Vim Github Star Ranking at 2016/05/08

neovim/neovim                              18592
Vim-fork focused on extensibility and agility.

mathiasbynens/dotfiles                     14151
:wrench: .files, including ~/.osx — sensible hacker defaults for OS X

VundleVim/Vundle.vim                       11475
Vundle, the plug-in manager for Vim

altercation/solarized                      9308
precision color scheme for multiple applications (terminal, vim, etc.) with both dark/light modes

spf13/spf13-vim                            7989
The ultimate vim distribution

tpope/vim-pathogen                         7778
pathogen.vim: manage your runtimepath

vim-airline/vim-airline                    7331
lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air

tpope/vim-fugitive                         6873
fugitive.vim: a Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal

carlhuda/janus                             6806
Vim distribution

scrooloose/syntastic                       6563
Syntax checking hacks for vim

scrooloose/nerdtree                        6235
A tree explorer plugin for vim.

amix/vimrc                                 5722
The ultimate Vim configuration: vimrc

kien/ctrlp.vim                             5217
Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder.

jbranchaud/til                             4896
:memo: Today I Learned

fatih/vim-go                               4736
Go development plugin for Vim

mhinz/vim-galore                           4648
All things Vim and Neovim!

terryma/vim-multiple-cursors               4385
True Sublime Text style multiple selections for Vim

junegunn/vim-plug                          4379
:hibiscus: Minimalist Vim Plugin Manager

altercation/vim-colors-solarized           3831
precision colorscheme for the vim text editor

tpope/vim-surround                         3648
surround.vim: quoting/parenthesizing made simple

airblade/vim-gitgutter                     3558
A Vim plugin which shows a git diff in the gutter (sign column) and stages/undoes hunks.

mattn/emmet-vim                            3153
emmet for vim:

tpope/vim-rails                            3151
rails.vim: Ruby on Rails power tools

yangyangwithgnu/use_vim_as_ide             2986
use vim as IDE

thinkpixellab/flatland                     2743
Flatland is a simple theme and accompanying color scheme for Sublime Text 2.

Lokaltog/vim-powerline                     2697
The ultimate vim statusline utility. DEPRECATED in favor of Lokaltog/powerline.

wklken/k-vim                               2578

easymotion/vim-easymotion                  2466
Vim motions on speed!

majutsushi/tagbar                          2346
Vim plugin that displays tags in a window, ordered by scope

davidhalter/jedi-vim                       2322
Using the jedi autocompletion library for VIM.

Shougo/unite.vim                           2290
:dragon: Unite and create user interfaces

msanders/snipmate.vim                      2103
snipMate.vim aims to be a concise vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim. 

paulirish/dotfiles                         2054
paul's shell, git, etc config files. also homebrew, migration setup. good stuff. 

FredKSchott/CoVim                          1970
Collaborative Editing for Vim

ryanb/dotfiles                             1942
config files for zsh, bash, completions, gem, git, irb, rails

Shougo/neobundle.vim                       1920
Next generation Vim package manager

scrooloose/nerdcommenter                   1883
Vim plugin for intensely orgasmic commenting

ma6174/vim                                 1802

ervandew/supertab                          1793
Perform all your vim insert mode completions with Tab

tomasr/molokai                             1783
Molokai color scheme for Vim

tpope/vim-sensible                         1739
sensible.vim: Defaults everyone can agree on

Shougo/neocomplcache.vim                   1693
Ultimate auto-completion system for Vim.

kchmck/vim-coffee-script                   1683
CoffeeScript support for vim

plasticboy/vim-markdown                    1666
Markdown Vim Mode

Shougo/neocomplete.vim                     1664
Next generation completion framework after neocomplcache

pangloss/vim-javascript                    1629
Vastly improved Javascript indentation and syntax support in Vim.

morhetz/gruvbox                            1600
Retro groove color scheme for Vim

itchyny/lightline.vim                      1581
A light and configurable statusline/tabline for Vim

mileszs/ack.vim                            1513
Vim plugin for the Perl module / CLI script 'ack'

nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides            1481
A Vim plugin for visually displaying indent levels in code

vim-ruby/vim-ruby                          1439
Vim/Ruby Configuration Files

tpope/vim-dispatch                         1349
dispatch.vim: asynchronous build and test dispatcher

flazz/vim-colorschemes                     1339
one colorscheme pack to rule them all!

godlygeek/tabular                          1324
Vim script for text filtering and alignment

suan/vim-instant-markdown                  1299
Instant Markdown previews from VIm!

mhinz/vim-startify                         1257
The fancy start screen for Vim.

jez/vim-as-an-ide                          1249
Workshop on how to use Vim Plugins.

junegunn/vim-easy-align                    1232
:sunflower: A Vim alignment plugin

humiaozuzu/dot-vimrc                       1205
Maple's vim config files

mattn/gist-vim                             1205
vimscript for gist

benmills/vimux                             1159
vim plugin to interact with tmux

tpope/vim-unimpaired                       1141
unimpaired.vim: pairs of handy bracket mappings

christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator             1140
Seamless navigation between tmux panes and vim splits

tpope/vim-commentary                       1100
commentary.vim: comment stuff out

tpope/vim-fireplace                        1065
fireplace.vim: Clojure REPL support

Yggdroot/indentLine                        1031
A vim plugin to display the indention levels with thin vertical lines

Raimondi/delimitMate                       1021
Vim plugin, provides insert mode auto-completion for quotes, parens, brackets, etc.

junegunn/goyo.vim                          976
:tulip: Distraction-free writing in Vim

cowboy/dotfiles                            972
My OS X / Ubuntu dotfiles.

sjl/gundo.vim                              932
A git mirror of gundo.vim

nanotech/jellybeans.vim                    911
A colorful, dark color scheme for Vim.

mhinz/vim-signify                          893
Show a diff via Vim sign column.

w0ng/vim-hybrid                            887
A dark color scheme for Vim & gVim

fholgado/minibufexpl.vim                   841
Elegant buffer explorer - takes very little screen space

jistr/vim-nerdtree-tabs                    812
NERDTree and tabs together in Vim, painlessly

ryanoasis/vim-devicons                     812
:symbols: adds font icons (glyphs ★♨☢) to programming languages, libraries, and web developer filetypes for: NERDTree, powerline, vim-airline, ctrlp, unite, lightline.vim, vim-startify, vimfiler, and flagship

tpope/vim-repeat                           809
repeat.vim: enable repeating supported plugin maps with "."

Shougo/vimshell.vim                        804
:shell: Powerful shell implemented by vim.

vim-ctrlspace/vim-ctrlspace                801
Vim Space Controller

hukl/Smyck-Color-Scheme                    796
Color Scheme for, iTerm2, Vim, MacVim, Sublime Text2 and Textmate

chriskempson/base16-vim                    760
Base16 for Vim

tpope/vim-abolish                          755
abolish.vim: easily search for, substitute, and abbreviate multiple variants of a word

vgod/vimrc                                 754
vgod's vimrc

jiangmiao/auto-pairs                       754
Vim plugin, insert or delete brackets, parens, quotes in pair

derekwyatt/vim-scala                       745
My work on integration of Scala into Vim - not a ton here, but useful for me.

vimwiki/vimwiki                            737
Personal Wiki for Vim

tpope/vim-markdown                         734
Vim Markdown runtime files

tpope/vim-vinegar                          708
vinegar.vim: combine with netrw to create a delicious salad dressing

benekastah/neomake                         703
A plugin for asynchronous :make using Neovim's job-control functionality

itchyny/calendar.vim                       702
A calendar application for Vim

gf3/dotfiles                               689
My dotfiles

sheerun/vim-polyglot                       680
A solid language pack for Vim.

xolox/vim-notes                            679
Easy note taking in Vim

edkolev/tmuxline.vim                       679
Simple tmux statusline generator with support for powerline symbols and statusline / airline / lightline integration

othree/html5.vim                           668
HTML5 omnicomplete and syntax

OmniSharp/omnisharp-vim                    651
Vim omnicompletion (intellisense) and more for c#

myusuf3/numbers.vim                        650
numbers.vim is a vim plugin for better line numbers

begriffs/haskell-vim-now                   649
One-line Haskell Vim install

justinmk/vim-sneak                         649
The missing motion for Vim :athletic_shoe:

fisadev/fisa-vim-config                    646
my vim configuration (lot of python, autocompletition, fuzzy finder, debugger, ...)

xolox/vim-easytags                         642
Automated tag file generation and syntax highlighting of tags in Vim

Shougo/vimproc.vim                         637
Interactive command execution in Vim.

tomtom/tcomment_vim                        636
An extensible & universal comment vim-plugin that also handles embedded filetypes

scrooloose/vimfiles                        630
The ~/.vim directory that we share at work

gregsexton/gitv                            623
gitk for Vim.

wellle/targets.vim                         623
Vim plugin that provides additional text objects

kien/rainbow_parentheses.vim               600
Better Rainbow Parentheses

sjl/badwolf                                597
A Vim color scheme.

rizzatti/dash.vim                          597
Search from Vim

motemen/git-vim                            591
My vim files for Git

altercation/            590
website source (hakyll, pandoc markdown)

mxw/vim-jsx                                587
React JSX syntax highlighting and indenting for vim.

digitaltoad/vim-pug                        585
Vim Pug (formerly Jade) template engine syntax highlighting and indention

tpope/timl                                 581
Clojure like language which compiles down to VimL

groenewege/vim-less                        568
vim syntax for LESS (dynamic CSS)

rtomayko/dotfiles                          567

zaiste/vimified                            560
Kick-ass Vim configuration framework.

skammer/vim-css-color                      559
Highlight colors in css files

tpope/vim-haml                             557
Vim runtime files for Haml, Sass, and SCSS

xolox/vim-session                          553
Extended session management for Vim (:mksession on steroids)

wsdjeg/DotFiles                            553
Archlinux Dotfiles,(vim,i3,irssi,weechat etc.)

