CSS Github Star Ranking at 2016/05/10

CSS Github Star Ranking at 2016/11/12

twbs/bootstrap                             95813
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.

daneden/animate.css                        31914
A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.

google/material-design-icons               23613
Material Design icons by Google

FezVrasta/bootstrap-material-design        15337
Material design theme for Bootstrap 3

numbbbbb/the-swift-programming-language-in-chinese 14547
中文版 Apple 官方 Swift 教程《The Swift Programming Language》

sahat/hackathon-starter                    13484
A boilerplate for Node.js web applications

IanLunn/Hover                              13338
A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects to be applied to links, buttons, logos, SVG, featured images and so on. Easily apply to your own elements, modify or just use for inspiration. Available in CSS, Sass, and LESS.

twbs/ratchet                               12910
Build mobile apps with simple HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components. 

dhg/Skeleton                               11689
Skeleton: A Dead Simple, Responsive Boilerplate for Mobile-Friendly Development

tobiasahlin/SpinKit                        11159
A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS

h5bp/Effeckt.css                           10521
A Performant Transitions and Animations Library

HubSpot/pace                               9712
Automatically add a progress bar to your site. #hubspot-open-source

loverajoel/jstips                          9560
This is about useful JS tips!

chriskempson/tomorrow-theme                9416
Tomorrow Theme the precursor to Base16 Theme

weui/weui                                  8771
A UI library by WeChat official design team, includes the most useful widgets/modules in mobile web applications.

philipwalton/solved-by-flexbox             8010
A showcase of problems once hard or impossible to solve with CSS alone, now made trivially easy with Flexbox.

gabrielecirulli/2048                       7794
A small clone of 1024 (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.veewo.a1024)

amazeui/amazeui                            7107
Amaze UI, a mobile-first and modular front-end framework.

HubSpot/offline                            6828
Automatically display online/offline indication to your users. #hubspot-open-source

Compass/compass                            6779
Compass is a Stylesheet Authoring Environment that makes your website design simpler to implement and easier to maintain.

mrmrs/colors                               6728
Smarter defaults for colors on the web.

chinchang/hint.css                         6430
A CSS only tooltip library for your lovely websites.

Automattic/_s                              6417
Hi. I'm a starter theme called _s, or underscores, if you like. I'm a theme meant for hacking so don't use me as a Parent Theme. Instead try turning me into the next, most awesome, WordPress theme out there. That's what I'm here for.

jgthms/bulma                               6390
Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox

ConnorAtherton/loaders.css                 6308
Delightful, performance-focused pure css loading animations.

ubuwaits/beautiful-web-type                6218
A showcase of the best typefaces from the Google web fonts directory.

fronteed/icheck                            5835
Highly customizable checkboxes and radio buttons (jQuery & Zepto)

joshuaclayton/blueprint-css                5447
A CSS framework that aims to cut down on your CSS development time

popcorn-time/popcorn-app                   5341
An experiment using the peerflix module of nodejs and connecting a bunch of APIs.

HubSpot/vex                                5110
A modern dialog library which is highly configurable and easy to style. #hubspot-open-source

north/north                                4977
Design and development standards to align and guide your project.

HubSpot/odometer                           4931
Smoothly transitions numbers with ease. #hubspot-open-source

connors/photon                             4915
The fastest way to build beautiful Electron apps using simple HTML and CSS

primer/primer                              4874
The base coat of GitHub. Our internal CSS toolkit and guidelines.

Pixelkit/PixelKit-Bootstrap-UI-Kits        4856
Free UI Kits built on Bootstrap for any developer that wants to build a cool looking and functional website. Enjoy!

codeguy/php-the-right-way                  4753
An easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP best practices, accepted coding standards, and links to authoritative tutorials around the Web

tictail/bounce.js                          4357
Create beautiful CSS3 powered animations in no time.

heelhook/chardin.js                        4331
Simple overlay instructions for your apps.

helios-framework/helios                    4311
An extensible open-source mobile backend framework

miniMAC/magic                              4128
CSS3 Animations with special effects

lukehaas/css-loaders                       4104
A collection of loading spinners animated with CSS

csswizardry/inuit.css                      4013
Powerful, scalable, Sass-based, BEM, OOCSS framework.

iissnan/hexo-theme-next                    3712
Elegant theme for Hexo. 

json-api/json-api                          3696
A specification for building JSON APIs

milligram/milligram                        3690
A minimalist CSS framework.

ant-design/ant-design                      3590
:ant: A design language

thoughtbot/neat                            3565
A lightweight, semantic grid framework built with Bourbon

una/CSSgram                                3543
CSS library for Instagram filters

horst3180/arc-theme                        3484
A flat theme with transparent elements

oddbird/susy                               3341
Responsive layout toolkit for Sass

erikflowers/weather-icons                  3276
215 Weather Themed Icons and CSS

saeedalipoor/icono                         3213
One tag One icon, no font or svg, Pure CSS

github/octicons                            3209
GitHub's icon font

nathansmith/960-Grid-System                3189
The 960 Grid System is an effort to streamline web development workflow.

eddiemachado/bones                         3143
A Mobile-First, Responsive WordPress starter theme based off 320 and Up & HTML5 Boilerplate.

miguel-perez/smoothState.js                3133
Unobtrusive page transitions with jQuery.

HunterLarco/voxel.css                      3130
A lightweight 3D CSS voxel library.

touchstonejs/touchstonejs                  3080
Mobile App Framework powered by React

jashkenas/docco                            3075
Literate Programming can be Quick and Dirty.

GumbyFramework/Gumby                       2973
A Flexible, Responsive CSS Framework - Powered by Sass

tapmodo/Jcrop                              2969
Jcrop (official) - Image Cropping Plugin for jQuery

senchalabs/jQTouch                         2905
Create powerful mobile apps with just HTML, CSS, and Zepto.js (or jQuery).

jondot/graphene                            2868
Graphene is a realtime dashboard & graphing toolkit based on D3 and Backbone.

jxnblk/loading                             2859
This could take a while

emmetio/emmet                              2833
The essential toolkit for web-developers

danielquinn/paperless                      2771
Scan, index, and archive all of your paper documents

mojotech/jeet                              2749
The most advanced, yet intuitive, grid system available for Sass or Stylus

odewahn/docker-jumpstart                   2728
A quick introduction to Docker

dutchcoders/transfer.sh                    2722
Easy and fast file sharing from the command-line.

steshaw/plt                                2667
A path to Programming Language Theory enlightenment

suitcss/suit                               2636
Style tools for UI components

blivesta/animsition                        2612
A simple and easy jQuery plugin for CSS animated page transitions.

elrumordelaluz/csshake                     2604
CSS classes to move your DOM!

barryclark/jekyll-now                      2562
Build a Jekyll blog in minutes, without touching the command line.

mozilla/Fira                               2558
Mozilla's new typeface, used in Firefox OS

kazzkiq/balloon.css                        2540
Simple tooltips made of pure CSS

jonsuh/hamburgers                          2524
Tasty CSS-animated Hamburgers

tapquo/Lungo.js                            2515
A framework for developers who want to design, build and share cross device applications.

usablica/front-end-frameworks              2455
A collection of best front-end frameworks for faster and easier web development.

01org/appframework                         2446
The definitive HTML5 mobile javascript framework

BonsaiDen/JavaScript-Garden                2376
A collection of documentation about the most quirky parts of the JavaScript language. 

pattle/simpsons-in-css                     2372
Simpsons characters in CSS

leemunroe/grunt-email-workflow             2329
A Grunt workflow for designing and testing responsive HTML email templates with SCSS.

klaussilveira/gitlist                      2272
An elegant and modern git repository viewer

marvelapp/devices.css                      2267
Pure CSS phones and tablets

HubPress/hubpress.io                       2261
A web application to build your blog on GitHub

ai/easings.net                             2240
Easing Functions Cheat Sheet

ThrivingKings/animo.js                     2231
A powerful little tool for managing CSS animations

AudithSoftworks/Uniform                    2230
A jQuery plugin to make your form controls look how you want them to. Now with HTML-5 attributes!

rickyrauch/Balloons.IO                     2226
Balloons.IO is a web multi-room chat server and client ready to use. It’s built with the help of node.JS, Express, Socket.IO and Redis. Balloons uses PassportJS for authentication with Twitter and Facebook

kumailht/gridforms                         2208
Data entry can be beautiful

ruanyf/jstutorial                          2201
Javascript tutorial book

twitter/recess                             2191
A simple and attractive code quality tool for CSS built on top of LESS

madebysource/lesshat                       2174
Smart LESS CSS mixins library.

reduxframework/elusive-iconfont            2153
Open-Source Iconfont.

OfficeDev/Office-UI-Fabric                 2126
The front-end framework for building experiences for Office and Office 365.

todc/todc-bootstrap                        2094
Google-styled theme for Bootstrap.

1sters/material_design_zh                  2011
Material Design 中文协同翻译 - design.1sters.com

rstacruz/flatdoc                           2002
Build sites fast from Markdown

AllThingsSmitty/must-watch-css             2002
A useful list of must-watch talks about CSS

mdo/github-buttons                         1987
Showcase the success of any GitHub repo or user with these simple, static buttons with dynamic counts.

wavded/humane-js                           1946
A simple, modern, browser notification system

poole/poole                                1916
The Jekyll Butler.

tabulapdf/tabula                           1897
Tabula is a tool for liberating data tables trapped inside PDF files

mdo/wtf-forms                              1861
Friendlier HTML form controls with a little CSS magic. 

yairEO/fancyInput                          1851
Makes typing in input fields fun with CSS3 effects

HubSpot/drop                               1806
A library for creating dropdowns and other floating elements. #hubspot-open-source

litten/hexo-theme-yilia                    1784
一个简洁优雅的hexo主题 ; A simple and elegant theme for hexo.

murtaugh/HTML5-Reset                       1781
A simple set of best practices to get HTML5 projects off on the right foot.

kumailht/flakes                            1774
Flakes is an Admin Template Framework. A combination of CSS Libraries, JavaScript Libraries and Design files that help you build business tools very quickly.

zenorocha/browser-diet                     1764
:fries: The definitive front-end performance guide

mdo/preboot                                1738
A collection of LESS mixins and variables for writing better CSS.

