagram

twostraws/HackingWithSwift                 1956
The project source code for hackingwithswift.com

BeauNouvelle/FaceAware                     1955
An extension that gives UIImageView the ability to focus on faces within an image.

gavinbunney/Toucan                         1955
Fabulous Image Processing in Swift

Lax/iOS-Swift-Demos                        1945
精心收集并分类整理的Swift开发学习资源,包括Apple官方提供的示例代码和文档,以及github上的项目和国内外开发者的技术博客。欢迎提交pull-request一起维护。[iOS Swift Demos from Apple]

kasketis/netfox                            1938
A lightweight, one line setup, iOS / OSX network debugging library!

SyncDB/Sync                                1927
Swift JSON to Core Data synchronization and back.

eggswift/ESTabBarController                1913
ESTabBarController is a Swift model for customize UI, badge and adding animation to tabbar items. Support lottie!

coteditor/CotEditor                        1900
Lightweight Plain-Text Editor for macOS

carambalabs/SugarRecord                    1888
CoreData/Realm sweet wrapper written in Swift

eBay/NMessenger                            1886
A fast, lightweight messenger component built on AsyncDisplaykit and written in Swift

ArtSabintsev/Siren                         1885
Notify users when a new version of your app is available and prompt them to upgrade.

Skyscanner/SkyFloatingLabelTextField       1875
A beautiful and flexible text field control implementation of  "Float Label Pattern". Written in Swift.

delba/TextAttributes                       1874
An easier way to compose attributed strings

artsy/eidolon                              1850
The Artsy Auction Kiosk App

DianQK/TransitionTreasury                  1832
Easier way to push your viewController.

kitasuke/PagingMenuController              1829
Paging view controller with customizable menu in Swift

Ramotion/paper-onboarding                  1826
PaperOnboarding is a material design slider

marmelroy/PeekPop                          1821
Peek and Pop with backwards-compatibility 

entotsu/TKSubmitTransition                 1812
Animated UIButton of Loading Animation and Transition Animation. Inspired by  https://dribbble.com/shots/1945593-Login-Home-Screen

mattdonnelly/Swifter                       1810
:bird: A Twitter framework for iOS & OS X written in Swift

tristanhimmelman/AlamofireObjectMapper     1808
An Alamofire extension which converts JSON response data into swift objects using ObjectMapper

Ramotion/navigation-stack                  1803
NavigationStack is a stack-modeled navigation controller

Orderella/PopupDialog                      1800
A simple, customizable popup dialog for iOS written in Swift. Replaces UIAlertController alert style.

marmelroy/PhoneNumberKit                   1800
A Swift framework for parsing, formatting and validating international phone numbers. Inspired by Google's libphonenumber.

andreamazz/AMPopTip                        1798
An animated popover that pops out a given frame, great for subtle UI tips and onboarding.

gontovnik/DGRunkeeperSwitch                1778
Runkeeper design switch control

zhuhaow/SpechtLite                         1770
A rule-based proxy for macOS

mattneub/Programming-iOS-Book-Examples     1769
Downloadable code examples for my books,  "iOS 10 Programming Fundamentals With Swift" (bk1) and "Programming iOS 10" (bk2).

Ramotion/reel-search                       1761
RAMReel is a controller that allows you to choose options from a list

optonaut/ActiveLabel.swift                 1760
UILabel drop-in replacement supporting Hashtags (#), Mentions (@) and URLs (http://) written in Swift

Draveness/DKChainableAnimationKit          1752
A DSL to make animation easy on iOS with Swift.

ltebean/Live                               1744
Demonstrate how to build a live broadcast app(Swift 3)

nixzhu/MonkeyKing                          1743
MonkeyKing helps you to post messages to Chinese Social Networks.

swiftcodex/Swift-Radio-Pro                 1734
Professional Radio Station App, created w/ Swift 

RobertGummesson/BuildTimeAnalyzer-for-Xcode 1733
Build Time Analyzer for Swift

Ramotion/adaptive-tab-bar                  1710
AdaptiveController is a 'Progressive Reduction' Swift module for adding custom states to Native or Custom iOS UI elements

kaishin/Gifu                               1707
High-performance animated GIF support for iOS in Swift

waynewbishop/SwiftStructures               1697
Examples of commonly used data structures and algorithms in Swift.

Raizlabs/BonMot                            1696
Beautiful, easy attributed strings in Swift

evnaz/ENSwiftSideMenu                      1685
A simple side menu for iOS written in Swift. 

codestergit/SweetAlert-iOS                 1685
Live animated Alert View for iOS written in Swift

ReactKit/SwiftTask                         1683
Promise + progress + pause + cancel + retry for Swift.

ytakzk/Fusuma                              1677
Instagram-like photo browser and a camera feature with a few line of code in Swift.

Cosmo/TinyConsole                          1673
🚦📱 A tiny log console to display information while using your iOS app. Written in Swift 3.

lkzhao/ElasticTransition                   1673
A UIKit custom transition that simulates an elastic drag. Written in Swift.

Zewo/Zewo                                  1671
Lightweight library for web server applications in Swift on macOS and Linux powered by coroutines.

daltoniam/SwiftHTTP                        1669
Thin wrapper around NSURLSession in swift. Simplifies HTTP requests.

OAuthSwift/OAuthSwift                      1667
Swift based OAuth library for iOS

devxoul/Then                               1666
✨ Super sweet syntactic sugar for Swift initializers

antitypical/Result                         1642
Swift type modelling the success/failure of arbitrary operations.

kishikawakatsumi/SpreadsheetView           1633
Full configurable spreadsheet view user interfaces for iOS applications. With this framework, you can easily create complex layouts like schedule, gantt chart or timetable as if you are using Excel.

poolqf/FillableLoaders                     1632
Completely customizable progress based loaders drawn using custom CGPaths written in Swift

jakarmy/swift-summary                      1629
A summary of Apple's Swift language written on Playgrounds

yannickl/DynamicColor                      1626
Yet another extension to manipulate colors easily in Swift

WenchaoD/FSPagerView                       1625
FSPagerView is an elegant Screen Slide Library. It is extremely helpful for making Banner View、Product Show、Welcome/Guide Pages、Screen/ViewController Sliders.

EyreFree/EFQRCode                          1620
A better way to operate quick response code in Swift.

Touchwonders/Transition                    1618
Easy interactive interruptible custom ViewController transitions

jathu/UIImageColors                        1605
iTunes style color fetcher for UIImage.

johnlui/SwiftSideslipLikeQQ                1605
再造 “手机QQ” 侧滑菜单

Swinject/Swinject                          1602
Dependency injection framework for Swift

roberthein/TinyConstraints                 1601
Nothing but sugar.

aschuch/StatefulViewController             1592
Placeholder views based on content, loading, error or empty states

uraimo/Awesome-Swift-Playgrounds           1590
A List of Awesome Swift Playgrounds

fancymax/12306ForMac                       1586
An unofficial 12306 Client for Mac

JohnSundell/Unbox                          1581
The easy to use Swift JSON decoder

Codeido/PMAlertController                  1578
PMAlertController is a great and customizable substitute to UIAlertController

entotsu/PullToBounce                       1569
Animated "Pull To Refresh" Library for UIScrollView.  Inspired by https://dribbble.com/shots/1797373-Pull-Down-To-Refresh

codepath/ios_guides                        1562
Comprehensive open-source iOS guides

BendingSpoons/katana-swift                 1556
Swift Apps in a Swoosh! A modern framework for creating iOS and macOS apps, inspired by React and Redux.

FlexMonkey/Filterpedia                     1550
Core Image Filter Explorer & Showcase

zhxnlai/ZLSwipeableViewSwift               1546
A simple view for building card like interface inspired by Tinder and Potluck.

teodorpatras/EasyTipView                   1531
Fully customisable tooltip view in Swift for iOS.

CezaryKopacz/CKWaveCollectionViewTransition 1527
Cool wave like transition between two or more UICollectionView

icanzilb/SwiftSpinner                      1526
A beautiful activity indicator and modal alert written in Swift (originally developed for http://doodledoodle.io) Using blur effects, translucency, flat and bold design - all iOS 8 latest and greatest

fdzsergio/SFFocusViewLayout                1523
UICollectionViewLayout with focused content

rhummelmose/BluetoothKit                   1502
Easily communicate between iOS/OSX devices using BLE

nakiostudio/EasyPeasy                      1499
Auto Layout made easy 

yukiasai/Gecco                             1494
Simply highlight items for your tutorial walkthrough, written in Swift

soapyigu/LeetCode_Swift                    1493
Solutions to LeetCode by Swift

Ramotion/preview-transition                1486
PreviewTransition is a simple preview gallery controller

marmelroy/Interpolate                      1481
Swift interpolation for gesture-driven animations

hkellaway/Gloss                            1481
A shiny JSON parsing library in Swift :sparkles:

alexdrone/Render                           1480
Swift and UIKit a la React.

netguru/ResponseDetective                  1479
Sherlock Holmes of the networking layer. :male_detective:

Yalantis/DisplaySwitcher                   1477
Custom transition between two collection view layouts

demonnico/PinterestSwift                   1472
This is a Swift based demo project to show how to make the transition Pinterest liked.

JohnEstropia/CoreStore                     1469
Unleashing the real power of Core Data with the elegance and safety of Swift

DroidsOnRoids/MPParallaxView               1459
Apple TV Parallax effect in Swift.

Thomvis/BrightFutures                      1447
Write great asynchronous code in Swift using futures and promises

akosma/SwiftMoment                         1444
A time and calendar manipulation library for  iOS 9+, macOS 10.11+, tvOS 9+, watchOS 2+, Xcode 8 written in Swift 3.

marty-suzuki/SAHistoryNavigationViewController 1443
SAHistoryNavigationViewController realizes iOS task manager like UI in UINavigationContoller. Support 3D Touch!

shinobicontrols/iOS9-day-by-day            1425
Selection of projects accompanying the iOS9 Day-by-Day blog series. 

vandadnp/iOS-8-Swift-Programming-Cookbook  1424
This is the GitHub repository of O'Reilly's iOS 8 Swift Programming Cookbook

Dimillian/SwiftHN                          1423
A Hacker News reader in Swift

twitterdev/furni-ios                       1411
Furni for iOS is a furniture store demo app presented at the Twitter Flight conference on October 21st, 2015, showing the power of the Fabric platform.