Shougo/neosnippet.vim                      551
neo-snippet plugin contains neocomplcache snippets source

spolu/dwm.vim                              551
Tiled Window Management for Vim

terryma/vim-expand-region                  546
Vim plugin that allows you to visually select increasingly larger regions of text using the same key combination.

scrooloose/snipmate-snippets               541
A collection of snippets for snipmate

junegunn/limelight.vim                     540
:flashlight: All the world's indeed a stage and we are merely players

nvie/vim-flake8                            540
Flake8 plugin for Vim

jelera/vim-javascript-syntax               527
Enhanced javascript syntax file for Vim

Chiel92/vim-autoformat                     527
Provide easy code formatting in Vim by integrating existing code formatters.

whatyouhide/vim-gotham                     524
Code never sleeps in Gotham City.

astrails/dotvim                            522
An attempt at The Ultimate Vim Configuration™ with focus on Rails development.

jpalardy/vim-slime                         520
A vim plugin to give you some slime. (Emacs)

MarcWeber/vim-addon-manager                502
manage and install vim plugins (including their dependencies) in a sane way. If you have any trouble contact me. Usually I reply within 24 hours

tpope/vim-endwise                          502
endwise.vim: wisely add "end" in ruby, endfunction/endif/more in vim script, etc

hsitz/VimOrganizer                         494
VimOrganizer is partly a clone of Emacs' Org-mode, and partly a front end to Org-mode itself.  Do Org in Vim.

kshenoy/vim-signature                      494
Plugin to toggle, display and navigate marks

mbbill/undotree                            494
The ultimate undo history visualizer for VIM

maksimr/vim-jsbeautify                     494
vim plugin which formated javascript files by js-beautify

kana/vim-textobj-user                      493
Vim plugin: Create your own text objects

haya14busa/incsearch.vim                   493
:flashlight: Improved incremental searching for Vim

sickill/vim-monokai                        493
Monokai color scheme for Vim converted with from Textmate theme with the same name.

tpope/vim-eunuch                           488
eunuch.vim: helpers for UNIX

thoughtstream/Damian-Conway-s-Vim-Setup    488
Snapshots of my Vim setup. Open source, but utterly unsupported...and probably dangerous.

junegunn/seoul256.vim                      485
:deciduous_tree: Low-contrast Vim color scheme based on Seoul Colors

mutewinter/dot_vim                         481
The Vim Configuration of Champions. Uses Vundle to manage roughly four thousand plugins.

Shougo/vimfiler.vim                        476
:file_folder: Powerful file explorer implemented by Vim script

elixir-lang/vim-elixir                     476
Vim configuration files for Elixir

nicknisi/dotfiles                          473
vim, zsh, git, homebrew, nvm, nginx, neovim - my whole world

esneider/YUNOcommit.vim                    469
Y U NO commit after so many writes???

AndrewRadev/splitjoin.vim                  466
A vim plugin that simplifies the transition between multiline and single-line code

tpope/vim-sleuth                           466
sleuth.vim: Heuristically set buffer options

chrishunt/dot-files                        461
Dot-files for Mac OS X

thoughtbot/vim-rspec                       455
Run Rspec specs from Vim

jnwhiteh/vim-golang                        452
Github mirror of Go vimscripts, synced with main repository

ecomba/vim-ruby-refactoring                438
Refactoring tool for Ruby in vim!

tpope/vim-obsession                        435
obsession.vim: continuously updated session files

rkitover/vimpager                          435
Use Vim as PAGER

lervag/vimtex                              434
A modern vim plugin for editing LaTeX files.

othree/javascript-libraries-syntax.vim     431
Syntax for JavaScript libraries

exvim/main                                 428
This is the main repository for exVim!

google/vim-maktaba                         421
Consistent Vimscript

astashov/vim-ruby-debugger                 418
Vim plugin for debugging Ruby applications (using ruby-debug-ide gem)

dyng/ctrlsf.vim                            417
An ack.vim alternative mimics Ctrl-Shift-F on Sublime Text 2

goldfeld/vim-seek                          417
Seek makes navigating long lines effortless, acting like f but taking two characters.

mbrochh/vim-as-a-python-ide                406
Example code from my PyCon APAC 2012 talk.

NLKNguyen/papercolor-theme                 404
:art: Light & Dark Vim color schemes inspired by Google's Material Design

rust-lang/rust.vim                         399
Vim configuration for Rust.

Shougo/dein.vim                            398
:zap: Dark powered Vim/Neovim plugin manager

reedes/vim-pencil                          395
Rethinking Vim as a tool for writing

ntpeters/vim-better-whitespace             395
Better whitespace highlighting for Vim

thinca/vim-quickrun                        393
Run commands quickly.

tpope/vim-git                              392
Vim Git runtime files

vim-perl/vim-perl                          388
Support for Perl 5 and Perl 6 in Vim

janko-m/vim-test                           388
Run your tests at the speed of thought

kevinw/pyflakes-vim                        387
on the fly Python checking in Vim with PyFlakes

vim-scripts/taglist.vim                    375
Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc)

dhruvasagar/vim-table-mode                 374
VIM Table Mode for instant table creation.

rodjek/vim-puppet                          374
Puppet niceties for your Vim setup

Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin                365
A plugin of NERDTree showing git status

derekwyatt/vim-config                      360
My Vim configuration

Townk/vim-autoclose                        358
This plugin for Vim enable an auto-close chars feature for you. For instance if you type an '(', ``autoclose`` will automatically insert a ')' and put the cursor between than.

hail2u/vim-css3-syntax                     358
Add CSS3 syntax support to vim's built-in `syntax/css.vim`.

bling/dotvim                               357
lean & mean vim distribution

shawncplus/phpcomplete.vim                 356
Improved PHP omnicompletion

junegunn/fzf.vim                           351
fzf :heart: vim

nvie/vimrc                                 349
My personal Vim configuration, with a lot of love put into it.

eagletmt/ghcmod-vim                        348
Happy Haskell programming on Vim, powered by ghc-mod

toyamarinyon/vim-swift                     346
Adds Swift support to vim. It covers syntax, intenting, and more.

osyo-manga/vim-over                        345
:substitute preview

edkolev/promptline.vim                     341
Generate a fast shell prompt with powerline symbols and airline colors

jaxbot/github-issues.vim                   339
Github issue lookup in Vim

jnurmine/Zenburn                           339
Zenburn is a low-contrast color scheme for Vim.

wikitopian/hardmode                        333
Vim: Hard Mode

guns/vim-clojure-static                    331
Meikel Brandmeyer's excellent Clojure runtime files

mattn/webapi-vim                           328
vim interface to Web API

tpope/vim-speeddating                      327
speeddating.vim: use CTRL-A/CTRL-X to increment dates, times, and more

chase/vim-ansible-yaml                     319
Add additional support for Ansible in VIM

kaochenlong/eddie-vim                      315
Yet another vimrc

jasonlong/lavalamp                         315
A text editor theme that visually differentiates languages.

keith/swift.vim                            314
Vim runtime files for Swift

mikewest/vimroom                           312
Simulating a vaguely WriteRoom-like environment in Vim.

jmcantrell/vim-virtualenv                  306
Vim plugin for working with python virtualenvs

sindresorhus/focus                         305
Code editor color theme that lets you focus on the content. Available for Sublime Text, Atom, TextMate, Vim, Chocolat, and more...

vimoutliner/vimoutliner                    304
Work fast, think well.

tpope/vim-projectionist                    295
projectionist.vim: project configuration

leafgarland/typescript-vim                 294
Typescript syntax files for Vim

tpope/vim-cucumber                         293
Vim Cucumber runtime files

guns/vim-sexp                              293
Precision Editing for S-expressions

wting/rust.vim                             291
Vim support for Rust file detection and syntax highlighting.

gcmt/wildfire.vim                          290
Smart selection of the closest text object

dag/vim2hs                                 290
vim2hs :: Vim -&gt: Haskell

tommcdo/vim-exchange                       281
Easy text exchange operator for Vim

chrisbra/csv.vim                           280
A Filetype plugin for csv files

nelstrom/dotfiles                          280
My dotfiles. Mainly customisations for Vim and Bash.

tpope/tpope                                279
tpope's dotfiles. here be dragons

kana/vim-smartinput                        278
Vim plugin: Provide smart input assistant

chrisbra/NrrwRgn                           278
A Narrow Region Plugin for vim (like Emacs Narrow Region)

ekalinin/Dockerfile.vim                    278
Vim syntax file & snippets for Docker's Dockerfile

tpope/vim-bundler                          276
bundler.vim: Lightweight support for Ruby's Bundler

twerth/dotfiles                            275

jamessan/vim-gnupg                         274
This script implements transparent editing of gpg encrypted files. The filename must have a ".gpg", ".pgp" or ".asc" suffix. When opening such a file the content is decrypted, when opening a new file the script will ask for the recipients of the encrypted file. The file content will be encrypted to all recipients before it is written. The script turns off viminfo, swapfile, and undofile to increase security. 

luochen1990/rainbow                        273
rainbow parentheses improved, shorter code, no level limit, smooth and fast, powerful configuration.