10up/sanitize.css                          1731
Render elements consistently. Style with best practices.

nathansearles/Slides                       1730
Slides is a crazy simple slideshow plugin for jQuery. With features like looping, auto play, fade or slide transition effects, crossfading, image preloading, and auto generated pagination.  With Slides you’ll never see multiple slides fly by. Slides elegantly just slides from one slide to the next. Awesome.

douban/code                                1706
Douban CODE

FrDH/jQuery.mmenu                          1700
The best jQuery plugin for app look-alike on- and off-canvas menus with sliding submenus for your website and webapp.

jonikorpi/Golden-Grid-System               1700
A folding grid for responsive design.

tylertate/semantic.gs                      1700
The Semantic CSS Grid

at-import/breakpoint                       1680
Really simple media queries in Sass

jaunesarmiento/fries                       1673
Fries helps you prototype Android apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

cjcenizal/flexbox-patterns                 1664
Patterns for using flexbox CSS to build awesome UI components.

vorillaz/devicons                          1646
Devicons - An iconic font made for developers

tj/nib                                     1632
Stylus mixins, utilities, components, and gradient image generation

ququplay/jquery-mobile-flat-ui-theme       1618
jQuery Mobile Flat UI Theme

revolunet/JSbooks                          1613
Directory of free Javascript ebooks

justspamjustin/junior                      1604
A front-end framework for building html5 mobile apps with a native look and feel.

melonjs/melonJS                            1594
a fresh & lightweight javascript game engine

zurb/foundation-apps                       1586
The first front-end framework created for developing fully responsive web apps.

iconic/open-iconic                         1571
An open source icon set with 223 marks in SVG, webfont and raster formats

hakimel/Avgrund                            1562
A JS/CSS3 modal UI concept

mmcgrana/gobyexample                       1562
Go by Example

IanLunn/jQuery-Parallax                    1544
**NO LONGER MAINTAINED** Used to recreate the Nike Better World parallax effect

smcllns/css-social-buttons                 1538
Zocial button set with CSS. Entirely vector-based social buttons.

anmoljagetia/Flatabulous                   1537
This is a Flat theme for Ubuntu and other Gnome based Linux Systems.

humaan/Modaal                              1533
An accessible dialog window library for all humans.

maxogden/screencat                         1532
:cat2: webrtc screensharing electron app for mac os (Alpha)

fians/marka                                1531
Beautiful transformable icons built for the web.

codrops/PageTransitions                    1531
A showcase collection of various page transition effects using CSS animations.

dan-silver/ElementTransitions              1505
Simple transitions for web pages

soulwire/Makisu                            1482
CSS 3D Dropdown Concept

poole/hyde                                 1475
A brazen two-column theme for Jekyll.

ageitgey/amplify                           1458
A Jekyll html theme in the vague style of Medium.com built using Google AMP

at-import/Singularity                      1454
Grids without limits

poole/lanyon                               1453
A content-first, sliding sidebar theme for Jekyll.

snide/sphinx_rtd_theme                     1445
Sphinx theme for readthedocs.org

thoughtbot/refills                         1443
Components and patterns built with Bourbon and Neat

progit/progit2                             1441
Pro Git 2nd Edition

daneden/Toast                              1438
An insane grid. You’ve been warned.

gopatrik/space.js                          1413
 A HTML-driven JavaScript-library for narrative 3D-scrolling.

VinceG/Bootstrap-Admin-Theme               1390
A generic admin theme built with Bootstrap free for both personal and commercial use.

vendocrat/PaymentFont                      1386
A sleek webfont containing 95 icons of all main payment operators and methods

adamzap/landslide                          1383
Generate HTML5 slideshows from markdown, ReST, or textile

tachyons-css/tachyons                      1383
Functional CSS for humans

muan/emoji                                 1351
:love_letter: Find the emoji that echoes your mind.

modularscale/modularscale-sass             1347
Modular scale calculator built into your Sass

nathansmith/formalize                      1340
Teach your forms some manners!

Anonyfox/node-webkit-hipster-seed          1340
Bootstrap a crossplatform Desktop Application using tools you probably never heard of. 

ligershark/webdevchecklist.com             1340
The source for webdevchecklist.com

remy/mit-license                           1334
Hosted MIT License with details controlled through this repo

ubuwaits/css3-buttons                      1323
A collection of CSS3 buttons implemented in Sass.

csswizardry/csswizardry-grids              1306
Simple, fluid, nestable, flexible, Sass-based, responsive grid system.

Ranks/emojify.js                           1282
A Javascript module to convert Emoji keywords to images

mdo/wtf-html-css                           1274
Common reasons your HTML and CSS may be fucked.

designmodo/startup-demo                    1254
Demo Version of Startup Framework

jonikorpi/Frameless                        1245
The spiritual successor to Less Framework

davebalmer/jo                              1240
Jo (0.5.0) is a thin (~16K) candy shell for making HTML5 apps. Jo works with: PhoneGap, Chrome, Safari, Opera, FireFox, iOS, Android, BlackBerry 10, Tizen, & Windows Phone 8+. Features include skinnable UI widgets, a clean event model and a light data layer.

commadelimited/jQuery-Mobile-Bootstrap-Theme 1236
A jQuery Mobile theme based on Bootstrap

ctfs/write-ups-2015                        1225
Wiki-like CTF write-ups repository, maintained by the community. 2015

pocketjoso/penthouse                       1217
Critical Path CSS Generator

indyplanets/flexnav                        1205
A jQuery plugin for responsive menus ** No Longer Maintained **

dowjones/intentionjs                       1200
A library for intentionally dealing with responsive design

orlandotm/payment-webfont                  1197
An SVG webfont full of main payment system icons

joshuagatcke/HTML-KickStart                1196
Ultra–Lean HTML Building Blocks for Rapid Website Production

kilianc/rtail                              1195
rtail(1) - Terminal output to the browser in seconds, using UNIX pipes.

OctoLinker/browser-extension               1190
Octo Linker – Links together, what belongs together.

cgross/angular-busy                        1189
Show busy/loading indicators on any element during $http requests (or any promise).

DataScienceSpecialization/DataScienceSpecialization.github.io 1186

jlongster/blog                             1171
All the sources for my (not powered by React anymore) blog

revolunet/PythonBooks                      1166
Directory of free Python ebooks

WebDevStudios/CMB2                         1159
CMB2 is a developer's toolkit for building metaboxes, custom fields, and forms for WordPress that will blow your mind.

nathansmith/unsemantic                     1156
Fluid grid for mobile, tablet, and desktop.

CSS-Tricks/AnythingSlider                  1152
A jQuery Slider plugin for anything.

stripe/shop                                1148
Single-page shop

wesbos/aprilFools.css                      1147
Harmlessly goof up your co-workers browser and chrome dev tools

intridea/stately                           1138

phodal/growth                              1132
Growth - Be Awesome Developer & Awesome Hacker

HubSpot/sortable                           1131
Drop-in script to make tables sortable. #hubspot-open-source

yanhaijing/zepto.fullpage                  1131

flatlogic/awesome-bootstrap-checkbox       1129
Font Awesome Bootstrap Checkboxes & Radios. Pure css way to make inputs look prettier.

flexiblegs/flexiblegs-scss-plus            1124
Flexible Grid System Scss Plus

codrops/SidebarTransitions                 1112
Some inspiration for transition effects for off-canvas navigations.

webpop/jquery.pin                          1112
Pin any element within a container

codrops/HoverEffectIdeas                   1108
Some inspiration and modern ideas for subtle hover effects.

restcookbook/restcookbook                  1097
Jekyll cms site for restcookbook.com

RedHatBrand/overpass                       1092
Overpass open source web font family — Sponsored by Red Hat

aliceui/aliceui.github.io                  1081

tsvensen/equalize.js                       1062
The jQuery plugin for equalizing the height or width of your elements

fffunction/sassaparilla                    1062
Start your web projects fast with Sassaparilla

chrisnager/ungrid                          1062
ungrid - the simplest responsive css grid

christophery/pushy                         1055
Pushy is a responsive off-canvas navigation menu using CSS transforms & transitions

bwsewell/tablecloth                        1053
A CSS and JS bootstrap to style and manipulate data tables

paranoida/sass-mediaqueries                1050
Media Queries mixins for Sass - fully customizable and very easy to use.

cheeaun/hackerweb                          1046
A simply readable Hacker News web app

sbstjn/noduino                             1039
JavaScript and Node.js Framework for controlling Arduino with HTML and WebSockets

TalksLab/metro-bootstrap                   1034
Twitter Bootstrap with Metro style

less/less.ruby                             1023
Less Ruby — now at http://github.com/cowboyd/less.rb

jagregory/abrash-black-book                1017
Markdown source for Michael Abrash's Graphics Programming Black Book

appdotnet/api-spec                         1014
App.net API Documentation is on the web at https://developers.app.net. Source for these docs is in the new-docs branch here. Please use the issue tracker and submit pull requests! Help us build the real-time social service where users and developers come first, not advertisers.

ben-eb/cssnano                             1008
A modular minifier, built on top of the PostCSS ecosystem.

milohuang/reverie                          998
Reverie is a versatile HTML5 responsive WordPress framework based on ZURB's Foundation.

matejlatin/Gutenberg                       995
A meaningful web typography starter kit.

artofrawr/profoundgrid                     987
Responsive grid for fixed & fluid layouts.

LeaVerou/stretchy                          980
Form element autosizing, the way it should be.

AdamWhitcroft/Apaxy                        979
A simple, customisable theme for your Apache directory listing.

ethantw/Han                                975
「漢字標準格式」印刷品般的漢字排版框架 Han.css: the CSS typography framework optimised for Hanzi.

gotgit/gotgithub                           970
GotGitHub: an open source E-book about GitHub in Chinese

johnotander/pixyll                         966
A simple, beautiful Jekyll theme that's mobile first.

mblode/marx                                965
The classless CSS reset (perfect for Communists).

adactio/Pattern-Primer                     962
Generating styled markup from a folder of markup snippets.

getpelican/pelican-themes                  962
Themes for pelican

maxogden/monu                              959
menubar process monitor mac app [ALPHA]

jakegiltsoff/sassline                      957
Set text on the web to a baseline grid with Sass & rems using a responsive modular-scale.

kippt/jekyll-incorporated                  953
Modern Jekyll based blog for companies

Wolfr/clank                                945
Clank: open source prototyping framework for mobile apps

wilwaldon/flatstrap                        932
Bootstrap without all the extra stuff

bootcards/bootcards                        928

pikock/bootstrap-magic                     927
Bootstrap themes generator made with AngularJS

mrmrs/pesticide                            927
Kill your css layout bugs

guari/eclipse-ui-theme                     926
Dark UI Theme for Eclipse 4+

jasonlong/isometric-contributions          926
Render an isometric pixel art version of your contribution graph in Chrome and Safari.

benschwarz/gallery-css                     924
CSS only Gallery

rhiokim/haroopad                           924
Haroopad - The Next Document processor based on Markdown

parkerbennett/stackicons                   919
Icon font and Sass-based construction kit for Stackicons-Social, which supports multiple button shapes and a unique "multi-color" option in CSS for over 60 social brands.

geddski/csstyle                            906
modern approach for crafting beautifully maintainable stylesheets

openexchangerates/money.js                 905
money.js is a tiny (1kb) javascript currency conversion library, for web & nodeJS

peduarte/wallop                            888
A minimal JS library for showing & hiding things

mezzoblue/csszengarden.com                 887
The source of csszengarden.com

Augus/ngAnimate                            886
ngAnimate is best effect sulotion made for AngularJS

at-import/toolkit                          881
Toolkit for Responsive Web Design and Progressive Enhancement with Compass

IcaliaLabs/furatto                         865
It's a flat, fast and powerful front-end framework for  rapid web development.

jazzychad/PushServer                       860
nodejs server for sending Apple APNS push notifications

nathansmith/adapt                          849
Adapt.js serves CSS based on screen width.

adamdbradley/focal-point                   847
A small set of CSS classnames to help keep images cropped on the focal point for responsive designs. Using only HTML/CSS, web authors can specify an image's focal point, which stays as the image's primary focus, while the image's available width changes on responsive webpages. Crop and re-size images depending on available width and let CSS to do all of the work, and without any JavaScript.

zurb/foundation-rails                      836
Foundation for Rails

gophercon/2014-talks                       832
This is the official repository for slides and talks from GopherCon 2014

bradfrost/project-hub                      829
An HTML template for project timelines

mastastealth/sass-flex-mixin               828
Flexbox mixins

mmistakes/minimal-mistakes                 824
:triangular_ruler: A flexible two-column Jekyll theme. Perfect for personal sites, blogs, and portfolios hosted on GitHub or your own server.

jaicab/localFont                           812
Implement localStorage web font caching in seconds

websymphony/almost-flat-ui                 803
Almost Flat UI Theme for Foundation Framework

StylishThemes/GitHub-Dark                  801
:octocat: Dark GitHub style

heygrady/scss-blend-modes                  801
Using standard color blending functions in SASS.

mblode/burger                              800
Burger - The minimal hamburger menu with fullscreen navigation.

anicollection/anicollection                794
The easiest way to find, use and share animations. Priceless!

kenhub/giraffe                             794
Giraffe - a graphite dashboard with a long neck

mwaylabs/The-M-Project                     793
'The-M-Project' is a Mobile HTML5 Application Framework.

lemonmade/bigfoot                          787
A jQuery plugin for creating exceptional footnotes.

matthewhartman/base                        786
Base - A Rock Solid, Responsive HTML/CSS Framework built to work on all devices big and small.

vwall/compass-twitter-bootstrap            785
The twitter bootstrap ported to compass

BlackrockDigital/startbootstrap-freelancer 781
A one page HTML theme for freelancers created by Start Bootstrap

mrcoles/markdown-css                       777
CSS for making regular HTML look like plain-text markdown.

anjlab/bootstrap-rails                     776
Twitter Bootstrap CSS (with Sass flavour) and JS toolkits for Rails 3 projects

Seldaek/slippy                             774
HTML Presentations

codrops/NotificationStyles                 773
Various simple ideas and effects for unobtrusive notifications on a website.

asciimoo/cssplot                           770
Pure CSS charts

ripienaar/gdash                            770
A dashboard for Graphite

GoogleChrome/big-rig                       769
A proof-of-concept Performance Dashboard, CLI and Node module

csswizardry/typecsset                      764
A small Sass library for setting type on the web.

rmlewisuk/justdelete.me                    756
A directory of direct links to delete your account from web services.