IvanVorobei/RequestPermission              1404
simple permission request with beautiful UI

nvzqz/FileKit                              1397
Simple and expressive file management in Swift

ChiliLabs/CHIPageControl                   1378
A set of cool animated page controls written in Swift to replace boring UIPageControl.

amayne/SwiftString                         1378
A comprehensive, lightweight string extension for Swift

wojteklu/Watchdog                          1377
Class for logging excessive blocking on the main thread

nicklockwood/SwiftFormat                   1364
A code library and command-line formatting tool for reformatting Swift code

FolioReader/FolioReaderKit                 1354
A Swift ePub reader and parser framework for iOS.

AlexLittlejohn/ALCameraViewController      1350
A camera view controller with custom image picker and image cropping.

i-schuetz/SwiftCharts                      1346
Easy to use and highly customizable charts library for iOS

dani-gavrilov/GDPerformanceView-Swift      1345
Shows FPS, CPU usage, app and iOS versions above the status bar and report FPS and CPU usage via delegate.

IcaliaLabs/Presentr                        1340
Swift wrapper for custom ViewController presentations on iOS

aslanyanhaik/youtube-iOS                   1334
youtube iOS app template written in swift 3

cyanzhong/xTextHandler                     1333
Xcode Source Editor Extension Tools (Xcode 8 Plugins)

djyde/WebShell                             1326
Bundle web apps to native OS X app

marmelroy/Localize-Swift                   1326
Swift friendly localization and i18n with in-app language switching

SebastianBoldt/Jelly                       1323
🙌🏼 Jelly provides a way to integrate different kinds of highly customizable view controller transitions into your iOS-App with just a few lines of code

dzenbot/Iconic                             1320
Auto-generated icon font library for iOS, watchOS and tvOS

sberrevoets/SDCAlertView                   1315
The little alert that could

lbrndnr/ImagePickerSheetController         1307
ImagePickerSheetController is like the custom photo action sheet in iMessage just without the glitches.

jonkykong/SideMenu                         1297
Simple side menu control for iOS in Swift inspired by Facebook. Right and Left sides. No coding required. iOS 8+.

ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveSwift                1287
Streams of values over time

Yalantis/Segmentio                         1280
Animated top/bottom segmented control written in Swift.

Zewo/Venice                                1275
Coroutines, structured concurrency and CSP for Swift on macOS and Linux.

bustoutsolutions/siesta                    1274
The civilized way to write REST API clients for iOS / macOS

malcommac/SwiftLocation                    1271
Easy and efficient Location Manager in Swift

tmdvs/TDBadgedCell                         1269
TDBadgedCell is a table view cell class that adds a badge, similar to the badges in Apple's own apps

zhuhaow/NEKit                              1262
A toolkit for Network Extension Framework

me-abhinav/NumberMorphView                 1260
A label view for displaying numbers which can transition or animate using a technique called number tweening or number morphing.

tid-kijyun/Kanna                           1253
Kanna(鉋) is an XML/HTML parser for Swift.

QueryKit/QueryKit                          1250
A simple CoreData query language for Swift and Objective-C.

zoonooz/ZFRippleButton                     1247
Custom UIButton effect inspired by Google Material Design

jflinter/Dwifft                            1241
Swift Diff

dennisweissmann/DeviceKit                  1226
DeviceKit is a value-type replacement of UIDevice.

angelolloqui/SwiftKotlin                   1220
A tool to convert Swift code to Kotlin.

ole/whats-new-in-swift-4                   1208
An Xcode playground showcasing the new features in Swift 4.0.

ReactKit/ReactKit                          1207
Swift Reactive Programming.

suzuki-0000/SKPhotoBrowser                 1206
Simple PhotoBrowser/Viewer inspired by facebook, twitter photo browsers written by swift

MailOnline/ImageViewer                     1206
An image viewer à la Twitter

onevcat/APNGKit                            1196
High performance and delightful way to play with APNG format in iOS.

ishkawa/APIKit                             1195
Type-safe networking abstraction layer that associates request type with response type.

googollee/eviltransform                    1184
Transport coordinate between earth(WGS-84) and mars in china(GCJ-02).

johnlui/AutoLayout                         1184
Auto Layout 秘境

ochococo/OOD-Principles-In-Swift           1174
The Principles of OOD based on Uncle Bob articles.

kevinzhow/PNChart-Swift                    1167
A simple and beautiful chart lib used in Piner and CoinsMan for iOS(https://github.com/kevinzhow/PNChart) Swift Implementation 

corin8823/Popover                          1162
Popover is a balloon library like Facebook app. It is written in pure swift.

devxoul/URLNavigator                       1159
⛵️ Elegant URL Routing for Swift

makomori/Sharaku                           1156
Image filtering UI library like Instagram.

onevcat/FengNiao                           1150
A command line tool for cleaning unused resources in Xcode.

shaps80/Peek                               1148
Take a Peek at your application.

hpique/SwiftSingleton                      1134
An exploration of the Singleton pattern in Swift

DavdRoman/Popsicle                         1127
Simple, extensible interpolation framework

marmelroy/Format                           1126
A Swift Formatter Kit

tomvanzummeren/TZStackView                 1119
UIStackView replica for iOS 7.x and iOS 8.x

itsmeichigo/DateTimePicker                 1116
A nicer iOS UI component for picking date and time

facebook/facebook-sdk-swift                1115
Integrate your iOS apps in Swift with Facebook Platform.

146BC/StyleKit                             1106
A powerful & easy to use styling framework written in Swift

Daltron/NotificationBanner                 1104
The easiest way to display highly customizable in app notification banners in iOS

YANGReal/JokeClient-Swift                  1101

apple/swift-protobuf                       1093
Plugin and runtime library for using protobuf with Swift

hyperoslo/Spots                            1092
:bamboo: Spots is a cross-platform view controller framework for building component-based UIs

JohnSundell/SwiftPlate                     1091
Easily generate cross platform Swift framework projects from the command line

bignerdranch/Freddy                        1087
A reusable framework for parsing JSON in Swift.

remirobert/Dotzu                           1081
:iphone::eyes: In-App iOS Debugging Tool With Enhanced Logging, Networking Info, Crash reporting And More.

nicktoumpelis/HiBeacons                    1078
An iBeacons example app for iOS 10, with Apple Watch (watchOS 3.0) support, written in Swift 3.

mojilala/VideoSplashKit                    1069
VideoSplashKit - UIViewController library for creating easy intro pages with background videos

marciok/Mu                                 1066
It's a Swift playground explaining how to create a tiny programming language named Mu

marty-suzuki/ReverseExtension              1065
A UITableView extension that enables cell insertion from the bottom of a table view.

ortuman/SwiftForms                         1065
A small and lightweight library written in Swift that allows you to easily create forms.

nvzqz/RandomKit                            1063
Random data generation in Swift

wangshengjia/VWInstantRun                  1062
An Xcode plugin let you build & run your selected lines of code in Xcode without running the whole project, you'll have the output instantly in your Xcode console.

twicketapp/TwicketSegmentedControl         1061
Custom UISegmentedControl replacement for iOS, written in Swift

AliSoftware/Reusable                       1060
A Swift mixin for reusing views easily and in a type-safe way (UITableViewCells, UICollectionViewCells, custom UIViews, ViewControllers, Storyboards…)

kylef/Stencil                              1056
Stencil is a simple and powerful template language for Swift.

Anviking/Decodable                         1056
Swift 2/3 JSON parsing done (more) right

kostiakoval/WatchKit-Apps                  1055
Tutorials app for WatchKit

didierbrun/DBPathRecognizer                1055
Gesture recognizer tool [Swift / iOS]

JohnSundell/TestDrive                      1049
Quickly try out any Swift pod or framework in a playground

amitburst/HackerNews                       1048
A Hacker News reader iOS app written in Swift.

SwiftyJSON/Alamofire-SwiftyJSON            1037
Alamofire extension for serialize NSData to SwiftyJSON

joemasilotti/UI-Testing-Cheat-Sheet        1036
How do I test this with UI Testing?

aschuch/AwesomeCache                       1026
Delightful on-disk cache (written in Swift)

jpsim/SourceKitten                         1026
An adorable little framework and command line tool for interacting with SourceKit.

marmelroy/FileBrowser                      1024
Finder-style iOS file browser written in Swift

Finb/V2ex-Swift                            1024
An iOS client written in Swift for V2EX

slazyk/Observable-Swift                    1023
KVO for Swift - Value Observing and Events

Luubra/EmojiIntelligence                   1022
Neural Network built in Apple Playground using Swift

nsomar/Guaka                               1022
The smartest and most beautiful (POSIX compliant) Command line framework for Swift 🤖

malcommac/Hydra                            1021
Lightweight full-featured Promises, Async & Await Library in Swift

Urinx/iOSAppHook                           1020
专注于非越狱环境下iOS应用逆向研究,从dylib注入,应用重签名到App Hook

3lvis/Networking                           1019
Easy HTTP Networking in Swift a NSURLSession wrapper with image caching support

alibaba/HandyJSON                          1018
A handy swift json-object serialization/deserialization library

emaloney/CleanroomLogger                   1011
CleanroomLogger provides an extensible Swift-based logging API that is simple, lightweight and performant

DeepLearningKit/DeepLearningKit            1007
Open Source Deep Learning Framework for Apple's iOS, OS X and tvOS - 

shu223/watchOS-2-Sampler                   1006
Code examples for new features of watchOS 2.

diwu/LeetCode-Solutions-in-Swift           1006
LeetCode Solutions in Swift 4

joshaber/Few.swift                         998
Views as functions of their state.

FahimF/FloatLabelFields                    997
Text entry controls which contain a built-in title/label so that you don't have to add a separate title for each field.

ElaWorkshop/TagListView                    996
Simple and highly customizable iOS tag list view, in Swift.

material-motion/material-motion-swift      993
A toolkit for building responsive motion using Core Animation.

JiriTrecak/Laurine                         988
Laurine - Localization code generator written in Swift. Sweet!

TBXark/TKRubberIndicator                   985
A rubber animation pagecontrol

Marxon13/M13Checkbox                       980
A customizeable checkbox for iOS

delba/JASON                                979
Fast JSON parsing for Swift

Nike-Inc/Willow                            975
Willow is a powerful, yet lightweight logging library written in Swift.

johnno1962/Refactorator                    975
Xcode Plugin that Refactors Swift & Objective-C

orazz/CreditCardForm-iOS                   975
CreditCardForm is iOS framework that allows developers to create the UI which replicates an actual Credit Card.

JustHTTP/Just                              974
Swift HTTP for Humans

marmelroy/Zip                              973
Swift framework for zipping and unzipping files.

archagon/tasty-imitation-keyboard          973
A custom keyboard for iOS8 that serves as a tasty imitation of the default Apple keyboard. Built using Swift and the latest Apple technologies!

