Shell Github Star Ranking at 2016/11/21
robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh 36727 A delightful community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 200+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, php, python, etc), over 140 themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community. nvie/gitflow 14339 Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model. creationix/nvm 12444 Node Version Manager - Simple bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions dokku/dokku 11573 A docker-powered PaaS that helps you build and manage the lifecycle of applications xdissent/ievms 9392 Automated installation of the Microsoft IE App Compat virtual machines tj/git-extras 8200 GIT utilities -- repo summary, repl, changelog population, author commit percentages and more rbenv/rbenv 8192 Groom your app’s Ruby environment tldr-pages/tldr 7781 Simplified and community-driven man pages sorin-ionescu/prezto 6126 The configuration framework for Zsh boot2docker/boot2docker 6068 Lightweight Linux for Docker rupa/z 5489 z is the new j, yo thoughtbot/laptop 5321 A shell script which turns your OS X laptop into an awesome web development machine. babun/babun 5312 Babun - a Windows shell you will love! powerline/fonts 5079 Patched fonts for Powerline users. so-fancy/diff-so-fancy 4554 Good-lookin' diffs with diff-highlight and more :tada: Bash-it/bash-it 4497 A community Bash framework. holman/spark 4386 ▁▂▃▅▂▇ in your shell. tj/n 4289 Node version management dnschneid/crouton 4227 Chromium OS Universal Chroot Environment Gazler/githug 4055 Git your game on! jedi4ever/veewee 3912 Easing the building of vagrant boxes andreafabrizi/Dropbox-Uploader 3901 Dropbox Uploader is a BASH script which can be used to upload, download, list or delete files from Dropbox, an online file sharing, synchronization and backup service. holman/dotfiles 3784 @holman does dotfiles jayphelps/git-blame-someone-else 3717 Blame someone else for your bad code. NodeOS/NodeOS 3701 Lightweight operating system using Node.js as userspace tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect 3375 Persists tmux environment across system restarts. rancher/rancher 3357 A Platform for Operating Docker in Production thoughtbot/dotfiles 3328 A set of vim, zsh, git, and tmux configuration files. rvm/rvm 3318 Ruby enVironment (Version) Manager ( rvm ) ~ Monitor GitHub Issues ( ) for bug reports and fixes. Fundraiser for mpapis: p8952/bocker 3271 Docker implemented in around 100 lines of bash Russell91/sshrc 3248 bring your .bashrc, .vimrc, etc. with you when you ssh Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/VVV 3038 Varying Vagrant Vagrants is an open source Vagrant configuration focused on WordPress development. ansible/ansible-examples 3012 A few starter examples of ansible playbooks, to show features and how they work together. See for example roles from the Ansible community for deploying many popular applications. gliderlabs/docker-alpine 3010 Alpine Linux Docker image. Win at minimalism! txthinking/google-hosts 2784 Google hosts sameersbn/docker-gitlab 2630 Dockerized GitLab RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup 2548 Shell script to setup Raspberry Pi (TM) with RetroArch emulator and various cores StackExchange/blackbox 2541 Safely store secrets in Git/Mercurial/Subversion belluzj/fantasque-sans 2534 A font family with a great monospaced variant for programmers. jwilder/nginx-proxy 2529 Automated nginx proxy for Docker containers using docker-gen git-ftp/git-ftp 2520 Uses Git to upload only changed files to FTP servers. ginatrapani/todo.txt-cli 2495 A simple and extensible shell script for managing your todo.txt file. basho/riak 2471 Riak is a decentralized datastore from Basho Technologies. rbenv/ruby-build 2440 Compile and install Ruby michaeldfallen/git-radar 2424 A heads up display for git sstephenson/bats 2411 Bash Automated Testing System zolrath/wemux 2398 Multi-User Tmux Made Easy zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting 2359 Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh. clvv/fasd 2356 Command-line productivity booster, offers quick access to files and directories, inspired by autojump, z and v. kennethreitz/autoenv 2344 Directory-based environments. jpetazzo/pipework 2265 Software-Defined Networking tools for LXC (LinuX Containers) brendangregg/perf-tools 2250 Performance analysis tools based on Linux perf_events (aka perf) and ftrace nojhan/liquidprompt 2245 A full-featured & carefully designed adaptive prompt for Bash & Zsh zsh-users/antigen 2230 A plugin manager for zsh, inspired by oh-my-zsh and vundle. osxfuse/osxfuse 2220 FUSE for OS X extends OS X by adding support for FUSE file systems jfrazelle/dockerfiles 2045 Various Dockerfiles arialdomartini/oh-my-git 2005 An opinionated git prompt for bash and zsh moovweb/gvm 1992 Go Version Manager chubin/ 1971 Web frontend for wego JamieMason/ImageOptim-CLI 1966 Make optimisation of images part of your automated build process magicmonty/bash-git-prompt 1926 An informative and fancy bash prompt for Git users erikw/tmux-powerline 1924 Statusbar configuration for tmux that looks like vim-powerline and consist of dynamic segments. phusion/passenger-docker 1922 Docker base images for Ruby, Python, Node.js and Meteor web apps jkaving/intellij-colors-solarized 1840 Solarized Colorscheme for IntelliJ IDEA Khan/style-guides 1833 Docs for the Organization tmux-plugins/tpm 1822 Tmux Plugin Manager jamesob/desk 1813 A lightweight workspace manager for the shell chef/bento 1770 Packer templates for building minimal Vagrant baseboxes postmodern/chruby 1768 Changes the current Ruby sindresorhus/pure 1749 Pretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt gilesbowkett/rewind 1692 Rewind is an intelligent archivist. yeasy/docker_practice 1681 Learn and understand Docker, with real DevOps practice! Nyr/openvpn-install 1677 OpenVPN road warrior installer for Debian, Ubuntu and CentOS kamranahmedse/git-standup 1670 Recall what you did on the last working day. Psst! or be nosy and find what someone else in your team did ;-) fideloper/Vaprobash 1654 Vagrant Provisioning Bash Scripts clinical-meteor/cookbook 1653 Meteor for FDA, HIPPA, and HL7 compliant applications! rails/rails-dev-box 1645 A virtual machine for Ruby on Rails core development ndbroadbent/scm_breeze 1622 Adds numbered shortcuts to the output git status, and much more nicolashery/mac-dev-setup 1620 A beginner's guide to setting up a development environment on Mac OS X nodesource/distributions 1515 NodeSource Node.js Binary Distributions bobthecow/git-flow-completion 1507 Bash, Zsh and fish completion support for git-flow. lukas2511/ 1420 letsencrypt/acme client implemented as a shell-script jpetazzo/nsenter 1406 Anthony25/gnome-terminal-colors-solarized 1393 Solarized Gnome Terminal colors, based on spotify/docker-gc 1365 Docker garbage collection of containers and images barryclark/bashstrap 1360 A quick way to spruce up your terminal in OSX. ryanmjacobs/c 1344 Compile and execute C "scripts" in one go! fisherman/fisherman 1338 fish-shell plugin manager docker/docker-bench-security 1325 The Docker Bench for Security is a script that checks for dozens of common best-practices around deploying Docker containers in production. qw3rtman/gg 1316 :candy: Git Goodies: At-A-Glance, Efficient, and Aesthetically Pleasing Git Shortcuts dominictarr/ 1312 a pipeable JSON parser written in Bash Hexxeh/rpi-update 1302 An easier way to update the firmware of your Raspberry Pi ninjudd/drip 1298 Fast JVM launching without the hassle of persistent JVMs. simpligility/maven-android-sdk-deployer 1296 A tool to install components of the Android SDK into a Maven repository or repository manager to use with the Android Maven Plugin, Gradle and other tools. qw3rtman/git-fire 1286 :fire: Save Your Code in an Emergency fastos/tcpdive 1285 A TCP performance profiling tool. phusion/traveling-ruby 1265 Self-contained, portable Ruby binaries docker-library/official-images 1261 Docker Official Images basecamp/sub 1247 a delicious way to organize programs mrzool/bash-sensible 1230 An attempt at saner Bash defaults openstack-dev/devstack 1217 oneiric powered development environment for openstack petervanderdoes/gitflow-avh 1214 AVH Edition of the git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model zsh-users/zsh-completions 1211 Additional completion definitions for Zsh. transcode-open/apt-cyg 1202 Apt-cyg, an apt-get like tool for Cygwin fcambus/ansiweather 1195 Weather in your terminal, with ANSI colors and Unicode symbols square/java-code-styles 1189 IntelliJ IDEA code style settings for Square's Java and Android projects. laravel/homestead 1186 icefox/git-achievements 1181 Aquire achievements while using git. smarthosts/smarthosts 1176 Smarthosts softwaredownload/openwrt-fanqiang 1165 OpenWrt shadowsocks路由器智能、自动翻墙教程 dokku-alt/dokku-alt 1156 Dokku on steroids larsenwork/Gidole 1143 Gidole - Open Source Modern DIN helmuthdu/aui 1122 Archlinux Ultimate Install drduh/ 1113 Unix shell, GPG-based password manager KittyKatt/screenFetch 1094 Fetches system/theme information in terminal for Linux desktop screenshots. progrium/gitreceive 1091 Easily accept and handle arbitrary git pushes RichiH/vcsh 1090 config manager based on Git micha/jsawk 1075 Like awk, but for JSON. noplay/docker-osx 1068 Fast and easy installation of Docker on OS X apenwarr/git-subtree 1067 An experimental alternative to the git-submodule command. Merges and splits subtrees from your project into subprojects and back. zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions 1065 Fish-like autosuggestions for zsh dokterdok/Continuity-Activation-Tool 1065 An all-in-one tool to activate and diagnose OS X 10.10 Continuity on compatible Mac configurations. paz-sh/paz 1063 An open-source, in-house service platform with a PaaS-like workflow, built on Docker, CoreOS, Etcd and Fleet. This repository houses the documentation and installation scripts. gcuisinier/jenv 1060 Manage your Java environment themattrix/bash-concurrent 1045 Bash function to run tasks in parallel and display pretty output as