Rykka/riv.vim                              273
Take Notes in rst.

kassio/neoterm                             270
Wrapper of some neovim's :terminal functions.

sjl/dotfiles                               270
A git mirror of my dotfiles (.vimrc, .zshrc, .hgrc, etc).  Note: this won't work on its own because the real repo uses Mercurial's subrepos.  Look at .hgsub and .hgsubstate for what you'll need to get.

vim-scripts/YankRing.vim                   270
Maintains a history of previous yanks, changes and deletes

airblade/vim-rooter                        270
Changes Vim working directory to project root (identified by presence of known directory or file).

svermeulen/vim-easyclip                    268
Simplified clipboard functionality for Vim

bling/vim-bufferline                       263
super simple vim plugin to show the list of buffers in the command bar

ludovicchabant/vim-gutentags               260
A Vim plugin that manages your tag files

mustache/vim-mustache-handlebars           259
mustache and handlebars mode for vim

junegunn/vim-github-dashboard              257
:octocat: Browse GitHub events in Vim

reedes/vim-wordy                           256
Uncover usage problems in your writing

slim-template/vim-slim                     256
Syntax highlighting for VIM

kepbod/ivim                                255
I love Vim, and I also love modifying it to be more convenient and efficient. So I name it "ivim"! Welcome to contribute to ivim.

nelstrom/vim-textobj-rubyblock             254
A custom text object for selecting ruby blocks.

mislav/vimfiles                            253
vim configuration – Ruby, Rails, Markdown, SCSS, CoffeeScript

sd65/MiniVim                               253
My way to see Vim.

jeetsukumaran/vim-buffergator              251
Vim plugin to list, select and switch between buffers.

tlhunter/vimrc                             251
VimL: Opinionated VIM Configuration

vim-scripts/dbext.vim                      250
Provides database access to many dbms (Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft, MySQL, DBI,..)

eagletmt/neco-ghc                          249
A completion plugin for Haskell, using ghc-mod

liangxianzhe/oh-my-vim                     247
Awesome vim config for everyone.

davidoc/taskpaper.vim                      246
This package contains a syntax file and a file-type plugin for the simple format used by the TaskPaper application. 

wavded/vim-stylus                          244
Syntax Highlighting for Stylus

mattn/flappyvird-vim                       243

jreybert/vimagit                           242
A new way to use git within vim

mrtazz/simplenote.vim                      242
vim plugin to interact with the simplenote service

tweekmonster/braceless.vim                 241
:snake: Text objects, folding, and more for Python and other indented languages.

rhysd/clever-f.vim                         237
Extended f, F, t and T key mappings for Vim.

mitsuhiko/dotfiles                         237
My dotfiles (vim / bash etc.)

octol/vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight           236
Additional Vim syntax highlighting for C++ (including C++11/14)

spf13/PIV                                  236
PHP Integration environment for Vim

unblevable/quick-scope                     236
Lightning fast left-right movement in Vim

dylanaraps/dotfiles                        235
My dotfiles

aam1r/sachet                               233
Handcraft your development environment

grigio/vim-sublime                         233
A ready to use minimal Vim (Sublime Text -like) .vimrc configuration

sickill/vim-pasta                          233
Pasting in Vim with indentation adjusted to destination context

sjl/vitality.vim                           233
Make Vim play nicely with iTerm 2 and tmux.

google/vim-codefmt                         232

jordwalke/VimBox                           232
Simple, Modern MacVim Configuration

jferris/config_files                       229
My config files (aka dotfiles)

gabrielelana/vim-markdown                  227
Markdown for Vim: a complete environment to create Markdown files with a syntax highlight that don't sucks!

szw/vim-tags                               227
Ctags generator for Vim

tpope/vim-ragtag                           227
ragtag.vim: ghetto HTML/XML mappings (formerly allml.vim)

vim-jp/vital.vim                           226
A comprehensive Vim utility functions for Vim plugins

reedes/vim-colors-pencil                   225
Light (& dark) color scheme inspired by iA Writer

tpope/vim-vividchalk                       224
vividchalk.vim: a colorscheme strangely reminiscent of Vibrant Ink for a certain OS X editor

jamis/fuzzyfinder_textmate                 223
A vim script that extends the fuzzyfinder plugin to support TextMate style file searches (e.g. cmd-T) (Unmaintained now, see

tpope/vim-tbone                            223
tbone.vim: tmux basics

durdn/cfg                                  223
dotfiles and related syncing scripts

mattboehm/vim-unstack                      221
Vim plugin for parsing stack traces and opening the files

artur-shaik/vim-javacomplete2              221
Updated javacomplete plugin for vim.

tacahiroy/ctrlp-funky                      221
A simple function navigator for ctrlp.vim

sjbach/lusty                               219
LustyExplorer / LustyJuggler for Vim

joonty/vim-phpqa                           219
PHP QA tools for Vim

hdima/python-syntax                        218
Python syntax highlighting script for Vim

Shutnik/jshint2.vim                        218
Lightweight, customizable and functional Vim plugin for JSHint integration.

gregsexton/MatchTag                        217
Vim's MatchParen for HTML tags

michaeljsmith/vim-indent-object            215
Vim plugin that defines a new text object representing lines of code at the same indent level. Useful for python/vim scripts, etc.

drmingdrmer/xptemplate                     213
Code snippets engine for Vim, with snippets library.  XPTemplate let you write codes in a smooth, quick and comfortable way.

osyo-manga/vim-monster                     212
Ruby code completion.

kristijanhusak/vim-hybrid-material         212
Material color scheme for Vim based on w0ng/vim-hybrid color scheme

neovimhaskell/haskell-vim                  212
Custom Haskell Vimscripts

ehamberg/vim-cute-python                   210
Unicode goodness for Python code by using vim's “conceal” feature

JacksonGariety/toy-chest-theme             210
A color scheme for your text editor that makes coding fun.

junegunn/dotfiles                          210
:house_with_garden: dot files for ubuntu/mac os

rhysd/vim-clang-format                     210
Vim plugin for clang-format, a formatter for C, C++ and Obj-C code

gilgigilgil/anderson.vim                   210
Dark vim colorscheme based on colors from Wes Anderson films

Blackrush/vim-gocode                       209
A Go bundle for Vundle or Pathogen

blindFS/vim-taskwarrior                    209
vim interface for taskwarrior

cypher/dotfiles                            208
My Dotfiles

msanders/cocoa.vim                         208
Vim plugin for Cocoa/Objective-C development. No longer actively developed.

bronson/vim-trailing-whitespace            208
Highlights trailing whitespace in red and provides :FixWhitespace to fix it.

jpo/vim-railscasts-theme                   206
A vim color scheme based on the Railscasts Textmate theme.

noahfrederick/vim-hemisu                   206
A Vim color scheme with dark and light variants

chriskempson/vim-tomorrow-theme            205
Tomorrow Theme for Vim

sukima/xmledit                             205
A filetype plugin for VIM to help edit XML files

romainl/Apprentice                         202
A dark, low-contrast, Vim colorscheme.

vim-scripts/FuzzyFinder                    199
buffer/file/command/tag/etc explorer with fuzzy matching

keith/investigate.vim                      199
A Vim plugin for looking up documentation

zanshin/dotfiles                           199
Vim, zsh, and other configuration files.

joshdick/onedark.vim                       198
A dark Vim colorscheme inspired by Atom's One Dark syntax theme.

int3/vim-extradite                         196
A git commit browser for vim. Extends fugitive.vim.

tpope/vim-jdaddy                           196
jdaddy.vim: JSON manipulation and pretty printing

jaxbot/semantic-highlight.vim              196
Semantic Highlighting for Vim

skalnik/vim-vroom                          196
A vim plugin for running your Ruby tests

strangeloop/clojurewest2012-slides         194
Slides from Clojure/West 2012

alexbooker/dotfiles                        193
:wrench: .files

tpope/vim-scriptease                       193
scriptease.vim: A Vim plugin for Vim plugins

zeis/vim-kolor                             192
Vim color scheme.

guns/xterm-color-table.vim                 191
All 256 xterm colors with their RGB equivalents, right in Vim!

jonathanfilip/vim-lucius                   191
Lucius color scheme for vim

ajh17/Spacegray.vim                        191
A Vim color scheme loosely based on the Spacegray Xcode theme.

mscoutermarsh/dotfiles                     191
my Vim/Tmux config :muscle::zap:

atomantic/dotfiles                         190
Automated Configuration, Preferences and Software Installation for OSX