BoltsFramework/Bolts-Swift                 973
Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier.

smileyborg/TableViewCellWithAutoLayoutiOS8 970
Sample project demonstrating self-sizing table view cells in iOS 8 using Swift and Objective-C.

Nonchalant/AppIcon                         969
AppIcon generates *.appiconset contains each resolution image for iOS

malcommac/SwiftRichString                  965
Elegant & Painless Attributed Strings Management Library in Swift

aslanyanhaik/Quick-Chat                    961
Real time chat app written in Swift 3 using Firebase

HarshilShah/DeckTransition                 959
A library to recreate the iOS 10 Apple Music now playing transition

kyleduo/TinyPNG4Mac                        952
TinyPNG client for Mac

Clipy/Clipy                                952
Clipboard extension app for macOS.

elliottminns/blackfire                     951
A minimal, fast and unopinionated web framework for Swift

nsomar/Swiftline                           951
Swiftline is a set of tools to help you create command line applications.

IdleHandsApps/IHKeyboardAvoiding           945
IHKeyboardAvoiding is an elegant solution for keeping any UIView visible when the keyboard is being shown - no UIScrollView required!

scotteg/LayerPlayer                        939
Layer Player explores the capabilities of Apple's Core Animation API

JensRavens/Interstellar                    938
Simple and lightweight Functional Reactive Coding in Swift for the rest of us

JohnSundell/Marathon                       938
Marathon makes it easy to write, run and manage your Swift scripts 🏃

seedante/CardAnimation                     935
Card flip animation by pan gesture.

UrbanApps/Armchair                         933
A simple yet powerful App Review Manager for iOS and OSX in Swift

lyft/mapper                                933
A JSON deserialization library for Swift

MHaroonBaig/MotionKit                      930
Get the data from Accelerometer, Gyroscope and Magnetometer in only Two or a few lines of code. CoreMotion now made insanely simple  :octocat:   :satellite:    

Khan/SwiftTweaks                           927
Tweak your iOS app without recompiling! 

yoavlt/LiquidLoader                        920
Spinner loader components with liquid animation

ohoachuck/wwdc-downloader                  919
WWDC 2017 video downloader script written in Swift - no external dependency.

izqui/Taylor                               917
A lightweight library for writing HTTP web servers with Swift

kentya6/KYCircularProgress                 916
Flexible progress bar written in Swift.

venmo/Static                               911
Simple static table views for iOS in Swift.

Ramotion/gliding-collection                908
Gliding Collection is a smooth, flowing, customizable decision for a UICollectionView Swift Controller

ra1028/Former                              904
Former is a fully customizable Swift library for easy creating UITableView based form.

krzysztofzablocki/LinkedConsole            901
Clickable links in your Xcode console, so you never wonder which class logged the message.

tilltue/TLPhotoPicker                      899
📷 multiple phassets picker for iOS lib. like a facebook

marmelroy/TVButton                         897
Recreating the cool parallax icons from Apple TV as iOS UIButtons (in Swift).

Lickability/PinpointKit                    895
Send better feedback

krzyzanowskim/Natalie                      891
Natalie - Storyboard Code Generator (for Swift)

Yalantis/ColorMatchTabs                    891
This is a Review posting app that let user find interesting places near them

Ekhoo/Device                               887
Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.

jpotts18/SwiftValidator                    885
A rule-based validation library for Swift

wangshengjia/LeeGo                         884
Declarative, configurable & highly reusable UI development as making Lego bricks.

lorentey/BTree                             883
Fast ordered collections for Swift using in-memory B-trees

jatoben/CommandLine                        877
A pure Swift library for creating command-line interfaces

skywinder/GaugeKit                         875
Kit for building custom gauges + easy reproducible Apple's style ring gauges.

square/Cleanse                             873
Lightweight Swift Dependency Injection Framework

JohnSundell/Files                          871
A nicer way to handle files & folders in Swift

liuzhiyi1992/ZYThumbnailTableView          870
a TableView have thumbnail cell only, and you can use gesture let it expands other expansionView, all diy

FancyPixel/gulps                           865
Gulps is an open source app for iOS and Apple Watch that lets you keep track of your daily water consumption.

keitaoouchi/MarkdownView                   862
Markdown View for iOS.

radex/SwiftyTimer                          859
Swifty API for NSTimer

jonathantribouharet/JTMaterialTransition   854
An iOS transition for controllers based on material design.

zalando/SwiftMonkey                        854
A framework for doing randomised UI testing of iOS apps

crossroadlabs/Express                      853
Swift Express is a simple, yet unopinionated web application server written in Swift

imwcl/WCLShineButton                       852
This is a UI lib for iOS. Effects like shining.

onevcat/Rainbow                            851
Delightful console output for Swift developers.

instant-solutions/ISTimeline               851
Simple timeline view written in Swift 2.2

cjwirth/RichEditorView                     850
RichEditorView is a simple, modular, drop-in UIView subclass for Rich Text Editing.

ReactiveKit/ReactiveKit                    850
A Swift Reactive Programming Kit

Yalantis/PixPic                            848
PixPic, a Photo Editing App

johnlui/Pitaya                             847
A Swift HTTP / HTTPS networking library just incidentally execute on machines

groue/GRDB.swift                           846
A toolkit for SQLite databases, with a focus on application development

kaishin/ImageScout                         846
A Swift implementation of fastimage. Supports PNG, GIF, and JPEG.

tnantoka/edhita                            845
Fully open source text editor for iOS written in Swift.

mattt/Euler                                844
Swift Custom Operators for Mathematical Notation

kylef-archive/Mockingjay                   840
An elegant library for stubbing HTTP requests with ease in Swift

teodorpatras/SideMenuController            840
A side menu controller written in Swift for iOS

practicalswift/swift-compiler-crashes      840
A collection of test cases crashing the Swift compiler.

railsware/Sleipnir                         839
BDD-style framework for Swift

bennyguitar/News-YC---iPhone               836
The iPhone version of News/YC, a Hacker News reader and interactive iOS application.

soffes/RateLimit                           836
Simple utility for only executing code every so often.

krzysztofzablocki/Traits                   834
Modify your native iOS app in real time.

willpowell8/LocalizationKit_iOS            832
Realtime Dynamic localization translation delivery system for iOS and Mac OSX in Swift. Create and update texts from localization.com without needing to recompile or redeploy. Cocapod for iOS devices (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and Mac)

adamwaite/Validator                        831
Drop in user input validation for your iOS apps.

hyperoslo/Sugar                            829
:coffee: Something sweet that goes great with your Cocoa

vandadnp/swift-weekly                      829
Weekly Swift Language Gems, Tips and Tricks

nickoneill/Pantry                          824
The missing light persistence layer for Swift

gmertk/BusyNavigationBar                   823
A UINavigationBar extension to show loading effects 

lyimin/beautifulApp                        823
this is a beautiful app-Swift3(最美应用) 0.0

mkoehnke/WKZombie                          821
WKZombie is a Swift framework for iOS/OSX to navigate within websites and collect data without the need of User Interface or API, also known as Headless browser. It can be used to run automated tests / snapshots and manipulate websites using Javascript.

ArtSabintsev/FontBlaster                   819
Programmatically load custom fonts into your iOS app.

yannickl/DynamicButton                     818
Yet another animated flat buttons in Swift

objcio/functional-swift                    818
Issue repository for the Functional Swift book

C4Labs/C4iOS                               816
C4 is an open-source creative coding framework that harnesses the power of native iOS programming with a simplified API that gets you working with media right away. Build artworks, design interfaces and explore new possibilities working with media and interaction.

mono0926/LicensePlist                      815
A license list generator of all your dependencies for iOS applications

SwiftKitz/Appz                             813
📱 Launch external apps, and deeplink, with ease using Swift! .. http://kitz.io

recruit-mtl/Graphs                         811
Light weight charts view generater for iOS. Written in Swift.

thii/FontAwesome.swift                     810
Use FontAwesome in your Swift projects

gmarm/BetterSegmentedControl               808
An easy to use, customizable replacement for UISegmentedControl & UISwitch.

NextLevel/NextLevel                        807
⬆️ Rad Media Capture in Swift

kylef/PathKit                              806
Effortless path operations in Swift

jcavar/refresher                           806
Pull to refresh in Swift

arikis/Overdrive                           804
⚡️ Fast async task based Swift framework with focus on type safety, concurrency and multi threading

isair/JSONHelper                           804
✌ Convert anything into anything in one operation; JSON data into class instances, hex strings into UIColor/NSColor, y/n strings to booleans, arrays and dictionaries of these; anything you can make sense of!

Nirma/UIFontComplete                       802
Make working with UIFont faster and less error-prone.

onevcat/Hedwig                             802
Send email to any SMTP server like a boss, in Swift and cross-platform

jiecao-fm/SwiftTheme                       799
Powerful theme/skin manager for iOS 7+ 主题/换肤, 夜间模式

tidwall/SwiftWebSocket                     798
Fast Websockets in Swift for iOS and OSX

fastred/IBAnalyzer                         796
Find common xib and storyboard-related problems without running your app or writing unit tests.

melvitax/DateHelper                        793
A Swift Date extension helper

AssistoLab/DropDown                        792
A Material Design drop down for iOS

nabilfreeman/ios-universal-webview-boilerplate 789
Universal Swift-based boilerplate for a web app.

eddiekaiger/SwiftyAttributes               787
A Swifty API for attributed strings

totocaster/Typist                          787
Small Swift UIKit keyboard manager for iOS apps.