they complete. h5bp/ant-build-script 1042 Ant build script intended for use with HTML5 Boilerplate. keyboardsurfer/idea-live-templates 1041 An #androidDev collection of Live Templates for Android Studio rauchg/wifi-password 1036 Get the password of the wifi you're on (bash) brikis98/docker-osx-dev 1030 A productive development environment with Docker on OS X opengapps/opengapps 1025 The main repository of the Open GApps Project pi-hole/pi-hole 1018 A black hole for Internet advertisements (designed for Raspberry Pi) shellfire-dev/shellfire 1012 A repository of namespaced, composable shell (bash, sh and dash) function libraries x2on/OpenSSL-for-iPhone 1004 A script for compiling OpenSSL for iOS Devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, AppleTV) jimeh/git-aware-prompt 998 Display current Git branch name in your terminal prompt when in a Git working directory. Azure/azure-quickstart-templates 995 Azure Quickstart Templates postmodern/ruby-install 975 Installs Ruby, JRuby, Rubinius, MagLev or MRuby oh-my-fish/oh-my-fish 967 The Fishshell Framework. Neilpang/ 957 An ACME Shell script: DreaminginCodeZH/MaterialColdStart 957 Utilize the window background during cold start time to make your app look faster. pote/gpm 949 Barebones dependency manager for Go. andreasgal/B2G 936 Boot to Gecko aims to create a complete, standalone operating system for the open web. adobe-fonts/source-serif-pro 936 Serif typeface designed to complement Source Sans Pro zhuangbiaowei/learn-with-open-source 935 借助开源项目,学习软件开发 Juude/droidReverse 935 reverse engineering tools for android(android 逆向工程工具集) huyng/bashmarks 926 Directory bookmarks for the shell debian-pi/raspbian-ua-netinst 926 Raspbian (minimal) unattended netinstaller isaacs/nave 923 sjl/learnvimscriptthehardway 908 fizx/parsley 907 Parsley is a simple language for extracting structured data from web pages. Parsley consists of an powerful selector language wrapped with a JSON structure that can represent page-wide formatting. lanceseidman/PiCAST 905 PiCAST turns your $35 Raspberry Pi in to a Chromecast like Device. kadirahq/mantra 898 Mantra - An Application Architecture for Meteor tylertreat/chan 896 Pure C implementation of Go channels. sickill/git-dude 884 Git commit notifier shadowsocks/openwrt-shadowsocks 882 Shadowsocks-libev for OpenWrt gliderlabs/docker-consul 879 Dockerized Consul andsens/homeshick 874 git dotfiles synchronizer written in bash lifetyper/FreeRouter_V2 866 一个适用于OpenWRT的全平台翻墙路由方案 lj2007331/lnmp 861 LEMP stack/LAMP stack/LNMP stack installation scripts for CentOS/Redhat Debian and Ubuntu leucos/ansible-tuto 859 Ansible tutorial visionmedia/deploy 858 Minimalistic deployment shell script philcryer/lipsync 853 lipsync sets up a lightweight service that provides command-line, Dropbox like syncing HazyResearch/deepdive 853 DeepDive mozilla-b2g/B2G 851 Boot to Gecko aims to create a complete, standalone operating system for the open web. simonwhitaker/gibo 846 A shell script for easily accessing gitignore boilerplates sickill/bitpocket 846 "DIY Dropbox" or "2-way directory (r)sync with proper deletion" jonathanpenn/ui-screen-shooter 845 Using UI Automation to automatically generate all screenshots of your iOS app, on different device types, in different locales by running a single command. Hands free. chadoe/docker-cleanup-volumes 830 Shellscript to delete orphaned docker volumes kewlbear/FFmpeg-iOS-build-script 826 Shell scripts to build FFmpeg for iOS and tvOS joeyh/etckeeper 823 store /etc in git laurent22/rsync-time-backup 821 Time Machine style backup with rsync. jpetazzo/dind 813 Docker in Docker ioerror/duraconf 808 duraconf - A collection of hardened configuration files for SSL/TLS services ddollar/heroku-buildpack-multi 802 DEPRECATED: Composable buildpacks colinbjohnson/aws-missing-tools 802 tools for managing AWS resources including EC2, EBS, RDS, IAM, CloudFormation and Route53. oblique/create_ap 792 This script creates a NATed or Bridged WiFi Access Point. taviso/ 791 A foreign function interface for bash. CISOfy/lynis 776 Lynis - Security auditing tool and assists with compliance testing (HIPAA/ISO27001/PCI DSS) and system hardening. Works on Linux, Mac OS, and Unix based systems, with installation being optional. kylemanna/docker-openvpn 773 Recipe to build an OpenVPN image for Docker looly/elasticsearch-definitive-guide-cn 766 Elasticsearch权威指南中文版 gerhard/deliver 762 Pure bash deployment tool with customisable strategies. yyuu/pyenv-virtualenv 749 a pyenv plugin to manage virtualenv (a.k.a. python-virtualenv) dabeaz/python-cookbook 743 Code samples from the "Python Cookbook, 3rd Edition", published by O'Reilly & Associates, May, 2013. threatstream/mhn 740 Modern Honey Network zardus/ctf-tools 734 Some setup scripts for security research tools. subtleGradient/Appify-UI 732 Create the simplest possible Mac OS X apps. Uses HTML5 for the UI. Supports scripting with anything and everything guardianproject/android-ffmpeg 732 a system for building custom ffmpeg binaries for Android beautifulcode/ssh-copy-id-for-OSX 727 Quick Mac OSX port of the useful unix utility ssh-copy-id antonym/ 719 Multiple Operating System iPXE Installer SeleniumHQ/docker-selenium 717 Docker images for Selenium Standalone Server bradp/vv 716 :globe_with_meridians: Variable VVV - a VVV Site Creation Wizard windelicato/dotfiles 715 arch linux configuration files driftyco/ionic-box 713 Ionic Box: The easiest way to get your hybrid development environment up and running. A Vagrant install for Android, Cordova, and Ionic. flexiondotorg/oab-java6 701 Create a local 'apt' repository for Sun Java 6 and/or Oracle Java 7 packages. brson/multirust 699 A tool for managing multiple Rust installations drwetter/ 697 Testing TLS/SSL encryption crowbar/crowbar 697 Cloud Operations Platform kylef/swiftenv 695 Swift Version Manager OpenVPN/easy-rsa 694 easy-rsa - Simple shell based CA utility jvehent/cipherscan 688 A very simple way to find out which SSL ciphersuites are supported by a target. docker-library/docs 684 Documentation for Docker Official Images in docker-library dgibbs64/linuxgsm 684 Linux Game Server Managers_ ohoachuck/wwdc-downloader 680 WWDC 2014 & 2013 video and PDF downloader script - no external dependency. Just a bash script! esnet/iperf 678 iperf3: A TCP, UDP, and SCTP network bandwidth measurement tool dsixda/Android-Kitchen 676 A text-based kitchen for Android ROM customization. Uses shell scripts and works with Cygwin/OS X/Linux. arnoo/git-deliver 674 Delivery system based on git push and ssh heroku/heroku-buildpack-nodejs 672 The official Heroku buildpack for Node.js apps. github/scripts-to-rule-them-all 671 Scripts to Rule Them All icefox/git-hooks 669 A tool to manage project, user, and global Git hooks ftao/vpn-deploy-playbook 669 A Collection of Ansible Playbook for deploy vpn services kerl/kerl 664 Easy building and installing of Erlang/OTP instances ingydotnet/git-hub 662 Do GitHub operations from the `git` command awslabs/git-secrets 661 Prevents you from committing secrets and credentials into git repositories coreos/docs 658 Documentation for CoreOS in markdown jeremyFreeAgent/oh-my-zsh-powerline-theme 653 oh-my-zsh Powerline style Theme eugeneware/docker-wordpress-nginx 652 A Dockerfile that installs the latest wordpress, nginx and php-fpm. rtomayko/git-sh 651 A customized bash environment suitable for git work. deviantony/docker-elk 649 The ELK stack powered by Docker and Docker-compose. rogaha/docker-desktop 641 Docker Desktop enables you to create virtual desktops that can be accessed remotely. It comes with Firefox and Libreoffice already installed! authy/authy-ssh 630 Easy two-factor authentication for ssh servers manovotny/wptest 629 WP Test - The Best Tests For WordPress mrowa44/emojify 626 Emoji on the command line :scream: jclem/gifify 624 gifify turns movies into gifs. discourse/discourse_docker 621 A Docker image for Discourse msmhq/msm 620 An init script for managing Minecraft servers avleen/bashttpd 612 A web server written in bash Russell91/runcython 607 Making cython as easy as python dylanaraps/neofetch 606 A fast, highly customizable system info script that supports Linux, OS X, BSD and Windows (Cygwin) rasa/vmware-tools-patches 605 Patch and build VMware tools automatically HIT-Alibaba/interview 599 笔试面试知识整理 bpkg/bpkg 596 Lightweight bash package manager jneen/balls 594 Bash on Balls seebi/tmux-colors-solarized 592 A color theme for the tmux terminal multiplexer using Ethan Schoonover’s Solarized color scheme mathiasbynens/ 591 :speak_no_evil: Subtle and not-so-subtle shell tweaks that will slowly drive people insane. hannob/bashcheck 591 test script for shellshocker and related vulnerabilities chovy/node-startup 589 Startup script for Linux-based systems for running node app when rebooting using an /etc/init.d script. awesome-lists/awesome-bash 586 A curated list of delightful Bash scripts and resources. supercrabtree/k 585 k is the new l, yo twolfson/sexy-bash-prompt 583 Bash prompt with colors, git statuses, and git branches. aerofs/gockerize 583 Package golang service into minimal docker containers. geerlingguy/drupal-vm 582 A VM for local Drupal development colinmollenhour/modman 581 Modularize extensions using symlinks. Voted #1 Magento tool by @WebShopApps! mislav/dotfiles 575 bash, zsh, git, tmux, personal toolbox php-build/php-build 574 Builds PHP so that multiple versions can be used side by side. sudeepag/SAConfettiView 573 Confetti! Who doesn't like confetti? jimeh/tmuxifier 571 Tmuxify your Tmux. Powerful session, window & pane management for Tmux. heroku/heroku-buildpack-go 569 Go support for Heroku jordansissel/heroku-buildpack-meteor 568 a heroku buildpack for meteor ( mesosphere/kubernetes-mesos 561 A Kubernetes Framework for Apache Mesos lexrus/ios-makefile 559 [DEPRECATED] The universal makefile for my iOS projects distributes IPAs in seconds dbmzzo/Sublime-Text-2-Icon 557 vigneshwaranr/bd 557 Quickly go back to a parent directory in linux instead of typing "cd ../../.." repeatedly rauchg/spot 554 Tiny file search utility (bash) LiuLang/bcloud-packages 554 bcloud 的安装包 CentOS/CentOS-Dockerfiles 552 Dockerfiles