Tex Github Star Ranking at 2016/06/11

tldr-pages/tldr                            7878
Simplified and community-driven man pages

dennis714/RE-for-beginners                 4661
"Reverse Engineering for Beginners" free book

adambard/learnxinyminutes-docs             3610
Code documentation written as code! How novel and totally my idea!

soulmachine/leetcode                       2893

liuxinyu95/AlgoXY                          1947
Book of Elementary Algorithms and Data structures

jikexueyuanwiki/tensorflow-zh              1747

cplusplus/draft                            1707
C++ standards drafts

crypto101/book                             1285
Crypto 101, the introductory book on cryptography.

soulmachine/machine-learning-cheat-sheet   1280
Classical equations and diagrams in machine learning

jbrownlee/CleverAlgorithms                 1274
An open source book that describes a large number of algorithmic techniques from the the fields of Biologically Inspired Computation, Computational Intelligence and Metaheuristics in a complete, consistent, and centralized manner such that they are accessible, usable, and understandable.

matze/mtheme                               1215
A modern LaTeX Beamer theme

karlseguin/the-little-mongodb-book         1080
The Little MongoDB Book

HoTT/book                                  1029
A textbook on informal homotopy type theory

mikespook/Learning-Go-zh-cn                1024
一本学习 Go 语言的免费电子书。

deedy/Deedy-Resume                         936
A one page , two asymmetric column resume template in XeTeX that caters to an undergraduate Computer Science student

karlseguin/the-little-redis-book           933

ieure/sicp                                 926
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Second Edition

manuels/texlive.js                         859
Compiling LaTeX (TeX live) in your browser

soulmachine/acm-cheat-sheet                828
Acm Cheat Sheet

huangz1990/redisbook                       802
《Redis 设计与实现》(第一版)的书稿源码

hadley/adv-r                               767
Advanced R programming: a book

miekg/gobook                               760
A complete introduction into Go

posquit0/Awesome-CV                        695
Awesome CV is LaTeX template for your outstanding job application

algorhythms/Algo-Quicksheet                666
Quicksheet for Algorithms

mrzool/cv-boilerplate                      663
Programmatic generation of high-quality CVs

facebookarchive/opencompute                639
A community of engineers whose mission is to design and enable the delivery of the most efficient server, storage and data center hardware designs for scalable computing.

karlseguin/the-little-go-book              594

derric/cleanthesis                         583
A Clean LaTeX Style for Thesis Documents

gpoore/minted                              564
minted is a LaTeX package that provides syntax highlighting using the Pygments library. Highlighted source code can be customized using fancyvrb.

dfm/emcee                                  539
The Python ensemble sampling toolkit for affine-invariant MCMC

BetterCrypto/Applied-Crypto-Hardening      500
Best Current Practices regarding configuration of cyptographic tools and online communication

mavam/stat-cookbook                        498
:orange_book: The probability and statistics cookbook

zemirco/nodejs-pdf-docs                    459
Node.js Manual & Documentation (.pdf, .mobi, .epub)

AllenDowney/ThinkBayes                     449
Code repository for Think Bayes.

wzchen/probability_cheatsheet              438
A comprehensive 10-page probability cheatsheet that covers a semester's worth of introduction to probability.

chenshuo/typeset                           404

le0pard/postgresql_book                    390
Book about PostgreSQL (russian)

mrzool/invoice-boilerplate                 381
Automated LaTeX invoicing for freelancers

patmorin/ods                               379
Mission: To provide a high-quality open content data structures textbook that is both mathematically rigorous and provides complete implementations.

cmichi/latex-template-collection           375
A collection of different LaTeX templates (cv, invoices, timesheets, letters, etc.).