FlexMonkey/Blurable                        787
Apply a Gaussian Blur to any UIView with Swift Protocol Extensions

andreacremaschi/GEOSwift                   787
The Swift Geographic Engine.

muukii/NextGrowingTextView                 785
The next in the generations of 'growing textviews' optimized for iOS 8 and above.

joshaber/SwiftBox                          784
Flexbox in Swift, using Facebook's css-layout.

varshylmobile/LocationManager              783
CLLocationManager wrapper in Swift, performs location update, geocoding and reverse geocoding using Apple and Google service

LoganWright/Genome                         783
A simple, type safe, failure driven mapping library for serializing JSON to models in Swift 3.0 (Supports Linux)

xmartlabs/Bender                           783
Easily craft fast Neural Networks on iOS! Use TensorFlow models. Metal under the hood.

bryx-inc/BRYXBanner                        781
A lightweight dropdown notification for iOS 7+, in Swift.

drmohundro/SWXMLHash                       781
Simple XML parsing in Swift

Awalz/SwiftyCam                            780
A Snapchat Inspired iOS Camera Framework written in Swift

onmyway133/Snowflake                       779
❄️  SVG in Swift

piemonte/Player                            779
▶️ video player in Swift, simple way to play and stream media on iOS/tvOS

fruitcoder/ReplaceAnimation                778
Pull-to-refresh animation in UICollectionView with a sticky header flow layout, written in Swift :large_orange_diamond:

mzeeshanid/MZDownloadManager               778
This download manager uses NSURLSession api to download files. It can download multiple files at a time. It can download large files if app is in background. It can resume downloads if app was quit.

gmertk/ParkedTextField                     771
A text field with a constant text/placeholder

mcmatan/ImageOpenTransition                768
Beautiful and precise transitions between ViewControllers images written in Swift.

kylef/Commander                            766
Compose beautiful command line interfaces in Swift

naoyashiga/Dunk                            766
Dunk is Dribbble client.:basketball:

mchoe/SwiftSVG                             766
 A single pass SVG parser with multiple interface options (String, NS/UIBezierPath, CAShapeLayer, and NS/UIView)

devxoul/RxTodo                             764
iOS Todo Application using ReactorKit

krzysztofzablocki/KZFileWatchers           762
A micro-framework for observing file changes, both local and remote. Helpful in building developer tools.

naru-jpn/View2ViewTransition               761
Custom interactive view controller transition from one view to another view.

yeahdongcn/UIColor-Hex-Swift               761
Convenience methods for creating color using RGBA hex string.

devxoul/Toaster                            756
:bread: Toast for Swift

mariohahn/StatusProvider                   755
Protocol to handle initial Loadings, Empty Views and Error Handling in a ViewController & views

owensd/json-swift                          752
A basic library for working with JSON in Swift.

nettlep/learn-swift                        751
Learn Apple's Swift programming language interactively through these playgrounds.

uias/Pageboy                               748
A simple, highly informative page view controller.

edopelawi/CascadingTableDelegate           746
A no-nonsense way to write cleaner UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource in Swift.

danthorpe/Money                            744
Swift value types for working with money & currency

MartinRGB/MTSwift-Learning                 743
Begin to learn swift,try to make some simple project here(DEPRECATED)

ennioma/arek                               743
AREK is a clean and easy way to request any kind of iOS permission (with some nifty features 🤖)

eonist/Element                             741
Programmatic UI framework for macOS

Yalantis/PullToRefresh                     739
This component implements pure pull-to-refresh logic and you can use it for developing your own pull-to-refresh animations

BalestraPatrick/ParticlesLoadingView       738
A customizable SpriteKit particles animation on the border of a view.

HamzaGhazouani/HGCircularSlider            738
A custom reusable circular/progress slider control for iOS application.

ra1028/RAReorderableLayout                 737
A UICollectionView layout whitch can move item with drag and drop.

kf99916/TimelineTableViewCell              735
Simple timeline view implemented by UITableViewCell written in Swift 3.0

mikaoj/BSImagePicker                       733
A multiple image picker for iOS

evgenyneu/Dodo                             733
A message bar for iOS written in Swift.

nixzhu/Proposer                            733
Make permission request easier.

Codigami/CFAlertViewController             731
It is a highly configurable iOS library which allows easy styling with built in styles as well as extra header and footer views so that you can make extremely unique alerts and action sheets.

bvogelzang/SevenSwitch                     729
iOS7 style drop in replacement for UISwitch

alexeyxo/protobuf-swift                    729
Google ProtocolBuffers for Apple Swift

scalessec/Toast-Swift                      728
A Swift extension that adds toast notifications to the UIView object class.

yannickl/Splitflap                         725
A simple split-flap display for your Swift applications

plu/pxctest                                722
Execute tests in parallel on multiple iOS Simulators

shu223/Pulsator                            719
Pulse animation for iOS

wangjwchn/AImage                           718
A animated gif & apng engine for iOS in Swift. Optimized for Multi-Image case.

wokalski/Diff.swift                        715
The fastest Diff and patch library in Swift. Includes UICollectionView/UITableView utils.

HearthSim/HSTracker                        715
HSTracker is deck tracker and game manager for Hearthstone on macOS

devlucky/Kakapo                            715
🐤Dynamically Mock server behaviors and responses in Swift

typelift/SwiftCheck                        714
QuickCheck for Swift

dalu93/Each                                714
Elegant ⏱ interface for Swift apps

Alecrim/AlecrimCoreData                    714
A powerful and simple Core Data wrapper framework written in Swift.

GabrielAlva/Swift-Prompts                  707
A Swift library to design custom prompts with a great scope of options to choose from. 

richardtop/CalendarKit                     705
📅 Fully customizable calendar for iOS

daisuke0131/ViewMonitor                    704
ViewMonitor can measure view positions with accuracy.

buildasaurs/Buildasaur                     704
Automatic testing of your Pull Requests on GitHub and BitBucket using Xcode Server. Keep your team productive and safe. Get up and running in minutes. @buildasaur

zhangao0086/DKImagePickerController        701
Image Picker Controller by Swift.

CosmicMind/Graph                           700
Graph is a semantic database that is used to create data-driven applications.

SimonFairbairn/SwiftyMarkdown              699
Converts Markdown files and strings into NSAttributedString

vapor/fluent                               698
Swift models, relationships, and querying for NoSQL and SQL databases.

fpg1503/MakeXcodeGr8Again                  698
🔨 Xcode + Plugins = 💙

honghaoz/Ji                                694
Ji (戟) is an XML/HTML parser for Swift

goktugyil/QorumLogs                        694
:closed_book: Swift Logging Utility for Xcode & Google Docs 

RxSwiftCommunity/RxDataSources             694
UITableView and UICollectionView Data Sources for RxSwift (sections, animated updates, editing ...)

PiXeL16/RevealingSplashView                692
A Splash view that animates and reveals its content, inspired by Twitter splash

ayanonagon/Parsimmon                       689
Parsimmon is a wee linguistics toolkit for iOS written in Swift.

yannickl/FlowingMenu                       686
Interactive view transition to display menus with flowing and bouncing effects in Swift

hyperoslo/Cache                            685
:package: Nothing but Cache.

scihant/CTPanoramaView                     684
A library that displays spherical or cylindrical panoramas with touch or motion based controls.

jpsim/PeerKit                              683
An open-source Swift framework for building event-driven, zero-config Multipeer Connectivity apps

vadymmarkov/Fakery                         680
:alien: Swift fake data generator

Pyroh/Fluor                                679
A handy tool for macOS allowing you to switch Fn keys' mode based on active application

evermeer/EVReflection                      678
Reflection based (Dictionary, CKRecord, NSManagedObject, Realm, JSON and XML) object mapping with extensions for Alamofire and Moya with RxSwift or ReactiveSwift

cyanzhong/TodayMind                        676
Make Reminders Great Again

Jintin/Swimat                              675
An Xcode formatter plug-in to format your swift code.

neoneye/SwiftyFORM                         674
iOS framework for creating forms

olddonkey/ODUIThreadGuard                  672
A guard to help you check if you make UI changes not in main thread

frosty/Flipbook                            671
A Swift tool to render UIViews to image sequences for use with WatchKit, and accompanying sample WatchKit project.

LeonardoCardoso/SwiftLinkPreview           670
It makes a preview from an URL, grabbing all the information such as title, relevant texts and images.

Aaron-A/Project-RainMan                    670
Open Source Weather App created with Swift

zixun/CocoaChinaPlus                       669

ijoshsmith/json2swift                      668
A macOS command line tool that generates excellent Swift data models based on JSON data.

RxSwiftCommunity/RxAlamofire               667
RxSwift wrapper around the elegant HTTP networking in Swift Alamofire

ink-spot/UPCarouselFlowLayout              666
A fancy carousel flow layout for UICollectionView on iOS.

candostdagdeviren/CDAlertView              664
Highly customizable alertview and alert/notification/success/error/alarm popup written in Swift 3

goktugyil/EZSwipeController                664
:point_up_2: UIPageViewController like Snapchat/Tinder/iOS Main Pages

MessageKit/MessageKit-iOS                  662
Eventually, a Swift re-write of JSQMessagesViewController

younatics/MotionBook                       662
📖 Awesome iOS UI/UX Application

evgenyneu/keychain-swift                   661
Helper functions for saving text in Keychain securely for iOS, OS X, tvOS and watchOS.

mileswd/mac2imgur                          661
⬆ A simple Mac app designed to make uploading images and screenshots to Imgur quick and effortless.

osteslag/Changeset                         656
Minimal edits from one collection to another

shogo4405/lf.swift                         656
Camera and Microphone streaming library via RTMP, HLS for iOS, macOS, tvOS.

PureSwift/Cacao                            653
Pure Swift Cross-platform UIKit (Cocoa Touch) implementation (Supports Linux)

KevinGong2013/ChineseIDCardOCR             653

tadija/AEXML                               652
Simple and lightweight XML parser written in Swift

KittenYang/GooeyTabbar                     652
A gooey effect tabbar

markohlebar/Import                         651
Xcode extension for adding imports from anywhere in the code ☝️

mathewsanders/Mustard                      650
🌭 Mustard is a Swift library for tokenizing strings when splitting by whitespace doesn't cut it.

indragiek/SwiftAutoLayout                  648
Tiny Swift DSL for Autolayout

pascalbros/PAPermissions                   647
A unified API to ask for permissions on iOS

marmelroy/ObjectiveKit                     645
Swift-friendly API for a set of powerful Objective C runtime functions.

filipstefansson/AutocompleteField          640
Add word completion to your UITextFields.

gabrieloc/GIOVANNI                         640
A Gameboy Emulator for the Apple Watch

JakeLin/SaveTheDot                         639
A game developed using UIViewPropertyAnimator

jamy0801/LGWeChatKit                       638

delba/Log                                  638
An extensible logging framework for Swift

kciter/GlitchLabel                         636
G..lit...c...hing UILa..bel fo..r iO...S :tv:

davedelong/DDMathParser                    635
String → Number

prolificinteractive/Caishen                635
A Payment Card UI & Validator for iOS

LlamaKit/LlamaKit                          635
Collection of must-have functional Swift tools

ikesyo/Himotoki                            634
A type-safe JSON decoding library purely written in Swift

0x73/SwiftIconFont                         634
Icons fonts for iOS (FontAwesome, Iconic, Ionicon, Octicon, Themify, MapIcon, MaterialIcon)

edekhayser/Timeline                        633
Timeline like the Path iOS app

EndouMari/TabPageViewController            632
Paging view controller and scroll tab view

evgenyneu/Cosmos                           630
A star rating control for iOS/tvOS written in Swift