for various common implementations mydzor/bash2048 550 Bash implementation of 2048 game timsutton/osx-vm-templates 549 OS X templates for Packer and VeeWee. qw3rtman/p 546 :snake: Python Version Management Made Simple archlinuxarm/PKGBUILDs 543 PKGBUILDs modified to build on Arch Linux ARM matthewmueller/dots 542 WIP bootstrapping library for osx & ubuntu (and maybe others!) pristineio/webrtc-build-scripts 542 A set of build scripts useful for building WebRTC libraries for Android and iOS. bhilburn/powerlevel9k 542 The most awesome Powerline theme for ZSH around! biezhi/java-bible 540 :banana: Java Bible is my java technology stack paulmillr/dotfiles 537 Colourful & robust OS X configuration files and utilities. donmelton/video-transcoding-scripts 534 Utilities to transcode, inspect and convert videos. saltstack/salt-bootstrap 534 Generic Salt Bootstrap Script matryer/bitbar-plugins 528 Plugin repository for BitBar tpope/heroku-fucking-console 528 When I run heroku console, I want a fucking console, dammit jpadilla/juicebox 523 A virtual machine designed for programming workshops. niieani/bash-oo-framework 520 Bash Infinity is a modern boilerplate for bash krzysztofzablocki/IconOverlaying 517 Build informations on top of your app icon. BlackArch/blackarch 516 BlackArch Linux is an Arch Linux-based distribution for penetration testers and security researchers. jpetazzo/dockvpn 515 Recipe to build an OpenVPN image for Docker tarjoilija/zgen 511 A lightweight and simple plugin manager for ZSH leftnode/get-shit-done 510 Small script to configure your hosts file so you don't get distracted during the day. phusion/open-vagrant-boxes 510 Docker-compatible Vagrant base boxes maddox/magick-installer 506 ImageMagick installer script because macports sucks jcalazan/ansible-django-stack 506 Ansible Playbook for setting up a Django app with Nginx, Gunicorn, PostgreSQL, Celery, RabbitMQ, Supervisor, Virtualenv, and Memcached. A Vagrantfile for provisioning a VirtualBox virtual machine is included as well. fhd/init-script-template 503 A template for simple System V init scripts leo-project/leofs 503 LeoFS is an unstructured object/data storage for the Web and a highly available, distributed, eventually consistent storage system. example42/puppet-modules 502 A Puppet control-repo based on example42 and third party modules lewagon/dotfiles 502 Default configuration for Le Wagon's students fonnesbeck/ScipySuperpack 499 Recent builds of Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, iPython and PyMC for OSX necolas/dotfiles 499 OS X dotfiles: bash, git, vim, etc. ServiceStack/redis-windows 498 Vagrant redis configuration and the binary releases of MS Open Tech redis port of windows yascentur/Ricty 497 Ricty --- fonts for programming rtrouton/rtrouton_scripts 496 Scripts to share paulp/sbt-extras 488 A more featureful runner for sbt, the simple/scala/standard build tool pixelb/scripts 483 scripts from zplug/zplug 481 :hibiscus: A next-generation plugin manager for zsh gabrielelana/awesome-terminal-fonts 481 Tools and instructions on how to have awesome symbols in a terminal with a monospace font schreiberstein/lucidagrandeyosemite 481 An Automator/Apple-script to use 'Lucida Grande' as system font on OS X Yosemite micahwedemeyer/automongobackup 478 Nightly, rotated backups of MongoDB (port of AutoMySQLBackup for use with Mongo) dsanson/termpdf 478 barebones graphical pdf viewer that works inside iTerm2 2.9+ heroku/heroku-buildpack-php 477 The official PHP buildpack for Heroku. alandipert/gherkin 475 a functional programming language and interpreter written in GNU Bash 4 fnichol/dvm 475 An on demand Docker virtual machine, thanks to Vagrant and boot2docker. Works great on Macs and other platforms that don't natively support the Docker daemon. Support VirtualBox, VMware, and Parallels. paulirish/git-open 471 Type `git open` to open the GitHub page or website for a repository in your browser. shiguredo/packer-templates 471 This repository has finished updating cfenollosa/bashblog 470 A single Bash script to create blogs. Download, run, write, done! tutumcloud/mysql 465 Docker image to run an out-of-the-box MySQL server kafka-dev/kafka 462 A distributed publish/subscribe messaging service phpenv/phpenv 462 Simple PHP version management heroku/heroku-buildpack-python 462 The official Heroku buildpack for Python apps. CHH/phpenv 460 Thin Wrapper around rbenv for PHP version managment jayrambhia/Install-OpenCV 458 shell scripts to install different version of OpenCV in different distributions of Linux AntiZapret/antizapret 458 Список IP-адресов гос-органов для блокировки их на своих серверах в качестве отместки за #говносписок // List of Russian Government's related IP-addresses. davecheney/golang-crosscompile 458 Go cross compilation support aspnet/aspnet-docker 458 Docker image for ASP.NET 5. docker/dockerlite 456 Lightweight virtualization system based on LXC and BTRFS. See dotcloud/docker. jf/rbenv-gemset 455 KISS yet powerful gem / gemset management for rbenv ilikenwf/apt-fast 454 apt-fast: A shellscript wrapper for apt that speeds up downloading of packages. bigeagle/gohop 452 A VPN implemention in golang, with crypto and obfuscation in nature. neologd/mecab-ipadic-neologd 451 Neologism dictionary based on the language resources on the Web for mecab-ipadic cknadler/vim-anywhere 450 Use Vim everywhere you've always wanted to cloudfoundry/cf-release 447 Cloud Foundry Release sameersbn/docker-redmine 446 Dockerized redmine app server octohost/octohost 444 Simple web focused Dockerfile based PaaS server. driftyco/ionic2 443 Temporary home of the Ionic 2 code base zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search 442 ZSH port of Fish shell's history search feature. hbin/top-programming-fonts 439 philpl/setup-simple-ipsec-l2tp-vpn 438 Setup a simple IPSec/L2TP VPN Server for Ubuntu and Debian riywo/anyenv 436 all in one for **env cstrap/monaco-font 436 Install `Monaco Font` or other fonts on Linux distro (Ubuntu, CentOS...) lxdvs/apk2gold 435 CLI tool for decompiling Android apps to Java. It does resources! It does Java! Its real easy! elasticdog/transcrypt 434 transparently encrypt files within a git repository ingydotnet/git-subrepo 433 MacMiniVault/Mac-Scripts 433 Automation scripts focused around Mac OS X Server chriskempson/base16-shell 433 Base16 for Shells JrCs/docker-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion 428 LetsEncrypt companion container for nginx-proxy jasonrudolph/keyboard 427 Toward a more useful keyboard digitalocean/do_user_scripts 426 gh2o/digitalocean-debian-to-arch 425 Script to convert a Debian installation on DigitalOcean to Arch Linux JasonGiedymin/nginx-init-ubuntu 425 Tried and true Nginx init script - got enhancements? Send a pull! adlogix/docker-machine-nfs 425 Activates NFS on docker-machine tmux-plugins/tmux-yank 423 Tmux plugin for copying to system clipboard. Works on OSX, Linux and Cygwin. lukapusic/soundcloud-dl 421 Soundcloud music downloader for Unix, Linux and Mac OS X written in BASH. (Private use only!) Supervisor/initscripts 421 User-contributed OS init scripts for Supervisor cryptoparty/handbook 421 The CryptoParty Handbook leebaird/discover 420 For use with Kali Linux. Custom bash scripts used to automate various pentesting tasks. linrunner/TLP 417 Advanced Power Management for Linux iljaiwas/objc-run 414 A shell script that makes it easy to use Objective-C files for shell script-like tasks. virtualhost/ 414 A script for Mac OS X to create virtual hosts under Apache megastep/makeself 414 A self-extracting archiving tool for Unix systems, in 100% shell script. nodejs/docker-node 411 Official Docker Image for Node.js :whale: :turtle: :rocket: Alexpux/MINGW-packages 402 Package scripts for MinGW-w64 targets to build under MSYS2. sequenceiq/hadoop-docker 400 Hadoop docker image wyvernlang/wyvern 400 The Wyvern programming language. elastic/elasticsearch-servicewrapper 396 A service wrapper on top of elasticsearch xero/dotfiles 395 custom linux config files - managed via gnu stow oldratlee/useful-scripts 393 :snail: useful scripts kristopolous/TickTick 393 JSON in your Bash scripts Eriner/zim 392 ZIM - Zsh IMproved twitter/hadoop-lzo 390 Refactored version of for hadoop 0.20 rbenv/rbenv-gem-rehash 388 DEPRECATED - Never run `rbenv rehash` again pjan/the-ansibles 387 One of the most extensive sets of ansible roles/examples, including a vagrant testbox and a setup to quickly run your full-featured and secured personal cloudbox. aliso/vvv-site-wizard 383 Automates setting up new WordPress sites in Varying Vagrant Vagrants hashicorp/puppet-bootstrap 383 A collection of single-file scripts to bootstrap your machines with Puppet. tapwork/WatchdogInspector 380 Shows your current framerate (fps) in the status bar of your iOS app scopatz/nanorc 380 Improved Nano Syntax Highlighting Files wurstmeister/kafka-docker 379 Dockerfile for Apache Kafka saltstack/salty-vagrant 378 Use Salt as a Vagrant provisioner. sequenceiq/docker-spark 378 flynn-archive/flynn-demo 378 Archived -- see tevko/Resources 377 A collection of the latest and most useful resources for front end devs eduardolundgren/dotfiles 376 The first JavaScript-based dotfiles powered by Grunt. tmux-plugins/tmux-continuum 374 Continuous saving of tmux environment. Automatic restore when tmux is started. Automatic tmux start when computer is turned on. jsmess/jsmess 374 Efforts to port MESS to JavaScript MrMEEE/bumblebee-Old-and-abbandoned 368 OUTDATED!!!!! - Replaced by "The Bumblebee Project" and "Ironhide" tinalatif/flat.icns 368 A flat icon set for OS X robwierzbowski/grunt-build-control 367 Version control your built code. mesosphere/playa-mesos 367 Quickly build Mesos sandbox environments using Vagrant. Run apps on top! moritz-wundke/Boost-for-Android 366 Android port of Boost C++ Libraries mseknibilel/OpenStack-Grizzly-Install-Guide 364 A full install guide for OpenStack Grizzly lamw/ghettoVCB 364 ghettoVCB haithembelhaj/oh-my-cygwin 362 Setup a functioning terminal for Windows perusio/nginx_ensite 362 A script to enable or disable a site in nginx. lxde/lxqt 361 Checkout all lxde-qt components at once by