ConradIrwin/vim-bracketed-paste            190
Handles bracketed-paste-mode in vim (aka. automatic `:set paste`)

chrishunt/color-schemes                    190
Color schemes I've used for an extended period of time and like

nicknisi/vim-workshop                      190

chrisbra/vim-diff-enhanced                 189
Better Diff options for Vim

MattesGroeger/vim-bookmarks                188
Vim bookmark plugin

gorodinskiy/vim-coloresque                 188
css/less/sass/html color preview for vim

junegunn/vim-emoji                         188
:smiley: Emoji in Vim

tpope/vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people 187
vim-sexp mappings for regular people

dgryski/vim-godef                          186
vim plugin providing godef support

xolox/vim-misc                             186
Miscellaneous auto-load Vim scripts

tomasr/dotfiles                            184
My personal dotfiles for vim, powershell, bash and other tools

WolfgangMehner/vim-plugins                 183
Vim plug-ins which offer support for various programming languages.

krisleech/vimfiles                         182
Ruby/Rails centric vimfiles with support for Git, RVM and more.

stephpy/vim-php-cs-fixer                   180
Use fabpot/PHP-CS-Fixer 

tpope/vim-rsi                              180
rsi.vim: Readline style insertion

jeffkreeftmeijer/vim-numbertoggle          179
Toggles between relative and absolute line numbers automatically

tpope/vim-rake                             178
rake.vim: it's like rails.vim without the rails

vim-scripts/VimClojure                     178
A filetype, syntax and indent plugin for Clojure

m2mdas/phpcomplete-extended                178
A fast, extensible, context aware autocomplete plugin for PHP composer projects with code inspection features.

greyblake/vim-preview                      177
Vim plugin for previewing markup files(markdown,rdoc,textile,html)

wellle/tmux-complete.vim                   177
Vim plugin for insert mode completion of words in adjacent tmux panes

bkad/CamelCaseMotion                       176
A vim script to provide CamelCase motion through words (fork of inkarkat's camelcasemotion script)

Shougo/shougo-s-github                     176
Shougo's git repository - vim, zsh, screen, etc...

vim-scripts/vimwiki                        176
Personal Wiki for Vim

freitass/todo.txt-vim                      176
Vim plugin for Todo.txt

ruchee/vimrc                               175
Ruchee's Vim Config Files

miripiruni/vimi                            175
My Vim setup

tommcdo/vim-lion                           175
A simple alignment operator for Vim text editor

walm/jshint.vim                            175
A plugin that integrates JSHint with Vim

ngmy/vim-rubocop                           175
The Vim RuboCop plugin runs RuboCop and displays the results in Vim

matze/vim-move                             174
Plugin to move lines and selections up and down

farazdagi/vim-go-ide                       172
Ready to use, fully configured for Go development.

barretlee/autoconfig-mac-vimrc             172
autoconfig mac vimrc with bundle

jgdavey/vim-turbux                         171
Turbo Ruby testing with tmux

lambdatoast/elm.vim                        169
Vim plugin for the Elm programming language

bpowell/vim-android                        168
Vim plugin to do android development.

Lokaltog/vim-distinguished                 167
A dark vim color scheme for 256-color terminals. Currently unmaintained as I'm primarily using emacs. Emacs version available at

gmarik/vimfiles                            167
My Vim configuration

mhinz/vim-grepper                          166
Helps you win at grep.

zhaocai/GoldenView.Vim                     166
Always have a nice view for vim split windows!

michaeljsmalley/dotfiles                   166
My dotfiles

zefei/vim-colortuner                       165
Adjust your vim colors using sliders

wesQ3/vim-windowswap                       165
Swap your windows without ruining your layout

t9md/vim-choosewin                         165
Land on window you chose like tmux's 'display-pane'

flowtype/vim-flow                          164
A vim plugin for Flow

saltstack/salt-vim                         164
Vim files for editing Salt files

junegunn/gv.vim                            163
A git commit browser

ajh17/VimCompletesMe                       163
You don't Complete Me; Vim Completes Me! A super simple, super minimal, super light-weight tab completion plugin for Vim.

junegunn/vim-peekaboo                      163
:eyes: " / @ / CTRL-R

Quramy/tsuquyomi                           162
A Vim plugin for TypeScript

cohama/lexima.vim                          161
Auto close parentheses and repeat by dot dot dot...

shawncplus/dotfiles                        161
My config files

ervandew/screen                            161
Simulate a split shell in vim using gnu screen or tmux

skyl/vim-config-python-ide                 158
Symlink the .vim dir and the .vimrc file and start kicking ass

embear/vim-localvimrc                      158
Search local vimrc files (".lvimrc") in the tree (root dir up to current dir) and load them.

tpope/vim-flagship                         158
flagship.vim: Configurable and extensible tab line and status line

justmao945/vim-clang                       157
Clang completion plugin for vim

vim-jp/vimdoc-ja                           156
A project which translate Vim documents into Japanese.

mtth/scratch.vim                           156
Unobtrusive scratch window

vim-airline/vim-airline-themes             156
A collection of themes for vim-airline

shime/vim-livedown                         156
Vim plugin for Livedown.

justinmk/vim-dirvish                       156
Directory viewer for Vim :zap:

alfredodeza/pytest.vim                     156
Runs your UnitTests with py.test displaying red/green bars and errors

google/vim-colorscheme-primary             156
Primary, a Vim color scheme based on Google's colors

oscarh/vimerl                              155
A set of erlang plugins for VIM. This is not maintained, better use som modern fork of this!

justinmk/vim-gtfo                          155
Go to Terminal or File manager :point_right:

imcatnoone/toothpaste                      155
Toothpaste is a custom theme for Sublime Text with flavorful colors

L0stSoul/vim-config                        155
Nice vim config for front-end development

raphamorim/lucario                         153
The best flat theme for Vim, Atom, Sublime Text, TextMate,, iTerm, Xcode and XTerm

godlygeek/csapprox                         152
Make gvim-only colorschemes work transparently in terminal vim

thinca/vim-ref                             152
Integrated reference viewer.

Konfekt/FastFold                           151
Speed up Vim by updating folds only when called-for.

ap/vim-buftabline                          151
Forget Vim tabs – now you can have buffer tabs

coderifous/textobj-word-column.vim         150
Adds text-objects for word-based columns in Vim.

kana/vim-vspec                             150
Vim plugin: Testing framework for Vim script

DemonCloud/Aix-Vim                         150
YiJun's Aix-Vim Crazy dotfile ::BOOM!!!

rhysd/committia.vim                        149
A Vim plugin for more pleasant editing on commit messages

gosukiwi/vim-atom-dark                     149
A vim theme inspired by Atom's default dark theme

mmozuras/vim-github-comment                148
Comment commits on GitHub using Vim

wincent/ferret                             148
Enhanced multi-file search for Vim

aperezdc/vim-template                      148
Simple templates plugin for Vim 

robertmeta/nofrils                         148
An extremely minimalist colorscheme, even opting out of the second L in frills

megaannum/vimside                          147
Vim Scala IDE (VimSIde) built upon ENSIME

takac/vim-hardtime                         147
Plugin to help you stop repeating the basic movement keys

dougblack/dotfiles                         146
Config files.

diepm/vim-rest-console                     145
A REST console for Vim.

jdonaldson/vaxe                            144
A modern, modular vim mode for Haxe.

krisajenkins/vim-pipe                      144
Send a vim buffer through a command and instantly see the output.

heavenshell/vim-jsdoc                      144
Generate JSDoc to your JavaScript code.

jlanzarotta/bufexplorer                    143
BufExplorer Plugin for Vim

aaronbieber/vim-quicktask                  142
Quicktask is a lightweight Vim task management plugin.

roman/golden-ratio                         142
Automatic resizing of Vim windows to the golden ratio 

lambdalisue/vim-gita                       142
[Beta] An awesome git handling plugin for Vim

milkbikis/dotfiles-mac                     141
Common customizations for bash, vim, git etc.

romeovs/creep                              140
a pretty sweet 4px wide pixel font.

tyru/open-browser.vim                      138
Open URI with your favorite browser from your most favorite editor

dhruvasagar/vim-dotoo                      138
Org-mode like task logging & time tracking in Vim

vim-scripts/Conque-Shell                   137
Run interactive commands inside a Vim buffer

dart-lang/dart-vim-plugin                  137
Syntax highlighting for Dart in Vim

hsanson/vim-android                        136
Android development plugin for vim

xolox/vim-shell                            136
Improved integration between Vim and its environment (fullscreen, open URL, background command execution)

gorkunov/smartpairs.vim                    135
Fantastic selection for VIM 

freeo/vim-kalisi                           134
The colorscheme with neovim in mind

kien/tabman.vim                            134
Tab management for Vim

bogado/file-line                           134
Plugin for vim to enabling opening a file in a given line

JuliaLang/julia-vim                        133
Vim support for Julia.

lilydjwg/dotvim                            133
My vim config

tmhedberg/SimpylFold                       132
No-BS Python code folding for Vim

jebaum/vim-tmuxify                         132
Vim plugin for handling tmux panes.