AlexTatiyants/pev                          754
Postgres Explain Visualizer

lab2023/hierapolis                         750
Bootstrap 3 based flat style admin theme

MfgLabs/mfglabs-iconset                    749
Awesome web font icon by MFG Labs

shashankmehta/greyshade                    748
A minimal responsive octopress theme

Xeoncross/jr                               748
Jr. the static, static javascript site generator (you should see this)

losvedir/ephemeral2                        748
Ephemeral P2P over websockets, Phoenix/Elixir.

anselmh/object-fit                         745
Polyfill (mostly IE) for CSS object-fit property to fill-in/fit-in images into containers.

wintercn/dog-fucked-zhihu                  734

jonikorpi/Less-Framework                   733
An adaptive CSS grid system.

zavoloklom/material-design-iconic-font     733
Material Design Iconic Font and CSS toolkit

redroot/holmes                             733
Holmes is stand-alone diagnostic CSS stylesheet that can highlight potentially invalid or erroneous HTML(5) markup by adding one class

jgthms/lavalamp.js                         732
A replacement for infinite scrolling.

yegor256/tacit                             732
CSS Framework for Dummies, Without Classes

yuxingxin/RxJava-Essentials-CN             730
RxJava Essentials 中文翻译版 仅供交流学习使用,严禁商业用途 

cjdsie/wirefy                              726
Wirefy is a browser based responsive wireframe tool, which allows you to create functional wireframes using standard elements. Think of it as the foundation for your content to be built on. This allows you to focus on the content rather than the design to get faster sign off. Wirefy is not a one-solution answer.

fntneves/jquery-labelauty                  712
A lightweight and beautiful jQuery plugin for radio and checkbox inputs.

roryg/ghostwriter                          712
A simple AJAX driven Ghost theme.

yeoman/yeoman.github.io                    711
Yeoman website

yangyangwithgnu/the_new_world_linux        711
the new world, linux

trycom/parse-angular-demo                  711

snwh/paper-gtk-theme                       701
Paper Theme Suite

davidtheclark/scut                         698
Sass utilities for the frontend laborer.

ciar4n/imagehover.css                      697
Pure CSS Image Hover Effect Library

michenriksen/css3buttons                   694
Simple CSS3 framework for creating GitHub-style buttons

customelements/www                         692
CustomElements.io is where community-members show their awesome Web Components

voronianski/ngActivityIndicator            692
Angular provider for preloader animations

usds/playbook                              690
The U.S. Digital Services Playbook

TryGhost/Casper                            688
The default personal blogging theme for Ghost

ConciseCSS/concise.css                     686
A front-end framework written in SASS that's lightweight, and easy-to-use.

phiamo/MopaBootstrapBundle                 686
Easy integration of twitters bootstrap into symfony2

emberjs-addons/ember-bootstrap             682
A set of UI elements styled using the Boostrap toolkit to use with Ember.js

iKreativ/Workless                          680
Workless is a CSS base framework to get your projects up and running as quickly as possible. 

DonaldDerek/PiR.tv                         680
Pirate TV on the the Raspberry PI

theleagueof/league-gothic                  680
A revival of an old classic, Alternate Gothic #1

zzak/sdoc                                  679
Standalone sdoc generator

mquan/lavish                               674
a rails app that generates Bootstrap color scheme from an image

mrmrs/mnml                                 673
Start a responsive html5 site with postcss and browser-sync

mattvh/jekyllthemes                        671
A directory of the best-looking themes for Jekyll blogs

littleosbook/littleosbook                  668
Source for the little book about OS development

we-are-next/cssco                          668
Photographic filters made with CSS, inspired by VSCO and CSSgram

t0m/select2-bootstrap-css                  667
simple css to make select2 widgets fit in with bootstrap

szynszyliszys/repaintless                  663
Library for fast CSS Animations

github/training-kit                        662
Open source slides, workbook, and cheat sheet courseware for teaching Git and GitHub classes

richleland/pygments-css                    660
css files created from pygment's built-in styles

jh3y/progre-c-ss                           655
pure css progress bars with minimal effort!

pguso/jquery-plugin-circliful              652
jQuery circle statitic plugin

siddii/angular-timer                       652
re-usable/inter-operable AngularJS timer directive

jasonlong/cayman-theme                     651
A responsive theme for GitHub Pages

danielfarrell/bootstrap-combobox           648
A combobox plugin that works with twitter bootstrap

eduardoboucas/include-media                647
Simple, elegant and maintainable media queries in Sass

codrops/TextInputEffects                   645
Simple styles and effects for enhancing text input interactions.

nostalgiaz/donuts                          644

b374k/b374k                                643
PHP Webshell with handy features

qrohlf/trianglify-generator                641
no-coding-required triangle pattern generator. work in progress.

cferdinandi/social-sharing                 633
Add social sharing links and buttons without the bloat.

jlong/css-spinners                         631
Simple CSS spinners and throbbers made with CSS and minimal HTML markup.

ddouble/bsie                               631
Bootstrap IE6 Compatible Library

filamentgroup/select-css                   630
Cross-browser styles for consistent select element styling

pazguille/github-card                      619
:octocat: A web component to show a card for your GitHub profile

corysimmons/typographic                    618
:warning: This will migrate to PostCSS in the near future. - Easy SCSS or Stylus responsive typography with vertical rhythm, modular scale, font stacks, and more.

arashmanteghi/simptip                      617
A simple CSS tooltip made with Sass

cobyism/gridism                            616
A simple responsive CSS grid.

contra/windows_98.css                      614
some sick styles for your guestbook

Microsoft/microsoft.github.io              612
The code behind the Microsoft.github.io website

cferdinandi/kraken                         610
A lightweight, mobile-first boilerplate for front-end web developers.

femmebot/google-type                       609
Collaborative typography project using select passages from Aesop's Fables set to Google Fonts

reworkcss/css                              608
CSS parser / stringifier for Node.js

twitter/twitter.github.com                 606
A listing of open source efforts at Twitter on GitHub

cardinalcss/cardinalcss                    605
A modular, “mobile-first” CSS framework built with performance and scalability in mind.

andriussev/timelined                       604
A customizable CSS-only vertical timeline

sgruhier/jquery-addresspicker              603
JQuery UI widget : address autocomplete field by google maps V3 geocoding service

LukyVj/Colorify.js                         601
The simple, customizable, tiny javascript color extractor

jh3y/whirl                                 601
pure css loading animations with minimal effort!

opoloo/androidicons                        600
Androidicons is a professional, handcrafted icon set with 250 icons in 14 different colors and 5 sizes, including an icon font and all sources.

TimPietrusky/weloveiconfonts               592
This is like Google Web Fonts, but for Open Source Icon Fonts. Hurray!

HugoGiraudel/sass-boilerplate              591
A boilerplate for Sass projects using the 7-1 architecture pattern from Sass Guidelines.

willy-vvu/reveal.js                        591
This is what I got when I combined webcam-based gesture recognition with Hakim El Hattab's reveal.js.

necolas/css3-facebook-buttons              590
Simple CSS to recreate the appearance of Facebook's buttons and toolbars.

BlackrockDigital/startbootstrap-agency     590
A one page HTML theme for agencies created by Start Bootstrap

arbelh/HalfStyle                           589
Style Half of a Character by CSS

imperavi/kube                              585
Kube CSS-Framework

dropbox/scooter                            583
An SCSS framework & UI library for Dropbox Web.

horst3180/arc-firefox-theme                583
Arc Firefox Theme

andhart/bijou                              583
A small (Less than 2kb) CSS framework

rosario/kasper                             580
Ghost's default theme (Casper) on Jekyll

soyjavi/tuktuk                             575
Simple (but powerful) RWD Framework

rstacruz/sinatra-assetpack                 572
Package your assets transparently in Sinatra.

codrops/CreativeButtons                    570
Some creative and modern button styles and effects for your inspiration.

aarondo/tabulous.js                        569
A jQuery tabs module for todays web!

djfarrelly/MailDev                         565
:mailbox: SMTP Server + Web Interface for viewing and testing emails during development.

codrops/CreativeLinkEffects                564
An inspirational collection of experimental link effects mostly using transitions on pseudo-elements.

starburst1977/readium                      564
Readium 3 - A not-so-much medium-like Ghost theme anymore.

hackmdio/hackmd                            561
Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.

cmaddux/littlebox                          560
Super simple to implement, CSS-only icons.

ENFOS/FlowupLabels.js                      559
Augments form labels to behave like placeholders, but with a twist.  See:

filamentgroup/tappy                        559
Tappy! - a lightweight normalized tap event. 

codrops/Calendario                         559
A jQuery calendar plugin for creating flexible calendars.

aozora/bootplus                            558
Sleek, intuitive, and powerful Google styled front-end framework for faster and easier web development

lexrus/fontdiao                            556
[已废弃]中文图标字体,可用于 Web 或 iOS,同时提供了国内各种常用网站、应用的徽标 SVG 源文件。

oyejorge/less.php                          553
less.js ported to PHP.

claudemamo/kafka-web-console               552
A web console for Apache Kafka (retired)

shlomi-noach/awesome-mysql                 550
A curated list of awesome MySQL software, libraries, tools and resources

zurb/motion-ui                             550
Sass library for creating transitions and animations.

codrops/IconHoverEffects                   549
A set of simple round icon hover effects with CSS transitions and animations for your inspiration.

ksylvest/jquery-gridly                     547
Gridly is a jQuery plugin to enable dragging and dropping as well as resizing on a grid.

LouisBarranqueiro/hexo-theme-tranquilpeak  544
A gorgeous responsive theme for Hexo blog framework

jorenvanhee/sass-burger                    543
A Sass mixin for creating hamburger icons.

BraveUX/for-the-badge                      542
Badges for badges' sake.

morteza/bootstrap-rtl                      541
RTL Theme for Bootstrap v3.x

hunterloftis/playfuljs                     538

typeplate/starter-kit                      536
A @grayghostvisuals and @zakkain Joint™ Typeplate is a “Typographic Starter Kit.” We don’t make aesthetic design choices, but define proper markup with extensible styling for common typographic patterns. A stripped-down Sass library concerned with the appropriate technical implementation of design patterns—not how they look.

coffeescript-cookbook/coffeescript-cookbook.github.io 535
CoffeeScript Recipes, Examples and Tutorials

github/choosealicense.com                  533
A site to provide non-judgmental guidance on choosing a license for your open source project

ghinda/css-toggle-switch                   531
Accessible, CSS-only, toggle switches

bagder/http2-explained                     531
http2 explained is a detailed document explaining and documenting HTTP/2, the successor to the widely popular HTTP/1.1 protocol

maxmert/maxmertkit                         530
Maxmertkit, powerful, most customizable and easiest for usage mobile first front-end framework for web-development.