using git submodule. egold/better-xcode-ibeam-cursor 358 Better i-bar (text cursor) for Xcode for dark background / light text color themes. Ahtenus/minecraft-init 357 Init script for minecraft and bukkit servers kstaken/dockerfile-examples 357 Some example dockerfiles for use with Docker artem-zinnatullin/RxJavaProGuardRules 357 ProGuard rules for RxJava shipped as AAR! rocker-org/rocker 356 R configurations for Docker nodesocket/jsonlite 353 A simple, self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, json document store. Netflix/aws-autoscaling 352 Tools and Documentation about using Auto Scaling morgant/tools-osx 352 A small collection of command line tools for Mac OS X, incl.: clipcat, dict, eject, ql, swuser, trash & with. rcrowley/freight 351 A modern take on the Debian archive. guysoft/OctoPi 347 Scripts to build OctoPi, a Raspberry PI distro for controlling 3D printers over the web tryolabs/metamon 346 Collection of Ansible playbooks to quickly start your Django Application docker-library/php 346 Docker Official Image packaging for PHP linux-china/jenv 345 Java enVironment Manager adambrenecki/virtualfish 345 A Fish wrapper for Ian Bicking's virtualenv, based loosely on Doug Hellman's virtualenvwrapper for Bash. yixia/FFmpeg-Android 344 Building FFmpeg for Android neon, armv7, vfp and armv6, used in VPlayer for Android HashNuke/heroku-buildpack-elixir 343 Heroku Buildpack for Elixir with nitro boost Alexpux/MSYS2-packages 343 Package scripts for MSYS2. b4b4r07/enhancd 341 :rocket: A next-generation cd command with an interactive filter komljen/dockerfile-examples 340 Dockerfile examples jakubnabrdalik/gitkurwa 340 A sample project containing usefull verbose aliases, for those who feel lost and angry at git. Basically for those Polish folks, who scream "Git, kurwa!". ryandotsmith/nginx-buildpack 339 Run NGINX in front of your app server on Heroku VISIONAI/clouddream 338 Deepdreaming in the clouds: A Dockerized deepdream Guide WritingMinds/ffmpeg-android 337 FFmpeg for Android compiled with x264, libass, fontconfig, freetype, fribidi and lame (Supports Android 4.1+) tomav/docker-mailserver 337 A fullstack but simple mailserver (smtp, imap, antispam, antivirus, ssl...) using Docker. cattleio/stampede 336 Hybrid IaaS/Docker orchestration platform running on CoreOS fsquillace/junest 334 The Arch Linux based distro that runs upon any Linux distros without root access rebootuser/LinEnum 334 Scripted Local Linux Enumeration & Privilege Escalation Checks goodbest/OfficeThinner 333 save your disk space with Office 2016 for Mac glenpike/npm-g_nosudo 333 A shell script which will fix the problem where you want to stop using sudo for npm -g on Ubuntu. trapd00r/LS_COLORS 333 A collection of LS_COLORS definitions; needs your contribution! omega8cc/boa 333 Barracuda Octopus Aegir BOA-3.0.2 andreyvit/create-dmg 332 A shell script to build fancy DMGs mmastrac/iterm2-zmodem 332 Automatic ZModem support for iTerm 2 meteorhacks/meteord 332 MeteorD - Docker Runtime for Meteor Apps for Production Deployments rmarquis/pacaur 331 An AUR helper that minimizes user interaction keroserene/rickrollrc 330 Rick Astley invades your terminal. eivind88/prm 330 A minimal project manager for the terminal. bohoomil/fontconfig-ultimate 330 freetype2-infinality run-time settings => infinality compatible fontconfig => infinality-bundle laravel/settler 330 mchung/heroku-buildpack-wordpress 328 Heroku buildpack: Wordpress on Heroku overtrue/latest-laravel 328 【不再更新】这些东西本不应该存在。 imsky/git-fresh 327 :lemon: Fresh Git repository. alrra/dotfiles 327 :wrench: OS X / Ubuntu dotfiles fusesource/leveldbjni 323 A Java Native Interface to LevelDB archlinuxfr/yaourt 320 A Pacman frontend with more features and AUR support netmute/ 319 Setup a Meteor server and deploy Meteor apps to it. queezythegreat/arduino-cmake 318 Arduino CMake Build system wilmoore/php-version 316 stupid simple PHP version management kvz/bash3boilerplate 316 Copypastable templates to write better bash scripts hipchat/hipchat-cli 315 Command line scripts for working with the HipChat REST API hillwoodroc/winetricks-zh 314 A setup wizard for Chinese wine users viljoviitanen/setup-simple-pptp-vpn 314 Setup Simple PPTP VPN Server for Ubuntu and Debian rosylilly/git-tasukete 313 gitで助けて欲しい時に rbenv/rbenv-vars 312 An rbenv plugin that safely sets global and per-project environment variables ashinkarov/i3-extras 312 Repository to keep patches and extras for i3 window manager. lvv/git-prompt 311 bash prompt with GIT, SVN and HG modules scotch-io/All-Github-Emoji-Icons 309 A repo of every emoji icon as a separate file and commit. docker-library/postgres 308 Docker Official Image packaging for Postgres tianon/dockerfiles 307 A semi-random collection of odds and ends. misheska/basebox-packer 307 Packer templates for vagrant baseboxes github/backup-utils 307 GitHub Enterprise Backup Utilities miguno/wirbelsturm 306 Wirbelsturm is a Vagrant and Puppet based tool to perform 1-click local and remote deployments, with a focus on big data related infrastructure. zsh-users/zaw 305 zsh anything.el-like widget. thebearjew/commit-comments 305 Build commit message in the comments of your code tmux-plugins/tmux-copycat 304 A plugin that enhances tmux search oracle/docker-images 304 Official source for Docker configurations, images, and examples of Dockerfiles for Oracle products and projects hwdsl2/setup-ipsec-vpn 303 Scripts to build your own IPsec/L2TP VPN server on Ubuntu 16.04/14.04/12.04, Debian 8 and CentOS 6/7 kosborn/p2p-adb 302 Phone to Phone Android Debug Bridge - A project for "debugging" phones... from other phones. tonycoco/heroku-buildpack-ember-cli 300 A Heroku Buildpack for Ember CLI Applications Apricity-OS/apricity-build 300 ISO build scripts for Apricity OS protocool/ack-tmbundle 298 "Ack in Project" TextMate bundle thi-ng/geom 298 2D/3D geometry toolkit for Clojure/Clojurescript imgo/imgo 297 Image optimization tool corbindavenport/nexus-tools 296 Tool to install ADB and Fastboot on Mac OS X and Linux. pengwynn/dotfiles 296 $HOME sweet ~/ MaxCDN/shml 295 Style Framework for The Terminal tutumcloud/lamp 295 LAMP base docker image wireghoul/htshells 294 Self contained htaccess shells and attacks yyuu/pyenv-installer 294 This tool is used to install `pyenv` and friends. hnarayanan/shpotify 293 A command-line interface to Spotify cosmin/git-hg 293 A git-hg utility for checking out and tracking a mercurial repo. AdmitHub/meteor-buildpack-horse 291 Heroku buildpack for Meteor v1.0+. The horse one. bjango/Bjango-Templates 291 Design templates for Android, iPhone, iOS, OS X, Apple TV (tvOS), Apple Watch (watchOS), Windows, Windows Phone and web favicons. bmizerany/roundup 291 eliminate bugs and weeds from shell scripts analytically/hadoop-ansible 290 Ansible playbook that installs a Hadoop cluster, with HBase, Hive, Presto for analytics, and Ganglia, Smokeping, Fluentd, Elasticsearch and Kibana for monitoring and centralized log indexing. dyne/Tomb 289 the Crypto Undertaker progrium/busybox 289 Busybox container with glibc+opkg xdtianyu/scripts 286 scripts for work graysky2/profile-sync-daemon 286 Symlinks and syncs browser profile dirs to RAM thus reducing HDD/SDD calls and speeding-up browsers. startup-class/setup 285 AWS EC2 setup files for Startup Engineering MOOC. johnf/m3u8-segmenter 285 Apple HTTP Live Streaming Segmenter sm/sm 284 S{cripting,ystem,tack} Management (SM) Framework (Core) cloudsec/brootkit 284 Lightweight rootkit implemented by bash shell scripts v0.10 tokuhirom/plenv 284 Perl binary manager danielbruce/entypo 282 Further development of the pictogram suite Entypo wnameless/docker-oracle-xe-11g 282 Dockerfile of Oracle Database Express Edition 11g Release 2 golang/proposal 282 Go Project Design Documents technopagan/adept-jpg-compressor 282 A Bash script to automate adaptive JPEG compression using common CLI tools petrockblog/OwncloudPie 281 Shell script for installing Owncloud on the Raspberry Pi kylef/heroku-buildpack-swift 281 Heroku build pack for Swift pgexperts/pgx_scripts 280 A collection of useful little scripts for database analysis and administration, created by our team at PostgreSQL Experts. docker-library/mysql 280 Docker Official Image packaging for MySQL Community Server coreos/coreos-xhyve 278 CoreOS running on xhyve hypervisor ClusterLabs/resource-agents 278 Combined repository of OCF agents from the RHCS and Linux-HA projects mig/gedit-themes 277 Color themes for Gnome's default editor Gedit dockerfile/java 277 Java Dockerfile for trusted automated Docker builds. spotify/docker-kafka 276 Kafka (and Zookeeper) in Docker ShawnMcCool/PHPStorm-SpacePeacock 276 An attempt at a decent looking PHPStorm setup. toleda/audio_CloverALC 275 OS X Realtek ALC onboard audio with Clover nerves-project/nerves_system_br 274 Platform infrastructure for embedded Erlang/OTP, Elixir, and LFE projects samrocketman/gitlab-mirrors 273 A set of scripts adding the ability of managing remote mirrors to GitLab. tobegit3hub/understand_linux_process 273 The open-source ebook of Understand Linux Process zhuowei/Xenologer 273 #notglass #untilnow hchbaw/auto-fu.zsh 273 #zsh automatic complete-word and list-choices. Originally incr-0.2.zsh by y.fujiiicy/pacapt 273 An Arch's pacman-like package manager for some Unices begriffs/heroku-buildpack-ghc 272 Deploy Haskell apps to Heroku jmcantrell/bashful 271 A collection of modules to simplify writing bash scripts. RoverWire/virtualhost 271 Bash Script to easy create or delete apache virtual hosts on ubuntu CHH/heroku-buildpack-php 271 A more advanced PHP buildpack for Heroku, inspired by the Node.js buildpack wppurking/ocserv-docker 270 用于初始化 ocserv 的 Dockfile 脚本 startupml/jetpack 270 Get up and running with machine learning using Docker wckr/wocker 269 A rapid development environment of WordPress based on Vagrant, CoreOS, and Docker. firehol/firehol 268 A firewall for humans... xbianonpi/xbian 267 XBMC on Raspberry Pi, Bleeding Edge juven/maven-bash-completion 267 Maven Bash Auto Completion sampson-chen/sack 267 s(hortcut)-ack: a faster way to use ag, ack (or grep)! oliverlloyd/jmeter-ec2 266 Automates running Apache JMeter on Amazon