moll/vim-bbye                              130
Delete buffers and close files in Vim without closing your windows or messing up your layout. Like Bclose.vim, but rewritten and well maintained.

lukerandall/haskellmode-vim                129
An unpacked copy of the haskellmode vimball. Ping me if it needs updating.

juvenn/mustache.vim                        129
Vim mode for mustache and handlebars (Deprecated)

junegunn/vader.vim                         129
A simple Vimscript test framework

amix/vim-zenroom2                          129
A Vim extension that emulates iA Writer environment when editing Markdown, reStructuredText or text files

vim-scripts/AutoComplPop                   128
Automatically opens popup menu for completions

ciaranm/detectindent                       128
Vim script for automatically detecting indent settings

xuhdev/vim-latex-live-preview              128
A Vim Plugin for Lively Previewing LaTeX PDF Output

tpope/vim-afterimage                       127
afterimage.vim: edit binary files by converting them to text equivalents

lilydjwg/colorizer                         127
A Vim plugin to colorize all text in the form #rrggbb or #rgb.

xmementoit/vim-ide                         127
Convert your VIM text editor into powerful IDE

tpope/vim-characterize                     125
characterize.vim: Unicode character metadata

epeli/slimux                               124
SLIME inspired tmux integration plugin for Vim

reinh/vim-makegreen                        124
MakeGreen runs make and shows a red or green message bar for success/failure. Speeds the red-green-refactor cycle!

gabesoft/vim-ags                           123
Silver searcher plugin for vim 

h1mesuke/unite-outline                     123
outline source for unite.vim

sjl/clam.vim                               122
A lightweight Vim plugin for working with shell commands.

jtratner/vim-flavored-markdown             122

AndrewRadev/linediff.vim                   121
A vim plugin to perform diffs on blocks of code

dkprice/vim-easygrep                       121
Fast and Easy Find and Replace Across Multiple Files

racer-rust/vim-racer                       121
Racer support for Vim

myusuf3/dotfiles                           120
myusuf3's dotfiles

vim-utils/vim-troll-stopper                120
Stop Unicode trolls from messing with your code.

tpope/vim-salve                            120
salve.vim: static support for Leiningen and Boot

KabbAmine/zeavim.vim                       120
Zeal for Vim

arnaud-lb/vim-php-namespace                117
types "use" statements for you

Shougo/neosnippet-snippets                 116
The standard snippets repository for neosnippet

martin-svk/dot-files                       116
Well documented, terminal centric web developer's dot files. Neovim, Zsh, Tmux, Git, etc.

AlessandroYorba/Alduin                     116
A Vim Colorscheme

osyo-manga/vim-watchdogs                   115
Async syntax checking.

Glench/Vim-Jinja2-Syntax                   114
An up-to-date jinja2 syntax file.

timss/vimconf                              114
Extensive vimrc with super easy install and everything in the vimrc is explained!

cocopon/iceberg.vim                        113
A dark blue color scheme for Vim

eevee/rc                                   113
my dotfiles

idanarye/vim-merginal                      113
Fugitive extension to manage and merge Git branches

vim-scripts/a.vim                          112
Alternate Files quickly (.c --&gt: .h etc)

ElmCast/elm-vim                            112
Elm plugin for Vim

cespare/vim-toml                           112
Vim syntax for TOML

vim-scripts/paredit.vim                    110
Paredit Mode: Structured Editing of Lisp S-expressions

osyo-manga/vim-marching                    110
Async clang code completion.

tomtom/tlib_vim                            110
Some utility functions for VIM

evidens/vim-twig                           110
Twig syntax highlighting, snipMate, etc.

pearofducks/ansible-vim                    109
A vim plugin for syntax highlighting Ansible's common filetypes

vim-scripts/ZoomWin                        109
Zoom in/out  of windows (toggle between one window and multi-window)

dag/vim-fish                               109
Vim support for editing fish scripts

natw/keyboard_cat.vim                      108
vim plugin for pretending like you can actually type

canadaduane/VimKata                        108
Deliberate Practice lessons for learning the Vim Editor

ciaranm/inkpot                             108
Inkpot 88/256 Colour Scheme for Vim

endel/vim-github-colorscheme               108
A vim colorscheme based on Github's syntax highlighting.

dsawardekar/wordpress.vim                  107
Vim Plugin for WordPress Development

wlangstroth/vim-racket                     107
vim bundle for Racket, for use with Pathogen

kana/vim-arpeggio                          107
Vim plugin: Mappings for simultaneously pressed keys

blueyed/dotfiles                           106
Config files for zsh, vim, pentadactyl, completions, git.

yuratomo/w3m.vim                           105
w3m plugin for vim

xuhdev/SingleCompile                       105
A Vim plugin making it more convenient to compile or run a single source file.

gabebw/dotfiles                            105
:sparkles: My dotfiles (.vimrc, .zshrc, etc.)

wklken/vim-for-server                      105
.vimrc, simple configures for server, without plugins.

xolox/vim-lua-ftplugin                     105
Lua file type plug-in for the Vim text editor

lfv89/vim-interestingwords                 105
vim-interestingwords allows you to highlight and navigate through (multiple) different words in a buffer

dsawardekar/ember.vim                      104
Vim plugin for the Emberjs frontend framework

tomtom/quickfixsigns_vim                   104
Mark quickfix & location list items with signs

mattn/livestyle-vim                        104
Emmet LiveStyle for Vim

vim-scripts/                    104
extended % matching for HTML, LaTeX, and many other languages

fs111/pydoc.vim                            104
pydoc integration for the best text editor on earth

mhartington/oceanic-next                   104
Oceanic Next theme for neovim

christoomey/dotfiles                       104
My vim, bash, git, and other config files

paradigm/vim-multicursor                   103
Allows Vim to use multiple cursors simultaneously

tobyS/vip                                  103
DEPRECATED - Switch to and instead!

Bogdanp/browser-connect.vim                103
Live browser interaction for VIM.

AndrewRadev/sideways.vim                   103
A Vim plugin to move function arguments (and other delimited-by-something items) left and right.

wesleyche/SrcExpl                          103
A (G)Vim plugin for exploring the source code based on "tags", and it works like the context window of "Source Insight".

bitc/vim-hdevtools                         103
Vim plugin for Haskell development

myhere/vim-nodejs-complete                 102
nodejs 'omnifunc' function of vim

carllerche/vimrc                           102
My vim files (i'm a n00b, don't use these)

hukl/dotfiles                              102
Collection of various config files

tclem/vim-arduino                          102
Compile and Deploy Arduino sketches in Vim

tpope/vim-rvm                              102
rvm.vim: Switch Ruby versions from inside Vim

PProvost/vim-ps1                           102
A Vim plugin for Windows PowerShell support

yodiaditya/vim-pydjango                    102
Ultimate VIM for Python & Django development.

garybernhardt/destroy-all-software-extras  101
Extra material for Destroy All Software Screencasts

vim-scripts/Vim-R-plugin                   101
Plugin to work with R

c9s/perlomni.vim                           101
perl omnicompletion for vim (including base class function compleltions .. etc)

idanarye/vim-vebugger                      100
Yes, we do need another debugger plugin

tsironis/maximum-awesome-squared           100
Config files for vim and tmux.

mhallendal/spacedust-theme                 100
The Spacedust theme for various applications

New-Bamboo/Hermes                          100
An environment for Ruby and JS developers in Darwin

rhysd/vim-crystal                          100
Vim filetype and tools support for Crystal language.

idris-hackers/idris-vim                    99
Idris mode for vim

spiiph/vim-space                           99
space.vim - Smart Space key for Vim

arecarn/crunch.vim                         99
A calculator inside Vim

pivotal/tmux-config                        98
Configuration and tools for tmux. Can be used as a Vim plugin.

tobyS/pdv                                  97
PHP Documentor for VIM - Generates PHP docblocks

chrisbra/Recover.vim                       97
A Plugin to show a diff, whenever recovering a buffer

puppetlabs/puppet-syntax-vim               97
Puppet language syntax highlighting for Vim

tomtom/checksyntax_vim                     97
Check a file's syntax when saving a file (php, ruby, tex ...) with vim

vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc-syntax               97
pandoc markdown syntax, to be installed alongside vim-pandoc

Rykka/colorv.vim                           96
A powerful color tool in vim

ledger/vim-ledger                          96
Vim plugin for Ledger

kana/vim-fakeclip                          96
Vim plugin: Provide pseudo "clipboard" registers

othree/eregex.vim                          96
Perl/Ruby style regexp notation for Vim

isRuslan/vim-es6                           96
List of JavaScript ES6 snippets and syntax highlighting for vim.