AndreyAkinshin/Russian-Phd-LaTeX-Dissertation-Template 364
LaTeX-template for russian Phd thesis

sc932/resume                               351
My CV/resume in LaTeX.

xueruini/thuthesis                         340
LaTeX Thesis Template for Tsinghua University

Tufte-LaTeX/tufte-latex                    339
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/tufte-latex

PolyPasswordHasher/PolyPasswordHasher      304
A Password hash storage scheme that prevents an attacker from cracking passwords individually and efficiently.

mszep/pandoc_resume                        274
The Markdown Resume

georgd/EB-Garamond                         274
Digitization of the Garamond shown on the Egenolff-Berner specimen

glouppe/phd-thesis                         273
Repository of my thesis "Understanding Random Forests"

soulmachine/lintcode                       272

hadley/ggplot2-book                        269
The ggplot2 book

cies/resume                                268
My resume as a PDF including the well commented LaTeX source and build instructions.

bamos/latex-templates                      267
Website for personal collection and previewing of LaTeX templates. Presented with Python/Jinja2.

barbagroup/CFDPython                       239
A sequence of IPython notebooks featuring the "12 Steps to Navier-Stokes" http://lorenabarba.com/  

yinyanghu/CLRS-Solutions                   236
Solutions to "Introduction to Algorithm, 3rd Edition"

vdumoulin/conv_arithmetic                  232
A technical report on convolution arithmetic in the context of deep learning

esl/erlang-handbook                        230
A concise reference for Erlang

mrzool/letter-boilerplate                  223
Finest letter typesetting from the command line

tlhunter/consumer-centric-api-design       219
LaTeX: CC Book on HTTP API Design

MartinThoma/LaTeX-examples                 217
Examples for the usage of LaTeX

jdavis/latex-homework-template             214
The LaTeX file that I use as the base for all my homeworks in university.

BobMarlon/Tny                              213
A simple data serializer in C

yihui/knitr-examples                       207
a collection of knitr examples

Robinlovelace/Creating-maps-in-R           193
Introductory tutorial on graphical display of geographical information in R.

OpenLogicProject/OpenLogic                 193
An open-source, customizable intermediate logic textbook

gregkh/kernel-development                  191
Presentation on how the Linux kernel is developed

herumi/prml                                190

karthik/markdown_science                   188
Learn how to use markdown for science

kanaka/raft.js                             188
Raft.js is an implementation of the Raft consensus algorithm in JavaScript.

nltk/nltk_book                             187

billryan/resume                            187
An elegant \LaTeX\ résumé template

teachbsd/course                            183
Slides, figures, and other material for teaching using tracing and observability on FreeBSD

jtleek/capitalIn21stCenturyinR             183
Piketty in R

abntex/abntex2                             182
Classe LaTeX e estilo bibliográfico compatíveis com as normas da ABNT

profjsb/python-seminar                     173
Python Seminar Course at UC Berkeley (AY 250)

strib/scigen                               169
An automatic paper generator

michaelt/martin-lof                        167
papers of Per Martin Löf

haifengl/bigdata                           167
Introduction to Big Data

mesnilgr/iclr15                            165
Sentiment Analysis with Ensemble

thoughtbot/apprenticeship                  163
A packet to give new apprentices. It should be printed out and waiting on their desk when they arrive.

suchow/Dissertate                          163
Beautiful Word and LaTeX dissertation templates.

Krugloff/rus_ruby_book                     161
Книга о Ruby

JuliaLang/julia-tutorial                   159
A Julia tutorial

jluttine/tikz-bayesnet                     157
TikZ library for drawing Bayesian networks, graphical models and (directed) factor graphs in LaTeX.

purcell/mmm-mode                           154
New official home for mmm-mode, fixed for Emacs >= 23

rstudio/rticles                            154

carfly/thinkpython-cn                      152
ThinkPython's Chinese Translation

adamyedidia/parsimony                      152

js-scala/js-scala                          151
js.scala: JavaScript as an embedded DSL in Scala

kuszmaul/SuperMalloc                       150
A Super Fast Multithreaded malloc() for 64-bit Machines

yihui/knitr-book                           150
Dynamic Documents with R and knitr

adobe-research/ActionScript4               145
ActionScript 4 specification archive

hadley/tidy-data                           145
A paper on data tidying

wikimatze/PadrinoBook                      145
The Guide To Master The Elegant Ruby Web Framework.

cbx33/gitt                                 144
Git In the Trenches

sarabander/sicp-pocket                     143
SICP PDF adapted to pocket format (for small e-reader screens)

zellux/resume                              143
My resume, generated with moderncv

rootkovska/x86_harmful                     143
The "Intel x86 considered harmful" paper