MoOx/compass-recipes                       530
UNMAINTAINED compass/sass mixins and snippets.

Kikobeats/uno-zen                          528
Minimalist and Elegant theme for Ghost. Demo @ https://kikobeats.com

codrops/ProgressButtonStyles               528
A set of flat and 3D progress button styles where the button itself serves as a progress indicator. 3D styles are used for showing the progress indication on one side of the button while rotating the button in perspective.

A/largescaleJS_ru                          527
Russian translation of Addy Osmani book.

progit/progit2-zh                          527

JacksonTian/doxmate                        526

tlrobinson/evil.css                        525
Because CSS isn't evil enough already.

sasha-alias/sqltabs                        524
Rich SQL console for Postrgesql.

webcomm/magento-boilerplate                524
HTML5 Twitter Bootstrap 3.1 Magento Boilerplate Template

minddust/bootstrap-progressbar             521
progressbar interactions for twitter bootstrap 2 & 3

adamfairhead/webicons                      519
Webicons is a set of resolution-independent social icons for use on your website. They use feature-detected SVG graphics (with PNG fallbacks) to display the icons over their appropriate negatively indented anchor titles.

wuchong/jacman                             518
Jacman is a fresh looking and responsive theme for Hexo with more features based on Pacman.

Kronuz/pyScss                              517
pyScss, a Scss compiler for Python

DirtDiglett/Pressure-for-Steam             516
A skin to improve the visual aesthetics of Steam

SaraSoueidan/navicon-transformicons        515
Demo for Navicon Transformicons: Animated Navigation Icons with CSS Transforms http://sarasoueidan.com/blog/navicon-transformicons/

jenius/rupture                             515
Simple media queries in stylus

davatron5000/Foldy960                      513
A responsive version of the 960 grid, the Pvel way!

JeremyEnglert/JointsWP                     511
A blank WordPress theme built with Foundation 6, giving you all the power and flexibility you need to build complex, mobile friendly websites without having to start from scratch.

orf/simple                                 511
Simple is a clone of Obtvse written in Python running on Flask.

gkoberger/stacksort                        510
Sorts an array by downloading snippets from StackOverflow. Inspired by http://xkcd.com/1185/. I'm sorry.

malarkey/Rock-Hammer                       510
A curated project library for Hammer For Mac. Rock Hammer contains baseline typography, plus styling for common HTML elements including images, forms and tables, as well as navigation, responsive modules and widgets

konpa/devicon                              509
Set of icons representing programming languages, designing & development tools

dotfiles/dotfiles.github.com               506
Your unofficial guide to doing dotfiles on GitHub.

reimertz/brand-colors                      506
A color collection available in sass, less, stylus and css

behigh/bootstrap_dropdowns_enhancement     501
Bootstrap Dropdown Menus Enhancement

sconstantinides/FormButtons                500
Forms within buttons, oh my!

sierra-library/sierra                      499
Sierra SCSS micro library

tleunen/react-mdl                          498
React Components for Material Design Lite

kogakure/gitweb-theme                      498
An alternative theme for gitweb, strongly inspired by GitHub

codrops/PageLoadingEffects                 497
Modern ways of revealing new content using SVG animations.

sethlilly/Vapor                            495
A minimal, responsive theme for Ghost.

FortAwesome/font-awesome-sass              493
Font-Awesome Sass gem for use in Ruby/Rails projects

m242/maildrop                              492
MailDrop is an open-source, scalable, high-performance version of Mailinator.

danro/LESS-sublime                         490
LESS syntax highlighting for Sublime Text.

necolas/css3-social-signin-buttons         485
CSS3 Social Sign-in Buttons with icons. Small and large sizes.

HubSpot/tooltip                            485
CSS Tooltips built on Tether. #hubspot-open-source

gillesbertaux/andy                         482
Open-Source Collection of Useful SASS Mixins Library

nbartlomiej/foggy                          480
jQuery plugin for blurring page elements

yihui/r-ninja                              478

iberryful/weixin_sogou                     476

delta98/ionic-material-design-lite         474
Material Design (Lite) style override for Ionic Framework

bjork24/Unison                             470
Unifying named breakpoints across CSS, JS, and HTML

BlackrockDigital/startbootstrap-creative   469
A one page HTML theme for creatives by Start Bootstrap

SaraSoueidan/windows8-animations           469
Windows-8-like Animations with CSS3 and jQuery

mvcss/mvcss                                468
Sass-based CSS Architecture

aimeos/aimeos-laravel                      467
Laravel e-commerce package for high performance online shops

buseca/patternbolt                         465
A fine selection of SVG pattern background, packed in a single CSS or SCSS file. Add patterns just adding a class.

mkaz/lanyon                                464
markdown web server

atom-material/atom-material-ui             463
A dynamic UI theme for Atom that follows Google's Material Design Guidelines

koudelka/visualixir                        462
A process/message visualizer for BEAM nodes.

onevcat/vno                                459
Vno, just another ghost theme

mieko/sr-captcha                           459
Article describing how the technical means by which Silk Road 1's captcha was broken.

nehbit/aether-public                       459
Aether is a distributed network that creates forum–like, anonymous and encrypted public spaces for its constituents.

livereload/livereload-js                   458
LiveReload JavaScript code that communicates with the server and implements reloading

auchenberg/devtools-remote                 456
Debug your browser tabs remotely via Chrome DevTools

horst3180/vertex-theme                     456
Vertex is a theme for GTK 3, GTK 2, Gnome-Shell and Cinnamon

shakyShane/jekyll-gulp-sass-browser-sync   455
A starter project including full setup for Jekyll, GulpJS, SASS & BrowserSync

benhowdle89/reqres                         455
A hosted REST-API ready to respond to your AJAX requests

ccoenraets/OpenFB                          454
Micro-library that lets you integrate browser and Cordova apps with Facebook with no plugin or SDK dependency.

codrops/LineMenuStyles                     454
An open collection of menu styles that use the line as creative design element.

numixproject/numix-gtk-theme               453
Numix is a modern flat theme with a combination of light and dark elements.

muan/scribble                              453
:tomato: A Jekyll theme.

alindeman/upgradingtorails4                453
Upgrading to Rails 4 e-book

falnatsheh/MarkdownView                    451
MarkdownView is an Android webview with the capablity of loading Markdown text or file and display it as HTML, it uses MarkdownJ and extends Android webview.

forsigner/fexo                             450
A minimalist design theme for hexo.

thomaspark/pubcss                          450
Format academic publications in HTML & CSS

picanteverde/init                          449
init templates for js Projects

docstrap/docstrap                          449
A template for JSDoc3 based on Bootstrap and themed by Bootswatch

abhshkdz/HackFlowy                         449
Workflowy clone, built using Backbone.js & Socket.io

diafygi/gnu-pricing                        448
Turn GNU command line tools into SaaS (Stupid Hackathon Project)

rriepe/1pxdeep                             446
Bootstrap theme featuring powerful color scheme controls and a flat design

commadelimited/jQuery-Mobile-Icon-Pack     446
Extending the default jQuery Mobile icons

cbrandolino/camvas                         445
HTML5 webcam to canvas stream

rime/home                                  444
The Rime::Home repository is the starting point for people to learn about Rime.

jesseweed/seti-ui                          442
A subtle dark colored UI theme for Atom.

dnomak/rocket                              440
flexiblegs + pixelperfectcss = rocket

Stanko/skyblue                             438
CSS framework (made with SASS)

colourgarden/avalanche                     438
Superclean, powerful, responsive, Sass-based, BEM-syntax CSS grid system

mgcrea/angular-motion                      437
Fancy CSS3 animations for AngularJS 1.2+.

keystonejs/keystone-demo                   436
Demo app for Keystone

0x00A/levelui                              436
A GUI for LevelDB management based on atom-shell.

codrops/OffCanvasMenuEffects               435
Some inspiration for off-canvas menu effects and styles using CSS transitions and SVG path animations.

halls-of-fame/github                       435
Hall of Fame for spectacular things on Github

sydlawrence/jquery.videoBG                 434
Adding HTML5 video backgrounds to websites

econchick/new-coder                        433
New Coder tutorials

drublic/Sass-Mixins                        431
Sass mixins for general use

niftylettuce/gulp-aws-splash               430
:shipit: The open-source LaunchRock alternative. Build beautiful splash pages to collect emails & more – primarily focused on performance and rapid development.

bevacqua/perfschool                        430
:ocean: Navigate the #perfmatters salt marsh waters in this NodeSchool workshopper

vitmalina/Web-2.0-Touch                    429
JavaScript mini framework for rapid mobile apps development on touch devices (iPhone, iPad, Android and other webkit browsers)

doomspork/elixir-school                    426
Lessons about the Elixir programming language

staticapps/staticapps.org                  425
The source for the official StaticApps.org resource site.

holman/left                                424
Left is a clean, whitespace-happy layout for Jekyll.

johnotander/furtive                        424
A forward-thinking, lightweight, CSS microframework.

zurb/foundation-icons                      422

VinceG/Bootstrap-Admin-Theme-3             422
A generic admin theme built with Bootstrap 3 free for both personal and commercial use. 

daleanthony/uno                            421
Uno - a minimal, responsive theme for Ghost

pavlospt/Android-Studio-Tips-by-Philippe-Breault 418
Every Android Studio Tip posted by Phillipe Breault

codrops/Blueprint-VerticalTimeline         418
A responsive vertical timeline layout with icons and example media queries.

DevTips/Artists-Theme                      418
A free Jekyll Theme developed by the DevTips Community

nitinhayaran/Justified.js                  417
jQuery Plugin to create Justified Image Gallery

LukyVj/colofilter.css                      416
Colofilter.css - Duotone filters made with CSS ! 

robertpiira/ingrid                         416
A fluid CSS layout system

imochen/hotcss                             413
移动端布局终极解决方案 --- 让移动端布局开发更加容易

DevTips/DevTips-Starter-Kit                413
Ground zero for your next project.

codrops/FullscreenOverlayStyles            413
Some simple and creative overlay styles and effects. From sliding the overlay into the viewport to using SVG morphing shapes, we explore some effects for fullscreen overlays.

Runscope/requestbin                        412
Inspect HTTP requests. Debug webhooks. Originally created by @progrium.

open-falcon/agent                          411
linux monitor agent

chriseppstein/sass-globbing                410
Adds glob-based imports to Sass

minamarkham/sassy-starter                  410
:tada: Sassy starter - HTML / SCSS (SMACSS)

soulwire/Muscular-Hydrostats               410
Tentacle simulation using inverse kinematics

crushlovely/skyline                        409
Basic Skyline Starter HTML and SCSS

square/intro-to-d3                         409
a D3.js tutorial

mmistakes/skinny-bones-jekyll              409
:art: A Jekyll starter with a variety of customizable layouts and components.

lafeber/world-flags-sprite                 408
A sprite of all the worlds' flags

zapier/resthooks                           407
A lightweight subscription notification layer on top of your existing REST API

jamiewilson/corpus                         407
Yet another CSS toolkit. Basically the stuff I use for most projects.