FutureKit/FutureKit                        629
A Swift based Future/Promises Library for IOS and OS X.

kirualex/SwiftyGif                         628
High performance GIF engine

chenasraf/gInbox                           627
A Mac wrapper for Inbox by Gmail

hyperoslo/BarcodeScanner                   626
:mag_right: A simple and beautiful barcode scanner.

michaelbabiy/RMParallax                    626
The way to impress users on the first app launch.

sasojadrovski/SJFluidSegmentedControl      625
A segmented control with custom appearance and interactive animations. Written in Swift 3.0.

jspahrsummers/RxSwift                      623
Proof-of-concept for implementing Rx primitives in Swift

stakes/Frameless                           620
A chromeless web browser for viewing prototypes.

devxoul/SwiftyImage                        620
🌈 The most sexy way to use images in Swift.

indragiek/DominantColor                    620
Finding dominant colors of an image using k-means clustering

thoughtbot/Runes                           619
Infix operators for monadic functions in Swift

saoudrizwan/CardSlider                     617
Innovative twist to Tinder cards for iOS.

efremidze/Cluster                          616
Easy Map Annotation Clustering 📍

64characters/Telephone                     615
SIP softphone for Mac

bahlo/SwiftGif                             615
:sparkles: A small UIImage extension with gif support

thoughtbot/Markoff                         615
A light-weight Markdown (CommonMark) previewer for OSX.

ello/ello-ios                              614
Ello's open source iOS app

hallas/agent                               612
Minimalistic Swift HTTP request agent for iOS and OS X

tispr/tispr-card-stack                     610
Card Stack in Swift for iOS8+

ReactKit/SwiftState                        608
Elegant state machine for Swift.

GabrielAlva/SwiftPages                     607
A swift implementation of a swipe between pages layout, just like Instagram's toggle between views.

SimplicityMobile/Simplicity                605
A simple way to implement Facebook and Google login in your iOS apps.

mozilla-mobile/focus                       603
Firefox Focus for iOS

younatics/YNDropDownMenu                   602
✨ Awesome Dropdown menu for iOS with Swift 3

delba/Tactile                              601
A better way to handle gestures on iOS

Nike-Inc/Elevate                           600
Elevate is a JSON parsing framework that leverages Swift to make parsing simple, reliable and composable.

apollographql/apollo-ios                   599
📱 A strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for iOS, written in Swift

matthewcheok/JSONCodable                   598
Hassle-free JSON encoding and decoding in Swift

sergdort/CleanArchitectureRxSwift          597
Example of Clean Architecture of iOS app using RxSwift

dankogai/swift2-json                       597
Even Swiftier JSON Handler

fulldecent/FDWaveformView                  597
Reads an audio file and displays the waveform

seedco/StackViewController                 595
A controller that uses a UIStackView and view controller composition to display content in a list

kevinzhow/RealtimeGradientText             594
Gradient Text in Real

fastred/AHKBendableView                    593
UIView subclass that bends its edges when its position changes.

DanisFabric/RainbowNavigation              592
An easy way to change backgroundColor of UINavigationBar when Push & Pop

icanzilb/TaskQueue                         591
A Task Queue Class developed in Swift (by Marin Todorov)

mojilala/YoutubeSourceParserKit            590
YouTube link parser for swift

jeantimex/ios-swift-collapsible-table-section 588
:iphone: A simple iOS swift project demonstrates how to implement collapsible table section.

popwarsweet/PageControls                   586
This is a selection of custom page controls to replace UIPageControl, inspired by a dribbble found here: https://dribbble.com/shots/2578447-Page-Control-Indicator-Transitions-Collection

shinobicontrols/iOS10-day-by-day           586
Projects to accompany the iOS 10 Day by Day blog series 

kaandedeoglu/KDCircularProgress            585
A circular progress view with gradients written in Swift

FabrizioBrancati/BFKit-Swift               585
BFKit-Swift is a collection of useful classes, structs and extensions to develop Apps faster.

PureSwift/SwiftFoundation                  585
Cross-Platform, Protocol-Oriented Programming base library to complement the Swift Standard Library. (Pure Swift, Supports Linux)

exyte/ReadabilityKit                       583
Preview extractor for news, articles and full-texts in Swift

KevinCoble/AIToolbox                       583
A toolbox of AI modules written in Swift:  Graphs/Trees, Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks, PCA, K-Means, Genetic Algorithms

zvonicek/ImageSlideshow                    583
Swift image slideshow with circular scrolling, timer and full screen viewer

cocoatoucher/AIFlatSwitch                  583
Nicely animated flat design switch alternative to UISwitch

imaginary-cloud/CameraManager              583
Simple Swift class to provide all the configurations you need to create custom camera view in your app

apple/swift-corelibs-xctest                582
The XCTest Project, A Swift core library for providing unit test support

khaledmtaha/XAnimatedImage                 578
XAnimatedImage is a performant animated GIF engine for iOS written in Swift based on FLAnimatedImage

whitesmith/WSTagsField                     578
An iOS text field that represents different Tags

stevestreza/Relayout                       577
Swift microframework for declaring Auto Layout constraints functionally

saoudrizwan/Dance                          577
A radical & elegant animation library for iOS.

ReactorKit/ReactorKit                      576
A framework for reactive and unidirectional Swift application architecture

Ben-G/Validated                            573
A Swift μ-Library for Somewhat Dependent Types

BrikerMan/BMPlayer                         573
A video player for iOS, based on AVPlayer, support the horizontal, vertical screen. support adjust volume, brightness and seek by slide, support subtitles. 

VivienCormier/UIImageViewModeScaleAspect   573
Create animation of a UIImageView between twice contentMode ( UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill / UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit )

Yalantis/EatFit                            569
Eat fit is a component for attractive data representation inspired by Google Fit

jessesquires/JSQDataSourcesKit             569
Protocol-oriented, type-safe data source objects that keep your view controllers light

Palleas/NaughtyKeyboard                    569
The Big List of Naughty Strings is a list of strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data. This is a keyboard to help you test your app from your iOS device.

Cleveroad/CRNetworkButton                  568
Send Button for iOS

Vaberer/Font-Awesome-Swift                 568
Font Awesome swift library for iOS. 

Onix-Systems/RainyRefreshControl           566
Simple refresh control for iOS based on SpriteKit and Core Graphics

andreamazz/SubtleVolume                    566
Replace the system volume popup with a more subtle indicator.

younatics/Highlighter                      566
🖍 Highlight whatever you want! 

watson-developer-cloud/swift-sdk           564
:iphone: The Watson Swift SDK enables developers to quickly add Watson Cognitive Computing services to their Swift applications.

Jpadilla1/react-native-ios-charts          564
Bringing iOS Charts to React Native

kean/Preheat                               564
Automates prefetching of content in UITableView and UICollectionView

BohdanOrlov/BouncyPageViewController       562
Page view controller with bounce effect

maxkonovalov/MKRingProgressView            562
⭕️ Ring progress view similar to Activity app on Apple Watch

ReduxKit/ReduxKit                          562
Redux for Swift - a predictable state container for Swift apps

yannickl/QRCodeReader.swift                561
Simple QRCode reader in Swift

SSA111/SSASideMenu                         560
A Swift implementation of RESideMenu

Yalantis/ForceBlur                         560
ForceBlur Animation for iOS Messaging Apps

inamiy/RxAutomaton                         558
RxSwift + State Machine, inspired by Redux and Elm.

raywenderlich/SKTUtils                     557
Sprite Kit helper classes and functions. From the book iOS Games by Tutorials.

lindadong/swift-a-day                      556
Project files for my personal experiments on Swift A Day:

mattt/Literally                            553
Swift Literal Convertibles for Foundation

swiftsocket/SwiftSocket                    553
The easy way to use sockets on Apple platforms

Polidea/RxBluetoothKit                     552
iOS & OSX Bluetooth library for RxSwift

johnlui/SwiftNotice                        550
 GUI library for displaying various popups (HUD), written in pure Swift.

Draveness/NightNight                       548
Elegant way to integrate night mode to swift projects

cezheng/Fuzi                               547
A fast & lightweight XML & HTML parser in Swift with XPath & CSS support

p2/OAuth2                                  546
OAuth2 framework for macOS and iOS, written in Swift.

enochng1/RaceMe                            546
RaceMe is a run tracking + ghosting iOS mobile application.

younatics/YNSearch                         545
🔍 Awesome fully customize search view like Pinterest written in Swift 3 + Realm support!

rodionovd/SWRoute                          545
PoC of function hooking in Swift

pixyzehn/MediumScrollFullScreen            544
Medium's upper and lower Menu in Scroll.

cesarferreira/SwiftEventBus                544
A publish/subscribe EventBus optimized for iOS

AntonTheDev/FlightAnimator                 544
Advanced Natural Motion Animations, Simple Blocks Based Syntax

uraimo/SwiftyGPIO                          543
A Swift library to interact with GPIO/SPI/I2C/PWM/UART on Linux/ARM boards (RaspberryPi, BeagleBone, CHIP, etc...)

ProcedureKit/ProcedureKit                  540
Advanced Operations in Swift

wulkano/aperture                           540
Record the screen on macOS

suguru/Cheetah                             539
Easy animation library on iOS with Swift2

gmertk/SwiftAlgorithmsClassroom            537
An experimental classroom to learn/teach algorithms and data structures with Swift

CharlinFeng/PhotoBrowser                   537
Photo Browser Terminator

eggswift/pull-to-refresh                   537
An easy way to use pull to refresh and infinite scrolling in Swift. Pod 'ESPullToRefresh'

jxd001/Swift-ZhihuDaily                    534
ZhihuDaily with Swift language

arn00s/cariocamenu                         533
The fastest zero-tap iOS menu.

xhamr/fave-button                          532
FaveButton is an iOS cute animated like button written in Swift.

jhurray/SelectableTextView                 532
A text view that supports selection and expansion

terenceLuffy/AppStoreStyleHorizontalScrollView 532
App store style horizontal scroll view

yeahdongcn/RSBarcodes_Swift                531
1D and 2D barcodes reader and generators for iOS 8 with delightful controls. Now Swift.

insanoid/SwiftyJSONAccelerator             530
OSX app and CLI to generate Swift 3 code for models from JSON.

gmertk/GMStepper                           529
A stepper with a sliding label in the middle.

SvenTiigi/STLocationRequest                529
A simple and elegant 3D-Flyover location request screen written in Swift

Kawoou/FlexibleImage                       529
A simple way to play with the image!

insidegui/PodcastMenu                      529
Put Overcast on your Mac's menu bar

realm/SwiftCov                             527
A tool to generate test code coverage information for Swift.