EC2 jedda/OSX-Monitoring-Tools 265 A collection of scripts and tools to assist in monitoring Mac OS X and essential services with Nagios. fideloper/docker-nginx-php 265 An Ubuntu, Nginx and PHP stack Built in Docker seapy/dockerfiles 263 dockerfiles tinfoil/openvpn_autoconfig 263 andrep/git-svn-clone-externals 263 Simple shell script to import svn:externals into a local git-svn repository ejholmes/vagrant-heroku 262 A Vagrant base box that closely mirrors the Celadon Cedar stack on heroku jcorbin/zsh-git 262 Towards better Zsh Git integration calfzhou/autoproxy-gfwlist 262 A mirror of autoproxy-gfwlist X1011/git-directory-deploy 261 deploy a directory as a git branch Veil-Framework/Veil 261 Veil is the superproject containing all tools in the Veil-Framework oxplot/gitwatch 261 Watch a git repository for changes Sensebloom/OSCeleton 259 OSCeleton is a proxy that sends skeleton information collected from the kinect sensor via OSC, making it easier to use input from the device in any language / framework that supports the OSC protocol. mrworf/plexupdate 259 Plex Update script to simplify the life of Linux Plex Media Server users. elgalu/docker-selenium 259 Selenium in Docker with Chrome & Firefox plus video recording support foospidy/payloads 258 Git All the Payloads! A collection of web attack payloads. sirthias/BlueForest 258 IntelliJ IDEA Dark Color Scheme for Java, Scala, Ruby, XML and more ekalinin/envirius 257 Universal Virtual Environments Manager seuros/capistrano-puma 257 Puma integration for Capistrano 3 amplab/docker-scripts 256 Dockerfiles and scripts for Spark and Shark Docker images punkave/stagecoach 255 Painlessly deploy node.js applications to your staging and production servers. Use a standard VPS or dedicated server to host both Node and traditional Apache-based websites. Pairs nicely with nginx and mechanic. sameersbn/docker-postgresql 254 Dockerfile to build a PostgreSQL container image which can be linked to other containers. ethereum/webthree-umbrella 253 Umbrella project for the Ethereum C++ implementation lolilolicon/FFcast 253 FFcast has almost nothing to do with FFmpeg or screencast ;) Krijger/docker-cookbooks 253 A collection of Dockerfiles, also shared on the docker index ( basecamp/xip-pdns 253 PowerDNS pipe backend adapter powering apankrat/ 252 Pipeable bash script that prints current time while waiting for an input from stdin hashrocket/dotmatrix 252 Hashrocket Dot Files jamiew/git-friendly 251 Pimp your git workflow. Just type pull, branch, merge, push fedora-cloud/Fedora-Dockerfiles 251 Fedora Dockerfiles mpalourdio/xps13 251 DELL xps13 2015 (9343) Linux Support ffuenf/vagrant-boxes 251 baseboxes build with for use with vagrant Answers4AWS/netflixoss-ansible 251 NetflixOSS Ansible Playbooks nevik/gitwatch 250 A script to watch a file or folder and automatically commit changes to a Git repo mikemcquaid/strap 250 :boot: Bootstrap your OS X development system. deeplearningparis/dl-machine 250 Scripts to setup a GPU / CUDA-enabled compute server with libraries for deep learning aurora/rmate 250 Remote TextMate 2 implemented as shell script RichardBronosky/ota-tools 248 A burgeoning collection of tools for Over-The-Air distribution of mobile applications. rerun/rerun 248 Core rerun. See also ceph/ceph-docker 247 Docker files and images to run Ceph in containers CenturyLinkLabs/golang-builder 247 Containerized build environment for compiling an executable Golang package and packaging it in a light-weight Docker container. jspahrsummers/objc-build-scripts 246 Bootstrap and CI scripts for Objective-C projects. n00ge/sublime-text-haml-sass 246 Haml & Sass language definitions and snippets for Sublime Text 2 NYPL-publicdomain/data-and-utilities 246 Snapshot of Item and Collection data for public domain materials in NYPL Digital Collections, as part of NYPL's January 2016 public domain release. keenerd/packer 246 Bash wrapper for pacman and AUR. crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng 245 A versatile (cross-)toolchain generator. tmux-plugins/tmux-sensible 245 basic tmux settings everyone can agree on jomo/imgur-screenshot 245 Take screenshot selection, upload to imgur. + more cool things bkuhlmann/osx 244 Shell scripts for automated OSX machine setup. ojbucao/Workman 244 Workman keyboard layout wine-compholio/wine-staging 244 Staging repository for Wine. Report bugs at or visit the website: kevinohashi/WordPressVPS 243 dokku/sshcommand 243 Turn SSH into a thin client specifically for your app RobBollons/passbox 242 Simple command line password manager using a flat file as a database and GPG encryption ANXS/postgresql 242 Ansible role for PostgreSQL crosbymichael/Dockerfiles 241 Collection of Dockerfiles lj2007331/oneinstack 241 OneinStack - A PHP/JAVA Deployment Tool iocage/iocage 241 FreeBSD jail manager billw2/rpi-clone 241 A shell script to clone a running Raspberry Pi SD card to a USB mounted SD card. RayViljoen/Raspberry-PI-SD-Installer-OS-X 240 Shell Script for creating Raspberry PI SD card on OS X. ZZROTDesign/docker-clean 240 A script that cleans docker containers, images, volumes, and networks. ianheggie/rbenv-binstubs 240 A Bundler binstubs Plugin for rbenv JeffreyWay/Vagrant-Setup 240 My Vagrant install script funtoo/keychain 239 keychain ssh-agent front-end hgomez/obuildfactory 238 OpenJDK Build Factory jbfink/docker-wordpress 238 Dockerfile and etc for a Wordpress docker image sapegin/shipit 237 Minimalistic SSH deployment MasonLiuChn/DecompileApk 237 output dex , jar , smali , xml , AndroidManifest.xml , res , sign info , umeng channel. chriskempson/base16-gnome-terminal 237 Base16 for Gnome Terminal SecUpwN/Spotify-AdKiller 237 Your Party with Spotify - without ads! cznweb/arkos-pkgbuilds 237 Apps and files for the development of the arkOS distro just-containers/s6-overlay 237 s6 overlay for containers (includes execline, s6-portable-utils & a custom init) Mayccoll/Gogh 236 Color Scheme for Gnome Terminal and Pantheon Terminal rbenv/rbenv-default-gems 236 Automatically install gems every time you install a new version of Ruby holman/spaceman-diff 235 diff images from the command line mdo/config 235 Personal checklist for setting up a new Mac's dev environment. tdlm/os-x-self-destruct 235 Deletes files/folders in OS X based on a time specified in tags. scottkosty/install-tl-ubuntu 235 Install script for TeX Live on Ubuntu japaric/rust-cross 235 Everything you need to know about cross compiling Rust programs! PatrolServer/bashscanner 234 A fast way to scan your server for outdated software and potential exploits. teddysun/shadowsocks_install 234 Auto Install Shadowsocks Server for CentOS/Redhat/Debian/Ubuntu janbrennen/rice 234 rice, hax, etc fpco/stackage 234 "Stable Hackage," tools for creating a vetted set of packages from Hackage. riobard/bash-powerline 234 Powerline-style Bash prompt in pure Bash script mzabriskie/rackt-cli 233 Command line interface for automating common tasks when building React.js components owntracks/owntracks 233 OwnTracks boxcutter/ubuntu 233 Virtual machine templates for Ubuntu zant95/elementary-dropbox 232 Installs Dropbox and integrates it with WingPanel (for Elementary OS Freya). edenspiekermann/ 232 A Bash script to build a SVG sprite from a folder of SVG files (typically icons). omgmog/install-all-firefox 231 bash script to install major Firefox versions on Mac OS X rylnd/shpec 229 Test your shell scripts! 2creatives/vagrant-centos 228 Scripts to create a lean CentOS Vagrant box. colinkeenan/silentcast 228 Create silent mkv screencast and animated gif. pblittle/docker-logstash 227 Docker image for Logstash 1.4 altercation/mutt-colors-solarized 226 mutt mail client color schemes square/luhnybin 226 ianunruh/monitoring 225 :chart_with_upwards_trend: Scripts to configure various monitoring services on Ubuntu 14.04 sindresorhus/opn 225 A better node-open. Opens stuff like websites, files, executables. Cross-platform. ekalinin/github-markdown-toc 224 Easy TOC creation for GitHub mattandersen/vagrant-lamp 224 Ubuntu LAMP server implemented with Vagrant pires/kubernetes-vagrant-coreos-cluster 224 Kubernetes cluster (for testing purposes) made easy with Vagrant and CoreOS. hchbaw/opp.zsh 223 # Vim's text-objects-ish for zsh (obsolete for zsh-5.0.8) cikelengfeng/RPAXU 222 refresh plugins after Xcode upgrading BlueDragonX/xf86-input-mtrack 222 Xorg Multitouch Trackpad Driver steamos-community/stephensons-rocket 221 Stephenson's Rocket - a modified SteamOS installer, with support for older and virtualized computers miohtama/ztanesh 220 Improve your UNIX command line experience and productivity with ztanesh project: the tools will make your shell more powerful and easier to use. mattias-ohlsson/gitlab-installer 220 Installer for GitLab esden/summon-arm-toolchain 220 This project is not under active development any more. Consider using instead! A very simple build script for bare metal arm toolchain. NO LINUX! pote/gvp 220 Go Versioning Packager woxxy/MySQL-backup-to-Amazon-S3 220 Backup daily/weekly/monhtly all your MySQL databases to Amazon S3 via SH and s3cmd cloudfoundry/bosh-lite 218 A lite development env for BOSH sindresorhus/np 218 A better `npm publish` tablespoon/fun 217 awslabs/aws-codedeploy-samples 216 Samples and template scenarios for AWS CodeDeploy sunaku/dasht 216 Search API docs offline, in terminal or browser musictheory/rchook 216 Make Xcode bump build #, tag git, and archive files on Product->Archive pierce403/keyhunter 216 A tool to recover lost bitcoin private keys from dead harddrives. offensive-security/kali-arm-build-scripts 216 Kali Linux ARM build scripts meskarune/i3lock-fancy 215 i3lock script that takes a screenshot of the desktop, blurs the background and adds a lock icon and text lehmannro/ 214 bash unit testing framework Traackr/ansible-elasticsearch 214 Ansible playbook for Elasticsearch dennishafemann/tmux-cssh 212 TMUX with a "ClusterSSH"-like behaviour. minimaxir/video-to-gif-osx 212 A set of utilities that allow the user to easily convert video files to very-high-quality GIFs on OS X. marshyski/quick-secure 212 Quickly secure UNIX/Linux systems gabriel/ffmpeg-iphone-build 212 Build scripts for building ffmpeg on iPhone phallus/fonts 212 oh gee I wonder what could be in this repo imperialwicket/elasticsearch-logstash-index-mgmt 211 Bash scripts for managing backup, delete, and restore of elasticsearch indexes created by logstash. kiwenlau/hadoop-cluster-docker 211 Quickly build arbitrary size Hadoop Cluster based on Docker asdf-vm/asdf 210 Extendable version manager with support for Ruby, Node.js, Elixir, Erlang & more geo8bit/nodebob 209 nodebob is a build tool for node-webkit. 