TableTopSecurity/d0x3d-the-game            142
Source materials for [d0x3d!], a network security game.

zhanggyb/nndl                              142
Another Chinese Translation of Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Open-Advice/Open-Advice                    142
the Open-Advice book

samtools/hts-specs                         139
Specifications of SAM/BAM and related high-throughput sequencing file formats

GoBootcamp/book                            138
Source code of the companion book/website

kks32/phd-thesis-template                  137
A LaTeX / XeLaTeX / LuaLaTeX PhD thesis template for Cambridge University Engineering Department (CUED)

BNFC/bnfc                                  137
BNF Converter

FormalTheology/GoedelGod                   136
Formalizations of Gödel's Ontological Proof of God's Existence

mliu7/latex-moderncv                       136
My latex resume using the moderncv template

ampas/aces-dev                             134
AMPAS Academy Color Encoding System Developer Resources

gogabr/pfds                                128
Russian translation of Okasaki's Purely Functional Data Structures

CTeX-org/ctex-kit                          128
Macro Packages and Scripts for Chinese TeX users

mimoo/RSA-and-LLL-attacks                  127
attacking RSA via lattice reductions (LLL)

xdanaux/moderncv                           124
A modern curriculum vitae class for LaTeX

stacks/stacks-project                      123
Repository for the Stacks Project

AllenDowney/ThinkOS                        123
Text and supporting code for Think OS: A Brief Introduction to Operating Systems, by Allen Downey.

shifujun/UESTCthesis                       121

latex3/latex3                              120
The LaTeX3 Development Repository

mwitmer/guile-wm                           115
A Window Manager Toolkit for Guile Scheme

plk/biber                                  115
Backend processor for BibLaTeX

HaxeFoundation/HaxeManual                  115
The official Haxe manual

le0pard/chef_book                          113
Cooking Infrastructure by Chef

fletcher/peg-multimarkdown-latex-support   112
Default support files for generating LaTeX documents with MMD 3 through MMD 5

nyu-dl/NLP_DL_Lecture_Note                 111

raphink/geneve_1564                        109
Bible de Genève, 1564

ongardie/dissertation                      107
Sources for my PhD dissertation on the Raft consensus algorithm

bamos/cv                                   106
My YAML cv and resume.

ilammy/lisp                                104
Русский перевод Lisp In Small Pieces

txyyss/Lambda-Calculus                     104
An introduction to lambda calculus in Chinese, including an interpreter in Haskell.

larrycai/sdcamp                            104
agile software development - boot camp

christophergandrud/Rep-Res-Book            103
Source code files for the book Reproducible Research with R/RStudio

conal/talk-2015-essence-and-origins-of-frp 103
A keynote talk for LambdaJam 2015 (July 15--16)

plk/biblatex                               102
biblatex is a sophisticated bibliography system for LaTeX users. It has considerably more features than traditional bibtex and supports UTF-8

kjhealy/latex-custom-kjh                   101
Some simple configuration files I use for use with LaTeX, the Memoir class and the Listings package.

wspr/fontspec                              101
Advanced font selection in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX

khaledhosny/xits-math                      100
XITS - OpenType implementation of STIX fonts with math support

ocaml/ocamlunix                            100
Unix system programming in OCaml book

kjhealy/kjh-vita                           98
A simple LaTeX template that I use for my Vita.

AllenDowney/ThinkPython2                   96
LaTeX source and supporting code for Think Python, 2nd edition, by Allen Downey.

RichardLitt/endangered-languages           94
Resources for conservation, development, and documentation of endangered, minority, and low or under-resourced human languages.

bamos/beamer-snippets                      93
Website for personal collection and previewing of Beamer and TikZ snippets. Presented with Python/Jinja2.

dionyziz/rupture                           93
A framework for BREACH and other compression-based crypto attacks

sigchi/Document-Formats                    93
Everything you need to know to publish using LaTeX or Word and then some.

alobbs/macchanger                          92
GNU MAC Changer

PeerXu/google-ip-explorer                  91
Find out available google ips.

zhihuijin/flickering                       91
夜幕降临之际,火光摇曳妩媚、灿烂多姿,是最美最美的… …

deedy/Latex-Templates                      90
A concise set of Latex templates that serves a small set of needs - CV, Essays, Articles and Problem Sets

xHellerx/Math-tutorial                     88
Попытка писать учебник по математике

ransford/pdflatex-makefile                 87
Simple Makefile for pdflatex-produced documents

rajathkumarmp/Python-Lectures              87
IPython Notebooks to learn Python

leepike/SmartCheck                         86
A Smarter QuickCheck

fwalch/tum-thesis-latex                    85
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: A LaTeX template for TUM theses.