ArtSabintsev/Guitar                        527
A Cross-Platform String and Regular Expression Library written in Swift.

hollance/Forge                             526
A neural network toolkit for Metal

Brightify/Cuckoo                           524
First boilerplate-free mocking framework for Swift!

CosmicMind/Algorithm                       524
Algorithm is a library of tools that is used to create intelligent applications.

andreamazz/GearRefreshControl              524
A custom animation for the UIRefreshControl

Brimizer/Slidden                           524
An open source, customizable, iOS 8 keyboard.

morizotter/SwiftyDrop                      521
Lightweight dropdown message bar in Swift. It's simple and beautiful.

wayfair/brickkit-ios                       521
BrickKit For IOS 

nofelmahmood/Seam                          520
Seamless CloudKit Sync with CoreData

luosheng/OpenSim                           520
OpenSim is an open source alternative to SimPholders, written in Swift.

freshOS/then                               519
:clapper: Promises Library for Swift with Async/Await

morizotter/TouchVisualizer                 518
Lightweight touch visualization library in Swift. A single line of code and visualize your touches!

nixzhu/Coolie                              517
Coolie(苦力) helps you to create models (& their constructors) from a JSON file.

CharlinFeng/CFCityPickerVC                 516

rehatkathuria/SnappingSlider               516
A beautiful slider control for iOS built purely upon Swift

ryanfowler/SwiftData                       516
Simple and Effective SQLite Handling in Swift

dkhamsing/ios-asset-names                  516
:triangular_ruler: Guide to name iOS assets

hrscy/TodayNews                            516

CosmicMind/Motion                          515
Seamless animations and transitions in Swift.

tristanhimmelman/HidingNavigationBar       515
Easily hide and show a view controller's navigation bar (and tab bar) as a user scrolls

jrendel/SwiftKeychainWrapper               514
A simple wrapper for the iOS Keychain to allow you to use it in a similar fashion to User Defaults. Written in Swift.

varshylmobile/MapManager                   514
Map manager is a MapKit wrapper in Swift to provide route direction drawing

yankodimitrov/SwiftPasscodeLock            514
An iOS passcode lock with TouchID authentication written in Swift.

ifitdoesntwork/DAExpandAnimation           511
A custom modal transition that presents a controller with an expanding effect while sliding out the presenter remnants.

AfryMask/AFBrushBoard                      511

practicalswift/Pythonic.swift              511
Pythonic tool-belt for Swift – a Swift implementation of selected parts of Python standard library.

WorldDownTown/ZoomTransitioning            511
ZoomTransitioning provides a custom transition with image zooming animation and swiping the screen edge.

aleclarson/emitter-kit                     510
Type-safe event handling for Swift

juanpablofernandez/SwiftyOnboard           509
A swifty iOS framework that allows developers to create beautiful onboarding experiences.

indragiek/MarkdownTextView                 509
Rich Markdown editing control for iOS

Roylee-ML/PrismaSimpleImagePicker          508
This is a copy of the Prisma APP. Reproduce Prisma custom camera, image picker and picture editor

100mango/Celluloid                         508
The Best Photo Extension APP on iOS.

aaronabentheuer/AAWindow                   507
UIWindow subclass to enable behavior like adaptive round-corners & detecting when Control Center is opened.

iAugux/Phonetic                            507
An iOS App to generate phonetic keys for your Chinese contacts. Written in Swift.

lorentey/Attabench                         506
Microbenchmarking app for Swift with nice log-log plots

MoZhouqi/PhotoBrowser                      505
A simple iOS Instagram photo browser written in Swift using Alamofire networking library, SwiftyJSON JSON parsing library and FastImageCache storing and retrieving images library.

icepy/Awsome-Apple-Develop-Guide           505
🐵 Awsome-Apple-Develop-Guide:此文档是Apple平台开发所使用语言的主流学习资源-阅读收集

efremidze/Magnetic                         504
SpriteKit Floating Bubble Picker (inspired by Apple Music)

linkedin/RocketData                        502
A caching and consistency solution for immutable models.

bignerdranch/CoreDataStack                 502
The Big Nerd Ranch Core Data Stack

hyperoslo/Compass                          501
:earth_africa: Compass helps you setup a central navigation system for your application

pluralsight/PSOperations                   501
A framework for advanced NSOperations usage

tomkowz/Swifternalization                  501
Localize iOS apps in a smarter way using JSON files. Swift framework.

kaphacius/IconMaker                        501
an Xcode plug-in for making app icons

mengxiangyue/The-Swift-2.0-Programming-Language-playground 500
对应最新发布《The Swift Programming Language》Swift 2.0 一书中的内容。这些playground基本是书中知识点的一个总结。

JellyDevelopment/JDAnimationKit            500
Animate easy and with less code with Swift

Ekhoo/Translucid                           500
Lightweight library to set an Image as text background. Written in swift.

JohnSundell/Wrap                           500
The easy to use Swift JSON encoder

cjiong/LearnSwift                          500
One hundred days, fifty projects.

Raizlabs/Eject                             500
An eject button for Interface Builder to generate swift code

winslowdibona/TabDrawer                    499

Bouke/SwiftInitializerGenerator            498
Xcode 8 Source Code Extension to Generate Swift Initializers

AliSoftware/Dip                            498
Simple Swift Dependency container. Use protocols to resolve your dependencies and avoid singletons / sharedInstances!

VerbalExpressions/SwiftVerbalExpressions   497
Swift Port of VerbalExpressions

c-Viorel/MBIcons                           496
MBIcons contains over 200 icons that can be resized to any dimensions as they are drawn using NSBezierPath.

gkye/ComplimentaryGradientView             496
Create complementary gradients generated from dominant and prominent colors in supplied image. Inspired by Grade.js

bwhiteley/JSONShootout                     496
Compare several Swift JSON mappers.

soffes/clock-saver                         493
Simple clock screensaver written in Swift

venmo/DVR                                  491
Network testing for Swift

skyming/Trip-to-iOS-Design-Patterns        490
iOS 设计模式相关资料整理

darkerk/v2ex                               489
The unofficial V2EX app for iOS

goktugyil/EZLoadingActivity                489
:hatching_chick: Lightweight Swift loading activity for iOS7+

postmates/PMHTTP                           489
Swift/Obj-C HTTP framework with a focus on REST and JSON

andresinaka/SwiftCop                       488
SwiftCop is a validation library fully written in Swift and inspired by the clarity of Ruby On Rails Active Record validations.

Ramotion/elongation-preview                487
ElongationPreview is an elegant push-pop style view controller

evermeer/EVCloudKitDao                     486
Simplified access to Apple's CloudKit

turbolinks/turbolinks-ios                  485
Native iOS adapter for building hybrid apps with Turbolinks 5

Awesome-Server-Side-Swift/TheList          484
A list of Awesome Server Side Swift 3 projects

mathcarignani/MCMHeaderAnimated            483

wantedly/swift-rss-sample                  483
An RSS reader app written in Swift

lexrus/LTBouncyPlaceholder                 483
A learning-by-doing UITextField extension written in Swift

zemirco/swift-linechart                    483
Line Chart library for iOS written in Swift

Abizern/xcode-snippets                     482
Xcode Snippets for Swift 2, based on those by Mattt at https://github.com/Xcode-Snippets/Objective-C

UrbanApps/UAObfuscatedString               481
A simple category to hide sensitive strings from appearing in your binary

sindresorhus/touch-bar-simulator           481
Use the Touch Bar on any Mac

producthunt/producthunt-osx                481
The best new products, every day on Mac.

nghialv/Hakuba                             480
:cherry_blossom: Cellmodel-driven tableview manager

daltonclaybrook/tween-controller           479
A toolkit for creating interactive menus and tutorials in Swift

Clean-Swift/CleanStore                     479
A sample iOS app built using the Clean Swift architecture. Clean Swift is Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture applied to iOS and Mac projects. CleanStore demonstrates Clean Swift by implementing the create order use case described by in Uncle Bob's talks.

utahiosmac/Marshal                         478
Marshaling the typeless wild west of [String: Any]

Augustyniak/FileExplorer                   475
FileExplorer is a powerful iOS file browser that allows its users to choose and remove files and/or directories

thii/SwiftHEXColors                        475
HEX color handling as an extension for UIColor.

sahandnayebaziz/StateView                  474
UIViews that update themselves when your data changes.

Nirma/Attributed                           474
Modern Swift µframework for attributed strings.

ruslanskorb/RSKGrowingTextView             472
A light-weight UITextView subclass that automatically grows and shrinks.

ovenbits/ModelRocket                       471
An iOS framework for creating JSON-based models. Written in Swift.

Akkyie/AKPickerView-Swift                  468
A simple yet customizable horizontal picker view. 

KyleGoddard/KGFloatingDrawer               468
A floating navigation drawer with an interesting animated presentation written in Swift.

KrakenDev/PrediKit                         466
An NSPredicate DSL for iOS, OSX, tvOS, & watchOS. Inspired by SnapKit and lovingly written in Swift.

rounak/TwitterBirdAnimation                466
Replicating Twitter's bird animation that appears when app starts up

okla/QuickRearrangeTableView               466
Protocol-oriented solution to add quick cells rearrange/reorder to UITableView, written in Swift 2.2

liuzhiyi1992/SpreadButton                  465
a Button can spread its sub path button like the flower if you click,once again,close. oc & swift

sima-11/SMSegmentView                      464
Custom segmentedControl for iOS written in Swift. Supports vertical layout. Support both image and text. Highly customisable.

huytd/swift-http                           464
HTTP Implementation for Swift on Linux and Mac OS X

johnlui/JSONNeverDie                       463
Auto reflection tool from JSON to Model, user friendly JSON encoder / decoder, aims to never die

dekatotoro/PullToRefreshSwift              463
iOS Simple Cool PullToRefresh Library. It is written in pure swift.

emqtt/CocoaMQTT                            463
MQTT for iOS and OS X written with Swift

gontovnik/Periscope-VideoViewController    462
Video view controller with Periscope fast rewind control

FlexMonkey/Plum-O-Meter                    462
3D Touch Application for Weighing Plums (and other small fruit!)

ptsochantaris/trailer                      462
Managing Pull Requests and Issues For GitHub & GitHub Enterprise

hyperoslo/Gallery                          461
📹 Your next favorite image and video picker

RxSwiftCommunity/RxKeyboard                461
Reactive Keyboard in iOS

TBXark/TKSwitcherCollection                459
An animate switch collection

melvitax/ImageHelper                       458
Convenience extension for UIImage and UIImageView in Swift

evgenyneu/SigmaSwiftStatistics             458
A collection of functions for statistical calculation written in Swift.

soffes/GradientView                        458
Easily use gradients in UIKit.

liufan321/SwiftQRCode                      456
Simple QRCode detector and generator in Swift

matthewpalmer/Charter                      455
A Swift mailing list client for iPhone and iPad

brianmichel/Juice                          455
Make your battery information a bit more interesting.

apple/swift-3-api-guidelines-review        454

mzaks/FlatBuffersSwift                     454
This project brings FlatBuffers (an efficient cross platform serialization library) to Swift.