BlackrockDigital/startbootstrap-grayscale  407
A multipurpose one page Bootstrap theme created by Start Bootstrap

RichardLitt/awesome-conferences            406
:ticket: A list of awesome conferences

masukomi/kudos                             402
An example of Svbtle style kudos

angular/bower-material                     402

nicnocquee/appolo                          402
Plugins and Themes for Jekyll to create App Portfolio for Developers

l-lin/font-awesome-animation               401
Simple animations using FontAwesome and some CSS3.

geex-arts/django-jet                       401
Modern template for Django admin interface with improved functionality

Microsoft/ngconf2015demo                   399
TodoMVC application demo for ng-conf 2015

okoala/vue-antd                            399
Vue UI Component & Ant.Design

briangraves/ResponsiveEmailPatterns        398
A collection of patterns & modules for responsive emails

jacksingleton/hacker-slides                397

evancz/elm-todomvc                         396
Proper implementation of the TodoMVC app

zurb/responsive-tables                     395
Tables that work responsively on small devices.

dwqs/fedHandlebook                         395
Front-end Developer HandBook. Read online: https://dwqs.gitbooks.io/frontenddevhandbook/content/

zk/clojuredocs                             395
clojuredocs.org web app

marcoceppi/bootstrap-glyphicons            395
Regular Glphyicon drop in for Bootstrap

jserme/mahua                               394
http://mahua.jser.me    souce code

adobe/adobe.github.com                     394
Adobe central hub for open source

Gaohaoyang/gaohaoyang.github.io            393

sinatra/sinatra-recipes                    392
Community contributed recipes and techniques

Igosuki/compass-mixins                     390
A collection of compass' stylesheet for bower dependencies and libsass

kdzwinel/SnappySnippet                     387
Chrome extension that allows easy extraction of CSS and HTML from selected element.

18F/analytics.usa.gov                      387
The US federal government's web traffic.

m10l/FloatLabel.js                         387
A jQuery plugin for floating form labels

JeremyFagis/dropify                        383
Override your input files with style — Demo here : http://jeremyfagis.github.io/dropify

TryKickoff/kickoff                         383
:basketball: A lightweight front-end framework  for creating scalable, responsive sites

baixing/puerh                              382
Puerh - 百姓网 UI 库 

fniessen/org-html-themes                   382
How you export Org mode files into awesome HTML in 2 minutes

craigkerstiens/postgresguide.com           381

vdw/Tabslet                                380
Yet another jQuery plugin for tabs, lightweight, easy to use, mobile-friendly and with some extra features.

matthieua/sass-css3-mixins                 380
 Sass CSS3 Mixins! The Cross-Browser CSS3 Sass Library

mirisuzanne/compass-animation              380
css3 animation plugin for compass

zellwk/typi                                379
A sass mixin to make responsive typography easy

jonathanpath/SASS-SMACSS                   379
To start your project with SASS. Inspired by SMACSS from Jonathan Snook. 

siamak/licon                               379
Lightness and Useful icons with Pure CSS3

bryanbraun/after-dark-css                  378
Recreating After Dark screensavers with CSS3.

ellekasai/twemoji-awesome                  378
Like Font Awesome, but for Twitter Emoji

DanBrooker/file-icons                      377
Atom file specific icons for improved visual grepping

jackrugile/placeholdem                     377
Placeholder Caret Animation

MacGapProject/MacGapProject.github.io      375
MacGap website

Automattic/Picard                          374
A prototype theme that uses React and WP-API

Rapid-Application-Development-JS/AnimateTransition 372
Library for transition animations between blocks (pages) in the application.

nsonnad/base16-ipython-notebook            372
Themes for your IPython Notebook

mikekelly/hal_specification                372
HAL Specification

SonarSource/sonar-examples                 370
SonarQube Examples

lacymorrow/casper                          370
A port of Ghost's Casper theme to Wordpress

t413/SinglePaged                           370
SinglePaged - Simple Jekyll template

braziljs/conf-boilerplate                  369
The easiest way to create websites for conference/events

nick-jonas/nick-jonas.github.com           369
Demo sites

orderedlist/modernist                      368
A Theme for GitHub Pages

ThomasBurleson/angularjs-Quizzler          368
The AngularJS Challenge: Create an online Quiz builder & testing application.

tokokoo/pondasee                           367
Your awesome Front-end starter kit

nodejs/nodejs-zh-CN                        367
node.js 中文化 & 中文社区

simeydotme/jQuery-ui-Slider-Pips           367
Plugin for adding little 'pips' , 'floats' and labels to a slider.

sehmaschine/mueller                        366
MUELLER is a modular grid system for responsive/adaptive and non-responsive layouts, based on Compass.

elky/django-flat-theme                     366
A flat theme for Django admin interface. Modern, fresh, simple.

jbranchaud/splitting-atoms                 365
:dizzy_face: a community-built, community-driven guide to hacking on the Atom editor

space150/spaceBase                         365
A Sass-based responsive CSS framework.

drinchev/monosocialiconsfont               364
Mono Social Icons Font

beiyuu/Github-Pages-Example                363
BeiYuu's Blog

ppoffice/hexo-theme-icarus                 363
The blog theme you may fall in love with, coming to Hexo.

paracycle/slackthemes                      363
A Slack sidebar theme browser

necolas/griddle                            362
A CSS grid constructor

ericduran/chromeHAR                        362
HAR viewer that mimics (or at least tries really hard to) Chromes network tab

thesabbir/simple-line-icons                362
Simple Line Icons Package

tommy351/Octopress-Theme-Slash             361
Slash — a minimal theme for Octopress

awkward/backbone.modal                     360
A plugin for Backbone.js that simplifies creating modals for your application.

jhardy/compass-ceaser-easing               359
Penner equations for css3 transitions 

rupl/unfold                                358
Unfolding the Box Model — interactive slides exploring CSS 3D Transforms

felixge/nodeguide.com                      358
My unofficial and opinionated guide to node.js.

rougier/numpy-100                          357
100 numpy exercises (83/100 actually)

StudioThick/megatype                       356
Execute typographic structure with ease

mapbox/docbox                              356
REST API documentation generator

dmtintner/UtilityBelt                      354
SCSS utilities for starting any new project

codrops/FullscreenForm                     354
An experimental fullscreen form concept where the idea is to allow distraction-free form filling with some fancy animations when moving between form fields. 

agiliq/Django-parsley                      354
Client side form validations for Django - Using parsley.js

premasagar/cleanslate                      354
An extreme CSS reset stylesheet, for aggressively resetting the styling of an element and its children. Composed exclusively of CSS !important rules.

WhatsNewSaes/Skeleton-Sass                 353
The (un)official Sass Version of Skeleton (2.0.4): A Dead Simple, Responsive Boilerplate for Mobile-Friendly Development

ppoffice/hexo-theme-hueman                 352
A redesign of Alx's wordpress theme hueman, ported to Hexo.

vladocar/Hartija---CSS-Print-Framework     352
Universal CSS for web printing

Kapeli/cheatset                            351
Generate cheat sheets for Dash

aarondo/Material-Preloader                 351
A jQuery plugin that recreates the Material Design pre-loader (as seen on inbox).

artpolikarpov/garmoshka                    350
Move the bellows

uoziod/suave-ui                            349
UI Framework for AngularJS

dorey/JavaScript-Equality-Table            349

noizwaves/bootstrap-social-buttons         348
Social media button styles for Twitter Bootstrap

riccardoscalco/crayon                      347
Crayon.css is a list of css variables linking color names to hex values.

joemottershaw/animations                   347
A versatile CSS3 animation pack with various usages, trigger CSS3 animations as elements enter the viewport, as you hover with a mouse or by binding them via JavaScript functions.

at-import/color-schemer                    347
A sassy way to build color schemes

sanographix/rin                            346
A Lean HTML & SASS Boilerplate

Outsetini/Air-for-Steam                    346
Air is visual redesign of the Steam platform that embraces Google's Material Design language to showcase consistent beauty through minimal design.

codrops/SlitSlider                         346
A responsive slideshow with a twist: the idea is to slice open the current slide when navigating to the next or previous one. Using jQuery and CSS animations we can create unique slide transitions for the content elements.

10up/Engineering-Best-Practices            345
10up Engineering Best Practices

vert-x/vertx-examples                      344

egonSchiele/mdpress                        344
[DEAD] Make impress.js presentations from markdown files.

kennethormandy/utility-opentype            344
Simple, CSS utility classes for advanced typographic features.

JoelSutherland/LESS-Prefixer               344
All of the CSS3 fun, none of the prefixes!

geoffgraham/animate.scss                   343
Sass mixins based on Dan Eden's Animate.css

thieman/dagobah                            343
Simple DAG-based job scheduler in Python

cgross/angular-notify                      342
Minimalistic and extensible notification service for Angular.

jkphl/iconizr                              342
A PHP command line tool for converting SVG images to a set of CSS icons (SVG & PNG, single icons and / or CSS sprites) with support for image optimization and Sass output. Created by Joschi Kuphal (@jkphl), licensed under the terms of the MIT license

emacs-china/Spacemacs-rocks                342
Happy hacking :) http://book.emacs-china.org

codrops/SelectInspiration                  342
Creative styles and ideas for custom select elements.

peachdocs/peach                            340
Peach is a web server for multi-language, real-time synchronization and searchable documentation.

adamschwartz/chrome-tabs                   339
Chrome Tabs in HTML/CSS

citricsquid/httpstatuses                   338
A directory of HTTP Status Codes and code references

nobitagit/ng-material-floating-button      337
Material design floating menu with action buttons implemented as an Angularjs directive.

joyeecheung/resume                         336
Reads resume data from a JSON file and generates a static web page for it.

VividCortex/go-database-sql-tutorial       336
A tutorial for Go's database/sql package

devopsbookmarks/devopsbookmarks.com        335
Website of devopsbookmarks.com

luminus-framework/luminus                  335
documentation site for Luminus framework

KaiserY/rust-book-chinese                  335
rust 程序设计语言 中文版

topley/nodeshop                            334
Node.JS and Express powered E-Commerce System

emberui/emberui                            332
A component library for crafting ambitious interfaces.

codrops/ClickEffects                       332
A set of subtle effects for click or touch interactions inspired by the visualization of screen taps in mobile app showcases. The effects are done with CSS animations mostly on pseudo-elements.

nodeadmin/nodeadmin                        332
A fantastically elegant interface for MySQL and Node.js/Express management. - https://www.npmjs.com/package/nodeadmin

kirel/detexify                             330
Latex Symbol Classifier Web Frontend

phoenixframework/phoenix_guides            330
User guides for the Phoenix web development framework.

sparkbox/style-prototype                   329
Example of an HTML/CSS style tile.

travis-ci/travis-web                       329
The Ember web client for Travis CI

WhiteHouse/fortyfour                       328
7.x base theme for White House sites

github-archive/teach.github.com            328
The open source teaching materials site for Git and GitHub technologies

vadikom/smartmenus                         327
Advanced jQuery website menu plugin. Mobile first, responsive and accessible list-based website menus that work on all devices.

openstack/openstack-manuals                327

WordPress/twentysixteen                    327
Twenty Sixteen is a modernized take on an ever-popular WordPress layout — the horizontal masthead with an optional right sidebar that works perfectly for blogs and websites. It has custom color options with beautiful default color schemes, a harmonious fluid grid using a mobile-first approach, and impeccable polish in every detail. Twenty Sixteen will make your WordPress look beautiful everywhere.

rstgroup/active_skin                       327
Flat skin for active admin.

silktide/cookieconsent2                    327
A free solution to the EU Cookie Law

theleagueof/ostrich-sans                   327
A gorgeous modern sans-serif with a very long neck.

jayalai/fitgrd                             326
.fitgrd is the lightweight & sexy looking responsive grid for your next awesome website. demo: www.fitgrd.com

huacnlee/social-share-button               326
Helper for add social share feature in your Rails app. Twitter, Facebook, Weibo, Douban, QQ ...

jenkins-contrib-themes/jenkins-material-theme 326
Beautify your Jenkins with the Material Design theme!

callmenick/Animating-Hamburger-Icons       325
Animating CSS-only hamburger menu icons

karmazzin/eloquentjavascript_ru            325

zippyui/react-date-picker                  325
A carefully crafted date picker for React

ffranke/Laker-Compendium                   323
Laker is a compendium of files, frameworks, styles and tips for designing digital publications in HTML5.

wecodemore/WordPress-Gear                  323
 A bunch of gear for WP developers

justinhough/Centurion                      323
Centurion is a web-based framework for rapid prototyping and building larger web projects.

alsacreations/KNACSS                       322
feuille de styles CSS sur-vitaminée

javierjulio/textarea-autosize              321
Vertically adjust a textarea based on user input without using a clone or ghost element.

beneverard/jqPagination                    320
jqPagination, a jQuery pagination plugin

rogerdudler/eclipse-ui-themes              319
Dark UI Theme for Eclipse 4+

Nikesh/Pie-Menu                            318
Simple configurable Path Menu written in Jquery and CSS3

KOWLOR/DaftPunKonsole                      317
Keyboard console

twbs/bootstrap-rubygem                     317
Bootstrap 4 Ruby Gem for Rails / Sprockets and Compass.