OpenIntroOrg/openintro-statistics          85
An open-source textbook written at the college level. OpenIntro also offers a second college-level intro stat textbook and also a high school variant.

fresh-standard/fresh-themes                84
Multiformat themes and skins for your technical résumé/CV.

mythryl/mythryl                            83
The Mythryl programming language

benjamin-weiss/hsrmbeamertheme             83
Beamer theme that complies with the corporate design of the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences.

maidsafe/Whitepapers                       82
MaidSafe Whitepapers

fletcher/MultiMarkdown-Gallery             82
A collection of example MMD files demonstrating different features

mdwrigh2/resume                            81
A repository for my resume

hal3/ciml                                  81
A Course in Machine Learning

raphink/CV                                 81
LaTeX & web CV

cmhughes/latexindent.pl                    81
Perl script to indent latex files

goodfeli/dlbook_exercises                  80
Exercises for the Deep Learning textbook at www.deeplearningbook.org

ethereum/yellowpaper                       80
The "Yellow Paper": Ethereum's formal specification

wspr/unicode-math                          79
Package for using unicode/OpenType maths fonts in XeLaTeX & LuaLaTeX

RobertHarper/hott-notes                    78
15-819 (Homotopy Type Theory) Lecture Notes

making360/making360                        78
a collection of solutions and illustrations for common problems with producing immersive video experiences

jamesrobertlloyd/gp-structure-search       78

anchor/haskell-cheat-sheets                77
High level library cheat sheets for the working Haskell programmer.

sightmachine/simplecv-examples             76
These are many of the various examples for the open source computer vision framework - SimpleCV

BHOSC/BUAAthesis                           76

s9w/preTeX                                 76
LaTeX preprocessor to simplify math typesetting

datateknik-lth/datateknik-lth              76
Extentor, sammanfattningar och dylikt för Civilingenjörsprogrammet Datateknik vid LTH.

Haixing-Hu/GBT7714-2005-BibTeX-Style       75
A GB/T 7714-2005 national standard compliant BibTeX style.

carsomyr/scrivener_starter                 74
a Scrivener starter project that is Git friendly

tromp/golegal                              74
count number of legal positions in the game of go

cpfaff/Open-Science-Paper                  73
Status: Usable (Latest stable version 0.9.2)

wuzhouhui/awk                              72
:book:  The AWK Programming Language (AWK 程序设计语言) 中文翻译, LaTeX 排版

jrnold/beamercolorthemesolarized           72
Beamer color theme using the Solarized palette

JeffBezanson/phdthesis                     72
phd thesis document source

AndreyAkinshin/ProblemBook.NET             72
Free book with .NET/C# problems

SMLFamily/The-Definition-of-Standard-ML    72
The Definition of Standard ML (1990)

syuu1228/howto_implement_hypervisor        71
Software Design誌の連載「ハイパーバイザの作り方」の原稿公開用リポジトリ

herumi/ango-src                            70

JuliaLang/julialang.github.com             70
Julia Project web site.

dfeich/org-babel-examples                  70
Examples using emacs org mode babel inline source code with different backend languages

DeathKing/LaTeX-Template-Cn                68
\LaTeX 中文模版收集。

ayoungprogrammer/CSHandbook                68
A website for common computer science algorithms

Stefanqn/Bewerbung                         68
Latex Bewerbungsvorlage

novoid/LaTeX-KOMA-template                 67
Generic template for midsize and larger documents based on KOMA script classes.

jamesrobertlloyd/gpss-research             67
Kernel structure discovery research code - likely to be unstable

Shadytel/sim-tools                         66

louisstuart96/lshort-new-zh-cn             66
New and frequently-updated version of `lshort' document

kaeluka/cv                                 66
My CV.