NghiaTranUIT/iOS-Awesome-Starter-Kit       453
The perfect combination: Clean Swift + ReSwift + PromiseKit

IBM-Swift/BlueSocket                       452
Socket framework for Swift using the Swift Package Manager. Works on iOS, macOS, and Linux.

delba/SwiftyOAuth                          451
A simple OAuth library for iOS with a built-in set of providers

EnderTan/ETNavBarTransparent               451
Change NavigationBar's transparency at pop gestrue and other situation

SteveBarnegren/TweenKit                    451
Animation library for iOS in Swift

KyoheiG3/DynamicBlurView                   448
DynamicBlurView is a dynamic and high performance UIView subclass for Blur.

marcelofabri/BigBrother                    448
Automatically sets the network activity indicator for any performed request.

dasdom/Tomate                              448
This is in the App Store as Fojusi

ustwo/formvalidator-swift                  448
A framework to validate inputs of text fields and text views in a convenient way.

marty-suzuki/SABlurImageView               446
You can use blur effect and it's animation easily to call only two methods.

thellimist/SwiftRandom                     446
A tiny generator of random data for swift

52inc/Pulley                               446
A library to imitate the iOS 10 Maps UI.

Produkt/RubberBandEffect                   445
Recreating Apple’s rubber band effect in Swift

peterprokop/SwiftOverlays                  443
SwiftOverlays is a Swift GUI library for displaying various popups and notifications

AshRobinson/GoogleWearAlert                443
An Android Wear style confirmation view for iOS

Oyvindkg/swiftydb                          442
A typesafe, protocol-based, pure Swift database offering effortless persistence of any object

kostiakoval/Mirror                         441
Swift objects Reflection

vanshg/MacAssistant                        441
Google Assistant for macOS!

aaronabentheuer/AAFaceDetection            439
Prototyping-Library providing easy access to iOS face detection features through NSNotification.

kciter/Floaty                              437
:heart: Floating Action Button for iOS

jobandtalent/AnimatedTextInput             437
Animated UITextField and UITextView replacement for iOS

ShinCurry/Maria                            437
a macOS native app/widget for aria2 download tool.

xxycode/UIViewXXYBoom                      436
一个好玩的效果,原谅我在家里网速慢,没有升级到Xcode 7,还是用的swift1.2,回到公司马上改到2.0 

benzguo/MusicKit                           436
A framework for composing and transforming music in Swift

igormatyushkin014/Sensitive                435
Special way to work with gestures in iOS.

vapor/sockets                              434
Pure-Swift Sockets: TCP, UDP; Client, Server; Linux, macOS. 

croath/UIImageView-BetterFace-Swift        433
The Swift version of https://github.com/croath/UIImageView-BetterFace

recruit-lifestyle/Smile-Lock               432
A library for make a beautiful Passcode Lock View

DroidsOnRoids/RxSwiftExamples              432
Examples and resources for RxSwift.

WeltN24/Carlos                             431
A simple but flexible cache

blendle/Hanson                             430
Lightweight observations and bindings in Swift

hrscy/DanTang                              430

soffes/Countdown                           429
Mac screensaver for counting down to a date

buzzfeed/mattress                          429
iOS Offline Caching for Web Content

adamcichy/SwiftySound                      429
Swifty Sound is a simple library that lets you play sounds with a single line of code.

phimage/Prephirences                       428
Prephirences is a Swift library that provides useful protocols and convenience methods to manage application preferences, configurations and app-state. UserDefaults

entotsu/TKSwarmAlert                       427
Animated alert library like Swarm app.

loiclec/Apodimark                          426
Fast, flexible markdown parser written in Swift

onevcat/RandomColorSwift                   426
An attractive color generator for Swift. Ported from randomColor.js.

fortmarek/SwipeViewController              425
SwipeViewController is a Swift modification of RKSwipeBetweenViewControllers - navigate between pages / ViewControllers

MxABC/swiftScan                            424
A barcode and qr code scanner( 二维码 各种码识别,生成,界面效果)

edekhayser/FrostedSidebar                  424
Hamburger Menu using Swift and iOS 8 API's

MoZhouqi/KMPlaceholderTextView             423
A UITextView subclass that adds support for multiline placeholder written in Swift.

nghialv/Transporter                        423
A tiny library makes uploading and downloading easier

100mango/SwiftNotificationCenter           423
A Protocol-Oriented NotificationCenter which is type safe, thread safe and with memory safety

boycechang/BCColor                         421
A lightweight but powerful color kit (Swift)

ivanbruel/SwipeIt                          420
SwipeIt - Reddit with a swipe

icanzilb/Retry                             419
Haven't you wished for `try` to sometimes try a little harder? Meet `retry`

snipsco/Postal                             419
A swift framework for working with emails

yannickl/Reactions                         419
Fully customizable Facebook reactions control

aryaxt/ScrollPager                         417
A scroll pager that displays a list of tabs (segments) and manages paging between given views

terhechte/SourceKittenDaemon               417
Swift Auto Completions for any Text Editor

objcio/core-data                           417
Sample code for the objc.io Core Data book

google/xi-mac                              417

RxSwiftCommunity/RxRealm                   416
RxSwift extension for RealmSwift's types

piemonte/Twinkle                           416
:sparkles: Twinkle iOS/tvOS app elements in Swift

ide/UIVisualEffects                        415
Learn how to use UIVisualEffectViews with UIBlurEffect and UIVibrancyEffect in iOS 8 and up

1amageek/Bleu                              415
BLE (Bluetooth LE) for U🎁 Bleu is the best in the Bluetooth library.

joedaniels29/10Clock                       414
This Control is a beautiful time-of-day picker heavily inspired by the iOS 10 "Bedtime" timer.

avito-tech/Paparazzo                       414
Paparazzo is an iOS component for picking and editing photos

mmoaay/MBMotion                            413
Motion effects made by mmoaay.

andymatuschak/refactor-the-mega-controller 413
Commits contain refactoring steps taken in my talk, "Let's Play: Refactor the Mega-Controller"

100mango/SwiftTimer                        413
Simple and Elegant Timer

rhcad/ShapeAnimation-Swift                 412
Vector animation framework in Swift for iOS and OSX.

jessesquires/JSQCoreDataKit                412
A swifter Core Data stack

FahimF/SQLiteDB                            412
Basic SQLite wrapper for Swift 3.0 and up

soffes/SyntaxKit                           411
TextMate-style syntax highlighting

svtek/TVOSSlideViewController              410
Container view controller with left and right drawer controlling by pan gesture for tvOS.

pepibumur/SoundCloudSwift                  410
SoundCloud client written on Swift

xxxAIRINxxx/MusicPlayerTransition          409
Custom interactive transition like Apple Music iOS App (iOS 9). written in Swift. 

TinyCrayon/TinyCrayon-iOS-SDK              409
A smart and easy-to-use image masking and cutout SDK for mobile apps.

Isuru-Nanayakkara/Reach                    409
A simple class to check for internet connection availability in Swift.

mRs-/HexColors                             405
 HexColors is an extension for UIColor and NSColor to support for creating colors from a hex strings

michaelvillar/timer-app                    405
A simple Timer app for Mac

gilesvangruisen/Swift-YouTube-Player       405
Swift library for embedding and controlling YouTube videos in your iOS applications!

wongzigii/Butterfly                        405
:airplane: A tiny library for integrating feedback feature. Compatible with Swift 2.2.

tryswift/trySwiftApp                       405
try! Swift Conference App

Imperiopolis/WatchScreenshotMagic          404
Quickly generates perfect Apple Watch screenshots.

Yalantis/PullToMakeFlight                  404
Custom animated pull-to-refresh that can be easily added to UIScrollView

bignerdranch/cocoa-programming-for-osx-5e  404
Solutions and errata for Cocoa Programming for OS X, 5th Edition. https://www.bignerdranch.com/we-write/cocoa-programming/

DianQK/LearnRxSwift                        403

nshintio/uicollectionview-reordering       403

kylebrowning/waterwheel.swift              402
The Waterwheel Swift SDK provides classes to natively connect iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS applications to Drupal 7 and 8.

soyersoyer/SwCrypt                         400
RSA public/private key generation, RSA, AES encryption/decryption, RSA sign/verify in Swift with CommonCrypto in iOS and OS X

jpsim/CardsAgainst                         400
An iOS game for horrible people

Ahmed-Ali/RealmObjectEditor                399
Realm Object Editor is a visual editor where you can create your Realm entities, attributes and relationships inside a nice user interface. Once you finish, you can save your schema document for later use and you can export your entities in Swift, Objective-C and Java.

bannzai/Kaeru                              398
Switch viewcontroller like ios task manager

Fnoz/FNMatchPull                           398

skyfe79/SwiftImageProcessing               397
This project demonstrates how to do pixel operations in swift.

BasqueVoIPMafia/cordova-plugin-iosrtc      397
Cordova iOS plugin exposing the full WebRTC W3C JavaScript APIs

tidwall/Safe                               395
Modern Concurrency and Synchronization for Swift.