BlackrockDigital/startbootstrap-landing-page 316
A responsive, Bootstrap landing page template created by Start Bootstrap

tgdev/animate-sass                         316
A Sassy version of Dan Eden's Animate.css

buberdds/angular-bootstrap-colorpicker     315
Native AngularJS colorpicker directive. No dependency on jQuery or jQuery plugin is required.

prose/starter                              315
A starter site for Jekyll + Prose

leny/kouto-swiss                           314
A complete CSS framework for Stylus

leemunroe/motherplate                      314
A bare bones responsive SCSS boilerplate for web designers

danielguillan/bem-constructor              314
A Sass library for building immutable and namespaced BEM-style CSS objects

daylerees/anbu                             313
Anbu profiler for the Laravel PHP Framework.

HackerFantastic/Public                     313
A collection of all my publicly released material.

alagu/pagoda                               312
Zen-like blogging interface for Jekyll (login: admin/admin)

igrigorik/istlsfastyet.com                 312
Is TLS fast yet? Yes, yes it is.

buildingblocks/grunt-combine-media-queries 311
[DEPRECATED] A new version is managed here: https://github.com/frontendfriends/grunt-combine-mq

olivierbossel/gridle                       310
One grid system to rule them all (.scss)

cakebaker/scss-syntax.vim                  309
Vim syntax file for scss (Sassy CSS)

codrops/Blueprint-SlidePushMenus           308
Fixed menus that will slide out from the sides of the page and in case of the right and left side optionally move the body.

lepture/yue.css                            307
A typography stylesheet for readable content

why520crazy/angular-w5c-validator          307
a simple plugin for angular form validation

migreyes/hazelnut                          306
A Pow-preferred barebones starting point for designers using Jekyll.

WordPress/dashicons                        306
Dashicons, the WordPress admin icon font. For the official resource, please see the WordPress Developer Hub.

alistairtweedie/pintsize                   306
A simple and modern customisable grid system

bitcoin-dot-org/bitcoin.org                305
Bitcoin.org website

bradvin/social-share-urls                  305
Social Share URLs

wireload/screenly-ose                      303
Screenly OSE -- Digital Signage for the Raspberry Pi

jazzychad/gistblog                         303
A blogging platform built on Github gists

greggigon/my-personal-kanban               302
This is a one page HTML/JavaScript application for people who would like to use simple and basic Kanban board for their personal stuff

zeljkoprsa/waterlee-boilerplate            302
Magento HTML5 Responsive Theme Boilerplate

google/google-api-javascript-client        302
Google APIs Client Library for JavaScript

WittBulter/easyFindNumber                  301

mrmrs/btns                                 301
A set of css utilities for constructing beautiful responsive buttons

ccoenraets/angular-directory               300
A sample mobile application built with AngularJS

geedmo/yamm                                300
Yet another Megamenu for Bootstrap

lvwzhen/iconpark                           299
Collection of iconfonts

jhardy/Sassy-Buttons                       299

all-animation/all-animation                299
All Animation.css é um conjunto de animações, divertidas para deixar seu projeto mais sexy. São animações cross-browser que darão mas ênfase a suas páginas como controles deslizantes, efeitos 3D’s..

danielcardoso/load-awesome                 299
An awesome collection of — Pure CSS — Loaders and Spinners

evernote/sass-build-structure              299
An example SASS build structure sample to start a project

lokka/lokka                                299
CMS for Cloud.

springernature/pa11y-dashboard             299
pa11y-dashboard is a web interface which helps you monitor the accessibility of your websites

leancloud/ticket-app                       297
LeanCloud 开源的工单系统,使用 JS SDK、云代码的好例子

tomgenoni/cssdig-chrome                    297
Chrome extension for analyzing CSS. 

transcranial/atom-transparency             297
Guide to make your Atom editor transparent

simontabor/jquery-toggles                  297
jQuery plugin to make easy toggle buttons

grmmph/GhostScroll                         296
A Ghost theme for quick and simple single-page websites

mediafront/osmplayer                       295
The Open Standard Media Player is an all-in-one media player for the web.  It is an industry changing, open source (MIT) media player that is built to dynamically deliver any type of web media, including HTML5, YouTube, Vimeo, and Flash.

nikku/jquery-bootstrap-scripting           295
A number of jQuery plugins to ease scripting of bootstrap featured pages.

adamsilver/maintainablecss.com             295
Write CSS without worrying that overzealous, pre-existing styles will cause problems. MaintainableCSS is an approach to writing modular, scalable and of course, maintainable CSS.

telephone/LookingGlass                     295
A user-friendly PHP Looking Glass

resin-io/etcher                            295
An image burner with support for Windows, OS X and GNU/Linux.

royboy789/Angular-Wordpress-Theme          294
AngularJS Wordpress Theme - used for building single page client side applications using WordPress. 

ecomfe/saber                               294
移动 Web 解决方案

lyonlai/bootstrap-paginator                294
Bootstrap Paginator is a jQuery plugin that simplifies the rendering of Bootstrap Pagination component. It provides methods to automates the update of the pagination status and also some events to notify the status changes within the component.

yabawock/bootstrap-sass-rails              293
HTML, CSS, and JS toolkit from Twitter – Official Sass port: 

zalando/gulp-check-unused-css              293
Check your HTML templates for unused CSS classes

pinggod/hexo-theme-apollo                  293
A hexo theme inspired by vuejs.org.

grahammiller/ResponsiveGridSystem          291
Spectacularly Easy Responsive Web Design

micjamking/devtools-author                 291
A selection of author settings for Chrome Developer Tools.

less/less-docs                             291
Documentation for Less.

arnaudleray/pocketgrid                     290
PocketGrid is a lightweight pure CSS grid system for Responsive Web Design. Moreover, it is semantic, mobile-first, and allows to have an unlimited number of columns and breakpoints.

c0bra/markdown-resume-js                   289
Turn a simple markdown document into a resume in HTML and PDF

zachwill/flask_heroku                      289
An easy-to-use Flask template for Heroku.

sentsin/laydate                            288

christiangenco/dbinbox                     286
an inbox for your Dropbox

mdo/table-grid                             285
Simple CSS grid system using `display: table;`.

Code52/metro.css                           284

tylergaw/css-shaky-animation               284
Shits shakin' yo

ColeTownsend/Balzac-for-Jekyll             283
Your favorite AnchorCMS theme, now for Jekyll!

fontello/brandico.font                     283
Font with logos of social services & messagers

space150/flyLabel.js                       282
Make your labels fly.

Snowfire/Beautymail                        282
Send beautiful HTML emails with Laravel

tdsmith/aRrgh                              280
A newcomer's (angry) guide to data types in R

AndrewBelt/WiTeX                           280
If Donald Knuth had designed Wikipedia

SLaks/Silon                                280
Logic Gates and Adders in pure CSS

keen/pingpong                              280
HTTP monitoring for developers. Richer analytics, greater flexibility.

mirisuzanne/compass-animate                279
Compass port of Dan Eden's Animate.css

penman/Sass-Web-Fonts                      279
A Sass mixin to allow easy, efficient usage of Google Web Fonts.

jenius/axis                                279
terse, modular & powerful css library

ianrose/typesettings                       279
A Sass or Stylus toolkit that sets type in Ems based on modular scale, vertical rhythm, and responsive ratio based headlines.

agragregra/start_html                      278
Стартовые шаблоны для современной адаптивной верстки сайтов

PrestaShop/prestashop-icon-font            278
An open source icon pack made with love by the PrestaShop design team. You can use it everywhere to make your designs and websites look awesome.

agiliq/django-design-patterns              278
Commonly occuring design patterns in Django

kamilczujowski/least                       277
#leastjs 2 is available for download now!

danielstern/ngAudio                        275
Angular Directive for Playing Sounds

peterbe/autocompeter                       274
A really fast AJAX autocomplete service and widget

hailwood/jQuery-Tagit                      274
The Jquery Tagit Plugin transforms an html unordered list into a unique tagging plugin. 

danneu/darkstrap                           274
(unmaintained) a dark theme for twitter bootstrap 2

NeutronCSS/neutroncss                      274
A Sass framework that empowers you to create flexible, clear, and semantic website layouts.

jh3y/driveway                              273
pure CSS masonry layouts

railsware/applepie                         272
Semantic and Modular CSS Toolkit

slightlyoffbeat/brew                       272
A Wordpess starter theme based on Bones and Bootstrap 3

danmalarkey/schema                         272
A light, lean, and responsive front-end UI framework. — Built with LESS.

lzjun567/XiYuanFangApp                     272
Make knowledge to acquire more easer

ecomfe/est                                 272
EFE Styling Toolkit based on Less

jbutko/AngularJS-Boilerplate               271
Simple AngularJS Boilerplate to kick start your new project with SASS support and Gulp watch/build tasks

Axel--/Naut-for-reddit                     271
A css theme for reddit.com

NimbusBase/jellyreader                     271
RSS reader

timcreative/material-kit                   270
A Badass Bootstrap UI Kit based on Material Design

xyl0n/iris                                 270
A simple, flat and bold Gtk theme.

dkwingsmt/haha                             269

nopr/sassdown                              268
Generates styleguides from Markdown comments in CSS, SASS and LESS files using Handlebars

chrismccord/labrador                       267
A loyal data retriever for your Rails development databases.

gsvineeth/rwdgrid                          266
Responsive Grid System for your Next Project /  1200px to Mobile

icco/Resume                                266
A markdown port of my resume

AdamMarsden/Crumpet                        265
Crumpet is a deliciously simple SASS/SCSS responsive framework that keeps  your HTML clean & stays out of your way.

derekeder/FusionTable-Map-Template         265
:earth_americas: Searchable Map Template using Google Maps and Fusion Tables

alexcican/lab                              264
Various coding experiments and demos

noiseprotocol/noise_spec                   263
Noise Specification

chris-pearce/scally                        262
Scally is a Sass-based, BEM, OOCSS, responsive-ready, CSS framework that provides you with a solid foundation for building reusable UI's quickly

codrops/PerspectivePageViewNavigation      262
Some effects for a perspective page view navigation where the page itself gets pushed away in 3D to reveal a menu or other items.

madmalik/mononoki                          262
a programming typeface

marvin1023/sassCore                        262
一份基础的scss库,包括常用reset, mixin, grids, typo, css3, media queries等多个文件,是你sass开发的必备库

BlessCSS/bless                             262
CSS Post-Processor

gnome-design-team/gnome-mockups            261

ireade/formhack                            261
A hackable css form reset

swanson/lagom                              260
A Jekyll blog theme with just the right amount of style

kkortes/leaf                               260
Google Material Design Theme

theicfire/makefiletutorial                 260
Learn make by example

kaelig/hidpi                               259
Serve high resolution graphics to high density (Retina-like) displays with Sass.

jenkins-contrib-themes/jenkins-neo-theme   259
A modern flat theme for Jenkins

Farata/EnterpriseWebBook                   259
This is repo of the O'Reilly's «Enterprise Web Development. From Desktop to Mobile» book

nathansmith/jQuery-Desktop                 258
JavaScript desktop environment built with jQuery + HTML5.

wycks/WP-Skeleton-Theme                    258
A responsive WordPress bare-bones theme based on the getskeleton framework

kerphi/phpfreechat                         258
phpfreechat is a simple web based chat

sgraham/gamepad.js                         257
Gamepad access in browsers via Gamepad API

dfcb/extra-strength-responsive-grids       257
A Fluid CSS Grid System for Responsive Web Design The Fluid CSS Grid System for Responsive Web Design. Take total control of your layouts.