PeterRincker/vim-argumentative             95
Argumentative aids with manipulating and moving between function arguments.

terryma/dotfiles                           95

pbrisbin/vim-syntax-shakespeare            95
A set of vim syntax files for highlighting the various Html templating languages in Haskell

dgrnbrg/vim-redl                           95
A better Vim integration story for Clojure

pelodelfuego/vim-swoop                     94

t9md/vim-ruby-xmpfilter                    94
helper for ruby's xmpfilter or seeing_is_believing

vim-latex/vim-latex                        94
Enhanced LaTeX support for Vim

reedes/vim-thematic                        93
Alter Vim's appearance to suit your task & environ

kana/vim-textobj-entire                    93
Vim plugin: Text objects for entire buffer

lambdalisue/vim-gista                      93
An alternative gist.vim, vim plugin which manipulate gists in Vim.

paradigm/TextObjectify                     93
TextObjectify is a Vim plugin which improves text-objects

amiorin/vim-project                        93
lcd to the root of the project everytime you BufEnter a file inside a project.

wincent/terminus                           92
Enhanced terminal integration for Vim

bigfish/vim-js-context-coloring            92
JavaScript Context Coloring in Vim

Netherdrake/Dotfiles                       92
My [NeoVim + Tmux + Fish Shell] Setup

othree/xml.vim                             91
helps editing xml (and [x]html, sgml, xslt) files

mattn/sonictemplate-vim                    91
Easy and high speed coding method

q335r49/microviche                         91
Pan, zoom, and map a 2D text plane (for vim)

gcavallanti/vim-noscrollbar                90
A scrollbar-like widget for the vim statusline

wellle/visual-split.vim                    90
Vim plugin to control splits with visual selections or text objects

haya14busa/vim-operator-flashy             90
:flashlight: Highlight yanked area

PotatoesMaster/i3-vim-syntax               90
Vim syntax for i3 window manager config

krampstudio/webvim                         90
WebVim is a vim based distribution targeting JavaScript and Web development

vim-scripts/Align                          89
Help folks to align text, eqns, declarations, tables, etc

chrisbra/unicode.vim                       89
A Vim plugin that provides a completion function for Unicode glyphs

jwalton512/vim-blade                       89
Vim syntax highlighting for Blade templates.

nelstrom/vim-markdown-folding              89
Fold markdown documents by section.

blueyed/vim-diminactive                    89
Vim plugin to dim inactive windows

Shougo/vinarise.vim                        89
Ultimate hex editing system with Vim

toranb/dotfiles                            88
python and javascript tmux, vim and zsh configuration inspired by the great jarrod taylor

cohama/agit.vim                            88
A powerful Git log viewer

MarcWeber/vim-addon-local-vimrc            88
kiss local vimrc with hash protection

aklt/plantuml-syntax                       87
vim syntax file for plantuml

reedes/vim-lexical                         87
Build on Vim’s spell/thes/dict completion

jackfranklin/dotfiles                      87
My dotfiles for my dev environment, compromising of tmux, vim, zsh and git.

daveray/vimclojure-easy                    86
Setting up VimClojure is easy!

vim-scripts/vim-auto-save                  86
Automatically save changes to disk

notpratheek/vim-luna                       86
Touchdown on Lunar Surface ! :) 

wellbredgrapefruit/vim_config              86
My vim configuration; packaged to be other-user-friendly

tmux-plugins/vim-tmux-focus-events         85
Make terminal vim and tmux work better together.

itchyny/thumbnail.vim                      85
A thumbnail-style buffer selector for Vim

glidenote/memolist.vim                     85
simple memo plugin for Vim.

stefanoverna/vim-i18n                      85
Vim plugin to easily add I18n translations to your Rails project

AlessandroYorba/Sierra                     85
A Vim Colorscheme

chrisbra/Colorizer                         85
color hex codes and color names

colbycheeze/dotfiles                       85
All of my local dotfiles

samsonw/vim-task                           84
vim task plugin

ruanyl/bigvim                              84
Vim configuration

2072/PHP-Indenting-for-VIm                 84
The official VIm indent script for PHP

gelguy/Cmd2.vim                            84
cmdline-mode enhancement for Vim

jeetsukumaran/vim-filebeagle               84
A VINE-spired (Vim Is Not Emacs) file system explorer.

kballard/vim-swift                         84
Swift filetype plugin for Vim

sunaku/vim-unbundle                        83
Fast & lazy loader of Vim scripts (bundles)

vim-utils/vim-man                          83
View and grep man pages in vim

vim-scripts/                83
Buffer Explorer / Browser

vim-scripts/c.vim                          82
C/C++ IDE --  Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc.

jez/vim-superman                           82
Read Unix man pages faster than a speeding bullet!

easwy/share                                82
Easwy's share files

vim-scripts/mru.vim                        82
Plugin to manage Most Recently Used (MRU) files

sunaku/vim-ruby-minitest                   82
Vim highlighting & completion for MiniTest

lukaszkorecki/workflowish                  82
A todo "plugin" for Vim, inspired by

tsaleh/dotfiles                            81
My public dotfiles

jeetsukumaran/vim-indentwise               81
A Vim plugin for indent-level based motion.

danchoi/soywiki                            81
A wiki engine built on top of Vim and Git

mhinz/vim-sayonara                         81
Sane buffer/window deletion.

nicwest/QQ.vim                             81
Vim wrapper over curl for REST exploration

jordwalke/flatlandia                       81
Vim colorscheme based on flatland with Airline integration.

tmux-plugins/vim-tmux                      81
vim plugin for tmux.conf

vimpr/vimperator-colors                    81

vim-scripts/TaskList.vim                   81
Eclipse like task list

cbumgard/nodejs-vagrant                    81

osyo-manga/vim-anzu                        81
Vim search status.

junegunn/vim-oblique                       81
Improved /-search (experimental)

tangledhelix/vim-octopress                 80
Octopress support for Vim

asins/vim                                  80

mswift42/vim-themes                        80
some emacs themes ported to vim.

907th/vim-auto-save                        80
Automatically save changes to disk in Vim

claco/jasmine.vim                          80
Jasmine Plugin for Vim

cofi/dotfiles                              80
My dotfiles

ardagnir/vimbed                            80
A plugin for embedding vim

jdkanani/vim-material-theme                80
Material theme for vim

basyura/TweetVim                           80
twitter client for vim

Olical/vim-enmasse                         80
Edit every file in a quickfix list at the same time

laktek/distraction-free-writing-vim        80
Collection of configurations I use to for my distraction free editing environment in Vim

vim-utils/vim-vertical-move                79
Move 'up' or 'down' without changing the cursor column. Cursor *always* stays in the same column.

beloglazov/vim-online-thesaurus            79
A Vim plugin for looking up words in an online thesaurus

thinca/vim-qfreplace                       79
Perform the replacement in quickfix.

kana/vim-operator-user                     79
Vim plugin: Define your own operator easily

tpope/vim-rhubarb                          79
rhubarb.vim: GitHub extension for fugitive.vim

briancollins/vim-jst                       79
A vim plugin for highlighting and indenting JST/EJS syntax

vim-php/tagbar-phpctags.vim                78
Using phpctags to generate php ctags index for vim plugin tagbar.

dahu/vim-fanfingtastic                     78
Find a char across lines

b4winckler/vim-objc                        78
My Objective-C config for Vim

mokevnin/dotfiles                          78

kana/vim-submode                           78
Vim plugin: Create your own submodes

statico/dotfiles                           78
Ian's dotfiles and utilities

KabbAmine/vCoolor.vim                      78
Simple color selector/picker plugin for Vim.

sophacles/vim-processing                   78
Create and run processing sketches in Vim. Development repository for vim script 2115.

justinmk/vim-syntax-extra                  78
Vim syntax highlighting for c, bison, flex

exvim/older-version-of-exvim               77
This repository is deprecated, please go to for the new exVim!

spicycode/Vimlander-2-The-Quickening       77
A cataclysm has occured

koron/minimap-vim                          77
Minimap for Vim

rhysd/vim-grammarous                       77
A powerful grammar checker for Vim using LanguageTool.

t3chnoboy/dotfiles                         77
:space_invader:  ~/

Slava/vimrc                                77
Meteor/Web development centric vim config

brianleroux/quick-vim                      76
for when I quickly need a slightly better vim

goatslacker/mango.vim                      76
A color scheme for vim

mkitt/tabline.vim                          76
Configure tabs within Terminal Vim

tpope/vim-classpath                        76
classpath.vim: Set 'path' from the Java class path

nhooyr/neoman.vim                          76
A modern man page plugin for vim

laurentgoudet/vim-howdoi                   76
A Vim frontend for howdoi, the awesome command line tool that lets you ask what you need and grabs the snippet of code from SO.

jcf/vim-latex                              76
Mirror of vim-latex as Sourceforge's git support blows chunks!

nono/vim-handlebars                        76
[deprecated] Vim plugin for Handlebars

dotphiles/dotvim                           76
A community driven framework for vim

barrabinfc/startervim                      75
Make vim suck less. A collection of configurations and plugins that turns vim in a better editor.

dexteryy/YVim                              75
Out-of-the-box ~/.vim directory for MacVim

vim-scripts/DrawIt                         75
Ascii drawing plugin: lines, ellipses, arrows, fills, and more!

alfredodeza/khuno.vim                      75
A Python Flakes plugin

junegunn/vim-journal                       75

millermedeiros/vim-statline                75
Add useful informations to Vim statusline

csexton/jekyll.vim                         75
Automate common Jekyll tasks from Vim 

haya14busa/vim-asterisk                    75
:snowflake: *-Improved

thinca/vim-visualstar                      74
star for Visual-mode.