91yun/serverspeeder 209 锐速破解版 rjbaker/simple-magento-vagrant 209 A VERY simple Magento environment provisioner for Vagrant jhu-ep-coursera/fullstack-course1-module1 209 leonteale/pentestpackage 208 a package of Pentest scripts I have made or commonly use wunki/vagrant-freebsd 207 FreeBSD with ZFS for Vagrant CodeCatalyst/mou-theme-solarized 206 Mou ( theme for Markdown syntax highlighting using Ethan Schoonover's Solarized color scheme. princebot/pythonize 205 download, install, and configure Python in one line jakearchibald/sass-ie 204 Writing mobile-first styles without leaving IE<9 behind examplecode/unused-image 204 This is shell script used to check and clean unused image resource , support Android and IOS project relateiq/docker_public 204 mcrapet/plowshare 204 Command-line tool and engine for managing sharing websites docker-library/wordpress 203 Docker Official Image packaging for WordPress ArtSabintsev/Solarized-Dark-for-Xcode 203 Solarized Dark Theme for Xcode 7 umiddelb/armhf 202 interesting stuff about arm devices (utilite,cubox-i,odroid-c1) grugq/PORTALofPi 202 PORTAL of Pi - RaspberyPi based PORTAL device. Certified UNIX Network Technicians only! javaee-samples/docker-java 202 Docker for Java Developers dz0ny/lightdm-login-chromeos 201 Installs chromiumos-aura window manager to Ubuntu rvagg/dnt 201 Docker Node Tester conda/conda-recipes 201 build and test recipes for conda Kloadut/dokku-pg-plugin 200 PostgreSQL plugin for Dokku crashsystems/gitlab-docker 200 Automated buld of GitLab with chrismytton/shoreman 200 foreman in shell felipec/git-remote-hg 200 Transparent bidirectional bridge between Git and Mercurial for Git appersonlabs/MakeTi 199 This repo is no longer supported and exists only for the sake of reference. Please use the new Titanium CLI lyfeyaj/sublime-text-imfix 199 Fix Sublime Text 2/3 Input method problem under Ubuntu wargio/Twitch-Streamer-Linux 199 This is a script dedicated to stream to with Webcam support julien-c/ 199 Deploy Meteor apps to EC2 (or your own server) octo-online/Xcode-formatter 198 Simple automatic code formatter for Xcode nicolasff/docker-cassandra 198 A set of scripts and config files to run a Cassandra cluster from Docker dockerfiles/django-uwsgi-nginx 198 Dockerfile and configuration files to build a working Django container with uwsgi and nginx bripkens/dock 198 Bootstrap databases, MOMs and other tools that you need for development purposes tj/mad 197 mad(1) is a markdown manual page viewer JakeWharton/mkvdts2ac3 197 Bash script to convert DTS audio to AC3 within a matroska file. dustinkirkland/byobu 197 git mirror of upstream bzr at rfxn/linux-malware-detect 197 Linux Malware Detection (LMD) yyuu/pyenv-virtualenvwrapper 197 an alternative approach to manage virtualenvs from pyenv. nodenv/nodenv 197 Manage multiple NodeJS versions. pipeseroni/ 196 Animated pipes terminal screensaver wertarbyte/autorandr 195 Auto-detect the connect display hardware and load the appropiate X11 setup using xrandr or disper DavidWittman/ansible-redis 195 Highly-configurable Ansible role to install Redis and Redis Sentinel from source fisherman/fishtape 194 TAP producing test runner for fish-shell chriseldredge/git-slack-hook 194 Git receive hook to notify Slack channels bartman/git-wip 193 help track git Work In Progress branches dotzero/vagrant-debian-jessie 193 Automatic Debian 8 Vagrant base box building on OSX, Linux and Windows sabersalv/freedom-routes 193 chnroutes改进版, 智能生成路由表, 大幅提升VPN浏览国内网页速度 walshie4/Ultimate-Blocklist 192 A super blocklist made from the most popular ones on the web! hughobrien/zfs-remote-mirror 192 A detailed tutorial on setting up a remote ZFS mirror for home use. openwebos/build-desktop 191 Build, install, and run scripts for the desktop build of Open webOS henrik/dotfiles 191 Dotfiles. timhaak/docker-plex 191 This is a Dockerfile to set up Plex Media Server progrium/nginx-appliance 190 A programmable Nginx container dspinellis/gi 189 Git-based issue management geekwolf/sa-scripts 189 sa-scripts Winetricks/winetricks 188 Automatically exported from jpalardy/warp 188 A bash script to SSH from a list of hostnames. StarshipEngineer/OpenVPN-Setup 188 Shell script to set up Raspberry Pi (TM) as an OpenVPN server bucaran/wahoo 187 fish-shell configuration framework sameersbn/docker-gitlab-ci 187 Dockerfile to build a GitLab CI container image. comperiosearch/vagrant-elk-box 186 Vagrant box to install elasticsearch, logstash and kibana matthewmccullough/scripts 186 A series of Bash and ZShell scripts denilsonsa/prettyping 186 `prettyping` is a wrapper around the standard `ping` tool, making the output prettier, more colorful, more compact, and easier to read. dmachat/angular-webpack-cookbook 185 The repository for the Angular Webpack Cookbook Gitbook docker-library/python 185 Docker Official Image packaging for Python ynniv/opengenera 185 Convenience scripts to run Open Genera on Mac OS X or a modern Linux. kasparsd/php-7-debian 185 Install PHP 7 on Debian/Ubuntu Fourdee/DietPi 185 Lightweight justice for your single-board computer. zchee/Seti_JetBrains 184 Seti_UI and Seti_UX themes port for JetBrains' all IDE tutumcloud/influxdb 184 Docker image to run an out-of-the-box InfluxDB server taigaio/taiga-scripts 183 Taiga deploy scripts b4b4r07/dotfiles 183 :octocat: dotfiles ❤ Testing my dotfiles repo on OS X to get my work environment ready in just a few moments. #VIM + #ZSH + #TMUX = Best Developer Environment squeaky-pl/portable-pypy 183 Portable 32 and 64 bit x86 PyPy binaries for many Linux distributions. docker-library/golang 182 Docker Official Image packaging for golang javer/hhvm-vagrant-vm 182 Vagrant VM for HipHop VM 0xAX/git-cheat 182 git cheat sheets in your command line igorpecovnik/lib 182 Armbian build tools wmanley/git-meld 181 Wrapper around git and meld for comparing git trees exceedhl/toft 181 toft is a library currently supporting testing infrastructure code such as chef, shell scripts with cucumber and lxc on linux machine Mins/TuxLite 181 A complete LAMP and LNMP setup script for Debian or Ubuntu Graylog2/graylog2-images 181 Ready to run machine images anthonix/ffts 180 The Fastest Fourier Transform in the South bilgi-webteam/kommit 180 Build your commit message without touching or editing your code! travislee8964/Ocserv-install-script-for-CentOS-RHEL-7 180 Ocserv(AnyConnect Server) install script for CentOS/RHEL 7 saulmm/Android-Notification-Example 180 A simple sample showing the different types of notifications on Andoid taylor/kiex 179 Elixir version manager swaroopch/flask-boilerplate 179 A Flask skeleton for Apache/mod_wsgi deployment and many other goodies jvehent/haproxy-aws 179 Documentation on building a HTTPS stack in AWS with HAProxy NodeOS-Legacy/NodeOS-Docker 179 Build NodeOS on Docker fgrehm/devstep 179 Development environments powered by Docker and buildpacks dokku/dokku-letsencrypt 178 BETA: Automatic Let's Encrypt TLS Certificate installation for dokku sekka1/mesosphere-docker 178 bmaeser/iptables-boilerplate 178 rock solid default firewall-rules for webhosts aschenkels-ictstudio/odoo-install-scripts 177 ODOO Install Script (formerly OpenERP) neilpa/cmd-colors-solarized 177 Solarized color settings for Windows command prompt g0tmi1k/os-scripts 177 Personal Collection of Operating Systems Scripts fanyueciyuan/eazy-for-ss 176 A Bypassgfw Collection termux/termux-packages 176 Android terminal emulator and Linux environment - packages repository. ipython/docker-notebook 176 Docker containers for the IPython notebook (+SciPy Stack) hellofwy/ss-bash 176 Shadowsocks流量管理脚本 falconindy/arch-install-scripts 175 Mirror of git:// voidlinux/void-packages 175 The XBPS source packages collection kura/vagrant-bash-completion 175 Add autocomplete for Vagrant to bash completion spujadas/elk-docker 175 Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana (ELK) Docker image KnpLabs/symfony2-autocomplete 174 [UNMAINTAINED] A very simple script to autocomplete Symfony2 commands in a bash shell. s0enke/git-hooks 174 git-hooks funcoeszz/funcoeszz 174 Funções ZZ — 170+ aplicativos para a linha de comando do Linux, Mac e Cygwin aplura/Tango 174 Honeypot Intelligence with Splunk w3ctag/promises-guide 174 A guide for spec authors on how to use Promises in prose and WebIDL. cal/vagrant-ubuntu-precise-64 174 Automatic vagrant base box building junegunn/myvim 174 :bento: Script to create a portable bundle of Vim environment joshuaclayton/dotfiles 173 Because everyone else is doing it sammcj/delete-unknown-root-ca 173 Delete Known Government-Linked Certificate Authorities in OS X course-hero/slacktee 173 slacktee is a bash script that works like tee command. Instead of writing the standard input to files, slacktee posts it to Slack. masterkain/ImageMagick-sl 172 Install ImageMagick on Snow Leopard / Leopard asb/raspi-config 172 Configuration tool for the Raspberry Pi. Now maintained at mietek/halcyon 172 System for installing Haskell apps ayust/underhanded 172 The ultimate underhanded dotfiles aespinosa/docker-jenkins 171 Builds a Docker image for Jenkins cmoudy/mean-vagrant 170 Vagrant Development Environment for Kick-Starting Developing an application in the MEAN Stack. djanowski/hasp 170 Half-assed CSS preprocessor. RoelN/SansBullshitSans 170 Source for the Sans Bullshit Sans font StreakyCobra/gws 170 Colorful KISS helper for git workspaces RangeNetworks/dev 170 Start Here! Development Environment Tools and System Releases riywo/ndenv 170 node.js version manager based on rbenv neurocyte/ghc-android 169 Build scripts for building ghc cross compilers targeting Android haosdent/s 169 s is a tool for ssh like z for cd aiyodk/Alfred-Extensions 169 