Azure/SONiC                                257
Landing page for Sonic for Open Networking in the Cloud - http://azure.github.io/SONiC/

stephenmcd/drum                            257
Reddit / Hacker News clone for Mezzanine

rckclmbr/pyportify                         257
App to transfer your spotify playlists to Google Play Music

idibidiart/AllSeeingEye                    256
Google Chrome Extension. Record All Browsing in Screenshots & Full Text. Search For Anything At Any Time. Never Forget Where You Read Something. Saves Everything To Your Machine, Not the Cloud, So Your Web History Stays With You.

SaraSoueidan/css-shapes-layouts            256
Non-rectangular Layouts with CSS Shapes

alexanderGugel/papier                      256
:paperclip: Just another CSS framework

mjhea0/flask-boilerplate                   254
Boilerplate template for a Python Flask application with Flask-SQLAlchemy, Flask-WTF, Fabric, Coverage, and Bootstrap

popcorn-time/popcorn-time.github.io        254
Site for getpopcornti.me

mdo/github-wide                            254
Userstyle for making all of GitHub completely fluid.

ksylvest/jquery-growl                      253
Growler is a jQuery plugin designed to provide informative messages in the browser.

lolmaus/breakpoint-slicer                  253
A very quick and efficient syntax for Breakpoint

amail/Verimail.js                          253
Javascript e-mail validation and verification! Prevent emails that bounce due to typos, invalid domain, aso. Has jQuery support!

epibook/epibook.github.io                  253
Publishes to Github Pages

juthilo/run-jekyll-on-windows              252
Learn how to run Jekyll, the blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby on Windows.

tomsansome/data-img-jquery                 251
Small plugin to deal with responsive image delivery. Think responsive.io minus the cdn.

ezekg/flint                                251
Flint is a highly advanced Sass grid framework designed for rapid responsive development.

newaeonweb/responsiveboilerplate           251
A lightweight (2kb) micro-library, elegant & minimalistic CSS3 grid system, made with only three main classes and 12 columns. It`s very easy to use and understand, pre-packed with some extra css helpers for mobile devices.

getjump/ru-php-the-right-way               251
PHP: Правильный Путь это легкочитаемое, быстрое руководство по лучшим практикам PHP, поддерживающее стандарты написания кода и содержащее ссылки на авторитетные руководства в Интернете.

levito/tt-rss-feedly-theme                 251
Feedly theme for Tiny Tiny RSS 1.8+

keaplogik/Bootstrap-Clean-Dashboard-Theme  251
Bootstrap theme with demo and additional UI components not included in the bootstrap packaging. Fixed footer, admin panels, shadow box and more.

FontFaceKit/open-sans                      251
Open Sans @font-face kit

AdamBrodzinski/Retina-Sprites-for-Compass  250
A mixin for creating retina sprites with hover & active states

codrops/AnimatedBorderMenus                250
A tutorial on how to create a off-canvas icon navigation with an animated border effect.

lucaslew/whitespace                        250
Minimal white theme for Octopress

tholman/overscroll                         249
Javascript for adding small easter eggs when over scrolling on apple devices.

thx/cube                                   248

rmcgibbo/slidedeck                         248
Beautiful HTML5 slides in markdown. A easy-to-use fork of the google-io-2012 slide deck

leancloud/docs                             248
LeanCloud Documentation

hackdaymanifesto/hackdaymanifesto.github.com 247
The Hackday Manifesto

bobuk/addmeto.cc                           247

mekwall/obsidian-color-scheme              246
A dark color scheme for code editors and highlighters

murtaugh/sticky-pagination-fixer           245
Does your site have a sticky header? You should use this script to fix keyboard-based pagination events.

l0rdn1kk0n/wicket-bootstrap                245
Apache Wicket components for Twitter Bootstrap - Wicket-Bootstrap is based on Twitter's toolkit (bootstrap) and the Apache Wicket Framework.

digisavvy/some-like-it-neat                245
A WordPress Theme Using _s, Bourbon + Neat and Theme Hook Alliance

heroku/identity                            245
Login and OAuth management service for Heroku

t3framework/t3                             244
T3 Framework - (Core Plugin & Blank Template)

gnome-integration-team/firefox-gnome       244
GNOME 3 theme for Firefox (previously known as Adwaita)

walkor/web-msg-sender                      243
Web message pusher  written in PHP based on workerman.

orderedlist/octoscreen                     243
An OS X screensaver with octicons

jgrenon/angular-desktop-app                243
This is a simple application skeleton to create desktop application using AngularJS. This application is using node-webkit as our desktop host, bower to install client-side libraries as well as normal npm modules as supported by node-webkit.

at-import/SassyLists                       243

briangonzalez/codrops-medium-style-page-transitions 242
The repository for this article: http://tympanus.net/codrops/2013/10/30/medium-style-page-transition/

codrops/CircularProgressButton             242
Implementation of Colin Garvin's [submit button concept](http://dribbble.com/shots/1426764-Submit-Button)

jimweirich/wyriki                          242
Experimental Rails application to explore decoupling app logic from Rails.

JohnAlbin/zen-grids                        242
A Sass module to build responsive grid systems

BrOrlandi/StarWarsIntroCreator             242
Create your own Star Wars intro.

pathable/supermodel                        241
Supermodel - Minimal Model Tracking for Backbonejs

documentcloud/pixel-ping                   241
A Minimalist Pixel Tracker for Node.js

yamlcss/yaml                               241
YAML (Yet Another Multicolumn Layout) is a modular CSS framework for truly flexible, accessible and responsive websites. It is based on Sass and has a very slim framework core that weights only ~6kB.

free-time/free-time.github.io              241
:movie_camera: Palestra para desenvolvedores

domenic/html-as-custom-elements            241
HTML as Custom Elements

leifos/tango_with_django                   241
How to Tango With Django

wwsun/ife-tutorial                         240
Front-end tutorials and knowledge points.

scotch/angular-brunch-seed                 240
AngularJS + Brunch

teamfa/angular-toasty                      240
A simple standalone AngularJS module with extensive features that provides growl-style alerts and messages for your app!

krasimir/yez                               240
Chrome extension that acts as terminal and task runner

better-history/chrome-bootstrap            239
Chrome UI bootstrap

tophermade/sprInvoice                      239
A simple, fully responsive, & easy to use static invoice template.

rpocklin/angular-timeline                  239
An Angular.JS directive that generates a responsive, data-driven vertical timeline to tell a story,  show history or describe a sequence of events.

18F/college-choice                         239
College Scorecard

gkoberger/startupnotes                     238
Notes from Y-Combinator's Startup School

BlackrockDigital/startbootstrap-stylish-portfolio 238
A stylish, one page, Bootstrap portfolio theme created by Start Bootstrap

minixalpha/StrayBirds                      238
Blog templates based on GitHub Pages

frankmcsherry/blog                         237
Some notes on things I find interesting and important.

mikepro4/react-signup-form                 237
React signup form 

yearofmoo/ngAnimate-animate.css            236
A driver module to make animate.css work with AngularJS 1.2

edx/ux-pattern-library                     236
The (working) Visual, UI, and Front End Styleguide for edX.

select2/select2-bootstrap-theme            236
A Select2 v4 Theme for Bootstrap 3

davidkpiano/sassdash                       236
The Sass implementation of lodash.

Eiskis/layers-css                          236
A lightweight, unobtrusive and style-agnostic, CSS framework aimed for practical use cases. Comes with a small footprint and zero bullshit.

codrops/NaturalLanguageForm                235
An experimental form that uses natural language instead of the usual form layout. Values are entered using custom input elements.

ttscoff/MarkedCustomStyles                 235

redbrain/vigilant                          233
Application Driven Stats Monitoring

csswizardry/nudge                          232
Warn developers about improper selector usage

divshot/themestrap                         232
A simple starter kit for constructing Twitter Bootstrap 3+ themes.

krasimir/techy                             232
A flat file CMS based on Gulp and AbsurdJS

razvanbalosin/Splitchar.js                 232
Style and design the first, second or both halves of a character

elastic/elasticsearch.github.com           231

pjjanak/chromecast-hello-world             230
A simple Hello World Sender/Receiver for Chromecast

kjhealy/pandoc-templates                   230
Some elementary (xe)tex templates and css files for Pandoc.

google/namebench                           230

Layerful/sassy-flags                       230
Lightweight Sass library to display flags on your site.

AcelisWeaven/arrow-hero                    229
A minimalist game where your goal is to match your inputs with an unstoppable continuous overwelming flow of arrows.

W3cplus/Sass-Resources                     229
Collection best of Sass mixins and function

endor/kettu                                228
Rewrite of the Transmission Web Client with jQuery, Sammy and Mustache

bigfishtv/turret                           228
Turret is a styles and browser behaviour normalisation framework for rapid development of responsive and accessible websites.

sindresorhus/bower-components              228
[DEPRECATED] Site to discover Bower components

freddier/Puls3-America                     227

andjosh/naked-wordpress                    227
Wordpress for designers who don't know Wordpress

juliancwirko/generator-zf5                 226
Yeoman generator for Zurb Foundation 5

mrmrs/nkd                                  225
Template for jekyll project with postcss and browser-sync

Thibaut/Snippets                           225
A collection of UI elements and widgets coded with HTML5, CSS3, and Sass.

codrops/PagePreloadingEffect               225
A simple page preloading animation based on the effect seen on [Fontface Ninja](http://fontface.ninja/)

zurb/bower-foundation                      224
Foundation 5 Bower Package (NOTE: This is automatically generated from TravisCI, no PR's will be accepted)

danielguillan/modernizr-mixin              224
Simple and comprehensive mixin for Modernizr tests in Sass

chef/chef-fundamentals                     223
DEPRECATED: Chef Fundamentals training materials

benhowdle89/Adaptive-Backgrounds           223
A JavaScript plugin for extracting the dominant color from images and applying the color to their parent.

at-import/jacket                           223
Conditional Styles with Sass. Dress you CSS appropriately.

kjbrum/juice                               223
Mixins for Life

lassekongo83/zuki-themes                   222
Themes for GTK, gnome-shell and more.

tista500/Adapta                            222
An adaptive Gtk+ theme based on Material Design Guidelines

winkerVSbecks/angular-pdf-viewer           220
An AngularJS directive to display PDFs

ovdojoey/Juiced                            220
A Flexbox CSS Framework 

matt-harris/outline                        219
The clean & simple framework.

jbt/docker                                 219
Documentation generator

pragmaticly/teahour.fm                     219
Teahour.fm - Chinese Podcast focusing on programming, entrepreneurship and other geeky topics.