christoomey/vim-tmux-runner                74
Vim and tmux, sittin' in a tree...

hotoo/vimrc                                74
:v: 闲耘™ 的 Vim 配置。

mitsuhiko/vim-jinja                        74
Repository for Jinja support in vim.

learnbyexample/scripting_course            74
A reference guide to Linux command line, Vim and Scripting

huacnlee/vimmate                           73
Custom vim like Textmate for Ruby on Rails development

evanmiller/nginx-vim-syntax                73
nginx vim syntax. Copied from

parkr/vim-jekyll                           73
:memo: Fork of psykidellic/vim-jekyll because actually forking it freaks out

edsono/vim-matchit                         73
A git repository for a vim plugin called matchit

mivok/vimtodo                              73
Vim TODO manager

itspriddle/vim-marked                      73
Open the current Markdown buffer in

perfectworks/vim                           73

venantius/vim-cljfmt                       73
A Vim plugin for cljfmt, the Clojure formatting tool.

terryma/vim-smooth-scroll                  73
Make scrolling in Vim more pleasant

JamshedVesuna/vim-markdown-preview         72
A light Vim plugin for previewing markdown files in a browser - without having to leave Vim.

shykes/devbox                              72
Solomon's dev environment

mihaifm/vimpanel                           72
A modern side panel for Vim

mattn/vim-maketable                        72

swaroopch/dotvim                           72
DEFUNCT, *no longer used* ; My Vim setup, using vundle

henrik/vim-ruby-runner                     72
Vim plugin to execute Ruby into an output buffer, similar to ⌘R in TextMate.

Shougo/neomru.vim                          72
MRU plugin includes unite.vim MRU sources

vim-jp/vim-go-extra                        71
Extra plugin for golang

simnalamburt/vim-mundo                     71
:christmas_tree: Vim undo tree visualizer

jiangmiao/simple-javascript-indenter       71
A vim javascript indent script

kana/vim-textobj-indent                    71
Vim plugin: Text objects for indented blocks of lines

the-lambda-church/coquille                 71
Interactive theorem proving with Coq in vim.

docteurklein/vim-symfony                   71
A vim plugin to handle symfony and all that stuff

jplaut/vim-arduino-ino                     71

MarcWeber/vim-addon-mw-utils               70
vim: interpret a file by function and cache file automatically

t9md/vim-chef                              70
jump to related file in chef's cookbook

guyzmo/vim-etherpad                        70
Plugin to enable collaborative edition on etherpad with the best editor

bling/minivimrc                            70
a tiny vimrc to be used primarily for troubleshooting plugins

gre/play2vim                               70
Play framework vim plugin

janx/vim-rubytest                          70
Run ruby test in vim

yuratomo/gmail.vim                         70
gmail viewer for vim

emilis/emilis-config                       70
Emilis' personal configuration files

thinca/vim-themis                          70
A testing framework for Vim script.

tsukkee/unite-tag                          70
tags soruce for unite.vim

vim-scripts/TwitVim                        70
Twitter client for Vim

JulesWang/css.vim                          69
Cutting-edge vim css syntax file

vim-jp/vim-cpp                             69
c or cpp syntax files

rhysd/vim-operator-surround                69
Vim operator mapping to enclose text objects with surrounds like paren, quote and so on.

mattboehm/vim-accordion                    69
A vim window manager for people who love splits

Valloric/dotfiles                          69
Some of my dotfiles

fisadev/vim-ctrlp-cmdpalette               69
Extension for ctrlp.vim, to have a command palette like sublime text 2

rhysd/github-complete.vim                  69
Vim input completion for GitHub

taq/vim-git-branch-info                    69
A Vim script to return info about the Git branches.

JustArchi/ArchiDroid-legacy                69
Legacy ArchiDroid Repo / New -&gt:

crusoexia/vim-monokai                      69
Refined Monokai color scheme for vim

yonchu/accelerated-smooth-scroll           68
Vim plugin for accelerated smooth scroll

tfnico/vim-gradle                          68
Simple little vim-bundle that recognizes .gradle files as being groovy syntax

henrik/vim-indexed-search                  68
Show "Match 123 of 456  /search term/" in Vim searches. By Yakov Lerner.

bilalq/lite-dfm                            68
Vim plugin to remove distractions

idbrii/AsyncCommand                        68
AsyncCommand allows you to execute shell commands without waiting for them  to complete. When the application terminates, its output can be loaded into  a vim buffer.

ahw/vim-hooks                              68
Easily hook shell scripts into Vim autocmd events.

docunext/closetag.vim                      68
Functions and mappings to close open HTML/XML tags

mitsuhiko/vim-python-combined              68
Fork of the python.vim by Dmitry Vasiliev and Neil Schemenauer for 2.x and 3.x.

yegappan/mru                               68
Most Recently Used (MRU) Vim Plugin

aereal/dotfiles                            67
My config files.

bramblex/BlxVimrc                          67
My vimrc

mnick/vim-pomodoro                         67
Vim plugin for the Pomodoro time management technique

sbl/scvim                                  67
vim plugin for supercollider

bitprophet/dotfiles                        67
My dotfiles (zsh, vim, tmux, etc etc)

spicycode/bringing-vim-to-the-people       67
An lo, on the fourth day he did step down from the mountain, and with him VIM did follow . . . .

Mathieu-Desrochers/Linux-Notebook          67
Keeping notes throughout my learnings.

trapd00r/configs                           66
My ~/etc - configs, dotfiles

OrangeT/vim-csharp                         66
Enhancement's to Vim's C-Sharp Functionality

connermcd/dotfiles                         66

hightman/vimrc                             66
vimrc for PHP & Web developers 

maciakl/vim-neatstatus                     66
Neat Status Line Plugin for Vim

gregstallings/vimfiles                     65
An obsessively organized Vim configuration

dakrone/dakrone-dotfiles                   65
misc configuration files

jpalardy/dotfiles                          65
My collection of config files (bash, vim, …)

adoy/vim-php-refactoring-toolbox           65
VIM Php Refactoring Toolbox

kmnk/vim-unite-giti                        65
unite source for using git

rjohnsondev/vim-compiler-go                65
Vim compiler plugin for Go (golang)

cosminadrianpopescu/vim-sql-workbench      65
SQL For Vim (provides access from VIM to any DBMS, like dbext)

milkypostman/vim-togglelist                65
Functions to toggle the [Location List] and the [Quickfix List] windows.

lucapette/vim-ruby-doc                     64
Browse Ruby RSpec and Rails API docs quickly with Vim

Airblader/dotfiles-manjaro                 64
Dotfiles for Manjaro

tpope/vim-liquid                           64
Vim Liquid runtime files with Jekyll enhancements

othree/html5-syntax.vim                    64
HTML5 syntax file for vim.

feelinglucky/vimrc                         64
My personal vimrc configure files

itchyny/landscape.vim                      64
A colorscheme and syntax for Vim

adimit/prolog.vim                          64
Prolog Integration for Vim

mybuddymichael/solarized-sublimetext2      64
A better version of Solarized for Sublime Text 2.

enomsg/vim-haskellConcealPlus              63
Extended Haskell Conceal feature for Vim

sotte/presenting.vim                       63
A simple tool for presenting slides in vim based on text files.

jbgutierrez/vim-partial                    63
Makes creating partials in your code a breeze!

factorylabs/vimfiles                       63
F/ default vim configuration

tyru/eskk.vim                              63
eskk aims to provide powerful input method platform in Vim.

fatih/dotfiles                             63
My personal dotfiles

ktonga/vim-follow-my-lead                  62
Vim plugin for showing all your &lt:Leader&gt: mappings in a readable table including the descriptions.

windy/ruby-vimrc                           62
A quick vimrc for Ruby on Rails programming

edkolev/erlang-motions.vim                 62
Motions and text objects for erlang!

tpope/vim-haystack                         62
haystack.vim: fuzzy matching algorithm

hashivim/vim-terraform                     62
basic vim/terraform integration

rafi/vim-config                            62
Lean mean Vim machine. Use with Neovim or Vim 7.4+ compiled with +lua +python

kaochenlong/eddie-vim2                     62
Yet another vimrc

derekwyatt/vim-fswitch                     62
Vim plug for switching between companion source files (e.g. ".h" and ".cpp")

leshill/vim-json                           62
Syntax highlighting for JSON in Vim

tell-k/vim-autopep8                        61
autopep8 plugin for Vim

haridas/Dotfiles                           61
My .vim .bashrc and .vimrc files

thinca/vim-localrc                         61
Enable configuration file of each directory.

claytron/dotfiles                          61
My *nix confs

mitechie/pyvim                             60
My python centric vim config reboot

andreiz/vim-settings                       60
A time-tested collection of Vim settings and plugins

haya14busa/underscore.vim                  60
Vim script utility library :heartbeat: The sky is the limit!