dflydev/git-subsplit 169 Automate and simplify the process of managing one-way read-only subtree splits. meltwater/docker-cleanup 169 Automatic Docker image, container and volume cleanup TheNewNormal/coreos-osx 169 CoreOS VM for OS X zfsonlinux/zfs-auto-snapshot 169 ZFS Automatic Snapshot Service for Linux matthewmccullough/dotfiles 168 Shell Config mururu/exenv 168 Elixir versions management tool neilorangepeel/Free-Social-Icons 167 Vector based social icons made with Sketch App for mac brock/node-reinstall 167 Complete Node Reinstall for OSX and Linux nodejs/docker-iojs 167 Official Docker images from the io.js project joshlong/bootiful-microservices 167 elasticdog/packer-arch 166 template for building an Arch Linux base box airtonix/ansible-django 166 django playbook rezzza/dcw 166 dcw is docker compose wrapper to simplify everyday dev work with containers jradavenport/batlog 166 1 Year of MacBook Air Battery Logs richie5um/TextBar-Recipes 166 TextBar Recipes cmacrae/saveosx 166 Bringing fast, secure, 64bit binary package management to OS X PureDarwin/PureDarwin 166 Darwin is the Open Source operating system from Apple that forms the basis for OS X, and PureDarwin is a community project to make Darwin more usable. See the Wiki for more information. nlf/dhyve-os 165 a tiny OS for running docker in xhyve William-Yeh/docker-workshop 165 Slides and lab materials for my Docker Workshop (in Traditional Chinese). zbal/zabbix 165 Zabbix custom scripts and auto-install codigofuerte/GeoNames-MySQL-DataImport 165 Shell Script to download and import dumps into a mysql database. wmluke/dokku-domains-plugin 165 Dokku plugin to create nginx vhost with multiple domains EnterpriseDB/pg_nosql_benchmark 165 A tool which can be used to benchmark PostgreSQL (JSONB) and MongoDB (BSON) cortexmedia/Beluga 164 Beluga a CLI to deploy docker containers on a single server or low amount of servers. neonichu/chswift 164 The missing Swift version manager, inspired by chruby. karalabe/xgo 164 Go CGO cross compiler teddysun/lamp 164 Install LAMP(Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP ) for CentOS/Redhat/Debian/Ubuntu centos-bz/ezhttp 164 The bash shell script stack for installation of Nginx OpenResty Tengine lua_nginx_module nginx_concat_module nginx_upload_module ngx_substitutions_filter_module Apache-2.2 Apache-2.4 MySQL-5.1 MySQL-5.5 MySQL-5.6 MySQL-5.7 PHP-5.2 PHP-5.3 PHP-5.4 PHP-5.5 PHP-5.6 ZendOptimizer ZendGuardLoader Xcache Eaccelerator Imagemagick IonCube Memcache Memcached Redis Mongo Xdebug Mssql Memcached PureFtpd PhpMyAdmin Redis Mongodb PhpRedisAdmin MemAdmin RockMongo Jdk7 Jdk8 Tomcat7 Tomcat8 ivandavidov/minimal 164 "Minimal Linux Live" is a set of Linux shell scripts which automatically build minimal Live Linux OS based on Linux kernel, GNU C library and BusyBox. stephenh/git-central 163 scripts and hooks for use with a centralized git repo engineyard/vertebra 163 Top-level repository with the entire vertebra distribution cloudbuilders/devstack 163 THIS IS A MIRROR OF - PULL REQUESTS ARE NOT MANAGED THROUGH THIS REPO. SEE GaryJones/wordpress-plugin-git-flow-svn-deploy 163 Deploys a WordPress plugin from Github (git) to the WordPress Plugin Repostiory (svn), taking account of git-flow usage. basherpm/basher 163 A package manager for shell scripts. ryandotsmith/null-buildpack 162 a heroku buildpack that runs executables kaltura/platform-install-packages 162 Official deployment packages to install the Kaltura platform on a server or cluster environments using native OS package managers snwh/ubuntu-post-install 162 A set of post-installation shell scripts for Ubuntu quericy/one-key-ikev2-vpn 162 A bash script base on Centos or Ubuntu help you to create IKEV2/L2TP vpn. jreinke/modgit 161 Shell script for Git module deployment with include/exclude filters. monfresh/laptop 161 A shell script which turns your Mac into an awesome web development machine. jgallen23/mongroup 161 Monitor a group of processes with mon kfei/docktorrent 161 :zap: Full-featured BitTorrent box run on Docker wurstmeister/storm-docker 161 Dockerfiles for building a storm cluster. mseknibilel/OpenStack-Folsom-Install-guide 161 A full installation guide for OpenStack Folsom with Quantum conceptsandtraining/modernie_selenium 160 Manage VBox-VMs with Selenium-Support woolabs/Woobuntu 160 ivyl/i3-config 160 i3 wm configuration files cyphunk/ 160 subjective but sensible defaults for shell use. Ubuntu, OSX, FreeBSD tested. schacon/whygitisbetter 160 the source code for mitchellh/packer-ubuntu-12.04-docker 160 Packer template that builds images that are Docker-ready on Ubuntu 12.04. Ogeon/rust-on-raspberry-pi 159 Instructions for how to cross compile Rust projects for the Raspberry Pi ps3dev/ps3toolchain 159 A script to autobuild an open source toolchain for the PS3. sameersbn/docker-browser-box 159 Dockerized google-chome and tor-browser with audio support via pulseaudio pokle/cassandra 158 A Docker Cassandra container terrywang/vagrantboxes 158 Vagrant Base Boxes for plus veewee definitions travis-ci/gimme 158 Install go, yay! radiac/caman 158 A self-signing certificate authority manager silinternational/ecs-deploy 158 Simple shell script for initiating blue-green deployments on Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) geerlingguy/ansible-role-mysql 157 Ansible Role - MySQL PaoloRotolo/android-studio 157 Android Studio by Google packaged for Ubuntu. myfreeweb/zshuery 156 [DEPRECATED] Minimal zsh framework grayhemp/pgcookbook 156 PostgreSQL documentation project crazy-max/csgo-server-launcher 156 Counter-Strike : Global Offensive Server Launcher heroku/heroku-buildpack-scala 156 Heroku buildpack: Scala hypriot/flash 156 Command line script to flash SD card images for the Raspberry Pi sorpaas/figure 155 Fig powered mini-Heroku ptb/Complete-OS-X-Setup 155 zagortenay333/Harmattan 155 A conky theme n8gray/Backup-Bouncer 155 A metadata test suite for OS X backup tools drewconway/data_science_box 155 Simple scripts to setup a fresh data science box using an Ubuntu 12.04.* LTS 64-bit server running on an EC2 spicycode/ze-best-zsh-config 154 Ze Best ZSH Config rust-lang/book 154 The Rust Programming Language jeffutter/dokku-mongodb-plugin 154 Plugin to setup Mongodb accounts for containers deployed to Dokku terinjokes/docker-npmjs 154 Docker image for a private npmjs repository poliva/random-scripts 154 scripts I use from time to time pentestmonkey/unix-privesc-check 154 Automatically exported from xuxiaodong/tmuxen 154 tmux environment made easy. zeke/ghwd 154 Open the github URL that matches your shell's current branch and working directory feross/webtorrent-hybrid 154 WebTorrent (with WebRTC support in Node.js) Tarrasch/zsh-bd 154 Jump back to a specific directory, without doing `cd ../../..` paoloantinori/hhighlighter 154 A command line tool to highlight terms coreos/coreos-overlay 153 Custom ebuilds for CoreOS treeder/go 152 Go tool that uses Docker and only Docker. puppetlabs/puppet-vagrant-boxes 152 Veewee definitions for a set of generic vagrant boxes ngineered/nginx-php-fpm 152 Nginx and php-fpm for dockerhub builds shyiko/commacd 152 When `cd` is just too slow. CaseyLabs/aws-ec2-ebs-automatic-snapshot-bash 151 Bash script for Automatic EBS Snapshots and Cleanup on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Created by CaseyLabs. thornomad/dt-s3-backup 151 Bash script for automated backups with duplicity and Amazon's S3 online storage beagleboard/kernel 151 Kernel for the boards JohnAlbin/git-svn-migrate 151 Helper scripts to ease the migration of Subversion repositories to Git cryptojuice/gobrew 151 Shell script to download and set GO environmental paths to allow multiple versions. bluss/git-remote-gcrypt 151 git-remote-gcrypt: A git remote helper for GPG-encrypted remotes sinkcup/AntDemo 150 安卓自动打包ant auto build Android Package githubtraining/zzz_deprecated-git-workshop 150 This has been relocated to <> elasticdog/genhost 150 generate unused hostnames by randomly picking from a word list mkropat/sslfie 150 Generate self-signed x.509 certificates for use with SSL/TLS ungleich/cdist 150 cdist configuration management OpenHFT/OpenHFT 150 Parent module to include active modules metral/corekube 149 CoreOS + Kubernetes + OpenStack - The simplest way to deploy a POC Kubernetes cluster using a Heat template karalabe/srcbox 149 Source code inside Dropbox docker-library/redis 149 Docker Official Image packaging for Redis overshard/docker-minecraft 149 An easy way to get a Minecraft server up and running using docker. SilverFoxx/PwnSTAR 149 PwnSTAR (Pwn SofT-Ap scRipt) - for all your fake-AP needs! hectcastro/docker-riak 149 A Docker project to bring up a local Riak cluster. 