nickbalestra/kactus                        219
Cactus's default theme on Jekyll

ellekasai/shiori                           219
A Bootstrap-based Jekyll Theme.

luigiplr/netify-jump                       218
Netify Jump is a software-based system that effectively transforms your computer into a WiFi router and/or repeater.

middleman/middleman-guides                 218
Documentation for Middleman

noahbuscher/N1-Taiga                       217
A clean, Mailbox-inspired theme for Nylas N1

cs109/2014                                 217
Official content for the Fall 2014 Harvard CS109 Data Science course

vol7/shorthand                             217
Shrthnd is a handy tool that converts CSS properties into shorthand, making shorter and more readable stylesheets.

codrops/ElasticSVGElements                 217
Adding elasticity with SVG shape animations for enhanced UI interactions.

marvindanig/ABCD-Animal-Book               216
:baby: Superbook: ABC's for babies!

thoughtbot/foundry                         216
Providing a new generation of vector assets and infinite possibility for the interactive web and mobile applications

KyleAMathews/react-spinkit                 216
A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS for React

freddier/Frontend2-America                 216
Curso de Frontend, 2a generación, clase America

codrops/MorphingSearch                     215
A simple effect idea for a search input that morphs into a fullscreen overlay. The idea is to enlarge the search input and show some relevant content or search results.

kenwheeler/guff                            214
SASS framework for gentlemen

kevinchappell/formBuilder                  214
A jQuery plugin for drag and drop form creation

auth0/lock                                 214
Auth0's signin solution

hermanschaaf/ironzebra                     214
A Go blogging engine

kgv/rust_book_ru                           214
The Rust Programming Language (на русском)

tholman/discreet-twitter-ui                214
A minimal ui/ux concept for twitter buttons allowing hover reveals under an icon.

asyraf9/bootstrap-sidebar                  213
A responsive sidebar plugin for bootstrap 3. if your menus are too big to fit into a horizontal menubar, or you need to have a responsive sidebar that is compatible with bootstrap, then this is the plugin for you. 

xhacker/miracle-board                      213
Just another simple and elegant status board / dashboard.

alexgaribay/octoflat                       213
An Octopress theme based off Twitter Bootstrap v2 and Designmodo's Flat-UI

hdni/Phosphene                             213
A flat theme for GNOME 3.10

davidkpiano/sass-svg                       212
Inline SVG for Sass.

CharmanderProject/Themes                   211
Ubuntu Simple and Flat theme

kanthvallampati/IVORY                      211
Simple, Flexible, & Powerful responsive web framework, Makes your web development faster and easier. It takes you all the way from 1200px on down to 320px. 

sahat/instagram-hackhands                  211
Source code for HackHands blog post

awvessel/vessel                            211
Development environment setup automation

Turbo87/sidebar-v2                         211
A responsive sidebar with tabs for Leaflet, OpenLayers, Google Maps, ...

trevanhetzel/barekit                       211
A bare minimum responsive framework

marcorinck/ngStart                         210
skeleton project for new angular.js projects

SU-SWS/open_framework                      210
Open Framework Drupal Theme

winjs/winstrap                             210
The official Bootstrap theme for Microsoft's Modern design language

maxogden/gh-pages-template                 209
free hosting on github! fork this to get a repo with only a gh-pages branch that is easy to edit

makotokw/redmine-theme-gitmike             209
This is github-like theme for Redmine.

shtange/catch-the-egg                      209
Game "Catch The Egg" (JavaScript) | 

csswizardry/beautons                       208
A beautifully simple button toolkit

victor-valencia/bootstrap-iconpicker       208
A simple icon picker

socketubs/leselys                          207
I'm Leselys, your very elegant RSS reader.

touchstonejs/touchstonejs-starter          207
Reference Touchstone App with examples of all UI components

Anthony-Gaudino/jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin 206
I18n support for Jekyll and Octopress

kristerkari/normalize.scss                 206
SCSS version of normalize.css

davidrapson/scss-toolkit                   206

mhausenblas/lambda-architecture.net        205
A repository of information, examples and good practices around the Lambda Architecture

harvesthq/tick                             205
Tick is a JavaScript plugin that makes visualizing dynamically changing numbers a breeze.

ebidel/html5can                            205
My "The Web Can Do That!?" presentation from Google I/O 2012

jreinke/magento-admin-theme                205
Give your Magento Admin a facelift.

nana-4/Flat-Plat                           205
A Material Design-like flat theme for GTK3, GTK2, and GNOME-Shell.

watson-developer-cloud/speech-to-text-nodejs 204
:microphone: Sample Node.js Application for the IBM Watson Speech to Text Service

egrcc/Mango                                204
Mango is a markdown editor for linux, also supports windows and mac osx, powered by NW.js.

Idered/cssParentSelector                   203
CSS4 parent selector based on jQuery

percolatestudio/ground-control             203
A next generation blog, built in Meteor.

andismith/dev-tool-secrets                 203
A site providing a list of secrets for the Browser Developer Tools in Chrome, Firebug, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari.

msys2/msys2.github.io                      202
Web page for MSYS2 one click installer · 

GoalSmashers/css-minification-benchmark    201
A comparison of CSS minifiers for node.js

openplans/Leaflet.AnimatedMarker           201
A Leaflet plugin to animated a Marker along a polyline

jseppi/angular-dropdowns                   201
Simple, standalone dropdown directives for AngularJS.

aidenzou/vue-weui                          201
针对 Vue 框架移植的 We UI 框架的适配,让 mobile开发过程成为一种享受。 Demo:

NervanaSystems/maxas                       201
Assembler for NVIDIA Maxwell architecture

hersonls/djamin                            200
A new style for Django admin

colonizers/colonizers                      200
Based on "The Settlers of Catan" by Klaus Teuber.

chibicode/solo                             199
Solo is a Jekyll theme that supports single-page websites only, but supports them well.

channikhabra/yarr                          199
Yet Another RSS Reader

kudago/smart-app-banner                    198
Lightweight smart app banner with no jquery requirement

nickholub/angular-dashboard-app            198
Dashboard/Widgets functionality with AngularJS

jack7890/mkdown                            198
Beautiful formatting for markdown gists

catc/iGrowl                                197
Growl-like notifications with an emphasis on icons

hczhcz/Flappy-2048                         197
Flappy Bird + 2048

opentok/OpenTokRTC                         197
WebRTC Demo using OpenTok's WebRTC library for video and OpenTok signaling for live chat

seeker89/cozy-pfm                          197
Cozy Personal Finance Manager

Ekito/bootstrap-linkpreview                197
A facebook-like link preview js library using Twitter Bootstrap styling components

dutchcelt/Keep-in-View                     196
Don't allow elements to scroll out of view by having them stick to the top or bottom of a window.

avdi/ppwm                                  195
A site to promote diverse pair-programming

DevTips/Parallax-on-the-Web-DevTips-       195
The code that accompanies the video series on YouTube called "Parallax on the Web" — https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqGj3iMvMa4IyCbhul-PdeiDqmh4ooJzk

sahat/jsrecipes                            195
Source Code for JSRecipes

square/square.github.io                    195
A simple, static portal which outlines our open source offerings.

pbernasconi/ionic-theme-editor             194
A theme editor for Ionic Framework

justinvh/gitpaste                          194
DEPRECATED - GitPaste is a clone of GitHub's Gist.

pasqualevitiello/Tumblr-Style-Cog-Spinners 194
Tumblr-style cog spinners

SteamDatabase/SteamTracking                194
Tracking things, so you don't have to

simpulton/angular-dynamic-templates        193
Illustrates how to use dynamic templates via a directive.

NSHipster/fuckingclangwarnings.com         193
A list of Clang warnings and their descriptions.

Jacse/themes-for-brackets                  192
Popular themepack for Brackets. Before official theme support, this extension also added that feature

jillix/url.js                              192
:page_with_curl: A lightweight JavaScript library to manipulate the page url.

rstudio/shinydashboard                     191
Shiny Dashboarding framework

waynezhang/blog                            191
just another blog

naveenshaji/material                       191
An HTML5 responsive template incorporating Google's Material Design Standards along with Jekyll -- Work in Progress --

mankindsoftware/angular-isotope            190
AngularJS directives to easily work with JQuery Isotope.

homerjam/angular-ui-router-anim-in-out     190
An animation directive to use with ngAnimate 1.2+ and ui-router

UlricQin/falcon-eye                        189
linux monitor tool. an agent running on your host collect and display performance data. just like https://github.com/afaqurk/linux-dash

bitmanic/rem                               189
rem() is a Sass mixin that converts pixel values to rem values for whatever property is passed to it.

djds4rce/angular-socialshare               189
social share buttons for angularjs

vatesfr/xo                                 188
Xen Orchestra: The web interface for XenServer or XAPI

frontdevde/mnml-devtools-theme             188
A not so minimal theme for the Chrome Developer Tools.

codepo8/CSS3-Rainbow-Dividers              187
No longer must your rainbow dividers be images slowing down your computer! Make them hardware accelerated!

NervanaSystems/nervanagpu                  187
Nervana™ library for GPUs

wpsitecare/compass                         187

nfriend/inspirograph                       186
A digital Spirograph, written in TypeScript.

miclle/WALL-E                              186
WELL·E Robot. A Raspberry Pi, Arduino Robot, Using Ruby control.

hzlzh/Mou-Theme                            186
GitHub ReadMe style for MarkDown editors like Mou.

bigcommerce/sass-style-guide               186

mescon/Muximux                             186
A lightweight way to manage your HTPC

jaraen/Ti.UX.Templates                     185
The Titanium UX Templates Gallery

watson-developer-cloud/tone-analyzer-nodejs 185
Sample Node.js Application for the IBM Tone Analyzer Service

theleagueof/league-spartan                 185
A fantastic new revival of ATF's classic Spartan, a geometric sans-serif that has no problem kicking its enemies in the chest.

moovweb/harlem_shaker                      184

jhfrench/bootstrap-tree                    184
JavaScript and LESS/CSS for creating Bootstrap-themed trees (to display hierarchical data).

groovydev/twitter-bootstrap-grails-plugin  183
Grails plugin for Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework resources

kachayev/talks                             183
Talks and materials from different conferences, meetings etc

ryrych/rcarousel                           183
yet another jQuery UI carousel

thierryk/ez-css                            183
Create complex layouts with ez-css, a light, easy to use, CSS framework.

gnijuohz/geeksforgeeks-as-books            183
Epub, mobi, docx, pdf books generated from geeksforgeeks.org

wildhaber/nativeDroid2                     183
nativeDroid2 is a jQueryMobile Template inspired by Material Design

micaeloliveira/physics-sandbox             183
This repo contains simple physics simulations

takien/jPushMenu                           182
Various slide menu

reactionic/reactionic                      182
React Ionic

st4ple/solid-jekyll                        182
A Jekyll port of the Solid theme (by blacktie.co). 

ffoodd/a11y.css                            182
This CSS file intends to warn developers about possible risks and mistakes that exist in HTML code. It can also be used to roughly evaluate a site's quality by simply including it as an external stylesheet.

RealFaviconGenerator/realfavicongenerator  181
Generate favicon for all major platforms

spring-by-example/spring-by-example        181
Spring by Example Repository, see http://springbyexample.org/ for documentation.

hexojs/hexo-theme-light                    181
Default theme for Hexo

babel/babel.github.io                      181
:globe_with_meridians: The Babel documentation website

unbalancedparentheses/spawnedshelter       181
:blue_book: Erlang Spawned Shelter. A collection of the best articles, videos and presentations related to Erlang

googlesamples/gcm-playground               181

lockys/awesome-search                      181
:eyeglasses: Quick Access of the awesome lists.