tikhomirov/vim-glsl                        60
Vim runtime files for OpenGL Shading Language

asins/vimcdoc                              60
Vim Chinese Documentation

zerowidth/vim-copy-as-rtf                  60
Copy syntax-highlighted code from vim to the OS X clipboard as RTF text

chrisyip/Better-CSS-Syntax-for-Vim         60
Better CSS Syntax for Vim

prophittcorey/vim-flay                     60
Analyze Ruby code for structural similarities

skwp/vim-ruby-conque                       60
Vim plugin to display ruby, rake, and rspec output colorized in ConqueTerm. Note: repeated runs of conqueterm may cause it to eat your shell ttys. I am no longer maintaining this.

stephpy/vim-yaml                           60
Override vim syntax for yaml files

dreadatour/dotfiles                        59

heavenshell/vim-slack                      59
Slack for Vim client

gcmt/taboo.vim                             59
Few utilities for pretty tabs

mattn/vdbi-vim                             59
Database client for Vim

vim-scripts/L9                             59
Vim-script library

itchyny/vim-cursorword                     59
Underlines the word under the cursor

vim-scripts/xoria256.vim                   59
Finely tuned soft gamma, 256 colors, dark background, gvim == vim

KabbAmine/yowish.vim                       59
A dark & yellowish vim colorscheme

dsawardekar/portkey                        59
Navigate files at the speed of Vim.

t9md/vim-textmanip                         59
easy text manupilation for vim

romainl/flattened                          59
Solarized, without the bullshit.

ghewgill/vim-scmdiff                       58
Vim script to highlight lines changed from a base version in SCM

jszakmeister/vim-togglecursor              58
Toggle the cursor shape in the terminal for Vim.

tpope/vim-heroku                           58
heroku.vim: Heroku toolbelt and hk wrapper

ynkdir/vim-vimlparser                      58
VimL parser

t9md/vim-transform                         57
Transform syntax!!

wannesm/wmgraphviz.vim                     57
Vim plugin for Graphviz

fisadev/vim-isort                          57
Vim plugin to sort python imports using

saihoooooooo/glowshi-ft.vim                57
improve movement of f/t with glow shift.

paradigm/SkyBison                          57
Vim plugin to expedite use of cmdline commands

junkblocker/patchreview-vim                57
Vim global plugin for doing single, multi-patch or diff code reviews

vim-scripts/netrw.vim                      57
Network oriented reading, writing, and browsing (keywords: netrw ftp scp)

tyru/caw.vim                               57
Vim comment plugin: supported operator/non-operator mappings, repeatable by dot-command, 300+ filetypes

jayflo/vim-skip                            57
simple movement script for vim

vim-scripts/bufkill.vim                    57
Unload/delete/wipe a buffer, keep its window(s), display last accessed buffer(s)

rdlugosz/dotfiles                          57
Ryan's Yak Shaving Empire and Bike Sheddery…

jalvesaq/Nvim-R                            57
Vim plugin to work with R

ciaranm/securemodelines                    56
A secure alternative to Vim modelines

edgecase/vim-config                        56
This is the Vim configuration we use on pairing machines at EdgeCase, as well as many personal machines. It's pretty okay.

trapd00r/neverland-vim-theme               56
256 colors CLI and GUI. It doesn't suck.

vitalk/vim-simple-todo                     56
Mappings to manage GitHub-like task lists

jeffbuttars/Vimdown                        56
A dirty tool to convert .vimrc and .vim script files to markdown

vim-scripts/argtextobj.vim                 56
Text-object like motion for arguments

hhvm/vim-hack                              56
Syntax highlighting and typechecker integration for Hack.

vim-scripts/tComment                       56
An extensible & universal comment plugin that also handles embedded filetypes

vim-scripts/closetag.vim                   56
Functions and mappings to close open HTML/XML tags

vim-utils/vim-husk                         56
Mappings that boost vim's command line.

alfredodeza/coveragepy.vim                 56
A Vim plugin to facilitate integration with

bronson/vim-visual-star-search             56
Start a * or # search from a visual block

ornicar/dotfiles                           56
My beloved Linux dot files for zsh, tmux, git, tig, vim, mpd, mutt, rtorrent, weechat, xmonad, urxvt, vimperator, ranger...

fmoralesc/vim-tutor-mode                   56
interactive tutorials for vim

dhruvasagar/vim-prosession                 56
Handle vim sessions like a pro

sudar/vim-arduino-syntax                   56
Arduino syntax files for Vim

jlong/rubyblue                             55
A collection of themes for different text editors that mimic the colors used in the code samples on

vim-scripts/Auto-Pairs                     55
Insert or delete brackets, parens, quotes in pair.

skwp/greplace.vim                          55
Global search and replace for VI

tsaleh/vim-align                           55
Clone of the Align.vba file, since I think VBA files are a freaking abomination.

justincampbell/vim-eighties                55
Automatically resizes your windows

vim-scripts/AutoClose                      55
Inserts matching bracket, paren, brace or quote

peterhoeg/vim-qml                          55
QML syntax highlighting for VIM

xolox/vim-reload                           55
Automatic reloading of Vim scripts ((file-type) plug-ins, auto-load/syntax/indent scripts, color schemes)

Quramy/vison                               55
A Vim plugin for writing JSON with JSON Schema

wincent/wincent                            55

lyuts/vim-rtags                            54
Vim bindings for rtags, llvm/clang based c++ code indexer.

vim-scripts/JavaScript-Indent              54
Javascript indenter (HTML indent is included)

baskerville/bubblegum                      54
A vim color scheme based on xoria256

Twinside/vim-haskellConceal                54
Conceal operator for haskell

mattn/calendar-vim                         54
calendar vimscript

alvan/vim-closetag                         54
Auto close (X)HTML tags

vim-scripts/nginx.vim                      54
initial version

kana/vim-textobj-line                      54
Vim plugin: Text objects for the current line

jgdavey/vim-blockle                        54
Brace yourself, it's time to toggle your ruby blocks!

luofei614/vim-plug                         54
我的vim插件, 基于vim-plug安装

Zuckonit/vim-airline-tomato                54
Pomodoro Technique

kana/vim-textobj-function                  53
Vim plugin: Text objects for functions

Dinduks/vim-holylight                      53
A Vim plugin for MacBook users that automatically sets the background to light or dark depending on the ambient light

dougireton/mirror_pond                     53
An opinionated Vim distribution for Ruby and Chef development

ingydotnet/yaml-vim                        53
YAML Highlight script for VIM editor

fugalh/desert.vim                          53
desert colorscheme

basyura/unite-rails                        52
a unite.vim plugin for rails

osyo-manga/vim-brightest                   52
highlight cursor word

MaxSt/FlatColor                            52
FlatColor vim colorscheme

neowit/                       52
Vim plugin for

jm3/dotfiles                               52
:beginner: Smart vim + zsh dotfiles with easy install + updating

gorkunov/smartgf.vim                       52
Vim 'goto file' on steroids!

adinapoli/vim-markmultiple                 52
An emacs-like mark multiple plugin

oblitum/rainbow                            52
Rainbow Parentheses Improved

lepture/vim-jinja                          52
jinja plugins for vim (syntax and indent)

adamhjk/adam-vim                           52
My vim directory

shuber/vim-promiscuous                     52
Instant context switching using git and vim sessions.

trusktr/seti.vim                           52

linhmtran168/mac_dotfiles                  52
My Mac dot files

Integralist/Fresh-Install                  52
These are my own instructions for a fresh laptop/mac install

vim-php/vim-php-refactoring                52
PHP Refactoring support for VIM

simmel/vim-pastie                          52
pastie.vim: interface for

tpope/vim-rbenv                            51
rbenv.vim: Minimal rbenv support

jperras/vim-dotfiles                       51
Carefully crafted, curated and somewhat Python-oriented Vim development environment

nelstrom/vim-mac-classic-theme             51
A port of the Mac Classic theme from TextMate to Vim. Because everyone needs a decent light theme for special occasions.

Integralist/ProVim                         51
Repository to hold dotfiles and scripts specific to ProVim

szw/vim-maximizer                          51
Maximizes and restores the current window in Vim.

vim-scripts/LanguageTool                   51
Grammar checker for English, French, German (etc.) in Vim 

vim-scripts/bash-support.vim               51
BASH IDE -- Write and run BASH-scripts using menus and hotkeys.

everzet/dotfiles                           51
everzet (life|work) dotfiles

noahfrederick/vim-noctu                    51
A Vim color scheme for 16-color terminals

ivalkeen/vim-ctrlp-tjump                   51
CtrlP extension for fuzzy-search in tag matches (:tjump replacement).

john2x/flatui.vim                          50
Vim colorscheme based on

mnpk/vim-jira-complete                     50
AutoComplete JIRA issues in Vim

vim-scripts/vcscommand.vim                 50
CVS/SVN/SVK/git/hg/bzr integration plugin

csswizardry/dotfiles                       50
Starting small… my dotfiles for a few things.

beiyuu/vimfiles                            50
BeiYuu's VIM Setup

vim-scripts/DoxygenToolkit.vim             50
Simplify Doxygen documentation in C, C++, Python.

vim-scripts/camelcasemotion                50
Motion through CamelCaseWords and underscore_notation.

jaxbot/vimfiles                            50
vim, tmux, zsh

rhysd/dogfiles                             50
dog + dotfiles = dogfiles

typedclojure/vim-typedclojure              50
The Typed Clojure plugin for Vim + vim-fireplace