1N3/BruteX 149 Automatically brute force all services running on a target. floyd-fuh/tiny-mitm-proxy 149 Probably one of the smallest SSL MITM proxies you can make cloudfoundry-attic/oss-docs 149 Documentation for the Cloud Foundry Platform as a Service smurfmonitor/dns-iptables-rules 149 DNS Amplification IPTABLES block lists liquanzhou/ops_doc 148 运维简洁实用手册 sensorflo/git-draw 148 draws nearly the full content of a tiny git repository as a graph fraction/sshcd 148 Connect with SSH and cd (change directory) with one command. dclardy64/ISPConfig-3-Debian-Installer 148 Auto install script for ISPConfig 3 on Debian dominictarr/ 148 vitorgalvao/alfred-workflows 148 Collection of Alfred workflows FezVrasta/ark-server-tools 148 Set of server tools used to manage ARK: Survival Evolved servers on Linux gotbletu/shownotes 148 notes for random stuff iye/lightsOn 147 Bash script that prevents the screensaver and display power # management (DPMS) to be activated when you are watching Flash Videos fullscreen on Firefox. hodgesmr/FindGitHubEmail 147 Bash script that finds a GitHub user's email address based on username frntn/x509-san 147 Generate self-signed x509 certificates valid for multiple URLs/IPs lowendbox/lowendscript 147 Bash scripts to set up/bootstrap low end virtual servers docker-library/mongo 147 Docker Official Image packaging for MongoDB adaline/dockermail 147 Easy mail service in docker containers! djosephsen/skinnywhale 147 Skinnywhale helps you make smaller (as in megabytes) Docker containers boxcutter/centos 147 Virtual machine templates for CentOS tejr/dotfiles 147 I cannot reach my rusty weapons hyperrealm/libconfig 147 C/C++ library for processing configuration files Goles/Battery 146 Battery is a bash script to display your Laptop's battery status on the terminal. relevance/etc 146 bash scripts, aliases, other misc things go here pr1ntf/iohyve 146 FreeBSD bhyve manager utilizing ZFS archlinuxcn/repo 146 Arch Linux CN Repository drwahl/puppet-git-hooks 146 Git client and server side hooks for puppet development deliciousinsights/git-stree 146 A better Git subtree helper command Red5d/pushbullet-bash 146 Bash interface to the PushBullet API gma/bundler-exec 146 Automatically run Ruby scripts with "bundle exec" (but only when appropriate). ghost1227/cdm 146 Console Display Manager Whonix/Whonix 146 Whonix is an operating system focused on anonymity, privacy and security. It's based on the Tor anonymity network, Debian GNU/Linux and security by isolation. DNS leaks are impossible, and not even malware with root privileges can find out the user's real IP. hyongbai/recompressApk 145 Compress a signed apk without destroy its original signature jackdb/pg-app-dev-vm 145 Basic Vagrant configuration for local application development with PostgreSQL ZeitOnline/briefkasten 145 a reasonably secure web application for submitting content anonymously drothlis/clang-ctags 145 Generate tag file for C++ source code, using the clang C++ compiler's parsing libraries viljoviitanen/setup-simple-openvpn 145 Setup Simple OpenVPN server for Linux openstack/diskimage-builder 145 Image building tools for OpenStack sukria/Backup-Manager 144 Versatile yet easy to use command line backup tool for GNU/Linux. Suitable for desktop and servers. splinesoft/SSBuild 144 A build script for continuous integration of iOS apps. rkh/rbenv-update 144 update rbenv and plugins coreos/toolbox 144 bring your tools with you kvz/cronlock 144 cronlock lets you deploy cronjobs cluster-wide without worrying about overlaps. It uses Redis to keep track of locks. Tecate/bitmap-fonts 144 Monospaced bitmap fonts for X11, good for terminal use. dockerfile/mongodb 143 MongoDB Dockerfile for trusted automated Docker builds. jplew/SyncDB 143 Bash script meant to take the tedium out of deploying and updating database-driven (eg Wordpress) websites. It rapidly synchronizes local and remote versions of a MySQL database, performs the necessary search and replace queries, then synchronizes all your uploads/binaries. cytopia/ffscreencast 143 [bash] ffmpeg screencast with video overlay and multi monitor support kpwn/iOSRE 142 iOS Reverse Engineering rear/rear 142 Relax-and-Recover - Linux bare metal disaster recovery and system migration solution (cfr. mksysb, ignite) purple52/librarian-puppet-vagrant 142 An example of how to use Librarian-puppet to manage Puppet modules for a Vagrant box NREL/vagrant-boxes 142 hak8or/Embedded-Linux-System 141 Very rough documentation for my embedded linux system mgutz/vpsbench 141 Benchmarks VPS perfomance mikeplus64/ 141 Functional /bin/sh zdj/themes 141 Jetbrains (IDEA) and iTerm2 Themes alecive/FlatWoken 141 Official FlatWoken icon theme source repository. heroku/heroku-buildpack-pgbouncer 141 Run pgbouncer and stunnel in a dyno along with your application clyfish/zerosprites 141 ZeroSprites is a CSS sprites generator aimed at area minimization using VLSI floorplaning algorithms. nickjj/rolespec 141 A test library for testing Ansible roles zfsnap/zfsnap 140 A portable, performant script to make rolling ZFS snapshots easy. victorhsieh/tw-law-corpus 140 Taiwan law corpus, generated by graysky2/anything-sync-daemon 140 Symlinks and syncs user specified dirs to RAM thus reducing HDD/SDD calls and speeding-up the system. icflorescu/openshift-cartridge-nodejs 140 Custom cartridge for OpenShift providing the lastest version of Node.js. zekunyan/TTGEmojiRate 139 An emoji-liked rating view for iOS, implemented in Swift. nvk/sketch-icons 139 All kinds of icons MagerValp/Create-Recovery-Partition-Installer 139 caiogondim/maglev 139 :monorail: A Tmux theme made to work together with Bullet train devstructure/doubledown 139 erichs/composure 139 Don't fear the Unix chainsaw elementary/icons 138 An icon theme designed to be smooth, sexy, clear, and efficient. nccgroup/metasploitavevasion 138 Metasploit AV Evasion Tool int0x80/anti-forensics 138 for the louise dockerfile/redis 138 Redis Dockerfile for trusted automated Docker builds. Zettt/km-markdown-library 138 Markdown library for Keyboard Maestro. ghc-ios/ghc-ios-scripts 137 Scripts for building GHC and Haskell programs for iOS mvanholsteijn/strip-docker-image 137 Utility to strip Docker images to their bare minimum size. luxas/kubernetes-on-arm 137 Kubernetes ported to ARM boards like Raspberry Pi. asb/spindle 137 obdev/CrossPack-AVR 136 Script and associated files for building avr-gcc and related tools on Mac OS X with Xcode 4 ttscoff/QuickQuestion 136 A simple, text-based system for building an easily-searchable knowlegebase on OS X. CLI, LaunchBar and Alfred included. rupa/j 136 semi clone of autojump ( in shell/awk judofyr/perloku 136 Perl on Heroku anoopdixith/TheConstitutionOfIndia 136 Repository for the Constitution of India. xiaolu/mkbootimg_tools 135 Unpack and repack boot.img,support dtb(dt.img). dfsq/ 135 Build several javascript files into the one build file previously compressing them with Google Closure Compiler. chenxiaolong/Unity-for-Arch 135 Porting Ubuntu's Unity Shell to Arch Linux journeyapps/android-sdk-installer 135 Android SDK Installer Script japaric/rust-everywhere 135 Use CI services to generate binary releases of your Rust program for Linux, Mac and Windows mbrubeck/android-completion 135 Bash completion for "adb" from the Google Android SDK Piker-Alpha/ 135 Script to generate a SSDT for Power Management elastic/beats-dashboards 135 DEPRECATED. Moved to Please use the new repository to add new issues. bluezio/ipwebcam-gst 135 Simple shell script for using IP Webcam as a V4L2 webcam / sound source lvjian700/ffmpegc 135 Compile ffmpeg for iOS, support armv7s , armvs7 & i386 simulator brettlangdon/git-vendor 135 Git command for managing git vendored dependencies craigcitro/r-travis 135 Tools for using R with Travis ( in lieu of a website: FFMS/ffms2 135 A libav/ffmpeg based source library and Avisynth plugin for easy frame accurate access eschultze/URLextractor 134 Information gathering & website reconnaissance rbartolome/xcode-cappuccino 134 This project is no longer under active development. Here for historical reasons. tj/bm 134 CLI bookmarks -- dropbox persisted bookmarks in your terminal - view screenshots in your browser amplab/datascience-sp14 133 Repository for data science course Spring 14 wireghoul/graudit 133 Grep rough audit - source code auditing tool kalabox/kalabox 133 A framework to build reusable, super fast, highly customizable, extensible and local integrated workflow solutions for all kinds of apps. Thinstation/thinstation 133 A framework for making thin and light Linux based images for x86 based machines and thinclients. jekyll/docker 132 :ship: Docker images and builders for Jekyll. wwq0327/gitbook-zh 132 gitbook RGBboy/mongodb-s3-backup 132 Mongodb to Amazon S3 Backup stevef1uk/docker_for_rpi 132 Docker for Raspberry Pi busterc/xcv 132 Cut, Copy and Paste files with Bash shincoder/homestead-docker 132 Create a Laravel homestead docker container for your development env. kopurando/better-faster-elastic-beanstalk 132 Collection of hooks for AWS Elastic Beanstalk node.js containers designed to dramatically increase deployment speeds, avoid unnecessary rebuilding of node_modules, install any version of node.js, install global NPM modules and more. cweiske/phpfarm 132 Tool to install multiple versions of PHP beside each other jeremycastelli/Wordpress-new-project-config 132 Wordpress local project config script blinkreaction/boot2docker-vagrant 132 Boot2docker Vagrant box for optimized Docker and Docker Compose use on Mac and Windows hpc/dcp 131 dcp is a distributed file copy program that automatically distributes and dynamically balances work equally across nodes in a large distributed system without centralized state. g0tmi1k/mpc 131 Msfvenom Payload Creator (MPC) zmalltalker/fish-nuggets 131 Completions, code snippets helping you to get even more out of the amazing Fish shell kazeburo/mysetup 131 my setup scripts repository NixOS/nixos 131 OBSOLETE (go to NixOS/nixpkgs) - NixOS, a Linux distribution based on the Nix package manager - OBSOLETE (go to NixOS/nixpkgs) ttlequals0/autovpn 131 Script to create an OpenVPN Endpoint on AWS. offensive-security/kali-linux-recipes 131 Kali Linux Recipes lutris/lutris 131 lutris client dcneiner/html5-site-template 131 A simple HTML5 site template to save me some time when starting a new site design/development. lhl/chrome-ssb-osx 130 Simple script for making Chrome-based SSBs (site specific browsers) tagomoris/xbuild 130 Language runtimes installer for production environment docker/swarm-frontends 130 Deploy Kubernetes with Swarm opencomputeproject/onie 130 Open Network Install Environment sund/auto-gitlab-backup 130 A simple script to backup Gitlab data. This script will backup the backup archives of your gitlab installation to a remote host, if configured. milgner/k290-fnkeyctl 130 Configures the behaviour of the F-keys on the Logitech K290 wet-boew/wet-boew-drupal 130 Drupal variant of the Web Experience Toolkit (WET) nudgepad/nudgepad 130 Build working prototypes in your browser. NHDaly/tmux-scroll-copy-mode 130 Restores pre-2.1 behavior of entering and exiting copy-mode with the scroll wheel. rtomayko/rpg 130 Fast ruby package management for unix TheNewNormal/kube-solo-osx 129 Kubernetes Solo Cluster for OS X tianon/docker-brew-ubuntu-core 129 Official imports of the Ubuntu Core tarballs for use in Docker gaenserich/hostsblock 129 an ad- and malware-blocking script for Linux dockerfile/ubuntu 129 Ubuntu Dockerfile for trusted automated Docker builds. mevansam/cmoss 129 Scripts for building cross-platform c/c++ open source software libraries for iOS and Android. </pre>