chmduquesne/resume                         66
Mirror of https://git.chmd.fr/?p=resume.git

Max-Hailperin/Operating-Systems-and-Middleware--Supporting-Controlled-Interaction 64
free, modifiable textbook on operating systems principles (Creative Commons)

SquareBracketAssociates/PharoByExample-english 63
Open source LaTeX of Pharo By Example

claymcleod/pandoc-academic-publication     63
Check out the example at http://claymcleod.github.io/pandoc-academic-publication/examples/smart-objects-ieee/paper.html

lh3/miniasm                                63
Ultrafast de novo assembly for long noisy reads (though having no consensus step)

edwinb/Protocols                           63
A DSL for describing and implementing communication protocols

mpyrozhok/learnyousomeerlang_ru            63
Перевод "Learn You Some Erlang For Great Good" на русский

josephwright/siunitx                       61
A comprehensive (SI) units package for LaTeX

TheErk/CMake-tutorial                      61
CMake tutorial: beamer presentation and sample code

mstyura/bsuir-diploma-latex                61
LaTeX шаблон для оформления пояснительной записки к диплому в соответствии с требованиями БГУИР

ziyan/spider                               60
Web Content Extraction Through Machine Learning

FuzzyWuzzie/Beamer-Theme-Execushares       60
A minimalist and modern Beamer theme

idris-lang/idris-tutorial                  59
A tutorial to the Idris Programming Language.

Akollek/LaTeX-Alpha                        59
Package to use Wolfram Language in your LaTeX documents

reutenauer/polyglossia                     58
A Babel replacement for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX

minium/Bitcoin-Spec                        57
Bitcoin Developer Reference

Haixing-Hu/nju-thesis                      57

dssg/data-science-101                      57
Methods, tools, tips, and tricks for anyone interested in getting started doing data science for the social good.

LuminosoInsight/conceptnet-numberbatch     57

tkrajina/uvod-u-git                        56
Git introduction: A book about git in Croatian. Uvod u git: Sve što ste ikad htjeli znati o gitu, a niste se usudili pitati.

lehoff/visual_erlang                       56
Notation for describing Erlang architectures

idris-hackers/IdrisWeb                     56
A secure web framework, built in the Idris language.

SMLFamily/The-Definition-of-Standard-ML-Revised 56
The Definition of Standard ML, Revised (1997)

rootkovska/state_harmful                   55
The "State considered harmful" paper

deselaers/latex-beamerposter               55
The LaTeX beamerposter package

aaronwolen/pandoc-letter                   55
A simple letter template for Pandoc

shriram/repro-in-cs                        55
Tracking Responses to the "Reproducibility in Computer Science" Repository (http://reproducibility.cs.arizona.edu/)

chiakaivalya/thesis-markdown-pandoc        54
A template for creating a PhD thesis in markdown + pandoc

jaseemabid/micromanual                     54
A neatly typeset version of John McCarthy's classic paper

conal/talk-2014-bayhac-denotational-design 54
Denotational Design: from programs to meanings

williamstein/ent                           53
Elementary Number Theory: Primes, Congruences, and Secrets

tzhuan/ntu-thesis                          53
NTU thesis template for XeLaTeX

wangjohn/mit-courses                       53
Repository of course notes and homework

swcarpentry/good-enough-practices-in-scientific-computing 53
Minimalist alternatives to "best practices" paper

Jubobs/gitdags                             53
A package for drawing educational Git history graphs

kisonecat/sequences-and-series             52
Course materials for a Calculus MOOC

duvenaud/phd-thesis                        52
I am in [research] stepped in so far that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.  -MacBeth

blang/latex-docker                         52
Docker-based latex compilation

rstats-gsoc/gsoc2016                       52
R participation in Google Summer of Code 2016

jupyter/nbconvert-examples                 52
Examples that illustrate how nbconvert can be used

irvs/rosbook_jp                            51

huxuan/resumecls                           51
A LaTeX cls to typeset resume both in English and Chinese

nkoub/multinetx                            51
multiNetX is a python package for the manipulation and visualization of multilayer networks. It is build on NetworkX (https://networkx.github.io/)

huwan/FFmpeg-Tutorial-CN                   50
FFmpeg Tutorial 中文版