Lucky-Orange/BlackHawk                     395
High performance Cordova compatible javascript-native reflection bridge based on fast and sexy WKWebView written in pure Swift.

anatoliyv/AssistantKit                     395
Easy way to detect iOS device properties, OS versions and work with screen sizes. Powered by Swift.

efremidze/VisualEffectView                 395
Dynamic blur background view with tint color (UIVisualEffectView subclass)

rakaramos/OnOffButton                      395
On & Off by Creativedash

shoheiyokoyama/Koyomi                      393
Simple customizable calendar component in Swift :calendar:

zhuhaow/Specht                             393
A rule-based proxy app built with Network Extension for macOS

michaelarmstrong/SuperRecord               393
A small set of utilities to make working with CoreData and Swift a bit easier.

soffes/JSON                                392
Micro framework for easily parsing JSON in Swift 3 with rich error messages in less than 100 lines of code

svtek/TVOSButton                           392
Missing button component for tvos

sharplet/Regex                             390
A Swift µframework providing an NSRegularExpression-backed Regex type

ykyouhei/KYDrawerController                390
Side Drawer Navigation Controller similar to Android

aschuch/QRCode                             390
A QRCode generator written in Swift.

freak4pc/UIView-Positioning                390
Easy property-based setting of frame properties in UIView objects

marty-suzuki/URLEmbeddedView               389
URLEmbeddedView automatically caches the object that is confirmed the Open Graph Protocol.

krisk/fuse-swift                           388
A lightweight fuzzy-search library, with zero dependencies

gjiazhe/Up-Down                            388
A menu bar widget for OS X that monitors upload and download speeds

gaowanli/PinGo                             387

MillmanY/MMCardView                        387
Custom CollectionView like Wallet App

giulio92/GLTableCollectionView             387
Netflix and App Store like UITableView with UICollectionView, written in pure Swift 3.0

maximedegreve/TinyFaces                    387
Free stock avatars for everyone  👦🏼👨🏾👩🏻  (Built w/ Swift)

symentis/Palau                             386
NSUserDefaults with Wings!

kareman/SwiftShell                         386
A Swift framework for shell scripting.

JetpackSwift/FrameworkTemplate             386
A template for new Swift iOS / tvOS / watchOS / macOS Framework project ready with travis-ci, cocoapods, Carthage, SwiftPM and a Readme file 

terhechte/CoreValue                        386
Lightweight Framework for using Core Data with Value Types

ksmandersen/GoogleReporter                 386
Easily integrate your app with Google Analytics

luispadron/UICircularProgressRing          385
A circular progress bar for iOS written in Swift 3

kylef/Curassow                             384
Swift HTTP server using the pre-fork worker model

remirobert/CameraEngine                    383
:monkey::camera: Camera engine for iOS, written in Swift, above AVFoundation. :monkey:

iSame7/Panoramic                           383
Swift implementation of the photo tilt gesture/UX found in Facebook's Paper app. 

mackuba/SafariAutoLoginTest                383
A demo showing how you can auto-login users to an iOS app (on iOS 9) based on Safari cookies

PiXeL16/IBLocalizable                      382
Localize your views directly in Interface Builder with IBLocalizable

FlexMonkey/ParticleLab                     382
Particle system that's both calculated and rendered on the GPU using the Metal framework

cconeil/Standard-Template-Protocols        381
Protocols for your every day iOS needs

groue/GRMustache.swift                     381
Flexible Mustache templates for Swift

stuffrabbit/SwiftSpreadsheet               381
Spreadsheet CollectionViewLayout in Swift. Fully customizable. 🔶

SlackKit/SlackKit                          380
Build Slack apps, in Swift

dropbox/SwiftyDropbox                      378
Swift SDK for the Dropbox API v2.

gscalzo/FlappySwift                        378
Flappy Bird clone in Swift and Sprite Kit, basic and in progress

sascha/DrawerController                    377
A lightweight, easy to use, Side Drawer Navigation Controller in Swift (based on MMDrawerController)

hubertr/Swell                              377
Logging utility for Swift and Objective C

insidegui/PlayAlways                       374
Create Xcode playgrounds from your menu bar

troystribling/BlueCap                      373
iOS Bluetooth LE framework

xmartlabs/Xniffer                          372
A swift network profiler built on top of URLSession.

callmewhy/Uther                            371
Chat with the cute alien, help you make a memorandum!

square/SuperDelegate                       371
SuperDelegate provides a clean application delegate interface and protects you from bugs in the application lifecycle

kylef/Frank                                370
Frank is a DSL for quickly writing web applications in Swift

MDCC2016/ProtocolNetwork                   370
Sample project to show how to use protocol/extension to build a network layer

Alamofire/AlamofireNetworkActivityIndicator 370
Controls the visibility of the network activity indicator on iOS using Alamofire.

svtek/TVOSToast                            370
Toast component for tvOS with built-in siri remote hint support

ColinEberhardt/ReactiveSwiftFlickrSearch   370
A Swift implementation of a Flickr-search application that uses MVVM and ReactiveCocoa

Weebly/Cereal                              368
Swift object serialization

knutigro/COBezierTableView                 367
Custom TableView written in Swift where cells are scrolling in an arc defined by a BezierPath. Project even include classes for testing and constructing new BezierPaths for testing new UI.

buildasaurs/XcodeServerSDK                 367
Access Xcode Server API with native Swift objects.

mojilala/VideoThumbnailViewKit             367
Video Thumb ScrollView

atljeremy/JFCardSelectionViewController    366
A fancy collection style view controller

lexrus/LTJelloSwitch                       365
A rapid prototype of UISwitch built with Swift and PaintCode.

jessesquires/PresenterKit                  365
Swifty view controller presentation for iOS

glebd/cocoafob                             365
A set of registration code generation and verification helpers for Obj-C, Ruby (Potion Store), PHP and FastSpring

oisdk/SwiftSequence                        364
A μframework of extensions for SequenceType in Swift 2.0, inspired by Python's itertools, Haskell's standard library, and other things.

SunLiner/Floral                            363

kenshin03/Cherry                           363
Mini Pomodoro Timer app designed for the  Watch. Written in Swift.

ytakzk/Hokusai                             362
A Swift library to provide a bouncy action sheet

phpmaple/Stick-Hero-Swift                  362
a universal iOS Game using Swift and iOS SpriteKit

ProudOfZiggy/SIFloatingCollection_Swift    361
iOS Swift framework for creating user interface like apple music genre selection bubbles

ipraba/EPContactsPicker                    361
Contacts picker using new contacts framework by apple

youngsoft/TangramKit                       361
TangramKit is a powerful iOS UI framework implemented by Swift. It integrates the functions with Android layout,iOS AutoLayout,SizeClass, HTML CSS float and flexbox and bootstrap. So you can use LinearLayout,RelativeLayout,FrameLayout,TableLayout,FlowLayout,FloatLayout,LayoutSizeClass to build your App 自动布局 UIView UITableView UICollectionView

kylef/JSONWebToken.swift                   361
Swift implementation of JSON Web Token (JWT).

CardinalNow/iOS-CircleProgressView         361

RxSwiftCommunity/RxGesture                 361
RxSwift reactive wrapper for view gestures

teodorpatras/Jukebox                       361
Player for streaming local and remote audio files. Written in Swift.

unifiedh/Chameleon-Swift                   360
UIKit for the Mac, rewritten in Swift

ArtSabintsev/Zephyr                        360
Effortlessly synchronize UserDefaults over iCloud.

zhangao0086/iOS-CoreImage-Swift            359
iOS8 Core Image In Swift

kristopherjohnson/Markingbird              358
Markdown processor written in Swift (translation of MarkdownSharp)

jariz/Noti                                 358
Receive Android notifications on your mac. (w/PushBullet)

ipraba/EPShapes                            356
Design shapes in Interface Builder

revealapp/Revert                           356
REVEal Rendering Test

entotsu/TKAnimatedCheckButton              356
Animated Check Button inspired by http://robb.is/working-on/a-hamburger-button-transition/ and https://dribbble.com/shots/1631598-On-Off

glenyi/FloatRatingView                     354
Whole, half or floating point ratings control written in Swift

MLSDev/TRON                                353
Lightweight network abstraction layer, written on top of Alamofire

synboo/SwiftFlickrApp                      352
Flickr popular photo viewer with Swift

thoughtbot/Swish                           352
Nothing but Net(working)

satoshin21/Anima                           351
Anima is chainable Layer-Based Animation library for Swift3.

Charimon/iosViews                          351
Sketch plugin to generate ios view code

GetHighstreet/HighstreetWatchApp           351
The WatchKit App built on the http://highstreetapp.com platform

kiavashfaisali/KFWatchKitAnimations        351
KFWatchKitAnimations creates beautiful 60 FPS animations for  Watch by recording animations from the iOS Simulator.

Athlee/OnboardingKit                       351
A simple and interactive framework for making iOS onboarding experience easy and fun!  

MosheBerman/PatronKit                      350
A framework to add patronage to your apps.

azimin/AZTransitions                       350
API to make great custom transitions in one method

arvindhsukumar/PredicateEditor             348
A GUI for dynamically creating NSPredicates at runtime to query data in your iOS app.

br1sk/brisk                                347
A macOS app for submitting radars

richzertuche/ZMaterialDesignUIButton       345
Swift Material Design UIButton

daltoniam/JSONJoy-Swift                    343
Convert JSON to Swift objects.

hyperoslo/Pages                            341
:page_facing_up: UIPageViewController made simple

fastred/EmojiTextView                      341
Tap to swap out words with emojis. Inspired by Messages.app on iOS 10.

BalestraPatrick/SquishButton               340
A button that squishes when pressed. As seen in the Clips app.

6ag/BaoKanIOS                              340

fmo91/PluggableApplicationDelegate         339
Smallest AppDelegate ever by using a decoupled-services based architecture. 🛠

michalkonturek/MKUnits                     339
Unit conversion library for Swift.

appsquickly/Typhoon-Swift-Example          339
Swift example application for Typhoon

fdzsergio/Reductio                         338
Automatic summarizer text in Swift

PopcornTimeTV/PopcornTimeTV                338
Popcorn Time for Apple TV 4, iPhone and iPad

mukeshthawani/FAQView                      337
An easy to use FAQ view for iOS written in Swift

comyar/TuningFork                          336
:musical_keyboard: Simple Tuner for iOS

kiavashfaisali/KFSwiftImageLoader          335
An extremely high-performance, lightweight, and energy-efficient pure Swift async web image loader with memory and disk caching for iOS and  Watch.

johnlui/Swift-On-iOS                       335
JohnLui 的 Swift On iOS 代码仓库

Aufree/ESTMusicIndicator                   334
Cool Animated music indicator view written in Swift

IcaliaLabs/LoginKit                        334
LoginKit is a quick and easy way to add a Login/Signup UX to your iOS app.

philcn/Auto-Layout-Showcase                334
Project for demonstrating several auto layout techniques on iOS.

liufan321/FFLabel                          334

brightec/CustomCollectionViewLayout        334
Custom layout for a collection view using horizontal and vertical scrolling with sticky rows and columns

vapor/redis                                333
Pure Swift Redis client.

robreuss/VirtualGameController             333
Virtual Game Controller is a feature-rich game controller framework for iOS, tvOS, OS X and watchOS in Swift 2.1.

KyoheiG3/AttributedLabel                   333
Easy to use, fast, and higher performance than UILabel.